Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1911, p. 4

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you m.e a beaUty stomgàc, aO 'days at 'Ut. . E BStY '8. m lu 1W. li, kilneys apd boW )&rli. lIQ Bath WU e.~ TIe«weotî,=,.-and.bIse ..nerVes weekona î mud thse blood-are betterl, do, Mr.Aloi. MCCil lldnptn bettes whenheIpe by at xr.e Peter'Ge«,wI'8 Pte whonbeped byon liday. 'This"làtetise i tone. wo ever beard os aromsd here BEECHAMlir. -Milieu Story apoat sundhyl with hie parents. Bd vrwu. la boxe Z3. Louglis pastile land and lira- . Richardson'a tarn. lMt. L40ug wans S- -tise other haitlo!1tise fence bulit 5 mi- hA~Cbh eau keep bis cattis in bis pastute. We learu that soins mrca Ml linire bas bouglit Corbett's loint, It la Lu be hoped that -Tise l'werL, to a, for a sunsmer reort. Irice bat bu" wili have thse rag weeds paid, $30,000. wihi border oui town atietselcut Threshing is in full swing Grain inmdalely. h îs alulisal u late, is turning out fairly welî aloîîg t;s ut lmindiate cutt.ing anîd burntig lake shore aiight pre'.ent liiese wemIs becoili.ng Warden Hayecraft ansd farsîîly ed àserlous pet C tITIZEN. Miss Ilazel Truil, spent Suuday with _________________________Mr and Mis. John Willis. Miss Blackburn spent a few disys 'l'nieMay Interest YOUuwith Miss Hardy. * - -à- ..- A WEAK HEART. 3àà 1 uul 1 IAL t ll,) il> AlLiAi L là' . U.,li l l MeihaiIl t'urber> CO., Ioronto A L3IuNUslî liii.L"ill ý:LÂA.CL hUIne utiiuLit. iaUbpus,.â Aul tl 'Lauieb Aid uAl- u.iUbui s îlui l i II e hui ui ruL 'LILIioni LiiIur.-m(ia>cîy uAUgme.i .i.l, les L in > à Lu à ti.î -, PuO &rain alLircu \duIssisl iS. àl'au 1,L. ii ULLlUP FlL L SAIL.. Doî lL6 bC liuustial .hbulluuui t SuLuurttî, Ltht'Stuamahbip AiSyle wiîl inuike t1irec tips a weck ihum MLI'tb) Buat leaveil ai bAâ, a wi. 1uesday, I i. usday and baiurdlay, ieturning îeavcsb Tloronto 5 pin. Tic.kets goud to re- tura amy ime duîîni; the iau. Boat. salis sharp on turne WHIITBY JUNCTION. t.OiAg Wri 4 52 &.in G ongEmt8..15îa Te. 8 . 3 RM J.7 P-I a. 17 P.Lu...6 tgp t 8 34P-M9.30 P us Sursday trainâ leai.- fur Toronto 4.52 a.mn anti 8.34 p ni Fion Toc- outu-tîains stop at Wlitby Junctiari ai 8.15 and 9.55 amns, and 3 30 n mn UP-TOWN STATION, iioA.Ag North 9.3 la In GoiîAg SOLI( I 4 5pu s8 a u 15 p mi aI5p tun STA GFS. Leaveà Whitby foi Oshawa at 10 a.m. and 4 p ni Jos. Holden, pro- prîctor. Leaves for Biougham mt 10 a Mn Jeromne Scott, proprietor. L-4' The Central Business Col- lege of lorontu invites you tO write for a copy of its curriculum il )ou are n ny way interestcd in a trai.ing whîcli will lead you int a good business ap- pointment ai a good salary. Thse Fali Terni opens on Augssst 28th. Address W H I. Shaw, Presîdent, Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto, and mention tbis paper. IHIRIY VEARS Sunr 'loveti Colleges bave beî entsbligiod duri.~tise pm.tBoyeart. '1 li largeut trainosr i(Canada, Owing touour eonnsctisiaIl over Ontario, wu. do better for ont gras! estes Ihau sny uther 8chool. You Masy eîudy &H at home or partly Kt home snd finish t the Collego. Affilisted with The. Comuurcal Edueatore' Association os Canada. It woold be wmll for you ttu 1nes-. higte belote ebooelesg. Exelusive righb for Ontario of the world-fam- OUa Biles Book.keeping Systemu wbich leutînequalled. hletl Actoal Businesfront stan tto Finish, sua the su4eibkeepi «Mae booksas Chartered Bankes ad Wboleaale Bouses. Enter 407UyLme. ludirldual inetruotlo M lTeom PromÂg.St Wrie, sl rphos.for PETERSORO EUS88EMSCOURLE L&A L $4 ~ 4AK &AL0& ý% bon Liue heartist weak or irregular in acion, wheu the blood is thin and watery, remeniber the biood-forming qualiies of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a;ýd by lus use flood tue systens witl iicii, îu.d, vitalizing blood. This la :,Naturv's way of curiag wea.kness and dîsease. It it the only way to ensure las Lng bensfit.s. RAGLAN. A maubt suucessful garden pait> Was lield iiec lasi 'ihursday eveuins on Lue groundi.01!the Iresbyterian cisurcL , iie cuwd being thse largeat thiat ia. turlied oui to a gardeu psrty in LUis %îcuuî.y foi sowue Lne. Thie unprouisiag weatAier dlîd Dot inter- « feie in tha ieast with thse eveing's I eniertaînnieut, and a must ejoyableç time w-as speni. 'The tea served )Was excellet.i and a splendid prograný was retndeîed. 1ev. Mr. H-ag was an able1 chaliw ar, and amused the audience1 with his %Nil> sturies during thie ev-c eîing. The' prograin included MissE TORONTO, 90c Return 85c Return Aug. 26 tu Aug. 29 and 3Sj Sept. 9 Sept. 5 and 7 From Whitby accoua' CANÂDIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Returu limit Sept. i12, 1911 Speclal Train Service Special train leaves Toronto 8 p. m. on Sept , 4, #6p 7p 8s for Whùtby. FARU U18011£R1' EXCURSIONS $1 oug $1 8 io? Auf 23 Pru ail statique Toronto. North Bay -md WMest in onarte nu. 28 F roiIl station» Torouto snd East of ouilila sid Peott5 Jet. in Caflata. Through Tourlat Pullman tSieepers WINNIPEG and EDMONTON Via Chicago and St. Faut An&. ?2ad. Sept. Stb and imt9M i connection wîth HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Full particelars trow »Y snd rulTrunk 4egt or a, dres A. 8- fle, DP A., Toroato, or Wbitby, ont. lus CWI for the Dominilon aU*% reeelve et this ofices bain 4 os0 ,m ouTu- day. Sepie.aber 26. itsî. t15te DIpIAV ofc goa fi f the Publc Ssilifflgs Ibrgnoasus h uuloiou combi ue'ispeciflestlonsumd SOmte sdrces be obtanes! onapplicationse ai iso"e. - Permis îe-dering are motifflithalt tmdeS' wil l e c Susdeeml aubemadqonUhe Pliat ed inoum aupplied, and igud vilS dsi etsi liach leader musot ha eoealed by tese cepted chque on a dîer=sdba . à&-7bC ta the order or15e flmmeblathe lotea ,se ub. tic Woniisý equal to t« cff ..ette the. pers teederiai déela. s#6ester 1[me a coupt. iii. corS soa urse d tn. fSetes 4c e mt sewus 1e beesW B[ -etw Deprtueni of FisSie Worbs taaa As4I.,iel ne"vapapr iilmbigih s bs4e tesment =C7t limrtawm ntsum sIS i ~enduq~~io k t?5 ut i. ENJOY YOURSELPF. Asti have a plcaaut dayllt sal on thse Steamabip Argle. .,w£eryone baT s ba,' dc Iô lt- Jt e Tise Àyle 15 In s$»à%"1oraaruince 'he thruiînspeolicos ud new stoanscnetin ae enpt u. Dont f orget tUmesdays a wsék dur-, in& Exhbi itaITato, cTueday 1laurseoan sudSurday. Te"ers goo t0 retura any trip ai ouly sec. PLOWER SHOW. istowmr shows under tise auPIoea of theafHàrtAcuxl So Rciety, bsd orna tise spacious veadalofe s. dmmts at* Vicîe-Pea.lut satizxday$ "ai, thooughl ujoyed by fower loveral.1 nui moedema Oladil xuu Jompb White swd Mn. St= u - ed some tans cora, Empire, Domiaýw tS#, War, Blue .Ppll ieAI- tleffim ten~ae Bupxlsa w. shows by Mmda Avde msd Powei-tM- AzUstas5 X" tt ata, *ia t Auna sué 160 la .ooa" Ianmt sli Floga Kolgba, Oet lw set lbr lu Mflu- # to ..4 M , otbo» noly sas togsisek link. Wbm tatliait breaks, lie d ain break, % seron ilaes oUow-i bv'death often tesula T1 wa lkwtb xiA po plelstb throtad 1 ngs. Ifatsa. tita hwthat ovet tnyvpe cent cf aïl-deaths ý, s e letlyta to diseasesof these m s in tnt es- piratory orgas. Weskness eIs very dangerous. During is longand secessful frac.4 tke, ~ Morriay, thse earnedprst ghysici, wus ofteâ calied upon to treat» rociladpulmc>nary affectoSl&. R soon found that it was flot enough tob mnake temporary repaire on the d'Unk"o but tIsati t had to be forged anew, ln order pernsaneatly tb trengtheu thse1 chain. Af 1er niuch study, lie succeeded in devis mg a prescription that would mecure this resuit, by flot offly giving prom pt relief but also by rebuildi ga i srnth. ening the delicate oel.sud membranes of the throatand lungs. This prescription, Father Mcryils' Lung Tonie, or No. 10, lias cured thou- sands. It is absolutely free froin any dangerous drug, being compounded from J Natures own roots, herbs and balsama. 1 No. 10 stops thse oough, rehieves the soreness and strengtbens and fortifies the system against future attscks. Even in the early stages of consumption it bas proved helpful, but tIse wise plan is to L-ke it in uie, and avoid serious disease. lu our ctimiate it la wdil to have a relia-1 ble and tested remnedy like No., 10 always on band. T'Âke it ut the first appearance of a cold, and keep the rhain of Uic strong and capahle of resistance. Trial sire 25c Mer oi 1le. Regular izej 50c. At your draggî.s's or from Father Morr-iscy Medicine Co., Ltd.. Chatam N. 1. Montreal, Quebec. Sold and guaraateed in -Whltby by A. H. ALLIN. Newpot, Whtby, reader;, Pedlar Quartette, Oshawa ' Myrtie Male kVuartette ,Mis. Dr. Archer, Miss Stanton, Mr. Mclntyre, of Port Per- ry, vocalisLa the 34th Regimental Band. The proceeds at the gate anm- oanted to $118, is addition to the earnlngs of a well patronized retresis- ment bootb. F~ou Constipation. A ME&DICINE rHAT DOES NOT COST ANYTHING UNLE8S3 1T CURES. Tbte activt medicinal kagredients et ktexail urcieries, whlcl is odorieas, asteless anud cuioriesa, la an eatirely, new dmvr Comblned wlLh othor extreznely valuaole ingreiitents, il, torms a peieci. bowel reguiator, la- Lestisai invigorator and streugthener. texal Ur&xiiîeb are cateuaIl"Kecady and are notable for their agreeshle nesa to the palate anid .gentieueasof action. They de not cause gripin& or any disagreeable effect or tacon- venience. Unik.e other preparations for alike purpose, tlsey do sot create a habit, but instead they overcome the caus of habit acquired through thse ue of, ordinary laxatives, cathartics and harali physics, snd permanentiy re- move the cause of constipation or ir- regular bowel action. We will refund your money without argument Ifl hey do not do as w. say they wUl. Tvio sizes, 25c. snd 10o. Sold QIIy at car. store -Tie Itexail Store. A. H. Allia, drugglst.ý be abeor ï og""re il Y. bas 31r. *ad 01 ÈlIbetwuU ~ortarevlinig X Wftsa. Wmü. -Mr. RiChard SterrIcitet, ot SaelaW,1 à"is on a vieil te lus brothér1 Mx.Fred li 4anetoSToronto, àsPeit Suay With, hie patl, Mr. andi John IdoCari.1 1 Miesa gmie Hoar and Mises G. Vàii- utoue, viaited relatives in Oahawa pli Sunday lust. lire. Easton ard daugliter, o! Loi- don, have beau visitlng with Mr. nd~ Mrs. Bain Fortin. lit. John E. Smiths, wile sud chilti, of Otangeville, have beetu pesta 0f J. E. snd lirs. Dismiey . Misa D. Brown, of Momtreal, wus lu Lown for a lew days asat weeit1 visik- ing lien sistet, lins. BeusoL Miss Whtney, of Lindsay, lias te- turued home a!ltor a vislt wlth Mi. and Mis. W. A. Hendersomi. Mr. amid Mrs. WUi Stevemison, of Moose Jaw, Sask., art visutimig friends lu snd around IWLîtby. Miss Tasher, o! Detroit, sud lir. Lawrence, of Toronto, spent Sunday aL thse home o!flin. Wm. Tasken. Misass Mary, and Elizabeth Mowat and Mr. Roderick Mowat are visiting Llseln brother John, la Detroit, Mich. Mi. A. B. MaLean, youngest bro- tser ut Rev. G.A. licLean, spent a few tisys this weok at the Baptiat parsonage. Mrt. Jas. 1-. Nicholson sn.d daugli- ter Vers, sudias Loua Siîth have roturned [rom s pleasaut holiday near Coldwater. Littile Miss Margaret Mathison," o! Toronto, ta on a visil to bier grand- parents, J. T. andi Mrs. Malhlson,l Trent atreet. Mro. C. Scott and Mis. W. E. Rice returneti on Monday frons a visit wlth relatives ln Lockport andi Nia- gara Falls, N.Y. Mir. Potter, who bas been lbe gueut of J. Y . aud ira. Patterson for somne ime, returueti tu bis home lu Kingston this week. lira George Wilson sud chiltinen, of Pî>rthl, returneti home last week alter visitisg wltb lits. J.E. Willls and other relatives. Messrs. W. 3. H. Richardison, C. Seldon, Chas. Paxton, Wm., Ayers and Mrt. Wilson attendedth Ie Cobourg Horse Show last week. lit. andi lis. H. C. Howard, sou and niece, of Winnmipeg, Man., are vis- itlng witb lMr. Josephi and lis TliQmpson, of Mary street. Mri. J. H. Hare, o! the Agrieultur- aI Office, la now on a two week's business trip througli Maine, Miassa- chusetts, andi Rhode Islandi. Misse Bertha sud Atle Wilkinson, o! Lindsay, wère In town on TuesdaY IThe Least Fuel,The Most SatisfactionI It was'the Besýt25years âagO4.tI You have ait heard of thV4Hky bo ught Rapge and themosî,of you- know -some onte who owns Que. i >*One- of i-the vsranges, -made excelusiivelly for the. Oainadian raare- ,kce4 it,is-stil i Wfr:in the e"timation of tii. Canadian, houàéwîf.. oLihiawoek. ýTIiy we.» on a boli-f da n ,vbw",would lucudo, Tords- rlaftln& habu aâi4 lira. LOU S"11, waa - mrrled to Mr. WWul. OhatiO, of Toronto, on Moadl&At14QAu&- utt, a-t thse Whiby Collage,. by Rev. or. nare. Mteur. Tisco. A. UiGilhlvZay andi Wm. Calverley hbave bueau ouoyIig a boatinig tri» ibrougis the Kawartha Laite startiag at Piorti Ferry. They woro acooapanla by the two sons of Mr. apillhvay. Mrs, M. M. Layton, (nSMielar"h Neweome) who hàs beemi vlsiting ber aiter, lirâ. John Toma, as well as renewlag old acquaintances, has te- turned ta ber eister's iToronto, previous to ber departuze for hor home in Omaha, Nebrasksa. liMra. Josephi Tiompson andi daugis- ter, Miss Barbais Thumpson, ief t Lowmi on Tuesay tor Victoria, Bl. C., tu spend a mentis or more wît.h a bon aud brother. They were te break the long rail ,journiey by a boat trip (rom Owen Sound to Port Axthur. On their returmi tbey wil make several stops lu Saskatchewan andidnl Win- mlpeg. Mr. sud Mie. George Biewell, o! Dauphin, Man., were la towu o011 Tuesday. They hati been in Muskoka for somne weeks, sud are now visît- lug tise homes o! tiseir chldhood. Mr. Bewell was born in Scarboro, but spent his youth in Whltby. Mrs. Bowell, was a Milton, Ont., girl, who met bier husband inl the West. Mi.- Bewell la a dentist, with a practice in Dauphin.- Dr. W. Adams, while on his brie! holiday spent the lime wlth his son at his cottage at Balsam Lakte. The Dr. cauglit a 7-lb. lunge sud a lot of fiue basn. He reports the work on the canal lock between Balaam andi Cameron Laites prooeed.ing. very slo'w- ly. The canal ie consldered by tise near residents as pretty mucli of a jolie, the dopth being only 6 feet la 'the shallowest part. MARRIAGES. BAIN-ERSKINE-Oli Auguat Sud, at Durban, J.T. Boan, o! Pretolla, to Nota Borrowflan, youngfist daugliter of lira. Erakine sud tise lato John Ersbtne, o! 53 Langdaie Road, Liverpool sud Lancaster, sud slster of lit. F. G. Erakine, of Whltby, Ont. BIRTHS. JONES-At Balsans, On StandaY, Auguat 13, thse wlfe of S.H. Joues o! a daughter . BANDEL--In Whitby, on Tuaeday, August 22, 191î,1# Tony sud lirs. Bandel a daugliter. Ra" cdb -) A perfec i Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stoinach.Diarrhoea, LXACT COPY 9F WRAPPCB. itBears the lis Signature llï of j In Use For *ver Thirty Years CASTOJ ANNUAL of the moàt modern and up-to-date Boots and Shoos now go/n g on at PeI'8. We have many lines, perfect gooZl,. which we wish to clear out, and the-se, wiIl be sold away down low ini prico. Corne early and secure first choice, PEELSHOE &-LEONOO - hock Street, SouiL, WhïtbyOaltu-ro feilMaI arn 0F CANADA w>Ituén~ A Coupete DndngmService CpAvulleblefMiw4cIWanupaÏ,ingd CMueal k o ÂVegeablePreparation for As - ness and Pest-Coitains nelthcr opum'Mophin mrMinerai. NO)TNAR C OTIC. si For iaf nad hilifM, The Kind Youse Always Boqht wi Pen promi will bu article, $2.50, sud $ '1~ - 4 sud yoi ,ýtory peic We dc anrd do1 a dandy S&Ie * v > .. ....... o a 'l

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