j hiA~fl~d~ib antilmilU m ~~i ~~~~ ~~~e rlianod5 q oa r b aetr-et wtr-rttt ntrpndSok ~'rencthéaveltcmanonbs roti can makerheôause f0 inad cfuintirivtd,.ueat C NFO V ST T- nea tu e t s nki iügnh ule an sCiit aSashg art lit tii u n eicoe rca sremM IG S A AR _____ e te GandHotl ad tereaw&t oghl jnestgatD ate her rmvera as assets on beauty ad en- bilarva.thcbh bIie aet'bfr engofrdt inent. Lh4onon ýrhse Vioina hf à 'sew recom e. and f aoà " ed with wiMth ulc K &adSlir ad Sios Be eto nizing th a i f a re wthsyan Eng-' q-ysi vardea and'c u v ae e CIjdO SE QUenteslndsthabuiding ionpaleaces. laidsa h euti dian builing an Coagre ctveeastuctonsto ewae. mpotan dre offtravellig elcoin anonb atedieo a mk cuence hnsteo fuied nag i ther riv ie to ohsrd -o tin l uges. ot]eYinvst" ofé ig te crver-frontw ta tone exba nkof entrh-e riig bndok s n iln O R , T E II U S EnIéTH Eto h e i , ea dx e ui0 k il ed s m s c rtyP Y a i ae ma n tree..bord comreda s B uda u d f r t e e m n a i y an Q 0O RUE BARBETTE rnerup, isgiturw a vequ t e-dr, vbutas o ntrS E U R T E e t bas i river- r s hore s ,- nv oiOil aseil p rga h ad ls Bwortt walke apid ld i . egbqBodack d usaethwrl O P R T ON Eo tan tsh uavecfte a nubte re tng eth sp qu tin hoh $ 5( 21 othe sta o elhad te ffi~ t îu vstgtd st ter rieanthse arset ofne w t fandenbi- a ent h fr n GrnfY Lno looke up ith aehivringbmleadri ing e T he cGa aute,' u CUlted Dafet beo re bMO n REeLB Id tNG a n rt e bidins.t e inctheia d E gan duig te is yer sn lerw qultAN th sa exp ain d hat b. nly bofor ue tn e mb e tin am he thue raay-od cie ts. ONTO B b. Iresentu pbas the T a lc n Th d t a p es a p ar o l he e k H e w ould b ie seat T e rem aind r cf the e terein the brriner oftb h tPla e V -rrt e- L M . Mor anta tu e o w toE u re " er in b ar . asi n s h n ' r is ef it l r a e ed ve u bobtCLOSan(atEr lUparTmEta ttr Spoai enogieed the can , wem the onTwBodIsents ad a list ha lne te eie aon 'itis f a in u bt fa ie wa n d oe n ftos erco mnquays a alo the pree u ie rd cae s & mitk n ee e te 'Iul o ain s v uri te u ls onue bt thides. RiYLeriea-fonether cabea wereen it T Hatone andNcTrnento'salisafor sis areloat inorkedurdngrtim es o!rpeaavenoes.teudl nvw Supos Itryt-opuUp OU ret dd nt lk ul ape&auo. d-singet wof te darse butas S E C U LRTYiN pest c bai an areto b f ond esecialY i stauary RaetU E BARBf tE TTEgiw ldesda.dwl-Brett tled tii. chac ta C ROR TIN or mxghhtasofth an Ah esga iann t at h e d n e i gbi nb o rhmo o d a 0 od! f o r t i f i c a t i o n s.fi n p u l i vese1 ud lîok er LOI!iÀY, ati SpJk Li e w s a ue des rlP m i b. h o utl aul terng. cup ed OI F ODB Q uan i atif cf Cuneke ui ng.Ine The y a e u u ly d g is d ud e Brett, Though an av in t eur vid u, 'ndthe a shv cf h sil d a oenhie r vehic S mtle d tid- O GANi D OUMkaRased. BuAD BT ra S o vR OUR YE R eeytig osilet'gtatuhn(Pu i He o tit hate itu e s he a expaes w a ot reaasuln Yet one tane bdrier V aolew thother tlewoen hq te Bacn place for bim. an w The r ith t r ettof erite o h 'shi h e r ow s hou di tnc e e owIFLrbundr Ea - y a ur hinarope."d wierlounown so diers. N er " ee n --n tc ip a dim ent s a hi i r d isposam-Bk Baligtes iee d t O tute rt eb ee- O t -d I h C' thnty uitl ss o cugbt - , t h u a feyt te e ttai ud sp nti .te ttheete t obpadcn M s Wison, 110 Wickbs m A ea nsdst4 ie dipa fm d i, tain G naulier ;" he sd, t urncehough b.tooke E iht occupY e t Bre cabm a a cesethe Plceaiebs tereold ud pebby Toroe , a ys "Aout wl for yas otn jorait u es t rt A s a ! tho operation wuld ofc te- centr e eat him e, ands pleing de tttOp ke han cased htbeh e - ig t lis i r e t-a ,n toiy a e Crttog naeaea aervdat a autierfas onfhe sether -id e ei e ud ahrd ettbeclertand that g arda tue total IffADeA SORE p OUeR E nte atcesfrteppra2n nti ta i n o , u s e.tt h a s i plue r h e. ifano wih fr toe icke t ainer the rencih- lw in i s fereniwen d sta nctir e o n Foter oe hn 0,0000 n îcrs hn a ae.d i Bs e atl i e ca e thm t ig t o tin p oogah fxirte t uandw theust ad urnC a d s osed m fr hmslf er anap sud .thcRue d fete.im e t fer th 'sas pu ate cf China sbew ng te nat- bout b i!san, ic in iakm esd sen bi fgop cfs dir, utO tLafi alie, ie Bl , 'h s c houtraine tooare suu Y he t rely cabsrae a ro edf the Pla ceinsin there are fewan ed shob anu. I s n e a coco. ral !ti.friaitiiybc r Tis rasi wt efetc tetre Capt ile bytus pltime deQuickiyrevied'sSthe Mbut-th. oiutment b. gave me did carsefu-lToromade te fo"Amottifourck- eeu f th opeatiin woiildbe cr- C ptai Gautieron te oter sde line ould Bret be eteanthe t gcen-te tume podomiothbutglsing ta Eurwayotacferpouni- tnint. mhave to r aqet orie f thmade p is mmd a te thleiinf'or- cfthe acupan i heb. cme p sile- d e in r coa use o!a arco- t hvanide o d ffe. m Trehouis! i. ieur Der a mite or tIfwo u h , f oth m ticnket exi et he Frdgi e sn 'ch oin hsie thâ ten travelling.Fren O tr chice sor dekan or00 g0e00sP- i's asmeut tn diacre t fri e u " ro a oudb nth i u r bis compaflin wu î-th a d uit b cr " isvr>' dd" el .adr tha an > e ngisld h but that b. s ulti nciCh nas o b had caugabott a ani c i. d iee si- a an tti fe c rn sb's thegrwa m. me letund e acqn afle. mian re aa re> unro e little. if nd c tern1' ar e nue r cf t er3j.zed, trîed poultces ad aic iO5loig pros o tk thegrai.stkindabt te! salve, bt g 'asege d, ubopruiisc ouigi Th ra st wa ff c e w t o t hose dis-m udsierhould dis appm e ar t i nam e o- tew fg t iePf rem i tes o r n tsi d t e cr e of rt t av y o odsd I co tn e fe r rot. or a ioTchv lu beBat r incidnt. uch o Brtt'srelif. mae uphis ind s tothe nfor of te afairhe cme t thecon- ume omefreinn ththemofandl theni tbreatenharg tre Y,- "The vessel lias falicd. 'jeu canrui a the moment 'shen there ia Sultau's wrath sud had forthwith aato. every sîgu of unrest in Turkey.Yu betrayed au interest in their con- populainputyl h xl'ai o oryas 1W , ai alier. "tell me nu , f course, the mauner o! the. verst-ion 'shich was te sa th mi food used, and for the more "A sampie cf Zam-Buk 'sas u oi gitte mx ns thy' "Wel," s'd ault . nowo 1to d clab.sit ndunoedia tedssglow."ome, ndg uve it Talot' moomuts I ul> hard Bret odded. he Gare du Nord Lb stranger ad nieâtdiet the. year arouud. ttucks though tbe quatitit>' 'as 80 smalSiir utrp-tt h u e ' the vaguest of ruinera in the De- "And -Yeu have heard, no doubt, readiiy enough, ascertained Bret'6 r ikd re',tne u ter Ls0 >ed m oeges iisa> nbiteve h> n> paruili. ut something very t-en-smtig !tireautione ta.kertdstnton uth lesriy regard- w'se preOlvd ad ahippeod to inu> purchased a further suppi>'. ______ rible appeârs te bave happened. bv te pi'e-set Sultanl to e f a ed iL as important that Gaultier- parts et 't e wrîd o inese 'h E c o i em r u oe'U I p. andindecd I hearily wibc à .I is lie agaiust the sttacks Cf s-tue man 'she claimed Husseii -i-l are sw&y frein a bo mne auppl>'. Eggs good, fid, to my deiigbt beforeIlO S R IH T E T -~ jiad kept my meut-h shut ceucerniug sible assassinest Mulk s as frieud-sheuidb falknaae sdfebsdaebd be sn si-u he Miy suppesed meeting with himin1sat " e said Brett. tracked, sud badi given the nece- cured b>' burying ini ca> sud lime 'seek, 1I as' that IL 'sgeiigt u'p5 iis io ln Tucda',asti. -fni 'as ne huai-"elehs br eeyedu i> nbtr'ictiens to the. eonfeder&te until the>' acquire' something of the buai the sore. Iu lest than am(n' iiIgToogfe.*s t "I know a asd luetbeeaai !si-us ue cheeenbear haveetplan. Pria »- nosse o mine. Moreever, >'eu have bled -f late, aud, the mn neyer 'sho awaited bis arrivai. quality ofcf heese sud are.s great iL 'sas bealed i noesmewhat saken My bele! in gces out that be la net in the Mos lhough Gaultier bsd net said Chinese luxur>'.11 owald.iteut1 hie identity, aithough I can hardi>' abject state of fer. 13e is M itm inicb, Brett guessed tba-t bis <les' There are few familieslu China, cit>', 'siise buband suffered o.îatedy'u1To toifl# tell yoii why that sheuid be s." ul igbt, I asure yeu. i Bsaw L tnton.sas the BritlishEmbassy even lu thie larger eitie% that do e 'at~s lth au openi 5ore du bis1g Drct auedVomale ur tatls I0is etnin g, rvlg the bORue du Faubourg St. Bon- net have t leat some obiekens.. On MY'rcomnatZain-U no ý -n* woud,.,ovrbearhiT, ad the ffotu onwPdid)y, " betcab- Near the ports open to foreigu 'w $à tied in that case. tB in the 1 fe'W ovrharhl, udti. oamnoueon Fdy ad i is eragi t ht elknwltrade thoe are a fe's rather good dA~Y, *ben _&6w br ietodhc ~ A A E I loaiy h rnha nteit had beaie4 the :mre cn-frt~,si~ h * Pourcd the tale into the other'si go at a gêll-op through the streets, 'li reein int e d _pouhry larmoulsa aviii <tva a l wondering ecr. W hen he h d fn- 'shilt net eni>' 'a R the ntire . &d se ond c b evidenti>' thougbt lik *- siz e a'r fe rai e im e a resee~ y. g0nuae sm -e u iinr4 1 Wiserfor, t he corner of th Rue Zam cure a as& roec e xamînoide reibutlây b> B08Y h. uied paudsuere's jsbed, Oaultier rcmaiued allezta ~~b' odes ut*l'y 'b fry 'b ore c h Reers on farmea long the canais andzeapiebcae few minutes.,rieaocetaan ot htb £redy ue lea raiace ! L. P>~"~'~ nta ThY i so ethngjust in ime to givebis driver l- o cnrisu oti III a n s n iû e ii ii h t a t a la s ' a s u ii. 's i o m o r t a n s ~ a li - s ru ti e nsa t e o s hae a d ' a d t au s as d a r e m u h s m r e cm m o n t h a l e, b r u se i a d a l s k in in ju i ta Q toiagetn Ier i soeti n i 4gt iogtegadc5iliiui-~ u trs r etfe ru brigbness ever the ock, sud he Yîd~! Kiok ju t flW~ I arn uce aulter t ned nto he E - Ob '~I X5D pli, h .tat o a 'béeo box;,fo p_6111,.; ~' thrstugtI. frc o te glebok ~ 11' enionO!ti. ac tht Sfl BI*J bxiic' hItd OIbW <11k 5~0f 11ii! b5~ ~<~n<> *aj et*** Jý>é d t-hat the. Ring',, m osenger, with " l' us" h - Sa- X ulk. 6il- 1 dsWI L:- - -- -y* k.lu > 00 m m 'sl ti pr aution ta m ight b e ex- kParisHuscrf- U1-M Ilk, afit p heted from on e 'shose dm11>' Ille W< o t w It.i hoi he iv a u ar ' oa', v s d 6ii lul o! e th a slbov dexnndee prudence, de- auiDt the etu o hm."OtPa-fAl yidLb.SLVW W& VO>u '-,Se atU08OSB oId sud Ste nIr *îred te meulal>' roview te stra-uge Be1 Or a~ ta- î»~ner et bis W ' 'lb ar!>' " ÃŽle t u t> n '"rl et o w ntted h im e if fu rtiie r. W k hy Te n Iï e b up t eaod . â . - w » u t o a v & a $ î,u nU .. e I7g W er* 0 5 2 * Y " o ~~ ready tet th* Oiumd MPlOMWDÙMi u .d la Daingr Ibo"And,1bêPa-ai~l* l5t ~, r.-d ac Of- ari t hed x"8 p.t.iauflsuO * b t e o n v e r atio n <> K a te SI o !h b e i m betor b a d a u d "o O&» t e M M -t là 4 u af u4>W r1 I 11 I [ S Pt I O h ' mm ntD until tii. r.a-eed th. pi la nd vlimi ts w , tu mee ort si59d $e 44k t "té ,t at Qas#swb.n bot mentn-, uuter l be SM#«M thb t o Sr* WOU MMugeh. n *- teb p*leb.iw.i$1c isda ".., 4O#Ii- .umbcred vitb maucit luggagee d »-ver.am eb 1 Th 50a *i44m,. ai t &mont lta- ftret ffight of PWM- sO-Fre» vIda- avak* b44 40 s"e"'P lb.-A sCipaa11 .._ dilf14t ga UâIfI%î0 io tb thg, id wit > b qae -ý a îoê 4éV0r gers o remb he "L nbuffet. dMfDitt o? hVw'iâ "'1m m$ . t.a sino t- Onti.captured a- raâl- b.e -Veil. v- î* zng&ahans astiet til t'O thMuglic e. va- W , B r di41 -land ~ ~ la-I m a aiU d t oto Oqr h p m"h .b acuelit omupatmsà bt. lu the yor **om mldst O! their ha-tt MW1 nel t Ãe ebte, *0a. 1-11-*ad ïa - lrnhnf rl.,voluble, &aol- mjO!7U giv703 d t be tic ~5i je am Le W.avas "du>'fo a; h hd . b deaMt, hie hist. alit*W h.l i.'u a t~O .g tsatb r o it v A'>pas- a-x« f'us -ÃŽ& bo *l*"0 hooei 0" ou e stMW do - e it bt. 1ail ÃŽit wi eIati* Ah fa uuie Uw Sein, biltgrea bole- :)ou weards.E Th ur.r BarOw oreussnaureto1 seinei gr tbue ie avenes b>1' th e undr ig-oul aenuesn. beteU po insd ecostruct Od 1j oes stas apnd uetmstwof lie ,sare ie 'a d ede e e- France bas do ai imlar"u ~rbeard onitheof un- beu visassun pemî&o t taeieda bis resiee ]PO 'ýnt" bà suio-" lJ-. Franct e là N rgruy ala wii!e- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... .......... .......... - - - - - - - - - -