Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 6

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- - -t- - t Ç*ifitfou4y i&Z tJ* O-oaum &4tbe . o1s5quen1c1 of war as weli as o4 PiCA00.Que3tio»%s are taho foru-. Iated in. a trictly soloutifle spiriti and then answers to thees que:- tion s Vi I b. s9ught cf the dopst, and soundeuli.,thinkers in the. ,rorl. IV lu tthe generouis Carne- gin, Peace Founda4ion that has rea- dered this study. possible. , t cau- not tg doubted that on the plat- form and-'in popular propaganda ocientiflo- d&ta ci the kind iete- plated wiil be of great service. The militaristu and ukepticish.tve stoçk arguments, stock questions and ancient fallacies which they regard as irrefutable, and the average man la often iinposed upon by their air of practical hard-headedneBis. Among the questivils tliat ehotuld be put and an..wered is that of a moral equiv-alent of war. Tlie late Profe.',or Jame.g deait with this pIhaâsQ sggesti% elv and brilliantly, but. mure searching treàtmnent is reqird. Whiat %virtues does warj reaAlly develop tIlmpcacc really eni- ervatiiig and enasculating? Are there uiv enteirprîses, strugglcs and1 labors in iiduistrial hIle which tend WA. t4i5tr seif-s;ihnrdin.stitn. -<O- di cil te mg Uited- taes ,N Pas6ed e' 'ary Leisiation and Oanada-yWithdraw. S epaIlo Iom Qtt .usims -t ut'hettaty into oeftet. rnow look$ as il Canada sabotut Aftëý i eresulatibxis bad ,been tu withdraw fromn the inter itk,*il drAwn us, it Wu found that oer- fisierÎes treaty concluded eI 4hthe tain iner" tsroAbY in the State Unaited Statei ln 190. Lt will be of Michîgan Jând on the Paclk rcznembered that, uinder thbn ttrm, coast of, the United 8.4tes, were of the reaty, regulation, go 'r-opposed "te ,their 'promulgation. ing the fisheu-ps in intorýiacioneaI hese intereegts 'desired' changes in waters were driawn up by the cern- the regulatxons to lharmonize' with missionerg, Professer Prince for their views. It is understo.od that Canada andi Professer Starr Jorda.n representations te that end were for the Unitedi States. These re- madle to Ottawa, but it is sow gulations were to become effective known that Canada months ago after concurrent proclamadons by positively dec >lined te aceept the the Governor-General of Canada suggested modifications, and it is and the President of the Unite.d generally supposed that the Gov- Stateës. The necesary legislation ernmesT, bas served or is about te to enaille the proclamation was serve the United Sta,ýe authorities pauoed by the Parliament of Can- with notice of withdrawal f rom the ada during the session -of 1910, re- treaty altogether. In asy event it ceiving the tinaiuimoits approval of is no longer a secret that the Ca- both political partie8, The Anieri- nadian authorities are resolveci te eas authorities have failed, how- sot accept the changes prop.osed by ever, te pass thé legiIation re- the United States. I qual force in malarial affections. As for the date and the banana, tey contain sufficient nutriment to ________ sustain life. The salts and organic acids in the apple tend Vo improve -- - - Scare eer or scarlatîna-thie era;on dcisondicipine ~ names are synosymous, although exicv - which arc regarded for somne oteu erroneously supposed to de- reasuon as .ihtary" qualities? note two distinct diseases-shares Canuot the yuuth oh a nation ho witb diphtheria the unenviable dis- trained Vu service and cadurance tinction oh being oue ohfttbe. two andtea-wok %ithut hediagmost dr-eaded and dreadful di.eases anti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Ven-ok iîhotsedu h cudbood. That is sot Vo say humas lufe, miaiming and crippling that certain other diseases are not human bodies, destroying wealth more oten fatal, but tbei- are net aud spreading miser-y, disease, an- 50 commori, sor are they li gener-al guîsh brutlityhatre 1 S likelY to -have serious conse- guis, brtaliy, btre. '~quences. 'I Scarlet fever- is an infectious dis- The bapPy anid succeshul home ease, altbough it is sot known posi- miglit secin te be, like i'irtue, its tivelY What gemi causes it, !uer is own ewad. ut u asocatin i it al ways easy tu trace the mode of onl read.Buan associae t ies xIt infection. Englnd ake a iffeentvie. ~ An attack may begin in a Vari- is offering annual prises of $50 for et*v cf ways, but. in general'4-hree the best kept home-regard beiiig forma are recognized. Iu t4~ usu- had for ways anýl means, the nuin. ai, andi fortunately the sï1dest ber nd ges f te cildrn, nd orsi, the disease beginas.witii shiv- ber nd gesoh he culdenan4ering or chilly feelings, sometimes other pertinent consideratàons. The a convulsion, fever, loss cf appe- association bas begun modcstly i tite, venuiting, and often a, ore one or two Provincial towxis, but throat. LI twenty-fouror forty- hopes tu bring the whole kingdom eîght heurs the. rash appeazs. Lti la a general raspberry-coloredierup- unde il benficnt say.tiQu whieh disappears on prejssure, and returna slowly, so that ýih the Lt is by no meaus sure that hap- end of a pen-holder is draw 4firm- Pinesa lin the dromestie cîrelîs a lh over t-he akin a whitel1 0 18 condtio th» ca 'ý brmad-àd wbicË 'Persist* for vra conitin hatea hobried ixteminutes. - beinL or that camli paymnts can lI asother (crin the first Symp- be depended upoîx tu produce neat- toms are the salne, but more se- ues& asd cheer where pride ansd af. vere, andtihei signa oh inflammtation fection have haleti. Yet a good ex-oh the throat are marked. Inspec- amaple, brought about by whatever tios eh the throat shows iVteo be measis ikly o e cntgios.very red, the. mucous membrane tresa, s lkelyVo e cntageusochen ulcerates, and it is frequest- One "ho.me," refommcd on the bas- ly Covered uRith s leathery-lookiug is of cash iioducements, may drop membrane like that beea, in idiph- the secd ooh sugge3t&uon Vu dozens oh therîa. The ilBammatisu»traveis othe hoschods her a cara- o the nose, andi often Vte ars, othe ho~ebldswhce achsac-in whici case t atmy cause pe4mac- teiess routine bas becs but aVait- cnt tieahniess. The child appears ing the tiemonstration oh a better luel, more il) 4han li the simple WAY. - Sueh A deMnostration, Eer. for-r, a hact due to absorption of uandt there, is parviuiarly ueeded 'a the Poisons Protiueed by the bac- eris in Ut h roat. mnxy big tow;as, wbere private ef- liteVt-t(rn<mlgaa ~or va doniuh t ovreoe c- carlet feer it la called, tb t. 1 cual indifference and neglhgence. tack lu sutiden, aud the. Cb Id is niiere are neighbobûroudsin Canada "on i rom the first te lie ver y 1l' 0 whOre the stimulus cf a %mail prise fthe lever la high, the lips are blue, wouid p romptly produce a guod of- there lu more or leua drowatnets, 'ct u botl Preanises anti Peopi,. andi the little patient is cvidleuit1y poizionedti though sud throug#. jf VIS'I tOLOMXAT1ON st iIEMIK. li lives long enough for the rah tO aPPear, it is not hright, *4 in )Ter 30,«»OB Raa Catlaolk.u t, the ordinary cse, but duaky! andi klettle la the Weuit. sot vemY extensive,.lihis v*riety 0 il realil a form of blood'-poiso»îg, A despateli (rom Winnapg asyti.batei temcve,'0~ o re largest coienisatîcfl achemne cf merely their exereted ison ~b.- ecent years will b. isunched imu- ceî in lu uUm is tii.a oèdtla.ý in .lthe. Nerth-Wes ct i '0 ~ ~auala. ~ W.C, J Manimg of1 Tiiere la little to b. doii. lu 'iasgo, repres.sting the, Catholie maligant àebhliti ~lo éokltîton (Company, - tturned cs tempS(!alIy in theii b outhi on Thuïeday Dniglitafter bav.îo . MePtaletue inie ts 49 'olnpleted arrangemnents with timnes be doue, i diintIf- V'esteOru r0alty afents- wheroby izg the. Suppo Maiio;menoiu4 b>1 Our in1l1aottacres cifiand 'vent nun-wahnettin teaj Vo. a lem Option, tu e b.54ttledd .pu>Ir. & streaniof salt aend watur 5owing ýhnset by Roman Catlilin. th fru (uti -mrmg xP.cted by >Mr. kannumg thai1 Ioevr ImWd tb dsn4ei we.» tbir:y and i torty thiontaM uawier, bul.dr.4oas *1Ii4o" f17* OGUI. . awa thb.q.rl :.v' 1W loas. *rd pre'r..t tb.fr abtst1s [ew te Afflem lhe9b id~. A~V& dosp.toJitrou. Otava 'sqs thedb Ua 8retary orf BiiW." Dmpartni.nt, (lanada's aeu' o*eer'. nor4-o,à.raî wil b. kÇnown whil * tii.Dominsionm as"I hie al l *gb-j - b natI Duke of, Connaught (ot- 'le$Quq 'r ~ s,' -I SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Colora that predominate at hasb, lonable gatheringa abroaci are roy. al blue, coronatiun reti, and empiri grecs. Some ohftthe brighter satin sailoi collars eu much liked are veile< with mousseline the celer of th( dresa or wrap. Mat crowns may be high or low, the rnfajority ofhbats shewixig higi crowus are narrow oh brim, a fea. turc which eniphasizes the heightý Pierrot millincry in velour, scratch beaver, or French felt with high «a6und toppeti crowns and slightiy- rolleci brime will be a po. pular festure cf this fall's, milîlu. erv. Parisiennes ar - wearing a gresl 'deal oh silk fringe, even oni theli petticoats.t' This denotes a tee- d-ency toward fanciful modes. Pale coloreti paratois are much scen iu lace or plaitcd mousseline de coie, edged witb a wide silk bor- der or with *oeeofflowemed poin- padour ribbes, or of black velvet.- Thiek rouleaux of satin finish the waists oh ou. piece dresses snd are twisted sand arrauged as ornaments &t the. top cf the, baek panel, usu. allyïastned.at the aic. One'of the uses t'o which tatins will bc put ,during the car ly fail wilI bc fer makiug cf houndatiens te b. womn lin connection, with sheer, serni-sheer, snddalîken materlala. There is a definite retums of the. vogue for bordereti materials ini dressmakisg, -aud seme deiigbtfù effecta may be obtaiued (rom the. beautiful thinga just coiul into the shops. Tii. length of tth. new slec're bas- net been settled. The great Paris designers show long sleeves, short aleeves, bell sleevess, tight aleeves, and puiff leeves with about 'equal laver. Theo-use o e i.large cullar lnimmo doubt responible for the, popular- îty of the largerevers. Borne are, îoný sud uarrow, coming dovu ho- Io~ 't6 iL io Uers. are, Large bats have mu dto ei own agaîn; the amah roun.d hats are utzufficemtly'b.camiog Wtii.h nMajority eofaces, a"uti n ti suminer e"'eronei wants as umUC* a"e ts possible. The. akrtea of the mev tbrce nf. cotumesamr uscmlly miade vwiJCIL' tber a mal or aslmixdatod mdcirt tf alkotb* mtermn1 or ethe. s"me mator4in a acotrsin# 00141r. NUSW NALL etLAPSU. Ina.pI'El NGs'noIOALL OVIN IME GLOBE 13 A Cua4,tk. moIse and thé o ri* laGarit*f. u CANDA Ch ooeaNADAnin. f an ad sTe Co-o artiUing f an-y aD A. talkn o ssrna esxfryd DA. Bu wa kieil,5 forWes Oxfor (armrboy. ne a Icnir esar for whipng Beleniei. sar reunta John iggewot e.klldi aJon Wggorth was kllegdwn- saiLno htlbyflin.os Atais. ne fte ensi Anoeer vce of t aes cetsugrin thoe iedc.i rds fsgri ansuncd.Ggatitenya-l OHalonGag, ' asthrteeuvear-old Hailhttrn by asru ove by freiht tainsaarekmadedi. amlo oplxturs âare inade iHmi- ofpictures showon n t mevig- pcatr hw fa at-rî AClaa~eveadr opn t u a Cileve-dla cmaplst ail amillion-dolar heil plant1,a0 ml. ha il mly ,0 mes oet eenyya-l Li robrt, soffa eny-ear-old miesllwright, ee off a hunddwoe tresle a heeRvr adw. kil seaelHeMd.lat cl Th? s wth amer H M. ellaetheol Wld witha dranbdgtte bvridge outlanfd C'siladpu b. rig ouAo brat fessi. o o he tg A bigrtoh logain toh treeo tugs Hus roke uSarniathenthe o Lt.e Huttrn nar niatheand heo mls.satdaog h ec e Juile Les.Motelfi h JuidgemLe 'fthoteamerfise h thi m$5eforhi< the teCspel dania $5 fto orlingtu esselin (rom tebcoMtinoftreiluta' issgciteion tentionlyo hitepilots or regular pilots may do such work. GREAT BRITAIN. Bu-rgerss swam the English Chas- nel, occupying almoat 23 heurs. .Britîsh, exports for August show adecrease, chiefly in manufactured goods. Tâç, Duke of Connaught- at the Earewell banquet te the Canadian artillery tean, said be would be uaihing for Canada eue montb GENERAL. The Chines. riaisg against Gev- erument rail'way project occasions aaaiety reganding Canadisu mis- sionarlea in disturbod aresa. Case y Uneertalnty e! Moroccaur A despatch frein Berlin Baya: Costinued uucertainty of belief as te the. outeome of the prolonged Franco-Germn conversations ad-, iied te bad crop prospects andtheii weakneis cf Wall Street, bas causeti considerable depression ou the Boerse. There. l auanincreaseti number oh runs on saviuigs bankt lu various cities of Germauy, not-, abiy in Koenigsberg. The. Berlin Chamber cf Commerce, li view el thc iiigh pricesalo!foodstufts, wilI petition the. Goverumnt te appiy the. thiid specialtariff on grain, (oMier, etc., se as te ch4scktii, ex- port of gl. Thi. Merc0hantS' Ouild, e! Berin, tlu- moviumg te' se- cure thimipor-tation ot fiodttufu3 from Ame rica anti Argentin&. muRarIuTEFAILlI> TO OPE x. it M rViofl Fair. À deîpatch (r o rnwall ls: A srions aestidmtuke t iii."c- oud, 4w of the Comuva» -Fair, ,waeu A. X. wQQdvaidý of Parrlab '-1' wule inY, a rdi« ut I FMI PItMCT I fADE CENTItEs ou and Otke, Irodue ai fln. and Lbroad. Toronto, Sept, i.-Flour-winter wheat, 90 Per Cent. patents, firm at 63.45 te 6.50 Mloutreal fretght. Manitoba flouro-First Patents. 65.30; second patents, $4.80. and stronsbakers', $4.60, os track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat-zqo. 1 Northern quot. ed at $1.09, Bar ports; No. 2 at 61.07 12. and No. 3 at $1.06. Ontario Wheat-No. 2 white, red or mixed, new, 84 te 85c, outslde. 1 Pes-Good mllling qualuîies, 93 to 94c. Oats-Ontarlo grades, No. 2 at 38 to 38 1.2e. outslde, and No. 3 at 37c, outalde. No. 2 Western Canada. 45c. and No. 3 at 44c. Bay ports. Barley-No. 2 probably worth 76c, out. Bide. Corn-No. 2 Aniertcas yellow, 681-2 to 69c. Bay ports. and 72 1-2c, Toronto. Rye--Car lots outolde, 72c. Luckwheat-No. 2 64c, outalde. Bran-Masîtobas at $22, in bage, To- resto. and shorts M2. iu bags, Toron- le. Otarlobran.822.I O baoe ubv,., COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beau. -Smail lots of hand-picked $1.- 25 per bushel. Honey-Extracted, ln tins, 10 te lic per lb. Combe, 82 te 82.21. Baled Ray-No. 1 at $11 te $14, on traek, and No. 2 aI 610 to f11. Baled Straw--$6 ta 86.50, on track. Te- route. Potatoe-Car lots, in bats, $1.15 to $1.- 30. Poultry--Chic-kens, 15 te 16o per lb.. fowl, i10 12e .ducks. 14c-, turkeys, 15 ta 16e. . Liv. poultry about 2c lower than 1he above. BUTTER AND Egos. Butter-Dairy priats, 21 te 22c. infer. i )r. 16 te 17c. Creamery qsaoted at 25 ta Me per lb. for relis, and 23 te 2M for Egu-.trletly sew-laid. 23 te 84c, and fresh at 20 te 2le per dozen, in case lots. Chfele-Large quoted at 14o per lb. and twiss at 141-2e. ROU PRO»T.cTS. Bacon-Long clear, 12o per lb., in case lots. Port. short eut, $23i do., mess, $20 Ramea-Medium te Uigbt. 17 te lac; do.. heavy, 15 te 1512o; rolfs, 11 3-4 te 12e; breakfast bacon, 17 te 18e; backs, 1912 Lard-ý-Tierces, 101-2e; tubs. 103-4; palle, lie- Toronto, Sept. IL - eOso1- C*sadianz 7we«ttylbm. S46 1- ta o46e, esr ,otsa s store; extra No. i1fte& 45 14e. No.. 3 0. W., 46c,. No. t local 'white, 45 1-2c; No. 3 local white, 44 1-2c; No. 4 local white, 414r.-B'lour-Mbulitoba Spring whst pa&tents.,,irats, 854;.sconde., 1490. 3lu- ter whoat patents, 84-7.75Mntrbakers,# 64.70; iratght roUlera, 584.26; lu baga. $1. 85 to, $&2. 1e oU. ata-per baneel. 84.95; bar et 20 lbo,,255.Corn-A.rfoaij, No. 3 70 îolw S.Kuueed-Bran. Ontario. 625; .tasto »Rt$ddltug,*. Out&rlo. se4 te $2?; shorts, K*U ltobs. $4; moUil, 620 # l. cggEns sleetidi, ?A » t6e: No. 1 Steck, 20 te SeO. Ca -etrs 3- te 1.20-Beaster-"M, U 1-8te Ul-4c. Ptter, cooftces8 6 to 86 14 s$mondo. 2à61 to 1WtsuIpg, ma.. seut,11U-Oas h wbat- Net No ih«e. c; Np Wor 4, - q 146 No. ,441e;No. , Ia; .- No.: t Oo oe-o. I t., 411-2; Né, 3 white. 4k; extra f.psd, 44e. rwv-.3 2rs. 4. 6e,5o- f2.-.,l IWot-f ers. P IÇ o.Kattoba. fi AIIBITIQUS PRI!UR HUP~BT Agreement With Grand, Tfnk aoinat Build Drydookand_--Siiopa Oar Ied.ý A despatch from Prince Rupert, work at once on £ tWo i'sd nhal B. C., says: The agreement signed million dollar drýdock. The sttiEi June 8 with the Grand Trunk Pa- machine, car hps, and> round- cific, to establish kreat industries ouse are to cost. a million dollars. in town, was voted on on Satur&y, The plans of these works are er, and carried with a majority of four and work has comtenced. hundred and eighten. The com- The majority for the uew, water- pany is to pay taxes to the amount works and electric plants wag dîUt. of fifteen thousand dollars a year, hundred and eighy-three t<o r&"sla for ten years, on al raîlway lands five bundred and fifty thous«and* here, and give thirty-two hundred dollars Vo be paid off during th'e feet of water frontage, also a -um- next fifty years. This will give ber of sections for parks and a City work to a number of inen fbr the Hall site; also sixty acres for a ce- next. year, whiie under cnat.-ue- metery site. It as agreed to start tion. N IYoung FOISJ TE bGINA WATCHMAN. Little Marian was spending two weeks on a farsi. It was the i.irst time she had exer been in the coun- try, and everything was ver-y new sud levely to, ler. At first she felt lonely for ber little friencis, but that was before she met Captain Parsons, who lived next cloor. Perhaps she would neyer have met bim if it bad not been for bis guinea-hen. The first nigbt they were at the farsi, and wbilc Marian was going te bcd, they beard a strange noise. Lt did not suu;il like a, crow, for a hawk, nor a hen, yet it reminded thesi oh all three. Thcy ksew it was made by sorne kind oh b&rd, and the strange noise, kept up for such a long time that it was the last tbing Marian bea rd before geing te sleep, and the first thing she heard is the morning was the saine noise. "Do yen suppose that hen bas bees sisging all sight, motherV" said Marian. Mer mother laughed, and said, "No, dear. After you went te, sleep I decided it must be a guinea-hen, and probably it makes that noise night and morn- iug.0" " Alter breakfast Marian and ber isether started down the road, andi they saw a very pleasant-looking gentleman sitting with bis chair tîpped back against the next bouse. He eeemed very glad to e e em and »Wi that ho loved liVtle chil « dren, and hoped they would corne often. Me iuvited them te aee bis 'heuia and chickens,' and ahowcd them thie pasture, where there were many sheep and little lamba. Ne teck thein over his flower-gardess andi poiuted out al his favorite' fiowers and told Marian their mames. Last cf ail, they were sho"~ the splendid beehives. -The visit was eo pleasant that they almaost (ergot to ask about the. very thing, tii. came fer. "Please tell us about that queer noise we h4eard last night," said Marian. >'<Oh, you Suet 'mean My guina. 1 hop you, were not disturbed,'" "!Oh. ne indeed#, obigkeep& us aak, rplied marian ý-Èùm- be, or there is sosie unuspal noise in the yard."-Yoîth's Cempan- ViST TIIEASURES FOUND. ('hairch Property Hitherto Ufls~u peeted in Oporto Cathedral. A despat-ch (rom Oporto, Portu- gal, says: Agents of the Govers- ment, while taking an isventeory cf church property, have hound in the underground vaults oh the cathed- raI here a great amount of trea- sure, the property of ancient friars, most of which the authorities eh the cl]urch had liffle idea exist.ed. The. accumulations of wealth date fromn centuries when Portugal was a rich colonial power. The chests discov- ercd are filled with gold ingots-and plates an.d gold ornaments studded with einormous rubies. The altar hurniture is oh pure gold. The dis- ooveries bave caused a sensation in this city. It is presumed the tressure will revert Vo the Sta' 50,000 TREES ÏFFECTED. - "Little Peach" Difease la Geerai - ain raDistrict. A despatcb (rosi Toronto says'~ Mr. P. W. Medgetts, Superintenýd:ir eut oh Horticulture for Ontario,- stated ou Wedsesday that 50,000.. pcach trees in the. Niagara diSttîc.t: would have te b. remeove.d on Ae- count oh the "littIe peach" Pt.. The disease, be says, is prevalett,- tbmougbout the. Nigara ' distnict, '- The inspectera have begirou weig- - recentiy in nerth Grims-Ëby -and' Fonthili, but bave sot (ound the<4e, places worse tiian other'S. Mr Hodgetts expressed the. b&ieéf :' the. measures uew being tak'm te' erludicate the. disease e'iII provo ef- GOLI> SEEKINU 81'AMP1EDE. Rash prom Asheroft, B. C.,' te Ný%ew Rlceh Field. A'despateli (rom Asheroft, B. C.- says: Somethiug 11k. the- feverih activity of thse early minhmg ýday.s seized Ashcroft 4t dayight on Wed- nezdaym »niûg, - Whesttwmpeexws startetI fr Springhcuse te ataàkt elama 'aon -a murler, tend - a ùid l leiereoexmtly located b- a. Pro~s- pe4o0r'n3mmcd ?rkiris, Who, mcEu&-d- tow-a on Tuead4. vithnes -4 *îrà-!.Al fortel 4 v à 1 trum Of cattiet grain, Cheeu 1

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