- .'* ' ., '.With. PrinceRupert i-th lIsiVcespces of Cntl, ran. <'huase b e h a s v r e l aei , f rlto -rr n c e, P s i p e r t, 150 0 ic e t oif in st a r f r u n ta g il; g is e s a asi-trcngtb,. ni Airoad.B C., soya: There se a feeling i nurnsrofaisectione ion panku, cie. hi vair at plilsulis bore as a resoli oh ueo gis-c sixty asOres for a comoetery t'tc vbiss tiaissa ntnrtsvCity Cnsscil's mseting vits. tIse agree s t tntinrk m osces on a 50 rd - i<(-ne.i- T ei's Js $335 to o n - 5O G ra n d T rnule MP a itie o ffi cia is n eu Itivo ssnd' a ba lf il iîo n d ry stacit srai riglst. Manitoba sr ietWednesduy ninls ou tise asuesmeQt.aîsd a station s.utl umachine.car cuvecil y satesis.50;Si essad usuenso 4?tu; ud 55eedb iuong iteru, $4.0, ossIirait"enosuuio.to question . Theo'officiais peesent stops, round b ouses,' oie,, cotisg. in.'o ttche- S MI.lIU)te vheat-No. 15orteusrin qssiscd wisre5 Presisiesi Ha ,Mipager ocer ose million dlasu d agreue i-See h- 7.. Cabrli, Soliciio r D'Asrcy ttat tiisiss 'la e tise seisite Pia- le troma ext- Otarsicltet-51u. i ced >sud ivissu a te and otiee1e The agreement, cilleterminal ni ttc Grand Trustc quted aus5 t-8. utstide.' pensons are lisecoey-Pricee nominal. %vos ignesi on Tbur'sdsy siglut sud PhiuSe. A totel tu cuit a millile1 Zto gnon. Is id. orNog2ead t 9Ico. tu 4klic.utise people viii -rote os it in Icîs dallers viii he stateiasu sDous n ttc 0resait oni âk.Trnt; e, 2SW. C. saLa. 40 -e, ays ;'tise. , Tieecompnissris ta psy à site i ueleetcd, Ttc pIsnsofaIlt io wet urCr ,. . euer'i.ucuye. 7c a 1100 a'year .for tei ycassonaiu tiusse vorks are prepsreoilandcare Of ltismuclu sfin"a5n""ro raillvay landsa tome, cslued ai sec- bore, and tisere iu gréai elatioui ch bird play; 1 ceirmm~utai ral millioen dellaus; gice ithe ciy ovecetien agreementt lInsgcontinU- u-Sienjutsuet 55, ti u. Tiru An sntapsy Bte. uO ss.uno suinu suce, iq)on- ut phljosepytyu.Ontario brun, Oi t uo'250,In bi.sa as. kislias 2' of- ronto.V22T leu acondition O eCrauUclis57 D$10e5~ IAfII J US> F 11JNB IN QUEBEO flrrisi systcind, issein. 10 te lis, pe ttire ugo sMet lb.;5 wo1:.btloî,,l $ZP$2505 i-ipeer 10 t h o eu;N . 2 5 ýoult v s s.$.7 t aiyMr. dhesle. Si5 s Leaving for Germailto S ii uiei-Oidla-oiu i os3 ntau Seek anud Nu 2 ut $9 to, $0. mesed staw-siitio 'suis, au trucks, colsipnrosi e~lti.les, ba.( Mothod of Extracting Theom . ou'r--h o soles 15 te o tes, ier ivdali V;tarke. 19 to lie 55r i;itve, ite A dussptet froue Qîttawa sayal is nain vorkissg uspos lb, ioasI aid grade Of ' - A seW diseoccry ni diamondsial te oi ineotimsable bencfi tO Cas- isîmishtis aur-rn ain-soo. Qetr ba tes iude su Mn danesonni3 as regards tise ceea- muse sen te Dils AD Gpeineeeçha nmaestud Mr. iO,of niasdiunoond jsduitry, lbnt in imo sn5 tr. aiy rins,17to19c; iuterlor, 15 to R. A. A. Jotsstnn, mincralogisi ai onsseetion also sis tise pala i use is ltnes' 10. reass ey u.iut 1 t. 5s 1er lueroftabl 1,palà tl, ins0er esO, su h orCensuisi, and 19 totahlesGecologieai Sltcey, viiiconleav niig of ebrocitre. A tiise- pli ta f 0 u or sepeaeaor prntst. 'emn ,rig a i or- o.u at 1 -eptfrG ayi e ëks in ry iaburatosy metod ai spanatf- nnsgmy dozeuo, t 55e5 i-sa 0 cr for mn athe00 ves os tedamýsha lekl e! ortinas. C 0ceu-New, il 3-4 W1o i uasJsbblag moscisvu t fotten n9tduuid a slcd eo üo () oulî te in'. 7nde tOudiicoe a satisfartôrye lonsd, and M. Jonins v iait te k Tiodb sere commercial peoteas oi exiraeiisg. Gemmesy oltis s nssmtcr f suipies epùif. Thee00OGPROOSIOTS. tese cijunondu Irons tise cnbmuite loh'tise tI'nadiun dianonil, h bu il, lue il pre- 0e -ogIe s Icge lVb Ilasse intiels tiey ar& bod. 1tolhoped, ney ladlutue de'ce fl $ýeuul $21 'tu i $22 ' SSiil st u, sch:Lb essî te discoceedc, and ofa n eqîsaiiy good comineoial iMo- sutreni ousIy 5 .Isi2s ýrsum te iselsu 15 te 160ssde., tce lstsrstory staff ai ttceaurccy ihol chd c iii etetio irusr te oi d- rcie,' il tu Il -ns; 'brek- he ar nt,_ 0 hind-le c 1c; tubs. 10 1-C;pite, s,'srts pat 1-0 2ç. 'ansd siarlei ferte bouslease lait -k out bis uvs ' as hien lisalole fet enui carry iser. 55U510E55 T Molfille' Suc suresslly a sery locable siffe'e'is l~u u~es~Ieatu ~ m.tma i ttie gsiliutî oomctîses ste, for- ge. ïb.crsaen'mr e eL I'iý ~-;t-~l-L1Ui~iIi Ignt ba iIecd motter muni te, andl i ,. pe ra .trotte wo 14 41,ne1usNo, qut arath iSelbowmu' neaeutfrensortIs to soutis, and l rosiug thse -lake' vilsiThoms iies fortisen aresisin. fissures in thesi.treots. Thesamesseb annd asnater mansuilaa steel cdobe tuuses crusspled, butthelu Polerisero' satinte> vIes tasul shptausltet eforme inoaese 7canne be aunbred er: g p., h haâ ylae han hatof ormr eungto t, bujt lsQ tbreeemeationssi rment udder foe'a UIPEUDNTIID INFLUX.exL std ad nk Ds ai tripes, neeB. Thse C. P. -Ûrr4C*d d SAO Iseasai' pq#on ao e sbmre.mh nd wite ut tis rant la ay. ud rifte4 ' she, esalter biang ine sd ville, ut- bis gealqta ~ the w&tsr aboeu t tsa ours, .ceiinI the f1e- A 4espatolb Irons Matrealsys: -Tutt, vin caesefrou ga uisnd aa istaseda vilof Antunprocedenteosinlux f tumpei- lew yeexs ago, lvu neSluWsewoodt atrîpedsin ns granta tienuogh Queb-cansd Mont and laves a Young wvbtwalndsieà Stokstclis andY resIduring Oies Moiqut afMa 's e seis-old cgiil. lHantes' casse froue1 crocetuve aneS reparteS' byv the Canadien Pieffe Burk's Falls, andS Girand f om Ar-'i avilie uSo bias Rsttssy, ths actsala palet tratispor- deni. AI] tbnee avre ossplmyed os ;ipeti ss5tosl-ands itatisaî hoisitOa total ai jut pvsr Lies Clevelansd-Srnia bomber Coin-P s lae takessecond5210W isoupe,. tusolas lhiseiuSsa au»pans5drive. Ties bodies vans ns- c asy sai a bordel'r taqiodeciidaitu cariled ires, visaeuveS. l se IY 0f' the &a* is$er an1averages proporio ue dult . aeUo thent is eut'al total se proieaby n 1rr34,0.4LL WATERS CONTANIlATIED. gid it tisetifsutThese igutefgrepussent third nIaqs- gle viitLis m tifs ler onl> 'Ns Pare Drlnltlmg FlilSInesCanada. inavellni lîsys Evisert dit Ifontreul. UTTITtTIflA Seapateli from intouisa es ZI"IUIHi ~Thettihore ixe-)au prc dsi king EX LO E IIES ft vaLe iuCanada as e ststeone:st1 made iey Dr. T. A. Stankey eýthe CanadIanif eical "Aseiton'te nteatîngu Fridaynoruosg. .r. ,ont ooloal Staff ±iftS StartE)d Salv 'oi natovo sc nattons, sais te diS suît te-li laeethere aba alake or iv-enris on Lo g T ipceaelies vh as otnt lunie a- -~ a L ng .a.s qicontasisssed sud ehoulS 'sut te fron Toont sas: he outernshoe o Janep Ba, necolsam sikiueg mater sLlsouttfil- ramTorntosay: tse ontser stre *Jme Be, tratisso. Ttc cause oi ibis claie2cl ,os,. of the Dopet-I lis>sisg bui ta pcssibielitisor n5 Ta-, farh as, e u ets ivigatien andi reesurcesofa-i grunul- h ad w setatej Inn*'errgeuloicat e . hshe iesontl ra .1ieinpiltîno h on ednesday I cinas nantis ide of tis e lsgit ni iuLa nd )iii.on duine tise lest lcv 1witis foue cumpare- eueply 11to- li e. o,.e5*iaary, and ycea. oi explorationsatitishe = t2atsintlstrias to Lacer- far nootis As Jantes tiintLie extntliof tise a£0555 e t- AYLIIERWêI$ RO E esating ln tise inter- pse of aisili et uSs in e~t wib e iederalGoeven-, aesbideved tes Iseve eavidamnest ýfn. Rabt.S esveeait.eleOff Wharfi lessslsk&ming anti of siellows uoisnath' u isn Ty sit e.og i Rilwey Con- ofa!tis ay eyvsn tise tiSe là esut. Il wiii ha lu tise fielSd tieey oa fiass harbtr visera thse A uespateis irsi Otawa neye: n a usasnul1 flobôer wt aer usdeep anougsheuor sipasud Mn. RoetntStevenssoaiAylueer, au f7y vilrotuoa andi ait th-sae acsesstibile tis thelnd'Thsuay aftonsseeu trieS tu bave et onsth tise ee uifheu a railvay, it will have coasiti- Ccc Sog, wvictell fufrein tiseAyl- rsieu tie qbavecon- aerblu eosiai uo theBeg ot ioî maerl v ïaumend she er sfaulsier onsite yu bvst os- 1srai nia s ise e ayepot fom er visas a et ste leerseli fe iveay ttruugi Lies Outea'iu fretn aituoba, as i mai <sllaS fr ,id, but a man in a bist etiens ha masSderaS usneeery te caeuup tee lste. TIsevouas vas sou inatrseted tu xo ktisae tier uprovince te givi uze £anty' ears ofa ge, end 1levs sa 1 __1_ý_ _f ;F-«faeel Qtsrce aud a ei5siaed. adAuito in mvi"p. ilepetthf in om eidon, Ont., sng usas jssped off a street )n Iundas sireet, st Watetl<eu, iday uigtt. Au he ttsuced tbhe lent tiewas strnek gnd kueck- pwn by s bicycle. In an in- 5a moitur cycle pied juta tihe up , eLnd leisanau etomobile ie tIse estire masosta tebile The: spectatea thouglit soins- wold be ssrely killed, btt so fast. iqhe alusost stumnbled in TELEBSON. ber bsrry to reacbi the bouse. "Mýarjoxrie! Marjoý'ie! Wôn't you Breatless and cager, Marjorie Corne, and heup metter sheil the ras up the back stsps asd mb tiste peau, dear V' kitcees, and stood thons, stock- It was a weary voice that called, tili, 4ookins ut tte big élock! it but it brought a frôw%-hto the facelmut be wrOflgI Mttrw»e it- of the lilte girl swisgisg lazily as îting by the oipen wind6w, foeding the harumoclr at theeend of ttc gar- Il bottor iceoin hie blue bowl, and do.I.wsbot everywbsere but dinprWas r~dy, and thore were' Funder tbhetr-tOO. tws In "upeu1 Nvthat sellewas too to lie thorea aad eut lsebèrres atsd'late,î after aLI, the*steed feeling tlsrow the StQuegaup at the_ robinls, grein an big ttat it bort, and Mar- -and watcb the great clouids drift jorie longed to rus te tte corner semass thse sky; Boy wihte tbey lof the big bayrnow and hide, but were, and inhat wonderftnl picturet elhe ksow that would not telp any. huie could ueo in thernl IShe yantcd to tell is tber hua sur- The tamusock tipped, and Mar- ry she waa, but so.nehow ttceinonds jorie'u. rbbter bail fell to the gui ail ctokecl up. If mother wuuld grund init a tounce, upetting onsy punist ber, sot luok se sonry! twa big antu . that ivent carrYing But miother looked intob lit iffe Band lu tebhorne et the edge nif irls face, and seeins thete lsson the tail grams Marjorie watcted ttat lu, soins way bad been stamped Stem struggle. Oneseneei quito ttere, uaid geuily, "Motben is vcn'y A ed, and, tbe other. wsse a crawling bired, Manjonie. Yoiss au finish i' ft very lowiy. 1 feediug brother, snd then clear d Ste ressembcred ttc stiies away bis playtbingu in tbe dining- dyUncle Eruest bted toid bier thse rosis efore theettens corne in ta, - uday tbefore about asa. Iow d:sner.'I t. like born beings ttey were in WIitt a grateful bound, Marjonie f thein sy. He had. told ber tîsat took the baby and finiutied giving b tey ice iu colonies, building uitile hlm bin riik. Vcry quietly slle billbouises, grain by grain, ini eieared away tbe ptythinge; but l andy places, or digging out celle if waus ot until tnee next siaruîng, u!i the trunks of trocs to lice in. vIson, trighttsud early, ste sat ,d sietald ni ans called malion- under the tren sud sbelled te peau, ra sots, th euebtrd, cday solit on se thet ste oouid te ready bte ke à . 'hiýise$I~sdt diggjpg sud cutting baby trotter ont after bis uap, 5pasuages, useke. wssderfiii bouses that inotter kuein boy velI ste tad ý1o ai îy corridors, plses and aret- learned the tessuon tut the ente t. s. Unele, Erst said ose coloiiy îsught.-Ysstls'a Compasiso. ail -eseapeilth a0 l 55eiw0scratches' 1isuaf. 0,,' .à 95; u. seo s <swwevrn nttr oe tiee mes wbo raused t.tou~oble $s.us;lie, $6e4u su 1645- ioy 63 owudwaewro nte.S5e burryiug away vittont gi-ing 555 rueu. 55 e>ou.tisses a tattie ynisid astountil nanis. ----- - - deni nsd the s'jctoejosis army IIEEIi IAS TOI) SF110 inaitîc oves capture hotie sistO TOGiO AND> NOO I IIIED. cNAIA- O RRV.and laIte thscin tck to teje coiusY CAAINTIOSARV.Flues Qi $1à 7 ColleeteIl et Cobalt as slaves. Jpnf ertto o oea Lord ilaor of L seupo l dClaie Fronte Saloonkccpnesu. Eupoeially ted te peaisc-d ibein titouArriveul îVedmesday. .5sy Mr oiaCi. Adsae rr oatuy:foirbe«Isu injdustejouso, tel! ig boy PatyMee Cntug FluA esatllns$fr on Collaetbe o cked ail day and ail njgist, A sespatet i rom Londonsaoys: Tiee Esuprees oni leland darrjved 'et su court on Frlday ahiernoon ase â tei5 edea fug tney, p ayit s fth ebicicc f uWene- n Fndaywîttreaiitcf te poue otsn<f saloon- îug graus-seei, frein ytinb îe a vstceri f Jp Liverpool st nson o a it eut hprscto keeping gatieed tiny tarvesta, and cccii eso deputetion t Ttc rutje th aad ia~n e elnuasd lsqnstr fsrale. Laie in May In- pavins enadu fisethensseces. I isclhi.udi ih Prince udPn pnri- abo ardTMa vre en a isisgied b upstor orîncrn t s aî,td ael iueeueed ton vonilcnful to gseiFssmiu euerpo t Tise'ayran dsin s end o itiseon ceinéuoobatokbtetrue, andi as Merjorie ttougbt s.tiugthe Emperor, and ttc la- civie peet. Th 41 slTritrae ad of ninpteo osa lans eoo f thèen toies, a amai, stameil pasese van heroos, Adiiral Togo aiso lk>eaded. Te Canadias s ipes fbe nsae neeyfeeling panued aven ton.,and General Nogi . Ttenc ia no mrhdhruhsosie uftsfheupria- ce the pecentage ofaialcotol vas Ttclaie et tel ottîldoff teoOfficial réceeption, becaese cdepu- rchErs, abetugie te avount pneceîbod, homse TeIjea cpltrotu, nnuun the keeses -aslo en per cent. Most of the $and bosse ausg tte grasseu, tatinu is soL due otlleially ssstjl pleaureamogsttheLivrpol smplgSngthoe arained pleded guiy s an tino big ants vono follQwings, Jue 19. The Prince sud Pnincesu pieusue amogut ie L andpoul thootrage leadnwe fgsiltdc. ceying tti ret ose, ylssch vavilI epesd ttc iunccvning ime et $20 sud $4.75 Costto cnt, Four b vas ngtu iiggle e little. Mar- Esstourse, a vuaterins plane on (A lil 20,000 PIIOPLE. sked, for adjoururnent for a veck, joreîad lte éws ntda.Setecato usx hl dia (iretat ailaiIf<ssselaf le lie vas grantesi. wask ed if a mottes' ans atuld Toge andi Géneral Mugi viii rerain Greaeà §tEntng Jüum la he W as o aiofber clildren ente to in London. The tino yen vétérans lisnî ot 01ecai etreln. siiOT-IVFE AINIIFIiENO. help lier n ashot day, vbethee vere cheeesi as they druva aroud A d spa ch ror Lo dont tec hnild a te u asd run off a" 4 Bye Park lu tse a ter oo . A lepttei nm on nsauyst Eîledif lItsnafat Chil, Bzusretriclinbt théittop of a long, upean Quc-len Mary on Wcducsday re- The greatesttiasting bouse in tieu u iasofi urule, a grass snd swing sud sing, sud ceived at Jinciingharn Palace tihe world ht eu broupesed inurln Ruenideuildd yucth feecloudu I Ste feit'sure committeo rcprecntiig te Marys It is ttc nein Zunlogiesi Gardon A despuich £rmi Halle, Saxouy, tat ttc child eut vauld net, ana of tienJ Empire, whie prcsested tue resleueast, jin hclut10,0W0 peuplé sya.A palter nsies5 eitel et the saebene feeling gneinv, until ber Ma*eusty them Cunatnaiegifl- ca dine et the sme turie eth daylscek,, nu Wedsesday, cotened Marjurie jumped marein tthe bsrsock 1; acheck ion 860,00. tise roof, visile tihe open-air ton- a bouse vtere bise il, iitiehan - races fr ion ee le suunor a se- te liedt qianrelcol, vas ubellenco b cnioduulte anotto' 10,0W diners. a sismaîs iiend, andsh sot bot vu Thons are 2.1100 selergansd s kit- !imnuand is infant chiid, lMe thea0 ceco taff of lith pensonsi. tarnjsaded ttc bouseas sand off _______ ttc policef tuetre e urs. Fimally ____________ l>IttOR>EIIS EN VUN5U4>UVEFl. tise ottiens prepened lu fonce te ItirIseNas Senssu, ati <0,en. nsd 1et in apack ni savageM dr eev3 O ain S cia a 1 the ~~~~~~~~painter killed MdrRcie vto uha a sure Cui Vs ottug. inssif-Nover Âcoorded Diaz A desptni jr.-fi ,1Vsssnc c, Il. AUTOMOBtlIE, PSXD C., says-.Ttc stnko is beonsgA lpae fru MeiaCytsesaiss Ispla.SnbO more sCri us bere dsilI snd do-Womes liutlmansd Mas SenloUsI7 AdspthfotMxc iyth tto oteplc.S n dore are iaceasing. The Govcru- mlIant ut *pidîsg sys.: Feaci*o Medero, te na-ti llmsin sa s scier beinne seen un suent cart epparieIltly do u stiigtau tiosnu lies, vas veleusme t t fisMexico City sud suet a dcmnssinf Pa City etiser sida. Ofler forces A desaeb rons Annapoise N.X'nuîy u on enesday vite sad ies m on u tcds i bis opultniazy- aethreateasiig te juin in a cuin- S., neya. A fatal aubuobile acci- o Vv aei, mdtern-iThe dayaotbitpopulariý, dr pear euc o is lt.dent eccurresi on Wednesday sean I'irRdr, as e ig t nw ia wje aoe pitte tieup of th Cityt Rud ill. Whil e . L. 1D. i155tcisurl eleisand tIsecraslj vas distùeetly differont fron t Oindt gEiisIPi RAIW Gi*WNG. Sieuier, nf Bridget'ue s. vas tnsng- ni tend missc. lis irais reaed wlnt ,Messins> city in stonet sd ing e panty tu, Annapolis,. consuL t-te aiisay station et precieely t lsc. Ttors os ssea wah Banth lispertio and Ripoels ,st j ingofblseli, Mes. Statuer, Mes. 12.13 pue., snd it ilu ctisaeted tl4t ilsir hais bun évidence, &as the lerSb e lra" hAbees Ye nsd PerevBun-s, saiiumure tieun 150,000 people ted col- c~r)uad &long the lain rn te ta&- VdB idgts, ttc automobile cep- lccted ln tise etreccuaet the Colomue iint4 tisa palace vas toppesi vitla A desPatail frein eUis ays:s izerd. aanai lstantly lljng lins. Station,ersud tisenatijonal palace, j ttc utrav siterera ai tiseconm- Tite Germsa» impacta inu191L) .je-IYoUng sud 1ucniousîy ijinsgMn. ad in thes vicity ai Mad 1r Cimoupoo)pla. Everytslug udmon- jcreash4 112.510,0008404 tise e5xsOni5Burnsu. MrMeYou nsu m lecptcued 1bouse, TIser. vas au almasl al id 1strat-d thetctathet t I as thes isuresatsed $2,M aOOs eossaessdifos, Cul beore hisa srinai l vi e masus ni boinaii3'tisengl(iettiapeoplesu enoptiou ta tise satiole yide tise i£55u 1vfur80. susdesd . caetiesdistance ui tinomilesa tram A Seapatùh f Mr- S. C. Elle,