The L( tué1, Thie Most -Satisfaction Im 111 AnÀoîhel Range May be GooJ - A "Happy Thoiatht', is Good Wliesn a range combines ail the most modern Cnv'nl<(11ietce.S and when thee makers insist that 0111v tlise besti materials should be used, and that (1 ,'Cry range th;at Ieaves their factory should be pet fe. t Mi ever'v detail of workmanship-why, it ,sti nl, k reason thîit the Product, the 1r A P _Tt O G T kat.ý rw a i < range, a îerfectly reliable raInge. aku ou r(i i ne imn u yfn g a iw ran ge. Ih rs the muât irnport- art of \onU bîurschoid furtshitngs. ()n it depends whcther your huuibrt%' rk - i, g.i g tobe «i drud grry or a pleas.tnt task, wih sutre r 'sui1ts. WVlit y) u ià t c c ri the niran , spe(fc al features of the Happy liiolruitb, ir.' e heard the enthusia,,tît.praise of the îbor.snnds of at. houscwsvvs who use it and see what a strong, service- able ttrr--looking range t L, we hâve na doubt it wril be your It i .ctoii for use int your home. More titan a quarter or a million "Happy Thouginte" are in dally use in Canada. GEOS M. RICE, -Whi:by The William Buck Siove Co. Llmlted,- Brantfor Agent rd, ont. lu - - -~ - - -_______________ IlAs. i. r '.WES.T- AUI>LE. Ilj% - "'. .%.ýY%ý.73. Mir, Trnothy sYwî sale ht-Id ont Some farmine s Là ~ the west ulck Wednesdav fast wa.s the best auctioli erlng are itatilîîsg out, thein barley atJ sale beld in Pickering Tp foi years.!96 cents. Auctioneci 'sam- dlsposed of every- MNI. Henr y Reynolds bias nen tell ting, even 1h.- faînt. wbsh sold fon Mi s E. Ricirardsonts farim. $6,500 to Ni Win, Squires. Mr 0'- M T C. Osborne was in Llowmaan-1 Leary will pnobably resdt trii Whittly, flic ast week atteudiîtg 1he funeralj o! a nî'ph'w. Mlessis. A. Cockerbain, Jas. Rich-1 POR ) 11(1'VIhl3Y l.artds and 1). Bath are loading sugan Mr. R. J, V t 14'r wbo as bseili, bets for Betrlîij lte for the pat fes wseek.., re-' Miss Ida St.ory visted te i -y1 tunnied t. l'ort Vbthy necently titis week to sec bier mother at titi Watsons inake of undenwenr. 2-e hospital. M sr. 1'C. Osborne was telling us Vo 82 peu W(G Walerns' abusoteprisnWstDhm Mis. S. E- McCotrault, o! Enîîîskil- aiu on atisi eV Dra lie, ws arecritvistorwit Mr wene discussing reciprocity. One leswnsn r-cet vstt wib Ms sait îîstening VouVthe conversation ex- M. Rooke. icîa«rned that If it ever came ýoOroflo Miss I)Onnlle(Y returned fr701U 'ru- he was going to see it. ronto ast Saturday. Mn. E. Stoîy Ibas several young Mrs. E. N. Girarig* and childreti, cattle for sale. Scarbono, are vi.îîîirîg al, ier home.J There is noV niuch choyer to titresb Miss May SWtc oTroiito, spent Vils year. l te week end a t lier bonie . The Indications are 'ht nmîuskrats Miss Fox etutited fr001 îTorontoî will be scarce this coDhig eSOft as s0 Inany dedlatwinter [rom coid last week. TîiV<, anad 10w %ater. hpiut o Miss Trotter, ofToont, s .a tisexpected thatasinet o guèst at te bovt' u e brother. barîey wiII be made titis vweek by Miss Enînta (1ohdrng, T'oron to, boa t. speut Sunday at borneI. . PIC(K ERING. George Farley, who met with a scr- bous accident to bis eye a few wceks ago, is stîll off duty, but te cYrbtS gradually iniproviiig Hay lu selling ln towra !ror fiteen seine talk of lavbng %orne shipped inl trom down east whîere Lure Is aut abwtdance. Remernber thc public niectbng hluVite town hall Thursday cellltng under the auspices of the South Ontario Tseacb- ers' Assocation. rTe teature oft ¶he eventng will bo the' lllustrat.ed addrcrss by Mr. Frank< Yelgh, the' popular Canadian lecturer, wh<ire sUhject willl be "Over theileiKIgwaYs 01 FEurOPe." Local Talent wilI alhso take p*rt îu te prograîn. This enterts.inment là fre Vo ail. The township collector repots Vital the ameunt o! taxes thut have 'been pald In thtis year la considtrBbly greater than wliat was Pald ln at te sanie date for the past, few ycara. -J. D). Remmer says that titey have comiploted thrlr apple harvest, bavi.e pibkd 900 banda t rorn 7 arres. Hlait nealrn. TAKE ADVANTAGE OP, TRIS GENEROUS OPiER. 'our mnotiey back tupon ket, st out store if Rexal "93.,H4rToutie doasn't do as we ciaim. T t' art guarantee. You obhigate yoi0r" t o niot.hng whatever. Could yoasait or could we givtt you 8VtrSw, wed O t our confidence ln tii. haït r etorii qualities et titis preparatuos4 We could Det afleril o so u soqly endarse Rexal "193" flair jomeauti cont.inue Vo seil 'IV asw. d*#, Ifl t 614 not do ail weC dam I it Sboi4d cul ienthuzaianiGve c&rhdus &wBy. and Renaît '"" Hait Tonkle not ive- ettire iiatistut-Lon l tC se atmy would hum, falVh tu us* aid <pur .t&le- MoUt44and ila cobsequetaO Mt btis pffutge would siale. Ws, assure youU"ttif yo*rat ils beginnisg te vutturally ti# ont or Il you have ay scap tr'e . Reua f"93"Iliair Toà k vvil pr u4y e" anad prs'vent p autarêbaI et o thne abore VIrantee beconis ip*t <,. Two *lits, 50e. s&M 1.- "o1gi oêet. out stoo-4w . atm*1<8 'A.,il StraOctobor 28, 1ý911-AUC- ti onast larub iockt*iips amts, the - pîoperty O!Ur P. L. lios, Lo 2,coin. ,Ubig ar 'Gien M, at one o'clovk 1slarp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Fériay,, October 27, 1911-l'o$tpOid s&l of larm stock andimmplexnêts, the properV ty o Iowlaad Bail, lot 5, ttdn. g# Tp. o! Uxbrldge, near Chalit Lake. -Sale at one o'olock. Wm. Ms-w auctloneer. Tucsday, Oct. 3 1 -t., 19 11.- -Auction Sale of herses, ouggiea, hamnens and turaiture, the property of Mr. George Browuie, lot A, ini the Village o! Colum- bub, Ea.3t W bitby. Sale at à î-30o'clock. %Nn. Maw A uctioneer. Wednesday, Nov. lst-Auctlon sale of horses, sheep, implements, etc. at the Colwbll Ilouse, Brooklu, the property o! Charles Augustes. Sale at one o'cieck. Wm. Maw, auction- eer. 20 diflerent -patterns ettes 1 yard wide oaly at W. G. Walters'. aew flannel- lUe. per yard1 A WEAK CIIESTED BOY. "My boy Frank seerned weak chest- ed and took a veny sevene cohd, " writes Mrs. 1). Stevens, Ninga, Mlan. "The inany inedicines used did noV seem Vo benefit him, until we Vied Dr. Chases Synup o! Linseesi and Turpentine anti found it Vo be exactly what was mauLed Vo cure hlm.' No treatmetit îs O horough and efect- ive as a c-une for croup and bronchitis. RE- Il you have nu appetite for meals,1 cant work, cant rest, and are an- noyed with too frequent urination and a buranag, scaldlng pain. in mak- ing passages. If at night you retire, hoping for aleep that ebtiner dees noV corne, or la troubled g g yeu have kidney trouble and need Bcooth's Kidney Pilhis, the guar- Panteed remedy for ahi kldney and biadder trouble. A fe'w doses o! Booth's Kkdney pilis will wake up the slug-. gish kidneys and regulate the urine. Continued treatinent wji cure and ýheal the weakened kîdneys and restore the appetite in te natural way. Sold evcrywbere 50c. box, or postpald froma the R. T. Bootht Co. Ltd., Fort Etie, Ont. Free trial sent on. application. BROOK LIN. Miss Annie BlighV is speoding a A'eek witb ber sIsters, Mrs. Gordoni Anderson antiMrs. C. BachelOr. . The Woman'e Institite wilImeet t te home of Mme. Fred Holliday on rhursday, Nov. 2atl. Subject--"'DefIn- onstration of Vhree kintis et hread- white brown and nut, hy Mis. White, Mrs. l-olhiday and hfiss Vîpond. Meeting called s-V 3 o'ciock. Evety- body welcorne. Tite members of the adui bible clama, connected witb thte Preshyterian Sundav Scbool, met aitte home. of Mn. A Ketchen on M4onday evening, fo the purpose of electîng otllcers andfior otne business. Tiie new officers of the clais are ieolwig-eahr Mn.rA.H Walka;- Prus, >Mi. James Smithi; -Vice Pres., Miss E. Scott; Sec., Miss T. Robson; Treas., Miss M. Kerr. The dms incets in cununecdon w" btit sehool cvMr Sunday afîernoon,aard ini addition t. ibis wîIliscon belgin a seues of -mid- week meetingsiof a devotio"lcharacter. Onct- çach moatit the meeting wili ' 6e in charge 0f ttc social committee. Mn. Dam-d u s hareturoed froin bisa trip itucthe Weaten tprovinces afer an ab"ece of griseral, wcckk HIe vent as fir as Calgary. Why lHtitatc? AN OFFEII TRÂT 'IVLVFI" 01 MjONEY RtisK I Tou ACEMI'T mnttar bow deoit if oy a be t w, Ourta fur"aItk flm oisIf tu Ifil faits. cxmxt4sto h eim*y am by we&aru-of Vk mres sud ie Oi sbe Iarp îtIetw. Oro exfi cir. yt' W4 - td twm e tmý ittgtm et«*04u uws4 - 11WTO PiREVENIPT,7 ROWIN6, Parioian Sage wlll do tisis first o! ahi -by kflling and reinevlng the dand- ruif gemm. Theso lfttie felows pOet- trate dfep imb the scalp and hait roots and are the cause af ahi hait troubles and disease. parlalan Sage te the bestt hair tonie and hait grower in Canada. Cures dandruif and scalp tch. It le guaran- teod te do titis by A. H. Allun, who will refund your money 1!Il t ailléte do ail that la clalrned for iV. Parisian Sage is a most beneflial hain dressing and hair beautifier, not sticky or greasy, and is used by wo- mon and mnen o! refinemnent tht' ceun- try over. Large bottle 50 cents ev- erywhere. Sec thnt Vhe girl wlth tie Auburn Hair is on each package. KINSALE. We are glad Vo see Miss Violet Sad- 1er out again alter ber severe illness. Miss G. Mowbray is visiting friends in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lewis spent Sunday witb fnieuds here. Mn. and Mrs. Levi Mackey bave ne- turnied Vo Toronto a!ler a lengtby visit wîth their friends. Mrs. Mayne spent Sundav witb ber father in Pickering. A !ew MI our voung people went Vo Bowmanville Vo) purchase an orgaïî for thie uew ball Mn. Puebrin anîd Miss BrownIcy vis- lted with Mrs. Brignail on Sunday Iast. Mn. aurd Mrs. 'H. Parkin are re- joicing over Vhe advent of a young son.t COR DIFF' BROS.- sucessmors to Cody Bru&. PRAOT'OAL UNDERTAKERS SCharges oea. establlhed Xdwrélng Ltpiso y=as Tiie larget traînfrs in Canada. Owitng te our connectiou ail over ontarjo, we do bettér for our grad- tntes titan aay uther School. Yon r y tudy ail at borne or partly at Zon e and hnsb at he Colleqe.- Affilisted with The Commercial Educators' Association of Canada, It would be weII for you te iaves- "Pgte before choosîig. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-fam- ous Blina Book-keeping System, wbich iut unequalled. It h Actual Businiss froni start te Finish, and -ti. atudent .keeps sarne booksa&as Citartered Banksansd WhoIeaaIe flouses. Enter any, tiwe. 1Iudividual instructon 1 Pail Tsrm PrOmM r. 2tb Write, calil or pitone fo« P97IRSORO EJIESCLE~ -A o. petlePieI4A- A,,Word to I»Wit v youIa achte ite sulk llavt y.î% a o1 im ? att to tvemng service, 7 p.m. Suinday School at 3 p.m. The services both' morning and eTv- enlng will bç taken by the R«v.-Al- bert 1. Carruthers, theç pastoi takcing anniversarv services on à !.vriaer field. The people. respondedj a8t Sun- day. very liberally to the appeal of the Trustee Board, but some bave haaded in , their thankoffering through the week, and others desire to do sù neit Suxiday, 29th. To nieet "~l de- sire the Board is lcaving the. Thank- offering open tilt aftcr next Sunday. Any who, have noV contributed will please do se then. The Social Committee ofthei Ep- worth League are giving a social el'- ening on Tuesday, Oct. 31. The Al- mond's E. L. are to be present and give the programme. Liglit reltesh- ments, wll be served by the Commit- ý'te.- A bearty welcome is extenkied, Vo ail the members of the League, and to ail young people who may desire Vo corne. Quarterly service will be held ini the Tabernacle Sunday rnorning at 10.30 o'clock, Nov. Oth. ANNUAL MEETING 0F 1-ORTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual meeting o! tis Societyl will bc held (D.V.) ini the Agricultur-' aI office on Saturday, Nov. 4th, at 8 p.m. The business before the meeting is the presenting of reports osf the work done during thè last year, mwhich expires October 31st. The elertion of officers and planning of te work for the comning ycar, and the election o! delegates Vo the convention Vo -je hceld in Toronto, Nov. 16 and 17. Icîtîbers are reminded that the year begins Novemnber isi, and subscripbîons should be renewed. Thc officers o! the. ,ociety are very anxious to at good meeting that they may bc abil to know what plants would :-e h ceptable as options for next yea4. Unless the members corne out ...:d tcfl, us what they would lIme -t , i ilaos- sible, Vo know what would bc eeir- ally acceptable. -JOSEPH FLETLUltI'R, 1Ires. Open meeting o! Grange AT ALMONDS Thtirsday, October 191b % at 7.30 p.m. Address by J. H-. lare. B.S. A, Ont. Dept. Agriculture Address hy T. A. R-'nsion. onl Winter E4,g Proluction. An exrellent musical pro- gramme has been pnovided. ALL-WeLeeDME Childi n Cr.v for FIotch.r'S The RKlnd You IHave.&A1WaY5 Botaglt, and wbieh bits b«11x in use foir over 30 yeaxs, bas borne the signature Of- and bas been made under bis per- sonal supervision sJ.nce its infà ncy., ~ Allow no one Vo deceive you ln this. Ail Counterfeits, ]ImitationSs ad 6"6Just-as-good"'Pare but Experiments that trille with and endanger the beaIth of Infante and LChldren-ExpOrieflCe againat Experiment. What is CASTORIA <astoria liq a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. g 'ric, »rops and Soothing Syrups. It la pleasauit. it Ct utains neither Opium, Morphine nom other Narcotie substance. Its age ls Its guarantee. 1V destroys Worms and aliays Feverisbuess. For more tlian tbimty years it bits been lu constant use for thse relief o! Constipation, 1lIatulcncyp Wind Colile ail Teetblng Troubles and li tarrhoea. It regulates thse- Stomacis and Bo'wels, asselmluates the Food, giving bealthy and naturai seleep. Thse Chlldren's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GZENINE CASTORNA ALWAYS Thne Kind You liave Always Bolit Un Use For' Ove,' 30-Vers Tm£ CCNAUR COMPANY, 77 multRAV S'rneK. New ToNom cm. DIEU. MAGEE-In Whitby, on Saturday, October 2lst, 1911, Charles Magee, aged 89 years. On Tuesday afternoon the Basketbail team of the Oshawa high school drove o Whitby and played the basketbal team of the W.C.I Jere, the Whitby team winning by a score cf 21 to 7. The return gaine will be played in Oshawa next week. 'ing SWest -..2. Goag East . ... 8.,a.r .... 2,57 P.r -6. 19PMu ::..9-30P.M Sunday trains heave for Toronto 1.52 a.m. and 8.34 p.m. From Ton- nto-trains stop at Wbltby JunetiOn i't 8.15 and 9.56 a.m., and a.30 O.M. UP-TOWN STATION. (ing North ... 8.3o a.rn* Gotng south..7.55 Btu. ..4.15 p.,,. ..1.15 p.tM. STAGES. Leaves Whitby for O"bwa at 10 t.m. and 4 p.m. Jos. Holden, pro- vietor. Leaves for Broughlam at 1 .n GRANDYTN CoNTS O.per to Any Young Lady, Married or Single, Residing ini Whitby or Vicinity. EIega oaiio -ArtPIn Btoyorimtoj -tnop1 LStmrt to wOrk. W-i-nbî re Votçu aIqowed iM aJIlbwrptiQn paymcnts tQo thç u$azeftç orChtonicle and the CmaniîiRe jour"a. is Of tâe.t Uti-The Çfêid- Pnuil uantv1d Ot 8uiugt<i.. din.s M hijWhtby o » a- WE PAY CASH FOR USED CANADA WOlG UTM5 SOME SIAMPS WE OÇFEA AS MUCH AS $100. ce [ACH. Ir' yeu have ( aniad-x cancalled stamps to »ell write for oua' II usLrated catalogue quotlng prices w~i jay for eaeh klnd by MaIl l.o any address For 10 cents<not freel. QUEBEC STAMP EXCIIANCE (REM) P.O. Box 179, QU ESEC, Canada-. WHITBY JUNCTION. 83C-ÇALLS Were received last month for office -belp-31 were Icft unfilled. De- mands for trained help are sa great that we can afford to 1 ýguarantee a position te every graduate or re- lu nd tuition moncy.- If you are anxious tf0 succeed write for our beautiful catalogue today. Central Business College, Toronto W. H. SHAW, Principal. amouffl m No Appetite. 1-, 1- T 1118 REMEDY WILL STORE IT. 1 1 à .,"T f:l XI i