Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1911, p. 8

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y "bdkï u4vÏÏlëto teêr.ê in "Ujmay01 t i.week, but waâJ&Ç the opt ' h eltgmcittLA b#rey re uRieltSCtd « boes e D $44 tur hi 'Wur& lU ~ ~ Sps.bi'4 g w1i,i ll the, Pr"* Mr. 9,. smitht. the o Csimat$VO W !âot bothtibaye detterlorfttOd u in b-. oatdtaIde aWeil atteadedr *G1h anut a, a" mi proe ve ii t etii, wuamii aiallun pt sýoutk ,ud ln Wales. Ot. 4Ahaid. ut- metw.. lut. b oae vub bgied'tenotallY. sud are now ce i-da vnt* a.t. udy r11 *red as hardi> up to thi e Vrae. lteLiberai ild ciAa Meeting in i tuà peu are gcarSqiy ae promlsuing ai saminhaitl Wiidl uisIibavel beeft Yry1 aMOnth sue, and wM iprobably not às slnLatury luî pu 't L70aes. Hou. exced ant average crop,1Beaflg a"ril A. U. yieswurUtu ad becu expecetit À .xpected te yild a Itl over he bLtwasuL preBt i wg tu au tà average. Mangoiu are aso repo)rteâ i %.et f tàw. r ok' unchangd. wlile turuipa andsd es <OUgeg' uCi i Laa m.lok- ~ S7generally. heaithy and Vigor- âaQui7uâb was prubuibiy Li eset Re ba OU., thouWb ntostly haekwai'd. eer Ct uc uleL a lUruoKin Ut dicUWcb ý)pottoeg have lmproved eonsidee aana whcn u lu.had inîisbed therO Wiis ably darhug the mouth, and IIow 5p nuu feelingu uirappotîtilt becaise Per to be rei&tlvely te MOut PtOinhs u theabsee ut Uic Maiitet ut J us- ,..M of a&l the cmpi; littie disease 18 Lieu. tu e juîys,,de brass band irpta reported. Raylt e orily &aundanit, sa a euîveueui the pruc"bdU&s except îiii Ocottan. Hops have net ni,pWntalaed thoir Promise of a montit wiUi severili muicali &eICtonis whi4lü g.te depreciation being mostlY wure well appreciaLed. marlcedinlu ent. The promseut promise IL â.auu -,d tth u Troùtuo j» for a çrop aligtly ovor average- to Trentflun ivibionu uthtue C. \~. t. Cropa 0f orchard truit are reported railway wii j#ready for tragie f.a shot eerwhoe.uctober 2ud next, and thaba ieg raitiu rviit wit Uc unaUguraWkiL v TO LNO 0 HUSANDS thaL date. Tiue tables wlciit be ti x1àL naa and 1 qwnd ystrine.mew Mrs. J.B.Stone 1s Ottwa Socle roroat<ù Miss Emateudo ss DouueRleymles Tron ato mnh Mr. themCostoel Otw, but be hpl iss eStvdanobio Suondaywith eMissot trom in two mot,% Forkssabu by alyâ KINSi A court for revising the townshÎP "ei5. & A M-undred gorgutul' Girl Who Ar. Off votera' list was helA in th U. tube Woulênit' Instt% te Autialta cil ruom un Saturday aIît, bis 110#10r'Lt Oe tM, Judge Muntyru prmiîding. b&Xï u il - ay tenooti eIR A tlilrG ot tb. girl$ w-Ul bo marrled - lre appe.ais had been <ttrd, ~ uit' utna*a sud hip tu homes eOt Iteoir ewn b&- 1 Ume Lweutuy-twu wer di5MiSd, <> on ba.Prs; foiet OMl mouIlle are Pa5854. O that, ,fve docision wuis reserved. «'rt< , For-bowel compl Wut Australie, whltller a hundrëd andf 1 e answr dfi etb iL always gIveý COu my fairy be.*ied "tue. land of hue: tuweîve «were atruck -off, and u in c, Cioei d iar banide." The. eils "Dit reently fromIilth appeais, chaffls ini naine ot pilce Mator o11. 0 s and, are Soi*g out under tholui. esidenco. Froin tube politiciens cure anifd hutm aultieof et lb.OVeMont Of Ws.dp<>nt 0 vIew home -was îuttie -' ad sad swoetec la toma Auttrahla. The. girls caine fr0111 vatige tu eiter party. > 4piystcla cs ail prtset, the' United Klsgdom, but tremedy. Foi ale - &ii5Y tom 8Ottand. Tb*y 'barvh ba COPik8ýo ette Piaittaurg (mim504ti)1 36 de*nite poatim offer$i themb ut Leader receiveif boreý titis Vweek poi', »ot et thein *1ii acepet place,:s se iné annoluccemeit 01 the de 1,at*l 01 OH dom«tso, servante ltme ftely ubOu A. 0J. Alexander, la bis 94tuh y"ar. Mr. Harry Sayw tbeir arrivai. "Scores of mtýo h al r lxne a ny fFakSy I,' W le awatlg te .iip at PW h aeM.Aexne a s t ru a~t, ieauti, mudlte West Australien tRie pioneiOti buiifi muen <J! Broilin, parents' alio reaidef (O!#W11meIt Agent, Who wus looklng and 4aagbt scieuR here for a nui bet Cl.vetand. Olîlo,ý 10 "#m ay grlwbo vlehes te becoise a sud tie iste S. M. <froias, fornied a iempted teL luMp JÏ 4psesUo servant wlJl recelve excel- patesheadpucae the - -ui t ami.ea bat, i ln agtet euat double lte a150untta»ru dprh&d a the, culdeamlae. lu West Ame. store business at that,aiu» conduk.ted whlle tie, auto wi UraRll thie mai* populatton greatly el heme by John Campbiell, fater oil Mm. -su&taiied fatal ls4i Oesifa thie tomai., snd ta a prosperous B. P. Caapbeli. In a short tîhýute M . Mi.- -M. SutIerli yuOwt çptry suebl #A At la there are 1 Alexander soif bis abare l'a, thé busi- and Qieta Sutbi ofifed 'tYoung muters Who, "'a ness t Mr. Thiomas and start$4 a visiteif wifthuIiend Iug 960d money, are ainxioutlv bmk1 planing wilt, wb"ci vas b0ui on.hldy Mus., sut LU Wlves. SIX Motis after tis pary bu land lài the State at léast a t1r 'alter. Hie vas a native et -New erk Engiaid on Webni Of tien vili bave towid, husahifs." State, ami alter thie yeams to 4pent Thie <)shu.w Ele et orkbes ad sattRl, er h e retiirled . t tAie -~Ia V lte oies i Uriftetc *11 ~ 4utuie, siulsg sud113f tates and rýesidd in, Mb»utti, thes1i Eleetie Power C( I>* isrits.1lii ult» v.arltinte of bils death, , nenl t ume.411t1t~ ou'is OsAis abl. te mintalu a wlf. and hein 'amog lt isl Ut r' bin$ a-ltIys1 coli5t5itly $ucreasina, but there am mr Mppe ab roÂi:8 a ti ny veI? tew voege lor tiien te **Mrr. seliMo were B.F., Camipbell, 1D. *0111 ho universal %Il oi Ofilte2' partiet o girls wili ho sent out day and tube lato John DryueMI. or Uur5uî ve. 1 evr tomtt-Uit teen ouf t ovela- »lrbe l lae oeo Rs » pabYs wî bar. Tbo arrangements, whIch r 0atu la duniiig Sotmonr oý k-.r034ti h inade by tAie Uovemument et Westrg» earaulg i _- Autaiîa ce, particulariy adyantag PUied fur ILtlabailWt ÇÏiieitherear d toms to tie- girls. Ail that asnppl Choier ansd Diarrbool -auSo> 'la ýA beautif aislr cent, bus te do la to deposit, £à au aprompt sud effeçtui, IL emm a3 a trios lut a ihg ¶ gusrsuutea et sood falti, and this sus îW depeuded upo«Sàad la pRes t 1 wIRh i wu dout te lturuei on reseblus Australib. The ao o ast'~ o t 4aom U~erwiu pay tae gils passpieonge. *ile positions -ama b@lug *ounid 'frweek for iM q' t Oshaw., AU 'thêm, *'W* cmalways disposeofet stuu O - a<ibnctori ParIf of utis befere thep arrima of 091nlb up.e" ' iefl nte, neI.' sh4 tie agent -0h14 and ý ..Rarts lati, ,,co5pritint 60 cmoet iei am1 lp te ýforty4iVe are ailgibRe for LireS utiles frdm,*3055.aw. lrc- thlésélffl e OpI M niaGif. lteoïM *irsIA reside iu thie tfflanBd Tirs uwoe(teî 4e0d te future cheerfully. "'fiero, li Ut1 ta oert4n fei I . A meo ros for usn in utIs4' vwu lmi thueto aloeMI4t Km, i tbauastl Au ila* Ye gouala ary. ,"The~einn bt o;auin seo )r ehhsost' aeu.4 uwariage for us. liscause eux- awekï eld< etiect »4. te baehoo Rdm ttaarts csasot ears enougii tu keap us." jTMO5d*Y, SePt 26# but1 Ils" 9WotgI53O î«41 te1wS5t.Vf tffloal oft her Smpuaslm loi baye doctm, hounte use sale -bas be Re* "-rke bard in Scotlasf su a 4oinestie1 by F** -b &1OW sad asat Ciorl J» l J j. Da*# ýa=Ucoi sale, miver ceIUs kbfid lic. geln, eh* said. r-i lut feu tAie thei lit, is limite 1-was lookl*ug foi-yard te k è e rf wlieq41 ubould- be usared ami bavt C5IM oiss uf euIu box t look uafer. But tbel -VOsior 'pntd tfor 1wm Povke Acf Iaux! Ic aMy ltai thbehave lesou tlga sviaeo )sdy Yh Lii *Wùework ib.y baifM and Çaubt O&ýwOïtdtv dl Q bysethair *aq-te starriua, ie oleidl l*at *4514d bave lovud to A lta As Solaud." nt as wl4oy odrntmd as It ahoal have beUa. 'fie postera wom'e seu tére WATCIMEO IT Rw ti UP u oktln, wwifred te W. J. lui-4~a bsbom ~ç~icrattiir tisra tge r b11 the ~~ St~~wlag~~,Vb~o coavayso. iltd t de- 95tfvBy tbe Ow»M if au ofuas iere il,4 14l1S ytm neletb* Ita tu P, - The 1aumpbs flom 14e*oUtv@h,1 * irlow th atoume v for e &0 vrk i il ho boRd ce ~ Sua u litS&y -rtbe lutp~qgga ~ ~ .~T. W. 1aggottý offutafIs e b ý*" ýMITotI4o , spll Ur.g nd ' 1 ohruftOhea lt h n Rfked.-,i s m 9 are viLs ttri h n w Ur. Erucat 6olê- tt luti week t ith relatives in- gt lunt week for * ms secured a po- 4Oshiawa, spenti_______________ Pearl VanbiL1ken- tbis locality on Monday night. Dur- irned this WviNC ing the etorni lightning struck Mrs. a visit to friends Hartrick's d'welllng at the rear o! the old furaiture store, at tUic corner of d a spratned oziile Kiflg and Chiiieh streets. The roof for »reeor four sud ohimniey were soinewhat damaged 'ing dbamberlaints the stave Siaabed and somne o! Ilthe soon as thie inury stove pipes :were fiattened out, and Mervlng tfie dirSe the Iinates, Mr. and Mis. Simond- tue, a cure eau be son were bad!y !rightened though lnot wo to tour dàys. Iujured by the unusual occurrence- in lers.I.%.thei.r otherwise peaceful abodc.- A fflw fruit tree sôuth -et the dwelling, was ALE. also struck. kLhly - meeting of0_____ M te w ill h o b . -ld as& & >t.28- Apples wantao! &t.s ncien Th@ ýW hltbV Fruit & tamberla1sua Vln 9r ,Çe,. are prea ai t âtet î e to ,ýpurchase nma» ducd it wa*rtu d pples -for -evape pReaisant*t 0 ,; oratIà9i also r e ders bý all1eaerS -6 déliver0d ,at,.,their fac' ve! brotet 0xMr. b -eW"$kt1~ Tbëre are satak thieves around.. in ast îWuk. He-'O , this utelghborhouoI. -On. the nlght, 01 tornobile' zand a1 S':ptember lOt, .they 7visitpd the trom- ltmahie o stable of Mr. _I Tag&at, lot 21, B liai, bad blownb of, F.., taklug a bridie an id.,reinus, ýpmaçti s in motion and aIty ntew. MASO tRie sauie ght visitp als ing M1r E.Haloek's, of lot 2QI ta [and, Misses Anie con., taklng a homen collar- and otiel erlaml, 01f-WbitIW, . alteles. as in town,.oVer the itber "auil sailed foi I Wt1O-food A S1 ýt 3k£I "dY. .1 i là l StheiS Latit.y of odtt eeirlo Lli1it C6. te. but lte *muuýunt dfk4!sted and msùi et te Seymour hled tbWa t ve.srengt4 an& vita ' it 2.'8 ~ ~ tb tueWtIa ~~ytom._ _ eraus Soi The reamosla tuat] impossIble te 4À6I eue a on- ireet em twlnew ,bot, 'are sledt F-ÂLLOP!HlrB Nn yçfQ We would adriSe yon l a a sd eefor youreves th. pains thaâthava e e n taken to, accore the-latest and nmost beooming saipes myd ehlea thé. trRde afforde, at a Most resnable Prime' Eespéetfutly youms, SWHITBY Mr5. L. Sh8arp-e H-LASURER'8 S8AL-E 0F LAND FOR TAXES BY virtue off a warrant uuderthe band of the Warden and the ftai et the C@rtpltou of the Couint>' or Ostarlo, dated te î9th dey off epemberj, c: omoemnding Mt, 1 lt-ivy-au>on the in.uds mentkod lu the followig lot-fo arercf tares thereoli, î:I' ceois as hetrei set forth; i hemeiy give notice that unies such arrearsand coits are «>olier paid, 1 shah, ln ceniplianoe with the Aseàihient Act, proceed tlnoil by PUbit %ltu-îion. the @nid lands, oi so tmuch tbereof as may b. neeessary for the taxes et the -07tàrt' Ilouse, in the Town off Whitby, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER ISTH, 9911 nt the bour off îwo o'ciock ln the aft.rnoon Part W Pt Pt Pt Part s w c B K W l f1E>q CON HI Acres AMCA FRn Acres3Taxes $3s07 FR 2 $2654$3 0 FR 5 12 6 250 F 50oo 632s66 G zo0 15733 2.65 N 50 1536 2 6 NOWNSHI30F 2-AR ON HI Acres axeACt Con Acrs 9axe 250t 10 34 289 2 50 10 50 53ô 287 12WN50I24O53REA 87 Pst Lo~TONAeSIa-OF Comte Village off Guienbark Pt 13 Il ~ 9 66 2 501 Viffinge off Prince Albert Bi1Ptilot 19 Pt 17 5 26-100 5 00 2 50 TOWNSHIP -0F- PICKERING. Part Lot Con. Acres Taxes Coea s s w '3 , 2,1 3 1 309 2 50 * TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Part Lot Con. Acres Taxes Cosa1 SW<I a& 50 7,38'2 50 TOWNSHIP 0F T HORAHI, Part Lot -Ces. Acres, Taxes Comte« S EC ,8 t r 7 64,a So TOWNSHIIP 0? 'UXBRIDGE Part Lot Con& ce ac ot wX2 ,7 % 2-213 1$a50 Pat L:TOWNS IIP,'16 WV!RITBY. ýpat otCon. Acres Taes oqt SpTofN>u -29 1. 598 2 5 l â.6 $35a 6 a: ý Upat 4 14 Pet 13 39 Unpat Io 38 Unpat 5 96 Uspat, Total Pst or Uupat- 549 Pal 830 Pat 37 40 pst 12 16 Pat Totai 5 59 Pat or Unpat Pat a W AeN Xà S 15,~c çsWum t, r .k, y J-Nam Duo. 1 ai jeu*, ot1*.i 4.-Jl Sdr.Set1,1o. J. V. ,1 11111 î PORT 'mVCrJW uu le, May 5,Juey401 Bepi. 1, Iil . 1 Ja. s. 19111.. 4 UXBRtIDGE-ClMerk4 .- .J.-'oo U:bridge-Ja". ,M Areb 28# B lot, JUIF '8.Sewpt. 229 NOV. ? Ja". 12, te1s. IS CAN N1NGTION-Ceilt, Ueo. 8DU May 17, July 27. S* t- ai, NoT. 18, Jas. lit 1018. SBEAVERTOe--C1Ork, Jam ,Gordos,. -eOàetSf-"J aui. 1Ka@ 8,may 14t JURY 28,9 sept. 2,NV IR U tIRGVP - Clerk, DUIêI Leonarde, Atberley.-jan. los paubl si, May, te, JUIF 15, Snt. le, Nov. 14, ja».: , 1912. J. E. FAREWEtL$ Clerk et tI0 PeucO Dasi at Whltby. Nnv. 219t.19. Total Pst or Unpat 9 88 Pst Shorter wonkuîg hou= esd -iurae Total Pat or Uupat saîary s the resut 0 aKeUidY 20 14 Pat Sehool tralning iu, bileiltsao 5101 graphy. Lot us isU -yen 'whY- YOU Total Pat Or UnPamiou"d laite a, Course- o1f Ibi» 444id. 4 62 Pat ___ ___ Totat' Plt or E: W. VANS lCçAy Tiesui . PU 1) anuatur ShO am Iealose ums$re - WIIITBY dio ooms vuomfetWhby Rouie. k pumps, On sort botRo, &ale I'oz sal by al lsr.- THE DYfNl,4 $l<iIFTE. Shue vas pst a wldov&d eleetet, But sb<d dot*lb st sit ceuif,' Aid Ie >O000~ude Sadi>' round- ber deathbed stood: Axid ty aobt>cd te see ber -passls%,p fleeply-, dutituIiy, tee, As lnut iloa lliey mummered, b .-z-x z-z-z.it! bu%-z-7,4t! u-. «'<00 a *11 1 bava leýday; Y<o are -offy 8I>,OW0OM,, And 'l,ê <oiid-,in cols audgrayý. cami you fiiui t41stioQusfeyecil 01, moil" t4l lt okiDu mure I

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