Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1911, p. 2

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fi fl<craI)EE? IN DtSIT. Sbel emeially a Job Lot e1 Poor normes and Nbtleoted Though a rajah, or mahlargaahin btil nCOO5I8ily aa portsman st >eart his stable usually boasts of at Was a dozen horee, white the, potentate whe due tlàag,.i en prine wil parie. for the. distiziguiiili vlwltom9eect.ation *riy nlb tom fifty Vo a couple of bundrecd or MOre À trul job lot tbey are, should the. ra4s leave the car. cf bis stable tec a nati% e manager or to eue cf the shady twhite men who tae hemseluo% to bis court. 0li chief business in 111. cf the0 >»Orage rajah, acoordIng Vo the tiorseshoors Journal, is wo prac- Lise the. art ot ostent.aLloiS living. WiVh th~is object in vie h. orciere countliea carniagen which he has no intention cf payîng for. Re is told by one of bis hangers- on that the King uses a landau on1 satae occaffions and! a brougbax at nig$t, and hi. highnoss theo ative prince ie greatly inhpressed. Hie orders hies ecretar-y Vo write to nmrn Io-n u uffening GaIcutt& eoa.ch builder, and ini due course on. of th. sho? men cornes tVo IarD hie patron'. ploaure. The gatekeeper, the guarde and Lb. ooachman hsvlng extracted thbe eutomary baekaheeÎb, the. "MASTMA 0F THE HOR8"," alter aucceustlly ,xteiidiiig an itdi- lng palm, conduots b. long sufer- ing ambassador cf commerce into the prononice of the. Prime Minuter. Norm rupees change bandeý, vand the. or<lsr is çiren. Gold mounte'd bar- nees, wich inita uold ugo h ied a illi strinrg,ad ountle58 dles and bridles sre beugât in Iadeed, the. aeagé b.ulgbted jrajahs bameesroom la s»t unhike au h tmuse.um. Antique etobé 4 lotho, beavily e'»- broïdered Mi gold, bang f rom rusty: nails; old fahluid " dats1l5 and vivet overed bridles moulder lu crne»e; and mieshpan polo sud- dle. o! Ango-Indian manufacture strev the. grouxid. M» .Whole place in a quarter of saninch in dusi w" rb ius in clouds from Lhé eurth- en flibr , an'd the. bits and tirrups are alinost black wltbthetii aumu- -latecl dirt cf veeki. Bo much for the rnajah's sasdery andf barees. In tbhe yos of a nate .ideal horse, judged f rom corsta.ndpoint, A REMÂRKÂBLE ORRTURE. Powerful quarters, a good ami.i der snd a vel net m bu" mae l appru>ited sud >blemimbes ýo! colci DMasunulod. The. wily dealer. Who vanta Vo plese. Meseus. tomer o5srs for bis inspection a M-l ht te ihaslo oiesIbi ti. "a Whob Mat bbater »uw purohase d mangercftibe stable vho nf petsesIl.asIlo » mat. of th ic w ags to 1» pad. If th diaeaaUl eurstivo-thirdac tmtortuuae. 6(mM O RMPONS. laVIse j yearsa.rlImg bla< h« oome t tbé The tW Moaajsii of N" .vu S ar aas borsusa .Md bwu kees Polo eaI~W1&oot .Il viie sr lhwM *mho e«I mbOqletisu he, t imoran m.tii l bW14 outi .~f il ahno m a * abî sa polo pls~u sduss ; tr'y oa e tter is azoo acUaff bth*sv.at 5bouesww& ham n aw4 tm,9à"a" MW" de n M 41 1~ CONOBET!WOU< InqFREEZ11«G WEATHIIEB simple Prmcutleus on 'Usiug Il kWhela Thermemeter Blay b. I Iclow Zero.' WIIRE THE ITALIÀNS SUSTAINED HEAVIEfST LOSSES. Soldions firing f rom the tren ehes in the bumeliana, thbe Italians' most advancedC point in Tripoli. IV wm.~ here that the Turks attacked t-be Italians and drove them ini alt er a Vrriblo cavalry charge 'witb fearfu Icoss on bot-h ides. In the. background are the houses of the. own, wheno Turks, supposed to have elrrendered, fired at Lb-e Itali ans in t-ho rcar, causing the latter to tae revenge by slaughteriuig al the m , vmen and children in the place. The offioer in tiie fý-negrou ld le Major Pisafli, whc a shofl time after fus phot-ogrsph vwas taken vas killed by one of thbe Aab riflenien in Vhs- rear. IRESUBYSBIISIO JNqTE1UqATIONA.L LEsso.N IN 0 V.28. Lemsen l.-7iokernlaiU Prajor, 14eh. i. Golden Toit, james 6. 14. Verse i. Thé.vordes-Ti* '»argt bua# 'tlseey,"$ a roudeting th"l .1 *oune allersth*1.seu.eom~idrabIy. à& a malm tero!tacth*V .bock dMes not .oncst leûtir* yof the verdi cd Nehuala, tii.re bing a break et mevoual ciaptes' (7. 78 tic 12, 81) ln vh"f.Itb& vwr ias m dravu from otber sourmet besid e. peran memoîrs of Iteiesiah. "Tii. ilis- tory ef Nobomiai" migit mes» i ther a)bitonoal book by him or a meord cf bis deedu. Whchuver rsading in preferred l t oubiese ahould b. r.gardod as an editorial ies&d±g. Son o! Hacaliab-Thin laaimpîy s dlgnatio>udioenetating Ibia Ne- boxaibf ro chiera ai tih.esme nmrne(is 2. 2, N". 3. le). Wo kuiow nothhng of Vie father, sncf eau onti make conJoeures as b lit bribe. Sous have tâougi ht oeuial >61084" get.Levi,"rt ohj u"ah IN ie ot Iportaut " tabout hlm la, tiaI being ss nlle, oceuy"*çà pis..of promixinooeila sforeagzi ocust ,h.o uld .1111 have enter- tasin.d bis *vm p.opIe. >Nev-The abrupt mauner la vbiol Phe. book beglu àsunejide of o .lose omautsetonvâithe$ # tory vwl"ipreeede. -The. siotiChia. ç1evv wu hoemli 1» lii. jeir bsudar, sud eorrospousd nêsrll-ti our Decembet. x Ir,-là - O à'musas, or B. O. tu. Il v«a lu lb iaevoâmlb et cfli. e M v4 lis 0 vbug jivu pmmIeo ler i k'à'»-" - Wrd st la, t r aombr. Simtu.lis a*o mOCyru,lt iad b... the. duips ce pluW e! lie ?.taw m tlér ,0 v i -oIhu. The. vord P&4»e.'hom a bevoer esIgmeso i b. abode. Is vu a mspesia >- bosluaa s -"" v"**a t ul s et kffl . mesuala et itii» 1es rfa, are sul be .1 amto.iI4 K1 . Nas "-im e 13101%.s n emm e.taase . .ouotryma»u . litpé. o.e b tbruh a asa0" me .l 40m ; îbut be %Myhave bo a 0* le niisa~l b.e aI, ete a.6vel ft be JO, à* hWbeeto la Ibefr #"luseMd b a sqa Mr mils soi e11at »lu ht 1ii sdy boome pmot u Ma - #*ne - i- - ' >-a' it ie a titie cf universel eoverignty, inothmeigwartrii and indiciat« sthat the vider expeni- M X A II SIRmi the rics part and makig t e w nitbe ept ry unais th ed, ale ciltexpNortstii ofk ba boi enos o! the Jews endeci Vo enlarge 00 iselfmuetFE ketidr iv particesbs ao "her conception o01 God, so t-bat be b-ndcil e coZreie bo.n a ... e her the weather b. hot or col. beguntVils summer, andfop isiclonger tothem a duYiflitY sont FtIATUvts OF ivNveSTmO IN tebecome tkorc-ughly 'setl" beuire TEMPERTURE REQUIREIU. n. e nswikelevre atd0u viiose tsw&y is lxrted by the. boun- MUNICIPAL S@Nes. freezicg, no haru vili ho dome. To M.Hnyblee kti dunies et Palestine. give it hils chance y«i muot i b~f Maberials should not be hested to reglôn o! the. Dominion, prôduetMP* b-11. Nhemiah'is prayer. Corn- - all prepare lii. material s do- to-o hish a temperature. A tond on a commercial"0.wüt bu à pare with tii. prayer of Danlied satoty e te i.FrM elrt e . ur nib.d l>lcv, soc!eeodly, lois vq le judge the. proper amotint o!ffcted, (Dan. 9. 4-19), andf hhat cf Ezra *M ovi l awa b vY ~ net protect 4h..câ«eie &tr 14 boat i. Vo make them juat bot GREAT INDCOMB (Ezra 9. 5-15). Tii. prayer IBSy b. lt-as ny nemnnb been plao.d iu tii."tort»." .ncugb Vo b. comfortable te toucb. T-si'Asrlt dl analysed as. followe: (i) address; î~~e eyl mst Car. sb.ould b. taken not to use Tiu uAsrI.a sdh (2) humbls invocation; (3) Qoeo- herePepuiatles 18 D«P,»tff-LffliPREPARATIO!I 0F MRTKMÂALS auy frozen lumps cf sand. 4Canada there la a ppbeet*01 1* &$on cf oins, (4) appeai Vo the di- iRWftUato tNuoeaual, S nt»MAi, ConeretevU i], on lus o u co, POETN OCEE14 great (ci1l nduetry b.wg buM ~ 5 losins supplicia- m4 on#byPureh*ns odH»u"- develop a Certain amount cf boat POSITION. ytaMr~. Hnyha.occred 1th 5.a c> immandmterrbleGd »elp. SohuIIssuiesare naît. Alter the. conorete bas boom seoure for it mer, lia a 1 kifp ide.e Orod erriblfomDu. pae Godnkut. o r» i' t a b . alpro. modie rises in puliibUvohr. ids ! odbrrwe frm en. .tctdno sBtekOp thehesibinuam fire ia srseaafor tisIne i. In time. o! ealaimnfy the bu- q%. aelge reoub-ibutaed >31 iesterbing sas sile. Th ini.mortenu- Er. Henry saymï, i Ola .zp*U51Ir man beach la visted vith a ense of art fer the sol. purposue of -1d-aigns setliuli srctures âis. 1 lIe ck- ap.cat -i !li tbe tugitiud terereo! ehovaheogaid Mmeasîvo v ansd foundalions e'lro 's acil resouroos, 4nd hb. heeram.-svened ttr oib-s, dû ~> a" reiable ehara.let othe -the. lI"r vil hold-their ovnU iat lhe reaison ilu plain wI0td leS bovvî, ae iededvih opein mai b.l ied a5908 The longer on accourI o!I their îhlok- th. disaster vita. bas befâià6 pring hcugbte c o c'le mercy snd f s! mfiks atr a* manderebe ipfjfnl. apeualr iifougmo fsathnlues. N wif *urly kep ~ ,~ . maieN ib.TIILS I - Wo-odeu "forma" 1are non-condue- . mntIo.au saCli bis convenient and loving-kindness t11.et ther.e'«. vit toaevbokee bi coman- cncete up to s certain poini, but "vwildernesa caffl mone. he eapoe s aso eried y tom ho ain »tu éoveaibtheconcret. miould b. protected eu Ameries, lu vhlch "a'#b ilcu from Deuteronomy. WiVIi God the. oiisr investmnul <nlttes. 0adian pi,. 1. Skoving simùple motiel et top by & .coverug et canvas et capital gave Ie hOduaebDdffl# keeping et Lie covenant consiste in municipal bond. art held ian (&Bd vator heating. beavy paper, wfti a. layer oL-tea thxng botter tias t..drl »y bis ccntinuing Vo show mercy. This aegeredly) lilgb est-em. la ail the histON? or tvoIve incheo f masure ou top "«W. bve90h3eN 02-4si merucy le. voucbsaJed only Vo Liese -og cm&a" there b&ie beguen s. dccam inj»the d"set-ing" a process. But- ino!tLiis..Strav vi looseansver lth. misiakes la foreign u "edo ihohreturuitoof hebrdaelgianc oe ýn dito !muit-lblalflCold veather, nome cutaide sais>- purpose. 1!masnure ià um, Caoodds "lu as>' leà"awu tii.spirt c olidiene sd loe. " tui.daau--SIWBYs PZWAlftut tuh* 5», iu the foru cf artical heat, siould b. takos f4 pýreventi1tboxa have 0* inwYitOdMmeo 6. Thine car . . . attentive, snd cacet.f unitmetatels itie-max bhen- le ueceuary, The. beet ay Vo do-' comitg i» otctU*~t.cncee ' î thine oyes open-Thin lasomeviat Ureiylaar.d. volop hl . irttifiiubeau 1>1. vATm pit,çml dWsolojr il4 poiI AN,, EE lu- ti sprOf 111e ourtiIer> but i -ges.!t !u1lu o ~z.tra.btr i5g ~'i rita $7'O-- -.,-*_ý . - botee , u iht"defthor e c b iý !Trno aUi~thie cast r!nsIlTh ise n ' sudl o humbleneo oa fs b oe4I héInaveetl.Ian fuI e ruui- fhrz thepoit.":r umidthuaI thd-U4 .Velnouic av sd b ovrooe.tek51tbhdeel ocrt "es" irtoe I aexr cl eahr aafo cla-foeg compmsesvaoi b dent inCthe pths, th -Z.aJuLI4 l alu OOYi" "d 00tabo avedurimg onMm'. Ht'ry1abVoandu1jathe 1 offoed dKe ad nigoah. Tho vitb uritibeored lty saioroto eesUnis'un- "eo m"ssiblei eth h lnswh av u - aincd i hu beriu of e tofle scel le 1e bure- i d tb n S o m t » l = P st. v es ing n. pic urescn t . cli.! o la ieicses 1uppliiosutue ancs e _-p pmriswaabstIaO*laet an lie ho js*trI h a fti il weét4nn uu« f,ýD0 ti mves l 10 ha aoS oa>. ednipll . o -EAin.sG WAT ,iti xr cl ethrcU erE&è. rIP la asMn ,MpaC YOW m otn t the du& .0.e.pr eSson bIavd e àumaa t bon w eer cise forl ivse t u aev m i hot l u te as ion . rotctin, ea' per hi 'DCe. li wal fm s' luii.km 1 aioa ooult ae msa..,. .b sWbo. 54 tbr Il u-pmbei h iigdrn odtM orces ! pry'ol-o* suvl hie owapSrrhS pdoave. n - a bon- ee-uri fed lga Ousbond lnub» w Tb h edu7 eItlira in the e 1401 t 41 » ry c~t u«aI Soa ibave bes aifopicturée et. the . rs.poMly- N.,,m.a 'T-1G1'W -T R. - asiaia-s'e #nof 0ndes ine 0»i) il) là one. 4 Ppe' ta"Yi là v.4.* sape, et e'o v.suitaiv. . 4 MW Ny .itastd slith em- bv ie lm 1vened 0 ave besffl te be'ent hoho .slg s alosdam W,___ 1.th tefmp u lsleg so 0 inl eotIsvaes-lb ig e fouee qqI* somphl $U»llmb areb. b ou~~~ emlrdeil bs .4sob..k ev.s*hj~- tt .xsillmh oeblyssa!be vine»t S bm 1%fs taIbeîï oe w- 1 %« ii bé e t .rUi$ w te s, aiad $lia o-b. enua ii bs4 'S viii pe' t« tin ipee*tion IjmkftVi &U t, t waad m o n t t t s andp r - 9 M M l m # ad i Vee * 0M m e edi . '1. .1 jt dinemm11. .u b in s beaunyisteh pme ta"1. U~1 u 'o it m Vise te, u» s.s la dibeIonéf e ' to tU .u»r" torve.'te t40 aeP4iin av isalaUme tb- sufft» tbé mie&"$alais-Ci 1 fi Sasuàq het.uruh e$o1.41Bu.t 4 I>=seil" PbPiet o"M f te fswc1 O.i ff4s notd» ini - - 7).P 0 Amf SO&UdBIlu *Oumla mes i' mm4 '*Q oox ,etMI và,, iwt P- tl ufl -.Thtk i. Tie M1gle W mosf "u1 't Sp, Si à- Fg .Showbiz how mateirials May be heated bY MeauS Of a f auIDB concret. had already been gene- lows the water te be cofl5t&lt1Y aIIy adpt<d thioughult thmeocun- replenished without reduc.ifg the t17 117 ectraMoIIa«d farmeris fi heet of the water in vthe barre) " "t &0 U st ue w .wrk, 1 w u f r m whkh the bot wat.ei ià take -1. tiée jraties te I«»V &H Wuk on ,s orot faryners, howevf i. POUlC33 forM et c@istLtIi.oa as og100s5 àtlarge boilirig kettle'. useci duriti% coud veather &t in butheriflg tîme, or for roaking @ot It bas bea iound, bow#ver. thstso.ap, etc. one ci thees wil do concrete work may b.e arrned on in equally well. coki wcather auceaiui]y, and with but very litle mere trouble thau HEATLNG SAND) AN!) STONE. under rdinary .circumMetCs. Sand and tone may b. very ea- T hs fact is of gret b neit teth ily hcated by making us« o0! two farmer, as if in in the. colde7 perirod p« fsoeppoej« o of the yêa.r I".tb. iÀ abe Vo find pthe s fa a to e o CDC p.. the time for building and makns ~the n atde nd eiies oherlaidonthe many4rtilesa-ouad tii. farm te ground in such a position ais te. ai- she11 t s oiy 4ps t D the. wind te mke s geoi ddraft. se half. ipe reatios~ The tre is then Luilt in CDI end. bash bee oudsipe a ea ios The. Rames paso through, heatiiig bai been out nly in retewa- the wbole pipe, and as f resh fuel is thr, but when the. thermometer bas d, the i nd gradare pused aoutng been ctually below zterpo.eadgrdalywr eta If concrete freozes before it stat h th e zind. The sand and Stone Vo "ne"" 1V will ne0t be injured, but should be piled on top c ii theey if the fr.ew.ing taken place after the pi]pes, and will soon thaw out and< "settingi" action bas startoc up, become heated. wahr h enn the eoncr'6te islilkely Vo bt dmaged imay . heatebayîng the ba4I viie it OUte t* OXG-non top of t he Sand, but ti is not it Every one1hm aad ol f Mr. R.ockefellei's millions wcl Of t40o oilfields in some pals Of I1uru"~ but fe hw ave a.ny j"ea Lkat rtm< within the bcrders ai the Br xliêh Empire. To-day EngIuId buyo ber <iOi ft Et thé foreigler, bibtthero 15 auDO son, in tne, opfionl 49Mr .J.V Henry, one of the. bea..iinfaJIUO oil expert,$, why BuitisiEb i Wells sboald not tupply tIi. rapé«I growing demands U -British cg usera, including the aavy, wîth %t 011 fuel ships. 11 believe there le MOore ouf ugi in Blritish p.sessl0wI5and dmPend" encies," Mr. Henry writes i .a book wnicli ho bas juât publâe~ "1thst ther. iuinoeoS0 tbgrue,1 est producing fields in EIurope.; FIELDS 0IF NEW ZEALANt). This is a statemfeDt whh wWiI cause atonishmeflt to thoae wbo have mot Mr. Heijr; .- krwlIe<J8 and bis bock-"Oil WIklz of ?N4 zealand"-WilI awrken the rnt1erem of those whe have hikhetto beqi unaware of the fac th1a.t N'ew Zee land is alrcady au odi-produci5ag counltry. 1.I Lvry A ! x~ , r % of Il r ad B(Con]von f p4mh-atd t . arld<hae Il rnfforE 0< V ur ad muf- f vIn t Btt'i ain fis 1-apil toi Hppa.%cl \tb' 'fIft Brtiî aud rna wit]lly« 8'ver prvo The resont dtr'n tf he tbuaerîab. populatio The reue 4 been forme et.&ntial an< REVU~ YOU -wiII theii revenul mimar pez The, O& and 0to 40d ngt -j;- NOTYES suitâ ana- r- Co0ney fh One cùn chiots ajre. Fbe'ee-Y ai laver forf St. Gail thLe javoxi ont. Most popi weather. ments -app plushes a evening. -s .oat " - .b~y ssmuai

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