Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 5

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nos Iob'14 plead- ~iuudow V( to ktai a ~Local Happeaias sre Ricehardson and Rkhatdsonls'y îîotltanuunoxneentin tliis pIaPer Try us for New Perfection OÙ 69«0a asiJ Gas.oline Stoves. Everything in Hardware. Geo. M. Rice. Thé- Band will not give VhsekI open ait concert on Saturday eveang of this week. Dr. Adamns will be out o!t OWIS (ras Friday, Auguat lt tuVolOtb, hotb tisys inchideti. Rey. Mt. Cociburfi, of Toronto, pge«W. i n St. Audrew'se burcb heri, lait Sunday la Dr. Abrahams ab- boucs. Several Canadtan Parifir englucers arrlved La town aset week, and begftn work ln conplting the survey of the route now betng projecteti through Vhs laks front Iowu oteri te On f411 ltigeo cohs thé lod. tù sU, l#el IrÀ g -AT- SHOT PRICES, 2 Watches If both the popular 16 Size I for Men. One -e ohr 1 e e) f a SldNce ae Ia G o ua't GodFild ae $400Exr e, eaeEtaVle BU NW BAnSeT' a'ica ~Wd~ Imuet ordor soins on mIy way home t R. C. GARDEN PARTrY. The. garden party heid on Thureday last in the up-town park, under tho auspices of the ladies of the R. C. churcli, was as usual a fine succees. Ownta the ramn, the crowd was noV as large as IV wouid have beeis1 had the evening been fine. An excel- lent tea wae served during the early part of the eveanîg. A good musical prograrn had been prepared, but ow- ing Vo the rais 1V was impossible Vo bring a piano down, and this part of the prograrn had Vo be called Off. Father Clint, Chas. Calder, M.P.P. and F. L. Fowke, M.P., addressed the gathering, and Messrs. George Whitelaw and Wxn. Wilkinson also took part. The proceedsa rountei to' $ 137.00 Personai Mention. Mrs. Chas. Augusrtus, of Brooklit, wilt friende. Mrt. Will Westiake, of Toronto, with hie parents. - Mir. Wesley Augustun was in %ebY over the holiday. l Ms -Annie Jbso svisittug- $$,O Worth 4 bootà md eh oft-at' out P" t a LW. cour'cash' P. Taylor la hon tront hi$ trip aMd settleti dowu Vo ork, Brlag alOng YoUr alick wa.hes, cdocks andi JewelrY ta the Siel hospital. No cure no pay. For Berges Pure Paris Green, Ar- mnaIs o!fai , and Dr. WillIame Fly anti laseet Destroyer, go Vo G. K. Rie. Everytliiug la hardware &t iow prie«. A number [rom ber. tookLulaths excursion Vo peterboro on lionday. The excursion was run by the Boy- manville Bowlers. There was ep- wards o! 750 on board. Refreelirent Blooth at Heydenshorec Park pavillon. Open every day. Lunches served aV ail hours. le crense, candies, cigare, soit drinks, etc. Picule parties catereti for. J.B. Perrin, proprietor.1 A meeting of the Men'e Bible Class vil! be belti la the Agricultural office on Friday eveniag at s o'cloek, for Vhs purpose of dtsposlag o!fVthe tunds. C. W. Weatherlt, President. Great annuul surnmer sale now going1 on at M. W. Collins'. The preachlng services in Vile Bap- tst cburcb bers were vîtadrawn laet Sundey, tbe pastor belng absent on bolidays. Next Sunday the paeVor yull preacli botb rnornlng and even- ing. ALEX. WILSON SENTENCED. A er. Wilson, of Aehburn, who bas been Up on a charge of pejury, was on Friday-lasV founti gulty, sud sen-1 tenced by Magistrat. Harper Vo threo monthe lu gaol.j Reports sem Vo indicate that the potatoe crop le liglit. Bo far b. tubers are emall and -'1ew la a bill. At least hat le tbe experisaceofo many. New potatos are yet hlgh in price. ln Midland a week ago they sold at 60c. a peck. $2.40 a bushel. 4 Saturday, August latif, promises Vo_ he a lively day amoag the politlcs.s Beeldes the Lîberal Nomination meet-~ hing at lrooklin, the Consetvatlvm are holding a meeting la hs Music hall here Vo receive lir. Win. Smiti'e kreply Vo the nomination tendered hlm isomne lime ago. e THE LADIES REST ROOM. AUl honor Vo Vie ladies o! Whltby Brandi of the 'Womenle institute for prÃ"vidlag sucb a asat, coaysulsat roose. It la volt patrol.ed but iiow lew shew their .ppteciation lu as- duatln he cMmlte a in etaying Vhs necesut7 expense. A mite box bas lissa put, ep, sudcontributions wil! be most velsome. -4 OLD GIRLS' TEA. The Olti Girl ss aociationl have arrangeti for ttu»non tees begla Mûrg lait Sîturdey. The pocools v;i b. ln aid of the Caregsiresl library imainteiiuioe. It la expecteti liat auto Parties will patto" lue lb tees. They are Vo be hei on tlb lava oi!Kra. (Dr.) UIcGilWvray'S reaidence, ose block mant ci tbs (ove. ONLY AWAITS 1148P=10i14. The Canadim No*Msa aiUY rsgul8. trains viii sos, 1* ruoint betweec Toroatto atimtros>.'-da Oshawa, T%ê' fins bau Wu5 fl4tf« inspection for nom tî15 me u 5011 av.ait.sp.cllçm by Ilis lspeWre( of ths Ra.W'*y Q.NiSSIOA May ha dome ýay doY. f«azx Commiselob *Il me Ibê417dal Tb.la uaay bt'osor abot n _ '6 kiends in Lindsay. Miss Jessîe Macpherson ls vlsîtlng riends In CoIdwaterý lir. Fergus P'rguso, ô et onto, lvih lis parents here. ý Miss Florence Wharton, of Toronto, with friends In howu. Mine Wilrna Jolinston le vlaltilng ýrIends in Port Hope. Miss Elaie A rd, of the. pont office taff, li on bier holidays. li.t. nt Mrs. Chas. Hili.e, of To- ronto, wlth relatives In town. Mise Edna Mowbray, o! Toronto, ea bol1daý'lng at ber borne here. Misses May and Grace SraiVh are vilit4ug. i Toronto for a mouth. Miss F'lorence sohwelt-,Bpt the. Loliday with Iriende near ie ro. Mie" virgie Brly fNw'ok sn hofidaying wW.i lber aétlbes AT WORK Il11 WE1 K ber m à"" 1 twms nfji~ Mr., Zud ,MUo. Albert Moctit,01! Z> Ïonlo 0, 'WIt4 L i.and' lio, John Wù- wJli spnia ewtys, Wltbtimandelu Toroiito., Master À4disQ) souonha .-o [vo wa'e lia. David i GAuaa anti lir,.John Hayo o! 1orouVo, vi i M. and, mrs. jos. Kean. MislsmIAIioe. Jous, ci!West Munt, hlot.rallevisiLlng it _the home of Miss Margaret 13à ~h aUnd friand, and lit. George Britton, o! Toronto, ,wlth 'their parents. lir. Fred 1>014eV, of Klngelong- la Vislting at the, home o! hie uncle, lit. J.. Y. Patterson.I lit.,W. Cooper returneti on Wednee- day o! last week trom, bis brie holi- day at Honey Harbor. lire. Yates, ot Toronto, bau been visiVAng ber slalom, lire. J. iilop, for two or three weeks. Miss liaggle Stark has ceturneti frose Newrnarket wbere she bas beau visîing for sme tirne. lire. Heron and Miss Dora erton, of Toronto, are guests at the home ,o lir. C. A. Goodiellow. Mr. audlr. Wr. lorrow, of To-I ronto, vielted over the holiday with Mfr. snd lire. George Kerr. M.re. Reid and daughter, o! Toron- Vo, have been vIsVAng wltb the for- mer's sliàtet lits. Blanchiard. Mr. andi Mrs. HÏibtê' Jtinnlftgs andi son, o! Toronio, spéM the1 holiday under, the parental roof. lir. B. Parleli, of the Gazette-j Chrouflie. staff, le on a Vwo weeks' holiday at hie home In Athens. Mir. aud'lirs.-W. - LIespent thej 28th awùiVersary ci their wedding with :riends ln Toronto luet week- lir. and lin. Chas. Kernpthorne, 1.11 ou &gturdeyi 1o a pul' visi wit-." son Saunuel ln.týBàw - toon. lir. sudlire. J.M. Denyvu, ot Oak- ville, spent Suniday at 11w=*»tlidlst- .pairsonage with Mrt. and ]ira. '06- Bith. Misseu Peaila *ûau d idrd tAie arak spendtng a couple o! weeke .'st hwno! ' M. andtil# ,li ltys elre. Ge*.." LTiomupson -and,.-lira. a. C. .Smith Ud Ivo chuIdren ýhave returneti (tt rspeudtll a 1v daes Ind Mr. and ÉeiBot-'Abepberd are An I Bellevlle' 'for a moath, ile Mr. Shepherd le, rellevlng one o! Vhe des- patchers there. Mrt. Allen Colwi l 1.1 on Sanday rnoing laut for Detroit, ihere ha bas sechreti-a gooti posllAon lu the' Michigan Central. lir. -andi lira.-M. Broya anti daUl- We, di. ?lewmarket, aa vtltnig lei.1 anti Mn.Wm. Xlop$er an4 otber roi- at4veà n ow fl.v' G. A4 Mtâl*a u roeitt >Honsy larbor'on M1ontiay, aud viti _ , cL a" . çehldren-en u Hwton ouTuaay orý,tbe emalri derot o? ie eeli. Mis liflego, tipre en" théo tralang la corset -and anrg llhi N. N.BtR NS, WHITBY, 1a Great BOO TS ONT. Slaughter 0F AN» SHOES Annual Summer Sale for 60 Davs $6,000.00 worth of Boots and Shoes to be sold at 1e88 than the whotesate price. We Have Baîtains for Everybody Cali' and see us. We wiIl be plea- 'd to show you our goods. fullowing are a few of the many bargains w. 'ave to offer you. FOR MEN 75 Pairs the McPberson Shoe, the best made in Canada, in patent colt, gun metal, vîci kid, velour cal! and tan cal!, Bluchers, Goodyear welts, regular price $5 '00, $ 9 Sale Price .................. 39 30 Pairs rnsn's gun metel, tan cal! and patent colt oxfords, MePherson's Goodyear welts, regular price $4 50, 52 To clear et ............... 3.5 50 Pairs men's patent colt Bluchers and velour cal! Bluchers, Goodyvear welts, regular price $4.oo and $4. 50 50 To cer et. ...... .......... 30 Men's dongola kid and box cal! Bluchers, regular price $2 75,1 5 Sais Price.................... 17 Men's worklng boots, Bluchers snd 10 gaiters on sale at ............. 10 AUl other liues o! msn's boots et wholesals pricet. FOR GIRLS Patent colt Bluchers, regeler price .$2. 5o, se prie...... ...... Box. calf andi Dongola kid Bluchers, replat $-2.a5 on selse t ....... $1,65 1.50 Dongola kid Blucher boots, a great 12 barga!n et................... 12 So Paire patent, tan anti dougole kîi oxfords anti strap slippers, regular price $1. 50 0 and$:-7 5 e to clear at .......... -2o0 Pairs af the Classlc shoe, sires r; to 2, in patent colt, viol kidi, gui. metl anti box cal! in Bluchens, oxfords sud strap elippars, tan or bleek, ta b. oiti at whoiesale prices id es to clear these ont. AUl other hans of girls' shoes on sale et bargain priçes. The FOR LADIES 5o Paire Ni herson's patent colt, gun metal and tan cal! Blucher ox!ords, regular $ 9 Price $3.25, to clear et ... 2 Dongola kid ox!oirds, regular price $2.25, sale price ..... .......... 15 Dongola kid ox!ords, regular price $1.5,sale price. ..... ...........12 McPherson's patent colt pumps, reg- 22 Ular price $3.25, sale price ... "i McPherson's tan cal! Blucher boots, 2I regular price $3.75, to clear at... . Dongola kid Blucher- boots, regular 16 price $2.25, sale price 16 McPberson's vici kid Blucber boots, cushion sole, regular price $1.25, 22 Sale price .................... 2 5 2o Pairs patent colt pumps, a greet 15 bargain et .................... 80 Dongola kid strap qlppers, 1 0 To clear at ............... AIl other lines o! ladies' shoe et bargain prices. FOR BOYS Patent colt Bluchers, Goodyear iveltà, regular prie $3. 50, sale pries.. .. Tan cal! Bluchere, regular price $2.95, sale price. ............. -Box cal! and dongola kidi Bluchers, reguler price$2.25, On sale et................... 25 Pairs boys' dongoae andi box cal! sizer. i1 tO 13, A great bargein at ............. Sce our boys' patent BI uchers, Onaleat........ 2.00 1.50 Bluciars, 1.00 2.00 Ail other lines o! boys' boots et bargain prices. FOR OILDREN Sa Pairs boots anti strep lippers, tan or black, regular prive $4.oo0 and 8Si. 2 5, Sale jpie..---------------------75 2o Palis dougola kitiasti box cil! rglrprîce ,ý$and ti.o -nsl Ï . ... .. Bluciers, S1.00 300 Pairs of the Classic chas in childtcn's. patent colt, viol kid, gun metal and box cal!, ta Bluehers, strap lippers and oxfords,>tanou black, ta b. solti et less thanfewolae prie ta clear thern out. All other Unes of chiliren's shoortq ha sold' - at baean prices. Men 'a andf Boys' Lacross Oxfords, special 5e Shoe-Polish, tan-or black, i, Truake and Valises A large stock on hand of tii. best macë-le trt.rnsuit. cases and cli -b. solci at ,wholesalte puces and les to clear them out' Don, t tla i tt ui' iW top u'tu4u4tiJ$ma.Vuaua«I by bu>lp4 frim se Soe ,wlu w andi baiig'tàbtes ftou OPENNQS ël. 9ea, o Getti'o We wa every word of WETRn PULL OF PR(i fw fr si ri b' lou)Se West West R.w1W

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