Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1911, p. 4

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Te, Wlnnalpeg and 1 certain Points, ln Westera, Canada 'Via Chicago;, Duluth and Fort Francis. $lg.oôej.ditvxlreturuinft ,AUG. 3rd-Froim Toronte oteSarnia Tunnel inclusive Mia Stratfotd and al stations le Ontario soui thereef AUG. î2th-FrotII alilstations aerth of, but et i0luding main icte Toronto te SxrnitlTunflCi via Stratferd to and ieçlcling the Une (rom Toronto to North Day and West le Ontario. AUG. z6th-Frern Toronto and stations East ie Ontarie, aise East of Orillia and Scotia junction in Onitario. AUG. 23rd -From ail stationts Toronto, North BDay and West in Orntario. AUG. 25th- From ail stations Toronto, and East of Orilia and Scetia jct. in Canada. FU l'ullparlore (roum au Grand Trunk A4&eut or addrest A ii.Dué,. LîgrîitPasaCilgOr tge ni, 1oroutO, Out. Ticket%, ltc. (roi!' E. STEPHENSON Whitby, Ont. A iéIgtletl t abuTr eura t fil ltduê wt C rsAOan slu UIAut aa, oit wd ùe Ii lu yOiih u SS* tiate lmaore clote uUi. .cduv MaLuki ai L oneut pawrd4Siii bottn.at imait aluohe Con g yseuI wlibî .eqited.l'bil tuela IL u deWim l lofrua u'.r t llaieeha Limae, s.uieiît e ees in.E> Iuki 58 rîg ur ti tiat ud iie oieale Uqmues. fnter auy t'tnte. Write, cati or phmone for particillarfl PETERBORO BU3IIESS UCLLE iE (Foueled 1885) Lige ptton, Preaulent B.K. Ljois!'Principal. 18010119I81RIDE! 50e Per Str. ARGILEU Boat leaves Whitby at 8.30. Returning Jeayes Toronto at 5 o'ciock pa. ftorn East side Yonge Street Wha rf. Low Freight Rates. Corne and enjoy sail on lake. E. R. BLOW# Agent. Through Tourlaât Pullman Sleepers The Couni le i itsYeutatn wlsely le proceedlng vitht iecn structing e enetsdeali al tu lt e enson. TIci.wmat h it lieut lust nov, *ad vahirs bulit -oV willI have lime te thôougini r dy ud seaseli belore the. test comnea. s 0 0 a it would b. an act of goed judg-1 ment it the Council would lnstructt the contracter fer cernent siulewalks te proeed at an enrly date WlLh the construction oftheb.walk (rom th. Junctden Station Up te Brock St. Titis le the Mest needed piece eOt W&lk in tovu. The old one han loag since ceased te b. sale. IL [n very fortin'- ate that ne sehlous accident han oc- cured upon IL. Thatte pluss la te-day narnighLY facter [e promoting peace or lncit.tng tu war han again been nim5dtttd [M te cane ofL bile lturrucafl siw.ain. VTe Genan press liecime moâL bel- Ligerant i coeingnauponu the hrw and trank statenionts of thLilfintisai Preier and Brirtisht Chancelier of the Excitequer thaL liritals camuot per- mit Germany Lu plant a naval bUa-ic in Asia. Su angry wasthie tene oi te Berlinpaperi, tai a tu,îar toute adopted by tite press outlitaîin igiti have, asti probabty wouid have, su iecitedtheb people et thrue couitrue: t Lthe best dipîemacy couhi uDt have prevented wnr. The moderate, yet flrm, commntauLofetLhe lEU&4lb andt French press, and the wise anu prudent stateuients eoflinitish cLaIes- men, published wideiy by lithe preas, tidasi over a very nasty andi danger- eus period in the history ut: thesen- liens. Oft tiis situation it rnay Weil b. said that lie Germas pres early precipItated a gigantie war,. whule te amea fet b.Enu& t pesa pro- venied wnr. i lu quit. ýevidnt nov l"tISa eection for 4h. Houa.et01CornrWta wiil be pr&iptated oves lteiRecd- procity Puct.. The Liberals accuse tte Oppoition of obutructlg& bitai- uen, by opposng a vote on lte qus- tien ; thec oueratives accuse 1110 Goveranont i etestructing public business by refuatng te taKe p aUy uther busines until ReciptoClty in out efthle way. hletween tic lwe, there las nothing doing, but a wasi, Asg 01 tue countrysa ruurços4 Teus il see=&inexcusable liat Padilanta Legtlaturea, Couaty Ccihs, ia tac ail hoegilatlve bodies, uhotd vate hours and <aya anuk *a- wd moulus oror tnlvahltie S. HvrI mentisofet he lime ci Inflt have boas speat ov ise sth- 0 Rociprocty. AU thât oud wj»oly lie aald upon lte subjet ioul* av licou sa4 idwtlanfou »We*a, boUt par" havlag litat BMu., A marked disregard of the value of! lime ISevi- deaoed ta Couacil. -TO- U la' WINNIPEG and EDMONTON At a.tics frein Toronto u t p. m ., juIy i s and z5, tiiereba Aiuguat 8, via Chicago, St. Paul suad p Minneapolis. - 1Y li Very I.ow Rates toro ltai WINNIPEG EXHIBITION DATES ec i e0y. JuIy jat te 3and. Jupe twc The Popular Route o.,v TO- veaia MUSKOKA, LAKE-OF IIAYS0, TEM. Man AGAMI,ALGONQUXX-P&R%,GEOR -r QIt BAYO KAWARTHA LAKES , RIVER, lESc$, trla 1 j«w Roqnd Trp Tonit RAtoM gi CoavenieotTai c<Ie LitradTunk a;îd<s ii!or omat 4eLay gi DUR, . Dttdctî passugrAgu Ti p E. STERI~WSN t *tu topAtut *for Eqv., il an sd I.ar T Ot1og t OPPOsite Sad* Bank, Wb4mbyt ui. kas a" t.e procoduro o! Couay O!t te <aya 0 y iton si Lbutnsb*lg Bous. me wttlaarca ez a 0io Slau OIi 5 ut a cm veois ait tre. peloâ, Mr. Yet s4hwi ai ek la Nevui. .Tim t la Mm.t .buaaly e cia«M ru lat the omaty aeX &Dmn ou«- dsri«t t tbo bo , y uiPro astoi w& -g W-JUL" UI-".W' Phicat tratanÉslea a"nW PJY-MUWas boumniswinnhlng tank, bespitai r-aid library. T711. ceai et tjese improve- mêlita wll llkey.exced the ntpocuat te b.e tpended, on lte ô ùth r I,~ »toma sabihnet'ticwlth tU6 Otaflo Ladiel Golg - agiveua goo4 gtound for theiit ut iniOo o Wbftby ïw, "The ýOxiotd, et CWUW. Quito la ine wlth ltese lutelect'ial enterpril e the.building 9et 11e Carnégio free llbrary fer,,Whitby. Thts aise wll s1ortly lie giron ,.a practical tutu lu preparing the pelecti. ed slte fer putting lu the feund*tioni wmils. Upwards of $10,000 wil l b expended on the llbrary. Let nione any other building operatiens that may develop later there la tutus more than $50,000 worth of building ln slght. ONTARIO COUNTI OLD GIRLS. The Ontario County QId Girls' As- sociation [s su organlZatlon lgr thej purpese et keeping alive the inerner-j tes o! the. (3unty (rom whlch xnany et the citizens have sprung. Deund to-gether by the tileofet "Auld kaéng Syne» h" orsanization han shewe deep interest hilte advancemuhft on upbullding the beautl(ul town of Whitty i purchaelng a lot and pro- s.nting Il tote Library Board (or the. new library. The lot, cerner et Dundas and Byron Streets, known an the F.L. Green lot, han been pur- chaseit, tbe price paid wan $500. Mr. Green bas the unique pleanur.eto being the only gentleman cenitributer4 bits generous giftI et$25 te lte Ase- clatis m1 ruch appreclated. The Old girls arc aine Indebtedti te Mss J. Marsh for the lhuerai gui n4mely, the. ann. or roadway btee ai otsd Mr. Fred Jones' shop which was foundto te le wned by hor. l1 thei roUnds for contributions th. finance eommitteoo gsured lhe donons tint lie surplus money# il any, would be u"-d for furnisblng a rSetâin roun for beys. We are pleaned te anneence that surplus moeey wlll lie used ln this way, an Ificbeys ay leok for- ward te quarters pi thpij own la 1h.ý near future. Il any who wcu it t hoen or were uninteut.lohilly mùl#sed-, wlah te add their m!te, lia Pred Halci, lie treasurer, wlll Ie pleaedi te bmon rmtemn. The finiance cern- mteMu, flite i àhsdMa )w aoy~ ~ ~ ~~~~- 'reelgtdwtl lpcordial W. orne'they recel ved wlaWii ult- contributioins fûrt ot 11 thaxksanaredue th. efowitg Indue for lte geuoiou support wblch makes lte handseme total ol ;582.,,tint -o!ý eonlrlbulers wll tappear Auaour - Wti lase. l', .Star rese conveaer. There wft!l be g meeting of the Ont. County 014 Girls' 4noWiatton on Wedneadav, August Ott, lla b. Ooa- cil, ebambet ai 4 p... A g»oMda> tendanae amuStly reqertmed. CASTOR lA 7cr Ia~aie sud OJuliuru. Ibu[W Tu lia Alqa Usight Deu~tb 8tguatus'a oh GARI>N PARTY. eAmptoes oCIta LâmIesVAu tci Baptt curch swua beh hastedx &aY .veubt on the lava ofKU.l Unr. L.T, acý .Slo ~I &*a réinoethe. caioo ufri '1héy have toniâ$ helpfuliction the iwbh se m. Tey rmiv &gsel" 4.prsulon, -sad suffering. Beecharo' Iqlla give the organs stegh prôve bodity cmondtin sud tay b.croUed upon For Sure Relie~f THE PUBLIC LIBIRARY. Our readers will lie gratitiee4-tW le&a utbgi poud progrens is being payers a [ew .weegs 40. 'lwtes%#t- llbrary by-law passuit by Lhe rate- ""aiofc tue new liurary board was naotet in these columus last week. Stuc. lieu, titreugli the efforts uofttue CUunt.y ut Ontario .Od Utris Assoc- iation, tii. lut. owned by Mr. l'. L. Green, aitith cornér ef »undns andt utyron streets ban been acquired and lia been generously donateit by the Association to the new tibrary board. Our thanits as well as teos.etofail our cîtizens are due Lbe Oit Girls' Association tor their very mnaterial , h0elwitbout wbich we teel assureit, i t WoUl4 eQI have heen Possibmle Le carry the by-Iew wIii ##eh b and- seme malorily, ;nuch leo 1te bn'.ng lin library sceinme te truitlon. The aie r:eç,Q#fflad b y lhe Old Girls andi adei4ed ly the libersj:y board is ue eithe very best arailable,ý andi we congratulate tem on the selechion. The board with commendable prffmpt.. Ituie, have atready talion steps te- *#g4 t b. erectios el-thle new Car-- negl halduu.Tbey are -inicommuni- caton wlth Mr. wr w Nursey, -the QôYrnment Inspecter et Libraries, ~epeig te propesed planjs, and wiwý linisp arfe-nettled upon,, Uic board, WIDbtelut a bettor position to tu tÂirupen lie fur-,b% ne&ohlat.lons wah v, anegle. 'fie excellent per- surance lihaI -w. aaihave a cièd- Ite!ble building, biing bôrth. b<taty, ut os~Il~1f1ec6nomy eo opaw,- DAKER-At Wlilthy, An Saturday, JUIF22 ~,te Mr. s ian MM Hi. Baker, of Bievijie, q da'ugb- le Tdephae Iirec:o9ry lue BenlT ph c.ý Il about Se pukifsb 4#00 e ius Oofmi ia i Ipho,"Ie Di«<ty Fcr Theê OII CSLI'tAL SOCIÈTYf. nhe Pr.sldûnt and Secetary ,et *e' Eotlufii&lSociety madeth round on Saturday, July 29thes. anegt tlie dlntrhit scool chidre% who wercO given sweet . peua te lb growii by th=nselvos, te compote,.u- prizm' The utmes o! theii. uemBtili eoues wlllnet lie maclknewn ustil the acheol opens again, when tue cas prites will b. given ln tthe presence e1 their teacher, Miss BorrewflB.l, who shows great taste and skill in brown gardon- PACULTY ENTRANCE REPORT., part 1-G. Johemiton, G. Linton. Part Il-Carnie Fraser, G. John- sten. Whlle we congratulate ail the aboe candidates on their success, we would mention espocially the standing oli- tanued by George Joheston. Last year in tliree'months be covered the year's work for Junior Matriculation and Normal Entrance, obtaînlng his certificate wtth honors ; this time he has don. in one year work outilied [or twe years, and seldom completed ini less time, s0 that h. Is deserving ot spedial credit. Chafed and Aohlng Foot dortkWw 9fDr. bu Kow tuma05570« "a k wItba& hrn aom- w«y m sutumf =iscoe ru éoafet? Moer hlverlea pas a. fiimed Il ibe Zou'i ee -1gi-e "f ""bslntaih psoslas Unlils. e tee; >. poe% rstwbiel mentw ei liebheng -aod thdil Matom u b mtngn sbff uln aud'ists esl ar ehqanuulg ~HOT 2%~ ba t h Whatlý-.s CA STORI.1 castorila iL aImi&flss Ulboutàltt or casoe O 8 -rie, Drops n4 $ootbl"fl ýy x ý XIami erntaim noither opluni 1 ii"U subsetane. ltae l i aateah 4t l O à ond allnys Feverlibbn*55.-For more t.bsstbrt lias been la Soont1mue fo erele l I"latulency, WInd *VoUe, a»U Te-e*IP li To 1b arrhoe.It. regula« te s toiual 81 asslmilates the.-Po"*d, gILmor glsesIts and mtx Thé Clsdreul'paisce-Is foisw8 wAii4 GENUINE CASTOFAA ~9Boars the Signature of The KEnd Yoit Bave Always -Bogt lu# Us.* For Oves30 Y.au's ANNUAL- of he.meut modem and up-to-date in a Soli( in a Goo, g GoId F tThese are Sale BUY Boots and Shoes now go/n g on et PeeI'8. We have mauy unes, perfec Cgoods,' which we wish to olearù out, an wïIII be sold away dowu low -lu; priée. Come eeariy and secure first choice,. Apper is- t asgo4 aete.send IAV4thC oiil iêad n'tiig-. BA& ~ien1er vv -W.4 h. regular -.. will b. neon, AugusI gr aneusers a S.be present. ýv welcome. ha the b woulde -9 Orde, -1

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