Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 7

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K... ,1~. ber htlmb h orri'ho VaIfyitoli lu Dg, giVeXý'- oumbier of uiss I Dr. Williams, Piek itii.bavemd teese~~ me j meffuos&r h:1 oes ôkthat 3*uie a1 inch wiesand i foot long 'id fi»i everleoi thtSr Agee sàtehW bm' Vhs-Vthey serve Vetry well for - '1 the blood i dnd vnervOl ha de1bifit.t torior framew'or]c o!buî'eêus- thfi snd gene ral i u-down conditaoi2s. fioniers, aidebýoardsb and ina W'hat'ouch conditions ace the ceWume articles.:-1 of much n-isery and unhappinas ià Wheelw iighttsaesv the ends eu tuîly known' to those 'Who suifer f rom apokbiq andi shape them ii froni t' em màd he heed of curibg Iatheit fut ehimel, gimlet, augur anq theni is as vital asa l relie! from, other smail tool handies. Wagoi dies-ses mith higher sounding builders ocsaions-liy meke use ns-nes. We commend the follow- scraps Of hardiwoods fer lninl IDg statement toes-ny one sufferimg brakre blolke. Saah and bliiid mtale fromn weak, thi»i biood, or shatter- ,ars se their seraps for the matcl ed nerves. Mni. Mas Ma.cabe, factoris, or if the pieces arela.rgý Gîcichen, Aita., says: "A !ew enough they are worked into cor ntner blocks, rose blocks and bailue years ago 1 becamne inncdown? neors. Eerîously il, but jusV ired and Coopers recut broken or defec wes-k all the timne. 1 cOnsulted Ottr tive staves of the langer sizes s-u< faznily doctor, m-ho gave me tonmc make kege or emeller vessels o after tonie with no cffect. 1 gradu- them. Smali headings are econom. ally got ves-ken and w-aker until icaîly manufactuned in that waY 1 ccîld flot do my work. Then 1 Occasionelly defective staves aný m-ent to another docbor, who pro- headings are ms-de into dowels. notinceil my case ene of decline, and Basket makers save the ceres fron tccommended a warmer cliruate which veneer hais beemi cut and enva iw db comnplete rest. This I could them into thin sia-ta for boaskets and noV afford, and I began Vo mworry craecovena. and fi-et, until 1 becs-me a complote Brush manufacturera have made lienous Nrock. Onec day whiîe so>me headway in using waete f roux visitin & a neighbor an old gentle- furniture, factoris, but the pleocs ma how-st-in r.'ills are o! se many sizea and of such ir- Pank Pill o artial rlas' e-regular ehapes, that suecessahhem Pink icndedor partia al iaent eon onîy partial. A amali porch ecmedd gthrboxe.1 but tlout chair shop has been able Vo drs-w and ot hrc boesbutwitouta corisiderable part o! its raw maet- muich faith that they would heîp ceriai from the w-este of boat fac- me, but before they wene gone 1 tories. nutic.ed an improvement anti I Roméeof the makers an interion continued taking he Pille, con- finish work their odds and ends of têntly growing stronger, until I soft wooda into amaîl boxes aud the had taken seven or eight boxes, bardwood scrapa are ms-de into whien 1 was.çpmpietely cured. 1 parquet flooring. Planing mills cenuîd do niy vorI as easily ssever work iqcrapsanad broken pieces, un- I bcd dine in my lite, and- thle doc- salable in that foran, into boxes for tonr t4ic< mc- Vahskle couîd searcety apples, medicines sad other artic- beli(ave thec hs-nge in me, as he hs-d les aind into brackets, balusters, not had the Icast hope that I would rose blocks sad ans-Il quarter bc strong again. N.ýow I alw'tys rouind mouldîng. keep the Pills on lband anîd if I feel fetigued or weary teke them 4 -- fer thrce or fui- days su as neot te get ruindo ' SElNTE.NCED '170 SUICIDE. ,Sold by ail znedicine dealers or Ibv mail et 80 ce ta a box or six Now Agantt he Law te Commit Îboxes for $250 from ThrIDr. W~il- liarakiri la Japan. Iianm' Medicine C2o., I3rockviile, Ia future cniminals condemned Ont. t et nNvd r ob l 11r 4Ti. ta od'tela Noyadetarc te i- ii~<-i -' -..- ,..~. -IA.',henged by the public executioner s~u'îîn' tuîîn go ut"Mar -and voluntarily committing suicide ,«chio r iis no ue. I tbnk hoby swelaowing prus-sie acid. 5dace4ibs e wa s o n an 1 vcIop h TThis, a! course, as ne new Vhing. b is se ou,%n a bcncw""d- Tho ancie nt Grecirs h"d a aisilar tirdise 'itute wa-es" cswom, and ata cemparatively late A PilI Thet Liglutenm Life.-To for itsel! an unenviable notoriety (ho an wo isa vetimo! ldi-by preparing sad ceepiug ln stock, (le 'ioan ho s ae.rcti of buria t -V he - public expenso, quantities herume', amn added misery. Hie pan- o! a deeadly poison, which tisa-i not coneentra-te bis mind upon hie >udged 'guilty o! certain crimes -tasks and lace an.d vcxat.ion et- were ,iorced te swallow. (,end him. To stiel a man Parme- U p't'Ill quÎtse recently, tee, Vhstt 148Veg'etn.ble Pilla off or relief. Sultans e! Turkey used tâ &end a A course cf treatmnent, according siliren corclte suci of! Vier Minis- to direc.ionii, Nill convinco hian of ters eud other officiai. as had in- lheir great excellence. Tiîey are ,urred their grave dfispleasure, sudi cunfidently recormnendcxJ because-Vhs hint wua.ss-wa.ys taken. Tii. tcey wIll du al] that i5 cleime'd for recipietut leisimrely set te work te (hem, put -his vwerltly affaira, in order, thora straugleci himmeif. Minsionary- "Our ituation was In Japau, s-gain, noblemea aili su nemnote ths-t for e wh ole year elaInts he right te coommit- hara-, my wife inover saw a wh-ite fs-c butkii-ucieydimb eiugy My own." Sympa thetie Young legusi sufférnue, lu order te pre- Woma-' 'Oh, pelor thing !" vent thse scandai e! a publie exe- cutiora. Formerly thse ouston vas TRY MAIUINS BYE REMEDY welI night universal, but it Vas for Rted, Weak, Weary, Watery ivyes noains-lly abolishe4 somoe few yes-rs aud (iranuiated Eylitds. M urine Uoesasgo iby imaperis- dee. Novertbe- Sntt-Soothes E>'. Pain. Druggta- es, there veresecveraI es-ses se-J Ocil ' blrlO ]D*- Munis. UQUj-, -po rted ameingt Japanese pfficera Âsept l " TOI , .0.ilyeB sdttrλig the i-ceont van wit-h Russi&,1 «-d Eye Advlca 1Free iiy sîs-i. lowing that oit] traditions dis iurine Bye Remedy 0.Cobles-go. liard.11 l' Up te about !orty ycs-rs s-go it 'A woman'9 idea o! tise * good must ho remembered ail Japanese'j things of life lookis like dry goA3 parents o! tise miîitary clan took te a man. cane ta edmîcate their eidren lu 1helropor mothod'o! smTvying eut- Corna ndm wart* l.s~erwbien thig legalized s#l!-dcistru6ftiou.'Even, trented with H'llowny s C orn Cure quite little girls wers taught boy wttiotut ieaviug au sean. ta hold their jewelîcd cl.ggca-a so as Vo pierce a vital part. A SQUAE 3IEI IN RANCE 2 1.2 Pounds of Meaiandit 12 Quarts of Strông Drink Iller Capita, Frenchmeu are p retUy aille tren- 1 flTh tS chermen, ,but hs follo)'A-i 04 acoiujut; o! a mies-I made by ciglat Norymaîu posl&ants. s-urpases a-eOxpeý -Von o d Accordiug to the Mecicai Jouirnuai, a paier with lceven o! iLs !iends I j î<~sl !"' aud "Ook -au- exp«dition te gapther' A'o nthernu they sboiuid Wse btt post~ 'L~t Foy rlprerluti, to im 'Q i4i il total beims.ýýac- tsIyby the luneih. y qit or r*dTise' RIB EAGLE E ÏX ut '<Hlow ever do Yeu anage to in terne lions?2" inquired--the'in quisi- d tive man of the tVavling t!u. of; Iiaiznply fic them, with-my g9 exPl*ined the great mhan.lyi k- he.y quierten down &t once.I ae ýh a very attractive rwtnner Of t- eing. 1 can draw peo'ple towardt -me by siniqly Icoking ab thein. 'i show you. V Heturn.,d and gazed liard -et a Scouintryman standing hy. f 'See,'> .ried the tami!er, «'hest - etting nervouis Look, ho is orn- I ng towards me! I kiew I could jd'a it!' 5. EVen as h spake the coluntmy- mman st-rode up Wo him. until hje-wasq wOnly a few feýet ar.«y. Thien he d suddenl3' lolt flY with bis fi8t at the lioU-tamer's flose. e "That'I] teach vou, Funny-face, flot to stare at me'like that again ' ho e'xclaimed. h A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. There was a dietermined look in the Young ladY'e eye, eA she rnarvheciinto the opticien'sa&hop. r "I walIt a Pair Of gisaseis immedi- a tely," she said. "Oood strong 3oneS. I won4't be m-ithout them for )another day."1 q "Qood strong ones?' ",Yes, please. I was out in Vhe rCountry yesterday and 1. made a very painful blun-der which I Lave no wieh tc re<pea..'> "Indeed! Mistook an en-tire I1 wim-e, L1, 2ruan vî Irionci per- d"No, nothing of the s'ort. I mis- Vook a bumble-bee for a blaek- berry !" SITRO2iGER TIIAN N EÂT. . A gentleman who has s-quired, e judietlal turn of mind f rom experi- onte on the bench eut lanV-he Sun. ftower State, writes a carefully censidened opinion as to the valus e! arapo-Nuts as food]. ne Says;: "éFer the. Ps-t 5 yIealrat Grape- Nuts hes been e prominent leaturs in our biH ef fare. "The crLp fod with fie d6hci- eust nutty" ftavor lias becomne ý6 indispetsable necessaity in my Eam-' ily'sa veryday .311e., IVLiesprosred Vo 1,. mos-Unflh- ful and benefcial, and u.eà us Vo bractically ebolish pastai hù pies from oui- table, for Vhs chij- dren preler Grape,-Nuts -and go net cr-ave riel s-ad iawhoisomae food. 'Grae-Nuts keeps us allVin per- "Il,, Pl'ysical tondiion-as a pue- lvln ive e!ofdîsees.IVit i boyond vs-lue. 1 bave been particuls-rly isupregsed by the bae-ica effeçts e! Grape-Nuts w-n ueed by lades who are treubled wit3s face bI*m-, îahes, skin eruptions, oe. 1V dean up the eimplexiors we2lder!ufl.. "As Vo its nutrit4ve qisaîttem exper ee la that oné mau tdlit o! GrApe.Nute is 'tiperior, tea a Pound o! mes-t fr breakfa.b. w1dch te s-n important, eonsiders-tiou or. auj-e. t satisfien thse Appetite aud strcngthens tie pover'e>f i- uSEting fatigue, wbîhle its'Usé in- ti1e# rsioe et > thedîsagpeable ronacqcuàe hs-t somethuos foIlov a nucat breakfa.b." Nase giveit by Postum sCe.,- Bs-tl. Crocit, Read the little book-, "Thse E4e4 io WelIvile.@ in pkps. "?here'. a roà"-n.ey «Verr"dIboab ffl #M S0,tri a411 te bu 1M .t.n I da. l -0, o~ niten I *ma Cu 0o cO~ers, hokiU ,o d#ty 'ome ahipenent - fem ifar-ef Âüsttr4lis or Chine,. ')Me.rÇuh18e h iat, 750 careçaseî ef iro zen lamb f rom, Australia Wori Ianded At -St. John,. X. B. 251 earcases were sent Vo Vhe Will'au t>avies Co., Limited, £oron(to. Th( greater part of the remain.der weri shipped ta Montreal, This, lani waz purchased et nine cents pel pound delivered in bond et To- ro nto. Under existing conditions thE duty was thrce cents per Pound, This' madteh lamb COSt tWelVE cents per Pound laid duwn ini To- roni.o. Fresh dressed lamhs were sel- ling ini Toronto at t'hat Vime at 123/C. to 13C. PeT Pounld. Hlence, alfter paying this duty there was n t muieh di6iéence bo- twoen the prices of the Australian and C&naidian Lamnb. The duty protect-ed Vhe C'ana.dian farmer against the Australian 'pro- duct. But under Reciprocity the cluty on this frozen lamb wi]l be only 1 Yc. per Pounmd, so, that simi1axr shipmerits could ho laid down in Toronto et lOYo. per Pound, two or threo ce'its per Pound cfiheaper than the price for the home raised products. R.efoerring Vo the Iambs which were sent tVo Montreal. Wheu they reacjied Montreal. Can-adian lamnb was seîIing at 10>e. The Austra- lian iambe were sold at 9%,.c. deliv- ýered ex cars Montreal duty paid, ,the owners apparently being oon- tented te undeýr&eli tihe Ganadian market by one cent per Pound. Now, if you wîsh t'O ses the effect lapon the limo stock market of the receipt of this Australian lamb in Mountreal, turn up the Montreal papers o! March 20th, in onle o! whicli, for exaniple, the headjline IWII, 84Sheep Mod Lower in Local Mfarkets." If, with the thre.s cent duty oh every pound, frozen lailib ean ho Pro~fit*kly Importod !rom Auetra- le, It seenis e4mosti onclu ivo that redui-ng the duty wiIl also reduce, he-price of Oin-adiaan b Oor- An'd noV enly -doos Auotralia ex-ý >o'rt frozen mma, but îV exportà bu-tter ne well.I. lbexportsa au-- ally between fifty and feventy-fiv e million pounds of butter. Australian buitter can ble laid, Iown no-w in 'bond at Montre-el et 3c., par Pound.. A duty 'o! !oer 2ets per pound keepe 1t eat of- competitien with>tihe Canh4îan. butter uow aelling, et 260. per. 7n'der 1Reciprovityi wl*hjch 'uM I* , jýy with the , duty of four, enaper, pund, thoFat-en rownshipa butt~erwoult have Vi, mp.et during the winter uo3ufhs rÇq ~utraianbuttiv whioh iost, )nly 2~ . p ar p s , d ts I o ~ J I s t 2 e e b d O I e' o NO fl Ope, adiah,'thât '- 'ha neangy wldswith your last "Od.ar no, mwn; Dnone what- ê r "wkâ tiio reply, w th,'. bas 61 lier hesacL "Whi e ewaa hav,- batbroom door, >took a]=sy thilge, and went away as, quiet as pou- REST AND NEALIlI TO MOTHER AND OffILB ' sse.5 fe oer rx Î YRS by MILLIONS Cf M O r n a o r th e ir C IIL r n m icN W If Z I TTEitxarjl Wth PFER ECT soCCES. it SOOTRS the CIIL SeyTUNiS the OUSe &LLAYA al PAIN;- CU'RS WIND cele, endu s the bcet reaedy'for DIARRHRA It lasab. sliutely harmies& ne sare ad 11k for *Mnt.' WimulowlsSothng Bynip," and take no )ber Ulnd. Twenîi4Ive cents a bottie. Satan takes a day off when a woman marries the wnong man. Minard'a Liniment Cures Dstemper. WISE. "Bobby, didn't j-ou hear mamma tellin' us Vo coins in out o' thse reain?" " Yep, but I'm mot gol' o do it tillI'mi se wet that she can't lay me across her lap 'thout spoilin' her drees." The destruction o! the house fly la e public. duty. Almoat every Amienican StÉaVe Bcnrd o! Health le carnying on a crusade againsV hlm. Hizs filthy orîgrin and habite, and Vhe fact that his body is gea- enaUy laden wiVh dizease-produc- ing germe, niakea him oe ao! the greatet enemios of the humusn race. If the hous.ekeeperg o! Can- ada wîil use WIleon's Fly Pads persistently, this peril 'would ho tremendously reduced. Etndee-Th& lest case hes ms-de me miss Vhs big dinner this evezîing V-o the distinguish.od Dr. Jay. lt-a tee laie new. Hie Wife--Never mind, dear, Vht speeches will be publithed. Ensdee-Yes, but, the dinner A Poweefuýl Modicine,-12he hueel ing propeialu i ai i l 'l tire~ ~ ~ i - ocnr~e every bottie of Dr.- rôths' - ceétric 011, !htin ,one of the aist Vbeneficiajl Iiilotâ ovez oifceed ite the ise uof mâ,n - Thousadà tali'teatity ýas Voj+& pô~ê .allying pain;e, -ct many *on ~ x fnl po or le no t expr essed - CI e he*tp e s T.,~al ase m n, gis'. them m oney'; 'to pais w ouen, glve biseaube stty. IItue up wmak stomiah-supply te iestîJuiea 'Whiah areckn .Mr Ye rf o b n properly oonvered Into brawn ad slnew, ed blood ândactivo i g .Oèaao~ M yôur druggl.t4s or (rom ONTARIO VETERJNARY COLLECIoE- Temperance Street, Toronto £IIa.ted w1i t tua teei~aty cf Toronto, and under the control of the paj*' ment et Aurieultua.e af Ontario. Inflrmary for Sick Animais at the Gtollage. COLLEGE RE-OPENS OCTOIJE 2nd. 1911. N..--Csandar on application. E. A. A. GRANE. V.8.. M.S., Prinolpal. Gyer-"Yes, he la what, you might FARMS FOR SALE OR RUTr. terni a financial pessimist." Myer ASK DAWSONU NOWS ,Whtaa financial pessimist?" [F >ou want ta si a farm, consuul Gyer-"A man who le a! raid Vo me2.-- l-ook plea.ant for fear hie friezuds yon ant ta buy a farin, con«»l will want Vo borrow fromn him. unMe. HAVE Rme of the best, Fruit Stock. rinaor Datry Farmin, Z a. iio, Peevishi, pae, restiess, and sickly land 5"rght. ehildren owe their condition VO ~ DWO iay Cios worms. Mother Graves' XNerm Ex- H. tet Toroaýo.f terminat,or wifl reliove them audar SASKATOON restore heal-th. - ANDS aeeond ta non. tée-& ÎÏti La~dstonishing prospewity oft 0"r-fa~ ers. Why be one of those Who llôws i Ella--"I'm Vo ho married to-mor- can do botter, yet Iseks tii. sptri t trsI rowand rn errily erv ,s. There iH no rllsk. StMnwho - Ssie ro w, nd I m te rihly nerv us. ealige how m ch f lita th a>b&Ve w a Stella-"Yea, I suppose there is edeeIhere. Boter writaSkb1 always the chance of the man geV- katchewaa. Western JanadiL ing away at the last minute.", Tr-y-to heilnAthe unfortunatt.u-.y.un- t a t a s a n e q a l O lie . *"Y@ regret it Il o o~al particulara ta Tr Albert At.. Ottawae. aoeafo AYand Pl'~ ÀL8 ~ . é~cale re ~paaTs uj t I13R.ttertor trAm, doi b Qab uPie uteo po ur, $ - liOr large orders. P. w . Toronto. ÇU 2U GASS ATEOla 4 PuDev9ira cutter cuti mail. lac. W.,e ai 1 6BeOit l A, t. ontreaL ~OV.TY WýME-XtIi h~ baid ot, Pil t leBe they have mortgged their pro- perty for the Purpose ai buying an automobile. Eveny paoket o!f Wilson'sg Fly Pada wiII kili mare flies than esan possîibly be caught on tü~ree hun- dred aheets of sticky paper. ant, 'II arn calieti up oe",eioially to compound prescriptions at night." "isn't a nmani likely Vo ms-ko mistakes working in a semi- Vey any persans die an.ial froin choiera and kindretiau-mmer conpiaints, 'who might have been savsd if plioper reniedies hmd hesn - itaed.' l! -at tâcked- do net dLay'ùlu geutin-g ab6ttle -"of, Dr. J.Ù. lel- Iogg,e Dyementey Cordial-, the me-_ disn' ii-itnover filas ooffet a- cue. ýThôé'è, -Whôh.Ite're 4- it gay it atg taqtni 1y, exd VhorOu8glil ~uLanea ti -an»ei» ênd dses e. - af egirl tells yen Shè entsirmg, j TUE REAWSN. vWigg-Uauep.kke hau bouglit s- -Tii sechded Ahofo!wom.ea wisich Po a 'lu o! ltti, heatbh<w ul , exerds , ftndtlsd ciusol de-', rs.ogmente -ofbté xStoIDMIandI liver and is amootwts-bIleortheb ps-l. sad lassitude that ome ws-pY-- M~ thenu expeiena. Pamel*.'u- Vegotable Pi».- wi! çoOr jr'. Pet Ywa Il grsune àa -<e

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