Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1911, p. 7

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1, liýÉ'theT ullgh e'hePretident sa mc - *tt. ti a..,0k theoiiz' înnawsd il a» mit buildsu ~ »~»t4B, mi a'about 60 or 7l0 yeara of-'ago- T> N>00ouétaia e 1low tace vas very much wrink- Pl èwhn tharéi uto ~o ~e~b,1 au ~cand it la- getting, mpre admr "Z.ltoditAblirwrin*ikjod' yday owlng te the. 9F441 ntodce b br freeh pei.plexities tat ea-ciilheur t~ ~ ~briugs, owing te the 3trangen"~sôi âePi-adent findushizaeif. Tii. oft, place ~ brown, Portuumeee-the saime ~ro~traaiat.c sojouners ~e>es as; ln an Imiian of .Ch ci hi ala. - settiug, I bave etten seen n lu (J as it, mYý e roperly, and Macao--expreas dreamuenms, w~knn, 'tii.vurse wculdhoneety, good nature, '1iý Thsbo ofGilead," hbu à iseasyte see-that tbey look îï1 - or'wi Josephus. eut ou a world et wbichî they knew intesevere, tlig t of Gilead, east 4"They are the ,yes cf s- geutie f~Jo~a,:boiderugonu the 4esert, recluse, a devoted acholar, s- teuth- - àj D -: 1 pet.had bisenrgin. And rate poet, an absent-minded pro- t ùergg" osoite hiliutfro fessor, an innocent old man vhot ýwhenS o cmeýpased ntohiereaily sbeuld Le pottcring aboutt Bld nte bsb.He as a short a, uccusçious penelcuer eoftthe .,Sid ntoAha-Hestate or eof-some religious crder, in rjtAhel, k Paul, aud tue unkempt a royal library or lu the shadowed hair cf the. Nazirite fell over hiegr et ofsome vealthy Benediet- Ihudors. Re -vas claci in rough nade - - - ihou e- waited for noue of thelme abbey-.b > Oul curteiesandhomaes f "The President has, as photo- pua corteue ad brngesetgraphe show, a scanty moustachea the, court, Witb bold abruptuesa, ou bie upper hp, balauced by a he breaks iu upon the royal pres- scanty ps-tch cf hair ou the lover-i -sue ud ununcs ie tatlig p, betii beiug of a celor whieh May I message. Wiiy slàould he fear oun-ue described as dirty gray. Tb* d Ahab, se long as hie vas the Mes- hair ou bis b.ad la quite gray. Itc songer et thi e d ot berael before is plentiful sud it stands 'up in whozu- I tand 11 taugied masses several iuches ahove Dew uer rain-Thia was a recog- the top etfbiseiiead. Evidently 'the c nized form cof puniabaient for apos- professor frequently runs bis fin- el taey. Compare Deut. Il. 17. For gr threugh it. Perbapa h.e soie- P tire. years or more- there followed 'Me~s attempts, lu bis perpiexity, ce a sevene famine which affucted ll te lift himsecî by it. l Israel. James represents the "However thht may b., bis hair el drought as an c7uteome eoftthe pray- la certainlyin aus- tat. of terrible s er cf Elijab, theugb tbat le net confusion and entaugiemeut. It h M<,tioued ber,. But the propiiet reminde mesof tii. tearful and von- B dec. say tbat the, curse shal! be derful h.ads of revelutionary hair 'a terminateci ouly lnudecondance with wbich 1 used te see lu Rusa. Prof. ah hie owu word. Braga bas a black ces-t sud baggy s- 3. Ride tbyaelt-Re vould et gr<ay trousers." course b. in immediate danger f rom b3______ thi ene jul disposition ef Jeze- & bel-. rTikiking inîef seezas te bave IIISTORIC RESIDENCE. tr had a restrainiug reveeuce for the. -L, d TI TtQebrook Cherith-As this vas foidi. - on the~ east aide etftthe river Jor- Tiie Loudon (Eugis-nd) -Ceuuty t dan, Elijab vould h. tiiorougbiy Councli have iseued another pamph-- t familiar wth its hiding places, Tcr Jet eoncerniug lieuses of hitoricai i ber. hlie d md Most et bis train- intereat, the meat famous nov deslt ing. with beiug No. jo St. James' gu 4. The. ravens te, feed tbee-At- Square, viiere thre. Prime Minis- temnpts*have heen made teo elimin- ters have llved, uameiy, William j ste the. auperuatural element lu Pitt, Es-n of Chatham; Edvard i5 these atonies et Elijali. Bere, 'foi Geoffroy Stanley, Es-n i c Derby ali examplei the. Word "ravenels-S asud W. E, Gla-dstone. Pitt livecâv been - transIated i 0,rabsee sud at No. 10 frein 1i69 to 1732, h» "dmerchauts." Butà i lnet prcb- lhe gavo 1*. up î« ossnsindcaed c ab le the.ato ry weuld have b..» -intàe folléwi-»g àlatent:- thought wontii nopes-Un; sud Pl* '"On the. accession of George III., of serviug except1 forý this miraculcus Pitt,& position accu becs-m. unt-en- y eleinent. s-hIe. On the. nejoction cf -h-ha ad- va, 9. Zarephath-Thither heous-s senit vic, ote inKig Pitt sud usecol- dis es socu as thé,- drought iis- drdi.d Jeagu,, Temple, sent lu their neaig- oitg up the, brook Ciierith. [t il tue nations sud the, mont billisut Ad- loris uoderu Sarafend-ci' a promno»- miniatiration of Eugliab hlstory vas s-s& tory, about eigbt miles uoutii of êoded. Thereupen h.e gave up hie s Sidon, it veuid attend botii shlte ie uses iuBt. James' Square, sud na lu an uuexpected place snd woUld regolved te liv. ioeiee- n net h.eutiroly given tvort t hé Haves.",Mii drought bechuse cf tWi.Uiitailicg The. bouse was occupi.d by Lord kee fountajus cf Lebancu. The.i-h"î- Dorby fromn 1837 te 18M. Wo o ty Jeze-hel wouid iî otc sarouiy think* tc P ths residence ho vaw« p--a search lu lier enDIvriligporting 8ir Robert Pool, sud 1* <oa.-b couutry for Cihe.prophet o et ii, t until 1841 tb*t ii pryéai>o Lord,._ Itvas ber-e tIst -l esiby coÛîw jto povor. Aglimpa. ot4e etî-es turies later, vent,,on a mission e of e tties on-o» dy z mercy.. As - 1* Lurbed eut, Eghjâh 4oted:i-. vent on - a miBsi-e of mercy aise, "1* rmust have b..» st Ne. 10 hai £and as veli as for tiie purpes of au- t. fhM isatp-t,'dsn db e tively «eay, The di'.ch*Mculty cornes in when the.crime -hase te b, onceal-' ed. 'Wh rrethiientifiea.tîkon-ofthe vîotîm Muet iead te tthe disacovery of the. assassin, the diffculty is in,~ creased. At first sight, tii. iiding, 0f a body in a box would see -to be an easy and -ready rnpde:cf dis-. pSai, providing aiways that the. box and its contents can b. kept sufficiently long to render identific- ation impossible. As àa matter of f set, iiowever, in everý case-witb one exeeption-wbere a box bas been employed, discovery lias f ol- lowed, says London Answers. AFFAIR 0F THE BANK PORTER. Aithou-gl England set the exam- p a i regard te box crimes, it le to the Continent one must go for the majority of cases. In Paris, in the. yearI. 83, a bank porter -nain- ed llamâr was poisoned by bis friend Regey. Tûe iieadl was plac- ed ln a box, and throvn in the Seine, toe b. fiabe-d up almoet mi' rnediateiy afterwards by a party of boatmen. In 1850, a well-known dealer in art bronzes, nained Poirier Des- fontaines, an- old ba-cielor, vas nurdered hy0 hie servant, one Vion. Desfontaines' assassin sent the evi- lence of bis crime in a trunk te Chateauroux, "to be ieft tili eall- ed for." There vas ne trace of Vi- on te h. tound, an-d he was onfly capturmed by an ingenious use of tiie publie journale, devised by the celebrated dete-etive Canler. Cani- lr had a paragraph inserted to the edc that al eearcii for the. crizain- û would b. useless, s-eeing that he bad -managed t-e escape into Spain. Believing that the poli(*e md ab-i nadoned pursuit, Vion impru-dentlye b.owed himself in Paris, and wast kpprehended.t A few years later, Victor Dom- f Y imitated Vion's exploit, for he dao deepatched hie victim in a ýrunk, "to be left tii! called for." rhie tinbe the. burden vas sent te ens, and when the , body wasb und suspicion fell upen Domby's riend Calloux, wh-o iad boughtp e wooden case, and had trundlea Lte the. railway station, net kxùow- ag wiiat it oontained. Domhy>s uit -wu- brongbt home to him. c A terribloeapefclose tustt ofs- oun ma. » usmed V it- lis Mud a girl ns-med Ms-rie Beyt>r, 'ho killod theo forýmer'. motiier, Md remained "âsted on the, box rthe. day. Th. zurder et Goutt,-by Jea yraud snd 0'briele emar as eue of lteémst d.lihers-telyfI *holical cenceptlcue lis-t eau Le- Wd. But, lu spite cf teh >eIeal». l-te precautions ii gthi9"etftthe ms-aune vs-s eatalalished. A.mériea es-n caim t-vu not able, ets-nceii, 91boxgcrimes. In 1841-sà mu namod. sîmuel- Adan1î vas arde6redhy John C. Colt, a àbock. er sud- tesober c o q4#,iaual~ iting, in .an office> n14 a. romI-d V-~ The. ncniw oe peis-ced w,- » sd usfpped on board a vessesý ýUUd to-r Ne Ornia, But Semn- 'kndThievessel vas expectedly delayad tor a Woeke I the* »M.ure ethie hideous c on . -ta of tii, pokugeaao vas ý 'lie other uinstance la tbt, ci os Augusta Rowlbjï, s ciarusing I-- besui",ul soun ,n~- WYVMxU > andS -altrunàk îe&i the gardenoefahua ih Edwards h-bd jus£ taken. ý,At , tuaS ho:ua,. lie atteMipted i teo, nurder s& man-naxned ýGarland under sirilar. circumetancea, and the. matter éeq=- ing into tii.. haadR of -the.police, they searcheci tii. ouse, and founà business carda bearing -Ditby)'i name. This led tb the conviction cf the miacreant. WONDERS 0 F WIRELESS IAIÀ ASTOMISIES FRENCH WAR "OFFICE. Pochet W-I!eleeà'alite,; Telo. graph Printer, a"d'à Tel.. Prof. Cerebotani, an Italian in- tuis a venteor, gave a pr!vaI. exhiit f thros-i i# astonîshiug wireles dicovries the, »m the othen day iu Paris hetore mcm- set. bers of the, Mixstnýies cf War, "1 Postsansd Tlepapha, s-nd a. lar . ould number f scienâtisteind-in < aul Ap Eiffel, the, coutruct-or c,f tise Eietell bi Tover, wbich is nov G»»eî hae station. Among the 'appaas BnprD ployed vas a peck-et ireÏýlees mach- iue, a vinelesa tel grïMh pn*terby N means of vhicii messages are sentit...e as readily ss vitteu ou a - type.1-yü vi-iter, and a vireleos teleaute- IUo1 grapu vbici enable pensons -to glvve aigu their signatures u as sr aevery wireless vaves reach - -__ rcise THE POCKET APPARATIJB - les- &littie larger than, a»-pair or, tise br, field giasses aud is cpmrate4 -by, at- tiôon; taohiug its anitennae te a pôsk -etr that t] tree, wbicb, at the. heiglit-,et fiftiy le te te feet ens-hies communicatic-cute b.;ete» hai made vithin a radius of, two o ent e Cihre.e miles. The eenne;-tli4 lccal conternporary oxp an*, les ate bn- simple little instrument viti s. k#> bifof t- board l11h.-a typewiter,;wiich .* "dBru b.- fixed t. s-ny tç1lers- oren tel h bOuË pions iatallation. ThiÉutÂ-aazita tiie mesage vbchappear on --prlntednoisei slips at ther other eud,ý-but it ýhJe Word1 *dVautsgof bl înistlymr orget kimletananytiimg y-eté vnegul suda bdes- b, -uhed -wi*tido e' wireWes. Tuasaiiouldb.utes.-j»h ng terailws-y offcialin -1»partîe»- as, in ti J s-r:. smo. sich &m chr ould Le, p int,8 at tii.disposal I, '4-ailsignal- " ind oàtherspermi1ttiug tlaemte eommunioate quickiy sand £ccU'rate2-' [y ýwith 'the, head offlo.$ It vosld »cl113 ,ýI %1se b1eexceedingly -iusef»u; ferB. ue - e ap.cW atr'aiù ie -r prac- --f leneeeayteo erate iliou compl tev t rom ý entre Word- "Th eachei Iy bec nxuch whlch tengu4 that h big Pt mueci 8IMPLE% Tii.- teles-ntemu inixùe cases eut cf ter-, s --- hyici n, "etan ering stuttering can b.e esily aad ltI.curod> sometimes in a reeka. This as been my pro- nal xp.,ie c.during tbe.lapt Qthe first place the suflerer aÉtarmering, stutterig o >the trntspeh defeet realize that the. cause ci, bie e clifficuity may ho told in a --effort. h stutterer says 'Tutututut-. ?r' lnstead of 'teacher,' mere- ýaus.ep through putting toc i orce into tiie breath witii ihoe apeakes,. ho drives the. e u againat the teeth se bard heucn't get àt away witbout a WHY THEY STAMMER. bii big push and pull cf the, lfa cf the, tongue shuts off the )w cf wind from the. lungead &l the muscles cf the. tengue, ,and cheat, sometimes mea-t cf luse,.of the'.'body, béoeme hiave seen a yeung man wiio 1danicé and kick aimost 11k. pacie Indian just trying te lis o-wn arne. I may rernark in a couple cf montha unMet r treatment he ýcculd taik as La ény of his f rieiids.- Dw, then, how ebtiI w, gain How shall we limber up teneed and cramped musolesi i IWIl foUi-r 'the instructions >yen hçre you eau do -it lu case ite fellowing ex-: W TO LOOSEN UBL , stand, 9jr ait 'e asily a'nd prac- reathig har -b andforth, là 04>4 t oI thee"eorie e"h l~ muscles nieiààot te woWk rd. Se mialWe thé" breath as ~ate puntil you.are abl0. tha I-th- juatti.sigtt ogeanya 2TIE Dieneiter Whleh Ocous-i Namesake e h Orbe The tact that- on. of the niiw b tieshipe le to e h.named t4, P,,àyal George"' reminds eue cf thaif for-1 meor "Rpyai George" a nd tii. di-J àster- which eccurred to ber, 'wèll knowu by reason ofCOewper's noem., <'ol -fertii. brave." The. etory cf the. terrible caiamlty wii prob- abl7 interest readers. In 1782 Britain was i a more humbled state than ah,- iiad 'b-e for a century. Tii. wars witb Arn. erica, and Frane,' Spalu aud Hol- land, ha-c exbausted ber r4eources,' aud tiier, was seen thei. uusuai spectacle cf a Frenchi fleet m2ena ng the coaste. It wae at tues perik FIRST SHIP IN TE NAVY. At Portsmouthi a ftetwas heing Pepaedfr tie relief of Gibraltar, then besiged by Sp.ainý and on.e-cf the shis destined f or this expedi- tien was the "Royal George" cf 108 guns. Siiê ,wax th4e old«t ftint até ciasi in the sie, ii aying..»oë 'land dowu lu 1751. ,Loià Aieon,. Lord' Ro-dney, and &dmisal Bosca- weu iiad comýxnanded lu lier of tn, anîd Lord'1Hawký e «nmanded lu ber the' Iquadron -which fougbt the Fieucii undér Cenfians. Befer.e h. couid eaul it wiaa deemed uecesaary that the. "Royal George" sbould, undergo a careening-that le, an iÙspecion and repair, of those, parte uÙder -water., If tirne iad uot-press.- Med h.weuidhave been towed into dock for this purpose. As the. case wasr it waB r.solved--that ah. siiouid -b. l'and 'over en her aide, as usual1 when a slight careening waa r.- qtured, ini caiza. weath, and sniootii water. F8e lîttie was ,any. diMculty. or danger apr' ue ,tbat, the -Admirai, Captainll, officçe and ~ ~ ~ t orw mutn about 900 .rnwlned., ê»board, sadcl n.additlçu. thee wro bo th 00 s worn s Neithe*' guns, provisi os, Uer wa- ter- wexr-e cm#d«. TH E CAT.BiIROPHE., th. wsirk.-e jn atronenûcal activity -1ip -at li g Pen c, rOtCu inan' quei p"ansd shadin.g -aignlficoe: t.thoti.age w-.eau maboem. && neéwer ageS'of, sc-ïëýenicà, henral LednLrdc da ýV -" sd Bac disintiv .nak téj e ii e at knowledgettute wrd4'ý tssre muet h4 made te roL8ii be.ion- and . cerint ' oiid;tiigiest acy ot Greek asfroleMy"~ monument te tiî e spir t f, -quiry,-but now »i'he>rf tied aeid inaisted u ~i sthwi to expia utua 'Cc>a_-,thle,çtm deat vtb.tiheTuéulér thD>ry LaW Paeand itï niodificatiafns ti.peet day. Tii, advance Piys.es- te ment dayha veopd sny dlffitulties in- tàe w, o!th. ebular tiorand fër'ti reasen 'several attempte hvave-' Meulton sud Climlali es h délai. ,syiiter te h aVewd&v oe tr i piral nehul, - mAltnt t-i.0, rsprahe iso ftvë o;lrk boces lunp the, impact or gravitational ~t -c sd dàitributing t1ir p> ý avhnl oýr* spiral e-ofcousie i ï-idh tus- atinsbeing dêýa% getiier b>' gravi-Catipie-1ý te~ ~~ str u 4lnet "l easri eléhdp r ~gun. iutbs -. -l 0F h. îemamd hr e4e no - 'l.-Il - - Ï, ýl-ýl 'l

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