Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 7

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- wt io h'5an -g'Igo th to maeIIs way,-Tisoselot. -No. 4. Cagary, -8ept. 41h, 1911. Iff>' dar D.-d:- - 1ôo wtli ,a'e 1 amnstillin uCatasry. Il i.m iot that'l atm' particutlsiz tat w th te owil, bt.1 Ihave been knoc>ing Rbout With 1Mr. lenick .and fllbdlng nut bomething about the count.ry. You kn-'w 1 W14 dYou lunuay firat letter tisat he andi his thrte non@ were on thoir way oui <n takeép ii one of the Ç, P. R. lrrigat--dl lands. I waa out ta hie place laet Fri- day unad stuye't ovxrnigiut wlth thein SIt lP ;Ilat Io'aalled a a-ady--ade faim.'lise Cnaallaaîi Pacifite wi break, isarrnw, seed sud f(èuo fa-unsM511 res up. a-iil put up buildinigs. and bore a welt. go tisat yoîa r-au go right oaa thei farru with the c<rop growlng ant i ti i-irght Intuîyour bouse. Of cuorse tlaoy dont do il for nothing. but as you cati psy for t in- ton an- a unli aitalIsut t nions îvaîh the ten lu a;tittst for the land, it In eprend over pretty- siIl. Mr. Renw-i-li rtckonn the tar u wil-carry' lItf.r,]!alter the s.~lt~ il4, iq ail ahustba tic ovtr tIae Ofitit.J na- - ý nuýanyurbat§ démontration fartas1 4 a by. aui tbuy have pure brui- tire-s -A'ffitai1 ate bra-teulaof île-stock, ,whlch sefree for setiJers' Ui-e- MIr Rt-itk Iuucw soine people a-ho 1, 1%% i-oattuiu-o and that Ia ah>'lhe ftM14-01t 'l, iy uay lt i the' irrigation s if,-16t, iuratic-r agairna' the lois o! the' - rop tiriitgh la, k o! moature ut the growurîg lima- lu 1908 natta wure over LIS biahriis tuthe acre.,iahent (0 bush- ewa-nd bariey 91. Mr. Charleton, Who bas a place near itratiam-ru'. isys that 1910 was thé dri- Si sesatmn for sainy yeare, yet ahl thc peupule round taarebilsod nme sort o! a aitop t-ien si-thout lrrigâ-tion. With Jr- rÈgsrn tva tht' faîl they are Pureof o! uad (rorps. >eople dîlter as ta w lien thse watt-r liîortM be letainl from the irrigation ta- rîiam P. Y lUmbrite. a-hohbeas la lce rieur' Oietcten, soya conte people dont bettove ia putting thae aster on newiy- cea-n land, but lie neyer eatI fluer oali than w here ho did tinis lie says that thé east. taîne lu irrigate le taté iu tise faili when tih. trope are off, and in thé @pring. Qulle a few peopie axe soins lu largt-iy for growing viigar beeto lu Ibis ditrIct. They gww a- ' pied qua<.ity and eautiail i hey 'have at $5 a ton an>'- where in the irrigaititta block. This block la no <'mal thlug. Xinlafort>'miles sortis and sentis sud 150 miles east andl wr-st. There ai-e 1,500,00acréo inlit. l'u strithlie irrigation canai on thé train a couple o! heurm before yen g9" te Cal- gary. and it certainylo oto a big vrerk. Tis a-y > it la the larget In thém west- eru hoismsphoe. It coeai $5,000, émd thu-re are 1.90û mles of diteliees Imaginel If they wcre put endta bend tlaey would reacis froua Toronto te 1'ssoou-ve anad býi0K ont lte tilt>Qçean At ilisit And It la said Iliat lise tompauy iutend te spcad $12,.000 morc lu extendlag the The couutry la bulIdIng up ai a tre. mcndous rate. Aberta lbas a poputation of1 400.000. and whcap >'ot ge thmutagh Ipn the riNewsj 7011 euwod«t beM la au eîoweul ava>'. Yoru would ttInkt at thatre would be more hots -,&aofs th* raiway t-as tiere are. But1 wien POU tila a t IAIbeils le blgger than tb»w France or Qemair. -and lc*w"ei1eZ.g . thé Brittob Ides w*Ith tbofr »tIieu0,I la easy te naereaniUset tib t t»o ies . i.y otrecul xfoi400.M 0 'wtbet eercro*4- 'Bu Et jugt toeshow how tbieronotry ares un Use Provine 0own te, - vWiie- wius*t, wbtte Lu 110 lier, ver *oems Thmtasoi5g ecue. Leît >eS., berta &1oue. Tln' y e Uat SMMS w«O abut .h asmeum5er f net*II7 Gî,êà1, attata "d tarepe *b è.s*Uonprovinces-kmWp ace viii 4u 9 pe~ult a lo ie m tt2(- S ihe areopin u*- s.>' t 1 ML.,a t 't *~ô*lrn'Id»~4 ~ ~ t-~-~are- bi a 1relu mâ5 *té f *bow due- tore. *ho, àel g q~I 1e1t diiPr èý tfl9f t. l If you would 9ead iti' iaper o. n tue-1iiole Jobza'oýddrsm. tÙeanha very mUelýfor sendtnug t - have' U*aà#1 beencgiàd to get It. Làove 't-6ever1one AI -home. JIM. A GRAD UATE» SClLlE.1 Ilow Orders are Passed Ajong ln Germau Regiiuentis, Criticiani in tise Gernian anmy adaptB itseif-te the rank -,f tihe citieized with an exactness wbich ÃŽ&is Ihitstrated by the folloving pas- sage frum a recerit book by L. A. IL. wylîe> entîtled "My Gerinan At the mnanoeuvers a certain regi- ment fa)ii, let tas say te dîstinguisti itself. The general cais the colonel t~hum: 'bieber Kamerati, a littie more smlartness is neces-sary ; tise men are tooe slow. I sbeuld be gratettil if yotî would tee youx_ . way to effeet- ing an improvemeht,"l-* They aa~hII Ib ooe calls the uiaJor tohi-' - len~-a~e, hexecelley bas expremed 1but d1#satifaetooer the ,ýoouteof -tis - itops. j Tii w;teli.d or*bLag an&, s1ovesahue truist yôts 'iWill aW~st xnein Correct- itag these failingr,." Tise majr aite; and--callitiie e Ien, tie olquC1isl fiior with thse diarr*eul uman- agement cf the rmen. t le une-anti mus-I nnt requet yod, both by Nvorti-s andi examples., to bring tiie re4wtent backto its oldsmartpess. Thia sert of tb »ing cannot go on. It is the Siuty ef the yéun1gei eof- The captains t-o the licutenants: <Tise colonel la besides hbùnselft about yésterday; nee a sc Tfie% eadine-, and beh&,v4or_,of the -men,- were -ieeatb -a' -ýstioim. Therc unutb. an improvement ine tilxee ittý,rS. t as the duty of eltte~t-- ne'. lieùtenantis to the under-of- ficers : ,4 Wrhatî s he miatter with your men? Miserable performance y-es- tentiay 1I'Can t yonibring theni up Io themar'kbetter than t-batl VUpon m,7 woid. Vti ashauxed of the- bot et i yoand if Ibere isn't a change for thée better iu le-as thâon neofxe~" Tis, untier-officers te, the men, «,Yon $ote, yen doîts, you bhe.p'a he#ds, yen- - But the Enizlisb bangtsage c&nt»t keep eaôéwîtb thé inllder-ôfgcere' V =-lay It's, peculiarly rich. CUMULATIVE. Litle grains ef short Weight, Vul iticrooked twist Fil tise land wu4th zeagnates And philanthropiasu. Whet-ber thw- cern b.et fcld or new growth, it muet yleld to Ilol- lowa.y's Cbru Cure, the. iUMplesti andi beit cure offeredt t the publie., It Teutifieston Ifer ~ D Thomas' Ecloctric OÃŽÃŽ ueo«u né e timonial et its powers otlie* thsa itueif. Whoever tries it fer èough% <-r colds, fur cuti. or contusions,14f>? sprains or brnus, for paies in th*o lumba or body, wehl know that tue modicirie provea -itiself and neetis nu guarantee. This shows wbsy tus Qdl in in gencnul use. None arc oc blind ai thse wbo are visIionary. MaiaLinement fer «ale ityWwbW& A ùm n t<eWea ,tit,&rtt andi studied the. bill of lire. Atter hoe "dS further stfi'd it and lëamred it, iii beat, ho ioepati.nthy sap Iiii gluss with bis knite. gait iwaibetween that et,* eansd »i in<$4sïivese , ui t bo ber' fully tWo minutes tW r&a.hisî RBave FOU f rog<Ps le ,il* b'ê nwd.ds s»hrpIv. '"Dar me. ao, sir," *boxqý'01*1 m. sd, smirking. "1*m obliWd o,,wuII, tus -ýw&Y on accougït olrrius* tusm.", fTyFoe" Sct,.oble two egpg. bý 1 A 00 ate wt b.» rcted lu the Prince Ruperi Mospitai, to the meanary e!tis V"Cwouv0r's board d!liai atth tr<>ke oeti I p LNdosit is. ""Rueai.i prIiaou. dis el Prqea 'cfthe G reat West TIÉ Àotwas soldin. tpethe other In Ohuhîiwack -the. resturants ha~ve to pay a lice nse.- 0 An outbreak ef rabie. 'le féared in New Westminster. SThe building ci coke ovens still continues at Passburg. A wireless instrument bas beeri installeSi at Sapperton. 1 Vancouver is complaining bitterl3 of the smoke nuisance. Port G<orge citizens have organ- ized a volunteer fire brigade. SA bridge bas been built across the Bulkley river at Olentanna. Mrs. Bulyer recently sold a ranch of 160 acres ne-ar Hope for $17.00Q. Fruit frim KarAo is being exhibit- ed at thç varieuz fairs in the prairie proviînces. The Agricultural Society, of Sal- mon Arm intend to purchase ground ini t-he district. The electric line betwetn New M'estminste'r- ùnd Vancouver Ïs beîng *dotble tiacked. The Dominion- Governmrlent - e~el'r.uhing 1eit fo6r'Nanairno -wiere ah. wiil be ovenhauled.7u >Th«. upper --Fraeer eand .the Nieth&ar'O "àe esti tisirig, and the naviagis now uxunterruptedi, A>,tew-large th-ee storey hotel is to be erected at Coalmont, in the R Ègn»d ate h4î beenappointed manager for Sir Thos. Shaugh- neesy',s ett tSmnrà There waB .a 'potâto, famine in Ropsland recently,'and a few ibld sp da brought five cents a pound. Mo"sqitoes caused '25 meni engag- ed in railw.y coùetfuction. on the Eootenay to quite fMi thrfi- day. 'Twô htindited atd-fifty men for railway work-pi'eented tiienselve£ at Lynton du ring the past week. Sub.atantial. Govirrnent assist- ~ne-li~ ben prois~ Wthe Peo- ple of ICootenay for the -ine, itdus- try. Fowler and Lawson,. IlOf M Witt, have securEdtbeottot the hospital there for the suM c f $19,247. The old wha.rf and dclnnery builSi' img at Queen&6orough1inýi Islandi, bas been totally destroye by fire.- Efforts are -being uet have the Gove'rnment telePuhoue lift e e- tended f rom Fairvie-w t0 2nek' Creek. Five hundmd imen *re' pregs.utly. employed by the Kettlé Valley BaiIj ,way on construction. *I>aOve 1Uock, ASIvices froin the nort are to 'ihe effect tiiat s3allPi>x i. delaylng the work of J. D. CW9p'. liPPer ~ thatk-he tôtal pack of salmon this season lu Britiih Columbia will be between .700-0.00 and M0,000 ceu«,. Mls, Maggrie Mackenzie. of K1~ tter ail whicù'ihe can c0niwele with Q1Ytýis -Mary or ueen Aléxa'dàe' A GE NTJL.ATIIVý ri- tRI1 BABY Stomach and bowel. troubles je the cause-of .,iine-teâtiheofthte,.aik~ met--r 't hhl ittle 0ne. ut fie,. Lf thée' ittlt tétomach a bu*eIs bç tapt iglit and btiby w' b. apy h h althfy and strebgý The Rf1 ure lil-d safe xneane ef keep, îng baby's stomacb and heweiî su-cet andi -regular je to gir. hiwl 'an orcasional dose -of B.eby's OWn1 Tablets. These Tablets are a gen- tie laxative, tbey su-ceten the stomalch, regulate the hou-cIa, cx- pel worm.s, break up colds andi pre- vent or cure the dozens cf zsL1mentE that afflict the baby. The Tabieta are soiSi by me-dicine dealers or,,by mail at 25 cents a box f rom The Dr. Williams' Medicine C., Brock- ville, Ont. EDIBLE SNAIES. Paris the Grcat Market, Distribut- ing 1005,0005000 Annually. Sna.ils are not se poptalar as an article of food in this country as they are in France. They are net very casily digested, accordin-to a writer i.n the Dietetie and Hy- gienie Gazette, thougb be alec says that they are "a nutritions andi whoieslome food, especialiy uben kept a little tinse alter gathering andi pu-rged eoftth. possible injurions vegetable substances they may con- tain. "The gre-at anail market at the present time ie Parie. More than i0,o00,000 are distributed there an- nually, of wbich over 80,OOQ,000 pazs througb the Central.,Market cf that eity alone. A goodly nmn- ber are exportedti t Azserica. France et berseif cannot asupply the demanti but looolts te Italy, Switzer- land andi even to Genrianv to sutl- isfy in part her requiremerits. l"Those ^,experieneti ay enail- breeding às easy and ineXPeniVeý andi that fortune-s have been,.ma4-e eut -ot the business in France. I one takes up sriaila commerciially it 18 indispensable that he breet ihèibem andti scari b. very ecorionicêl;y ,dcne. "Knoingthe cnstoms of anaili ùtngcan be eaier tbari te -estab- -'it Ilé apuor ,nailiery for whole- ins the. counftry, a;iiit7 l ae-t possible, damiup or ê"asi iigeted .tdiseretibi. fer damùpbuéaIli, 8 lutk-ly necesaary tÃ" n -f ail thut le xieeded. tSurrôundthe. -Penwitb s# fenue jngý ùl'very fine weave- -which muet alec go under -gtoun7 t t adepti of 0.30 <lotmeters te prevent .tiiO eccupants eftape. . lt às e bot. U border,,tb-e Pen £1 Lie bettom -It tarreti plunks, preventing &il pos> "Builslova-cool andi shu, *potu Plant Iitt4-o urubi)et cfbeo -athxtfmiU* XtiFc>Bqx à d mtly b l _ el y, c1 eaý t i ïbn e iét e xàt1Vhie, r ad J-CO Trade Mark. ,t stoc9ed them, enà 25' 1r CAL COMIPANy IOÃ"NTREAt., 2J FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. SK C GWSOff N E KNOW9.ý M want t Blla fana, coo.,,ull )u want to buy a f arm. consta VE saine of the best Fruit. Steî ý alu or Dairy Fama in Ontario cee- ri.gbt. V.DAWSON, N inety Oolborut Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. NT8 WANTED.-A study of othel ,eury propot§itiona convldices ai )ne ranl equai ours. You wlIa rgret i il a ou don't applY toi lare to 'ravellera* Depi.. 2v St., Ottawa. ýPLOYID iMEN OU WOMEÈN, M~ ou wibih to make Pive Dollars dal antce of pear? If go, consult J. L m o., Lnatc,, Toronto. ' 1401mii lutrea te friha ysa e andbl fInxÈ nWr thyotbo A-DR ec ib=OA.lyoutdrugglat.4,os pot ye- - men. w. il mail-teir A attle.dri 9ebâ!ï- taken place-ut - NAtIONAL'DOUO a CHm1<'i XildeenxO ilJtàn-hfaibç. AS~AOA Lime-tz. fM :Chaile Hogan,- ntesepl- , chose rider, bas died at Curragh. YOIJNGER TI{AN SON. Fip - mîm naine-Dermodt -waà kili- An amusiog inçident happened' A cd on the raalway àt Kil enny. somne time ago ionie of the Paris 1P yo Ring George gavé £1,ooo to b,.-courts ..f just1ce. A vain, haughty. distrifrüted for the -béefit of the. woman was calleSi as a witness, F oF poôr of Dublin.- whcàn the magistrate inquircd lier' The *omýîi of Belfasti and,- dis- age. -r tnit itedtoQue~ MryanIrsh Twentv--e ast August,' I and . pra larce cout tatin. - a Iis promptly re-plied the lady. laice couat-traing * , . - Dering 1910, 32,457 nativeso Ie-maenewo t nes akanepledgeH Land emigrated-17,737 maies and rnn h toc cnNIde1,,0ýMIzth-at he was twenty-se-ven years of 14,720f~mals~ -.age. A ig- ea"s"iu *iîjài " Are. vou relate-ci te the hast wit- tiiit Ag reporte i ro te saerrr Lirirqnistrjth- - - e 1' qierieci the magistrete Rricl Lisùîre -ds ricS. es; inm her son," he replied. Albert Since 184É the cultiyàtéd area&of ic.Alh" mused the magistrate,- Ireland bas, dwinded from about "yciîr mother iùst have marricd LT N E 4,000j$il0 acreh teo ,000Ã",00û. - -' very for îg." -Thtbughb heiàèttftek b *'daballon the che4t, ý boy ziarnçd Hickey, of The destruction of' the hou se y KY*'tIÀ s4uaè, Cork, bag'died. '- is apuiblic duty. Aimost every AY - Eftên eidea ~eunts'on ti~<American State B-oard of lleulthil 5 O'Uýieneea~tMUnbpTp is carrying on a crusade against ê ES perary, haebe estt.- hini. Ris fi1thy origin and habits, A.ev, Neta& single case et intempce=û andi t.Lxe fact that hie body is geii- get bas be-en tniet i n the Rosa Pettey crally la-den with disease-pro:diie- to-day. Sessions districts fer six ment-bs. ing germs, makes him one of the C. 1.Cc The people ef Drogheda int-end greatest enemies -of the buman Ç Al"' starting a tannery and te put $25,- rce.-ftehuekeeso n 060 capital in the local boot fa-tory. ada will use MWilsôn's Fiy Pa q efreb Fruit growers iri Mid-Arxnaigh and-' persistently, t-bis perdl would be South Tyrone are having ofle of the tremcndously reduiced. 6 ses best seasons they h&ve had fer many PU yeare - -'MUDDLED. Aý schooner was eunk in collision 'Can 'yen LIl me (hie) where IVse with the steamer Earl of Erne in IB-flrown, thi. sb-schoolmaster, ment.' the Irish 8«o, but ber crew oet15livà'ms "eob were rezcsred by the sttamer. , -hy, yolremisbBron, s t." rea Theful- ppultié'.o Irlan te "Yes, but, b ang it ail, I 'don't &i! years eugo was 4,468,778. 'In ithe know where I aÉin." -WALI intervenîng de-code theio' bas -43. eon Oaabsc a deoreuse of practically apeaking, flESI AND) HEALTB M TO TIMER Alti>CIILO 70,000. 0--!MS INL-iesorsl, valit;as 1)%<I. It is: propesed e t<> have long Jxoat- r S] WXTY V" S b !lLL Monte. books available, to/flh dilîdren out TEWrNQbith PERVI3CT S CE.SS.- It of the Antrini Boad wOterworks1 van% t -41) W colaCYBand Belfast.,This ie <swingto thse. n- la sthe"b.-fti-edy fo >lrRCE.i ea. ber. cf accidents) WIMch- la.ve bap- sÃ"1nte1yh*iè S. rp, paud a qt ~hrs peneti therê' .reeently- - did. TWenty-fve ceitao i .é Llerck lelud s*wo'nr ei e è. THELAWýVERV' CHARGE. e7cced ts bexnig itue fi t fane9- . Wife-' D.on't wor- :Men hjaire been returned f6r Ln'yda,- h ug' hrge wzýS decôa.ing ha neêfh ~r éaryt Dejendanit <môodly>- nw-C deiyiise sye'j'huh ie 'ht t i- awyerB exargp. 'baht -- ~ ~ toÉ thnafalny2 1 tbinking abojtt" ) iO os B e£ S vfct f thse -t t -tJoseruh. Levl, 1j, 410 Iéerain Ifruise, Gen,- ut~ tleen ~*ebal«' h , ea b> Witur' irti~ ~0rt etr»st itee*ioia'.bya O<Whatdkl s u otungyr làA bePOLIýW1Ttih _4 W*@mot~.u~oê> lW*.it f$~or Wy cèdet Mrst .w ëedaphs<w w1chiI Itbt ýî & wa. "TH,- hh&h'S Our T Igp W iif y or My ga# - 0 *hilei- 4O4 0. 1~ and FARM SCALES.' Wilson'e ýale Works, g Esplanaüe Toronmo rNTS WANTED. A LINE FOI !ery home. Write us for Our choici 1a-gents supplies. We have the st agency proposition in Canada No outlay necessary. Apply B. o,228 Albert St,* Ottawa. C£It, TUMOILS. LUMI?8. ciii. àa- <niai and externat, cured wltboni y Our home treatmobt Write ut trio tate. Dr. Betianan. Collantp Ont. N SCAtLE GUARANTEED. Wilson.i cale Works, 9 Esplanade Toronto. UIALISTS AVVICE FILEZ. Qonodi ain regard to auy diseau,..Loweul iu drugs - of aiU kinda a tted b mail. Send moainrb Glasses ttd 1>7a ge. Write t".ay knythlng wold tu firs;t-,etaam drui to Dr. BIlltman. Collingwood. OU16 E'ANLNO LADIES' .kliNc "OR OUTINQ SUiTS don& peritety by our reuob rbaq Ti " :th- ýAM0rIoMn DyàIêng ae;I, Torento, qttawa'and Quebo ada 'lame loiloolu Il, a-Il pu'bIll via" - f CUER'I todat i b7" oys aie abled te i#it<obii wlthoit ai. tt3au ant vr and tlo' . teut 4!f hse. rtios tc4>1 she says: 2Y -Pa~ <9bugh - improp~ otts~~?4~I t«tty -digt*4, my lialtb wu coau' posaily be Gà uu'a..i- ae-' td -T a&tibute i*4 1. t' -i a -~ i ugi I MISCELLANECUS. looti o tiens lettu LAD u».

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