Vol. 49-ýýo4 -L T.:,S O Bant*t et Lave, Sukitr,'I~tpy sulc pecLal Exam- tw.r'~hiii C uJutice Brock Strteet Whitby. A. E. ONRISI IAN Barriaiere BSolLoIt ii r 1ubL.. etc. Oafce irai dmor vSni01 Pui OSaS3 - _ moua e LaMa.1 JOHN E. F'AREWELL, K.C., Bar- riâter, County Crown Attorney and iCouuty Solicitor. Offce south wig of cout flouse, WhlLby. .JAMES RUTLEDOE', Barrister, etc. Muuey tu lban on easy terms. Offîce iinmediately soutix of Royal Hotel, Wbtby, Ont. (0, YOUN0 SMITHi.L LB, Bar- rister, etc. Iloney to boan bIsuter o! Diatilage lieenses. 01tbe- Sinîtb's block, neit tu Market, Whitby. DENITAL W.A DAMS, Detist, OMeie, Duc- dia Street, ReIIWaSS Ne. 4. tii Terrace, Byron Si., Whtby. Piton. AUOTIONEb.flW AUCTIONZ ER jas. Bishop, Oshawa, Lice'n.ed Auc. ioncer. Successor te L. iairbacka or terma and dates apply te sel ort t :.Robb, Whiiby. OONTRAro LRs j. HOWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builder and Contracter. Plans drawn and estîrnates turnashed. Repairs, Alterations and-Jobbing. qýý OpposIte Stephenson"* Box 467 WlIITt5Y Phono 14 Marriage Lionsoe. A. a. 41,11Xt lainer 01 bMer tagec loes Cornet drug store. Whithi N 0 W t nemae.reqitOd. DOMINION, BANI W. D. Mato.v5VIcê'PYOSI C. A. Liogert* Oe?* Marni Capital, $4,O00,OOO. Reserve,$ç ,Oo,c Total Assets, $6z.5oo,OUo A Branch of thi. Banik has bec. cali bIshed ln Londoi, Ecgland, at 78 CORNUIIIIL, 6. C This» Branch wIlI issue Lettera ef Cii and Drafts on *Il Important points Canada, negotie Bille ment for colt tien, make telsgraphic tramiatersa transact cver>r descriptioni of bami but mess Information vili bc furclmbdou Canadian matters. A speclil department wll b.- provi for the use of vsitors and bearre eur Letters of Credit. CRIS. D. 0010Iua*rM WIIITBY BRtPiNCI ~Invisible Tb* one ié for readi wrtisg ad other el for long rang.. WU WiVSAoTà 1ýý t S Tfle oe'lu Takt 'Tia. by F hc idlte lb in interestlng to ses the adv 4t, And o», eethough lin*me ay lue aga candidates in the grpivoZ inImled-l!you do your ubisoal during contesi are taking o! t.he fias thal lime, yýof WinI stiy iii the front weather. tank. Country candidates arcernaking the COMBINATION SUBSCRIPTION. mont of their opportunlty, ank ti la the. eveat- o!a subscrîiber, alto behooves those residing lnu '>n to taing ose ot ibis Toronto paPOts, ss Le tthat Lbey do flot fail b vîs iging b reaevon itis aime baisr- during the perlod. it i polnted oui that candidates are The vote standing as show» to-day at liberty tro take sncb combicalioc proves that, so fat, very bttle bas subscripblohi-tIGugh o! course vOtes been accomplisbed by 5KIy of!the can-willb ocly be giveu on the "Gazette" didates, and it therefore !ollows Lbat or «"Chronle" portion o!1te sub- there is sUi ample time for new can- acription. It lu abso permaisble for didates to <et started. Two five year acnetn otk usrplu subscrlptions woubd place any one l inh Lb. proriso attaced, sciat sc the lead. wsu bs<'tpoigl oitt) stat nati IL. is of course advisable that any smosrne fnl Dt We ar perlocb young lady considtering candidature, I ibng ftue hod ae sncbare b5ctip- sbould start as sooai as possible, au 0 <g t W b c ndiatbe.p tuai --à e nay-n - en t1r urlUU tion et ibe requcaot cnidts great a handicap. COUNTRY (CANDIDATES. It wil surprise many people te e that a count.ry candidae-that la one living outside o!tse Town o! Witby beads the list. This tends to prove the contention that a country candi- date has an equal chance Lu vIn itis Grand Prize with the town candi- date. O! course, it lo muebi too earby ,ln the race to predlct a possible vitiner -but Lb. Whltby girls will have to get busy sud stay busy. The work lnvobved lu cot iffllctlt- It le only a mater o!fmaking thie most o! every opportunîty offetedt lu a contest o! Ibis klnd Lb. old pro- verli of "The, Tortolse sud the ,Hsre" bas especlal application. It Io 'itbi steady, persistent worker that vwlii Win. STANDING 0F CANDIDATES -IN1 GREAT VOTINO CONTEST. 1 Misa Hlgbtbebd ... . ... .... 7,5001 Miss Janet Hlslop .. . ..... 7,000 Miss May Yule.............. 6,500 Miss Lillian (YBoyle ..... r...,6Wo Miss Mincie Stephenson ....-5,5W0 Miss Ruby Cook .......... ... 5,5W0 lirs. Richard Wilson. ....... 5,000 Miss Jean Haycraft ..........5,000 Miss May Hiubop............ 5,000 Miss Rets Palmer............ 5,000 Miss Ansie Purvis ... ......4,5W0 Mur. N. J. -White....... ...... 4,5w0 ?frs Aricour E ........ .. 4,000 T'he above figures do not include comp. votes as per tule 16. NEW ENTRY. Mima ESiher Hawbey, of Oshawa, bsiI te k been nomlnated liniii. greai piano cociesi nov belng con- ducts by thus. paper. ai i pi PI c' ai t4 ni ti ' si ti a t CotudiRefgueto O Moaey fo iSl 5Cà IGlobePriluilmgCo., advg.... 242,&,:ý The CoucoU atitls Monday 8R',oUVo.....L69% a ;weetng wrewated upo by a 8 .,utG.... .76 tatbon from. the Board of dua G-IC. Tbompaom sac ..15.00 - Üumbering aine iseiners. The. p The P&Intiug ofaouth .tIdb Of, iie pot.. boreuPi sa6 jis b.hanl we.ot ai Q tr7 1- the am of tM to e d by b»9camaot be.o,ýt,'m1 debeture fo thepuro! b4dt prove t1h. work. ing. a 5RW H y-.rhat J.DIinJathe 49 Chairman Jas. Ruild&iN Col.î a Seoeu b. aotilied t4o vacats . bo4uS b. -well, as chaurm01o! ib ~ swocpo by . I. C srld. committee, A. moa, Jobs a s-Bil »O* ar-Tbai roM tbéi. aI son, R.L. Huggard, and Beoi 16s!NveImber, J .janioas F. McGllirray anl apoha. The db d$8P«e thmoutlifor boffl.p of Education la uawâmmIISOS s - I ocples ladIIiÉw g cot of ~Ls of the new 11b Sobool. WbeiltJ~bt 1%Ugt, .payalalelAe advgfoe. Carni., uii.y -do nt& #* oi l8<. 1tbe skie. - MrI»my- pve.aoiloe tUist aI bmm arus ô a mmos su ggard~o- a eelal ýmeeting te b$ dLael^t-I W 1 uoÎsly oppoued lb. locatton of un, c»R oU»l-Mayor lm vouddlrd Ouce Du iii. ouier bande the otbu a hsk-l'h.co=MIDIIIos pu cu a ers supportd htbe L OMIAU..& 0! auevod upvardaof! c busdred app ihat, aÎt.. Tbey *Ieo reporwtat O tt a acsfrthe. t1rû vici oit tior et. ibo t. vas v.ry acceptable ta Uic o! omttahlo , &Mêret&We. Attwo er. EdUCt4oa Deparieieia. sc BSrtybadi.4poIw Col. YareelFezplabaei abi ISmO ,plICis b eotim bat. jobi 0o0 Imt tb. -evmei ladleg up to b UI belte .cooogte b s Ur. ait. Ia pressai ppllctéoa, as wel 0a the y 1$ *d vetW vth & avmal, -o! tb. à dvm sgu aeeMbte t ' ib pr«tuIWb * apWUii is asto le rMM- elus. l1h. sdaool vh.s coi s a.rdo for tbeht otocaeier would h. au approved 11gbUO grli. eW. H.Smitk.h. w mod cb.Io i<i. la h. et.iataed cmht.vasu Onu oobutlt rIUt ileahodigiudl1o a ther. vas thtextra cof 1 * ai ao and 1h.ommitte a e a"ditiosal land. amIUNDpOudit e ICuai opIIb dna ilPlas ver. shows il CclMOI Md tbey. bore eriueeof btieag voeci 'S à ,.1 hai A# tcled plot M lot aam t asm eUd lIette deputatios ItiIcmf0 SI&e* their argumens t ilsvarlusM M ssaw oi CouacU expreusi ibwms .~ A IpOCW amtât, s i.d e Soeg v Ille Worehlp Un .Mayor dW&tt[ltab uté 00UOSq '« g t1009.17Wi1 Lb. Couaw i sbod la 0 rs lb.w vU M proUU --the pe<ape haietv ute i pi mplb lS fOç<VtUs.k. at mU they "abe ecmulttui s s be W*r apn -musa" y 4 exSlte. Inom. Reeve Jacka " ithe, 4W »"Tb.1 l Stitce," moi bavé MuSceq**torto»s Ie 1 ý M Wthy varam t Wrsla ula My lis VISIS M M âtg, Il be 606, io br- 04" 0 $M S6i * tvia tbl a tlytpo 110m a 1 . pru8i it& Paravutild b t$i W ii l sud dlç~on e tCu> alleron l'. fieds iu nésighoraîo 1wr ducliosandti Ml ýhbooî-jû»pecto wr a.cir hul'o on- d4y oee- bas reà 1a~~oove« to reduce 11*mg, Oobr 115, b i pend a 'à socl tiing of .lb. VOleziate insti t ime &andbld theci farioveil-ontheir 0 al t a 11b cbo1 hich vii dopacture for theït ne ov ome near idioeti. umboto leachers antùe bBoamavllle. The, gaiierlng, vas called cpa !teaçhlng by 1'in m20--o t 0 etier bY:11ev., lit. xsmuth.. ,rn,xp fKo - -à .Christ!ans ýwa& presected vith a 2ud. - The plana have lies so0 pre- witOh, and Mrs. Christian wih a %rcd, 'with the spproVýal o1!-the -IU.tu-,,truil spoon. The addrms bolov vas, LlsDprtùW*til thst tle.>bighutt rcad. Mr. Chrisian made a sulba1ei prani to snob a sciool as La propuaed reply. RetresIimsnbs vere seted, 'Ut b. reoelved froci the Deparimnent and th. gatberlng was brought to, a ed will lis dupllcaied by the CouuLy close by the singlng ut 1"God be vith .,ouncü.you tilt we meet -again." .Brd. Amnple 'provision bas -been ADDRESS. made for_ givlng improved practical Whitby, Octoher 16, 1911. ad conuaerclqk Instruction sulted te To Mr. aud Mus. Christian : i.e aeeds'o! ibis malority of the .1-u You ses gatbered in your home ibis ils vho wl attend the smil. eel a company representiîag 4tb. Provision bas been made in f rlends, neighibors, and co-vorkers in ;e plans for a class rouis for the cd- church and Sunday Sehool. 'The taion of young men l Agriculture object o! our meeting here la to con- e bis taugbt by the -representative of Yey our regrets tha" your reinoval ,is Agriculture Departiseut of tbo from our audit seSis sessty.. cntaxio <3ov.gnmnt, for whlch a Words fani to express the feeling of ipecialgg*nt wiIi be redeived by the gratitude mnd appreclation o! the 3oard over and -above thc grants par- latibiful service you have rcndered to Lbis ta High Sebools ý_by tbe Educt- u lu n any ursys. Especal1y' lu this, Jon Department. irue, wiih !regard to the offlce of SuPt. 5th. 'he buiding as planued % ill o! ont Sunday Scbool. Your bravery je sufficient for a Coileglate Instituts sud streugb Of spirit, show» a ait- ;bould the finanelai condition 0o!1tii. t ltuies in overtomiing diftlcultlcs, ibic, niake lI ilesirable. hereafier tg Who#- like you, are trylng to, follow ban»ge the statuÎlôf such-a sehool to tha great example o! 'Christ. - May bbe bhai o! a Colleglate institut. vithoni MaSti of- wlsdoni ibat bas Issu your any aditional expoUsa. cidept fur a guide, lie vouchssded te ibose who ymassiu. viiiendeavor tovfIIIl UicVacaney eaua- Cibi Jl lb.rê~loso! l. po- d .by your removal trois us. oued 111g he Seol bc1oo th'* Wenôw ask you, osbehaif o! Ai4, pod ig Siodel sti Henry 5k Sehiol ond's S.,S., to accept, thesealgh aofl etheead asb ecure ikci1 l oirons o! bitai remembrancej Trustà beovedgaltg M Pas fIiIcay fr .ubtn- "Tie"may deal- genty vth le éfcoll , r<ticl w it a ~lou 4mdyours, sud ibat, lu the sev eo oti .clstf teror1home toý wbich you are golug you- 1uy but býIhpleasure and prpsper:- Ut. 11ugrê, i t ,t b. r.sigsatioa l011 -b v bilas Graeb le -aècepted, lipouic5ý . ~ OE - pooe-tut $héed#IIsi & 9.M. -A*- NU-LP, axiguageS *pi.tae'ber .p1ac1e~îar .îiu' ;S -t 0i sae alonsyand, tuaim h. 0H01 1LDw Now i5 the time to buy. Hyacntbm, Ttdjs and- other flowering bulbs for outdoor and indoor planting. As iisuaI, we have a good assortmen: fblso iî class quality.nto lbofis- Hyacintheg, single or double Color, Red, White, YelIowo Pik and Ble, Sc each, Sc do. Tulipi, single. Colore# Red, White, Yellow and Pink, zoc dot., $1.25 per lo. Tufipoi, double Colora, Red, W bite, YeUlow and Pink, 2oc dot ., $135 P« 1 o. 1used Crocus Chilns Saored LiJies Lilium Candldum Large bulbs, toc eacb, 3 fut Zçc. AS.LAWLE WHITBYt ONT. Photie 47. Prompt delivery bibr kW i Notbing ncr.ta of beatfi rga LUaI the5 Sem#". linu. - V C G. Whiflçd,.ý Ga, ý >ohr grosé Juslp, u"Wulb WM Ct.tttu, G Lmtûn- et 100 yards race (t.-od~wbit- BuA& Frank 9nay, L. lSehesý le0 yards urtlicg taOn (gils) -wu tan. 1ams.v 111BeodJmnp fJ.)-.G. Wbitfeld Fi ~i r.bry Grawasé F MI.ég flop, Slep amai Jsap (Sr."~. RuaiodSai vo4er i MA~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~boo lei.Siuatra..Wy u. z& as. soc doz., 6oc per soo.