do sroomethinel te tho ti'g4k.--._' 11'. 1 viý j Tbey-buld cuî.~t cf~ t~ -:If w0e e -tok ariouily the RE~MqUOY ton Mti tu=- - ta~Im seik aIl eiofo ! ý- ýciProf. -Lionel.- -D wi ècrV tiOlisatheu »rtmt4y aeugh of £ QnUnivetsity, the, Irudthe, , 't'batcf ôtdkforÃŽtIi.white ian on the. fae ftbis earth la gopmy nyîr- litti., bridges bare bendonî'a&'Wa&Yded. Much bas uee» written at --, M. CV¶ywiI1 «rit» for with. Long tiestleig a hvoebec»-On. tiùe* and another tegarding the 113<iO f f etr'"1inj»the. aae ,WS-y >,wit±i solidl'the asty of the white man to litke the west. T e titbatkik nome, plaues thirty -r -btithe'trôpids ami ta retâin bis fro te est TeywiUl forty foot bigh. The linoe crase 'badily and onëntal igor. T-be cou- %ppetr frorn time to tije Un. deep vaitleye on the.. )iigh hanls. s ensus of opnon, ais pointeci out by dé- the uibove head ing, and and il there is a etrea i n the bot- T-ho Medical Record, bas been that will itoin cf it, the railway may eut a ho canedcebtaeraim givea J&Qr 0fth~ chnno fo iLthrough the he will surely deteriorate, physical- *a'ea.t Canadian West from solici rock. I would like to see !uow ly sud mentally. the Standpoillt of a young theY manéged t<> get ovor this Furthetmore, white natii'es Ontalo man goiu ut ther country in the dayis when- they whcse ancestors have liveti threc or 0 OUther tîseal to go to, Winnipeg by ox-cart. more generations in the tropies are te inake bis way. rIiese lot. 1 saw my firat real live Indian net, wîth rare exceptions, the peers ters ehiou]do1 11 ilof' iîte.eSt to-day. There are lots of lakes ail either in body or mind o! their re- for 'evory utofto. through this cotintry, you are latives living in the temperate bady ever out o! sight o! water 7oe in thiis part o! Ontario, andl just Prof. Lyde not only insists that Heron Bay, Ont.,Atig. 9th. aus we passeal one lake I caught intropwicalns cnot iveiut e alth My Ijear Father- sight of an Indian tepiee on an 18in ropisalscau-nt-ies, th he whito Perhaplsut. would be Wteil to (,X- land, with a squaw bending over a profess re to liveta -ie wrohe plain thbe shakuuîeas ut mv jlnrid _fire. Therc was a hirch-bark cauoe aeî oomheeal ta gvinanis fothe- Ivrlting goîng an% fu riher ib-te genuiinc tbing--drawn out o!falrrceso. aThe givngliwa to-h this elier. Althouglu e'er-,bodxix n tire mater andl lying tupside dvwn, fessor bases bi1s beli1ef on the the- Dur car s n excellvnt spirits,' weCYsie lu the tcpee. Yoe gufor oyta h rgnlelro h are ail sbsTire faut i>, huwec%"(r, mil-s and miles in the train witb yth- h at the os rigna lr o! the i that un i-pite uA the 1 utle n>' able loit seeing anybody, andl the'î You~vrain fta aa en h t4h10 whrchi the fr-jrter lias fitted mav corne (in a httle clearin wth results o! tbce weakenting or t Up for mye, thre muti n (4fhi tir r -,1 ttle bit of a wooden bouse, un- strengthening of the pigment underv cocasionalJý ria-.% ,>unj artlîîg ra- painteal ana l ookung more luke *a different clitnatie conditions. e thler shaky. TheY are great lîte box "'th Windows than a bouse. Taking ordinary precautions it t.sble that fit ml-o 1the $ide o! the But there may be a flag-pole along- may be posbble for thbe white man, Car near thre aundows andl t1ie are tide, wbere the U nion Jack is run two years o! accimitization. bo live d supportedal t the other end-Ilu ',e urp un bo.hdays. Thbe cbildren wbo in the tropies even More im .mune leg. They come )fi usefol for ail ruru eut o! these cabins anal wave from tropical diseases. than the sotts o! thingh. MWc ute îbem as at th" train, as it goes by, seem black. But this perical o! immun-d diaing tables, anal juu.t now an 9) Idlqîrite ghad to see sorneon e e il 1f ity lasts for'only about seven years,c Man anud bis three sons just acmn:sý it s onhy to ébout 'howdy,' as the, after whicb the detcrioratiug cf- aý tJii aisle are playing a garne( f t raits rushes bY. fects o! the strang solar ligbt andal eard, on ther r httle tabiî)c Thby We passeal a grave t-day . where, heat begin to show them8eives onY are going out to take iii) rume <f 1 OsuPPOse, srme settier is b ur-jeal the white skia, anal render thre pas-p Ut.o irrigateal landsals Alborta wbuch It was aIl ahane in a smali c a real sessor thereof peculiarly suscept- t are wat.ered by the C P. 1< irri space amnong the trees and hushes. ible te tropical diseares. luncerise- IBtuoin canai. 1 git acqtiaint-d It houkeal awfulhv ionehy un that. quence the permanent settlernent wit h t-hem tbruagigb ot<her not put-, but there must bave a! the tropics by whit-e men is im- si tmng a cup iin rn-r valisîe ahen ibe Iber-n somemne t-otbîuk ki-rdhy of possible. But wbiic thre pigment packed tire grub for me lu vat on the manu whu is uaking buis last rest witb whicb the colored -.race s1 is t]' thse trip. 1 borrowed a cul)î'rnt-her-e, for a moude.i pieket fence provideal is indispensable for life inii Lhasm anal tradeal lu h!«an- for had -been burrît ruîuîd the grave, the tropics , it is a source o! n e uî f oic ar un tiedanla sate wrn1odncrs danger in the temperate or frigiald c a Ce of .The ae ai fi ,ne i) crmw d ta a thead.n udn rs be.T arafie Cod )ci a t ed zones; therefore thre darit or yellow n( in thiîs car, anal thtre srail rI-t Sav Dad, 1 do wish you coulal mon cars intrîrde into thue domain r' of fun ail the time. cle aiîv, ai bave' ioen with me this haîf of the man o! fair skia u-îth little b( melthso! W'e bave just cerne ino or no danger. pi 1 amn rntghrý g1ad a]reaalv that ewo Lakte Superior. 1 d ay at- dcieali hu Id(uneun. s bsebee rlhng îog e- TRE GROWTH 0F LONDON. hi nfeat this ,îneee fIdn tween !airly ligh bille. Just as T-h. terdency ta crowd into cit- su etoop here. Vshv, 1 never ircaizeal N.> shadows o! eveniug were corn- ies, which is îa marked in aIl civil- t befvre what a i)ug place Ontario ing On we turneal dowu the valley ireal countries, bas a curious illus-ci Io. 01 course, tirat big map o! the of a river, anal auddenly came in tratian in tire ce-msus o! 1911, which& L)ùtmauliuonrhatigilig ori t-ire sehuol ftilI vîew o! tise 'ide expause of shows the tremeidcus "ttractionu T) housse wall, shîowed t bat thre Prîv- aie Superior. 1V was grand. îhe o! London asa a ceister O! popuila- Bi suc ma sme >ie, utlies-e 1 havi lake was a bright bine, far ont ta, tion. The population -cf Greater tucen travelling ahong fur pretîy 1 the horizon, where a blue moun- London bai; increaseal in the lant rucar twent.v-fourr buirs, analw a- ntamousi sîsal looened up. Iu 10 years from 6,581,402 te 7,252,- have tu go uN-es-f<,irî'ecn huurs 'shorea undreal feet or rua beîow 963, or 10.2 per cent. lu the mean- more belore %ve get tu Manitoba. us, t-e e, waves were dazhing ini tire, hffwtever, 'the population cf tr: Wo rs thé bundary ai. hennie,' sfowy breakers on thre rocks. AIl tire other hargest cities in Englana wi umn 111 mer f om heUnuon a~about the laite were higb, ralling hua ii mat cases incteasec by re- iuti1161,miles t ,ni e Uion ruw mu Ills, their wooded sides batheal la Iatively small percentages. Bir- ju: off shen I clîmbealtif)rîstu ibis car the mellow ruddy ligbt i usîrsst. ringbam bas grown froin 523,179 iu the ('anadran Pacific train fus- The traek hIere winds in anal out to 52,,,9w0; Bristol frein 339,0642 to Vancouver. arornal t-be hmlii, analsarnetimes 357,Ã"59; Leeds !roin 428,968 t-o445,- ch: 1)4-, oii know, I)ad, feir ail the% g0es tbrougli tunnels, while at 568; Liv-er-pool frorn 7QI,134 te 746,- th4 taIt cf tthe Weet, me hîave a gooti uther time-9 it usa alo-ng a precipît- bo6; Manche-ser ftem 6443,873 Le fiue of cuuntrv uin Ontariîo. W(_,ours wall, at the foot o! whicb the 714,427, anal 6ieffield frani-409,070 dîdu't sce nuch o! Musiteka, as ste waves constautîy d-asb. ta 454,663. Thbe rate o! inerease et ati passeal through there at « night, btut For sorne reason, the view of Manchester anal Sheffieldal abus "C I wkatMukoa tati nda thos great buis, anal the migluty eigirvly exceeds thaL cf Lendon, di< raisea tire bliud at ssy wndosr and lake in the isuniset light inade me thi. others falliug far behlrd it. saw t-be trunks o! tire nearcst trees t.bunk -o! us siuging "Abide With The percentage for Birmingham is 1 looking ghosthy n tire electnie Me" in tire churcir at home, only 0-5u per cent. * 8cme cf li.gta of the station. Behîna t-hem 'esteciall>' that versoe: niiller citiez, neverêheleas, have Bc waa black mystery. 0 co urse, 1 increaeed much more rapidly thun tii 4wiu-wbrs g sc tire ,] uniîcb -!fJPost office. Weil, I musItn-ay good- f1 h.t>~ott> ot0 green lu o escru, al feserN si ere -bye trus as tire porter ix begimasuugtiraI was best for me. Hardi>' an.>- lid, me fri re srkmf ail kîrual,. ,z unuake uap tire bds. T-eil mother tiig that 1couic! eat wouîd Kta-y Con sud shapes. Tuiere arc rock ïtit1 J scil write t-, Irs. un my stumacir. Ever> atteanpt gel) Van Cuun !i% ]; i ck <uY)ther ock Your lov-ing son, gave me he&Ktburn and filled my c h-c withr, and îluri-tit are iiggcr j 1). stomach esitir g*3. Iget 1Oinrier Thet thsnmu unr bar rn ',uontNir surîit!-l iandl hhinner until II ilerslly bcamne tii, izs ia uueu-r It n-t ý iras(- 11,tp.1 yBBM a living akelel-en andl untliipe, was 0011 ber a t ru-icnidi - b i i ult ig tlire îî>L ~ ~ BUB comrpelleal to keep te w>' b.d. bot raillrcadtirutigli l-u- Il ms'-unTi î"r,î, e o A fow menti. mgo I was pet. *eu l'oitMrrofssanlealto try Graps-Nosafood, Vil] l:- criter Schroeder. an mistral. the very begirmn-nuîg tisat I have P1ai Af jLa rce innliras desiscdal a Ysten cf PMo- kept uoî its use ever 811ce. -1 WAS FA L peliis asts by air burhbies. WUtanut-prisoci at. tire e os -, h w vei A Package , 141a 1is laforcc air tirrrugira > digesWîait. It pioeel .tehbcj-at -'lia! fWles in tii. hottom of i hîI odd j1j e su t . wmin ci a rc s e a rra n g e di t a t " A » yu e e l f a a sz L yi f mp tc e s 0f Eîjovruuelit *îre is Pracîucally an airà ihaIteb&tnrOeiiltc elu l5ctweer tire bott-om sud ti. Wter. j whh -gas -me mc uauch pindis-. D Only ~small englue povrer is reqait. A"A.WtI m awh waqa u &leejLI Toasties servod with croasus. îk Dr fraîit--fîeî or cookmed. cr'i p, goldem-brown bits )f white cort---delicioms 110?lmo yLing#" s-d, as thse inventor ducs uret - -, OI4"'t(*&s cii thre fa scible expulsion 0! air for ,S< ~ ~~ lits motis-e pwer. but on thre lifting loygurero i ed ut* y aýt ricweofa!thoesur r buibiest% bm- «- -tlhes. D li uuwng off the airfrom Gi:p-Nus1o Ni. %onne o! tire ioles uear th~e »tet Gt14êDU410444 t tise boi can ho ma-de o eris e Fî ütt#Id lU ~t#< tire islîp goes asters,. Thebe oat*s Il sure çapect-ed tole eable 0 travelat*lA 4t b 07? vasi- unîleard of apeed, *n are .no- Q4# *Ue t capaizable. T-he imvenCoxblas fil- ead tb litleboo, T 5 ab resal>'icen ttoal 1>7the admi-vily WMVI *$ , experta. ---i I~~ Si Pa, *bat i apo 'P- rÃŽeV *- hypocritet, MV,- - Isou, il&a men Who puI>icW thIai&m WS fProvidence for hie tuuopsa* 4- FIG *CTE inAGIALu ow eaîth Rate. Bealth c ndiiosin Australia SE pI l 0 W us, lhottn #m te Lily PAt 01 YOur ystem, by tai are better than ini any otber coun!, mî)ItIUCO(VIleada"che Waiters 2Ut.abx, Oured Tbrough try cfth e glbe if the lw ceath 44bNg I raCEMCLC.o A A ALI ng. M N R A,2 Ouedi VA11 c 1096a toësad a year ma acctedý as an index, says te, _ Wila'PIkl& Medca1 R1ecrd. 8FRSAEO 'The death rate froin tuberculosis Abrdcme te ConotncSeNE. PARUS FOR aLEcoMnot - Nettralgia is not a disease-it ib hag st.eadily been deelining cluring A Thisietaîa e I- Aen DaWS oN NuCNW.enl only a symptom. It is tbe surest the Iast twenty-five years and Dow nummer resot on one of tbh.laren me. Wt a~f sign that youi blood is weak, wat- is les than 9-per cent. of the total eur ru bytheGr n run Ille, ant to bur a laim, ecajull ery and impure, and that your deaths, which je a lower percentagg. Syotm from he City of'Toronto, Canadat 1 me. nervesIlndofta ertr.pindhli are litierally starving. Bad than any published by any other and beautIfuily 0ituated among the 3.0 HAVE someao thé best Fruit. Atoce blood is the cone cause-good, rich, country wnhih compiles its statis- soooimodation, Wood fkahing. fine bating Grain or Dalr7 -Ferma in Ontaro red blocd its only cure. There tics in an equally accurate man- and pioehabounee r. a usetr.pee n rcargt y-ou have t.he real reason why Dr. lDer. Pepie mabournd Fr llusfýtra d-i DWO, Ob4,~ Williams' Pink Pilla cure neural- Ini New South Wales the notifie- Toraoer ailto.r W.g. I DAWSe, O nto. gra.' They are the only mnedicine ation cf cases cf puimonary and - =3o.A . CNS-AT that contairis, in correct propor- throat tuberculosis has been coin- NICE GIRL. tions, the very elements neecled to ,Pulscry for lover tcn years. The IAVI%8îtiWANIRD Waly al make new, rich, red blood. This walls and ceilings ut bou"es in Dick-' There's one thing about-Afa ".Lndi.ltvI. alone reaehes the root of the trou- wllich cases occur aile tprayed with Iz>uise. Fhe never repeats storieB C0ENTS WAIITBD EVERYWHE 15 ble, Iscothe.. the jangled nerves a solution of formalin and the about her wcmeu frienda." A Hilh ises busiviepu wfth beo "Ma . . su divs wa te agin, ta:floors are washed with a solution of Ethel-' Ropeats! No, indeed; Calvert& Dwyer Co., Limlted. Toronto. bing pain, and brace up your corrosive aublimate. s4e starts thera." CENTS WÂItTED.-A etndy of oth~ belt ii thr ay. r. M. The cifectiveness of the educa- nouta u eny pogitot DI4 Brennan, au ex-.ergeaýit of heaon the tiet~ î wyner:te?~o oî pi o tioýnal campaign si4o by te The Pl htBrirugslef.-ta 'ravaeiIws st.S 2nd C'heshire Regrient, no-w a re - f9tth oenar8lein .MOrle When, alter one bas partakeno ieri of.Otîaa sident of Winnipeg. Man., saysv: general than in any other loufltry. moal he je oppressed by feelings of- MISCELLANEOUIL- *t ~There is scarcely a dwelling bouse fuinees aud pains i h tval in India, -on a billstation, 1 con tu duwdysi utai, he suivers froindsppia h u S--aio Works. 9 Esplanade. Torouto, dyspepsia, hschrHAYcottage, SChLS.hWjeeoa' .racted a severe cold wjhee oQestae which i wilî persist if it b. not deait 'with. AMLMC1EY otbee rougbt un acute neuralgia, at Phfoautor ripn Tee s lee's Vegetabl il reMilevy ah ile bn le . not fr oiddooih sleeingable iea-PrnlePlare ge - esand . le s. ill yije& h times lastiug f'>r three weeks. 1 very3 littie expectorating ýon the very best medicine that cari o b&ieBlir.nui N-as constaruîly suffering aimoBt sidewaîks or other pîublic places tknt rn eif.Teeplas eOrilîla. Otra tare eseta birrli pef. Tese pi1- Rîreet, U.S evcry rnonth in the year for over Ordinances ta prevent the c' 1- warc espesi andcompouu erlita deal andexternatUMIW euP.etc. - eve.r -e ar!a, the pain beiig Bore- tamination of milk and other fo'od thdspaaadterstlig enaa tuaierd trnes so severe that I wîshed I waî stuifh are well observed. In shops quhiie n hi rsecOcnnt.u5,m ¶ 4 < Iead. On My returA to Eugland I where fresh meat is offered for vouuched for by logions of users. RIT ngt." fro clSls seemed to get no kbetter, though I sale, it is customary ta find sheets of U AgIents' dupplie&o ouchil. pent large suums of money fo>r me- of water ruuning over the front Beware of girls with creamy neceusary. Tue ey mon re dical ad'.rce anud medicine. Theus I dindows and walls for the purpose eyes, youug man; they may be wide eltCa. Lad..'O nibe*rCo- IL, ame ta Canada, and about a year cf caiaing dust. All large cities, awake.6TO SCALE GUARANTIE». wlagonst ago saw the advertiseinent cf Dr. like Sydney, Melbourne,' Adelaide, $c Tsale Workm, 9 EpaaTblent96 Williams' Pink Pills in a Winnipeg and others, have tuberculosis sana- Riflard's Liniment Cures Disiomper. -i PEIALISTS, DVC -PEI Conwffl paper. Although I had begun ta toria and aIso a large nurnber of S~u inreprd te &ug, diser.. w hnmy complaint was incurable bede for chromec cases. The Green- First Matron-' Yes, my doctor ~ric, l ug c i i told idywe that I intended giv- vale Sanatorium, near Melbouirne, ha. the reputation cf being quite met Xsslit,Xtleri*£oï ig tbe Pills a fair trial. 1 was will compare favorably with simil- a lady-kilier." Second Matron- for anvtbing uold £a rtca 5ufferiug f rom terrible pains wher air institutions in Europe and Arn- "Or, indeod I Mine doesn't make ~ 1 r uia.CUuwe ýbegan taking the Pilîs, but before erica. the siightest distinction between FEATHER DY NG be second box was fluisheci the Gratifying progress has been the sexes."' s ad caurling sud Nl<i~seuai a1,n began t4e dieappear, a:.Id un- made in isclating chronie and more o ats ~pui e s ler a further use elf the Pills it Particularly open cases o! tuber- RTI R RANS IN 00 isappeared entirely, andl I have "ulosis In New South Wales, Vic- MNEA ot hd atwine u it urig ~ toria, andl South Australia it ia astyer. Only those Who have estimated that at least 50 per cent. )een afflicted with the terrible ofteecsshv enpa n This la to ceftily flat have used TeSwoa aesi, ain o!neraliaeautei wathospitals andal agocalproportion -cf IINARD'S Liniment lunrur faii7for Actl@,i uIt 011 he._ biesig r. ilians ?ik ila he, remainder under supervision. cr sudheomarket ithav on eelent Lv bee e , anDr Wllams'yinu m a The health officiais believe that on- for ho bae funuatexct $,K OTTC)-IBIGE!L ïare Iee shîto meandlyrecommy ea]y afew years will elapse before <VO>~ IE.Aô rem tosa cthersuffelre." ndevery case-cf pulmouary andl throat - "Woand,*' Middeton, N.. he oohrsfees"tuberculosig will be under such 'con--_______________ These Pille are sold by ail medu- ttc! as te ,rodce tue danger of . ~-j ne dealers or by mail at 50 cents transoittingÈ the infection te a niin- -. . box or six boxes for $2.50 from lnm lie Dr. Williamns' Medicinue Coe, _______________ rockville, Ont. Tou Peo)ple don't seem to car. h h o Rridn aa "O , dte'l, eîis COULD SATISFY RER. you got your money; they are in- th ne ëVoon was uT he À tere.sted ol n wYu$ed eth ev rwas!g o *o-'ITh Lady <ta clerk ini servants' regis-. olyihw eu PO eeany wadat ry office-"I want, a eook, -and I I.Bie0 aeoiyol ert rnt lier bad." - iny -ner h-a-ve the pleasuréeof--gc07 Clerk-' Quite go, madamn; that's ThePFies that are rxcw in YOl ing thrcugh another l" -'Bsns, st hesor w supl!"kitchen andl dining-room wete pro--j Cantadýa-fut ssC i bably feasting on saine'indescrib- TRv -MuRiWNj m EgEY OMATUA, NT A sfe nalsur meicie fr aable nastiness legs thari an haut foïRled. Weak, Weary, Walory BEyea ft4jf*ltB1tAutio An 4O ual tou bed wih wcms isMo- go, and as' a single fly often car- a.ndGr»antetdlyellds. Murine Doesn't ~ fUf or Graves' Worm Exterminator. rie,,- many thousande ofo!lisease 8m rt4O thÇ9 By0 Pai. Druiie.t germes attacheal te its hairy body, ýWà . OYLlusd,25,, bl5 U --teN'Nlieu n "I nnderstund that a isspa-uit ii heduty of every houseki'epèr Wls$1 0toMUIlil fe -sa'UVit J pubi"a- lista he is separ- AzÂsetlc'Tous. 25e...-mye booelong tatti.3"eq foruct if Le fi-cm ber husbanal?" "Yes.> to assit lu inextermiriating tits nd Zu»e &dflcoFm rIrbyMail. ,s ^f erp4 y=, » Oh, t*lI m-aIl]about it. What worst ý'nemy cf the huma» n 44dîMu$u * ycR, yy Co,, id elhe dot" "Nothing; ho cioaL"Wilsou's Fly -rad' Ukl' t'es isuhjpmg impesequn$ti, 'scanut bho W&U CAITIÃ"U3.. Warta on the . bandas sa aisAgure- aPPr'osehed- by, any' otherfty killer. bcre n nei h met that troubles '1many fihéeiy madn id V'II, h." noe are usa»> imitatiots of ilion'. Fly Pads, but noue com- ke wlth the. genwîne original av- leO. Be auto yen get WUUil' id avolal dissatisfacîion. JUST CLASSIOS. Bookwarm- Yês, I bave about M0 volumes. T-les. in this cor- r are tire unes 1 read. lleitor-"But what are all the, lookworma-"'Oh, those art the *s ne library. la complote 'with- Xueumbers anal melons are "for- idon fruit". le mauy Persna s s nstititteci that the, lea-t hudul- te is folloed- b>' attacka of olera,- dysonter>, plpkua,, ete-. e persons- are not '*wariý tha~t ey 'eaun ulge te, tbofr hoar-s ntot. -if they have on band a. tde o! Dr. J. », Kellogges 1».-e >try Cordial, &meoe -i Il gîimminnediate relief, and à gire cure fer *ail i>t 00*OM t girl bias a riglut to put o ars r anythinfgt éls.-o*é.a 4or - 1foie, sti - M U - U A L M I S T K E .m on , w b i #I beaxr h4eur engamet lhasn me ! - **Yes. li' UndevntW dabehieid furCettro mon">'ndudm ali nderatooti h ha It 1 ",ay. Th4asn (a-hem Nov Itierids IEv~