Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 4

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lit,' àuMmo» V ug a Wm Ussud i Ptft WMiby Speeltet'ae PS Se.4, ;, i do leSi for Whitby. SINGLE PARE (minimum charge a; Cents) FOR LABOIt DAY between ail stations in Canada, almo to Dttrolt and Port Huron, %Iih:,14itgmr talle and DuRais N. Y. Good golng SOe ,2p 3, 4. Return imit, Sept. 6th, g 9si. Tbrough Touu*gt Pullman Steepers to WINNIPEG and EDMONTON Via Chicago and St. Paul A«g. azmd. Sept. gtb and u9th In connection with uoEEEKERS EXCURSIOS liN Groanmd Truak Agent 5 Du4>.PA..Toôrmat o, o? -Wbltby, Ont. r ~iers(You Wf#e mun t. solu our ýçwues lunfruit trees, Md potatocs, Rowerng in Whltby and sur- gde .al and Int R STOCK sEsKarly and id& Esablshed die eswhole or au. ad 4 idu lias efor Toroto bdi 8.84. .Prom ror> ,*p st Whltby JffltL>u #5$ eu., sud 8.80 pi.. 5t or fOs abe1 ,p- JoRie., pro. %~a leoprator Ç-etral BusIness Col- lým* nIites you to of ce> I h currkuIqm Ili y an"wy Ilueted ilclg vlilcb viii [sud a good bouses p. teta a Oo sair'. Tern op«»a on AugqsI kddress W. H. Shaw# "P Youge and Gernad omto, sud mentio« "i >s evr olin. bae.boss 3= ,v. do botter f<r ourgrai. iat h" «aY t. eho"Il. Yon O&Y etdy &a t Oo . r p=1*Y ab bomoand i, ComAtnoee 4êe etr*olsiIe"e sae ~get. b -la -&boolsgRxemsve fghî fer Osteuo f $". v.ed.aa,. IWus hnier nv 1m ISitorIaICoà tM long liwll b.bltea~~tu ouam àlabe à"e- 8 à vl tib pis I bnild4 ig f~he niww1*1S jmh ýtria J ïtrron -and -mon 4-ýthe Iobe' û* >Prô«Oion -bas'bs.ù »af te-t l"-à as t sud lessenthé. rpeuduiure. IILI Arthur Kme fT&tonto, speut Souday la toma.- »r ~ ~ o Jhsoe tNiagar* Fangs, spent gwixdy iTowni. Ki,. Janms owile, of Buffalo, la vlilgfrisnu lu toma. Ths T'Ortes 194? s*aivi lté 0 MisaMOUa Stewart lan beim houi- remui. We have 90011 r~eOuafofr daylug witb lier parente. hoplng tht lu-vil) tct'tabb place for MisabouerniDavoy bas ben- vlsfttn& s».ther ysar or Iwo. fniida aithe Tovm ino. o * e is-eGisys Davey lias be en visit- It Wl)!boa greaitel»M!to nowa- lug h« cou" in luPort Perrl. piper""r s eenthe Vote o1 Sept- Un. WIl McBurney, of Walkerion, ember 21 bat been reoorded and bau spet Sunday witl hie motAier. lesitisi whedmr Canada l- a bve me- Roa and Nina Rosa have ciProoty or not. Thoe <Iaây and ben visittng relatives lu Rjana. weeky prmesla no hangely given over Mim1tuby itvans, ol1 ,$u eriand, to the dlacuason of necipocoity tht en a îew dîyb wa it M. and linS. fone becoum eiiusated with h mlA. L . Luke. ansd almosi abliona the sigbt of the or1d Teorns o m neuof Khenlmont I eudle »à *0 ..n -m-.frak jmui U BLYaI7I5.A.LeIu-argu- mente thai would sol b. glus -0 mo- nt'. onahidenatioga by iheir authons wur th"y not blWied be parthman lp. Truly, poitise leaeacurleus CASTOR lA Tho [w YUIlm AI""quit BUMste Signature of IF YOU VISIT TORONTO. LiAtu~ &u. .,& au U "t4L"U btmtUr tkmçU£ b5 alad umX .I ib< 96 LUe.aai IUI I. tucI.yLue 018i UU bIUXsUurkàMl&tul ba isai *Làus 'ait. Cab eur W Ot srucua oyAels aij Le &&MetO.wiiLn. LWt u t u tthen £ hOlt)' CUI£Athe CU L"u os UUbsut.LU giOvW uWttéiaumenî £8 oema ~>r~LLuuiOitLiCi imiis o l.é t iai u 1'ogatowould nul bu ocutPlt. wift a ride dowa tW the Uoncb Wb" i l it &bot uw eSauni la"Uve Position tis miut ci tAhe cty me Exhibition i>rkis W lias wesl eud. Golag rom o»s panatW anotixo, ota sespnwumchy aul LIere, la tu me of UsuUth pertoSQI the QuinnCity. SLbIIÀ% At, 'E~U WIU lotie Tonouto il p.nx. lotr WIn ape aa pwula 04 oaa #.rtawk '- can Iatalêybotwom ..Wt*la" a ààuu"muw. Car. iU rua V*àUrua ru Makauawy bysîcmw W l.4u wima coneciag AnesIraçscia ~lui raesluWsirl," aa r vrlot Wtu ape sdro#isumPi good terOou= iSaUs. MUokIoaae SeSkatcbowui sd *.ibereTouniat «Mt viai b. twly equippM l ttkbu. do&a eto., au portrik kacmare. â«Montaybe sedabi' b"k £raibualpentiam 4suichais troi "uY («rsd TrMsiAMe% Corle- dmue A. E. DW4 ,Diustrikaaaeup B. .T. Tuero#joua m185i~ asbe~ pMd « ima. lit.Cniabn Suas a4gv uacelIa tls Iawe s âÏl isslaiMacpherson lius limn vWa ýirag lta Uzawa AurLtue pau t wu Mnr. and lirs. H. H. lch, of To- rooto, have been vIi.ag wili lMn. A. D. Fraser. MIS. ?etxi and daughten,- ol But- lalo, bave been viuatlng lits. JOB. Blo0w.- Misa Florence Davey lia been at- Wnimg im mîtllinery openup in To- lit. Jack J. King bu as b olday- in& iu AIluaon a"d 'rotenam for thie piast weekt. lias Frances Clîtworthly, Himp', ion, la the guea L of Miss ulive bon- netta e, nor hiby. lira. A. E. Luke will hold ber pont- nuptial rocoption en Tuesa71 Ais»t. thI[tom 3 Wo 6 o'CIock. Mr. Wyman lbs purchasdMilrs. Hlorn'spropenty inum enonil vard. The price pai was $700. M"r. Walsh and asoLloyd, have returned home £rom flear Brook, where tliey have beon vislting. Mrt. sudAirs. George Cooper - ad chuidren, u i Barrie, are wiïh lMr. u"ad lira. John C;ooper, St. John .t Mr, 'and Mrs. M. Collinasud ,chUdl ren, oS Betlin, have lioeu vîitiug wlth, lira. Bandât, at the Whutby Mote., Mr. and lira. -S. C. Mowat sud soýu apeut thi e wkand it Un ls omlt' patets, Air. os uéisG. Kpowat. Mr. Mud MAk. F. -C. Smitb sud- daughier, o! 'Toronto, se l ev dsys witI Mr. sud lira. Jas* Smith, Port Whutby. Mr. Athiut Johuton and soâ .George, of Brookuluretunaed on Moday eemng trom aasir ,vopha' trip to Englani. Rer. A. F. Biant, Who bu been holidaylug for Lb. pust two mnh, occplrd bis pulpît iu AU aas CdurcI on SuudaY. issesEthlyâ nsu dilli - Soti have returusi home frozu Torotol vlier tbsy bav e osa ttssdig the vholeealemollmuryop.alp..4 Ou ol ti M &i Pl reubl* hvi itingl i aùvlcliity Noua'., 1$ 1t znor tibst be la tePt tbhPoe- lion ot Poslrnaurai Arool amr.L fowkwlhIow ber' posivwtuplroet4oa i A# lalome Vila.OshVI4. ou Wemuuiey, -lS t rtI aud$uloeer Mv aW4e lar rnety"lo t!rieai". TVm g t Dr. KcMchael and **ë-,o! Né itoirkt vrsW l*loswtJ. D. rai Kra. lowd é otrn ùuday. lie. 11W tor , i a »Axefflle*, but a 1 "bed ilri Misa L. Walker, of Claremmot u have been spendIng a fsw days Lt Mr.- John Walker's-; also miss Hewey and Mins Eoýyèr, ot Port Po"y. Meurs. 'W. J., H. Riohardon *bd Hugh Rois. left on Tuesday for a trip. to the West. They wtt) go sa far as, tbm Coast, and wlll be Loue about six weeks. Miss E. E. Haycraf t, of the Bow- .mvile Statesm au editonlal staR, isister 'of Warden Hayeraft, BroolIn, la very i11 with typhoid fever ai lthe home of Mr. MK A. James, Lorne Vil- la, BowmamvillIe. Mrt. Hugb Ros JoliRBion and IPrauk Hoover, of North Touawanda, N.Y., have been ln town for a week.1 They are On a wbeelng trip, and wlhi takoe ln the Toronto Exhibition on1 thein retunu..home.9 Trounto ouiemotor oYole ou Sus%- day taséhinêotli *ho 15 villi ber, son, Mr, A.?f. LIer, osud was muoh pleased t fid ber lmprovlno s rapidly. IMe madethe tnp dowmu. one hour and t weuùtl-lve minutes. miss NOMaLavier nla tytug ou bo '.81.1 hia urslng lthe patient. Mr. W. C. Gibliard, sou of K. A. H. Gibbard, tocmerly lesobuai tb. W.C.l., ani for years joint propnielor wlth the laie Sam Graham of lte Chrouicle, wua ln toma on Tbursday last. The youug rma hbaijusit e- turuci f rom Esrope, whlther ho lad been on a tour monthu' trip with hir4 grandfather, Mrt. W. R. Ham, of Port Perry.- Whlle awiy tbey visited Egypi ani the Holy Land, as wetl as parts of Europe. Mrt. Glbbard sud grandtather le! t on P'rlday fon Moose Jaw, Sask., where Mr. A. H. GIi- bard Iun nw engaged ln lis professon o! teaching. -, Xk.obth i, ~*for ber fortue Yinxu û éu ivy-s 14tg M sd wIchiaî ee la une lot 0*" 80 3,eaus, baanborne .igatheo ~~ and bas; been Matde lider bC e 0. sonai msupervision mine, ils Intancy. Àilow no olme t decelve you lu this. Ail (Jougttefeit#l, Itiou n<i "J9#tustwus'good"P are but Eiperimete Ibat t*lI1 with and ndatager the health of ifanitsansdld CMn-]Bpeti5f08 againat EXPelmeàt What. is CASTORIA q astoria la a baflnless iuboUttut for Castor O1U, Pare g rie, Dropijanadi oothing/IyTMP9. lb i& pleasant. It C, ntiîns neither Opium, CMoip-bine nor other Nacoi sgubstane, Its age ln Its kuarantee. It desiroys Wormsg P~nd mllays Feverlahucas. For more than thlrty years it bits been ln constant use for the relef of Constipation 1 iatulency, Wlnd Colicy ait Teetblng Troubles auJ 1) àarrhSoa. It regulates lhe Stomach and B3oweis, assimilatees the Food, givlng beMlhy and natural sjeep. The Childresi sPanaet-The Mother's ffiend. GENfUINiE CASTORlA àALWAYS The End Von Have AlwaysBogt la *~Fr -Oves' 30 Y.ars ANN*UAL of lte most modern and up.to-date 800t8 and Shoe8 now going on et PeeI'8. We have rnany lines, perfect goods, which we wish to clear out, and these wiIl be sold away down 1lôw ini prico. corne early and secure first*choice. bidk& et.Sowthf Whitby, at os 0F CANAVA BANK D -ih UMo g e d!mt&" s Tete n EveryWay and in mil lands under the sun-in ail conditions of Ife-by generau. tion after generation-the safest andi most rellable family remedy the world bas ever known is Beecham's Pulls. The good these un. equalled health reeuators have done,in the quick rellefof human suffer. ing and the prevention of serious slcknesses, la beyond calculation. NýEOMAI PULLS caïn do .the sanie sort of good for you, sd for your family. Eeecham's Pilla do tbeir beneficent ok lm accordance with Natures laws. T rya few dose just'as soon as physical trouble shows itself asse how Immedlately effective they are --me ow quickly the whole bodlly systena wliIb. benefited. Theza you will know for your own good, why Beecham's Pilla are Farn emy Known. Th estFe-heMs-Satisfaction Âiihr Bar ern converiencîs ýma :y be, goo&--a, & 4eg -811ht ULLIII sale

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