Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 8

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r 4Tm ~~ AOIAU ~~ - Ilot avaU tô pse1wa Is bh tt cto thtnd[o!Ie Vupaton J'k;W~T , stees ~ ~ lolo ligt H K E P1 C Y AGREEM ENT i east, The L btrala ay hea ag reemu eau On £ulid -f0l CMa ide belveenbe resouued '-Il unsaaliiaactoîy Uic ~0lI1 B t. aaa à W~ t 8 S t , 4 b a h Oo n a v a t ly e a B a y il d a n o t b e re- r b tW m sl e n II o k & eh I I B De, pe d. T his s w a t the agreem ent ~ DWl'>pStMt and4 Ontarloi0 al ay W ilfe,4 U 14. O îiyr a ate'botIt'adltilctly unde stood irt" * 5 l % lcween 15t. John Land that voe do Rot attempt o bnd for b Itu ti, -eu t , aide# eOn Byrh n lie tih e Ucaction of tAe United ahiree* eaaîsida, e- t w JOh sti status Conruss or the. Parllamenli u1 CAd l u sta" tr, 4 ai5 de . ()R Caada, but that each of Iese au- C oib rai 'l c o l, f o r h a d e, b e lv e cA th o rit le s sh a ll bc . a b o lu te ly Ire s tu * C ntr an K A g d rec , 4 tee vi e. m ak e aD Y change of ta r i po iioy or' On --Hickry istreut, veat aide, be- of any other malter covered by the tween Dundu anad Mary utreets, 1 present arrangemen h hat may Aie 1 faet vide. deenied expedient. We look for thie Ona JBYrOu Street, eosaiside, [rom contlnuance oI the arrang9meut, nul John Street auuth, 4 Leed wide. because either parly la bound tu IL, On Dufferin Street, eas aide, [romn but because of Oui conviction that Prout Street South,- 4 test wAtts, the more liberal trade pollcy tint, 10 Aad Iitends tb specially sssa-abeeslablished ll iib. vicwed by tAie part uftheb oust upon lAs landa abut- p8eleto e Uni ted Statea* ani(,au- tlng directly on lbe work and upon ada aS One which i viii trcngthcn tAie the land lmmcdtately beuefited by triendly relations now happily pre- lAie work. Vallng and promote Uic commeraIa 2. The estlinated cosl ocithe work iiiteresta 04 bolh countrles." la $750,'u1 wblch $800 la lu be paid by the 'CorPOration. TAie estlmated Dr. Johnstone, ut Niagbre. Falls, BPeMI61 rate Perttout [roulage la 42c. speni Suabay la town. muwoj; Ire tCtaModauSad daught.uri iehltàd e hel, oin a nLut To- toat onwu"sy, aller a hhu -Web, vAai* witiaIh ie, Mis Uaîisn, ! roroutQ. Who bac beeta W 4 at lias hOuai.0o!Mr. El- visa, bas xeiwed home, ,Misa .Vea Peesona ii visit4 ber st«rtan But luronlo. Mi, and Ire* E. Simuer andM"Ss Firanola, o! Toroahio, reLuraed borne at traPendlng Ivo weeka w±L Mri. and Ira. IVua. »rapet,1 lira. VaiUt. nad granddaughte>r, 0! TQorIontuave been spcading a MOahh ah Mr. W'm. Draper&. Ai4. aid Mrs. luiL. ParroiL auid gamaiy, 01ut llA L.ae «Air. and-i.ra Fred Draper and "Clire, o1 Whîltby, am(i ir. and MAis. John Djrapor1 ut ,Wubwere reccut visu Lrs a Air. Wul. Draper'8.. Airs. 1-l&cbura&Wd&un ut Uîeel- -wuu bave beeu vuuuLng wli Lmi. aa Mirs. Norman Wutc. àlùaà Llarkà Ut liucàestow Alia A"Iue jbmîl LAi, ut UlL Au"s là oui %alvalÀenSUr&À> DY& bavu bous #uuai-w ut ûu.# 4N rian WUte. Air, ami àurj. MW. M!. buliai, ut îLgy, spen ,Suu AIr. aud Ai", Noruuau ewkL 'lho saaual Oilwien plu âoU ahalVcrary u1thLe Aiciautiîs wuIl be SeUla un ý>uaaay. anl ~J(c"uue li "ud 2and. Mus I4aycraîI, u0 LA1 i A)ma WImavuie, ana âilâ lità asypuuîld Ievul .aî ULqi lai. j Liie AUr- Wa Hi. £Uvuiba COw wa by aà à,Igî tri ea i .&laay aileluauu uj killed. AIws Lva ouuwvnij ruLuo. k 0 , . . 1 . ou1 aii )Uan ai]i a-tI Obni as i ti LaLîun 01 iu Tiu Womsn'a " llwîLu ..cIn wlj bui lu tàu Lie Maouc 1Hali on 'iilurs, dayà, btpiember 712a. uptble -"cu Oi y PL. JOLMJiMuurc. Lvcryý Ai LAiemeeL 01 Utuuncü l u aiu d"Y LiWCtwUaWP ai rate wai &Lruck a& aimL".. T"is u7-10 u1 à MIL luwer ibaà la. year'àiraie. àLr, &ad Un, r "uànokwi, ul Otdawaj ,'Peut buaiday waUi Ai. and Mrâ. W. U. - ayerait. M.c& JOU Hdodsu pexit a Iew dayb la foroawtoLu& weexZ, à4" ~Joanro Â-aYcaLt spenti Suuday WIlIa lier a815cr La )uaa. Airi. L>r.) t lâ wvisitÂng WÂUj L£eu u 1iuay 4&ad 1Euerburu, Th@Aie slweu i unday auci lu- daY WeOKOgreatly appreca"Wg, 4.%a". àaag r"am awil wttuvet'O 8Lu MOAWa lh baacd soil. PAOU&gLWIhabalienduur tahe . krosbywrLauchurch aext 8iaday mora4ga&union servie WU,1 bc iem1by tho e ebes of the Col- Umbusanad B&ooiU cfle oua il O'OLOCk1 The paut«, 11ev. W, M. k1aÂ4 wîLU preach, A"ad amlnÀst« the sacameat ol Lthe Lord's >upffr. The seaaioaet the buaday sehool Win bc tacit&dW ilor Uatday. i.Davld l3urms Ass lpead1ngaLw weOk"a AntAe Wetera proviaces. mi» 8Kat&leenand Ma r l or, 0£ BrandOI, visitedhUmi #Manadluàu, ML, B, Y. CampbeI u at ;weL MieM ILSp90cer&ad M"aSpea- cor, Who hlave hua aIthebir old homo ber. 1o« tAieSUMMermontbai, bave Ido te tuu tb 1'hlladolphii4 Ira. Spencer vii 'pend à 6w week lan Ot- tava vfth bu Soa, lut. JaM. B. SPencr, botgm ubg oulu. 4fa 8br ltA4 mlsarazy lort Io days irou bovel ooP"aInWUas ure4 by 0s 'dose ci CbambolajsColla, 0hoIs md Dliuos R@mndy. F«i sae by au deaimu. ~wa w; Aia Ppl pcking soason vas "opta cd be.on toaday uo *t iawSvek T «tOP ieid 10laibe tter U"Ah a feUasbut' has hua iî4ured lu o 0 extetLt by Uic dry season. Mi. aid Airs. J. E. Jeffrey, anc Lrieud# Mi«a E. Davidsu, otToronto é'Peut SunidaY vlt.he former', par eaLs, ai Brookirn. Air8a. Oicnetl and daugbier, Ger. truade, aid Mis. A.S. Bowman, vie- ied laut weok viLAi Mr. and Mis. Wm. Jeffrey. M£-R.Aichard Francis, uf Arcola, Sasr.,p bas been visiViug bis sis tor, Misti Fraucis. M". fi. IL W'alka, 1... a e LLLLIÀLd flin Munkoka, where Aie bas bu camplug fur îwu weeks. !»uy iL nuw. Novw isthe Lime lu Ibuy a DOuLle ut Chiambellaln's Colle, Chulera and Dîaribuea liemedy. IL >» adiua certain Lu lie needed bel ore Uic furtner is oer. This remedy bas no superiur. For sale by ail dealcrs.-U. Mi. and Mis. 'WA). Morris, ut Ot- tawa, have been %ýisitag Mi. and MIrS. A. Ketochen. Mr. Wnr. Swîihwill ho ai the Cun- imrvUt.iv cumnmiiLee rouis, Whitby, Thursday nîght ()ut ibis weel tu mecl ali ll h-nu and uppuents uofii0i- 'ruciy. Air. Uvoîgo J. i3llght and daughLer, and AMis* (Gordon Andersun, 'l'ruaLob, LLdurîng L"dibiiîn. k L eafness Caooot be Cured a-by local appii-aîiou, as îhey Cannet readi the o iiweamed Vptto uo tltecar. l'itre la Only onit way tu cure deatlneaaandthaï ta .b> cuustu- touainai tuc.lae. CUeu l a caiseca Ly an iii- UI iétumenc couultiuu 01 thet Iiucous aîunig ut LlIt ihutaciiu ui-c ULe %lieu Lttstube la inftaSeg y ouu Dva 1îIwbùi1t1 4batni Ur lmwPei feî heari»g, I dwlt Lthatri.Lirely ctubati iafnas la Uit lebul t, a uujezoâ ïn te Italia" Ini nau u ocLaien LIuni &u L itla tUbe restesOl uIca noma l c-utaUbes beariua wili bc cicbtîuyeu lorevei ,utessa& out ui Leu art caw.cu by catarnj, whicn la uilh jusgLbit au tutiained sculuiLlià eOt te isinepu Cx surfa$_,a. ai We will give unie lundicti iDollars for any oaefutl Ueaàlut-îs îCa u -.u Lb>catartn> tnat caialii bt cnreti b> hll, a ttrrn ceure. *cati>tur SWeg cruas ie.1, . a-kiMkI l V& CU. Toledo, Ç) Soil y Irug,%I.,ta,75c. U~ aà&e tk&il'b LUmaI>i111,8for constipation. )à JALSAM. y- Un Tuebday, Aùgutiî 22, Uic brick ,resîdence ut AUr. R. W. Waàrd, lot 8, cu, 8 , Pickering, was debtroyed by Ls lire-. Thie blaze origwn Led £roim a m~,ai~ Iu~ Lihilnnuey alling upon LAie Luo. TAie rouf waâ abiaze when dà SQVCred. "bcneignibors raWled ho tâc sSu, and Ui e uriture wua ,rwafuved ani bav,3c. UnIouatety Aur Mr. Ward, Ijiere was nuoAaaua- amice. AMr. Waird purchased te u t,[a Last March rou M r, W. F. JOulS au, tliUswas lais lirsi, liavesL4 al. Ward iâ PreparÂag Lu rebuild., (MLsa ad bruises mnay b. h@&W AIM abou& une-LAlrd Lthe Lime aequired bel Uic usual Lreatment by apply4n Cliamnbrîn's LinimentAt As la 0: cAD@PLÂ ad causes sich injuriea l "eaitLAout maturation. This U.uA- meut also rekives tsureneao! 01Ue tMuscle and rhoumattc pains. a 1sale by aU dea>ier.-o. MÎYR'rI.,, Mr- Jo&ley Urmbiett, of Whflbyt vaaed ismatrM"r. John B"eMat he ccarior part ofthUc e ck. Mis. lirecLLa returze ho lha" SLondon, En&., lai wcek, aller LArce montAis' Tait With ha so.bejý Miss SPCDu» and Mis Clouaton, 49 à Toronto, ipeat suûday Wilhtb hiila aunt, Mis. %eo. Roas. Mrt. WID m.BItA i bc ieat Ibm Con- : serfative conduitteu roonma, Wb.lt.y,I Thuraday ait 01t bis wek ok -&M; anl bis trindsan ad oppou&s d ol edi b procty.!à Misa Elliâs, 01 Colwubus, w&s tae y gucat o! mis"A. Brookos lut Wuk Au ordlsaay Su o! dlathm. si as a rles be cured by astMM dM b 01 Chajnbeî1"'oColle, ChoierasMW Dlarrhoea lesnedy. 'ribis remed'y 'b" DO auperlor for bowel onuplalale. Fp«~ saeby a&U elru- Cauadihn Nad"n1 xiito A8uut 206I- TORONTO eSiLrI&i h di 'i te Aai purt et bliAs aolaon-- tou'n VIS. ilsag Jus 1to idaee. TAie âmay IrlendaoSt. ota mever. atiacir 09 apffldwçtis. He.fi wus OPoral on *At (Jgawlas. Ilo Pfl a on t e- 1 51h et., I fi #ý we mo Sidoet oealiavsI Sm î&. 8Bdas m eu..1kj rohur, mibfor-DtUo, wlah whu Unem.m.Â..ê. Lace aimi hm t Dr &. lVUUps ast E ;ta. Nis lb.eehraenV. Md mmr " dUI ,- 1~ota~s-beà ii1& '!h. otaAsi.4d l.A.IL Hardy ha# boghIt a!aim a1 r dhIw* nov The nss,.S Min t Z o n . 4 L . G a t e u l d L a ~ i > d MË. Cccli Woodé #peut a lew days puhg>t toi -4-te day. l, t 4 r7 liadyà. nvaadythmn e' l. apIis1 AiMr. B. Blory cumplains o! some people helda garden Parliy on lA sneak t.nletauin8 arom -biso drava glawïn o! lit. Jb E wa ianm ua Rida Jogging ch"al, cold iei", e*lyâbléo l ime a spi. AMÙ4t41 1- vt irepcers, staples bice, vire au*halent onu'the PrOurarm er. caivei- othr atiiei Ms'Orchetra, MIDU Laura Evana, oteraiACs.vocalilit, aud Ms Aülto qevporl, Our [armera are deépiy lnlciested i reader, -ail 01 Whitby. thie barey Iamiet,and as Mi, »oWw -_______ ney,- sayn ho oaagive ais 20cents or mure fur barleyilu reciprocîhy caries, PORT WH1TBY. inaiiY faruiers are Soin&Lu vo t ur Mr. Trotter and !amiîy jeft on Lbcir own. uteresita. Monay 1hY o &pead a vek la T«Oontu. Becausle Preaideu t TatI siaid Canada 1Mise55FAx lIclt wns ecAifor-Toron- was ai Lthe Pariiaig of1hAiswaysa, nu b, o orema t ut BOnI lime.- une bore Liniuka au. Wc are just as A Mis a lwhorne, o! Toronto, la 1oyal as ever, and iowertag 01 ohdyl aiIehonu of Mr. Jas. tarif! wont change us. McLcod. Irag. T. Hunier, Toronto, sdpenttlb. PORT PEvomi euked vith i i. WM. Rooke.ý PORT PERAIY. M sSigAit and Craadnmof To- Air C H.Allsu.,fotmneriy drug- roito, arOI enJoylng a Aofidey aI gi ai Port Perry, bas lately been Unedaru&. appou"Uitd olecior utCuatuma aid MASS Jouaie GOldig, Toronto, aIs ePstînaster ai 4quesnefIB.C. the gucst (ut Mis. ripr GOldrAng. On Augusi 16 1-1ev. John Ford usat- lia. AJrtdiuî Calandar aid c&U d e- cd in mnarriage Mi. C. H. NlcboIsanad tlrami Lu their borne I"is eci aller " As Minute Collins.' TAe wdduuga tree eeks' vAist lu Mis. i. IRoke Least andte Uaic umb aid beauty o»IMrS. Fliaida"Mis. Gayaior, o! But- th 'm at ar po of in ighet alo, are viing ah Lie home ol Mr. terme. Cameron. Plans a id pecil i o us or tU i ew C N D ' U B R P I D Post office are on cxAbiont ad te- TiONA S LUMBR pRQ )U5 d ers are b cng aked for. n t IrOL Ng S VTah Wl a o m pars ox SEEMED TO QI Hm A NJEW May Ae aft troau i11mi u iM STOMAC }. £riru r e rpared by. Uic Iomiaon lor- 641 WUre 19c"y ite eatng ury Dpartnt. .ut tAe Lenty-si and sa Medci n oredy atet r la ie aLivDspecies ut Wood wlach logteihr 8ad no mdceor hrealmeuil riod ve re CUI in in1lu lAi te sent 01 sceed o d s.y god, vilesH.four bitiion, amne .UmIred Mnilion M.Youuqetiers, ELdttor o! tAie Suu, board [et, vOrt.h over seveity-sve Lake Ve*, Ohio. ,,TAe ia i 1je v se dose o! Ch ber" < dtoL "d Uioi dollars, the irsta ne vee Li'c S duOn iio £ rso odt . frpruce vas Çitt Tabieta ave me slrprisng - .aa. must mpQrtUt», alne oming Ali aid Aie second hottie aeemed tg0 oe , ntquarterol thie btl lut, gî've Me a new son a " i perbouy ~ > m ~ ~ ~ . g ha o~ good Aicat Ai." F or sale by ail d ul deak eg 0f 4Ao 111kV ul, eIt5- 4 .% a e n t i y a i ll u he o e Ieut Misa 11111. Laie AI s pending h~Lu- tàq I. dum not to 'a talr et holidays Ain Canninghouanad buaver -tho0twaoclj, but,,Wavr ge on.l~tO~e n Acamotuof, - &Uuglas J Miss Edna Jouton isla i'o b"% omlockjoedar M4iyelloWr plaie p ro- Perry aid Lmndsay for à 1mw veckua. d tu, l Brilsi colia. i une M i se s C la r a a a d tu â a W o u e w e t , _q u ie t & o f ,t aie 111011 u ,,va s j o r_ tf Brooklma, speât lasL Auesday at u!tes toeur apecies, vA Wille An 111 tra. lit. L nethetotal -ulo! tae -tour wv a Actea Mr. and Ars. C. 1-AWS' two suai, o4 hy seumty per Goont. leurge aid Frankr, Eu.mnt lutI q.sur- WhUte -PiU IAiiberJi undergokng a Lay ai Mis. WS. Laiesa. graduai ovlution janils lmiortanc o M r . i erc y M ar i ai5 o fV on t W i lia m , 1110 1 W 1 L i dl s x . U p l i 1 n iownvi ls hhàCOus", IMr. Wm. l4.0aegvalepnèso t t t Vood ard, EgAn St. t p I * alw i a.ll vas upplant. Air.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4 9t nopot 1 av lsmuàcd6 ~Uros, at Weu ow - sUpPaclua tain5 ulli htAie-ilydro Eletrgpv-or lt-~ 41, io rfie ulexi w eer- k. ln e s" Y& bi s vii il tIiçhl Otpi 10 t y>7 5i IJat »w A'e bet a eavàngOlt about leur doU ais , a Is Mi nùAy-r - d ismoxbmum Ly lto i hm . leut , a po X V eImi ttu I bis tui bi Farm00ol Wh a en ubuy FA= iTooh sstaped 11YIth Saum Brazzd, yen cas b. mbsoltely "tre that you ame goulotg blg value for your moneY. Hou. do tiimos Odt wlgh ii. lqat, n~tô- TlY' tI,.im ià yentpsn et Mg M i WITBy...l iè. . damaenWib,"bt .J U àplai 46 64.1~ e~a lasillit&bu.r#0. 1, JO& i 7à BMMar 4 , l a. sept, Jrea oitI..IS,1,IarhS a 1, JuA S, Me i,.1,.o J - Ulna, P ort l e~-. c125, # LO,- joli u, J iy sm p t. 1, Nomai Jan.1, 58 Mar 179 .Jas 8 a< 1,Ma lJa. 9,818 loi, leu..iOe ms Sma, lot Jil 87, M1lui, 4' il&# Jaa. Oa11918 1 BrJa. S, 1,11 J. .ARWL, DAtsi h WbtbyrNov. lai $18 7i I Ton ~*g~hU~~ II~-emm rouaEue.-~m e Craesae e'etl.eseentPm4p4 v asti~~~~~~ îpa ~us tcfetma 0800~~~ aI aamiCmd idUhdua G~rivR P~~~Sa.s~m 'aaa» tie y k 6ý ý 1 1 11,10runS, spelit a lew days with- Mx. 114, vaLm 1

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