italia.n O ruisers D BO'ats at re e A, despatch from Rome sa Ità ly declaried war on T-urkey gioning *t 2.30 on F-riday &fi Cabinît, et which the Turkish re 40 ItaIy's ultimatum was read. official otatement from the Fore Office says that Turkoy's reply Italy's ultimatum is flot porez tory aà was demanded, but ins aive and dilatory. In conseque of that tact the Governinent clared war against Turkey. AI 4he îêPtiôn dl the Turkiùh r there was a conference betwcen, ]Premier and the Foreign Minis and the, Cabinet. It wua decit te occupy Tripoli without del The. Turkizh Charge d-Affai'res1 received his pasaports to the fr, tier and started for home on1 4&Y ecîg REFUSED TO SURRENDER A despatch from Tripoli aý The Italien, destroyer that entei -.hte portknnder the white flagt liopioon brought a summons $. ýsurrender ci the Turkish g ulaolt, The Turkish, authorities -A11 Europeans have tal "lfuge in the Italian Consula and Wre awaiting the first shot.1 S_ Italien colOny is preparing forq denoe. A»s oon as the ultimal- was delivered Wo the Turkish G ornment the Italian fleet establist a blockade off the coast of Trip( and no Turkish steamer is now a itp enter. The present mission of the fl fto prepare everything for lai ing the Arniy Corps, which is co inanded by General Caneva. If1 -Italien subjeets are molested Turkey the fleet will extend its ai of operations. If the Turkish 'i ohips attenxpt action a stro Italan quadron will be sent deal with it immediately. Nod embarkation o! eailors and marir et Tpoiis to bo expected, the force wotuld flot bo sufficient suùstain en attack by the garris ci Tripoli. The. Turkish fortificationé wwrned only with small calib Krupp guns, and cannot injuret ._Italian warships, which wîil be ai ý7 destroy the forts withotdiffici ty. The cruisers Marco Polo ai Vetter Pisani left Taranto, with t equadron of torpedo boats, and under the commnand of f _______of laces, and oven la~e robes, are ooming to the. front. Blue and white combination" are i d OfiI to bave puein shion,'C ou Il 111U Vil A1UliliA- ostroy' -Thr kish Torpedb a and Lat'd a- Forcea ays: Duke of Abruzzi. Generai Canevîi, 1b.- with the. expeditionary forces,> wyIl fter- besccompanied by General Bricola the and the, Count Giraldi. The fiî1st Dply forcé in made Up of« 25,W00 men. .Au Therewill ho 40,000 men altogetIl, r ýign when the ontire force is. lande'd. yto Regimnents are departing daily f rim 3mp- the chie! Italian towns for Paler- eva- wo, Naples, Brindiui, Syracuse, eDce Cata.nia, Taranto, Genea Acopa de- and Venice, where they will cmbairk kfter aboard transports. The force will oply be euublihoçd ê Tripoli by Oct.- 10. the Old ships, with ammunitiôn, ister gune, and telegraphic apparattis, ided will follow the transports. Aero- lay. planes and probably other airships has will ho despatched later. Ton- The warships blockading Tripoli Fri- are the Pisa, Amalfi, Sardeg7na, Na,- poli, and Marese. Ini addition there are six destroyers. lydi: TURIKISH SHIPS DAMAGED. ered A despatch from Paris says: this The Matin's Athens correspondent, for says the telegraph officiai at Von- gar- itza, Greece, wires to, the Govern- re- ment that a naval battie oocurred Lken off Prevesa at 2 o'clock on Friday ste, afternoon. Ita]ian warships belong- The ing to the Ionian squadron encoun- de- tered a flotilla of Turkish destroy- ,um ers crui&ing off the coast o! Epiruq. kov- The Italians promptly attacked the shed flo>tilla, and two Turkish ships were poli, badly damaged by sheill. They able have gone ashore in- the Gulf of A rta. fleet Prevesa is the southernmost point nd - of Albania. The object of Italy is ýom- evi.dently to encourage the revoit the of Aibania, which is smarting under by the recent cruelties practised by irea the Turkish General during the wan- rising. -ong ; to FIGHTING AT TRIPOLI. nes A despatch from Constantinople as says: The Turkish War Ministry, te according to the reports cunirent ison here on Friday night, bas received a despatch f nom the,,late Turkish are Military Attache at P.>ris;, Who has bro assumed command cf ýhe forces at the Tripoli, st&iing that "the Italians hile began to disembark Friday after- cul- 00011, but the Turks succeeded in a.nd sinking the flrst two barges. lIt is the rumored also -that Italian forces de- have 1anded both at Tripoli and the. Benghazi. TUIE; GLOSE A Canada, tihe Empire and caGenerai Beloi'e CANADA. thi itverli T our I49POÉIS 1'fOII TUIE LEiDIX0 TLDE CENTRE8 ot prie"e.ot -cattie, rai, .Chcese and Other Iroduce at Hloue and Abroad. Toronto, Oct. 3.-Flour--W inter wbeat, 90 ]Par cent. 5patents, unebanged t $t 3.50, Montreal frelght. Manitôba flours-First .patente, $5.30; second patente, $4.80, and etrong bakera', $4.60, on %1ack, Toront.. Manitoba WhLeat-New No. i Northern. $1.06, fBay ports. No. 2 Northern, $1.04; 'anti No. 3. 01-02, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat-No. 2 white, red or, mized, new. 65 te 86c, outaido. Peau-Good rnillIng poais, 92 to 95e out. aide. Oats-Ontario estig quiet and sgteady, wîth No. 2 quoteti at 41 to 42c. outeide. andi No. 3 st 40c. No. 2 Western Can- ada. 45c. and No. 3, 44c, Day perte. Barley-No. 2 la prebably worth 76c. outeide. Coma-No. 2 American yellow quoteti et 70 14eZ. Bay porte.. Rie-Car lots outeide. 75e west. and 77a east,. Buckwheat-No. 2 at 54 te 65c. cutuide. Bran--Xanitoba bran le quoted et $23 te $23.60. ln bage. Toronto freight. Uierts. 42-r% COUNTRY PRODUCU. Beans-gmail lots et hand-picked quot- ed at $2.30 vor bushel. Roney-Extracted, la tins, 10 teIlic ver lb. Combe, 82.25 te 82.50. Baled I ay-No. 1 at $1.3 te $14, on track. and No. 2 at 810 te $11. Baled Straw-$6 to $6.50. on tracix. Uro- ronto. Potatoes-Car lots.u'ln baga, at "ce. Poultry-Prlces of dresaed poultry in quantities :-Cbickens, 14o per lb.; fowl. i1 te 12e; ducks. 13c; turkeye. 20e. Live poultry. about 2ce Iwer than the above. BUTTER. EGOS, CHEESE. Butter-Datry prints. 21 te 23c; inSer. ier, 16 te 17o. Creamery quoted at M6 te 27o per lb. for rela. and at 23 te 94e for Bolide. Eggs-SBtrictly new-laid quoted at 23 te 24e. andi fresh at 20 te 21o ver dozen. in case lots. Cheese-Large quoted et 15e per lb., and twlneA t 15 14. 1100 PRODUCTS. Bacon-Long clear. 12 to 121-2c ver lb. lu eaue lotâ. Perk. ahortl cnt, 823; do. mets, *$0 te $21. sRa, medinu -te llzht. 17 te 17 1-2c; do., beavy, 15'to 151-2c; rolle il te 112c; breakfast bacon. 17 te 18c; backa. 19 1.2 te 2De. Lard-Tierces. 10 1-2c. tubs. 10 34c. palla, VUSINESS AT KONTREAL. lKontreal.Oct. .-Oate-Canadlan West- erni No. 2. 47c, car lots ex store; extra se. 1 ft& 44 14c; Né. 3 C. ýW.. 46c; No. S lo"a" white; 45,1-20;,No. ,3 localwhite, 45c- Xo. ..4 local Vitt._44 14c. -Pour- October 30 will be Thanksgiving Day. The reorganization o! the Grand Trunk official, staff haa been com- pleted. The railwa.ys are applying for in- creased remuneration for carrying the mails. Berlin, Ont., bas over 15,000 po- pulation, and will soon ho incorpor- atod as a city. The designs for the new gold coinage to 1,e issueciahôiy hâve' been announoed. Lieut. -Governor Sir Daniel and Lady McMillan were hanqueted by Wiunipeg citizens and given a handeome present. Sir Daniel is retining. Eight Lhousand dollars was sto- ion f rom the sale of the Canadian Express Comnpany at Hamilton, and George Kennaugh, the night clerk, and another man are under arrest. GREAT BRITAIN. Thé Duke and Duchess o! Con- naught will 8ail for Canada on the 6th o! Octoher. There ie much anxiety in as to possible complications in Greece and thé Balkans. Thé British Governmnent has de- cided to appoint a Board of Trade Commission to, arbitrate on labor disputes. 11ev. Dr. William l'a brick, Prin- cipal -of Manitoba Prestyterian Col- lege, died on Thursday at Kirkin- tilloch, Seotland. Thé Irjuli railway stnike lias not yet been settled owing Vo the re- fusaI o! the companies te réinstate aIl the men who w-ont out. The grandson and hein of the late Mr. W. E. Gladstone has been elec-î ted for Lth Kilmarnock Burghs di- vision in-tle Im periai Parliament. GENERAL. Greece may take advantage, of Turkey> trouble to,,strike. Over one thotasand anti-militar- ists have been arrèsted ini Italy.- NOINTREAL ASSESSMENT. Remarkable Aivance Showa lla ý .Property Valuation; A dépatch from ýMontreal gays: For acmé e ékÉ puit clerka st the City Rai have been -Ëorking upon a report whioh will show the, i- l the'property valuation of the ýcity for tii. current Mar ie, NBEER FOR PAR NORTH Shipment From ]Newfound land to Fort .Smith Arrives at .Ediiinton# vf 0w1- OoTHAT a PFR CENT. 0p pgeOuLATons LOBE MOMMY A purther Dièreeeofl frorn fie subjeot of Pure investrntnf 20Clv, BOïorne Iereaf. Ing FactS on Spoulatlon-*rh e st Ad- vlot f0 Prospectve Speculators le Oon't. (By Investor.) In the at Issue we saw in what pointu apeculation diff ered from Investments. The pxractlcal difference betweicu invest- ment, lt waus een, wam largely one ln chance of gain, 'whereas the investor ai- moat always Insista on great safety at the expense of probability of largely lu- oreased value of hie holdings, the specu- lator sacrifices everyt.hing to hi@ chance of profit-or lba. Now, unfortunately,1 many epeculators find that the old proverb, "Distance Tends enchantment," equally applicable te speculation, and, therefore, dabble in the New York market. As a matter of ac- tuai experience, ln the long run iftla quite as profitable-and probably Terne expensive-to put your money on a horse race. You probably know something about herses. You can neyer kno* euough about thxe New York market to make if worth while. The writer bai been a number of yearu lanfthe stock busi- ness before taking to thxe Moro modest but Tees nerve-raeking business of writ- ing sud cau apeak wlth smre authority. But, cf courue,.fthe reader wili not ac- cept sucb a bold staternent witbout nmre gooti reasonu being advanced. Quite recently, a New York broker cars- fnlly analyzed a large nuniber of accounts on hie bocks and discovered. mucix to hie surprise, that eight out cf every ten or hie clients lest mcney; eigbty per cent. cf speculators eventua.lly Jose. la what he leamneti. "Tet." YeuSaaY, "Morgan and Rocke- feller often make a million dollar 'dlean Up.' and wby coulda't thoe mali specu- lator make a tew dollars?" Unquegtloa- ably. if thxe emal epeculator knew what Mr. Morgan wau dolng lanfixe stock mar- ket ho could make money and -"big" rneney, too. But that ia the whole dils- culty. The Camerne ate guess what Mor- gan. or smonee else, In doing-and 7011W guess la as gooti as mine. Mr. Morgan le eltixer Coing to put prices np or down -or ho la leaving them tefthe will of natural conditions. There linfthe old sheil game of the. country fair to thxe Ille. Thxe pea le undar one of thee shelae-or between twio f fthe operator's fingeru. But even Il yen guess what one Croup of New York's -financlal glants want te do Yen Mar finti you Io" -becaume axe. other and - stronger group - *nt to do the opposite, and the upper andi nether mili-atones grlnd your margina out of your, pocket until you give -Up in de. spalr-perbaps to e e fiat your judg- ment la right andi thaf hati you. hadth ie à 6iliity te "star yhei.gamH ion mlght bave won eut., Then, Suppose Mr., Mogan aud aU othern were flot liluencing tite mariol, "U hbave o leJutge how geênerai- condi- tions, jonery uskete in Loudon, New ~ork anti ranôe are Coing le affect, Young FokJ THE RUNAWAY DUCR. In thé center o! the big city park is a heautiful litlo pond, and in the pond is an island, and on the isla.od stands a curious little house. There are no windows, but only two long rows o! doors; one on the ground, the otiier reached, net by flights o! stairs, but by boards slop- ing gently up to the second story and down almost Vo t-he water)s edge. Aboyé t-bis small lieuse bend the long, graceful branches -o! willow- trees, o! & lovely liit green, and in front o! it, on the beach o! sand and gravel, the little waves are ai- ways laughing. Those who live in this house wean nothing but snow-white clot-bing, with yellow stockings and shoes, for they are a great !amily o! ducks which helong Vo the city. On. fine morning a. baby duck came to the door o! one of the upper roome ithe little ieuse. Et stvod ter. a while, looking up and down the shore. IL fleemed too gcod a day t-o stay i, se thle little duck waddled slowly down the. sloping board walk, dipped hie bill irto the water to se. if it was warm, and then started to swim away. Re had gene nearly te Vthe end of thé island, and was baving a happy time, when out from behind a big bush swam an old drake, or grand- father duck, big and strong, and very croms Tii. little duck was, cf course, ,much frÎihtened. Re tried to turn r1ounaaand- swim back; but h. juet pounded, tiie water with his feet and beat L with hua emali wiffs, Quebec on Sept. 18 tc reach Ed- montolon a week later. The reindeer will be taken by rail as fgiru sStoruy Creek, sixty Mile.8 north of Edmo o- ton, and f rom that point they will -bc taken overland to Athabasc~ Landing. Soute that have heen weil broken will be led and the. others will bo convoeod in waggons. A* Athabascâa Landfng thé animais will be placed in scows and floated doQn the Athakbasca River to fort Smithî, which je their destination. They will have travelled fully five thoni- sand miles by the Lime their journal * j at an end. happy enougli to have bia mothoe take him by the wing and drag hLu up the boa.rd and into the* nest.- Yo4th's Companion. '<BLEEDERS." There is no accident of practi"e more dreaded by t-he physician thsn to see a. patient upo.n whom he lhas penformed some trivial operation, such as lancing a. boil or removing adenoide, bleed and bleed and keep on hleeding, perhaps until he dies. Ail the usual remedies, auch as press ure, cold, and the appl"ctio of styptic8, and ail the unusual ones, such as tying a ligature round the. bleeding part or soaning it with the cautery, are tried, a-ad tried in vain. Fortunately, this accident ha.p pens rarely, and can happen at ai only in the case o! a new patient, with whose constitution thé docto* is unfamiliar; but when it does happen, iL seems wonse a.nd more terrible t-han death f rom any other cause following operation; for it is &-o unlooked-for thaL Lt cornes like a boit f rom thé blue. The constitutional state to w hicii this accident is due îs what je knowa as hemophilia; tiiose subjeet te Lt arc calle.d "bleeders.>' The diseaise is one of the hlood, solely. It con- sists in a reduced coagulability; Lbat is, t1e ciLos which orclinarily ,close the open mouthe of the mi- nute blood-vessels, and thus stop the blood from oozing from a amali wound, do not form; consequently, the blood continues te, escape. The globules o! the. blood and the col- oring matteiý are usually as they arc in health, for the trouble is purely a chemical one--a deficiency o! lime saits, the présence of whiel la essential if clots are to ho form- ed. lIn these cases, if, does not always require a surgeori to inflict a fatal wound; a blow on the nose, an ao-, cidental. eut or a more pin-scratch 04aY ôpeiza, eufficîe t, numbér cf '4-n blood-vessole todran 6.W&y the vtal fluid.- A an who koshm self to bc a bleeder ds not dams to, Shave; ie, will suifer-any pain frein an aching toothlisrther than slIoýw Lt to be pulled,- sud he la mg" mcreful not te let bis hands or lipis chap in wltr lest an a<o- cid.ital- crack ô onti.wy to an unceulIrolable outpourm*g o! blood. saltw if ot known. Tii.-conditioni iü hereditary, -and- oddly 4enolugb,, ô:,ltiiough Lt &aCctsa mo and boys à lmêtt excluuively, 'iL ie- transmit- ted troügb the. feniale lin., Thuis, a man may b. a bleeder ;- Lis cli dren will escape, but the. male cil- dren cf bis dluht. wiIl alnost. au tely, onè' or ai, uferý. t ënaiste ii - the Aily a*dijistration Of lime Salt, , ud as the.lactta of calcium, tlhrough long periode of tii»,. Gelatinba 'elao beezi used, apparently witla beneûit.-Youth'a Compauxon. THE OIUONI BIG oU-NSi A despatch from Edmonton. says: Three carloads of reindeer from northern Newfoundland arrive-d in Edmonton on Wednesclay on the Canadian Northen Railway f rom the east. Thene wcre 43 reindeer in threc cars, and a fourth car was stock-ed with reindeer food, rnos and grass. The Department of the Interior bas planned Vo stock the district of Mackenzie,, and the ani- mals are to hé used for carrying. purposeýs in long remcheeaof. tIé north in place of doge. The con- signment of reindeer left Newfound- land Sept. 8, and passed through