Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1911, p. 1

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proma de.IWiaer Of TL Nle4Ifl. BatrrstVo Co11fty Creva Attorney and County solicitor. Office s.Uth wlmg Court H-ouse, Wbitby. L. T. RAMAVi BaUOlt. et Law îol1citorp Notary Public. Speclal Exam- iner tor the H lgh Court of justice. SiU@mBot to Dow à Meoilvray. Brock Ssti - Whitby, Ont. AL . LCHRSTIAN bsrrlster, SIitr rM.tarPbiIc. Etc. Oflice fat door west ofthie Post Office. Moncy to Loin. JAMES SIJuTLEOGE. BarrisU'r, Etc. Money to Loa on easy terms. Office 1*nmedie.tely south R iyal Flotel, Whitby, Ont. 6. VOIJNG SMITH, L L S. Barrister, Etc. Money to loin. Issue, of Marriage Lice nses. Office-SIith's Block,-Whitby, Ont. W. DASDeltoffice, Dun- tu sStrutsi.Wm no1DL q. 4, te TwSrIo, 100ro st., Wbutby. Phone AUOTION1IR&3 AUCTIONEER jas Blshop, Oshawa. Llcrnbcd Auc jne. successor to L. 'sFabanbà ;or terma s»d dates applY tc slfi or tr %G, Robb, Whlmby. LICON91RO AIJCTIONBER AND VALUIJAOR. Ai kinda of sales promptly att mded1 S~to. Arraugemeflts cati be made fSo1 Salo% At the pazette office. Trerms reasouble. ».l relehoms t WIIITBY. OMI. OONTRAO rORS Carpnter, Builder aMd Contrâ#.cor. Plans drawn and estim*tes fnrwshed. SRepaira, Aitratioml and Jobblng. i "S« 467 WeiITuY Plions 1491 carme' trug toe. Wblth, DOMINIO JANK E. B. Os ...... pra0"ot C. A., oft O sl aa0 WHITBY BRANCK. on lsbl BI.P."d The contest for thliI. colet in tii. Gazette-Chrontcle voting contest came to a close on Saturday evenlng. Misa lea.u Rayeratt, of Bî-ooklln, wus the winner, haviug handed ln subsctip- tions aggregatlng the. higheat niiflbe of votes between Nov. 4 andi Nov. 18. The race between Misses- H-aycralt, Yile sud I-islop was keen aud close, andthe ti.inner was net fat ahcad of either of hor competitors. Legsa twMn3 weeks of the conteat period yet remains, and no tioubt the time will be busily occupleti by tii. several contlestants. Thie piano je the grand priz. for which ail are strlving. Une of the candidates lu sure to wini t-but which one ? That, no one can tell tilithtei jutiges couat the votes on Saturday, December 9. The tour gold watechea go te [our of t.he workers who [ail to secure , th grand prize. Une of tiiese is a gcodl reward for much effort. AUl the prizes1 wAJl be received iD god timae 1,.r Christmas. A little over two weeks of earnest work yet remaIns. The candidates have been working hard, but il. wald be unwise to relax now when so ùear the goal. Indeeti more strenuous et- tort than betore should characterize the work of every candidate untAIilie closing heur. The Lhree ladies above inentîoneti alone contcsted for the neckiet. nir are others in the. contest wbose dili- gence is of the quiet sort, but who are nevertiieless very much I livc. Tlîey are belleved te b. hoardlng up anti keeping in reserve large numnbers of votes te sent inlu later. 'bese workers may have a surprise in 9store for some et the other candidates. Thi. contest baâ certainly bronglt out sud developeti mucli canv.ss*ng ability on the part of thos.«Mgaged n the atruggle. W. uhali kanow vee Wo turn for a good subscriptton go- liciter in days to corne. The three leading canidates Dnmet above are runang almost neck aud ueck, for the grand prize, vitÈ the Brookln youug lady show- lng shtghtly in tbic les. Some of laie candidates .via eu.an deavor to secmre ubacriptlons for ley- eral years lu adrance, tins earn more votes titau the sane number et dollars sptued over allugle sbsclp. tAons.'This #houd ýbèe .aIni.of aul andidtes. Wpk nk uaaas#y ire aud teft yesr sUb=crptioàaud a eu Que or two o!tlussoê.1~ mclxi vtctart or Wu~ la ourImmse t Ne. 30 w.,'lho"p-t - bo able te announ-ethe nammaou~ litiges Who Win.co=Mt tiheroUa aut the. conclusion e! tb costest, "THERE CANNOT LAWP'UILY BE ANY INGA HMo. J. J. Fy to~y*W la fite -WMltDuj imIittatotI Mda So"ddte-la Nor*Tk oroêtof otrse- eleci , deol9MW iuanslf ti s. gadtahMobool qutmla -ob. talie a u D.Sie ot! is ,Nocti To. rentta COUseratlve Assocltls "lutaimuties a lawfu10y b Milagual siob la la lbpâ0dom 4a mai s. ad &WM - onr li te 1"toAabo an aéo kill "I lu th . mi biIhs ait ose flattaitsi* éQuaWte ahWsily tb 4"ponUaaietq*0 nMttyM4 b« t, osm t -à. l l oto toaisaïl let, a"- " u elN« m gigote gt4 hus hoos 40 M liue A.! .topie o! dis u & t Monslay nlght's meigo oa vas s te h pplte taChie! Constable. The. Applications Committes liedÏ considereti sud acceptei thie applîca- tien o! Mr. McGrotty, of Greeuwood, who was to have entered upon bis dutiescsm nMonday morning. A re- porbtsia te titis *as pu»itshed last we.e. ln the meantime, some person at _ Greenvooti vrote the. comunfttee4 making charges sud fefleetions1 agaiinsitiihe new appointe.. The. com-1 maittee vore by thia sçrei onfffrom recommeudiug bis appolutmeat. Mr. McGrottY diti net go on tiie lob on Monday, and the Commaittee had no report te make to Counili. Mr. Diancy, au Chairman, matie a brief statemerit o! the tact, sud sus- gested that hé make inquirte. et the chargea matie. Reeve Jackson reportedti th sub- sitanc elo!au interview with Mr. me- Grotty, which vas &II ta the. credit of the. latter. The Applications Commnttue hati, however, ne solution 0t the difllcuty, and se the Reeve offeredth ~Ie fiolow- ing, explaiuing that t would heoncue mneans o! relie! for the. commttee's prohlem. Jacksou-Moore-That stuc. tii. Ap- plications Coilte. haubeen unable te secure a Chie! Constable, that the commlttee ho Instructeti te efferthtei positIon te )Mr- Wm. Calverley. Mr. Sinlili Au a long speech, sup- portedtheii appointment e1 Ms. Cal- verley. Mr. Dianey objectedto tehte mattes being taken eut o! th. hands o! the . commit te«.1 Mr. Bateman couldn't support theà Jo..*Losdba~l.,.1 seo 'Ie lkat-'-Iem cl thée -repmoL-occs- goods bai bée -,aoreror *I b"us dartêler as u~UB44to. ieeP -ai moo o! ah supplies - Puroasa for ue la the tuh4hrte, go fiatho voui bo able to 0.1*. cous. An applcaion ýbai be Mreoeved from Mir. A. iH. aiU, usmager o! fie CItisen' Baud*,-f«r tii.umua g -mut o! 875. On ointfBaea-il lett à grat o01POlas ,Mode. This. HarrIs askWiipetmisslo to remove a trie- which vas in the way at Isa stable door. Permission vas given. On motion cf Je.ckson-Bateman, the Band vas givea flmouse of the coun- cl Obamber on Irtesday evenuigo_,tor practice purpose, exeopt4n wben the room, wasotheiwise occupied. AU tii. members o! Council vere present. Ilvas 9 pa. . vhen fthe meeting opeuod, sud affes 10.30 wben -adJourumeut vaumade. SO SAYS NEW LIBERÂL LEADER Bowmanvlle Noy. 20th.- "Gbod1 Ros«I w as -the fuature upon whlch1 Mr. N.W. ReelKC. aid mot stress ln bis adié oo b*8uewit-Du-1 N. itg Mla 1at <*ot e cnuristl atàudud o! ro0ada a etrcely lo antd tutat , hahoud be, ens of tbi anstet lesttesof iIe- ,ourtdxÎ,mî-is to*Oolte= abadlp This~ l siipte-,of thefaluthatj -«iAr sz*1dlrg large ssumo - à ally, ou te nj~a01o tlios.roadmf. Dur-. tug te ~ut wenty years there bas «be pa nti twnshîp roads o! Ive *19,000ooo iila ish sud over 280000m days of statut. labor, au àggegAte, ýexceedlug in valoe 840,- owso,0t. ii -W -true of t. greter ipari o! Outario Uist the township roads- tbey vers twenty years ago.1t are to-day luif àany botter than NEED POR FORWAIID. ci i 10 0 a] el si i motion, as hie tiougit fecxmtslathe Ao8 ouly eelu 9. i owed it t Mr.. Mcrotty, h.havlg Itavuhall ber. lraiuIIu itii been offere t thépositonte netI e bof v tar4'sdituieti gate the charges maie, anti fnot IlS itOSOi >ycàoseattcuMoupunok- sualned, that hé sould be appoint- tu&W'édby outburala o!baartY 'a- ei. ýplanàa. WieiMr., RowIll aoucuded Mr. Moore attscked tieccauittbohe li ts elie <S*tn u;n for aPpoiutlng fhe man vit refer-otitl5.'0Ii.-LBbl ence leo ouucL- l « -W> ait ppont» des1 lt vith the value o! 'gôod - radar» > ýj ci hlm,4 for hé vas ta go> tê von iê !#916 fu= »d tetWtoex 'the" liat day, he @. u Red è H ,laime<I 14* uercnsost- iWtW7miu uýeiS - ; coonimtte ha"t e -dW thels ,"vrs iuotedfon M!alett aIse obje.oict t le Oan tboxity a- fà& ma tio M the 'immndhf.m - - QIos ifawi soi: .;:1 0i. *Muid& tut mué as $1.50 pet UumeIo4y Assmn that to boa tact, de- laret tie- LieraiLeader, thon the time hbucerne for another for-var novement in conuection with go"i noais. "'A LAberal oormut"ho, caid, i"starteti thé aïgitatIon for go"t nais. A -Liboral Govermeni -for- wardeti It, and a Liberâl Admxnieuir- ilon, If yen put usIn, power, viicas-. ty that movemnt, oswari on sa tilA ,amger -scale tehIMpreve the roass t, husto ou- s broad ProvineIa buis.", Mr. Roeel urgedth Ae necesslty-0f Provincial aid to micipaltties b apeclal erpenilture An the. initial co- etruetion of main roàssa aitu i 'rnc, ermnny, SýVttzerlaud and. otier reai-making countfra.H d vocated special tralning_,for bgbway eugineer, ieclarlng fathé 1w-Liber- Els, t! put tlr pover,, would estsb1"d sici a course i conwl*Utt With simple things,suid lue,, >'. mach thlngs tic LAbIeraI,i aySOUglt, to comelurto touchMwth the.-100 aftiie poople snd Increas eir cozbrts ani couvenlence.' t- âme,10X Now is the limne to buy Hyacinths, Tulips and other-flowering bulbs for outdoor and indoor planting. As usual, we have a good assortment of bulbs of first duls quality. Hyaoinths, Single or double Colors, Red, White, Yetlow, Pink andi Blue, 5c each, 5oc dos. Colore, Reti, Wite, TIlwpa, double - Colora, Red, W bite, 1usxd Crocus ChinOis Saoi'ed Lilles Lilium Candidum Plhone 4t. Yellow and Pink, 2oc doz., $1.25 per l00. Yellew and Pink, 2Oc doz., $1.35 per 10e. loc de:., 6oc per too. Large bulbs, îoc each, 3 for 25C. $1 -oo per do:., $5. oo per 1ueo. 1 WHIret 0- NT. Prompt douives7 ArdbihI~ as wcar. PO £ ~ - nuis kw. iii POT 0b to tuawo6di ouma te tm b.té e.oqfltem rt to wîi u et omneope. Joa meOud, voé.. DOYOUI Wi&k, I. - WHTBY, ni~cle RIB U1~ C. A. GooD1rLow, odft "d BIJLBS A.T.LALER t 1

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