Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1911, p. 5

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Do Trouble You? v OUR Eyes are yu winners" -take care "Ibread- of them, If they need help, help them-and help them quickly. Ilf Scientista say that out of every bun- dred people 10 day, flot more than two have perfectiy normal sigbv. 'U Of the other ninety-eighu, many go through life witb poer vision-andi neyer know it. They Dont know what really gooti eyesight is. 'U Others suifer for years (rom un- corrected eye-strain, whmch the wearing of propcr lenses wouid entireiy remnove. ¶Il your eyes tire easiiy-if you ex- perience discomfort when looking at small objects--if th ings appear to «'<swim" and <'blu r"- if yorlr eyes are no longer equal to the work of the~ day--they are n trouble, and need help. Do flot delay and run the risk of more serious trouble. Cail or phone to-day for appointment. Long ex- perience enables us to give troubled eyes just the hielp they need. Re Ne Bassett' Jeweier and Graduate Optician Whitbyp W.C.T.U. W. C. T. U. Arrangements are belng ..dc for an ixteresting evening fvr .uitg peo- pie ln the Tlabernacle "iu<!xo .i±rly ln Novembe. FuitiarLicularâ la ter. FOOLISS-. To give the church the >ob of *)Ick- ing men [rom the gutter and to Il- cense the saloon that keeps the gut- ter [ull, is loollsh. Ose saloon wîll fil a gutter quickier than tes eburches cas empty iL. When the church takes a mas out of the gutter they save buit a wreck, but the saloon destroya the juan out of whlch the wrgck la madie. Th'e osly safe plan lsta e asiate thew w reck-making business, anti then tltr will be no wrecks. The work of the church cas be greatly adivanc- ed if their ballots are useti to iver- throw the liquor business.-Ilios Banner. -------- - -r Local flappernsI Cull at M. W. Collins' for Diut cf ass geede at lowest prces. I lear Prof. Beach at Kisale Hall opertîng on Monday, October 23rd. Keep Itamd the Thanksglvita«te to bc .erveàd-la ti.he Rt Room on Saturday, Oct. 28, freni 4 o'clock. Mr. J. J. Grills bas purcbaagd resideece and outu of Ilayor tDow- [rom Miss Sharp. tii. âne lot ou Brock street, West of Mu. Pbilpla ney's. The price vu *M50. For t1i- ueweSt styles ln Latw"rr Kecp 1n ioihmd te 1'buk9etvigii te te bo'serv#d lu the Rest, Rooni ou Saturday,,Oct. 28e trook 4 0O&cok Tai ýýbotbýPrescrptloa andS r.p.r work I use ealir t. flhmt luise>4oi 1 beliee alwbss .eyWegbtIs W quetoa,tbIe vje"sët are mot looj Before biayt &*te" ,o o îo b surean a niSse g>-î *-soYe p9 and'eshows st*hMIÉ M a Upé4M M. ILCE. ~ ~ waà m Ont. -Reinember the date et Kinsal ý Hall opening, October 22nd anti 23u4. KING GEORGE TU BA R- The above theatue vilI buen un Saturday aigbt of th .k Iha gooti puogram oet motion Pl~urs 13lctures shows here ac axe Ys werhh- seeing. Itemember the date of KlisalO~ Hall opening, Ortober 22sd anti 23M4. A ThankrivîAtia *. udh 1... hlu the ltest iloosa untier tie nuptm Lthe women's Institute on sat#a.u (kheober 28, trom 4 e'clock. 401E Baketi Beans a specialt.y. Cbare Evsrybody comas. Sec Peells for nev fI&Ubuo% modierato piioea The annual convention of Lb.'i1 meets ta Montras! front Octobr to 24. C-. ussIltMu. Qo1e'l au. deletea «fron tbe .Wbitqby cp andi fraie for Moutrral on Tb*mrs 00 cas* beys a ber», bug bans.Over bus no frb~a for SW Buggy andi houpe s Il repaïr. Hors.mol»t ati o!aet JAS. P. PIRIE'S. Male 'Yom". experbe sw arnination oft4tousnaMdo pre tiefets bave giuia lbe andi experience l -pembim n i troubleuS "e, uatex*apti>'- tbi.y MMct. Bw«sett', oppads -f Ho for 'flanssvltkb.bletsI stationsla Canada. U"Oouea Nofembec 1$ to n u., V« Pe partlcuul la il tww day. $ton &riS~ uaday 'asiumal. boW rses 'n uo ilAging gat Alare orilyuvtt c sr ahip wfhus i an>' or nil et sOu"- Vices. The service. provideti by ý to mai*, choir andtihe thmcelaymca matiÀ. n fday evenl.ng, was -Very i';îereating, ami proveti helpful te Lthe uarge cou-, gregaLion who enjoyeti it. TAXES. Talce notice that thie balance, cf your taxes for the muniolpallty cf the Town of Whitby are due on or before the fit day cf November, and thie collecter will be i the Town Clerk's office te receive same frein Octelier 28rd to November lât., during . lme heur 0i110 a.m. te 4- p. m. e day, alter which ail arrears wîll be col- lecteti as the. law provideu. LOUIS F. RICHARDSON, Colctr At the regular meeting of the Y's at The Maples on Montiay of last week, "'Convention helps" were, dis- cusseti. The President enteutained the Pj's at tea, and during the evemting the honoraries callei te, recelve suggest- ions as te how they eau help during the season. The Hon. Vice-President was asked to contluct a Moek Parlia- ment ah the December- meeting. The deparhmens o f werk te bc taken Up durlsg the season are along educa- ional lises by means. of parler meet- ings, Press and Flower, Fruit andi Delieacy Mission. AU youag people are invihedti o jois. '<Ready ho rus when the message is 'Go?' WilIing ho wait if He orders It so llcaty te sow, or to reap, or ho gisait 1'aithful asti true though the work is usass"." Paulise Waugh, Press Supt. WASHAGO ASSAULT CASE. Crown Attorney Farewell andi High Constable Calverley le! t on Tueeday for Orillia, e route to Wasbago, te holti a prellminary hearing on the charge o! assault preferred by John Waldron against Daniel McAulay, hoth o! Severn Bridge. Waldron was a deputy returning offieer ln the eleo- tien et September 21. It b sali that there was bai bloti betveen hlm and McAulay, who went to Wal- dron's bouse on election eventag anti assaultedti he latter. F or Borne *ii Waldron's recover>' vas la deubt. Mo- Aulay vas arresteti anti bronght te- Whltby gaol, where hoý bas renlue ever sine. Nov that Widoii l te-1 Ceverlng tetria!l -s bélag, beardi Justice et the Peace Ji. A. Detyleler, o! Longford Mills, beig on tho Bench. A quiet but- pretty wedding v'as toleninized-,on, Wedaeiay,Octôbet- i *. at 3 pai.. lu tii preseaSi'o! relatilÏès, anti a few triends, wben Bertita M., scond daughtcr of Mr. and Mu.,,J. Wilkinson, Corbett's Point, Was nid ed ia marriago ho Mu JW. Mipnsi et Ulbuitig. Thi. credmen>' vaspet- formed by thb- Rev.ME.Sexsmith, B.A., L.L.B., 'e! Whîity. Tii.bride* who was given away ##-W rfa&tr' voue-a gown otfgrSmyui"kw îth'ap-, plique trhuiing. '#Ate >the e Sueony a -boun.tiful rep u nervod, lb. table beigdmor&IMd witm carnations,. later i th..vnigMr.,,andS Mr&. Im le! t, amiti abôoru o! ett4t for a ahort visit 'pre*ieus te b.éklng up tWer retidence la Beaoh Tp.:,?heý bride recelved' una nuetul preabn, including a "Kitehet Shover futrm bur nia>' rientis. W. al loix tu wlsbing Uwb youg couple many bappy years et home lilt TUE TAItERWACL&. db editUm o! lie WhItbr Mal 17 T*aher* Ip, vil el StSo evOcta *L22 TIW U htb tcu& *M<asi whAdg .13 bu ptWcht day tbR.,. Jilchar& Bmmfotm, o Peur>. mi. Bawfotk As a upw id hh aMk a",i tio.$y qiui. -S trut. ne sure anmiOmon. ¶Tbe - %s l :ialty 0 te Uc, us. *I i <vq thl u *1to ? u*1 ' --bl Un y=-14eaaaff ce 1M$w rdu t - pqw * 1ýM MCi -éo Big, City TailoringaSml Eatthi e memiesae -eWirfor a Measmr suit, YS, probaly reâize ha s'"t made tô fit ten- thouiand men cm« Etk Mo, eidiez phy"ycll or mentafly. $15 to $35 La fe.' nzôf9>nlcom -~~-s- -ai- w *aLtjr jai u nsw caris, A.D. Fraser, w Nitby with the Ladies' Aid and W.F.M.S. Deceaneti baves a baby five weeks od.- The remains' were brought te the home of Mr. J.H. Mitchell, a brother, frein where the fuserai was held on Snnday afternoonIat. 11ev. Dr. Ab- raham conducted the service&. The p.all bearers were Messrs. George A. Ross, Chas. MeClellan, David Wilson, W. A. Dryden, Theo. MrOillivray and John Thomson. MULI OLL.ANDf-TIOLLIDAY. The marriage of Miss Jessie M. lollday,' daughteu of Mr. asti Mn. D. HoIlIday, te Mu. G. Mansen Mul- hollanti, ef Toronto, was solemn.izcd ah thes residence of the bride's par- ents, Brooklia, Ont., ah highnoon, on Weduesday, the ceremon>' being -per- lormeti b>' 1ev. R. Afila The. bride, who was given ivay by heu fattier, wore a goen o! Nisos-de' Sole over white satin, with pearl trimmings andi tulle veil caught with shower bouquet .o! white roses andi Illy o! Uic valley.- 'The.bride *"" attended i by her siater, Miss Marie pink ,silk andi carried i pln roses. ,"e, groom Nas supDorte* >'b is brother, Mr. Roy 15. Mncphersea, toronho. The Wedding ,march , as playet b' rs. . A. -. EÃ"lidaye Who aise sang "Bècause" 1turing ýth ii iu- in& -of the register . The, groom'w1 gifts .we, to the bride a pendant e me- thyl art - peauls, the blridmnld- -penl bari roh h etia Pearl stick P w ntthe soîoist a -pair o! -peax) neck pins. -The ,bouse vas tas tefWlY1 tiecorateti wita 'Atitùhin Ièveý and-, '51 dfy.' In-attes4aoe, ganti 'hpreseiaa -we ma>'ani osi>. uxng >couple.- leot (a a vwe*lks-trip to Ottawa -ad Mnrathe bultde's -;,gôini-vy gownu being ot navy-blite sergeê-iwith bRickaù anbtile bat. On lbetryretunn Lie> vii usid atUtcWilizdApart-1 un Mond4ay lait çh Wgglnsreport- le curren .- that c " 'ucfoU 0110 et* thi best -knowa beln liithta"n, work, la to ,be cemmenceti.s fali t dlç ofpocmenaatera m Iou sali that a mile per day la posf, àtively Iong lllness. .I*ê waa a i mm- la he censtructi0n o!1 au eleotric rail. * ber of the 2ýrcsbîytetian church, ay Il so, the line might le finlabed worked at McLaughlia's for a n1uniý from Whltby to West. HIII a 11b *ber of years. - iand Creek, before winter.St -ih Wilie Lynde, while walklng d lence -- tell tetthe Pavement below andsu- -kAW.A 8 Landaboken shoulider. j Rememaber the date of kinsai. Hall CATARIN POWBER. QPealngs October 22nd andi 23rd. (0gMtduet ld tuem<pr.b IL ioeProed - Hernie b. Agang of men~ in the employ ofet i.ktudc*a in lb Z Toronto-Eastern Railway have been a yn-u rui"iw., <and in htown addsrc éstbn h a A t Pringle's Hardware St»or.e. Souvenir StovesÈ and. Ranges' We invite you to cal! 'and-examine the Souvenir Range before pur"ýhasing ýALL PRICES Items of Interest to the Ladies New -Mat e2reations -AT--- LIE MISSES POWELL Re.KE. Sexsanith *as ina ai; tendance at the Ecumenical' Con! er- emos, Toronto, for severàl days last >Misceianeous Adverts. HiOUSE TO RENT. A six-roomed -lons'e, ýcenenit cellair, rher buse, piï ped, acre of « uci wIîligocti orchard' Good' weil water. Apply mejas .ilC t - TO, LET.. T" comtortable' houses on ( mnire- tret = esucourt.Ho*se. ;-Apply to 111gb claes -4rlvër, i _àÇr1I~ tqrý 7 SALL SUZES Ranging from $2 2.00 to $ 50.00. NEW PERPEeTIeN VIL ]REATIERS fine for cool fail eveningst absolutely odorless and smokeless. Price $4.25 and $5.oo each W. M.-*PRN MG LE CORNER HARDWARE STËORE, WHITBY, O0NT Boots! Teo<>te, siaiteti tu lova this ;ve.14- i M»isselWdys $udth >,o! ýToro!ato, ,wu the guesý ef Miu Fîetcbetfor a ria CC < »-t*k for De.troit ,-W- wretb.' ii mu spi eyerai mo#tba., Yowr Eyes -AT Brock St.9 Whitby C et LA

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