Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 1

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lgt WH~~~~~~~'ITBYITÀWCN-OA.GOPLQ, L ___________________A CANOE TRIP. LiT a'BARL!AY Hving decided te go On s trip, We Bortutetr et Law I>erry, viiere v. beugnt Our necessar- Moilitor, t4otary Public, Specla Exain. les, hati our dinuer and stanted. Uni iw'r îoe 'h 1gb Court of Jutice. the way w. went in swimluîng, andi tsueceueor ta Meue. bon & MdcGilllray. nean oun destlnatbiun, ue of us caligon Btock Stmet, Whitby. a luuige. Our tirst camping grounti __________________________ as on lie Nonquon, in a hay li. t~ .G. DJOVV9 É$ A. 1-laving pitchei camp, suppeti andi dou or cors, e enttobe. Harniat0r, SoIicWKg, llOtuy l>,bll Next day we went fisuing andti Ïte.caught Ion basw anti some inutcats. e, 00oe firat- door West 01 Pm% 020e Next niorning vo prepareti te pull te i monoy te Losa. tic mouth ef the river, anti nearing ib _______ - _____-Wauhburn's wu hati a nasty, ses. We ri 30»4-. ÂLWL. .C. soon rounideti the ,Devil'a Elbows," ný risten, Cui y rown AttorneyJ, £00 reachuig our de8tiliatiÃ"fl ,tortly &f- L Cosuty Uolitor- OflUe fth i s te. F et CoSCt lieu». Wbitby. The next day vo matie Lindsay, bi âàâlW UTLLI)rk Bariser.tewhere we went visitiug oui f nients. t 4 ~Â S5 RTLLGE. arneLer*~*At four o'clocc we btarteti for l>leas- f( Mdos., ta leue o ooa termi. 01( fiee ~lPoint, wbere wt.arniveti thlat ev- a] ImmedilOl ueutb of l'o711 0014" enîug. The next _aiy our party was pý Wbitbl, Ont. enlanged. As it vas Sunday, we &at il -arouud all day, Iistening to the mausie G. OUN IliIT, J...L..B-.Barof thme violin, playeti by one of our st ,1510-etO M etO 0tuas 400f 01 party. Our neixl destination was Fen- ti aiiiae ibospe O! fioe- Smtb*o elon Falls, where we arriveti ut 12 a bloek, sent ta tie mBarket. Wbitby. o'cdock * th next day. llaving iocked b t.irougb, we vent to a cottage of P MIflUIOAL viich we had the use, andi neit tiay we scrubbed andi cieaned the bouse, i DU.IL BILDRUM as vîsîtors were coming The folio y- PhysaIcSf. surgeon. Acoucheur iug day we went down lown to sec M the Regatta, where we saw sanie LCaii, by telephote, or oLberwise, day or aquatic sportà quite nem t.o us, an üagtit, reeelve prompt attnonIII. upset canue race, cnab race, and %,lien C' t'boue 83 we !maarted foi homec and entertaiflCd OUeo-C.ess OmtP4 wud Cub@,' Bts.. Whltby oui v'isitors. We saw sonie mret - sports iu thie aftennoon. DENTAL l'bc next day, the lakte- being choppy - -~w w vnt to (ebocenk, via thme steani-j W. ADAMS# Destit, (ILlic, Dun er '"Wacuut.a.' We pitcbed camp near &Ws 8tr.t, Reienae No. 4, jj> the dock at Coboconi. lu the. evouiflg TomBasg. ByowLWl.y hn e mad quito au audience iislening ByronSt" Wit-by Pb e ti te violin. Neit day we starteti No. 122. up the (tuAI River, but were hindeneti -by a jam o! logs. Thie vas soon out ÂUOTIONEBBIR o! our way anti we arniveti ai. Big _________________________ Muti Turtie Lake where we pitcheti p AUCTIONEMER our permanent camp. 14 We stayed i ve tisys aI our permm- b )as. Bishop, Oshawa. Licc'ms<d Aur%ý eut camp, whenf! wo hd bonfires ev- p tiocer Sucetorta . airank -ery night and a diance one night. b iloaer. Sucoiso 10L. /.nbskiLeaving Ibis camp we patitleti te Co-* e For terme and dates apply te self or tr boconk, anmd laving bought our sup-c i;. Robb, Whmtby. plies, we started tiowu the river, W. %q campeti ou s enalli siant. Neit day, ý WX*m ]KAU by neen, we werc at Rosedale. We WJES JELTONBE hati lunch and arnîveti aI Fenelonç ^140SE FUrONE alls soon alter, anti settled tiowu 4iri> VLIIAOR.for lie nigbt. çAil kia ai sïales pramptly att tuded Neat day Wc locioti tirougb 1he,ý can- to. ArrangementUis man be matie for a,< 1 . l<spUtrli lJ lis I'e in, Terais -aso aeteone. mouth o! the. river we hati dinnir onh Tenis 'oaoiibk.a iumberman's rafit. The day vas t WtIITOY. 01N1. windy anti the. water rough. Passing a ___________________througb a lot o! loge, we f ounti our- il OONTRÂCO ffl selves in the. Sturgeon River anti an- a ______________________ nveti at-Llndsay tbat eveunug. 1 uu~i7U~I j MES The neit, mornlng F'e starteti [or la il 11 WELL AMES wsshburn'e, Island. Il was very ý Carperiter, Bullden and Contracter. wlndy'on the Scugog River, se v. < Plans drawn andi estibates furnisbed. titi net maie Washburn'5, but made. Repairu, Alteratiolis andi jobblng. Bail Point. wiere we campeti for te ~ ppulto9topenso' ~ nlght. It vas pretty rougi tic Cet 8o0%467 WtIITuY Phone 149 day, but vo, madie Wu.siiurn, _ *ad _________ [om tieue. te Pin. Point. We Stay- .1 at Pin. Point over Sunday, asti Boarnage Licmena . wetit iobbiiig, clttchbg eleven mui-: 1 A.~ý_ i -f llwA'g m dwn W&1I TlodpieI wtt aul 515111 gemtr1. 'JW- dhu of King tre« anti i.Iia s ave. 1HIE DOM,Nj9NJ,ANK g. 09.« Oser M1P., Pldeut. W. 9) Mat bvsiVIft.POSlbt. TotAet MachsSouoo AOraut, of titi Dasi bus bos estab- Au J.onon. ng ns lot ofjoya 73 ýoRNt#UIL .. This lirascb vili lnuçl Letto of CrdIt *Bd DrafMts os au, Impor.tant points la canada, m8goist Mit son fer collec. iten, msai tegnaphle #raaeers ami lîinatlîos viii be f urnhel os a&H tA spetist 'Wimrta t i be provtdd eo m*W of &MlIn boum b eto orLtrso! CiOdi. CutL.I tISS w4IITey en#ANON FImaicial District ietie Tbe annual ftiMscalmtluut itic Wbltluy District, Bay o1 Quinte Coàm terence, vas bal uUàM ieMtIOdI5 Tabernacle, Wltby, où'riday, Set- 8hb, 1911. Tic ChaiUsas, n"11e4.l Sozsmlth, L.L.B., pîcaidel, a&" ai the mînletters lu active vomk ve1ý promet, astimeurs. H. W. wu_@2 S. Wblte, R. McAVoy anud W. Dyur Tbe moetlsgopoatti iti lIg tesag e! sriptatt by Soetamy.54 prayef by Rer. R. NcCluloch. ob%0 Ibdlune 8bdV iri,. ou - Dhb Evangeistîe work vuasois discua- ei, but ne deflulte action taken. Tii. gatherlng closet i wtb the bene- diction by Bre. Totten. R. A. DELVE# Fluancial Secretary. Mr. Hamar Greenveeti, M.P., o1 the Witish Hlouse of Coimens, and bis zharming English i wfe, were wecoli- ad by many Whitby people tiuriug a Iying visit on Tuestiay te bis nativej town by tAds distinguisheti bon. Ar- riving by motut f rom Toronto at moea, luncheon was served at "lBurr Lodge'I in houer o! bis gueula by Mn. P.Burr Mosure. At three o'clock a lrge numben e! citizena gatheceti at the Ontario Ladies' Coilege where a lrmal neception was given for Mn. and Mrs. Greenwooti. Af terwards thie party were motoredti W Manchesten, in the Township ef Beauh, whene "Tom" as he wss then known, taught chool. Returaninluthe. evenlug lhe nrain wss takou to the city wheuce an early srtart neit morning was Wo be matie on a trll tW the western provinces snd thie Pacifie Coast. Il vas premised that a day or two might b. tabou on the way home Wo England for a more extendeti visil Wo Witby. Mr. Greenwood is becomnig stout, andi (rom bis more than or- diary stature uew presents a most conmanding preseuce. Mrs. Green- wooti won everybody 1.0 ber winsome ways. ilec;ric Lightiig là The Couatri. By Dr. J. B. Dantieno,' Bovruanville. Nearly sny fariner e! lnlellgee cmu install anti operate an elwesq plant tonrbimsei, sud many lugea- eus farmera eau vine hein owu boume andi barns, tee. A complete plant requires only a cellar or* eutt1- îuidlng..The eperating coul ef au eectrie llghting plant lu practicà.lly covered by the coul o! the fuel 'ne-' qired W rUn the onglue, anti a gase- ýee englue requîmes about eue plat o! gasoleue pet horsepover, per heur. A pue borsepover engin. viii ou l abut fcents as, hffr lor gasceuieauiu- ýng the prle 4 be about 25, cents Per jalon; Tus meýs e laI eketrlo ligI* ýustrallon, e! 15 tights fIon abotýb -G eo 9 cents per heur, depeudlng on the muat o!fllgbluseti. Tic coul ef lu- Italinag auci a plant ranges troin ebout $400 ipward. SAu englue such as titis mugit i. iset for a aumber ef purposes beside ightxlfg, sncb as churnuig, sepaating «eam, wamlmlg andthelb.lie. it lu mtici conveniencos as these thnt adI- la coutryMiteand tendti tekeep tie #oyp andi girls onthe tarin. T heb YIlîi Iat~fia pleasure, is tho(Xç l trd I ti aScistomieti vigor an4«-energy. TIi bout isiauti for a m1au o seti, rich ln luduiti tratioz, rislug pre '0l4bou o! the. Waters ô! GeergaBay, some 25' mie rI itralabr as been acquireti by lie OC.II.sys the. &uwteested eues. IThis, Isliaus anameti the Gianvs Tombs a aie o! romnance ýsurrundtit ,au lIadian, tradition d;aims il as the. buryiggrounti o! Hiavatha. n.he iud,,tses -frem thie shore lino in a graduaL.gràde to a high tableland i n tbe centre, net uni- Uke a gl»a' tomb. Tbe isiant isl composeti of fine alluvial soil, and basa beach of fine white sandin l whlcii one eau step into the watert and for a1moat hall a mile [rom shoe not get out of! depth. May Builti Vine Itetel. It la clamed tha thIe C-P, R. intenti te builti a magnillc*dt hotel on thbe island as a aum~ resort, aud con- nect t by bat wi V-4ttoria Harbor. This would mnake dorothe finest te- sorts ln the world, surrountiet as it le wlth the already woridA.amous 30,000 Islandu. Already the tourist trathlc on the shores of Georgian Bay bas reached a stage where each compaty le makting strennous efforts te procure and ne- tain t. From Pentang anti Mitilanti parler cars are noW tu éVidence where years ago slat sesa were the. order. This indicates the progress of the profits f rom plea sure, and'no douht the. C.P.R. as w4dl as the C.N.R. have been jealously watching develop- 3nents and preparing tû take a big share. The Canadian Northeru bas tappeti the newest portion oL.the Muskoka Lakesa t Bais Park on their way te PaMi Soundi. A mile andi a hait away at Bals the C.P.R. hue to Parry Sdjund makes Its way, whul-e the G.T. R. bus the distriet o! Muskoka througb Braoebridge. Prom Bâanor Bala Parx te t4. iboruof o .eorgisni Bay, viiere tiie.summer cottages et 'qe1ltby' people , ee -ut, between Parry Sound . and ýPenetoagi, lbthis tance le flot Venmt, andi $-appas if the. two raltradu are hugglugti shores as close as possible to tbie 30,000 4sands, lu expeçtancy of-ttie future. 'I* t a alto sald tliat arend Bala, andi towards the -e«oref Géer- gi Bay, MaCken7zle nd:MAnÃŽU'Ibave- ac4uired larîe traceaof Illd tif ail iis pontlng -,ote efutuneîof .tiie.simer NeÏv SteamsfiîP Linos, A Uineofo!pleamire steamiersabetween Victoria Uarboîý widing 4through the ntch rtwurns te4- thecomy t- stateql, as more andi more èiev ýro the Amortcans 'are comlîng 1te iidi trAct, not ouly on a té&r buttô liilI sumnier cottages.-Star. - .CI T 1ýU*.. -1 For f1relgit antiTourlut TraMe-Rai Eyeou lahnaet oi lorglan DaY cures lanteTerni- Lon toi Owen Soundi. Maay a siarevil businessmmconlie abomesoftGeorgIAU Baylu n heubit- Mo et b.sugsmrcotte% turing lie brie!prlofat et dqulchliCl allott.t itehm in. muner. bau tthsà 9#44 tg lvl*ttighIsueasy chairor a bammocb, viii au lb.condtions 'suroadnghlm tint a pot uiesm, picli»trho bilU ef b pw w Il for piesuuieAn" prOof t ! bI,.ti m regi"sbolves pamy sati Md, *Colilgwood, partkelaly vi i pictumeaqe liaIs set 4a I lb. toion watt o!G mogia ay. Vmy 1kv, hu a»Y, bovov m >t ait be aabttUns dudgmsu Os iu. &mmanPaolr mIlb VndW te* orsElwp lum%it a tp~ * seb=riamelmut aI fh ab- - selimlg tibshM t Y M-9» &MM» beilmIo i m a obi~ ~O*~l~ r taï KEINZ ~SvWEE IKE HAVE NO EQIJAL. Mixed m 30e quart SmalI Gherkins 4% -- 40o qu*.art AlSO in Bottlés. à l FUtIk 9P a i rmfaier from Cen-1 trai ,Nêbratkat p and- g x t an sat, vity 'wdbthroe. aredo ef top- notchers cf the wbite-face breeti.'I ýJohn vastheO vur 01o!nee o!- he fluct saluons in that western Loet- impolis andthe i.two olti tnientis bad Dot met sinice thcy both ase tu Wliv.e ln SPrnigfteld, 111. Johnuedtu t tenzd bar in Springfieldi anti h. ant i Fauk, se Frank salti, hati blown the foamn off mauy a g1a88 of lludweiser andi hati been Put tu e bd mauy ant i zary a lime tram lhe effeolu of Lo ruch Dauble-Standard Whiskev. "Wiiy de you take vater wnleati e! whuskey V' inuiired 1ranmc, au h. smacketi bis lips over lhe exh~ilarat- ing effects etftthe whilky, for a, blgb- bail te Just another came [un a straigit vhiskey. "O(h,"11saiti John, "l'm aelllng il now andtihe othet' tellov le tirinking L.t. Tire. years ago 1 came te Kmn- sas City anti openod Up Ainlbhe-saloon business, anti bave already loesme that If you vant te make a UccCes of tbis or auy othen business, yeu shoulti let the. othor fellow drinkp al the. whiskey. I bave obsenvedti lat thie succestul banker .or busines mani or (armer or saloon kesper muat let eut the lob of whlskey dnlnkIng to the. otier fellow if h. vants le marel a success of bis business. Se YOU se., Frank, 1 amn pnosperig anti nov- er touch a drep any more." Frank'came to my office day boferei yeslerday andi matie me a vlsit, o! three heurs. Hie tôok tituner ln oui home-and we wère ai. gladto, te l- ceme hlm.Hle snet au olti man. - Hie loka strong sud vigorous andtisl a hautisome fellow et about 180 pounds. A few gray bains are creP- lng - wbehind the sans anti ho can re,-ý momber thinga that happedtu A Sanz- gamon County forty-four yeans age,1 when he vas a bey of six. I mev Frank wuon o amrti andi came fuIe an estate o! ,1,300 acre&. o! as fine rcb, bisrprairie maiàbcas ever a ilrow '1ev voti bave Semn seventy-tivu red*te boin, ai euýù1gh te break,luis atr a j esc, tlmo ,I ba ve ee lftacrawl in- ýte bis satdie su ad, wttl 'buggy vbp in4>and, atarI rout-e6ver liaI -great, os tatea %e manage ,tue seif-btideis and tietb"imng croes . i aÏtewatcWo lm on .môeo han e-ecai on viel t h e scep tre of p llt c âl p ow er , * üid - ' liver bis- odnntm dédlegateiWý villi clOckwork precislon. lié vis eos loyal tu aMends, ani ogn'h loadth le diceonou rieid or tue. As " beoy 1 knew b u 1e h d .*Ã" 5 eur for-~e~l>-1i.c~ o~n*d A hS aat, là, iny 0o da.b f ore yestorday- and tt l b ~oy -~ ~~ W 1tbstovtlI ceuld uçre~ e i lve My", oiù ayep. Riave you anýY MÇeSfflO" l4 , 111151 yen veud i IIotE sentid MY beys?". tel j» ExtraQualty Vnega~-Whte Wn n Te, - z F1-Pïc 8Ii D&ILV*.s, etcsu. - A ipdci metiug o e! wcru.' ~ii he-ejiolti I ii »Me o!tbe, XAj- giJttciclon USgtùrday *tteran u Sietmber ilb I~< 'cok.E-- ery .mebèr lje rquestedti t e, tbe St~ as arrangements must b.' p- pletetfotohe Coixmty Couvncs>tlo tu h ,behelilin .our tow -SSept,2flb,4' d 1Um Flover issieo et le W .h T. Û7. weul'ilkailve aeuot lorsor frit e spa re te mais ýday unM»nlg, . M mili, upt. VACE TO FAÉ,CEcWITu lw, boys. ~<11o, C4Joha lI Con>, e a Ï4hit "Wbal vini you bave ri o ae a ell 4*a110 « "1S# t wW#*P. im J j - .1 ".4 A.Tu LAWVLER WHITBY, ONT. Phome 47. Prompt delivsry. Pi ckling Now is lb. liane te gel ready for winter. W. Tîm e#fine eelineofo Jp for your pickles thal viii pleue ion. 1 ý 1

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