£,W8OTARIO Sqt tmber 3Qth. F si stations in ontaïurki gýn Madaw*asla and West ostatioks on T, andN1.0. Ry.,Haiiey- bury,à ud Northi 5 ItfetawtiIbe Ja4led tNèt of "ECENTPBbtMItA!EUCtIWAV Retura limit, Oct to, i191i "iC03A.LT SPECIAL" leaves Toronto i, *ý,o pm6dallycarTyi,,,,through coaches Colois Excursions Uaily uwiîIOct. I5tJh To Spokane, Wash.; Ntlson, 1.C.4 YIiouvcr, B. C.'; Wetminser, B.C.; Tacoma, Wash.; Portland, Ore.; San Frd'p c.ht5'Im,' Sn T ieç f.a. r lu,',tho' subue pfst M, Q01'LLOW, SMELLIE.-ýAt Whitb', onSeptem- ber 14, 1911, Jane Çooper, -wife o! WIn. Sniellie, railway mail clerk. Funeral (private) lfron the reai- denoe of her son, D. q. Saiellie, 378 Givens street, Toroutcq, on Saturday, Sept. 16, at 3 p.ni. MOWAT.-On Saturday, Sept. 16. 1911, at hus late residence, 221 Med- land street, West Toronto, James W. Mowat, in bits 56tb year. Funeral froin above a.ddress on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 2.30 p-n., to Prospect Cenetery. à iag ftirve -will bù at 1Il W8UaI, a'nd the 0venlng .at' 51185 .kLl8IUW et IOtI tblBwee ta --attend nohooilurroao Mar#. Emlth ' id Miss- M. Wilsoi Mr. A. C. Maepherson,, o! ".ndntc ivisited lits parents here on Monday.- Mms (Rev.) A.E. mointyre, c Toronto, l is itïuag ier parents ac Mr. Wm. Westiake, o! Torýoutc spent Sunday witli M parents liçre. Misff Anelia Water, of Toronto spent Sunday with lber mother ere. Miss Gould, of Buffalo, han oe. vistüng her grandniother. Mrs. u fey. Mms. John lE. Gee, Turoitto, la -nc guest of bier COUSin, frsr. R. Mow. bray. .-.Prison, 'Toronto, was in tawfl -Ga aud Mexico City, Mex. BIBLES IN lIND.qAY HOTELS. Monday. Orne *&y second class. Very Iow rates Recently soîne four hundred Bibles Mr. Leslie Arnold, of Melita, Mau., Pull parliculan, troin any Orann Trunk Agent were placed in the Peterboro hotels was in town last Saturday on the r adrea .. G.[>uf,1>. A, Trot.,or by the (Jîdeum Bible riovement- one occasion of the burilIo! bis father. 1.'-STE PHiENSON Bible for every roufi. t is expect.ed Mr. Walsh and family, wlio have Town Agent for Express, Ticket and that within thbe near future Bibles btn living in town loi: sonie lune, Telegraph Offce, opposite Standard will be placed in thie Lindsay hotels as muoVei to "obourg this week. Bank, \ý'hitby Ont they have been in other biotels ail 0V- Misa Olive Snaiwalbas been carrytag ____________________________er the province Sone of the towns ber arniin a sing fur the past wtwk, Blbilzed in C'anada, are Toronto, the resuit o! a sprained wrist., Hiamil ton, Dundas, St. C'atharines, Ms ap n agtrRt,0 r'hls May Interest You Niagara Falls, Brant.ford, Paris, 1Mme. F, ape an dau ghu w tthe o WC want a reliable man to si-il out Guelph, Oshawa, Port. Hope, Tren-Tontaebenvspgwhte 'ell known speciairies in truit trees, ton, Beaverton, Midland. Newmarket, former's parents, Mr. and Mme. Aira- small fruits, seed potatoes, tiowering Aumora, Thoruld, Welland, Merriton, strolig. sbrube, roses, etc., in Whitby and sur Coliingwood, Owen Sound, Sarnia Mr2a. F. S. Osborîî and daughter, iounding country during fail and wintef and nîany other smialier orésWho have been visitig relatives anu maudis. Outfit f rcc. Exclusive terri.- - frienüb in the Western States, are au tory, pay weckly. present in .New York wit1aMi. (Os- Goo ACRES 0F NURSERY STOCK C A% hm. 'lbey wîfl be at, home about ,ricab, well grown trees and shrubs fliai C S T OI Sep t. 27 th. wiii satisfy your customers. Early and For Infantsa ad Cbildron. Mr. E.(Garrett, editor and propri- -,iood'deiivery guaranteed. Established _.L,&~~ * etor oi the Watrous Signal, was in >cr 35 ycais. Write for whole or liii fIflU ioUulayeO aa 8 u11511 town on 1 riday last on a visît, ta lis pa$ ame t 5 m angr eaW-hbrothei--in-law, C. A. (loodf eilow. 8ills maagerBear theHe was accompanied by Mme. Gar- 9elham Nursery Co., Toronto ature of rett. They wul remamn in Ontario fom a few weeks. Mr. Glirett was fom many years pmopet«of o the The re are 6W pupis in attendance Bradford Wituess. in July, 1h10, ie- a t t<'lî oe col went-west, and bas become enamour- loi I have a wonid of confidence in cd ot the country. He bas absarbed, ("arilb'orlamn's Cough Ilemedy for 1 the Western microbe ail iglit, and usd îl t 'ubli perfect jêcg ' like -moat others who succeed out -. î < % I r s.AI,. Basford, Pooles- there-there is no place kîae thc West -WIULfBY JUNCTION. Ile, AMd or sale by ail deaiers.là . for hlm. Ile .bas demonstrated lits .-"à aith by lits works, and lias tnivuted .23 ~ jk 2-571).811SALE REOlS1'ER. a goudly sumin tawestern eal coLite, 0.7PM 9 3jp <pt261-Nrsas wel as In business., 8.3 P. ni...9 'P-1 Teda, et.2. -Mr 0.W ASuaday trains leave for Toronto v sitl d by auction at Lot 16, Mm. Rolad Garrett, publinlier - -52 a.m. and 8.51 p.m. Froin Tr- Coan. 3à ,'East Wliitby, ail 'of hem farn thc Daily Entertainer, of CraDWýro01 )nto-rlssîj a htyJn tij 14)k and inplemnets. Sale at one B.C., was lu Witby last weckr,, 84Àà and 9-W.m$ r., and 3.30 pan. o' ock. Sec large posters for partie- htiet visit tu lits uncle, .A:Qo UPTON TAIO. ilars. jas l3liop, nuethlneer. teîIaw. Mm. Garret-t went weSt,*ka UP-Tb 8..N.STATON.,~~ ~ ~ ~ p. 2,1~lAcaafeW years ago as -amolte*ça ..554.L ..5 p«'tu.sale o1 bouseliold !unitur, os ro. îi6irt o bau swypê out ieo l.t 4Pitt-.03P l erty o! Jos. Barnet, -balM tlle eat tr o ioyp i STAGES. c!l irooklij. Terms fcash. iWm... law, ml o rnlu lb>l >a Leave Whltby. for Oshiawa at 10 auctIoneer. brook, a"d w"en tabMa was in. g'u swing ho starwe the tiret dîIly'pape mn. snd 4 p.xn. Jos. Hiolden, pro- Thursday, Sept. 2.-Saie o! !amm lu the townu. It was a amali chid ici -tûr. . stok and impleinents, tie property a dasly, but It-grew. -If.la ri «04 for Broîigham st 10 a.m. of Mme. i. ockerluain, at Io b.!., luge yet, but it wil -' gtow blg.r-ý icott, Proprietor. >ckmn. alatoelclock. Jas$ m Garrett uwde alrejo ____ Bskîop, auctioneer. iprIC*&n trade, audAsfl ' ot caiutl -Tbursday, Sept. 28-A tion sale iast1 about the prospets l' u Britie of householil fumîlture, i poe-y<,ounhl. lra. Garrett and 'babg ot James Bulit; »Duke Stroet, Brokhave liera tu Outarle ot - ,ni LqALLs.S ~l.. Sale at une o'eiok. iTerms cash. MoiQ sbut - iiirtns it i Ved lmm mon th for office Win. Maw, auctianeer. GarrettIn l a few ýdays. %vretçt nSatu.i)-t 4!day, Septemaber 3." Auction ,t1ratneU-Iieip art saogreat Sa -ta~ o 4guaran tee aa!"e ohau-sehoîd furiiiture1 thi.prap- MO«. TJilANlgIR E EXjJXT1U$.. cvcr raucrre. erty of Mar. Ueu. itobson, Iuiag St. At flic 4ralImeetint oQu' -ISS fred write for our ;tictoday. C$s Coliege,rooo 1rincnal. d~ wý gphave issea oçtiwst ail ovef ,Mts Or I»rt1y iat it the Caliege. ifm 01 Canada.. 'You to lave#.- 10g. ExelumÎss, th* wertd.fa.ni- itmbooA 14 'blte ,klmb Wns. Maw, auct.îoneer. Wedaesday, Oectr in-m portant auctiou sale et ÇlydesdaI âomes, Shorthomu cattie and Grade, cattle, sbeep, pigs, ioeple an sd liousehold furuture, the pqZp"tyo! Mr. John Birbett, lot No. il, cô. 8, Pickering. Sale ai 1230 'cok Wan. Iaw, auctianéer '-E4.1 - Dotdg., (}ctober lu, l9li-Aucti» sale 01 Wam &tock aud iuiptleUaea, flic prop- erty of A - Hueson, lot No. j$4, «m S.5 Wiubï. Sale at ont u'ctoc¶. WîQý Maw, auci i<me., WeduesciaY. Oetoter fl i..-.uctlosà sale 01 faliu stock and iwpem"t41 > the property o!01 J J.rilWic Kag $tanl Roa, West. Sale t' 12. o0'cloek sharp. Tisn wîlî b. » u portaut sale. Sec large post4mi.Ma simd Powell, sucumoeors. Notke Lo Credia s 1TflE MATER ~OF'z TAT'E t* N£IL-Nlc4u m LivrE OP TUE ri WHîniBy, IN Tif o -OTAIOL, IOurNTY ID8 as! vae ci thoýAiw t Whos 4w g .imm t b à êýt o t 'lacC. P.R. su véytng iig w» 'OvCr tay cred a di inC firont of thse "bk &We idwalk sud inte4tersngt thse est -ma Of! Usoaudwieso. ai tieco.r ! rci "d - ti. *assis Parties cetaumsd Ume roulilssîwg.As taSW inl.W tisr 40 supoliS.pos~ auaas. 7aOtasa tova 1s fia. arOWd t hai 4u a Uê sa "sd especIi*y a)aswt Alter eg it f% better Ifs li s ei tho eud OÇ a tek*ptm~re54ver UlPOU 'tie 'prnts. Tub e tJ, k raln ubtt:"k.lun{~n Eratloi' bec -"Od Ci. Géod muslc by the choir. '110110t', Iorgt tuo clans meeting at '. the. close "o ! the mo. min ' ~ r l e oft Uicmeeting o! thie 'Epwortli >League on Tuesday evenlng thle fol-1 . Iowilln offleema were eiected: of PresldeiitMr. loouis Riohgrdson. "9t Vicýe-Pres.-Mra. Jackson. a,2nd Vle.Pree-M6*8 Jean Mitchell. 3rd Vlce-Ires-Mîss Lille Padgett. cu 4th Vlce-Pres.-M-r. Wesley Ag ustus SereaY-Miss Alice Newport. Cor. Scrt.ary-Mlss Edith Elili. Treanurer--Mr. Smith. Pialst-MWiss Veda Luke. Aî»t. Plauîst-Miss Edlth Ellis. 1These have ail gaven their hearty consent to undertake the work and do n i tebeat they ca-. We are looking "Ur a mont 'iuteresting andi profitable year's work ln our League, and ex- tend a: bearty invltation to aillYoung people to corne and join, us. We cwould especlally like the presence and assistance Of thle Young men. We need thein. The toPic for next Tues-1 day evening, Sept. 26tb , is-"Taxing and Our Banking institutions.,, Mr, DisneY Wll speak on "T'Iixng" and, Mm. Chas. MeClelian, Manager of the, Standard Bank, will address the Leýa-;' gue on "Banking institutions.,! Wîll ail the mnlbers of the Wo-f Meus$ A. B.C. klndIy remember the8 social evening hcld by the clasa in f the S.S. rooni for the annual eleetton i of offioems. Ail corne,h -USE Iraisaz x W prOMlnoyoùU that 1tyour hair i lo.iug ot. 'and ryb havïsiot -let la otoli"y<»u cà n 'relp*l* tbedtn~ a e 4 d o n c , b y - u si n o a 1 " 3 ' Hf a ïr l o l a L h p r i t n y a d e S ularity, for a easonablâ là th"o -tim e . L1 t s a s l ti f ç l a a s g a h tisePtic, gormiedal prèparé-ton'.t1ha destroys ptcrobe, t1zu1ates, , ooýd- cIrculatioln around "-tbcchaw i o,- Promtes hair nour4hlment, temoveM dandruf and restores halz heath, It is as pleagant te use as pure water. and it is delicately perjumed. j# taa meal tolet necessity. We want Yeu to try Rfeuil 98" Hair Tonte wth our promis. thatitl wilI cost You nothtng -unleoa .yu arn Prfectly satisled witli its us. t cores in two sizes, prices 60c. and 8100. Rememnber, you eau obtai Rexatl l emedico iu this commuait1y onlY at our store-TheReal Store. A. H. Allin. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. OwIng to the S. S. rally Lu the .- temnoQu there wIll be no session. of the Baptisi Siday Sehool next BSir day mroning. The School wll meet, at 2.30 p. m. sharp 111 the chool room, and , af ter the attendance l e ,comded, aitourzimeit wtfl b. made ta the church. Will parents of, childronw attcnding this sclool -picase gnake a note o! this, and sec that the chld- ren attend in tle afternoon. Parents are invited to corne witl the ohuld- ren. Arrangements are tndem way for Mnost mnteresting and profitable sessions of this S.S. throughout thse fail and winter. Chidren, young peo- ple and adul-ts n.ot attending else- awhere are lieaiîly Invtted. The Least Fuel,The Most Satisf-aetioi El A a 'eYou WiI boProlid of- hen you cati epend on ypu.r-range' to ma~ every a !ngday . suivs; t~gte_. -bc desir meal prta -Most i !hie1 oterragc wien it comiû-i~e I h ~oa aving imnprovenients ..and,lato . tisl'appearn sail t>hat'-could red--,-such a ranige. you-can take a 1c, t is c.lited, Uice. *IIted uIm*oerOe oe ft ,4Y~tlo ?OPUs1 phW,*derflia Apanet RemeSdy for Cora lpa- dion. aur StomnchDiarrbea, WormsCnvuLà ions.Feverish-' ness andloss or SEPt ?acisue igtur o NEWYOK -A COP W AP1pBga 1 *STUIA Yr _ILfnts'aid Chiildreu. Tus indYou Have Alwayo Bought Eearsthe/ Signature of /y % 1In OP Use For Over Thirty Years CASTO R lA * VMS OENV*US OOMPAMV. N~w YOSU ServiesIl a.m. and 7 p.mn. - This la the fimet o! à meries oi -Temperano. Raily of i3aptist, Mefli- mcmthly song services, and bîds 1&4r aîlet aud Prebyterlan Suuday to eclipse the splendid long servicee Sehools at 2.45 p.m. ta ilh. auditor- et the past . Ium o! the churcli. The deservedl populartty o! thes. 1Mornlng subject --l"The iFlood 'INde sang services is lamgely due to tAs. of Power, or the Overfiowlng Lite." unhting effomt and skili o! the able Evening subjeci :-Song service by choir leader, M. Evans. the chai. A cordial Invitationis extended tu 1.Cou.Programme: al ta attend any or ail ,o! the sur - 1. Chrue.vices. 2. Anthem by choir--"Gloria lu 6., Cornet soloý-Mm. Evans. EX"e118. IV.'notlier great bargan day at Co- S. Maie Quartette, lins' cash sisce store on Friday ater- 4. Atei by cor- Let the -noon, 200. pairs me's, ' wmen'es ad (btes of Itaven be open.$' boyaq, $3.06and $4.00 boots for $1.* 1ornej solo-"Sacr.d llavetes," j>y Sale frOzu1 S ta 5 o'Cloc. -Me. -E.W. evans. Blg ,bargalins at C;ouin' every day. O. ~ Uy~~. P Wteoagoods sand tawest prices al the '114#ê Helped," by Pator. Csh hoos Store. 7 . $ l o -. ~ " H e r M y O r y , o L o d , » e v . . E . M e I t y r e , o f S t . A Id - *19e Laitra ns e'a.church, Bà lmy- Beach, Toronto, 8. AutbIaI.II 6choir-'ý-"Oc<>i.me wU o1dcjiiservice la St. John's ýV 84"U tnto h lb Lrd'1(31> h Ior, a Sunday neut, bath t~ioru1n~, aid evenlng. f ANN r-Sd 'are, firt Store full 7.7 -7, "ý7Fý 1