Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1911, p. 4

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CA. "dI4by d4«tllXSs 7je me atsmi' ub ?lilsoeupIs. DTR& E.W. EVANS Pump lianulacturer CM&YP &Iltgo OU *bera sud mmy ew oce -o ppoi t b. bbapmmd mmI.mo. Dudas tt. t Monst tflui.1. Tbs ippl of TIISo doors West of WbItby Flous. Oldsad 1k.lmombers reouive la mmr We are prepared t1 matai Wood oc Umtheir dollar's worth rintu ek Iroa- pumpa on 1ort notilce, <> asoy. This elts rcasoa41ieM at1d t1 &Uai kudsof re- ubo'ald laduce pervona W loin Afblt ft b. 0 a ýWiad mnI t bei hgins tb 1lok a8u «thore mlght al»o gasoU sgfuÎW sd the squar eadm t e A5blO0P t theBeit Tepb t brsmuuaator. Co. mil 11. Markhmm -su Plckorlng .005one, No. 60" reuldenos. Telephe Co. W efect a cooauetlng ________________arruaugmaL.Tbere Is.odoubti ix ur, mind Ibat Ibis te a desdratum. We1aéboM argueing for I"isfor (4ONUMENTS e m mbssud ïit euI m a ~DI~UEUfIbtItkbesitbIx>p for the town -that bas 1 t wiil psy y#u tWcali at our basa- doue by lth.Councilin urecnt orkâ ng~dse hfor yourselt. Yeats. The d"iiwould bave sucia fa- L)on't b m IyI at y salsa. W. do iachlng beaefiolal oelWs as te war- »t ecm pIoy th 1, ocafuiiqUctly VO cm MttheIlb.Coux>wila parlng lno trouble and do eIlOw >0 MqUI u Coi101,or effort t10successfuliy accomplia it. OPer oLa he coW'ilcetaly**** MYS b hmubalu touu. Coli 4oWt..d. Thmrawould appear tabo tne nhd tor greas baste ln usking an agoso y mionia fa ua for the adissifon of telasina. t iiU éiiw lie* Teb.hoo Ca. w Wbtby. ÀA e mSwd.ay mone or leua wou'1 '" ad WouhS muai> malter, and il by every falrt- 1 '@st êt, WHITBYo ONT idoayor the Councli eau suoeeod la - svoidlug the evils ot the dual systcut ________________________1lay wWl conter a lasstng benot upos sud »âeet the cnduring gratitude o0f tebusinesscommunlty. il abulid- thecouncil te lry to bring the lwo tolophon oomuaies to>p1ker. If whnthey mielbeir proposaisau IPreashsas~'~iw.toash, and there appearato ho a CUIIca.,as W&M 0labo hridgud, il wli h COOK, ft a torCo'MAil4ry, eýIx>4aq. 7MM"r '6 m cJAsb'Pare a addM a_____________ e WHITBY,1ho. ~ ÀAPROGRESSIVE B&àNK.' ____ ____ ____ ___ Au oramtaslaof t be »OMtnla Ban- titalemz l fr 111. pr ,aieu ~~ 11181 ~M&December, 1910,shstai15, TOHDJFF BRO i nSttution bu jt05951d diuting -tt Y404 MAwIM a toit *ai" vï lot lia ae Caulg, aoaId1 '~~<5 ~ Çoi. d $r , mi. olalo<$I .W sav4os Iot*AVr <"jk ar&v riItMD" ta aI b ___________________rats t~U o t acerna pt su, a.- î« « mMMWaboUSid for toWPublcbu*S uw o bePWOiIhoutrc e, aoeê4s wn bearu bi eor»M l. Wiay -talez frazzle, llkwlss lha.Tordaho RowIn Club. H&vi.gwvon iasgropby Ibel detesl of Oabawa -isat s'zdaylgkt lbe iocai Isu v ptsd a*&Mu" Markbm, vlnuersof thoir grup : Mud s ulghly. Ou. ebu&. oi poucg W- lowa they .-amTiaeyreta husky Ciesa-fmasd, goo dkaieum- su" liaey kaov boy 10 play 1k. - gpus. bt viacu thbe met Witl the o- 0ouAtuOrod soetblgbetlt a " > l bad moltbof or. Ibis sasou, dtlk.y ver. bestea. Thoplay oueiasthe wo vas Tory OeLu.indSdod4> ssusd 1 rage arouud theas itby goal 1k. 0f loer amd thora erv 9may miAous momoats wben Il semud as Il t visitors wouid surely Soe. The splendiefec o cf the hou*6 bMom hovever, avertod lb. dasgec gmix and ^plus. 1Wblle thepuy ot the Whltby sures lackedthe cMali hnllm tom vas mm*hgond ladivlduM wvok... laue ab ral ba i hlby madr Ivwo 8oais hovard 1k. qlu oitM a.pSnIod tbe dàtloms suas. làa -th. séoeud pàod Whitbr aborimd mâârj akl t Io moes g osd Lw loolisdblue to leMskamaytl Rov,1evar, -tbey emduéy~ W4atby ast . Wby aï4ded Oas more oa>mankinsuc u.t u W>tWysu vilahisb Avun -' -y l0ut'*W i b-ue,-ms la tW »W J* lthos ha l ark- sud #sl.ou vaslaid on ho oves *p. W4tby Baud vas pressaImm pluy- ed Uve4y airs vblh-wi1ti lay e iea~m~ a i s A a i Il -Go-el. Illecret l7 *s1 of errmr 4 teSove S.cusî jsutrig TMbey à lie t6I e1jwuaction nsrvasue. k.d Te-Ybahae, 3eechsm9g Pllagive thoeogaSp aurongthlpovebrnxllly cnditios Mud Masy b eiupox> For Sure. Relief 1 -Mý nUwruwe la bossa 85.. Prai-deit-C.ý D. Gordona. Vlcs-Presldemh-C. A. Goodfsllow a&d tho emudeai olergymei. BScroIay-Troas.- Mr. 8omJohns- AissI Sec.-Ut, George Dry"ea Eîmctlve-Tbe aboya ooies "d hui.., NeU MclCrlnm. nD.J. No- Iatyts, J. e. Farevell. 4.T. B*rolay, W-W. WlIeoi, J. W. BaIsà»»O CV.. MsGWiMray. W. - dama, Jos. WltIo Q. IL.PRavia. T.G. WhibOeIdJame IL RlehbolsoaB.. R. Blow# J. »). R.v4ea, W.M, Prnglo, Robt. Thomp- soc, W# J, Greeswooda aiiitJe& Rmnt- Bar W.E. iusrd,* 1k. nepteua- 10fir et Bibi* Soclet> tiS >do- ý Uvàed a aesi trestugsud"a- »U*Ui1re lecture upea lia vork ohi-tse Dôcîdt> ttarouhkout th m~orl -ME godptt,4» ud potlthoIeo W Socptyuovprixas .word et 0o4s to MA6s lanêtl40 lotet aà&ibà1s vs 41ýretê-y et& ue t -wkppreô( go w ie te1r laho-tk~~paouo y Tb* 8t Audiew"*O 1 1 Ux Goo FdOU God YEA~T nisns ood ro--d ou - ever try ve -Rose W.e have it.-- $pçIaIsaIle e Dîwmer Sètsspecia a I Flout and Fleisch- extra, good ,bread Sitrong sMd ChierfulWt. -.avikg te .Y"*4 memud 8gs dopaaeî U gq lni.ftfl*owu loi. fewduat WM ip t. The 1 y tiraa xastri z )À»st ry o. âO. drugs as Opium sud Mor- Aa cOflauqueoclf this hc>notea phinal, slply deaden. lb. a»polutm u - r. IaieIIias han f Irritation sud stop the couth, Yeu9d la e aKM iDoz" isit tO W but do littie or no permanent R f lb. digureni odgest tro&ut heuL 1h. 94U% igâIltaUMili; lAs oliers. Tuere CouRqrîsIaIs owmanvilll., Ukaa a"a *ort perry. doms fot coutain a trac of thesce- dangerous drupg, but in-i in OrdOl 111 10 o beOutdone by hies absolutely safe snd sla ,fcpeaain fNtr' W lu 0iC5~Mi.remedies-Herbe, Roots-and Balsims. &0"k ?I!,I -hlm on kIls tour a weii- t ent&ely removes theirritation that caused the'cough, dUlio~1 QI'ot eputy Grand Officems by cleauing out the muctu4ssopping the inflammation and itou~à5ttn 6ar Ldp.healing the. delicate membrane of throat-sud lungs. Wbealla lisliat±o ofoffcor 'nMoïeover, It toues up sud strengthens the whole 4t in.?1' .Odg cw plolisd by system, partlculaïly thxe lugs, and protects agait future bU, eritty oughs adcolds. Aïr I"U t " 'hs o&âm lua nfor Triaizfe 25C. et~ RetiIsr uize soc. a lieral uO1itai commnndation Xtyuc ,ds. su" Prals.trou the dlluriai loldges IM * o'e MMg0» M.ddui .. e.Ld. - ChsthsmN.&. mislted, sudver. igallesl aer- E4MW9M td nWitw by A. fi. ALLUN, druagglt. la order to ik$lugli wind up lthe Issu' sor voas voif as show hies ap- Preciation oe ta aufor lhelr loyal aupPort, Mr. HaIlet.î took han stafi with tàer ladies 10 kils houm. onwedJ eSdsy Dlght lutI, where tbsy spaz NI A R Y AE A Most delgiatlul oveng 11 t ocs ui!VO ouchansd munie, and afler par- taklug of a suptuous suppg ~prepar- al byth lIdes 01 the householdt th.e______ ______ bappy Company ver. rolurned b Iheir boues in 1h. wee mral hourm et.the uoruhug, loud ln Ibeir prase ot tA>. m$u dellghtfUl evenlug tiaey had >.rn ae~w spOnt wilb District Deputy Grand "uig h month of Ianuarv w have decided to clear out ail our odd sizes MYRTUE. Mlaster Clark Hubbi i la uorlng in Boots, Shoes, Feits, Rubbers, Etc.i trou, asevere -,tawicaf puemoni. 4Al bope for a pdynover. W e wantthe room for a m es Ou, Sabbat> School vwu woll tp-or a im e s reaeted ailb. Convention ou Thturst-stc ofN w G ds :"y of-llut week.stc ofN w G d. Mg z. N.WIlson oxpeçuts lemoe. 1 li.boise uow occupied by Mr. Thon. Wllsou st-Myrle Station u i.noenar sp (dprie laut veok wt> Inod w r 2 ,LE G N D Master Ylotor Hudglulà vlaliugf hl boueb" uàToronato. B-1&.>--"J SovthbWIiitLy Oatari reosally fite. J 'a -4 ICI J w w w w w w w 1<; f w L~ V 'E w mwoomw f ^,É6ý

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