Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 3

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A ~ j*j~h 'f ngelluetP. dràa ï-#o -newipapê?reaerve.d W-atee e ret tof' the bWppr'a con- ~ît~bsdnu seda ~ti'et foi l.g atreo s jid> Li4 e. suon, threw a"dé, the O'niy.O inistrips -i I?ùrnal. i orde ie-re ia h.a ~ lb,?klv <gàrette, andi muster suMl1iènt en-~ i. eon m te wrte ~. telgran aço Pigpound ôt fruit add tire toid Northallerton a invitation ~fo a poun 41 gsnua - -- - ith efellowing day. --st h UaE -vrthe ---- né, the Point of reacbijig for a -telegvaphk form when Amitfel t-il taowmi tlte* iè lentered with a card. It bore. the -Jutce off', bring te, a bdl,ý CLO S __Q A R J R S "TeEalofFaihole, tan:pcwell, boîlig for goni t, lamne and adtfess- OR, THE IIOUSE IN -1118 Where ia his lurdehîpi"lhe sai gerardotheook ui ful aloud-<'at the door, or ini the Parenadth juc RUE BARBEIT st reet ' tayrup:' It wil take (Bis fiat was on the second foor). hou ra to cook this -ris "In a ke.b, air." there la a - nuch watep i CIA TE 1'Bring bhis lordship u.1' Ion. !t is delicious. t1s3 CHPTR . MYSTERIOU#t XlL.ECE -A rapid glance at "Debrett" re- par of the melan for awe4 DeÎijà'Id Brett, barrister..at-law IN THE WEST END." vealed that the Earl ef Fairholme Spiced Gooseberries. and amateur detective, ha4i seldonî "An affair of sorne magnitude- waa thirtyun .areci, the four- four quarta of gooseberrie been mnore at. peaee wit.h the worid perbaps a remarkable crime-han teenth of his lino, an'd the poasea- n'ove stems. Cever w and lis wn eonscience than wlseu takpn place in an Albert Gat.e man- or ci count.ry seâts at Fairhoiie, water, atd balf a te.p( ho. entereci tbe dining-room of hi.s$ion. Warwickshire, and Glen Spey, In- sai t, and hoil for halE -an h 0011v flat this bright Outober moro- "Owing to the reticence eftho verneas. . our p'-und etof ugar, t- horig.s,*t is at rsntip The earl entered, an athletic, saons of ground cinna, ~mne to fmou atai ofLad ~weII-groomed mn, ose whoae Iine3 te&spoo11fUl of ground cii the ftmus affir of ady iàb'1e te ar-rive at a definite concu- w-euulyati la!Itýlcs esonu faipm Doua Lyle'm disappearanceand lion as to the nature or extent of wpeuuîyati laat~lcs ap4nU tasie dOatkilie haci nuL beon busày, and t.he incident, .but. iL il quite certain bu h asnwi nuwnelfuIteMOnn1e e the jeyci, héalthy idliness is only that public interest will b. niuch etate of fiurry and annoyance.i hck tralmoati h ~ly. 8eaI in pint jars or ili knowa te the. ard wo rker. Again, exciteci wben details are forthcein- Each man was fa'vorably impresa-_ while dressiig, ho haci receiveci a ing. Ail sorts of rumorsattaain ed by the other. Ris lordsh'ppr- am pots. fin&.Wish fg Leter nvi.in hi tca uie shot rednceintheloclit, te Mr-duceci an introductory card ,and "Ilinter, & le Er clplc nth o n r e., de ncf e i e Ipocitythpersn Brett waa astonisheci to find thst Fg a d P a h P ee A l t h e a tihtf l p ein te onded ry. er unt e le p rsiin ent p ro fs it bore the. ame of the Inder-Sec- Perfeetl1Y ripe re etoue A il t h s o th n g b e n e d w i h ei g e t th I a s p r s st n t e t a f 8 a e f r F e -re g n A ff a ir s.a d p e rfe e-tly rip e fg s , w itl haPIp vincunsae(iuence to rendc'r these. Without, howeyer, giving tretary ef Statpe for ad& Bret eontented in Uminci and affable currenicy to idie apeculatioa seVer- "Ihave core-"commenced p~ nf hpec ea in illîatinr. a] authentic astatements may he his lordship hesit.tiigly. in "yu in equal propotiùol 'tsafine mojrning, Smiit.h," hgrouped into aconnecteci forn. Bhav e d bad iht, Lok n.ord Faiqur- tOeof a p ou e mxd f 9sid cheerily, as ho etwed himseîf "Four weeke ago a party ofT ur- have. You wad ihtord oFgani- a ra nd oketied fo &L Vie table where hie "mttin' was kish gentlemen of high rank in hjm-Yuws o og and n ageiiektl n alre:Ldy uxna ring oi the cofe Constanatinople, arriveci in Londoni coinfortable chat. NQw, wonotyvonuJPut'stirring otten as it ge "-Bee-utifiul, air," said Smith. andi took uap their abode in th star*t with a whisky and soda, lightt up ini omaîl glass jai ,,Smith!" hou se in question., after sone struo- a cigar, and draw an easy chair rnany persona conuuder figp tua leatonpitigagetnear the firo i' însipid, the. blendeci froiti tu'40trtinponi" tgra 'Pon my honor,* Mr. Brett, yen deiighVE.l fiavor, a.nd wi etN1t even the best English &i- security within and without, hd bgnwl. Ye iem ofi lte ramadbthI tunin weathler cani stand being been planned and executeci. degne. hose ae te e c .ertl cutathis rni aes botery d called bcuiu. Dont du it. "Atten-ding these Turkish gen,- worcia I bave heard during twenty- for luncheon. YuU Will open t'%d fioud-gatetî of tlemen, or officiais, was a sumner- four heur, oua suite of Moaleni guarde and The eari Was -eauuly mnanoeuvreti Jar put cîne gallon et 900d Smithla aughed decorously. Re servante, whilst, immediately fol- into a strong light. Tlien be made Andx one cup eaeh of!ai- bhid nut bie s lighteast idea what bis lowing their- arrivai, caine.frein a resh etart. and mustard; sîtir' wel a çnaster meant, but if it )Ieared Amsterdami some dozon noteci ex. "You have doubties eard et CéUCUIfb'eit', wll * pô'f Mr. Br1etti to hc jecose, it wa-e the porte in tbe diamond-cutting inI- this Albert Gate afair, Mr. elOtb, a yDe- gâther, theWa-' duty of a servant who knew bis dustry. These were Lodged in11A rLt .plate oeto et Place Co be reponulive. neighboring private hotel, where' <Yen niean thi "adti.ohr eîUde ii i4nàr. s Tuebarietr fuIi unersood teY were extreîuely uncommuni- riaing ami banding te bis visitoer eheuld terint, büt if it dot M~mitb'a delicate appreciation-anci atve as to their business in Lon- the longer paragraph ettof w u th pckes ndprear Mei limite. He ingtantly noticed don. Tbey were employed during e ad-eecutfrn the picklmxtuesTh nd ra re that the mnors ing paper, instead 0f the day at the Albert GaLe bouse. paper. tabe in a.f ortnight, 4n d repoêing sext LW hie foldcd nap- The presence in the niansien, both . "That il ver curieus," ad h kept then om a ear kiîa, waB placed out ot roach on a day andi night, et a etrong foro~carmoetry start d u etthe. amlno gidelxiard, and that the egg8 and o! Metropolitan police, tended Le iho was t-o preoccupied by hieî good aIhape,put thenil bacon made their appearanoe hall excite local curioity te an Mans o-t epymciledt i.cvr with prepared vine' ni1hin u te, tesocs- . degree, but no clear conception incide.ît. Re merely glanced ab Put away. No hieatii Iore Aan expert ewordsrnan delights of the business ofthLe occupant; -ct:gam eu n and 4I h&1av e.-hàdtan t e. (%at#saMtierce with au w-eu kltowed ,te ieah thoe ubicJ ;iJéthat l.18 IL W.lle,E B<iif ,1*the, Picklet are kei>t' ii ùmbrella, se did the- clevoreet ana- "Wiatever iL was tiat tûoj jçjg Talbot, I meall-vowe th.t ý$gr I>tical detective of the. age resolve place, the. fullpartioulars were ný1 wo' mrr m itu t CAnn.4 - Wàterniehn..-I toaa< i evitor. oniy well known tote cuthoritiel beast-ly business is eleared up. Of the tutu green iindl, ut'the "Snilth," he, said suddenly, coin- -tii. presence 'etý the Police hilt* ourse, we ail knew that Jack (Or *hite, rind) iu pieces an( poung hiie features te their mot evoul at Goveromental sa noi d!ntspewh h danuiikC*noer .trun Mevere çM) a.ezanÎna.tiôn aspect, '*I but niatters proceeded O o urMý# He's tied up'or de"d, fàr sure 3 L v. >?n>but ~o n think the arrttngement ie an excel- lin«s until yeuterday mernung. -ne matte what may'haee beoe«ne t> break. aé utti i lent one.","Then it hecauneqear that a re! et him- wteaike t ats ld 'dishiTherewill bel .- &Tl ri a rageet i. markahîe developinent muat havé stop Edith fraim marrying me is iuioe-,tha.t drains ftem' the "That Mms. Smith and yourself eccurred during the Pre0edin 1 more~ thau 1 eau fatheoni, - Just l<eek add & lzttle f rom the loettle ahoul'd -have a ew daysi' holicay, night, aà the whole of-thei Dut1 at nome eft b. women in:,BeSeiety. -essa'Y. With the, 1110e 4$u while Mrs. Siit'. brother takeï workznen and tie Turkish attenqd4 They dun't leav, it te their rela- to the a*neunt o! eune-halft a yerpaedrn y forthoeming anti were taken off ini cabs by thý tives te be mixed up Luin a and-aI, -apound of the'fruýtitjW Viil t4 Iord North*llerton's-why, police, n-ot te Kerter, Street Pol" 1 Icau tell, you. 8t.illi tuýe, yeu J*hen r aw. -Wh.ie- ', r âtnn wh.%t 13the inatter t la it to, ain u eSoiniX.d h ae dt sjoi'ee0 n w lievd ù i iê r in.-Of red ýp&r fruit < and 9kin Ldne . týie id. two lé. at re'noe %ces of gin. bt is tratis ['egini tc: esc vir&j Serve, foi tit- whitc eet piekie. - Steam ýet and re- rith cold okiful 01 ho ur. Add Wc table- Mnon, _one ,oves, hait and one- ce. Cook constant- in regular for zneats ,e.-Take peacheaý hl a à0p- nush and. IL Add let sugar frut. Put ook te&W etis thick.'l in. B-o préserve# 's havei rith riohe tered bis. Lnt>de Viltgar and add îh adry -keeping, wiflbe r iý the11 1usuatly ýg&r and- required trtoublé- nder th), Pare ofti tii. m&.ati ~getointmI lýbSe polatoua,..aadi celeryl, tien" elai'me UPoon. Add the. catsgp a.ud- sèaou W-ehi h-ai d~fperk .6n 1 l nxe éi teher, ýPUt il in a ,àklng d!Ïh,, plaein4-hé' bren, bake frt-fiminutesIr tire or tire. tâmes wbile-baking.> lthis a.mount w-il servei nx peeple, -Take .4w-oquai-t t& flâbsre milk, Place over low, fire u til curd sepairates, thien arain tbizèeugh a -aïeve, pretsing 0J1 thc w-bey out,, leaving idurd cearse. Add- te Ibis pepper and sait te laste and butter aize et walnut. To thig sdd ose tresii cucuniher cul int9o emalldice and mix. Put on ice to cool. Wbený tboroughly ciled spread this mix- ture beîw-eenthin asuces et butter- 'cd hread aund serve at once. Tlnese are delicions bot westher sandwich- es. 1, S'wîse Steak-Tiiirty cente' worth et gooci round steak cul a god two inche.a thick. P.ail, pepper, and dredge tiick with fleur. Poundi with edge ut a plate until flour is worked in. iPut a good tablespoon- fui et lard iute a frying pan. Wben iiot Ery steak quîckly a nice brown on bo-th aides, tien alme8st cuver witb bot water, and lot siminer elowiy for eue heur aunI a hait or two hours. Juab as guod U as at beef and mmch obeaper. Gravy is very nice. . Cocoanut Peacli Crean.-Remove' the milk trom the .interior etf à large coceanut and place whore It wiil become cold, ineauwhiie pres tiroragi a fuit tieve a quart of peaches that have been pa-red a nc aiiced *(referve a tom bits- for gar- Inishbiug), add te these a oup et don- teetioner's suga.r aud place direct- 1> e ie At ser-mhg lime add to thi frit - a pnch oet powdered cim,- nanion, onke pint -et stiftly w-i ppe ýore*in, acdafiiu oc ikt tlie - cocoAnut -milk te form -twoý quarta; mix nsu elrve' tîem iig drystâ1 ?itéheï ï in hi uhas beeli placed a- pLttc cacked -oe, duat-- ing the top thickly ' with - ratcd 1-nulln*g, garnirh withbeli.ed pe.ech- es -and large, ripe blh&ckberies. Apple Ice ',Cream.-Pu-t twb pou'ada etfpeeled and eut- up-a1ppbee lu -as,,aucepan; amdl eue, upful of ,water, &a mafl stick -of einta.monu one cuptul et zsugar and the rn and-puice of eue tern..Cook quickWl il i ct, then mxiii tht'intl qu ev w free l-te f,. dd ne tableepoonful eft anilla. Put in gla,ýses and w-heu c*ld Cuver witi paraffin. -Tomate Relîsb.-One peck ripe tomatees chopped fine, eu -e cup saIt aprinkledi over tbein, and let etaad ovor nigit. Noxt momning turu in colander and drain aIl water off. Then chcqu Ëepar&tely two cups cel- er', tw-o cups onions, three swt peppers,- and adi! tiiree cupg light bruir-n a ugàr, three pinta vinegar, .)ne tablespoon cinnamnon, euhé small tableipoon blaçk pepper. Mix al 'together* and can in airtigt -canas. This la delicieus and will ke.» a year or more. CLAXW Sl8TAnI o0FAN EntI. CIaIattgays -11. i. Deeeeded )Yrom 'Flymouth Smnuggler."1 Australian newspapers give full detaila et lii, daim> utWilliam, Ward' a KeéIbots'ne bi1ider, te lie title and estates of the 1Iarl et Dud- ley'. ,! b e clai n a r t, w -h o, if le at ate d ; wilI~ ~ ~ ýg ahri'vstEand,- 1.11 Lon- don for. Autralhin lu188U. He-as- sÉrtsi tha tlihs is deseèended in a direct hue trom Thomas, thé- ason et the second Baron Ward and eleven- .ti Lord D ud e ' h a e of 'tiis Tiioés &bout '1M#, a roniaintie atory is tek!. Wiile a young ma-n hé tnarried anci sèéttl<1dodwn ia intée t'Wuent Great Torrîngton,aituated où* -hflT'i _t4> 4uri T6ùid Oè-a oumi t ,'ù made a Grat DOOttioR Sons graduates et & medical col- lege, silting uhdisturhed ina theiir: quiet offices. muigit teed disposedtoe euvy the opertunity oencèe eflsdP. hy Mr: 'Dillon Wallace. l hie - cent book, '«Beyond the Meumeait sierras,"',Mr. Wallace -leIls et a: situation jute which bis ceurier il kinson, brougit him, in Cana, smali low-n oethle western aloja the MSountains. The preVieus eveuing Wilk had complained et a severe- ache, ani Ijadmliietere grain. tablet et aceaîl* noted my leatieru i M withi ntereýt; and his witbin.,an hàur, dé' - i physielanand'-> about teùwn. ~ Wilkinson iad haIfthle population & w-as suff'erink iwithr. Wilkiu.slou sent .tor' treaitué ý- - iun te k-ordg4,of,ýâ liai Iwg - dentiat, sdida wth w-hch,4trý 5- But m~t-hk~ he "JIFQr the Iast îime ,Smith," ho tOnastue eresens that led the. quenee.'celIer ', fe,ï atIiq,»s <éf ~ a;~twlI~xlpntolo ice ehnesçk te* irices, snd (Tô b. coutinued.) . t-and, POP' uaPi 1 ilexIîýtôyuwh h eoln Yr uh)Iisare 1 e -tr4rainiud$d iLaI' bIOPel; e YUto think et aciamaut ini the. matter. Zry onoui"tU.î i I*trade0men'asenimmi::'Os "The. repres.uaaîivoet a ànews SAUCE 8SUU*IONR. i14 i. hoebu agency was thrseatene.d with arre'nt Theipoieceii Iaouspwife te but, càl o ftrespiisw-hen ho *ndeaverédt ichopimn at t lu., s -tôVj , aOtr as aoq1uainsed wiithtiiIm e Wgain admieio.n toe b Mbrt lam mexuoïi oted 1 ttack, anuddrinet 'wince. Gate houa.5 -ani îi L- qu4ee p fy* iîw 4 atLord ?NorthaI- t i.so~.a ~ -u.~l ~ l i thpl tat few days ayoi1h, meo'i h ef tisve y kit- ii li - ie tl-tenedmyboots, and admis i s riainê>'t4*h-àt #Iàovr the atuda in uay shirts, ap* itart m came % - "* 11qib ~~ cfauuchLrans lsa a 0. io-a, e-a- It à .

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