Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1911, p. 3

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A'UlIL 1111IVIIU 11. 1>1111i 1 ORt -A LOOK 'IN ï,THIE AST I' - CIFIATER XXIII.-.(Con'd> an>' moment in the liquor's fiery Betore h. loft tii. Hall that day poison. Tlsen she was lu danizer! Derrick Darulev -foiud that tIis Hiyw blinti they muet have been Cenviotion was based on turuthl. bcn t.he nurne net h ave-kwni1 Re hati been te take fareweil of seen iin- ohv knowccesiio bis unclo sud was pasming dowu t-he Now, passing in quicksceio etuaira, when h. met Bain.. comm'a througî his brain, camne man' litile Up. n signe; which lie kuew ail pointei tW the truth of wiist Baines hati saiti, "Are you going away, air? 1 arn a t-rut-I wh-ob madie Nancy'a strange sorry>," thle maiti said ,a'most i D is->i1ated position doubi>' hideous. volun-tarily, " oh I amn sorry, sir." - Wbat was to lie doue ? There waa sucýi genuine dîsap- Unconeciously th-is question es- poiutrnent in Bain..' voice that M r. caped hi. lips. Baines shook lier D.amnieY stooti sulent for a momaent, hcad. and lIen maide a gesture for the -Indeeti, air, that's what ['vs voman to foliow hii -dowýnstaire- s-ked myseif ma-ny'. the lime, anti 'You have eomnething oui your jyel 1 cant gel at nothing. You se., mmnd, Baines,'- lie said, mwlen theY1 Miss Nancy is hie wife, air, anti we were alone in the hall. - -Whist 15 have go-t no roal evidence as le it-spekak ontt \ u are not. afr-a.d treate her badly, il's ouI>' wiist I of me, surel- v i thlink anýd fears. Perlaps I'm all -1 4)nlv imeiiit ,i- MN1)orzs h m. su~g ir, anad se ain't unhappy; wouild unesiý vull Slr butt if there's any truth in faces, Hie !, okeil' at IL m-nl Mr, Derry. there vas a broken ý Nu, t.huit is 0 ,t (LILIo all lFart wri .tten on here thbe day she Ba]ncsi. - arried tiha .tmn." Bilie L ca iSt a Il I 1t 1 g -FLe i Iaruiey w-as sulent for a mnomient, 'ound. thoen he aeked very qie-tiy: > \ I' - Lr, 1i'i i.m,[OS --Ilî Mise l)othy kn-ow thie i STI5V, Lt 1-11 t a" ISO 1 1 fi aix -- ht abouît M r. Crawshaw? 7 piI LaiTF xîLrik- M IMs~ No, sir; and i -donit meai to ],et Ka li v, F ý 'lF tý 41 l-HI~ i er 11('r lier t hle"S f rt-ttiing hard enough IFIî<' HLF-aboýut losi ng Miîss 'Nancv as it je." - \ltît . s TIF ~iiiV - IIIFLîL Ai!aLn D'îIrnle.v paused. B ai n ~i~- f ler -\\ it mie Yvidfratd w - lîjick wo see thbe foerce battie j t- - iia face, and she 1iastene<l Wo ýNI 1. l'a mr1e, 's t. i'-ý v iro aL1nit-), in ky i;la tFîr -i-FF F-F. FOL t unLs ou 111mustnt goV thinking any- iý - F ak tiiflg sAHthapîien really. l'iaa 1,1 %,-miaF on the ; su, tid -Id Ad w an, Vou kniow. And, FL'~ ~ ý i1 IL u j - (I))aFrm'LIg afîer ail, ir, yiu cant do no good - ILit ii , F o IbLII'S - e 1w. You inay be sure i shall keep ~.<u-~d.Le~ mv eyes open. andi ]et, you know -'lhî ts jo-ta, i-îr"' BaLncs put iDarnley turne<t, and graspet ihem Mî- lier ILîFli witiL a sort t 'is-iand?. a-t-e go-i ore Y du't kniiw 1 ou are a g.ooti sul, Baines," At- i do feir, but O.ie horrible C e s-ad, huskiîy. -Wateh-watich 1 reL I's theu-e. ail t-e éame. He's carefuily, and promise Vo send for 5 LV fl r-m.Mr )or' i dot -me f You get doubtful or aflxious i, tf) drevuse oiirselveg about that, You are right. I ca't 4o au>' tri( tiie poor chiild Ii lie knew what good now. We eau only wait - Orwore dohîii whien se rarrrieti wait sud hope for tle beat. But- Pirn). Whsat She did it for, hatirg thie bas lit me haird, Baines-hil IiLiii a.s h'i diti 1 can't neyer makc me very lard." int'Bu- thee, hat ove, 5 il And vith a break in hie voice, lie ein't ni) golF-C t-îlkirig about it no<w. turiec anti walked away. [ hope yuil fî)rgivo me, Mm. Der- 1 athseeofu-rhp- S rv- fer trou-"biu'îg y-ou lik-e this, but va eseeetu-rbpc "o -Y il l e~n -u te m-ove in tbe matter -,, ý 'tht -a'ich, oppressed hlm se borribly. If bin't natr7. , hr a coulti but have gone fieroely le She houi le bc hut up ini.~ Nancy'e remette, sud tomn 1er f romn ltoa)ny place anti neyer sec a soul? 1 t-hie man's keepiug ,he woulti lave 1,u know Mise 1 DOrothY weitt over been almost deiiriously happy. lut ihrc or four t,.wo, andi wasult was the kuoviccige tIaI ho must, ~ h'1- ~~~-fir ose inie h tand b>' quielly, anti let hier tut- She diin't sa>' muche air, fer without houp trom lira or any Iil went near -t-o break hem ht s a.n into lis fea't, ail the saine!" on-o, thtwaset Baincs sI-oppeti t-o take bre-ath; mhcta leok w8hic no y hal kisît iu ber own excitement, she did mIghe d-kcoud soie air vas got notice Low pale andi straincdT he rpdfahin clupof hlm, ai en- Darnley's face had grown. ail linup hmade- "He wouldn't let nme go with circliug him in its ooid, grira cm- Miss Nancy, sir, anti shetd cluug brace. WiVI Derrick Darnley- il W rue in the morning and seemed vas nigît intieed-a nigît witloul (o finti oomfort in holding m.a iv V flw liandis, sir; anti then, when lie corne The roonu aliottedti o Nancy as 'W tle station le eende me awy bier ovu vas one of t-le largesl a.nd F>l, I cin't gelt that poor chilti'a lois nte h fteMn >nco out -of m 'v mnd 1 It launîs go oieli . A Iol ert, wt-b a- tE sir-if 1 could oni'- sýee ber and wo Hou. tfit, thel naa ~now sIc was "-Ii Iý shoulti feel wmnytmdlVegr a ~ettr, ut- houh I o ati wik hrunk af rigbtcti froui tle dismal etoun, bu and ound t-l an m wak orners anti curious shatiove; but ;toude, an Ioudo thl man or a tli e ghosîlinese bati been greati>' rur, ant 1ee do itm'n ie dispersed b>' lte preseuce o! Marie Br an pause a-giear.g" o waiking jauutiiv about--anti t-is B aney tose apak, buiti for was the Que anti oui>' comfort, Fouldi nul crnme easmîv ; it was ai-l n, a eie rm1rma sia rominutes befome hie li-e -andi gradually ah. lad growu se- custometi te tIce huge, asabby> oponed. "Anti-anti you are af raid o!f- aparîrnt, wit-I lt-s duqt>,et-a- bhat?" hoe akEacd agifi iLSItot hang*ngs sud ugi>' tntiure; «ILot", sir, I fear anythirxg with a intued o aeI be eu ver brute et a drunkarilike tin.-t." ratclai'te ler.thvmraefo Darnley slaggered, ae though he the ailet. tr us ate o frontia tati been struck. f, f1o b neenal ppese "l A drunkard 1" lie repeatoci, ftae 1ero heau' intlar sopey- 'mmkl>. "Be careful, Baittes," le As aihner et ilbad' u lse eenr lid, hur'riedly; "lIhaI ie a -ver>'s h etubaI oîoit en teuu eNtin png word Wo use. " Ihtfloe hteetu'atr Baines' looketi ait him, startîcti neen, ilt nonWï,e -seentotio se; "A strong Word but a true oue,lii sotbgilIi'-.aI Jr. WÃŽ ay ofthie men, aud i dowu before, the. hoart h, on, whc ue'Il tell you lie samie. Why, a ire. von- borning brightly, aWrd r. Cmawslauw scarce evor drove wrajiping bier clus-k close!>' round ùae th îe m-suer aober, sud Bai- lier, sut gatinq înt the. coals vils F 1hîe m-au as valeleci hlm before ' a- >es F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h yeto uWlim bdm tm 3vgue feeling et! apprew#n Ifta is m-aster 1usd ihti a sinas-kudby qtn 0I '--i l ~ ~ ~ theVi.hll &<on in tatl oud sud o»ý pao! treens vben -they> was teuttiu Ous uner seeon vanised Mu 4board jusi before Vlssy ccome leol the te e tta ie syl * '- uaor hî j$'s oi>' toc Irue, air, thefood>o bitter, iluegit yet 'lier.2330sfihleti lier uîiud. xb4wokôn aluwst resent-, a?'lr e-4v o tli .br~i~iU-Oft as thre *tj- iSe uar~ - r -Ahs . ~ no one coulti qser ksuev wIzý 'à th e bro ugklit ttitii. k Ui4n ace ad be:4mhuis uutto- tuepeil 1u-0~ , 6 0-4 ý 6 0 -- -&--- 'a. -dw -à 4Ȉ.IWý e TOESCAPEAP NDCT8 A iplVay te 'prevent aPe- rugit and oorning, use drist, g on yeur ýnes, bédbekward une.. ti1 ensu on >'iir boots sud>at NEYERANY FAiLW-RE ýOR-D NoAOET - WK-TE -- 1 -ehA4 " 4lk:-."ý-," ï,w44L,ý *ý,.,.A,ýAý.' ;;,l 1 éb-ê#ý -~ r~ SOYV~RQLUJ~ Potazo and 06d SaTl4.d alNc11.t "Wlien Janet eomes totell.1 me 01dp<> e9eàdcut, hemn ko;tbti-eog sd 1inr ha end' s1; II herwt an eqiil quantitye oiboileci obtafu a4ilter, veb n ~ ~ e mdCod. Peur ovexr tiem a îlik &W ied by addi±ig te iljx arn, eh e mur-res 'il,& a itueandi serve. ainthet .propt>oton et 0 theu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,i bY ec os1db ade aiI au*-h , fuY to four gallons peaceful sinnier -f 1 upo>n ler. r -Janet vas on.etitthe 14W doef -gooci viîli bc6 puddngs, bult per- quickly 8U4, alIe1w il tics Mr. Crawshas ýtolenated. &bout. jebPo t't , a1 i ài »iled bat- tha.ti iurs vii Iliebou,. 8. vs ahardtac4 1r. i8ct a t'fill et ater aud îwo botte nt, d the pà&rq stoliki oman, vhorn Fçuton ' tSbluponfl'cfmarmalad n'- to nyb oua eugaged, vit.h a cook and aIlexe7 m-Ofibrauycei pa , dd s taouf là' tha 5 ha dangerat maid, inu London. These Ivo lt-t- fbrny.Bilu sda ranoer pIus e min a ter had gene -long since, f nighiten- the pudding., litti. vater la vint.l ed nt t tbei wioe >' b. emo Maaled Caàbhg.-%!#ihe b. ý shortdaY's and lozi luati=ofet ub lanor Hoxue., sud ÃŽa ,unitender, drai il' endlitthO pna i. _ta disgstedwithils aste; bu- J,hop 11. sincl rhTez -add to bard te..keçp tihe e» die-ýu«ted iih it maste; bt a teaspoonful -et butter, halita -poraure,,i, .whicht. net stayed on, takiug things ver>' teasponftul ot vineg-, e rpn andi grow vlgoronsly. A quieti>'. g-.e" If sbe iiad any sympatby or 11k- 51 trt 't.Rtnrd-i 'L ti taes adtwrs ing for lier young mistresa, She sau &pan ,maks l -very hb a sd tus.su rtaangr neyr iive i b> wrdoraiuserve viii sippets'et £ried read.. Tlaecare o! ,mmlliÀ: somtima tyin bA GO u tnday Pstddng.-"Tak. 8 Iu1ite ai umpotint adiy ihe uiglit bave been enn uleeAch of flblur , i5?g0i garnents 1 Nano'. nvà. arange suiv curnnts, doule, forlsîet noom se iu1 i~?~ '~uzte c unees cf ochepped peel, and <ne.11 lOSPSiO romre hasyin th re r girl mpOOifU etixed spice. )XjiX1 &>wat- kept: iua lxi witb s' cuptul et mîIk and ait , sae -a n e0essmt>' te 41 could wà1th su>' degne.etoftruth cupful et nioblases. 1Mix wll and --sisies -te look tniju cali ber home. beill-for eight heurs. This pudding Ofet etr- - CIÃ"m-hw, Since Marie lad gene-and N~ancy eub sae eh itiy e -o't ~o hlfetv had, ~ ~ ~ ~ l nu h iale ds h b neecieci. - - ing mantles, 'blouses, Freuchwom&n had been dismiesed, 8if~ one elmkaa ne uat sud shapely.-'j except, periaps. on Vthe plea of ex- Suffdroin, udlgof v lt , ii o Se ablmna travagance - Janet haci been iteretan bgo ih htue f-àô, oa, thrown- into dloser contact wit or cold. Boue the meat and iay ,.til ldiig v i keepi siin side dowuvands on - aard. ev fon along tiffl Mrs.* Crawshaw. Cover il vilh li sces of lean bacon ruineci if itVi la it1 There was no attempt wihJatever or ham; chop the kidue>'aud slow bat, especially if il at anything like conversation or over, and then spread willi a layer time. - confidence between themn; anti yet of highl>' seasoneti veal sluffing. If you wouid bave the girl lilced thei quiet, stolid WO- Roll up and sew the flap. Co0ven andi ahin>', yet ual man, and feit a certain ainount et with greaseti paper anti roass, re- stick>', do -Ibis; At coinfort and protection in her pres- moving t.he paper for the. last hait you retire, oomb yt ence; though hud Mr. Crawahaw hour se that Vhs joint will brown froni ail suaris firat. had an inkling or this fact it is 1 nicely. Makte narrwe gravy, flavor au egg-aud separate no-s probable his vwife would never il with tarragon viniegar ,and pour the white. Pour' in have se-cai Janet again.1 round; garnish wzth rolle o!fnieti moet île-bulk of tht Nany adgrwn .icdofruil'- bacon and suices of lemon. niay use toilet wavei ati,-g on this ma-n' strange, vin- Ty Hn Seas-ýCut thick dcrops et perfume in dictie nature.. Think as ahe might, siesfoiarwhnptler in- or if you prefen you she c(,ild arrive at no really good sie rmarwhm u h reasonforhis bhavorto ersifto a fryîng pan with a smaîl cupful »il. Then beat it ui it au fo is ehar to 'esef of water, anti cook slowly, lurni 9 and egg are mixed. comrehntionce or Vwioe tli the wster has hair îmb sm-ail sta th-e mixture o-f vulgar paLssiOfl, vaporaled and the. steaks a re conib itbte egg, aý m2-ap spite and jeallousy with W'hiOh light brown. Dretige lightly with bhain Weil, then twi Crawshaw regardeti 1er. M.e oui> flour. Have neady a sauce madie by arounci util it is lai knew thaît the diglike which hati boiling a teacupful of milk, a smail Next put a kld oifw* core so unconsciously for Thomas piece ot butter, ès teaspoonful o! ourler yeu use ait t Moss in the old dsys was nothing mustard, andi a few grains o! cay- the beaci, and -wuad Vo the ioatihing whioh filled i1er enue. Arrange th. steaks on a cieh the culer. Yeunmn boa-rt~~~~ ,o o hza Cas ansd pour thie boiiing sauce over every othernuight. a loathing which was gro-wing theni, garnishingthe diali vith tri- bain in cuni béau etronger each day as the horrible angnlar-sliaped sippets oft oastï there le an>' trac. O conviction foroed itecf upon lier E<Onemical Wlalte Se3up.-_Put ateiy eradl.vates it. tilat the man was nothing more -oeplut of water t-o boil viti one au a' Ionic o e iha nor less t-han a drunken brute. Stie plut et milk.: Directly il neéaches viil oir nalurally regartietihi= indeed asa an animal beîlig -point îbrow ilu an ! enb, wi1eM~tbov without minci or reason, vho,, bu- aàdtil bvoounces of macarèni, breO- uaî1,_ steati of nosponding t le go e lesotigba Sine - fortune whih h adçouie tg him 6 eri'na euraisu -th -add uue~petedy, vs usug l le àoni e br-adcr=zbs, and 2cook for a base hinseif, iii ne,,sank imb ut- quari' ~Of an heur longer. Pass al DON'T GT', V 1er su ieols degrttadmin. -' vrougiz a vire sieve, rêtunu t Yeu ' ften bear-a 1 vas~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a aauinsndug ht -useasen te taste viih white I knew Fmnh4y vIe, in povert>' sud bardship, liad pepan at sud a tew grains' o!fIm ,tthing Bt etrien wll t ris in ilesh pepperst saitu stnve vel e rselu it, soutipowdcereci mac.. Wbeu lu the 'tu- o $riAl i- e vle eah as lavibeti upon reen scatter a itlte chopped pars- y gma-u "Ili him, and ail neeti for str-uggle cver, ley even. Haud-graled Parmesan ~0 ta-to~e hav sospodîy estsf a~ubtaoicheese eau be used villi this soup. era> mlcli aud have given hlmiself up tethie Baclielor's Cake-Ruli four 0unXij aan somehov,1 tetb afui d prui ed os hbit hie ces ofbutter and lard imb 0fl ouf gmar>inseern rati coulti et butend loribi>'. pound etfofiur, then a'dd haitall ~ i - ;âncy lad tried te argue the pounci et currnuts, tlire6o unce&ofte!i>~@wLqe f44 ur mii S..,u- t'r. -ffprtm--ped pel -sx ouceeeten a atemuper is anI ha- haf ta onfi o miÏecia i agà oe- alaîmeriat Pe hat ~ ~ <~ coe1.Andi Isck -. Dissolve eue smil e sý_ý ,ensî od bu ~~~nfui of carbo<nate oetsoa in aus neswr F, tU -, o!A course, botter an, )if tepiti mik, ýand týi t hé lteout sud 9gOoff po t an.'l ingredienths, uuakuug a'lift bat- grdeidt po. tcL Pour imb ,a velI-groaseti n, Atte pln the ~~~osce for about eue heuriand a vng; t tii' i m'a mua jvrse tiran ilyi>'t W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a keti ete. PU"du.'Ps.1rw ~ Id wo uea fbrdrunh tio*c1br#be giri,-m I fty. re, wan once in a cts ùr gains of. wbeat, buVwllichý ga It wfli upon à littJe 1oa nspýctIon- oun as -well. aeemed te ie, -iûnaII tlJfi 1tterâ. îsk why. Vou, -"nlee are letterw E -d;~ aid. Mro~-iiltp - they ar e b g' is iipossible te Yioý,ýu ba,d droýpd iià the lut thre ýr nay ie Puri-, ymrr. 1> po1vd0re<) alun A thé,b.mesuing et this exhibit one tablesipooti- vaor te Mi,. Bijitops instantly; of &te* tirlieWa " taduli man, it vas not t<>ý gt Ail ueoossary te bit him with a inaul àen ainkt», £ te nako -him uindoî stand thingu. *~ ~ ~ 'x -ti t.M~Billîpa as alwayg ben al >ffe thé goa mani for -drpping lii- gi. rving:hou"s- Whether ,froni-aeesemo 'ness or eo o f tspiecb, or r. Dùring -the whtevèr bis promipting IÃœ lbas aI- g pights, with . vays gaid seeju for seoing; and lie- thl, >u ti in' for being, suad doin'.-for doing, krthan thudIis bae alwaye',distturbeci lra. ~a nî-sth B1f l' tes.'. ime ta again- ahe b-' ih lantesrCîa o glt__ -thim i lu iLsrspecîte e srlsmond' biis-wayq, but tbe habitbIsâ the tepr- pr Iov.« tee sttrfofr hlM-. Lds irtièles of ~ ~ ' eovdt 1.hma obteéteI ~in.ko1n o~you 1 began Cm. BOo"ttres thoni minan enipty -frut -jr, but. - lh4WOlau- 4ho l bO ohfoiünd -thât woùldn't do-, in in~ the -m-atter fiact1was app'alled"by thb. iumborý %n.#org, 'te, ,als Icoflectedi meano of ke+ p- il >found that mucli as-yen > ,had aiecso forth distprbod me in tbis way I haci nov- The oocasienel -or loalied bkm bad you. ver.-; se ciauIecars I began etering them in this trunk, veils fresh and. ud boreê you see.. Ezra, a trunkfui Aývéil is soon. 'ofg'a thàt yen bavedropped in tieci around' a three years, Don't you, tmnk that ia damp at the la terrible?"> lit. Bilftops freely admitted that your h 'air nice it oertainly vas; and then andi ýtgreasy and there in the presence of that open t niglit, before trunk lie vowedI a reform. If she rour' ,bain frae would throw ava>' those gs, h. Thon break said, right now, to, the last one, lie the yolk froin1 would mest earnestly endeavor ai-' n water tl- Iways tc, remeniber to make it ever ho white. You m < ossble forr to, etart another r or put a few colle in. nto the water, ueed no scout intil thie vater N"ver ceunt your chiokeno before Separate your- daybreak.. ands, Aip your. andlnoistei)the ri the strelid :e a 1,1110 ele' rhatever -kind -of b.i end qaet 1the haienc >sci ënly 1 b is Il -keepe 1hthe >f ohi il mt t~ Tithis. saIso ct Lir. Tour hair nWavy- - d à,4l - 0ü FACT AND LANCY. Iu Mexico every ledger, day- bock-, caqsh-book or other record must have a ive cent stamp onU every page. The trouble about a turîxing poiluf 'in a man's career ie thect- it neyer has any sign post. Women Sailors are numerous iii Finland. À BAD EGG. "He always wais a baci egg, butj no>body - seenaied to notice it whuioe he wa-s rich.". "Yes -lie was ail rig4tlnit

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