Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1911, p. 6

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LW GI. ET TCSLITQt --Fruitreseri couic! say, as hé coased, "u1ct only on hi# nocouint-"ycur father b.d set hie, heart on the matchb, Dll "Iwould do neucii oseve. my'fa- hther sny Pain, ýbut 'tise1 1'Çanüot" Tbe man .acD brga vber an aimpàaRt g1Ln4c*; it 'Sée nzed- tô h4im tint ah,ýWa. t ransely, btinate o4 bti question, witl h. btuc aspoiled cbxld. - «Wliat i. fier.against Mer.- >fild Il"tb. -a e, urged1 lie knýw not exaotly >by hat feeIiu ' tu get rta the- botoino!tbie matter; 1"ble $, l as good a, mai as evor w&lked, the, earth, and siinply.worghips YOU1 a se mdeDreily li er saï, lence sdel iue an6w peot in Darnleye eyee. n &Me meta .isadtii&.wv ot syinpatlzy, and, affection swept over bu». Was 4iewrnnhej '<Dear, littliDoýremty,' iad talcing bh bni 1ls 'fergive, me for probiné the. wpnnd e6 cloze- Iy; sc, Iunderotand tbere la eome one e. eWho oonies before 1D1uçn», isth"~nts, o*' Dorothy'se heeke were glowing witi a lQvll-color, liher 'eyes were downoast, ihecouIl flot read the ex- Prèssui4» iin uhihbut lie . d no need io'do that, [fý- ah. answered> hlm vory eoftiy, and io knew that h.b hec! guessed right thr 'ayAa CILiPTER XXLL.-<Cont'd) If Mr. Oraýwsiiaw'à bouu.oid hac b..» differently arranged these Vague lettre would neyer have con;but the ouriouis waq in whicl hoe'bried himelif and bis beIcngý in in- «tii. anor Mlous., was alarming to a£ huart go Làlxious as Darnley'&. - uniewa Il Wa LteB e 0Uâie*a one woulid I'vé imagnçd Thomas Oroýýrshaw would bave don. Peep hbad 'ekpected a fiare and L fua to be. goinsg on perpýetuîlly at the. par- venu>a'uboude ; îtus .traordinary lsd.1ation cf1l*M,.'lf, witb aIl bis p*igp and glory wram altogtier net' te . cuneifor. For ail tii' outuduwor!d kn.zv tIare mielàt fot bave beeu a seul ist thê Mxanoi oue., and yei Daràley was ouiy soc weil ontVino- .d;' by careful wa&tuhing in his long wslksb trôm every one of wiiielihh. #c8nned th.énmanor grou nds, that Mr. Ora.wshaw was stîli there. A. huà,dred timea he b.d go». forwàrd,, iitending te jumnp the. gat a.nd tearcW i once agtlin,,ithe. 8loomy wacxle fer ove» on. glmiPse. 01 Tifs b6loved; but b. bac! reetrain- Od hiseif; Bis vague fears Mîglit b., atter ail, mytâs, msid were lie oCaugiiî trespî38in#g ýon thé.manor prop.rty, the 1 position wouid nei. ther b. beneficjal te -.Naneynor lg- £ or hine.lfOnte aain hiebi mind wa#s !forced backota h. oi P~ot, Üï; 'Ier. vas ntin*tob do-ne,' nottdig i iohing I -Ail this' 61d, w.ary turinoil o1 tbougIit camne to him su ha walked J onI li bis s'f>..a a Ke.fiançý ~bd as i if aiid' ýs*yes, w6nt' ioros the wi»fry laxdcpep.bthe corner wliickheh.! hlisvbêyit, and the 14 rue ihi-O euOv'er isface.âg., deliglit t bth. nd, of, a- ngb>& StaY, De&rrk -Darnley euddeu1y;ie.. Iclared his iiitontjon et r.turning-to Lenden. -1 1ý-1" Sir -Hucephr.y wu now gse'weI On tie roa4-te ýconvaleceno e tâ thora wag no xemuseê- rady -, ou *ge ly believOd to b. the riciiest manin the. 1World, han, said .that *ben fh* *as ~ot leiae point of mv Iug One quarter ofl lie ahé < >We can't alb eklfee e dbzi't wsnt to be; ~tteej i> :e *1us who7,ýweuld fnot lie t4 bett1er for uaVing,4 certain portin Saving moundrieae4y. es mt r, 0 f act it je not. [t ie almoet tmore dilk!tthzieariing. And 4un ny -ýtlÉs.,ii that,,peoplé lo. are1 etruggling along upon a amali in-' : cre are sLea ru!., more thrifty 'thoaxÙ 4tl vh yio areUbee f. HE REASON 18 TRIS. -Peeple who havémfot mucii money, and -iav.ýdifficujty in making od ietare careful about -epeuding, and'as -a rlle know to a nicety , .1t. where eer cntjelaid put,. weile otiier,whoee icoome ie what .m=W ho c~iled comfortable, are nQt care- fui oJ petty cash. They4ntb-ý a book- here or -abox of Ëweets there.They are surprieed when, at the, end of- bue ïWý, ~OLh~rqatr h find, tbeir. bali4uoe t ti a8lW as it,,a- 0 Io The first principle-in the. art o!, peaying nloney is t z- . xcl tRot only how mucli one upexid,1but iiow one epends it. In'crder tb, ,now this it is absolutely flecesry to keep strict accounts. 'Acoounts1 Oh, I oouldn't,'b. ~It'vas a cold', raunoining, and al~l theie aiPtYbranches elt he treo The. w4'ý,d and %! oaned ini the, biak, led anJ w'nd, making a sort of smd harzneny tEDonoi h o is thoughts. uhiepr>.e «'Ycu are not ier 'y iively to-day," comingà Dorothy, iaughed, tslightly, atter a îieart th whie, rekin te long paus. "in't Themn»started. -"- '<I beg jour pardon, Doiiy," ha Doreth "idburid.l I-1 did ne tsleop to M o very' ý.v11 latt iglit, andi I am bot -DO n up tç muuoh tis muorning." eut, de& I)Droth7 Ioked:fldminanxiouly Q, ' erts when lhe comaes ta-day," :ah. nbi baid, ilpwiy. i i Darnley laughed outrigit at liaI; <hr it oïnet a very - uierry lautght- Det litl 0z, am a1i rh1 ftlPl cotknug the Mattir iti Mý6exftpog Ità 1 n hp.Tavoeu »idie toc Iou~ w~* Irte work as soonsa,~ î7ti;ru;hreyisa bit stro»gY , «.1w' le.,,_You would-hv'Io là - tg, 4 .. 1- ncemaswieW.Would er, ~with- au institution thst Savora. Étroigly of th.deçI'Iý,IVe rMarkets of a.cen ome and the Orient of, -miore reent diys, Cmmente the' Lonon tadaidcL The Finnigh- pooi Law systeni puts p e&b1ebodi. ed pueea~ auctiôn;, dispiaying' 1-thern ln the . Market-plae, wbre they are exaîmnedby -employer& of j làar desirlous o!ffinding eoeap wcrkmen.o T-lho blddig works do*?n- w4rd, the. authorities-bandint, over to -the Iowest bidde, the. 008,» Pau- per;. ýfor -the, person acquiiring thej rigitL b his labor rfceives an Allow- anc&, froni the. Authritiep, for hie upkeepe, the,,aniunt béing, that of the <owa.tender."P are wantecl t k5est.Fruit, Best Sugar. F~or over flity years L E_ýxtra Grardulated Suitpr hâte maintained, t-he high'est, quaEty -standard. Best to-day,. Ys- sair "'Ris»PAT»i's" Eïf-ra, éranulatéd. THR, UNADA grocer eue", REFININQ IM 7 SU =b4 AIONTREXL àlitablieb»d in lut by jolits Redpatà do 1814 by Jo~8Rc4path s 9wn and ofir @ Par antd Inlterdit WiiIi Davie C ay e * ckr#s ýnd Pr;ovisionero T~onoCanada*. FJP~~' j 41) a, le j., L à. -1

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