Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 3

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Iteturu T ', F g E Ise. owinc &=U lu iflyotzet t dollu.rmtrç r kto the ip ivknto li. p1 d the servie ancta1 write mil ca1ehw OUi ftn4nai *dera te ,o tf trvelitmeti tiiroduotory w montha fi enta wil11 1 rd bail poin the merilî l(.t of varie, Iveotaelnta 1 for constd« dry, tachait 41119 and -au 1 iruttlrrg Iro rII in this ti ,,, The writ Oristier of Û] .tu tu serve' arked, Ai r'ý a fortune.Î,,- 11am1 t'O keecj Keepings diebt amount uctiD merely,,ê ebosenhoà aise bringa, 1, h te n cre ufine- uits u i,,t msiftttute 11U, in> vvst In Ê i t Et tut &It-It, al - luiis ' nc r'uil i Il c a;r t< r-r-rd t, t ti IL- tt 41tav f3i'u tt.. Ot ORÂ LOOK INTO THE PAST an 7 rott ha,, no comept4io~ my nI hns beasîtýfor yodu abigil, ciaah ainla thoîn, g ht it distresed ever,1 judging it kinder to leave the girl alonc. "It will bring back ail the o!d horror and trouble at, ir'to," 5he CB.APTER XXVI. us. We shah aMl be alon&-only Butelhe ha4dno knowledge of how Merefield is eoming,-and you don t mucli suffering this orc hog 71 ,n A year d oleaay-wevemind him. Now, you are hesitatiag, RiPstone village nieant te Nancy. lo g aln ar moth. It was Nanc%-. yay don't you say 'yes î1 for aie kncw nothing of the brief- Ohriutmas time-a good sensible, Mr. Hamilton, do persuade heliî romance that, hadbeenboahr 'ad8easo n ab Clria,a with f eroat I wilî if I an. I should like 1in the 6Bmmer that was. long dea' H1ints for Busy Hlousekeeeers. ne bucn d l, her tobe with you above ail thingsa, buried and foIrgotteu, and ýo ,e___________________ MieLietr msure i would was inrn n unconsajous of_________ London was 1ýery full> People do lier good," the. young man an- how greafi a sacrifice -of feei;origi- were ruching herer and there, bent swered, promptly. Nancy had made when she had cou- R«Upe, a«d Other Valliab. Intrusta on emptying their pursez on the 1Nancy's face wore a constrained sented ta join their Christmas party f I'rtcmlar Iitwr.t to Women olk leasti provocation. 'rhere wzls ai' expression ; shte coul d fot bear toe at Ripaston. Hall. ea- IE air of good nature prevailing; and, refus" these dear ones, and yet "Welcome, home, Nancy TI Eear -V NQ T ifrie wan heto hie-to go back te te Hall-was site iWeloome home 1" aaid Sir Hum..n- DANYDSM nwith inble, a face, i the strong enough Wo bear te memories rey, as li e tood, hat in hand, at Pie FRNÂ1L 0Y~R DANYI)LHI. te be closed again it must be done gutter, te embodhzacut of huniger,: that must cone? open door of his weil-loved houtie Bave ai] cold vegetables, includ- gently. s-Drrow andi despair, hie was, alter As lier cousin spoke site woke '<There's a 90od piece oi mistio.x'De lut potatoei, chop them, thei f ry. When the cake appears cooked aIl1, in te minority, to judge by frontlier musinge. somewhere about, I arn sure, se) 1oether with -a libe rai seaiiuniing insert a knitting-needle, and if ithde hundreds of comnfortabiy clad I arn afraid I muet say no, Dol- You must rLot be. angry il I steai a o! 1ait andi pepper. is perfectly clean, then the cake forma that hurried past hin, iy, dariing; I have aalced Darcy te kIds."e tece and lbttsîn l>ddînig.-Mak-e is oe breathing an atmosphere of peace spend hi, OChristmas with nme, now "Twenty if you like," Nancy an- a rice pudding ilth ti sual W83'. and prosperity. t1iat Sir John and Lady Hamilton swered, lifting lier sweet red ]il q W4an half eooked add a good USEFUL HLNTS. lu- two days' tinte'the churcli are away, ant-" ta his; then elle was kisseti by hajýdful of s rai VtsIin, ,tirif A little lard ini the starch will do bells wouid ring out the tidings tha t "Oh, don't think of me, Nancy !"' Dorotity, andi then site founti her- V*refu1iy, cov"er the top oftheicpud- much townrd keeping irons f runt another Christmas was born, bid- bagan Daroy. self in1 a crowd of servants, wlio ~~ crit, *thadonh puta« er(JLîIb eabit stickinig to the clothes. ding ail rejoice. "Ia that your oniy- ext'useV-" greeted iher with watin thougli re- E erýbtterndrtkunLpilte bits Save the fat front ail meat% andi At one of the -large.et bouses in crieti Dorothy. "Whï, that la espectful words af welcome.- has Stopdte4aeigts fPeev~ ii. T oI~~~~~ ~pouitry anti use in place of lardt, GovnrSur ang rew easily settled. 0f course, Mr. A mist of teara rose before hier Po~i1 eas fiscnitn ihqaf7 Grae amslîu~1 e mcl frmexccpt for pie andi biscuit. up on this briht December morn- HadFiltc-n willj cQ.e, tico. Oh! n*o, eyeg, and bler lips quivered, but' rapo j .grmwn hu ut ' mader r,. Wa St.eamîng is far better than bo] ing,. andi a girl, carefuily wrappedino; I won'-t lisffen ta anything Doily was quick to create a oiver- F01TU ECR the frit arf] "d stew genty ît msrethoti andi you wili be unwi- <'la Mrs. Crawshaw at home, p et once, both of you,ý and b. "Youir ad oom, Nancy," s O me*1 ~ tfi tender, thr ' %:s thri-uh a îng ta give it tmp. flatta î'" she askc-d ot the footrnan1 prepared to travel down -Wi th daddy said; thon, as ehe sipped lier hantiEtbihd n15 y3onRdah deansice. o ec y xun ut To topnùaeîeelPî a pecewho openeti the .duor, andi receivin.g andi me to-morrow, Oh 1 how, lovely titrougit Narcys aria, she laiper- piiip flluw r)fl( pourd of luafi-sutgar. of brown or tissue paperer thean answer in the affirmative, seit ail ta l" anti Doratyexutiaed "Hereîs Baiùe. No Îr Bririg lu the but]andi cook fast furtchuteupr ja at th ranl UP the handtsome staircase with dnetcho h pe a deariptive cf joy hich good free figit. I saw Janiet'rear-J twejittv [Tniiitits. Pour iliu Puits bîreding will stop at cnce.ut aal] the assurancecf coe who was camnete a preia'ttsre stop as lfancy ing lier'head i 1ke a Trojazm a me-~ih t~4 and Coter att once withi egged O.huoeprsy faîniliar with every nock anti cor- inquired, hurriedly: m~ent ago."p paper. Il likcd, a little lemnon-pecillOe racker itoasush ite for aner. "And you wil reaily, b. ý a1ne, *Th&a:uiver turneti into aa silçIPOSNIWN y , iIbê,i imay be u'-cd tu flaovur the preserve. thickeaing when Elle las no egg, 'Not in lier boudoir,"site mur- Dolly, dean?" ± an th ie toiear eïe 'baveykp r net'IS a N'cil nce Change at h entl ot.mured, putting leheaii tte "ely Mer fied. .asreBainea ýwas greeteti,an~d o frn tl "drr~rcepddn. To Fry Bac)n Without Shnivel- dean of a charthing littie apant- com" .A nt tisî- ; ol, PZOre alone lTO E il inrof ti i tender, ati ng-a tiewt tie gty mn."Oh.'Jaeet, there you an eao ~ ~ ti~the twoirawee lne',MM 'Eý g-a tiswt desilgtymn,'jcillaÀh away, selsWellr-r, md'Aer ding;'eperButtr oe rapping ina cdfi-y pan antiaed AennaMa Casawt .e a't corne, for tieveygoocibýd oo.t>-slt$: 4.ish, pprad aItc Butcer u a ,f ry sluwiv titil cisp. o h ie- "You'l ind blin, athe diniog- ,ao ta nt a ob11>eex akei Otalnl r egAI.. !Sce osoî.Pisj upritkîe ne 'unce ut ceese~ ~ Wien~lie iraw rs romaliass Shs h. n aMou k si dds tb-reat et the rie, uatertieittedaearc t.,aik nroetu ons. "s,,,'j e*r thè- m& thate ~yon* ngil a r i f le < c tn e uif liee t< nrp , p u se h arffo i n nti s v o r t en - a t n a h o n a m t ; t e e r utc. ti k e ah id e tw e ,lo rot iy k o n t i s g i , e o t g o s n i is y a i. IU erotlilo, * ith ré a l *y ý', ig in es t U .i1 nd 7 in~t a1u1u4.Te iemyb it aet .fu]ao.ma dnispne rude, Mn. ai over à e adth ets"t of the ritter, sat r b Utpu ta er4nd 14i 7> co:dnsck ib flrrngu t ripoery ubtahei te a hi "Weit l, w d lwhapenin' g"eb n, tW -- 1do' ti ik Itms requeý f tiiascheheebeheLtla perfectut wi-t delrglitnatndasangcaptu tient- 'and ineenthe woo M es Me, Bo happy 1"' lituarbitsoard 'str ,%lmo atdinoiipEnalace t.:asksat i unes msstgoatn ugprs h-qDno hy, n 'à4 had',Jae smrîgppt ve"tle' ~s':dofrnî. ale . t.No,.Lron;wYureut p ti l me iute Whaett e.t>ti o4caa Glngo'ire htby ina etiiiug Up eiT iscf ci c î'fo necn telwrî n ht i a .l 'sim t e round-,I alnd sou, l wasuas- ibe hti e- ni ncerte une fpos d suci rp f.meytane t ia-wm eli wo-havng* t re reethe lq ak. harpen the carNîng knife " l iis an amiateur grocerti shop, what myv "ncil b i". l jUteý' ounds e t oqu81(Al sue, nti a %en atewing pears atitithe juice rnay 1 ask, Mrs. Crawsliaw V I shah frigliten you into fitia 1" :ýcr 'a Ii.d d~ ia. , ugsstaaw'ec eie lemon antin thofe gratetizerannta,-a Nt ancy laugliet as elle came for- Antd witih teDolly fLung lier am ' a fiodcfmeor >bte un lP4igovrtewrd lcw two rounds to each pe rsa, iwr n ise e ren. a ï hol »the s Mixtueiertw ouce e gaît wo inchtea of cinnamon ta every ~at iet irfini bout Nancy, andi again kieseti anda5idswet, eê t ho, iin-, » as ..h ~thcntr~' chetehe tbispoui cof treateigîtor tepears, accorciing ~~ Yeu are just i intme to hlcp hugged h-e wildly. o ~'a~- 4e -. 6n t g .ô.& ' ~ ~ co n s h a p i n . l 4 - r e o a < j b a r d anti Italtan ounce et liquefieti but- slze h ave met my cousin, Darcy H ii-trouble te en V ietitrt 5 ue of o as-th sh<eêk baifýt. 6joanôI êt~g< h~ ter, %ith cayenne anti sait te tas:e. bttn,,boUhavaremuclinetl" 6itdl;dai Js f cv..-the fêa rék,, t~wI h# fopo~sd~~- titlsponuloftiisfor keeping tacks than boxes. tn av Ol indicating a tue of Mr. Rc0ta1"n-fc ;,eln" tore btueteer. Socttr press i ther the tack la ot the desireti"'wa.spparentiy .very busy. we sahbal' ehavIng sorne horrible UaQI1ythat fâloW4-ý'w.; 4. a l : *aci, n -gt ifyonce spare L o ngtisiLicste 9manner Was only excuse abbuuîaal;gto-reniain, etc. cène,>rék -T lue ;v *Khopp.rti lard-boiled eggs. Make A gooti -ressing fur sattage is îdeaey se - _ Godý4y' alig;'p- li t bot, and sere. , matie as follows: ýOne egg, one 1 tïn.Hme~n? reig. m olapyIWg~p ~~ telemi-oan d hr -uAnih Veg'table Soup.-PIace ait ounce tablespoon mustard, liaitl cup vine- I 'Su like Nancy *$ite bas 'for- Ma'.- Harin lzf1-,We, ifyo, atii g1bternafrynpa. tlcgahicpswe l.sl ni git-en there people titeir neglect coîcI, it is yotax own fauît, and iýf the ý-j intoà ua %mail, rnion, ococarrot, pj rta t.aste. s a ur uittes a le be ie e r 11 (Tpti~tr~ Wio erdsç)b t.4r waa rbcpourofhstt #;hbaby.eO!1couree, eùijcy yourself a bit,"Talce icàrë Tob t'df4 till &Ill te vegetabieti are ilightly fotuiiiu vc-yun rd in a yaevery glaiuse, oand i ina -' a --'- their relativn, now aite la o!üë- of Andti se, laughing gaily4 Doliy '-" bt'owiied, iben place thenairn etstew%- c3nspicuaous IÀacc. Fir turne there lercetwtosi nlu lteiot ~ ron~~.,y FRÈZ,,*a;u ýt i4 pan, atd two tablespoontuh&o rr i otigbotter, as iii quickiy ne- tercetwdw nEga&fite u ftero, id 49 4ndti o tcquartas oiti ldwater.hieves tte pain. UgasI btethm ai"&>4& ep....r edWà t, $fin mer senti)-fur one b If ot water linoeiximtg battor a cac wl u), mnaI~- t~tn - «jt &ad a bliitanti strain tllrough tendency 1te inake cake w, iter. lî-oetg ele al b& s i.day, 1suppos3e" "* oe<>4 Bt th)4 a wire,êieve. tturnte the sauce- Sp<nt akwih hut le hoe-denved.t erNa yfocrt-de ý ,n - - , i.-~4Î** pan, add two tab)letipounftiul Y vel'as possible, la better mace site rcmciecthe er rs - ut, corulouir moistened with çld with caîti vater. 'o pehpyo wlit I e could have refused fiely , what ail tiismeansar> seeinquir. hikst, kea.vooa W ece< ie e ,w as. vater. Stir contiriuuîmsly til! it To preveiât matting ram beconi- c gin sste1e erbr teni 11W, ah.ke ra sI" ha d ti- boilà, then adit a sea&ommng utf pep- ing ye1lo%ý on the flor,- wash off 1 per. #1 Ver andta fit, and Ferv-e. occtsionaiiy with:- a large con"@J\< aiei it ~ rw Meat jeli i m uttî.mrishkinq for cioth whièh lias heen dippet d a abeufl oa be du rn Drot7ydeterm-nead tbat there w p Worký.d 't6r I4 £ltyône who bas tire-J of beet oi. te trng solution of salt water. hll en'$1pll't'r'gl ay bi h Mn ývear titat was gorte. . $ bosI4i noaIlpùa thoiih ier ir ô olut two poummds etfrrhin et beef into MWhemt eggis are froeeain the w-mn- à utîu nt rri ~evr u hpaa t ,tàieast Mometwttiur4- qptail pioces atout the Psue o utéL, ter JIUtt g hmal cli watr ît l exiif Vo telli eancv.inde~d~. ~' M oarfully roejcting ail fat; addt a draw out te frost. If a froen1fc a t ti r c s !to p t b er h ýt ù, theIOk*tri Iioilingndathrtrntislot d atcwtgelg.ttheertos vitlSI ,pa6îtiintoa aucoepaned ver anuti ibt wihI saet ua ,otho!eye fille, 19=4 Ge *It erI uni ne 91Vil. cake. af the >ordstPower& - -if 34 lhitu - lî»'okt.making jknov . ýhbn ued to,* w t" ~ per!ecfly fes rom dim p j *U h-fllmJ p~rqemlt' will tb. heawisaêas xDJ tbe >rOJIo jaith4 4b Î &ou quat, tqrptls i*y aya la l~fl -5i1 AV iSal hsU het Mo 'a11am v ttluw . ~ #r

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