Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1911, p. 5

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Boys 8W malor. or SCHOOL iili sooti commence agaiî What about thut fonte peu your parents perba promised you. $150 will buy with usi a guaraute article, guaranteed absolui iy. We have others at $1.ý $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4., and $6.00. BJY A BAS SETT Fountain Pen sund you wiil get a satiafai tory peu. We do not sel peor one snd do net forgot we do st a dandy st $150 p j-i ?ASSLTT Jouelor pticial WIIITBY W. Ce Te U NOj(VA SCOTIA ALLIANCE CON- VENTION. -âLr&'na~tub resolutions passeti st Z»ýi t s~auna'convention of the Temperance Aliaace W.aacS Education. gi>', emphasisotise import- lb.h werk belng doe alcOng Sd roformatory :"-m by al oi-plza>Ion, I the ne- carrylng on tise work of kag An the public achoole, rlbutlng temperauce litera- £ wlth thre ientIiec, 'eco- 4ai and tuerai phasesof Àxeprobletu. MU le TenmerneActe ý4M l iteChang.e t pol- idtoUMM*= 10 lglaa- MISOW t. I hat sesson o! ýt (joi0) An lthe eact- * Nova Scetia Tempermne dylng principlea wbicb 'we Mmr ativocateti; aaMoy, dus o! prohibition sud gev- tIbal lb. prohibitive tea- gt saiently effective sud Ip'o e .wholo province, Orttere urge upon the Gov- coDSSSty ef Paulusk g auson the. amendaet >y tlte , A iance, ia order vo.province Ma>' b. Sefficient prohlbibory' «rui poli">'ciformer 0d l oeu"iisi bon, MW mg amaSe- Uldt., I1rqttve"Cd n IMP pai boinauvms piig dsof Ibs Mi- a for ali leshation am &WociaiokotbrIs i l dsaombuanedb>' car 'y _or . yA ër,iUo pl awà *" e duii>';.à i md tti t rrTTrTI I ocl HppeIB83 I Un Bhxgaln table o! chlldrena gooda foi bPS oui>' 89C. M. W. Colline'. Coronatlon pictures at the Royal Theatre, on Wednuday, Auguat 80. ADon't fail te eeo tbom. A6 Al Ai hes ut footwear at greatly e duceti prices 81 Polsa. od SeS megainu's llst o! properties for [te- -saleoln ouir real estate culumu. 25 yard wide llannelette only 10c. (>4 pet yard at W. G. Walters, Saturday, August 26tb. Special bargains la ail ktads of footwear at Peel's. AMri. George A. Rose, of Whitby, le now President of thse South Ontario *Lîboral Associatlop, succeedlng Mr SW». Purves, of Columbus. STry us for New Perfection 011 Stoves andi Qasolila Stoies. Every- *hn ign Hardware. Geo. M. Rice. 4 -4-0 S50 pairs on bargain table. Ladies' IMisses andi Boys $1, $2 andi $3 gooti. to be sold for 89c M W. Collins' £New stock mens, youtbs' eilîdren's and Ladies' Sweater Coata at W-.0 es, Walt.ers'. Pricm. 75e. te $6.75. A young !ellow trom Underwood lu Itown last week, whonasaked what be though-t ef Reclprocity, repliedtithat bis mother never useti an, other thau Redi Rose,-Port Elgin, Ont. Times. Thse Ont.ario County Olti Girls' As- Isociation will meet la the Counoil Chamber on Mondny, Auguet 28, at fMon 's black rlbb overaîls, regular $1.28 quality, reducedti t 98c. on Sab- urd.ay, August 28, at W.G. Waiteru'. Mrt. George Stevenson, formerly of IWhtby, wlio bas been' employed by the. Durhanm Rubbcr Co., of Bowiaan- ville, bas been appointeti manager 0f Sone of the flrm's branches in Hamnil- ton. NEW HOUSE. JMr. R. G. 0k. has the se klton up o!fa new resîdence on Dundas Street msat. Tise location le a fine one, anti frotu present appearances, tise bouse iîll be equal te the location. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, Auguet 26th.- Auction sale o! householti firniture, tee prop- orty o!flire. Bratbwaite, Mary St., Whitby. Sale at 1.30 oecloek. Ternia cash. Wm. liaw, auctioneer. Excltlug sale et boots anti shoos on Prîd.ay. eommeaciug at 10 o'ockâ. Yeur ce Ia wintiow et 4.00 andi $5.00 gootis, to be soIti fer $2.45. See Colline' window. WHITBY OFFICE ONTARIO DE- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Information andi asstance givon te fammrs anti othors on ail agricultural subjocta, Including pomltry. Apply to J. H. HARE, District Repruta- sive Ontario Departimmt Agriculture, Whtby.--8-10-12, PiIRE BLIGHT ON PEAR TREES. Pear orcharda An I"isdistrict are uuffériag from wseat la cahleti ire bltght. Limbesud branches dry up and die. The dlseaas sad to ho vaiy bdnfoeu. Tise deati or afiecteti limbe sisoulti be eut off andi buriiet. W. G. Waiters receiveti ibis wesk 23 casesanti baies of nov milgooda direct frot u gow, Scotland. CHZAf'E11TItAN WALKI14O. Anti everybody mti0fet. A SOMt opport.snlty te eeo Use Canadian Na- tional EMiilonanMW riait i" telA Toronto. Talc.thse taammblp Ai-pic- at 8. 45àa. ra. Tuesday1 Musay 0-011 Sabîrday during ibe &at« goto e- tira an>'trip, and oui>' 60c., Iido&i Ing stop ovri. SesEB. R. Bl.w, lova ticket agent, Wbih>, Okt, Ho tfor -thee riy loaat Prims.fa boots, abees antipampsa aIPuris. LIBERAL COMMITTEZRORMGK On Tbursday ovenilLAuubt 2 lb. ,Town ULberils viii open ,ftW cmmltteo i-om *ver t John - PU sea store, BrOck tSt .AU" Ui ivtdte m&ke _ m t am. uiOs 3*0 Pauls boY% amstiitbù! Do you k now kend -it waal" " Yes, Jack, 1 ordercd some this morning - it wus Red Rose!1" a THREE DAYS A WIEEK. The stauni and poputar steamer Argyle, mill make three trips a weck during the Canadian National Exhi- bitlon., 'oroutu ,l'uesdays, Thurs- days and Saturday. Rcturn fare 5cç Tickets good to return any trne duriag the Exhibition. No extra charge Sec lar-Se advertisement. APPLES FALLINO. A vast quantity of apples are iïow talling f rom the trees lIn sorne cases it la the woriny fruit that talls, but 1some good fruit also drope. It le thought to be the dry weather which ta causîng the trouble à4 REV. GJRANT TO PAEACH, On Sunday neit Rev,.iamues A, Grant, B A, of Claremont, wll preach ini the Baptist Church both mnorning and evenlng. Rev. G.A. Me- Lean, the pastor, goes to Clareinont tu preacb, the occasion being the an- niversary of the Clareinont church. The Baptist quartette also go tu Clarernont that day, to take part ln thre service of soflg. CEMENT WALKS. Deverelil Bros, are making eplenditi progresa with thse construction of ce- ment 8ldewalks. Their cernent mfx-' ing mnachine enabies theni to get over a largq surface in a day, wltb Ins mon. The work is, apparently, belng - weII doue. Diaidas street, ReynoldsM street. Brock street, Byron stree,1 St.ation street bave bean eogotruated. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR. Applications. wilI bo reoelved at tbec Town Clerk's office up te' Saturday,c 2nd Septenýbr, 1911, for the positionc of Assessor for the Town of Whltbya for the year 1912.à By order,t JOSEPHI WHITE,,. Town Cle-k; Ho ! for Toronto Exblbia<b. Tick- etc '90c., commencing Saturday, Aug- uat 26tb tu September Il. Specla excursion days-August 29 anxd Il snd Septomber 5 and 7, 85c. Ail good tili September 12 tu return.. Buyà those and ail tickets at Stephenson'si office, (uP-town) Whitby, at your Iefr- tire. He redeems bis tickets-if. pre venteti gelng. Office hours 7~..to-Z 9.80 p.m. dally, except- Subdays.1 Stephenson cau tickret to ail Tourlat1 Points, Landi, Lake or Ocean. Choie1 all routes andi S. S. bries. Try asud neo blubefore, travelling aaywbere. OpaLetter from lire Fowke TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH ONTARIO. Oshawa, August. 15, 'Il Gentlemen,-Havlng acoeptsd an Ia- vitation uuanirnously extended me a# a mass meeting of my WlIow eithsi asembleti at Brooklilan uttmer lb su pices of thre Reform Associationon August the 121h, mest., te agala cou- test South Ontariosu Independeat supporter of the Rlght Honorable Sit Wilflrld Laurier, a.nd a firm bellever la the proposeti Reeiproelty AgreemWhit presently before tIi. country as **a ~asure calculate t teoularglouca trade andi commerce wittb peat Prnt to Canada andta te Uh rbtI banceoucr place andtS nporaoeas eue of tb. fîve msuI-overab mpAfl cf the. BrîUâh Empire. 1 would mot mreiUly solcit youar vote 40 la- #iea. for My eleoum on I3ipt.wber '1st as zeprc4mnatlve for -on-ces &tqeacy An the aer.t Phof;~ Tours very Uuely> N'OUND. san yproVlg proporty and pinu fo bsadyt,.ê pply a% tbe Gar.ett WANTED. By September, board ia Primate laUt for lady wlth 'two chliren, voint to chool. Repiy te P.O. Box FOUND. An Wntialeti golti brooch pin. Givuer May smeure same by proviag proper- ty andi payiag for this advt. Apply a&, Gazette Omloe.-lO. iHEIYLER kSTItAY. Strayeti ento the premises of the uudersîgned, lot âi, con. Z, Waît.by, A yeatling heller. tJwner uîay have same by pîoviîng property and paysng expenses.-W&1 . RltAlLEY.-11 WA.NT'ED. A loati of tiweet, clean., well cureti -Uot 1.Oo earse lhay told pseîerrtni). kaio 50 t.o 150> buslels sweet, hara, eean, heavy <JLIJ oats. Apply Vo iL. Stephenson, Express? Icelek;iapt anu General Ticket Uhîce, Wlitîby. STRA YED. lFrum the preinises ol'LOS. "lî lot 30, reat aof6t.h concession, Whitby about July 3lât, a large white cow, regaster t.ag in rmiddle o! lef t ear. Seon Aa nortis o! Kinsale. Finder please communicate with Mr. rhos. Porter, Brooklin, P.O. REAL ESTATE. HOUSE T'O RENT. East hait o! n double bouse on Col- borne Street. 7 rooms, attic, eimali gardon. Newly decorated. Apply te MRS. J. K .GOIIDONý FOR SALE. A house andi lot on Green Street, Whitby, 9 roorne, stable, bard andi soit ivater. Apply te MRS. JANET THOMPSON, Whitby. FOR SALE. One of the fincat country homes in South Ontario wlth beautifl grends, hedges, trees. Ia village, of BrooklUn. Largo solid brick resitieuce, brick carrnage houes, tramne bara with alone. cllar andi root house, other bulldieQs; geeti orchard, nover Wal-g streara , 25 ac<ee gooti-land.i. Onu be- sol in ta iveparcela. AppIy.onprm- lues to RICHARD MOORE. FINE FARM FOR SALE., *Owing to isa oi the. ownor, o oi the. fieel far=in "t sparte! Usee country, 130 acres o! rich dlay oain only a couple e! miles froin Sonyï station ou Use Whitby-Llndsay lino, eanti equippeti iitis conplete out(it oet builgs, wiil be solti ut a prieï iaaklnge 2toepportunity a rare oe-, If tnbe let me hear (rom yod. At- onm. F. HOWARD ANNES, Whtby. FARMTO RENT. A gocti grain-anti stock farin , 100, acres,, lot» 5, con. 8, Pickering Tp.,- A.large two sterey brick bouse wlthý mcddè 4m -zprovluents -,nalargo baâ* barn, -traw sut tinivtag house, about, 3 acr-es crchaM danti gaiten; nover, failia.g sprlng reek .runlug tlirougl:t fari*81one-h£i! Mile frein C. p, R:- station. .LIberty te plougli at oise;- mli possessIon ot Marc&b. Fir fur-- ti-partltihans apply c 'Il1.Wli. EDWARDS, on tii. premises, Balsam, P.O.-9. ROOM 1, Dhe~Ildîne Phoo -TORONTO Aead 5 FOR SALE $41,400 Byron 'ýtI 1new brick 7 fm-adhalls? bath andi w ç, bot water heatir'g, open plumbiag, ciectrie lîghîeti quarter eut oalt iorsfiltiihet la Geaogi pînea-d reti pie., 3 fire plaes and r maîl side, eutrances, ceihar fiai aiZe, an icloal homei aniagood-buy, ce-nea t once fo t«s Md partiulas. *3,2 0 Fery Csllprôpeity,tw batuf id trees ani sbrubb"r, large or-. chardi extralarge 1boisean&oîthouss ;an Ïdealpluaclub CI*uatrsh eUoe 4or, sianrier schoci. Mur&lie41J !I T NYBtrRNSWHITBY, ONT- I I I I i I I I I A .Gre -a t BOOTS 0F AND SHOR-S Annual Suinmier Sale for 60 Davs $6,000.00 worth of Boots and Shoes to hi solMnlist less than the wholesale price. W. Have Bargains for Everybody Cail and see us. We will be plea- 'd to show you our goods. following are a few of the many bargains w, "ave to offer you. FOR MEN 75 Pairs the McPherson Shoe, the best made in Canada, in patent colt, gun metal, vici kid, velour caif and tan calf, Bluchers, Goodyear welts, regular price $5-'00, $ 9S Sale Price ................ $ .9 3o Pairs men's gun metal, tan cal! and patent colt oefords, M'cPherson's Goodyear welts, regular price $4 50, 52 To clear at ...... .... 32 5o Pairs men's patent colt Bîtichers andi velour cali Bluchers, Goodyear welts, To clear at. -30 Mden'. dongola kidi anti box calf Blucher, regular Price.$2 75, 17 Sale Price............ 1 5 Mnsworking boots, Bluchmr andi 10 gaiters on suIe at----------..... AIl other lines cf men's boots at wholesale prices. FOR GIRLS Patent colt Bluchers, regular price $ 6 $2.5~o, sale price......------ 1,6 Box ealf anti Dongola kid Bluchers, regular $2.25~, on sale at....... Doagola kidi Blucher boots, . a great 50 Pairs patent, tan anti don4gola kid--oxfords anti. strap sllppersireguipla e- $11. anti $x.7,teclear at .1... zo l'irs etheC soeg #i208 1 r to z,. in patent co vciit, g i tutal anti lwoxcaIfin- Bluehert, oxfords suÜdstrua> ilipperse',-nor -bleaolckt; lilenle pics us AU other Unes'cf girls' shoes on sale at bargafu pliée&. The 50PisFOR LA~DIES 5o PirsLvhersons. patent colt, gun metal anti tan caîf Blucher oxfords, regular 29 price $3.z.3, to clear at...... Dongola kidi oxfortis, rogular price $2.25, sale price----------------... Dongola kid oxfords, regular price 2 McPherson's patent colt pumps, reg-2 ular price $3.25, sale price ..... Mchrsnstan calf B4nucher boots, - M~ronarpsce$3 7 5- fý,îear at..' .-.. ~ Doagola kidi Blucher'bootî, regular price $2.25, sale price McPherson'stici kidi Blucher boots, ctsis ule, regular price $3.25,. Sale prce....... ...... ..... 2o Pairs patent colt pumps, a great t bargain at--------------........ - Dongola kidi strnp sippers, FOR BOYS Patent colt Bluchers, Goodyear wlts, regular price $3. ço, sale price. . . . V i Tan cal! Bluchers, regular ilrie >4 $2ý95, sale price----------......... Box cal! anti- dengela kidi Bluchersm reg«larýprice $2 z5, . où saleat---------------.. 25 Pairs boys' dongola.aânti box cal! B 9hm A greu bargain at . .... 1(410 Seeoui- boys' patent Bluchers4 . On sale at--------- Ail other- lnos of boys' boots at bargain prices. FOR efHILtDREN 5o Pairs boots anti strap slippera, tan or blatk, 3t>0 Pairs of tise Ciassic shoe ia chiIdren'4 patent. regisler price $.oo anti $1.25, toit vici kidi, gun motal and box cal!,- a> Sale pite----------------------.. L7 Blucli, strap slippers anti oxfords, tan or black, to ho sold at -less than the wholesnle 2o Pairs dongola kidi anti box ci1E Bluchersi pricete dlear them 'eut regular price $x.35anti .5o, I tciUe f hAnnI he t es On-sale atý .....-------.....i t0e-lnso!c0irns hest ot at bargain-prices. ~Men's and Boys' Lacross Oxfords1 special' SOc. ShôePolshtan or black, special . Alarge stock on hanc4 of the-best made -ttrnk, s~tcasesand club bagt be ýsçQld at who1esale plce ad les t6Aclar them ont Don t faiUto visit oupestoroeldurlmg thts-s'alet- Vou can avmsotïey; bybuyIu~ l~o~ ma e wlà 4*audbaji4a n tobles 0141~,#cs OpzNEVN Tw -: ôthor..e StaFad N k,, h $Y Gicysmad vaihed ibl (eutris are alinoat eqw thogN are SWttt and cc credit- 1h.>'bave a a &lm striesOf- o' Vidtortes-tbli B ~~ feafaaprt l I 4, r t -4 7. 4., i 1 - ý4 FIL%& "V

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