SPL Tho, F4&ét> d of"Iue le PIlted Gre4t1 y >'the 01ev. X avo wé rèeed the imlt o! huian'aeIiaammien l e aquestion that une nuae wll sk now that se Vmany tuinge u hae Qu n ven'c.d, audit viUl bs anuwered onty by'tiie futgr.. ItV. la noV a atrange queS- io4,.'co ask, for LU many linei. o! endeavor inventora seemu te bave rso-ched 'ch.esene o! aIl o! our de- '"rt.If w. conâsider for a moment 'chO 'cyxýèo! locomotive Vlat 15 in 1use to-daiy>oinhs big railmoads o! tiie ecuutry we feol sure indeed 'chat ÃŽtit <,iiOcbe improved upen. IV Seom.s o conVain everytbiug m- qýuired for strength and specd con- sistent Wl'ch economy and safety, Ye'c undoubtedly new parts witt be Oodded even 'ciii yean 'chat witt tend Vo evoen further increase ts effici- *fley. Eioctmicity tseems te have icen tu-cess!uliy harnessed te ail uses for wiici it appears aV 'chia tinie to have been adapVed, for wiile it is beisig utilizcd Le furtiier advantage e%,ery day, yct iV is along tie anme linès wbmch we have bocu foliowing for seme time, and if we have but lately discovcred tinat btreet cars cana "b rua by tic aid o! stora.ge batteries and wlihout tih eces o! wîires, yet wo have beca uising boti clecetrie street. cars and <dor- ago batteries for otier purposes for a long tirne. We have iîghte<l ui ralway coacies. aleepers and din- ers unýit'i lertmic'ty; we have instal- l-ed elelO<trle fans ini tioe cars, lu(i w&T ilad btlî t tie 1iglits anid t he fans yen rs lîgu. W'c have net iiiveteC so'h n Ne. but. uc haý e fotiac a nrw ust for 4&(methiing wearc~ p,)sresbo.d, and uc bave impIroveC ilpon ul'R FORMER METIIODS. In otlivr liîîes aur pro)gresam lias aise, bren verîy %ufi.de rful. W. have a hea' icr-tiîan-aîr flying machine, andl man iat wmagainst Vie air curîs-nts, and it is undoubtc'dly te- waî'd the aemuplfln<, tie rnoipiane and ,uch otier air craft tint the wold la now being directed. We dPesire to make our conquest o! the air niore sur(%.and te inîpreve our metiods of flytng, and above aIl to niake A at e, or as near sale as it in ay là e. Let us censîder fer a moment Vie otlher thiags tint we bave had for soîne t1imo, and are enjoying at tuis very moment. W. iav. o! course, tie motor car, wtth its enormous power and its high speed ; tie mono- rail, the turbine steanishtp, wire- les s elegraphs sand wtretess tel.- phoncs; telepiotograpby for 'che transmission o! pictunes and photo- gapis by wire, nnd even without wîro ; television, wiici enabtes ona 'ce se4, a perfect re'flction o! Vie persoa wîth wiom i. is conve sng; Vie telegraph tî-pewrite'r,- whicii enablea is to write upon a type- uriter from any easonale dis- tance. We have bottled sunsbine <1eluvered every morninlg at our 41oors Vie saineos 'ch. bottled milk. WeV can buy music by 'cie meter like, gas or water. If you dou'V cars, foi Vule music box you can have apiiono- grapi, and if you don't car. to go t,, tuie opera or if you can'V afforc t i v ou can sit at home and write lot'- tPl:,;wlile Caruso or Constantine4 sunigs fer yeur amusement as mamiy biMgs as you carie for and as often ias <yoi came. If you cont play the4 no youen au sit on aiteol and w,)rk your feet on a pino board atid- have cannied music by the yard, or as many yards o! 'Pen!oma.V p)aper muiaii as you can psy for. Transportation facilitios both o: lanid and sea bave improved won. dc r! ully. WiVth.e ubinarins mai lias invaded 'che depti o0Viithe S sîîmikiag, risiiig or traveling in anl desired direction. Soeurely hiddes botlow 'the surface Vthe openator o tlic submain. ecks lnot is perle c0pe and observes al hs-V'is Xgela on s-round him s-bore water fori radius o! several milm , We hay, celor photogr&piiY and w, bae motion pictures, and, iiAV.W iti we bave- ýcol4>red motion plotureo ".d a.atili fustirs tep *10 Vi d&recion wehava6 talkiiig pictumei PERPEWLAL MOTION 1êrem~rains Vo b. discovomed an --the closest hing Viat we have tuo in nt'>'iiepIicedevised b2y VtheHos ofrabto, R. J. S'rutt, 'che son - Lord Rlayle g h -of -Londom. It coi abts o! two 1 eaves o! atumninum,a txhaustod gisas tube and a f ractit or, a graino! radium. Tii. appa, *gtly imexhaustible radfo-activmtyi t1S- radium cauies 'h alunmu 1ý~e Vt4 more once in, a iu .$with : a wlrelesa coherer a bc ri#gs at each movement.. Fi 1 )iow yeara at least t'h. wendêrt ,.ïergy isu ront inwVhs microacoj rites.of radiumi will, It 04odated, continue 'ce aç'c audn be_6 th~e important improv td4u n"al Wteiioraphy mam t suble for -tour -operi»tr '~very, moent that ho a aijtrui o*,o aeon L9 them- But eren, thusjdreaux hu, wu Uisua t tero wsr re es au a been rale.Ernsat' Ruiner o1'her aide. Th. is ugest* f reshz vc Be ÃŽn ninvectOr r4cldY Woll sud ttnitfulneas, Tii» I'rà odit re known for bis remar héie ork in the,firat pap of Scriptumati~ Il* teièpbnoh> and wirel W egera iy. a.s'chat on te luit fl ad i h as ms-do 'cimfirat ap00rt hon thé baù.a-of the ,lnltstrei aV actually soves Vhs p l~em of Tii. ri hteous a in la Ã11k. a 58.plan h t he river. Tier.hi SEEINO AT A DýE8TANCE. preafyunlh.-The p id e Tii.rat machins consiat o!r, ~ Ve !'h £isc.i V 1 it compçoed f 23 ectiuý, behu0017etin ul sI .pa*td intAr.selexwm pile; 0" 8. . mInat'he A&,hi-fhi lU bum, piles are seo-e*:à vo 'chat tlsey depressioau of th»e d e. roanet tte lightesê vraoait ein oeuth d as far as tii. SUI an the* Ilit whieb:strik ,chou.One-,Ak.aht&d"f ë 16-M ar tuigstation, aneac nea r i~of of ue mmoulu o.> letie ndùWDldSIWÃŽÃ CÙ 81lI1 tien elt tii. otiset.- r Ad or Ruis varwiation n the 4Ikisa .:h-. Th $a fut and .hadow which s trikou 'the ee i t tIilstw it r mited',er t'ie. tis eïïeelwb i, n# statiton, wh tii» xft'ce- î a»,a Straao dlsl %"4 t't s " &r ln prilüXse1-al tà ch oe:t eutetatIc wireIe3 ITENTINL E-O- iaillweg certaty o!01ithe ppro>aeh 01! another IcoomVive or, s.ny ,ob.- structimon oua 'rack fora. distante.Lëmiï.a Th'le lt.lIgara o! -two ï mes. Wré1esa 4lo-r1p1 on trains going at thie rateeof 60 Ëezk. 47. 1-12. Golden mifs au boum bas been partially etRo.M17 aciiieved on Vhs flyers of the road otle.92 7 ruuuing beVwéen New Vfýwrk and Ciiapter 47.-Tuis ebapter be- Chicago. A device for the preven- longs te the third and tast greal tion o! train colisionis au been Suc- section -of Vie latter hall o!f'the oeaafuUly ested on the tracks o! book--cbap'cers 40-48-which set ti. Erie Raitroad between Newark forth a vision of the final glery and and Nutley, N. J. The dfflice la an pftce o! tiie edeemaed people of etectrie one and is intended to Ismael. The preceding ciapters of obviato the section give an acc o fe the temple buildings, and o! Vhe ordin- HEAD-ON COLLISIONS. lances o! the. temple. The two clos- When the f ast approacbing trains ing chapters, including tic tesson, ecjuipped wi'ch the new devico get deat witi the. life-giving stream tas wtiin a half mile o! eaei other the suing froni 'he temple, the boun- air brakes are set automaticaly, noV daries o! Vie hoty land, and 'cIL dia- witi tie usuat 1 snddennesa in an position of the tribes. emergency, but wi'cb a gradually lu- Verse 1. Brougit me back --HE creasinj& force, ti. same as a skill- had been in the cuVer e-ourt o! ViE fut -engineer would put tcm on. house o! Vie Lord. Tiere Vie pec. The trains stopped far from oaci ple were accustomed te worsbir, otier Vo av-oid mis.haps, and att tuis Now b. ta conducted into tic tem. iappened without Vie engineer mev- ple proper again. Ezekiel, icelong îng a band toward thétirottle, lev- ing te Vie piestly clasa. was mi cm or air brakes, Vie device work- nutely fatniliar witi every-thiag tusi ing autornaticatly. Tic invention per tained te the temple, as an ex ils operated by a third rail, tie aioe amination o! previeus chapters wîl from Vie locomotive toucbing Vie quickly show. ht must b. berne ii rail and recciving power tirougi it mind, o! course, that i. is stilli i bathi for the opemation e! the emier- Vie land cf captivity. What he de gency bmake and aise for a tele- scribes ta part -o! a vision. phone. Tie principle is similar te Waters issucd eut-This ftgur tint o! tic block system, the 'rack evidently had its basis in the fac being divided into zones. Tic 0p- that there exist.ed a founitain, il eration inay ho graduated 50 tiat connection witi Vhe temple hi]l tiQý trains may bc slowly stopped. f rom wbuci Vie waters fiowed it it appearis froin tie progrcss tic valley ea.st o! Vie city and & nade in wreless telepieny tha 't it miade their way tow-ard Vie se. uis b)ut a question e! a short time This atream haà , before Ezekiel' when ucnay speak to eaci otier time, supplied a beautiful figuret in tic varlous sections o! Vie cty tic îroîphets (compare Isa. S. 6 <r even in distant places. During The OrientaIs cnlarged upoa th recent experiments co[lversaJtionS btcssings brougit tiem by suc bave leen hetd betweeni persens streams of water. This passage wa overland at distances ranging from thce hasts o! 11ev. 22. 1-2. one te ten milcs. Some e! Vie war- Right aide o! tie bouse - Th ships o! tie great powcrs have al- would bc Vie souti. The. streai ready held conversations wtth the pursued its course castward, pas, land ever 100 miles away. ing th ie altar on the south si& developrnent cf the wireaess 'phono and coming forth -nto Vie openc that i-- promi.sed ta tie transmis- Vie righlt iand o!" Vie outer ea sion o! melo-dues f rom the oera- gaVe. house direct inte 'the home. This 2. H. brougit me out-As bcl ils to be accomplished by a largp the ianer and cuter east gaVes wei wireless tansmitter bung direc'cly closed (Ezek. 44 and 46), tue pr over tie stage, whici wlll flash out phet wa.s led fi-oui Vie jouer cou >tie musically cbarged clectrie 1'11'n-iiy way o!f'the north gate, roundi pulse Vint is Vo be caught up andteotrea ae iee r entunciated timougi a receiver in-Vi.eoutse, e s aw Vi. re r staltd la'ch.bous. orer g. inte the open at tie sou- ANOTIIER WONDER aide o! Vhe gaVe. 3. The man-Rle la noV te b. ide wimtes isVhs. ti&id wnth Jebovai, but is an il electrical energy or power. Expeniî- agunary being, a symbot o! thei. mouVons dectare 'chat 'che 'ime la relation o! God. H. has 'the atti noV far distant wiien the. meters butea ef Gode being brigiit l supplying tiie propuleW'e force Vo brn (Ezek.. . 7), and speakij Vie serows o! aeroplanswilI receive .with - axtiority (Ezek. 40. 3-4). <i tbeir power throuRh Vhs air frei, nin uhi& iand wa* o! flax, si stations atzmaiiY pointa lu i. hecoun- wasused for nm.asuring greater d try. W. alr.ady-bave thii subMnr- 'co-U.s, as the. reed was u§ed1 ine torpedo 'chat is controlled from sotr ii Vh rc.e sioe.b ywiretess, its course belu iouadcbtnaota'hr directi hither and yon o-th mile ri-tepntwr-t o! tie mo- n t he laud $t'clou i mile) r ein tii peintb ,re -. abselute aecuracy. W. 'have Plant- texernig efomti,"ago-te. ed un many o!f'the great harbors o! 'tch. egluning Vie "StPneam bar the. world submarin, mines thati <rike frh (ann oy b, exploded frôm shore at wil , 2.,but alrea4 iV has.1bione ani the. o-proaeh, e! a hcVil4 fleet W VSyde up ~ ~ ~ ~ ý 4l-lcrc 5aý le, P~ r eVie eflpe ele lmn- - Md- no- thet paew Pan- t JYrt-niareason, the aruufeq frmcf, v, a do la lways kept ds-ugling freux ýM 'c.rootop o! the houses. - 220478 WERR )WJULFDf Fearful MortalitI r posa 8-ahtci Aumont .agyale .1 tunia., Ushâed by 'che Oovernmuent cf Indiat the total'numiier o! personi killed si ~i M' w ania& in 1910 was 24,4Q f( euprdwi'ch 2,4W inbu.I Mati- , satia 'c-orsvermid t. hê1,f ~ 'à i~ *6f the, a h Èbidgerî WhaV rutnî btÂ~wsiSbubo ~t ~ih tun~e But, with thègodly ý mari, nba,.or i'*hat fôieï ah. ith weotera RauIdiutya ù-e or0a4h thà ttaéred sl>t' bas a peren Ilf rchuess. The b' h ~ i a N>I WOOe)l -~ atôrms, and frosts of the ye4~r can.- buthan ithe., tthe PeIat tbiï Year with'thé exdap, not blgi t o t-drà ws storeso o! r8o rAÉ i mortehana tte atis4tOfliiýr. ~~ hope aod prii, o eeraIy fro nr$o !aPetiU&at. Thé ivo- ôF,&.~neït4~~b, gfTf a Gopýd oMvr tis fo r aln. tne i ein~ ded'by the Palestine Land DevelôP-, Tue ~ ~ ~ IV ymaho!tegdyman la Âd dBent rrC pan4O b ?olhrepaâin the 4,mattea waa Mont -Gompanywi.th tlie essiostaflCÇ - a potion 01 heà ling for the wotinds -liband S3hipped Wý quit. sumple and could b., arrangdo h aina ud he m and sorrowbû of the. woi'l<L. nsatywihtecati help. pioys many Jewish ltsborers. 1V l Neither aliali the fruit hereôf GOI he. had, it appeared, pÃŽcked, a hoped that these 1pborera will bc- fail.-There i es al rut *eks *sparticulirrly anxioui ecmne independent colonists bY and is a seasona.ble ff it- naftion', iii. w f ulnes, as w ell as an undying iresh- tor, saain aioa~ Wear that night in a trunk in by.. tness about the good man's life.ytw aealwc h oaieo the hold, and the baggage officer Work has also begun prepaig aThe. end o! the. good man's lil!, îts the sea to disappear bit by bit until had refused to allow ber to have hier the land for the co-operative colonYl b purpose, is f ruit. The frebness We ftnd 6'urselves &t'thé beginning box up until the following day. of Dr. Oppenheimner, which was 1 and beauty are a form fult of pro- of the twe'ntieth century almost de-Woulcl the captain give ber Per- namedc Menhabiah. A large num-1 ýf mse.Butthetree must ever reach 8titute cof the romùantic figures tint mission to have the trunk broughti er of new olive trae were planted- mise. But the rove<ithe sait waters in happier u meitl u eri h eztFrS, f forth to the bearing of fruit, as it rvd pimdaey1ti eri h ezlFrs, e wilt always under the enricliment sailor days, writee Rose Henniker 1ecpanwsplt u im y h acben h g- of the divine 111e. etni h odSadr. The woman should have ber box up dath Netaim obtained its charter ......-».*...... True, w. made short work of tLie following afternoon, but noV ha- f rom the Turkish Governmexit and STILNGESIBRIA4 -R&.pirates when w. caught theni, anid fore. The woman coaxed: the cap- is oontiriuing to cover new land : STRÂNE SBERI?~ 43.swung them up at the yardarm for ta.in was 9&mant. Te WOiU8Af witi ail kinds of plants. Thus more, alVthe world Vo see. Those wero raged i the 'captain was mute. and more of the arid Patestinian' - On- bs yaHlel h :Ro rave days, vrhen"Blakô was chas- Finally theb woman knelt on Vhe soit is being reclaimned Vo new tife.. an On. Enter owb a Pole. heRc ing these gentlemen adventurers deck, and, bursting into tears, Con- Jewish immigration into the cit-ý e ad lima ow a ol. the high seas,, and th.y were fessed that ber husband was bidden ies of Palestine is much more oni- There are many kcinds o! queer brvdas too, ýWhen Captainintebx dent. Wealty Jews f rom Rusia houses in the wortd, but for difficul- dadbitttrenlnribei heo. ty of ingress and egresB the buts of ware ioisting their black flag in de- This put a different complexion are visiting Palestine in large nuni- iom Sberanfurbuter, oryksfiance o! man and God. on the. matter, and orders were ini- bers. It is true that not &Il of " yme, terakefurhnersalm. a But the pirates and tie King's stantly given for the hatches to be tieni find the possibilities in Pal- by Fom itace the se huose men have atike gone to their lat taken off. The dutiful wife pointed estine which they anticipated, but havetheappestance tof ehuesn et n a hi ol idpae out the box gaie cesired and 1it amany of them, who are more en- itihavegtoetao aranofban. e n- So muci for the pirates, but duly hauled up bearing a consiPcu- thusiastic and wbose desire to set. -nets sngotoa nwakTh what o! Father Neptune î 1V would 0115 label, this sida up with care. Vie Viere is streng, succced in fiad. Scrater-tîke top of the bouse, besides seem that his timon. jeshaaring in By tus time t.he remainder o! ing variotus activities and they set- n foiin g a roof, is used as a gen- the general siakinesa cf that o!f'the pasrcngers5 were gathered round Vie tiere. inea torage place for food and ahl other monarcis, and he bida fair' Vo see the excitemeint and, as the Thes Jews. who have been used sorts of articles. Thaisiopes down- shortty te b. deposed altogether. box untocked the. husband suddenly Vo a tife o! cornfort in Europe, have ward to an aperture in the centre, Frm at1a o oe f paeadmd o o o- oined some e! tlic old settlers and wiich serves as a smoke hole, vent- Frorpats.mno>a ovro!ipsrdad ae a low bow te re liator and paaeageway below. practicat jokes suci as dittinguisi Vhe spectator1 islei er! have founded a new suburb, a new ,t A ubro es ragdi is court, and one wenders if bis ance was tess creditable, for lie ral- er af hihte AL circlerpport Vie mice ifrae. Waning popularity la due te a more urned on his wife with the rnost tonamea Tl ar Jafhisa wbui tie wrk so!tmothe loe rmeo!refined humer Vian tiat wbicb fleur- flerce imprecations, abusing hem foronmtetAbeib. tul, s n ujit Le *oko h of telwredo isbed in Vie days when Merry Eng_ net baving gene Vo Vhe captain soon ie Aera ctansyle, inauc 60whicb resta on a econdary pile o! ad w e M ry E gad a er. Si. rplied with great show asiV spmoneg euroft h as if ob fthe ~tibers !orming Vie watts o! the liv- and wafo Memry Eng lauhn. ar cf reason Viat tie hmd purpeaely witiinoeiy ery.o! ti aand o! ie aing quarters. For brsi or haingbDuneinplated onn t h iPani Smentis Vie wiole bouse ta covemed Vie razer, and a final duckng- uposltpoec geining fr te foercpVaîn easirelanery. bautwiful.1 a te Up te tie projecting roo! witb 'teus thewere a robust Company that untiputie wt te sh ar eu ht hem wesli paned, ihaeswiee pavue o! snow, elîinked in 1with f rozen enîeyed tics. rites,.eptt jsi ak n dte istreeta ed pwithwtrsiesy aoud he 1achThanks Vo impreved 'nautical runaway Vo justice. Craft, 'cîy is trcd s.pawdt wae piltina C abot and debris, tie inmates being charta, w. are .,raciually deereas- Dame je Woman. bathriedOriental thylae bult ind- as Tabo ot peeeu hia e sacîe.o te ng the ranks o aunt, wild-eyed I bad eserved toteh.lastth~.ecfeOrntlsysurnd bouse, msaccdîg VofeurNewof tLehu man beiiigs 'wbo at on the louelystowaway -in wiese career 1 tak.ecd byv a garden. hotii, eana o! engtance. Nes ,s ai-chrwhsper nth mttrig~Ve deepest interest. lHe is Vo It in in ait something o! wiick the omlisfe btsang aThi na-'.w tieseie i ntlaandmeing mrc- oother stowaways what Raffles and the Jewa in PalesVine are justly cospitohaving eaines eutin rforatmnwsnin1 utrigp.-Aene, Lupin are Vo Bilt Sikes--ilipren.TeAou n 'i ue SE, Vefeanbnd wicexxdantma, sni a oaterw tepri- Aerwr i sa ats.pean Chriatiana were astonished al 'ndown f rom Vie roof at an angle o!f atwy bad Asi!A î em nss~dV Jews. and Vîcir envy i5 genuie. LsV lot9 eres etngind sail "t!' '- cory o! Vies. unfortun- 'as a a'cowaway one who cornes on Altersdnsc afCrsi la a f eat wîîcî none but the e nr- ates-echoes in on.'s heurt for days board in tii. full glare of daytight Altersdnao afCrsi M~~~~ a~v a copih~ after reacling their tale o! barrora wiVi Vthe openly avowed intentiôn ef ana as well as Mohammedans, take. ?P8 comf ort. ad deprivations. I say, depriva- meeting a, f riend. UnfortunatelY terhldywlsi e-bb ro- Ti neir a raid b tiens advisedly, because it wes not 'ch. f iend hua, a myýterlous habit The gaVes o! this suhurb ar. rTh decning aotber perped culrgiven to evemqone te posise Vthe of neyer travelling on any sîip thie oloaed on Saturdays te prevent thi Vor tresendlog taiway, Vi. bia în ventive genl 1us o! thetzmembers of stowaways ineets. Our f riend ex- entrance of -vehicîçs, althotigh Vhe tO trc.lo & ipptery cs bting !the. swiesFamily Robiniisont uer presses bis. disappointmont, adding MaionitY o! its inhabitants are not am so Awre otiieni equally fortuhate in that since ho in on board ho Will retigieus. but the Jewish BSahiath grease ads . A Musplaoed brakiguo ni adbaig t.Vhésoportunity o! looking over in accepted by al -as a holy day et ith step o! any viaitlng white fur rad- a 'nkng rsnbln rt ii.tesi. tag e w edepra.Tiie atmoispbere ini TeI-Abi or or agent would mesulV in bis land-& rsb i tee tath al obrs auly..eiey ewh,:nd On ing in a pot o! bludder always kept i.liiinerotta, h alaVoba1lath uoro al'.enguae, înJitsh, ar Andîin tQj ae o! ail 'chia vasV conwany o! Vhe warning balls,. or doos Vit hé 9er,8an1,eb Isbe Lm- Toii. wbolte soe sa rudsafl h soaa ,oa a Wtrian Cry, "ny more for 'th. ýtiful Oriental accoen fboard o floor, and in barren of anything iii Our j.T ladt l ol iee"rahbseas hnh vr I ike. theshape o! furniture. A large can, we look for îromane a ï iilyapar udeI a efn ti ain soo , VhsH1rs ing -vassal for cookingsai and blubier Polr.YVitiutnV .tiibh i.1id n fsgbsdVi.al 'lt t'ha yità ueaa, -th Vii, e, w Che* and a ketti. used fer melting aniow that 'ime ha4s paased blm -by witbutgog at full pe.bt h yiasaIrqi ti o t:âd ar h he osiodu.sl.laying aniùdÃŽstrieus cato! pikt U61epot bmel ti captain, brew 'bigh _icb04ol cf ï'af , afine lis- Tii. diet la limited almost eclusive- oe i elue.Ti twwyo ai nst i.smah flstl ulIgl rei a tle. ther for y teraw imd uif-ooke gea ~<jto-day lé vastly ciffrexit tùe the kw pýssengers b z- fiutely miak- nerst6oowsrcnlY1i uti ai whali fsgjpith Ruasianu-brick ' te away, o! yeeterday- t.tbe ng the best, o! >lusfoolwish miatake, same suburb for a lrosngge f udAeicntbac s netr etion ,of a etew&way tb.re rises uüit'hey are noved" te le'd , him wib wil-4e owod by 'the Jewishý' tho~t îuuy eone! a inad'a eyethe, 4isîon .cf a clotheansd aU necessaries. DuritÃg-' mm. ty0o , _1_Ab W." At Beore n'celng , ~,t~ ~rghWu.d~ hite Iiteab - h ortstyo os 1rlmtO uIt, Vhroujh tiieassistance o!f'à "1'c ~l7 Arctie- hueh siV lM custoumary 1 & *~OI.t,~ih têe imsfsegmrly ebhat ~ kFid hc gcuteda r f thVei wiite visiter or tra.der hir enb -Ã"iiiri.e ~m# t~l' xiuuU4~ ..rp~ ~ ab~ta kI sn w1daa ýt%~~ <q'f,tail,,e'en'cs l . cue-woVbi0v h i.pm iL&k ta «invr 'o wn"A bn-Akb" neriipot, t' M* Wq &rb.-epij8,V ià eret l thte L N -.;:~ 'T. i