Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 8

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J4 à('m s ' 0. ~l U W U ofth TOIM~ 6f lb tîao,e t o e l a i . f o r a ~ 4 I i .i Miabll agt uvatlg j cadb apa S1tad A ack of lo o soupe in, »#au'<ai ia 1, odrlgOtbo 7 8 Ouhawa.1 abe -1had on . olika mebI aidewalat - Y U *<> Mr ob uq 1'z ag e I allai Osb- & u a 5004 14 iio t I W Ai auli y m b - -y ,Rf4 r om "a à d pt m be 2 the28 aide i,- atm$phr, aidé#10 Mn Mandg aibenaVII A Poil 01 04, -, =Otto W, 0015lt. 811 M- h bJIle ý Street flavMd, ,Ocbeer r Mr. o Aul C; n eIIViùwott - w« t*stt, btI il. pé L Jii . I ue Tulilst,4 a. WdO.OnByonRE. D (MA.d &*areelu*. 1 bt . o , By on street EGRT io st--Ê .. «Celb#o t sieubre til ie , Jo nb et I Sunday ia Uibridge. Fi e b ta eMs 14 lts gv hnbtana <01 A aubOrf ro bêe tok A i ych, MisaDella Dehart n, rsu= d, p~oa a iaulue.a.a dy 1ý onm y WSY Cuea d King asee, 4 lut vide. Oila et O-e.1.C i Oshawa Pair on Tueàday. ,Morley KIivelI. casor oit Io 011cerib efêci aOn01ickory> street, vest aide, b ego a elndLepsoaeo Mr. Wm. Ormniston and fami) ave The felewing are a few sure as Sz015 ad Wlmn redxned-- wIth watrIenDdsm ay bet,4 h ruyera hri oet " M x. v d B uher n u e ho m e. t at R e cproc ty il carry : ià d » u t iid le Ple issa t o e ,. <et w de. c p i . p s t o i s s ~ a e v t M.DvdBrss pnlg Mr. A. Hueson la giving 5p tam-No pbysa m aupreocriboasbotter - ~ -.OÙ Byrca abreet, eut aide, tromRe.r.SaershedtteGn weeks In th. vesternsprovinces. iag rmdy 'r aeby all dulIea-45. Jh îJ toth ee je Mns. China has returuet home (rom Mr. Jo.. Ilaruett bas aold bis tera.Jh tetsuh ctWia oa sebyaCmlteo o Toronto where ah. bas beun vialt4bg. rertgd for "ale. Où>1 Duffrlnatareet, euti aide, trom dSia Rerm ndEaelu. Fr dmSmrilo aitn ront street south, 4 teest wlde. evM.MaGeorhdDdui*o Mr.Adai Smerlll, o HaAltnMr-n. .Biglil bas hl$ (atm ad-A I 4OGreSreteaiiebve.laeOlll, utbc ssmy' vef ed with Mr&. Somervlle luit Mr.j& Slater lu anl ames.Ou SteetelbwS AW n I wGllbèrt, »Id Oatario Streeta. omtt. istesdheln wee. F h n nd M e h r , Mr. Dick Mgoore'. a m in for sate. And Intends ta pecially assess a a ai c e t d b c c l. H ii i~ o f T n o , Fr îed C h i nd M is. Sh arp, M r. W x. H u ri la o b ad , as P a rt O f the. CO t uon * th e land s ab u t- b s h a q a t r a T r u o u i o!T oro to, viwteewth h h forboding trouble. T h e W h htb y P ru h &tbig dhl by on bhe work and upon v rl v l ~ nlb l r a nt g bl tbls veeM. James~ Michael bas botter 'bar- th. land immedlabely benefltted by pole u s d p oru ty or oca Mr. Wîn. Iligbt la offering bis finlD y neit year than tuis. Ylnegar Co* are pieD 50on, sanal illiiuadoubtedly b. of bus o t. farta for sale. Seo ibis advt. in an- Q.l.....Seds.. mueh g 111Inttotemaziy interested in a. 2. e Utlmaedca ibeorervet iecorgaon ofie aLlier columu. ~~ ~4 p u r c u a 8 s i n a' t hat lii8t iiiik ii te kIlo?? just hat la $150, o et hlc $Pe80tr0n Ch r h uIa ad,- Miss Elifott ret.urned to Parts ai terntmilAppes or vaor4tdîtdozurng it Ietia afor y deeftpotite't borki a pleasant vigit wlLb Mn. and birs. Mldland Times :-"'No more po, e smppOS orarepo 14 14 o f theg lsita eon. yt oroabo.The esltd la ta is.Rv.M.MaQe Gog rne.on Mains -iLnee," gays unullîa 'i ow'n ordltInapalso for eider, Iir e tre eothe easuits obtatindspeclal rate Jper foot (routage la 42c. iovrhscoutonvtteOr Mr. Chas. (Iroat liait a valuable Couneil. The Mayor oi that Lovai aug- dulvered at their faa trom the Association Day Book: hog kiiled by lightning on Sept. 2. geste that wires De laid unuergrouu. >20-M atteadace at building. I L weigbed naaly 00W Ibn. sn't i ime tue powers taLi e ai li- tory. yrca. Mrs. Darlington bas been visittng ed a hall. in Miciîad reganaaag Ut34wl))~gynsu cass with ber ,son In Alabama, N.Y.,, aa idltshguremesî. of ownstreet.s witl un- 5,900 tase pysiucalarsse. witi f riends n ilufalo sud Toronto. uiglmîly poles and iabyrint.bs of wire 7 UXBRIDGE. 2,800 use bathing privileges. Mr. Arthur Johaston and George k'IC&AtliNu. WiLb much surprise and regret to Educatlona- Joston bave ret.urncd trom Se- 'l bus.Lw Lais olOa nis ara nouteliAs coigregation, 11ev. 0. C. Uray, 400 ln educational classes. land whero Lhey enjoyed a raouttm's ia&&e flre tu j- A. u'Ç0IAL»or, ut pastor o!lb. ilaptiet churci, an- 1,M00%t educational leamures. "ibit. vtambY. lie uut>s not givc up pub- iiowiced au fruaday that be bad te- 3,800 use readlag roorn. Mr. 4rchio lilgbî spemat a few dnys Wiiu uaa.mî ext faat. ceived a cal f rom the Baptist cou- Religlous-D witm hies ssters, Mns. Anderson and i. .ouglas, ut Matxesoza, spent gregation at. Niagara pais, Ont.ario, 60 la Bible classes. Mrs.lBatchelor, of Toronto, durlng a couple 01f osyâ aitaÃœe borne of mrS s. bab bic sathe um adbeo a.ccepbeil. 1,300 ai religions services. l.Ii LLJ.L AL .t Exiaibiuom .. uti ng. kle waà accompaiea on Mr. Gray wul commence bis<lubies on Social Service- N DUIE 111 RO I 110. Mrs. George Countice, of Wiaton, bis retura DyiMrs. Douglai and catiu- tâte I7th -of Sepiember. Durla6 bis 3,300 social g,%mea.*a bas been vuiting ber siter, Mns. rn, wmmo bave becs hoiaying beSc. four yomnu as piston aofithec local 2,»0 at Social gathonings.18 1 0KU q Pereman, and al. the home of Mi. airs. Wyman and Mrs. Tuompsois, cOngregation, he bas been very near 80 meli found boardlng houues. Iç I J as. Skinner. of Whitby, spent Wedncsday witb nor to tihe mnirs Of bis people. Asaua 60 men found holne in tbe building. Mn. and Mre. Thos. lloutiey, vho lmiter, Aira. James Dvyer.1 ardent vorker ho viii b. muoh miss- 30 men fouud situations. mdeln thrce thlchasw-lu ud8py have becs visitiag aId ecenes in Ezig- Iîegld Shirley la atteading the ed bÃ"th by thle churcb and as a model ________ SICI ie 51 olwl oe 0 land for six weeke, are cxpecbed to Whitoy Collegiabe Insttute. ct"z. Mr. .Gray vas ordaîned ou aches wfeet et Raldn -nhlpa arrive back at the end of!LiAs week. W. L V1eau:liad the mistorbune to this Mabislret pasterais, and dùrna O eaLflî ro i.%: i camitse uri 11ev. Prof. Lird, of (,uee's Uni- joue on. ai bis drivers lut voc. bis abay here »e fine new church vas t Lte rotlf vcrsftY, Kingsbon, wîllA preach in thei. toê>ert iound baspurcuasea -frein pubhealta compleblon, andl the ment-F wk Siht« hre Prtibytenian Church sext Sunday et W.. ltlchrdso tuc latr'» i> berahlp vii i aso shov a cousier- the regular service la the atteMioou.- acre farta un Lie base lUse, and lbas ablle increas. Niagara P'alsla J a TO THE ELECTORS 0F SOUTHI t i D titMn. Qe no w er h ye o l c in a b s f i vu t, large Place, a d the po s bilitles for N R O.b i d m 1 tnp o Dtroi lat wek. hey u- iesry Moore, ofthLe lirock kWgna, m9ch greaber vork may be accomp-tl ng. joyed their brIe! visiit to that pretty broughtIntlao aur sanctuln on ilues- ahdOhvAgut1i'1i border city, where tieY bave a lot of day tour specimeas of applea f ie is.JmiaWag rut tth Osimeiha t g stda j15l"1111e im Wqké .Im froends. Alexander vanieby, one Of IYhich' late George Wagg, passe away atL vitibion»Quinouaiy extended Maag Mrs. 1BaIl, whu ownse Lh.bouse os measured 13à iluches la circumfèence. the resideace of ber son,;o i.dhms etnge yfIo iièi the corner, wesL o! tie station, la To jualge frein tilese appies Lie appie WcOacaon etUbleonSna scldaiBoliuneti.aa having It alil made over. Whea tuis crop l sot a fallure. lsoDfeaedvas 88 ear !ao iue eonuB *In Aaaacibouas.~BfVtIL cotsL house le ftalsed Lt vilIumaire a great bar-At Lie Genteral Hospital, To- md bad alvwaya eajoyed go"d iealtb. AgAtlb 21,--t..a.ginco- U-@ impovezunt o b. orerrote, on September ist, toE 1. L. Uer huabanal vas a veil-kaova p«.t-est, Seuil Ontario as au inehede. 1 MrS i-aYcraî t and daughtens have and Mrm. Chapmaa, o! 436 pape ave., songe 0f1bte bwsl pt ispotre i.RgtHnrbeS .smàs kp.h.algm been camping .at Boaventon for Lie a son-.sbll-born.aLm thsda, ee r g. Wllfrd Làunier, sud a no blier Aays cspfIL .WIse aa past Lwo weeks. Mn. Hayenafi t " ae ola tcodeac n .&Wca bbpac aah - pprpsd cpoliy Agremel Mr. Taylor motoreâ out on Saturday Chamberl sCough Remcdy InIfodlitr-ongTu1day afiRd-et4 , P M bl, ti.Coty s. a en and speat Suraday there. Miss Nelle haVe und iAtbhi Pceti susw.a 000lloed hi- a good nuxubex tcâmapr eclldleelre HaYcrafttretunned vibi theni. Uie ia .I ufnl ol, reasmi eav.-r of tn o d eSc w lUu t e r our T. The Whibby Baptilit Male Qutartette ville Mrs. l .o1.sale bi- mli eds d telets.l5. m«.tiàa-d éle UrIrthemtroeut will assuith Le service in th ap As usually ireateal a uprainea plai ....---- ac urpaeaa liata.a tiat 'burcb sert Sunday, September viii dIsible a mau for Qreeor' tour Tbm fla m«oarrb lun th".««J« 01 eue" efthl.e s",-goenu ai 17Lh, aL 2.30 p.in. This quartettehla,, veeba, but by applylaig Chamberlaharna lerLbdu'U QUWd<lla sPt .ands~e ieBuiEmie ellts won for ILseif as enviable reputabion, Liiiuiuib reely as s sea u igjury sternum. wa m u as oMta e Wp of.hecuîî l sitpur. 1voud mu- .-A -11oal_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ sud ctbAsamlly' bave tm t>1bc -j cac a frelu rpih la e al " Iatgiv ea strtm g bà u i taistay p rev alle t diu ln g S o t m b er la f o nt i t. T b M al).. stase.n Tr a te r a . * c o u su, 1 T t-) tà gysW m Cham b rlain s Sto_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __r t.t:a4inhu nid Sun uotsif ew teks.g ta~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ra Letssen.Mr.< sproa"nlb Ca satore.l, Toronto. olda bi vrI udti.pae aci and Liven Tahietj ayWriorate tbis nl ud,. oi- l Vladlcabore ,iatùutte por«o.la al fs utOrnacb snd liver sud ensile tDe toPrompt and e8.La.j. It m& osa teedtr no àut of ntu« en ., a le'- 1o VOrform iltoîr fuaciion n&aiaày. b. dIpeadM oal P&a i laplêiiii o lata WU -uag<ttsck uoM. F2MCMSiK*8 teTOBOELý -i1140' o1thboe umtm*0-1s P~or sale by ail deaers.-là. taIS. For s"leby ail deslo.-h5. sl p M.. u"SCN8DiUEIw. is L sbaost, . IAt l«4ýabosfrs WIIYiIREr ON THE 1SIDE. .r- . M ... fritt Terrible dry veather we're having. T$MYRc aetgusyLE. o dcýWiauu$*$Uos vb eclti Ut.- i etU bs guess weater tmw mult bsve *Uattacli s mmu se cr ovd b a p&«mCâIL4 a ýyUMO 0,i5 M U&ýM I gos '~ w ater inzu us bve M n a i lir. . C oUuad a i so rk o mt *lle o vai regua.,,» IM s ov Iue a lt !s elt$ vlg t* 1 u. £ O L S ~ pp ~ J 4i I passed alocal option by-aw. Hl apet te olidy vti> frembslan Bu. 00S S a y a tot Um 4 <btyl t W .. i l~lu ,n04tbIh t i w*$i us bt*# U 4 aL. . - A nulnher frO e re hon.tok us To- elra. RCmiei a itL.f<g.pes. ti N"do oveu. s- btpl eu t t, i àü Ii o"Moto e ronto Pair, atIeast altmycua u t'erllvstivt i a Libers' CeMML. Do-ata. lM.t. F. b. r, m., sl-ai ha. tILcud f».c Tooe.Uy,WtdIt iWb. M gteu6Wsai. elotve rpl bbi 0517beor 1I1 am.~wr Afnber of young ladine a oual tr aid t. lu. Par, c CI*,- «ics Rexli ultMdra a p el*a A ! P.W~ liokmiare gettlng te b. quit nt, vte lgost tU s.l MTak. 1 V Vpa-snoVtaomilyPisU e r tsRio flue*nt speakers or, thi, eircy enyhutvm.o.es» frVtac b-Mai-Mor Siml 5o mibddIO4 a <suttybO$ . '. ~t __ su Osustl o.VrMay im vue . 1ble UMd 5 lala1 o.s.< .. ~ s.i. s.~. M . omrttve vale imail p p 4lla f t. ý «tn mii. baa' - <sM "MmLIBER A LS" Mî0eti0iU "M"M<Ste - m.Ua" C I.a, APUBLIC METN wilbhl Masonie MiBOkl On Im muD-iemb ab L. 4às ioM ý Juii., no lm., Vl,8 Jur- , Opt. 18, Os. es, lb. lime. 1, Jet AI ASA. lea là J47 o -CI 0 â, si 60M àL. lse àeal WbAIp-J5s.IL . Moe#.o ,et 4 ol p%à&* <S. 10V taIme S, as.£8.Ua Ma I ' SRUI-CIUS2, bM&. 11 Nol. lue asvoI# »AIL i~* . a 4, Judy S, elt. 40,Js GaI, îlw18.k . a PORTayne, Ry-chk .Wsept es-ov bJas. 1# 1912A. UXMJE-CIOrk, IL J. Boot Vzhrui Aoe-Jaa. ASmatc003, Ri- KoIRn Juildi6, 2pt 8,L 19#.moi. Jas. esloi. 15,JJas. FAREWEAL. r BEVERO.lenk,, Jisu&s kM.m mted J. .isAeWELL0. aloi ai 11111-, Nov. 8111, 1,1,. Es W es~5I~ Pump lanuatare- , ;Q4, sMd Iaces l ,18,u348M ne %tu. domora vet ohWhtb R MMn pap. a- te bu" moll, is snfor lteebuetsuleai âo gseha agne aa M& i4r Saft<l ý Jigat tin &ual rem, o 0 cl4na MO UM NT WlinagsgI(II~tmi kbVII s e e pIa POO a.sind aont- ýAn1Invit MIAÂTU":COALi *whigh ia.DL tobe' ofel tor, Noi -esiýor ta B roc erUouni &ME2 RU edistply ,tby, Ont- -YOUNG, DRt ysleian, i by tolepi Light, nec .ADAIL iStroet,1 87,aB M

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