eown z,2 for 25C. ONT. Prompt delivery. ýe to order ie.e large pines at them nowv. Lettuce, Osanigeg, Bananas, ~I FLOWERSIl ýedding, in boxes, assortee$ kinds potis TaitL Mau, It up a large ia ieaves ,tuer s bs menest tise [ees-Mes, Joi poaip, Ùà ii ,t homne, Vo met large satso ipol saresa , Mrt. Jas. Bu Me. On. Keo and Mre. J. J. "Gazetite' li ng buf ujîl thse spée.1"I'- slow but esi e a. ow ta be Ssatiei ho have ben With ir misfotim-- in Wlu r the man whro M ext j<enotlhig.los a. a liv ungrais- o cyea., aud tisa ,ha tey have ,rn re, $SWO, Ruhy Efvans, of Suqdeeisud, wise Was 6 ae à a adsmely dreneesl iu pale greens silk take Wk trimmeod with lace ;whilie tise groom iras attced by Mr. WeqleY AugUIstes al Wiitisy. * . After te ceremiony tise guets e- .111 side.andsumptulous weddsng dissuar availsI itor *, W sem, te wilisail d414jutaice6. hetYwav" The iit ofthtie groom tes the bride of VLstre s à baeauttllsolld cqslarter-cut eOaks - ià sid 'Mtb, l scat, aed mireese; tes tise brides- te love. mid a peani cresent, sud te tise 1Abeeçn, gromsiaa spair of golel ruS ls. sana0 Wffl ThiseCmasy préentsutu recrived by Vthe es ages$bu lxide and groom wcre hotu ieautiltil Csaaa Md nd eostly, showýIng tise higi cteem lrs. la wiici tise yas-ig roupie are isel >we-ii*!algtiteir mslly iriestda. ,andI ibreu Tise brislee travelling guwu iras uf a, 0f Witts.reamnsRajah smît, triramed wuth Bes Molli'Ieavy lace, and &a1lgng savy bloe coat ai M legs 4èail ,itis a tuskin toque trimmed itie t Weai sequin and reral. i Jsadge lMe- Tiseihappy couple let ou thse vefl- , Mr. 4.5. Isg train tramn Uxlseldge for Toronto, A.T. liagi-.mieatisey le! t tise ilolwiug usoestng )i, o u>,* NsSDiriagara. Poils, Buffalo, Hasitôis fand otiser pointu, returning Voi Whitsy cg Is' tie thwiesVey Ãïïi make thir e future fISmliy llamre. G 7e extesas tes tie youug couple tise s wtifsff, ist miises for a happy and prosper- Mb; s smarried fic1. £,iy5e5 CLAtKl!>-CAWKER. 4 ueIghborx,4,Tise marriage ur Mies Marjney Greta ctore ;q Cairter, daugis r of Mes. .W. Caw- titis us lier, ai Whistty, Ont., to ér.Jlsin emore. Vernon Clarkve, »Toronto, toote pliece leef qsietly Wesneday maorniing <se ILLIVRAY. 1.80 o'elüclt In St. Mlatiias'% Jhunh. lut., thse ,e- lisp reemoll? wan performerd liv 1ev. il 7llryF.« ilartiey sunlthe presence of imsued- Lte Mr. andi laVes relatives and. rensd. Tise bride em mdfri as gisenS îsay isy ber arie, Mr. .1, ( yrnovedan if Osawa.She wore a itjie Useî,îss travelinsg guw et tais isoasicluti lwitisbatteomche. Tîserenà c-e neo je by manrattendanse,ad himuediateiy alter iensd. Tise the eeremsuny Mr. snd Mes. Clarke beastilsil. A issf tis te Niagaea huai for a trip s ne cted at tise thse Unitedi Siatea. r. Dr. Abra- TNS<i iERN. Bo( huai And- A quiet weddîsg osk place in Al Pikri Sainte' Chueu nWdedymr-W md wok t olfsg at 7 o'eleek, when Eslu% Bel, s lise Aule! second daegister et Mr. aud Mes., J. ise iecamre Peltils, mas united in martiage te M'deu n.i ifThoumas Taster, asnaifMe andi Mee eua-Us. ie. Tse r, of tisatow15i Be'. ver' 1 e irstiser A. F. Bare perforeird tise seremonsy. koa's Y, luThe ibride, mis mas gisen awaY bSe br lys jeara b55 tiseC, Vw55 g.ittasinsua ieaititUl airays ivesl Aikcoloeed traelling suit ,an& lalck ps. andelwhite bat suis wiaW plues greatly lie-.and iras liai. ndi-d Oîiy the lin- tuare s She ieditle familltes were pr. aI. Me r WagI the i- iil Mr&. Taskr Isit Csp-autsosobile be badt beu s50ndiatl f Vr Itel'l 'erm uny fer bo thse iauser Toron5lto, and i il YWI, St.Catallr-- e>ad a st- iwOss, IBuffaloes amifi agara Faits. Od b, deved Upos Vieir retuen Vis ev v.il tta1e Up l i e -ens ea e l i t oisP mm to te, Ms.es,.0. siae, fr, tSaltftell, sand r sibu ef- 1 âgisteTr avess envisiting ils lira. à on y Al WVm. E*BM Plants in boxes. IBuy Now and «et,.Yiour eole Ino. E. WATERHOUSE WHITBY Phon 11.prompt Deivery. Special for June Casate r iras~ put un. Regniar prsce, $7.;June rpete ý5.5o. This offere s tueri mondaanuly. We bave stifl a gondi lise et New andl Secausi-Hanel Bicycles rail pricies. paee sel rat permsit a descriptiou. Cati andi sec issus fer yourseit Repasr mark promptiyattended ne. Que livery s nom ready suddpais may hier a wheei by theiseer or mentis. peciaf pricon by lise seouti L21WN MOWERS SHARPENED Hourne Wiring and Repairing prossptiy attendesi se. Wr aivays -ary s gondsl ils;oftl~ectric Plinueraandi Supplies. W. aisu isaudie tlise rey iest linera efGasoline, Asito Grease, >ls, Metal Polis, Cariside andl masy uliser liues. A trialisl ai we as W. J.6 LUK13 & SON Dundas Street Phone 10 Wlutby, Oni. wnuerFootwear ýWe liaudie oî.ly the newest Unes 6f pts, Stioes and Pumps for Men, >men and Children.- We have the beslt quality and the 'Y newest styles. Our prices arethe lmvest. A pleasutre to show goQds. ~EL SHOE & LEOBINO C04, h ulolb IU] uh aeit as15 ah ýJeli as idgu, à luh au .5.. 14gul and 5ttUlmW(