-p* R"' DIAMONDS When bought right, a dianiond is a safe and good investment. Diamonds as gifts lead everything else as be- ing a thing of lasting value. Our diamonds are carefully selected by an expert and every stone is guaranteed to be as rep- resented. Our prices are as Iow as high class goods can be sold at. Consuit us you wish. whenever Our experience is at your service. R. N. Bassett Jeweler and Opticlan 4tthe hurch, Uing t tq- pjletaig a.1 gri3at miany tision fields,Çf inte't# North-Wett,, as weIlIas' !oreign iûs- sitL Olds$ the de"nlids ffa iacial suppot asbeeh gteatly -inrasd 11 1). SIMPSON a CO.'S. MÉllIinery Openng 436pteminber 25t1Iand 261k. We extend a cordial iavitation ,tu 411 ladies to corne and seelte new creations iii bats for [alliiad wnter. IL lady 01 long experiencQ, Most Compet-111 lP W L elit in the att of mîilnery. It is la Brock S.,Whitby satisf action to every lady to .see lte_________________ maany new shapes ani styles iu hats, MeCarl escit with 50e., te third tüie faultless bieuding displaycd wlicli prIzes. The visitors hope next yeari eau only lie accomplished by reai art that more will. enter tis competition. ani worknxanship combined, which ..1 adda grace and beauty alike to hat and wearer. See our display. liqual to anyting in eaty or town. Prices CSOI one-third less. l3uy your bat/s [rom C A SOR lA"tdc us. We will appr-eciate it and give yuu value ti returai for your money. Tho KInd Yom Haveo Mways Dou-kht D. SIMPSUN & Co., Pickering. Bars the 0 THE TABERNACLE, Signature of SUNDAY, OCT. 8. S. S. at 9.45. As this is our last Sunday to have S. S. in the mornî.ng THE LATE JAMES PRINOLE. let every one turu out andid ake it In last week's paper the notice ap- the best. peared of Vhe dealli of Mr. .James Morning service at il a.în.-Subject Pringle, at te advanced agç of 87 -"The Glory Gatýe." years and three months. Mr. Pringle Evening service at 7 p.11î.-.,4ubject âhad been going about town fairly act- -"Sampson's Weapon." ively until a few weeks previous to Good music b), the choir. his demime The death occurreti on Corne aid we will tinti a place fol Wednesday morning Iast andi inter- you and try atid do you gooti. ment ivas made in Union Cemetery on The neibers o! the Thatuk Off ering Friday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Abrahiani (1ommitUe will nmcti at the parson-. coud ucteti a service at the house, fol- age at 2.30 p.în. Saturday, Oct,. Tth.i.lowed by a Masonic service, tlw local The members oif thie Finance Com--'lodge attendlng in a body. Messrs. A. mittee, appofiîted by th(, quatterly M. Ross, P. Taylor, G. Y. Smith, B3ôard, will mnetaI, the parsonage at Jolhn Gale, C. Rose aind R. L. Hug- #7.30 p.m., Sat.urday, Oct. 7th. gard werc pail bearers. 0 ~The late James Pringle was borit BAPTIST CIIURCH-. in Edinburgia, Scotland. lie came to .Sevics :Canada In early life, andi hati liveti in Sudy coo,10am Whithy for over balf a century. 1-lP Surnay rScol 0a-Il. had liveti retired for many years, Morning service, il am. maklng hie home of late with bis son The pastor will have charge of bouléiWlliamn. Re was tax collector for b services. Whitby for years. t Mornlng subjet-The Iloly Spirýit" Heo had thret brothers and four Evenng ubjcý-A hlght Shut isters, onfly two sisters now sur- of eingsujec-m A igby So1 vive, Mrs. Raye Whitby ; Mrs. Knox, o! ye Timeeinh."sdyevn StreatOr, 111. Mrs. Gunai, who died Praer eeingThusdy eenug three weeks ago, was another sister, in school rooîn. This meeting will be adMa Ix ag !Cbug a missionary meeting, and the subjeet adtue fourtt. Hlig, bohe or er will bel 'TheRiUsîng Spiritual Tide aeorge o!t Oshawa; 'William, of Tees-' in Heathen Lands." A very harty invitation le extiend- wMr P Aili, !Whtb ed, an 1 a ordia invittionngietsmarried a Mis fir- edan acodil nytalo aals ett, sister of the laie Jus. 1Corbett, anyone and cveryoue who attende auy b hmh a orsn;adfu one or every Oione. these meetings. bdaugitte h T o Sn urviv.- Wat H1ORTICULTU-RAL EDI3CATION o hIbandi George, -ot Seaà ttlie. IN ENIY T. OHOL- The osurvvlg daugliters aree Mrs. IN IENR ST SOH014 1 George 'Cormack, WhItby Mrs. D. On F'riday the efflers of tlm-"Horà Wilson, -Whtltby, and Mrs. LtrNw ticultural Soùlety Visited Min Bt- w rb i -' ivso erySre romai dviiYo!rk.r Sr~3 Soltool,and rewarded the pupils, for thir cûture o! the sweet pea oeeds SIGN8 'OF'KIDNEX TROUBLE. 1aven thern in theaDrnr.The Prel-i lun th' arlv afrtà i ýWnev ucce,-tots tV) Cory #r. .iAL U14ItRTA1<tR Ch~vge~i 4oderaie MAKE- VOUR- DECISION bel ween Stîceas anid Fa1re. . A COurst lit the popolar t i -progrftefve WiII prepa e yoit for an excellent po*ttlou J i tilt busities worid. The 5'st step miaIm- lot teUL4Your choice 01 a schoci. O ur cat- U1ogue 'eï-plitins w\y thils college tanks among thse hest on thi scontinent. WVrite for C)r. yonge and W. j. LIOIrt, A iexa uder ets..Pncp. [rHIRTY VEARS Otir Seven Co1Ie(,Pq have heen vestablished during the p'ast.:0oyeLrm. l'lie largest trainprs ini Cana.da. > Owiîg to oir conneetion ai over Ontario, we do l>etter for our grad- nates that any othi-r S<'hool. o IIIy stlu<ly itîl at home or îpartJy ut home andi finish at the Colpge. Athliapd ithTheçi (omnnerelil Edura toi-m' Assoeiation of-..aitada. I t wn ild hs el for yoin te inves- t igate liefore ehoosing. Exelcluiv.e 1 ight for <intarie of the world-farn- o'up Blisi Boolk-keelping SyRtem, whIielî is inneilunili. I t is Aetuai Ilusîiesa fro, t)t ou84at to eiiiinih, and li tsdent lkt*i'ps %alif books as 'liaÎ-terel.%i-ika anti \V holesale Fail Term From Aug. 28th 'w i te, 1-.1I1 or phioCI for PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLE'IE Mr. Ber t, ihc,,plerd is able to bc at his work again after bcing laîd off two weeks through i llness. Miscellaneous Advétts. FOR SALE.. A-lien. coop for sale~, lu AI cond!- tion; - iô alonnifte Ato . yP tù, Mrs. P. W. Rübingon, lyrion 5V'. Apair A ý1y o! gooê heà -vy 4ri-vers Zut VoJ. E. Dlsuley, WhiVby; n'omeé of Mr. Ae ~k Mr. and Mr.Thos. Riidl "d grand, daugitter, !?celg li~ thle iveek at Mt. .aey. Mr. Walter ., O'Cornnor *and frlend, Mr. Wh *eio Toripnto, spent Sun- day with- theï tormtér's Parents. Mrs. .1. Marshal'l and daugitter; M argaret, le!ft'on Wednesdyy Ist to join, Mr. Marshall at, Ottawa. Mr. Hl. C. Hatch andl family, have" rnoved to town, and are occupying te house recently vacated by Mro. 1Brath- walte. ZALL PR16135 gd.mrs.. Geo ~ onAckr.~ Toron lte, spezit seiertzl daysi 1astfw* ý,wth the forïner's -parents hsëre. - M tsa,,,Mymnà R osjofiTotonto, bits beMz the guest -of -Mrs. C. A. c*ood-, fellow for a. lew day s. -Sitereturned homel ohil 7uiegday. OR. AIR W. CHAOsE" là à m, lermt -0te r i 25T na stop drppigea b...rth ~rina.nUycurem wtar hand Aoee-ptý.kw ~# ALL SIZES Ranging from $22.00 to $ 50-00. NEWPERFEeTION ECIL IIEATERS fine for cool fail evenings, absolutely odorless -and smnokeless. Price $4.,25 and $5.00each W. M. P. CORNER HARDWARE STORE9 RINGLE .WHITRY9 ONT BOos BOots sale. il '4-' A t Pringle's9 Hardware <Store Souvenilr Stoves and Ranges We invite you to cali and examine the Souvenir Range before purihasing Il It