Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1911, p. 6

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s' L ro i 4- Seine Cofftee uets Promu the Losue star State. Frein a beautiful faim deva iui Ycxam., whleie guahIng apringi unit. te forum babbling brooks tiret 'snd their flmparkling, say blreugi I ery aneia4p, cornes a note of ett tude for de)iver-y frein tii cf habit. <'ýVbn my baby boy care Vo lmej Av. r-eare go begon t.-drin P01411Ma, h&viaUg a feling t.h.t would bc' better ýfor hlm *and me dian Vhe cli! kini! o! drg-ladoni toffoo. 1 vas net disappointed inu 4l, for'il, erabled ime, astnail 4.1i tàte vrnata. te nurse a bouaicfag komiltbi baby 14 inontha. ly knowum i,-St. Vitus dance,lis a às ese thât u 8-ally att4cki the youAg clifidreon, tho4gh 01der persona may <be aff-ictçd ,vft iat. liemoit Coin- mon âsyinptomu iart 2a Lwitching O! tb, Cmuscles of the. face and lltkbs. Ais tb& dieae progresses tuas tvi.tching< takes the. forin o! ispasms îu which tke jerkirag motion unay be confiuuod toý the head, or ail the limbo'may te affected. The pati- exit in f requently uu.able to hold anyth1nsg in the bauds or to walk *stoadily, and in severe cases even thoe peoch in affected. The. diseaise in due tu debility of the nerves andi in alwayé cured by Dr. Williamns' P'ink Pilla, which enricli the blood, tonc and stretàgthen the nerves and thum rcstore the. sufferer Vo good health. The fllowing ie a striking irnatanceofc,!what Dr. Williams' Pink -PillIa ill do in this trouble.. Mrs. Chab. Phippé, Pele. Island, Ont., says --"At the. age cf fourteen niy eldest daughter, Edith, became rnuch run doewn, and the. trouble deveIuoed auto st,. Vituu dance. Firsi Imer left. ara becamo affected, t I,ài the lvft leg auJ. entire left b,ýde. M" egrew su bad that as ii.tuilly t-oId net hold auything in lier lanJ, and could ouly go about with aî mliing, jerking motion. Not- wita:nding that we were giviug ber n-keýicine, ie seerned t» be growing worime, and finally hon dîpeech becarne much affected. W.e becayno > înuch alarmed about ber Vbat finally her father got a mupply of Dr. WilIismes' Pink Pille, and ive hegan givitig her these. In the. «mu r8 o a few weekms she wIIs much better, and 1,ef.rc ail the pills wero gone shbo wa again enjoying per- fect hc'alth. Thimi was in 1908, and as ge ham nvot hRdad s svptom of the trouble sInce 1 feei justified in Say- bu>g thwc ture is permanent." Bie suIe you get the genuine pilla which arc sold by ail medicine dealers or xnay be had at 50 cents a box or mdix boxes fur $2.50 f rom The3 Dr. Williamie' Medicine Co., Brook- vilhf, out.- SUFFICIENTLY PlERMiNENT. Mr. ;aîeron vas seventy-two yA'o!tbut' e. was se well.pire- eerved thast t"re .eemed ~no re- sonto tIiink that her dasys migtt net bce lengthened tu reàC he 0fasu- l'y etaudard-over oighty-ftve. When hcr trusty maid of, ail work tell ill,.-Mrs. Canueron, saying that abc ahould pension the. faithiul Nanoye sct about tu obtaaîu aiother. Sic AdvertlSed for a giel-bë wish- ed i '<ptrmanent place,"» ndoffer- ed higb vwages.IThe firat. 4,Plkant was a grim Scotchwoiuau, Who looked Mme. Camer<noverand then epokie ber mind. y 11youlre well«f*vored, me' m," ýjhe aid, "ýbut you're fair old for ) tat n'1l'r lokiu' for a pair- mauIctiOy .0 O'<Yo tpv lure tilI ifter my funi- TEETH114G TIMEÇ Baby'a teetliing tim4 source of woçrny Vo &I' le yet a itunef o!vr r hough thene are t-hou 'g thons viio have lIearnu viclibaniebes Visi, oj vho ver-ny, who s. cneis auffening frein dil ing; vho am wean out~ kept avake at nightby the. baby lu distress, si the onample o! Vie thé giv. t)aeir littIe oeeS1 T&bletû-tho remedy t) thie never failing ba»ial q pains. Coucemningt th Mèette, Jr., Rapiçle Que., soya :-"My baI3 aud night and suifere eeth. A. fev clons èf: Tabîcta made hlm iea.14 py and hie teething e~ le". I veuld net lie vil The Tablets are aold1 deal~ers or by mail at 25 frein The Dr. Williauo Co., Bneckville, Ont. INDUS lx CA Reulgous toemgress et .4 lte Il r Thre prMsent Rindu Canuaa umers ali' men, for ne vomen ai accmpa.uy hein Vo C !olow Vhem s&(ter and .ettledt, saj av Victorial, B. C- .-DAît Thes, are reuide Brillai QUumbla 4 th. cities of Varacouv ad onfarnalinthe whrethey areindu ploye4 in tho u "I l aler. frtes - WORRY. va-s once a maothen-it ry to 1nf4ii, lands o! ma- d the. secret ý-y. MoViers their litti. by day sud thue cries ,f iould !ollov musandsansd Baby's Ove ea e or y - r o babys je l'Or- n., iy enied <3nay cd f ront hua Baby's Ovu; ily aud lisp- sy and Pain. lieut tiien.p by medicine S cet.e a box aseMdem. ý(AUA. lleag tart ait. siaor 40 have arrîved riter in the. r Timea. enVir-ely li en»,la aau#.ie4 -fer 0yp«$w Kiltney VII. made a mevw ean of ber. proilp Gasple o., Que, Oct,237 cae ye yairaand neveu1 mouLu8ý _ Kidney Pfillaluthe rit plac e Ve Re&, an oldand resPected realde\î o! hs place. And VhS ilasithereason she gives for eilevlng 80o: "For Vwo yeara aiid seven mentis IWva a sufferer from K.ldney Dia- sas. brougt su by a &train sud a cold. My oe.a ers puffed aud evollen, my muides cramped sand I auffred from neuralgi&ansd Riienintiain. My bock ached aud I had pains lu my Jointe. "For Vvo years I vau under the doctor's car-e, but he nover sem- ed te do me auy lasting goo<L Two boxres of Dodd's Kiduey Pilla made a new woman cf me." To save your8elf suffering cuire your Kidneys at the firet sign of trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pille are the one sure cure. LEFT FORTUNE IN BUTT~ONS. Collection Ineludes Speelmens from Nint.à Century. tei -the remains o: expier-mgt expedi1tion tVILV disap ri c viev more thau aixtyye r-a agc>. 0. E, G...entvwort the Socity tisat ho >believed -ho . fund 4h. rjelics 'of the. expeditien whicb Dr. Ludwig Leiolardt led into thie vilda o!- tii. continent. RH. lue sent. aw map on which lie markeda district iu thbe desent noV f ar erom Sturt Creek in the. uorthwestkrn part O! Austraii&, viiene he >ad!ound these relies. Mn. 0e. iý a member o! the. eociety, sud 1V va* decided Vo investigat. bis report. Young Dr. Leichardt vas an on- tiiusiaaetic Gemmnan natùralist who went te Australia to hýuve a ahare in itg explonati i. Hliz firt grest journey brought hum! vorldwide tam.. forbte and hie sevýn coinrades tnamped ovor 2,5W0 miles O! Un knowu Australia. IPusbing north- yard tbroeh the. hoart o! vaii l nov Queensland, ho ,disc-overed many a mountain raune, unheard cf river and savage tr be, aud ail ho saw vas a r.vela.tion of the. un- kuovu. Leichardt nover sav the bock he wrate, which atill bas may readers, for whi.e itvas bcbg, prnted in London the. restie explorer set ofl on hie Second great ondertaking, f rom viiich ho nevet, returned. The mystery of iV vas thie talk o! Australie for yeaz-s. lie vas uval- loved up semevihere in the t1hirdt lands, leavlng ne raeo that zearch parti"es verever ablom te find. Se'vral of Vtae colo*W ial vern- ment., offered large rewards to tVoe who should relieire Loichardt or- loaru. bis fate. Every explorlng partiy in Australi sinjDe that tia»e hasa.dinuieovthe. Ëosciility o! solving the mystery, but ne relies o! the party were evOr produec, sud the. rewards offere4 for ildings o! thi.expor4r'have! never beea paad. A. ae a. 89* amal Party inveatigated a report that Lei- chardt relics had~ been ýuud auioug eue o! the <zibeso! luortbwestern Australia.. &othiug woas di.scover- ed. Tii. expedition VtS at anov left Adelaide ha. beera i ~tructed to make a tiiorough inv eLgation andl if couviueed th*t 1V ha esoved Vthe myestery o! Licbardt's fte Vo mark the Seeo! Ms&'fina sufferingi vila a&atone monume4.t bo**r2!ewdy.Tesk.. old ai onme,giveSI falmwut nogm w welf n uulltops I M heur. 1* UmuImts 6;i a umitslu wbopIngcouh n n~?Iomelu . m a- ,thmnm, y otereo"ghéther7 nme veabwolutsm ktonrmne nedl hpackge.t lm dugl 0b Ae o viadl g e; fr o um tnC medeto a. lue Co, Toonor On DY EING!1 CLEANINU 1 for ue very b% ounody«or u'.rk I. Lb. ffBRfiTism AMERIGAN DYEINIO 00. L*oc for agonI lu youT tiown, or aind diroL. Monwtreai. Tor-nito. Ottawa. Queb.6 ALIE7<XetDOWPS FUR Prepare yoiirselves for the coId weather. We are Ofering for a few weeka only Ladies' Mfu.vat Linsd Coati $5 Gent'à Iluskrif Llned -Çoati $80 The. ladies lining ie 38 incs lon2g and trimmed vith Gepuaine Alaska Sable Oclar end Lettels. The. Gente coata .or,triaffned with Otter or..Persian Lamb Cohen. Upon rmeipt of the.moneyW6 wilU ship to any part cf Canad&. If no1t sztsfactory return at. Our oxpenie. Conts madle to.your own meamnre- ment., same price. Ae- J.ALEXANMOR 504-606 sf. Paul 5t.9 Monfreal Bear la mmnd thet ypu Are deaIla% wtth Wholemalers NAUOWRY WIýLLIE- cause I was Îthe coly -oue who could angwei a uàb. ýMother frightened-<Whart vas the question V' Willie-"' Whoput the pin ou teacher's chair V' J1JST SO. -that he lked,,hiew*Hel" gNo; ho eaici tint sic vas veiry dear to i,' Tue Maute.Lnw CmpanW, t~ir, sei and Fibre torkiliwk# Wt eavig. .,lu -Mexilco ther, l > l&n bia !eeds a u'eater n;umzber of persons in morekdifcerent, waya zthanu i of ýthe world4," G. W. Luma, topo-. 'graphical ongineer for the Meonos» rransontlenta.l Railway., "ýTii. maguey le a poe et ofcaO- .us which thriveis lu greateat etent and profusion on the, great mes& Ï41 the> republia of Mexico. lb la perliaps the most remarkable, pIanbý as regards its utihiiation, of ail the more c-tmm oatropical plants au *arth. In this coimtry a plant of -the «ame famiiy in known as the century plant, but of courte the vari.ty in xko »is differeni, and ber, apparatly the. plant is uwsed fer osziamoutal, purpofco. "TM&a planti thryw ont tlny aprout. wttb tgomin ve to eight branch.s cdg.awfth aMa-l epinas or needies, whbch identify it as o! the. catat. famnily. Lt doo« not et- toh tnL. et uligr-owtth until 4, ILth year, but 1$ %»y b., made usetul two ysars .arllar. In its third year one or &I o! Lts branches arst tp- ped, mulklngocavitie. in the. aIeof tii. brazich in which the o.p or juloe of thé Plant collecte. 'tis latter hiquid la what is kngwn lu MeioQ a. aqua uel, an effloacious Muedicine in many dis- eiders of the. human syst.m, but It must b. uasd as suolithh. fiest day aiter 14 le pkcked. Il allkwe4 to stand fermentation takes place and the aqua miel changes, loto what la Icuovu ai the most common o! tbe intozboatlng drinks of Mexico- Pulqu. "When distil.ed puque is the. F rat national drink of Mexico and 0kuovo as mescal. The mescal r, tils4d ln the. State of San Lui; çtoal Lu regarded as 'the best Waality and i. called tequila. " <It is not only ln its médicinal a.nd drinking qua.lit'ies that the. aguey pliant Io. ueeful. It is one of the mont impýortant fibre. plants in Mexico and Li utlUsed in the. veav- lng of baîketà and clotbing. Ilis a tough fibre but au flexible uas henthre.ad.;' The. attention of our readers laII caUled to an, advertisement, li an- I atuherr-columu, o!t tb* Âladdia Mantle Lamp, whicli birs Oid1ne- ary ooal cil and gi#es a more- brl-' liant light than ether gai-or dlc- trIçity. lb le anéotbr triump1i for, modern inventive goulu. thatrmuset be aieen Vo ho fully appreoiated. On lher .ighty-flrst ,birthday an, luzute ci the-Ii. 014L"adis' ome, New !Yorkt r.cn-tly ekippe.d twety eue Um u'ha, rQes o celebr&to flo for tii. destruction cI vormi, Siother Graves' Worm Extermina- t? hia* proved ça, o ufsrn qchidren overywiar. tslOi x"Talkb about lucki"e #<What happebed If' "Itoii aten-dolar bihlunMY* lut tumziir's suit.'" "Ge.» Whyl I thouglit you Wr. mgzried.» The Dom inion Securiitia Corporation. Liied-esablished 1901 -fer the pasi jen yearis has succeasully markret- ed many ot the more important Bond issues 'of ,Canadian <corporations and municipalities. The issues udth which n'e hav~e been identified- repruseni the bestin securiî>,-and commnand highest prices ini the general trading market. Canadian Northern Rail way Company Winnipeg Terminais 4 per cent. Cold Bonds, guaranteed by the Province of Manitoba. Canadian Northern Railway Company Equipmerit Bonds. Such public utiIit-v issues, as: Toronto an'd York Radial Rail1way Compan firsi mort gage 5's, -Suburban Rapid Transit Company irai mort gage Ys, Provincial Light, Heal and Power Company irst mort goge 5's. Such industrial issues as: Western Can- ada Flour Milis Company, Limited, irsl morîgage 6'&; P. Burns b&CCan- pany, Limited, firsi morigage and irsi and refunding mort gage 6's; William Davies Company. Limited, firsi mort- gage 6's. We have extensive markets for sucli invesiments both 'in Canada and abroad. Our, position enables us Io ext end Io those interestedl in established Canadian enterprises and their securilies al the facilities of an experienced and con- servative house. Safe Bonds are obtainable to give an income of from 5 per cent. bo 6 per cent. MaRP4_ATION-IMPTED flIeFmous.Lamp TU ao aui. t6ed utandimat erwieak orBpyo4muls foLuVPnto(7, kissausut feujes. à AÊV, oa' w - lila Lst d 1ýr .us ',on h'lut mu e.. tbe .Jm gl.ls toon f«r.b.&oo -a <'Wby were au; lu.,', "I thoasu A great surprise bas coin. te hein. o! s inuwho died at Giient, Switzenland. IV vas found that ho had left a fortune lu buttons wbioh h. had collected ail hie 1Hfe., At frt tiie neye caused much laugh- ter, but an exaaujnation cf the col- lection chauged this. The collecter had divided hie but- tons into <cries. They dated f rom tiie niuth century. The collection vas etarted with a button f reon the robe e! Cba.lemauge suad ended with eue taken f rom the uniformno! Napoleen. . here were buttons frein al Vhe negimnts whiich had existed inu France, frein Vthe archers cf Charles ViI., te t-he Alpine chiaseurs, The collection includ.d liuttons in wood, glass, boue, lvo>ry, lead, brase,, aine, silver, gold,' ememlde, rubieS and diamond& The. matenial value of the. collection vW" put At. $15,- 000, ville ilUartistic value la worth consi.drably more. Bômne persons have periodlcal At- tacite o! Canadian choIera, dysen- tory or diamnioesansd have te.us. groat precautlons te svold the. dis- ease$.; Change o!f-water, cookung, snd areeu frit, as sure Vo hriug ou the attacha. To such persons, vo vould -recommned Dr.- 3~. Kl logg'g- Dysentery Cordfial as be.uug the. beat nmedieine in th~e. manke for-ail sumaner -oomplants., If a !ev dropis are taken iu water viien -the symptome are- uotlce- .nefunther trouble viii b. experieuced'. "Hlov did ,yen bappeua te lcse eut T" "8cm. o! wy 'lSguidod friende Sot nI> an automobile -proô- ceWson.fer me," oxplaliedthi. ea- didate.4"Moa t o!the. votena, how.. ever, have neauto0mobiles.> Daphthoris, Quinsy sund TonsiIiUi begin vith o IlratRow ?maao botter -tO, cure aore thr-eatl'-ia day o Vvotlan t1o le inii.ê for veekavillaDiplrth 'a.- 1u4 ke.p, Harnlia'a Wiad01 ini thle hous d

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