Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 1

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onicle. ~t IAFtLAY 84t110etLaw No r1Pùblltb spkdEchlLant. g- uort of Justice. Brook Streets Whitby. R. J.G. DOW B A. lister, solicîtor, Itotary Puhuo, ce firidoor Westi o! 1>1 01O .. E. 1EWLL. h.C..Bar Counîly ronn AtLorneJv, *8 soliciltor. 0! (h..@outil Ulia rt Uouas Whibl. ItUTLLDUE, Barratar, et, loin s orna)terme. oUfi.. .qily aouth of Royal IIOL8 Ont. >UNU aM.1Tl4. L. L...B.,.bar- oto. Muney te loin. laIier ai ge llocutes IOLO-- miithu nezt ltithe market, WhitbS. ME3DICAL DR. MELDRUM lan, Surgeon, A000ucheux ilL, iecele prompt attenitin. Phbone 83 -,r Centre snd Coborne its., Whitl DENTAL 6 Deatist, Offic, lfus- teadmoe Ne. 4, Lhe von St., WAitby. P>hone CTIONEERS CTIONEER Oshawa, Licenbed Auc- ,esr to L. ïrairbanloe 1 dates apply te' self or te, Wbiiby. WX. KÂW I3Nae[DAUCTIONUER AND VALIJATOR. nf sales promptly attendedJ .et cole made for the Gazette office. as Temsnable. 0ONTRACTORS OWELL JA~MES ter, Builder and Contractor. awn and estimates (urnlshed. M~, Alteratlons and jobbing. peuh. Stephenson 9 WtiiTUY Phono 149 rrtag. tene isSief of MriaeLiccuseu Corner rua stet*. Wblth r.E. J. Shirley Vterinary surgeon %ry craduate of Ontaulo Vetartnary V"s tu adels RHotai1 Whlby, Iv ,frOw aP1<> 4 p.miPhouce. Heu Or cl. ,wttb SUl alht servce. Offic- .1 Klig itrelm sd ls aaveu".e IMlNION BANK W.. D. Matthws,Vice-POsldeUt. Ç. A. Bogerto en'I Manager. PIW#l$4oOwO= .Remevep$5 ,Og0e0w TotalAssts, $62,5000000 Branc'u of this Banik ha beetu estal- lIshcd-lu London, Englandp on Ist of July, at Credit rate on ail important pointsinh ileotite il"mset or colleç- iA*e telegripbie transferst and evé~ esrition ci banking .111 b. fursiishd on ait' eanet will.be provlded 'f oma ldIe~esp WLIALLIZIé lias e '1Phe Ëiuor of thie (]amtete: Dear bîir,-I-ermit mte tu£ough your valliable coliumus tW present a le'e t.houghts te the electors wluu, wIJ soon lie caliedtu Luw tatkir ballots. WfleîîMt. Fowke Was laut electet many Conservatives supportes hm because they realfzed that Aie was a candlclate ut mure than ordttay abli- ity, and ti ey lbau oahoonce in bis iiitegaty and imlîgness tu promote the OesL unLerests out ic people of LUis Coiistituency. i,ver> budy sa s lbe lias been n most able anti successlul îrepresentative. Ai admit he lias dont mure foi: the ruiing ut Soutii Unbariu than ail ti representatîves whu preceded i hm. Mrt. Sinith, who is now a candidateý in opPositioLn tu Mr. l<owke, repre- senited the riding fur two terra,Ounr town couneil anti intluential cîtizens urgeti the Cousu ivative Guoerament, Lhrougb Mi.- SunILb, tu give us a pooL ofliLe, but their mierorials were un- heee-i. [ey consitiered they hait tbis i îding saf e uuitie ir cuntrol. P>ublic buildings were given to other places, but noue [or Nhtby. How d-ifleîently Mr. I"owke acted. A tew êithzens conveneti, passed unanimously a zesolutiun requesting Mrt. Fowke tu s'a) lu the (iuvernment t.hat Whitby wanted a post, olhue. ýN ithin a week a message was returneti sayin1g our tequest w-as granteti. Eeit after the excavation had been made toi the fou.ndat.jon a few doubt- ing unes sneeringly referredti W "that ie ini the ground," andi saiti nupuAi- .îc building would be erecteti for u. bThe wurk, however, steadily went on until tbat uuisightly corner occupleti by the olti abanduned [rame hotel. now contains one of the hantisomest publie buièmings in the province. When tiis building was nearly ceci- pleteti Mayor Downey and a few citi- zens urgeti Mr. Fuwke tu get us a lown dlock anti place it in thie twer. A Ithough flot eustumary foqr thie Gov- ernukent to furnish dlocks, a beautlful Une with illuxnlnated, d"a no atiorns oipublic bufiding. haandi pay. iadebt oe1 patitutle iï Living l thn u vowtudan î ilueui. l'u ýmmaisiosilti (olowp#U4y 4gaIf elegted thie harber aiWili WitlÃœIIy 010804 up, tAie piers put iu ptou4r shaAs ud lhetola boished. il Mr. 4mnith -tould ho prelortet, who eau. say what wilî Aie doge ait the harbortl Yours respctfuiy, <W. B. PRINQLÉ. hard lofi htk Thie tiret meeting of!the Boardi o1 HeaLih ur 1911 was helti ai the 01- lice of tAie Becretary, Mr. Jus. White, on Monday aIternooîi. ireseàt-Mayor I>ownley, Secretary Whte, J. E. Wiilis, John Tliumpson, C. A. (.*oudfellow, Mr. John Thompsoti was appointeti chairman for thie year. ?Numerous matiers were diseusseti relating te LAie hoaltAi of Lte toffn, part.icuiariy thie negleet o! housciiolit- ers and niedical practitioners tu re- 'port cases of liectiuus diseas. A- fter musAi discussion, the tollowing resolution was unanimously passeti, alter which the Board adjourneti. Moveti by C. A. Goodfellow, sec- ondeti by J. H. Downey, "'That Aav- ing learneit of neyerai cases uf infect- loua tilsease lu Withy whicIb hati notà been reporitid to thei' Board, andi Ai- Leving that there bas been cunsider- ahle laines@ un thie part of metilcal pracitioners, lu tAis- regard lu tAie pai, tisi Board uf HealtAi desires to wnari householtiers andi medical men tint future violations o! thie Act whloh corne te their notice, wtIl ho '"-Ported te tAie--Provincial aulioritloti and thie penalties o! thie Act invoketi." CRADLE OF METHODISM IN CANADA WILL BEBAVE» TO 141TO RY.j Monday was à inemeable 'Mothodism. Soven Aiuudred IFor many years thie peuple o!ft"ae6'pl' o uu Ha Da, t 'a town andi adjacent iuftiipaites, tuai ýtalng over ofthtAe bUih with the co-operation ufthte County thie new trus tee boarti, whô Council, made strenuous effortis tO te It. preservation for tAie1 have the (3overninent purchase Our enadie of Methodism. barbon, se as to make ut free of toile 'Fiaà church wu thie ira, for Importing ceai and for exporling built lu UpPer Canada. lb wi grain. AI! efforts were unaVaillug un- edint<, uam jfj79-,un iii we electei a repr«ewîtliv..., whoba,~ to tWn. e~ta coiuid t.eke up large. 'ltW ';"d, ethe t, -pfaeïw. brlng &hem to a succeasul &M and rehuiltin A 184, ni'u Mn. Fowke bas accomplisbed this 1864., great service. The barber bu a een, ha t vus hel thAe lirait purdtuased and tAie (100<1of COn1VeyUceO court o! the Aitlilund divuit slgned anti sent to Ottawa. »evry uay 1795. hn front o! Il t citizen will herefier have.-AI eSfeit yoting people were tirowneti of 25 cents per ton on his coal. E- 1819P sud elght ot themn burti try farnier yull get more for hie gr>ain by aidei la tAie graveyurd-eppI dolivered at this port. Merchanta andi '«Tlisaslesu -htorical day1 hotel mnen wfll profit by thie fermersi phustown ; you are heîplug ai a distance, who wîlile attraCtid mako iutryp" A. R. Davis, to this lmproved iaket. Thie har- màano! the nov trurtee buoan ber has been thuroughly dretige t-theI gahe4lag. "This len a di s0 as Lu accommodai. any ordlnary WW MvitAi lhe pasti.»- vossel.- if Mr. Fowke le r"-eecteti'd panai ~i1e LIe~~~ plr lr eturuguî vrh -structure, square, trame, laâ-i ed anti rebuilt, thus fltting Ihheni lot nvatpti for future .presb .rvai business.- of tAie-original building;reu' iVe have trled.-these twn candidates. sptetAm A vssotil We bad Mr Smith two terrna. esÃŽ ta,-w -odinl have had Mr. Fowke hait a lerni, ar e .huge bealàït,charnot Cao any eiector point oui a 8'41ele eldajs. ,'The: oMltaRr thing accomplieet for Whthy d44i1 pi are ait geue., nere are It Mr. Smlth's iwo termis? What Mr. og tbeorIginal collection ho Fowke bas accompliabet illiii ho ton aete the filncil advantageofo every ti- men who .resîdea Aiereý or *ho shall horoatter live in theie ove. Né Ta. Gratitude for faitihfui- service o! ibis lmportai4t sud 1lnancially 1bondfi-, cial nature demanda e vi eryelir' Tiie WrLt.À apurch4Ami, vî In Lthe towu a vote for Mr. Fovke. lu dtAI the ateDWÃ"tOli01 Electors shouid carefýulIy lliink over PMai2ulg tub tae eIshait tIt tAie sltuatlon-Two cimdidaits 55î3g W O alhY 10toutIlirne ti nby for their votes. Bothihae hretofore J. J. Turner & S'ans, -Peterl been titeti. One ftslet ue' be JirOüt.01 1. habve t ovel- neede ; tue other -lua nhort Per1*4 eah year for, over ten urears gives them al -the-iasre f bet UnA i i<1 ,4yi hearts. Which shoulti smure, tbair -#i9f13 *Lîhk Ais0& ballot? .odstf4*I ttrt. 4 Let "uY electoi put jhmbeUlluW ML -h, t Powke'* plae. 'gay l e bail heeui sent ~~I OOÇe te Ottawa antid aeuIsib"lt~<rrêvig iarveiku»s thlag r. Fowbu ___mUdy ôt'mvnï,T done, volltibu c nIiler eVéry a mdof electer morally obAiifls t,ýîO sP t6i 1 h Ie x preciatlon tor,. uch Jerv1oe bln ey a5'é' tau# possible way.,.lMa wdulà i aip ci-- h every nman, wom d h4u town wolhd Ai hb t uoor'1h 1Oêout 7j' 2 t*1 hM, Àâdthat If h. iItsltud-ievte t WI o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ceuet iau 4i~e~ <t *. leAt aboudt6, lo O lis a adnlab ' esý %t SC»T>Â,~I0I ÂZ UGUS 81 193 O.A. GèDm~ow,?rouÃŽ4 1 UâêUIor aiWâWtcr-M. Mojzeseoadd y uer. -wo-ol- -tt -al - r -ps1 todWÃŽ' MOvd for lbave tu inLI:oduce wit gïîM q "10 mou. by44 9gt"ntig anSI Spptoving 01 ~erOuWaietmW e ,n ee t tthe msey- fer Mu aWââïig.i. G mu î idlleCtric (Co.Tue H I S E T PC tiidliîîiwau read three trnesa an Whitbyhot?. Coucthe leil i c-HAVE No EQUAL. councîl tmet o 'jod4. AU » A. 01Ch "doandi Bridges b. Pali:. bers piresent wi*tb Ae sicejù1eior- - J S 'Os :U2: RIobt.Beath,3cqur Mr. Habbiel. Ràeen la hair. 14,0; 1.ojalib INllxed - -oel Minutes o! lant aMeting reati dcou- .6;Anonyeanfcoe $.8.by r.0 qar [irmed. Mt- IL U eOdd b r 1 was movedti tait -te oder (rom 8cS", moüved that this Gouncil d thie Ontarlo Bridge Ce, tel' ow adjouta to meet utheuiMon- SIa1G ekn 0 ur neta Co.r te 1 day la october, a 2 oolock p.m. 4e ur VDuu u alV lm jw su«isla 10»1 the Clerk newtMy Ste ablp as soen as Postsl. A by4aïW vspsdto autuorize thie levy and coUutAo .0tmoueys r,- quiireti for mho&glrpss sper trustees' requtntifas la IO"àiSp of Whltby for 1911. It waanoveti-' hatibi O iii maeagraili ot, * tô i ie pen it- tAie WAitby ani P"ekIng, town li" South of! KI 1ottoad marne teO bo speni under supugvW4ipnof tAie Com- missioners8 et abm etownhP, pro- vidlug Pickerig -Ut ajlue nouat. 'A by-lavw ,asPus appolntlng Mr.Ale Ietchen. taicolectot for anuuher year. Aine&a by-lâw te Pro. vide esthnate* o!,receiptsa Md s*.- penduturesansd ma4hrfte tii. levy Mid collections et thein 4ate -for Trownsblp purposfs lor yéet, Itui. Tii e fllwing #M0uts v ere passedi, htobt. Du#, 260 yards gravre1, 518.Q6t Zn 4nin aIusoas idy Wu!horrand, ati WL, re ù dit lo ment waiks,, I18ýý W M-. Kerr, -self, an4 ot" e rka, wo Di )v. 7, *4* T. ..-êiiRftbe> sit -andothio, sh st humW walkg9 wa ý ý , U- t.> iftbâa, day fr 9Z51 1people guel*~yr1 tAie let-,*t.2 ... S Agritilttral socle wur u Cenuiofia*jorn4 fuu -aurday, Sept. 2ud t ohunch elged fTUE, VOlTEi14~ sti mtAi1'1~Ae voe re by *ardu' va Blow'sotilc........... lune 94,9ormns'sofc......... )ce.id'~~8ofe..... cete Bdi outAi Wand ......... us te Chair- Majority for >'oWkui, loi WM. PURVES, - To'wnsip Clrk. Columubus,9 Augusi 28, 1911. THE LAS'r CHANCE. TAie Government bas tiruvu openi for entry 26,0W homesteati-în West- ern Va" nadtluhei.Proviâmclo!Al- berta auti askalciiewabi Those hozlieteaisare â a hiUIIgo 0miles o! presontlhmeofuthtAe Canadian North- eral Railway «ansout ermuch las) andi ail undouhtedly wii ho serveti by railway lit« vîthib a short urne. Thii ow round trip -homeseekors' lares tu,, olnts lu Alberta anti Q4sk- atchevan are ,in oeffctonly -Ivo more day. Ibs ean4 Septenubet 5ibk anti IýtAi, "È" fanes are loy,'tAie retun ll1mitâ fi mg anthAe stop-over -pnlv- Wrie S îefor île latesi Home- sekrgide ltresandi Other pr idolar. Ti. atilsu Notthera. lIlwyoflers a choic, o! en routes, recie latly every partIu Alberta, abl4geue toz«au neail scellonsý Ail Iurticularg can hoobtamed, by WrI Pâ t R.. ara Asslt Qen.- 49rai - aseerAgoni, Canadima Nor t~Kil&,'orc-ontCt~4 uooi r&mTIoNs. . 2 a lay thal 1IAJOITLES IN SOUTHrAONTAÉI10n o bartu-lîke WhutbY, ToWî...... unsdo. o1A1CUzoom ........2 510 orisi e t ulWitby..-, t. unt pn1 taloy........5 s ~--N- Cnll' icoolhouft ,72 10 j"i" woumbus.....41z-d Ragm ... ....... 1..nbatue Oshawa ........ .57 _pair, Port-Perry ..:. . m- 1 Aiw .................... r4èm . ...,iai. ... ..... g Now is the time (o geL ready for *in-ter. We have f~ansi line of Pure Spices fô'r your pickles that wiIl 1ae7U Exta Qa1iy Vnegr-WIt~Wrîne and PtruJt PE~Eh&I LY Toniao3s PklingCucumtberOnosCba Fît heiCn CieyNwPtt~ Frut~,4-ue g àiý.ndImpted, frtsh dAi1y,ý, SEE~ 6548 6840 ISU 85 M 888 8t~ ýJnoE 1 1

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