Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1908, p. 4

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IITRCTNEWS. Ur LU!fIoT por'ters tBROOKLIN. Ur.. Blanchard is visifing with AIrs. Doimige, or. Mr. D. lfoliday lA exrmooed bomne nuxt week. ]UT. W. -Àrksi y had >a barn raising on 'Fuesday. mllet and lial.) scd for sale at Mie'iî,ot- Cherryçt. ood, is houi- dayiug at ber luc nuere. Purea Engali Paris Grt>cn for sale at A. C. BIot 1Mr. Thor.L,îtc. ni roi'mo, ha4 hee-r vistlug friertds ije 1h. rill.tge. lsFraer h i '- ptip )i ss 014, aice oui 210 Lu eil. R. 'Vi ofnl'Liwmisay, is i .hum b tuWn. t1o if Toronto, is ýv i'd ani Mrs. Il anli Crs ba ie starL.1m" Le Jan..Mum' -ofg.etBroclttihle, Ut Dr. t rr ,asfweek. e~-madle m a~m t $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, af A. . Elliott's. Mima Franci, ef KÎnsâlis .spend- ing bot vaatfltilier bee be. Mir-sud Mmi. C.C. Couîte1mý and bonm ef Dakota, art viitiuif vM4irs. T: MUsm jessie Holliday, 1St Toment o, le spending hemva Iion et lie r homeblie. 3wisses Emuly sud jdsephiae Foy, et 'Torenite,*tare 's-isit ing their'san, Aira. O. %ebert. - 'Miss Clama Norris, et Toronto, is visiting ber' grand parents, Mr. and Ars. N. utson. 'Fie union 'Suaday $ebool pienic wil1 be held at Oshauva ou-the-lake -on ïniday, JuiyJY ll.' A beautiful" newhnlino!f lawn blotuses at $1-0, 1.25, 1.40, 1.50 mid 2.00, s-A..Elliobt's. Misa Pati'ece Frantis lef t Ibis week for Wiuderniere, Muskoka, -where she wili speud a few waeks. Aiurs. W'». Fole)y lai f flua weok for Prince .lIbmt, i Man., wbeeahi Will visit lier son and dauffinter. Nearly one bïmindred people of Brooklu and vicinity, too~k il the '-x cursion te Peterbereou nTuesgay. Air. jas. Sf evexîs b' ad a lot- ef youug chickens snd duaka kîlicd by a kunk, wblcb was shet op T'uesday moning., -Mr. and Jars. J.B.. Ketchen sud chUidren, ef New Lowell, viited witb Mli,. and Ars. A. Xetcixen last Week. A irs <r.>' Glbert sud Miss B. C. Mocore, ot.'Forent e, are home witb f butparents, AMr.samd Airs. R lMoone. " ?oteher big shtufntf et oosasd, asboes for thxe lit tle elles, fli) big ones, snd overy ene, af A.C. Bllot ts.t Bc 1sure fe attend thxejarden partY to-nlgif ef Mr. Chas. SpencermU, un- der fhe auspices of the Willing Wonk- erorf e15t. Thoms'çbchi 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "4 '4 4 4 4 4 PLYMOUTHý TWINE. the WorIds Stanid- arad-for Qwalitya We have seeured the agency for the Higli Grade Twine for Brooklln and àasbarn. It is now in, stock. Our cash prîicliI intereat y'ou. lilY PLYM OITII and get THE SlESTO Urand Ars-. A.Atkinsonf o! f e-. tana, and Aits. 11l6man, -of àNew York. were gucats et Mir. anmd Ars. W. A. Dryden, Miaule ehade, ast teek. We have the truc Canadian gem türnip moed put - up by Dareb. & ilunter,, London, put up in 1-2 fb anxd 1.lb. package Oniy. For sale by Beev. Mt. Allaui has meved te Brook- Uin and occouied the «piuupit on Lun- day for thme fini timne. Mir. Allan la a splendid speaker, and we are sure ho will be niuecl respectîx'd b y hlm con- gregation. PlIhere waa ne service lunfthe Pres- byterian charch on îSunday affernoon, 4owi.ng te the absence efthtie pastor. Tbey United wîtb the Beptist church, whioh sertrice was _edtmcîed by Mr. ÏDougan, whe la attending Cenference ~at Whitby. St. Thema,'.Anglican cimrcli. Public services nerf week will bc as teliews.- buimday, un Brookliti 10.30 a.m. and 7 lo.m. lu &!. Therjias' churéh, and a t 2 p.m. la '8t. Paul's, Coltimrbus. Aise the third -Sünday afternoon summer service et '51yrtie at 4 olcfock on the blac ksmith's Iawn. Lewdr Myrtlei by desire ef ehurcixfrieudâ -befween Man~cheser and Amsbura. Ail -whio wisb te unite ini evanigeiistic Work ame invited. Mev. J. Senné tt Ander- son. Robert Campbell Warren, o! Northx Toronto, dicd yesterdày, in his 7lst yeam. lit. Warren ' was hem lu Richmond Bil11, but.for thirty years conducted a general store at Brook- lin, Ontario Cennty. H1e came te Toi- rente, and sevemu 'years ago meved te North Torento. He had been ùiling since asat fal. Mn. 'Warren, three sens, and three dauglitèrs survive. Thie sons aire- Aigernon, witli P.C. ,Larkin. & C.; Frank, wîtb thie W. J. Robertson Ce., and Reginald, with Grand 'and TOY. Thli dauglifers are- Misas Animansd IMiss 'May, - at home, and, Miss *Victoria, at Ottawa. .Piles are emsily mimd quickly checked witb Dr. Sioops Magie Ointment. To prove it I will mail aamall triai box as a convincing Ltest. 2imply address Dr. Sboep, Racine, Wis. 1 surely would net send if frc unleas I was certainm that Dr. Shoops Magie Oint- ment weuld stand the test. Re- member «It is, made exprossly and alone for -rWOI1eno pain! ni, bleeding, Ïtching piles, cUbher external or in- ternai. 'Large jar, 50c, sold by al dealers,-7 MYRTLE STATION. Mx. Z. Martin ,,%as the guest et Xir. A. Wilson on tBunday asat. Mins Lulu,'I)ownmey le ,dox<n for ber Mir. 04 Moere and W. Wiles were in ~egraveouon bdnday. lait.- MT. A. Roberts, et Port Perry, was the guest of AMr.- and Mre'tJ. Beacock ou Menday last. m.A. Greexmwood, vibited lu Kmn- sale on Bunaday lait.. As.F, Harrison bas returned froni Listewel agaiin. The- Ladies, id mef ai Ars. James Dick-seiV s on Wednesday Of this week. Tixe buildiget the nz-w Ietliodist >churoix bat oommence 'd. One car bcad ef brick on thé new grotiuda, be- f wcnAr.OBycsbouse and the > ousar'recenfly occmîied by Ur. N. Luke. b The. old churchix l aboit On its na'w prculatity o r hs' iur biléIer rPumisuti*it he.' aie not-vknown ini prs'itlv yeveré home ia . Yhis country as' well as tbroughout fthe bontire 4OTtinmt aud Europe. GREENWOOD. Xisn Emnily .willis', et Whitby,, and hem cousin, Miss M. Fergusen, of T 'orentoe. visitedl 'at Mr. J.B. Dimuey'4. li.Ae.Moore, ir.., f oek a tnip up mu lazt woek. k, ang i% iu, fuit. blast. Ouf football, teai p layod -safrièndly game at Bahsant w*thx aheteamn of that place. IThce core yras 054 ia Baliamsi fayot. The retumu matc'b was.played he.re lait 'Fhmrsday iight, ibob. as the Baisant beyà were tory W. J.. GERROW, ýV.M. D. VHTBRINARY SURGEON: eduate Ontadrtid C~'uiau f ,noa AtuM M a o l just of sait ooist- tille sait ; also a refus-n matabis n *I_ "id glve :uci(air jilUY- lé. ucksr. eutr new Omdl6t,. bsmoved intôte .parsenage sud prtaebed ai Gre.euiwod euda miornmlug te a. large e&V A, uumbem frees bere. ispente it'a at Piweleing. Ai. U oers as 'bis ne1w. penent, cer n bsllo etnmpited. IL us -13 feet f rom fixe flber te tic, top, and aarly 16 teet actesa. AIE. now àas a hue' up-te-date stable .1er fcedzmg faf' stock. M1aster H. Seidon, Ot WitbY, vis- ited frÎeenda here. Ai-Mr. sud Airs. 'Chas. Bruce, O!ft ronto. visited at R. wlWîloua ,omeetofur roadIs hae receVed a goed ceat ol grave1. Air. and arb. A. i2arit ou have xmev- cd tntu' Mizi Liscomnbue nuse _ A niumber 1ifem. j'ru aooui-in fie ee.uriaoW ai> Â'Cm.cibeO Oou 'iuesday. Miss I,.m. Cimpuman, !tci li~er tatiterMJ . (iîson, -if tais place. the bioums OL1>akuunes!â. uca utce ioutgelr *wîLliuUL outi chan ih out LiLet4;,and 1peXsistetctpi it5 us.,uaiiY PoiUtES Lt) frr«iLS COtiapse Air Cnbe' Žerv i~o4cures siep tesxtie's viNetdn i me ee systeml, and ,,,aS Deitts irecliere- ore la-Qting. AUDLE y. Miss Lint9n spent a feir day"Îwth. friends. Twvo of Wm. Bell'a chiidren have4 had the» whooping cougli. Mr. and Miss Sijreuie&, 01 C an-1 ningtoll, were berc !orcimhe garden1 MT. Lawrece, o f tlime Toronto teaciing scait, is spending thxe beli- days hae Miss Chapiuan left1 this week for a lenigthy visit with friemids in Buf- falo and Pbiladeiphia-. Miss. Victoria Bell glipped on seme stepbs and suscaincti. a iracture ef soxue ribs. dLhe ta uupreving. * 31irs. Dalby, iifC oÎ uur genialI blacksmitli and son Wn., . l6f on JulY -2nd lor their. fermer home in, Old Englaud. Uer health had been, poor. for mmeuths and time Dr.. ordeted a change ef climate.. Be! ore depart- was a faithfi lmeniber, wïith-a fine Bible, and Urs. »lalby with ar scarf. The presentation toek pjfac ou m jr. Pilke7's lawyn, alter which a niee tea et 'cakes and ice- creamn was en oyed. The garden party on' Friday even- ing on the t.Zrounds ûf Air. lioltby was. a decided s uccess. The aieveral committees spared no pains in maklng arrangements fer the comdort and einjoymr-l t he vîstxtrs. Tite Wbit- by 'behustralwason band early, and togetmer witb ,a gramaphune previdé'd amusement, 3vhilC ýthe supper Was. in pregress. Iho- programme was. openied with. an address. by the chair- man, ;Mir. Fowke, et, OshaWa.. Miss Graham, et Toronto, gave four read- ings, which w ere well-preparedf and- ther6ughly eujuyed. 'Ibe viol in music et the Lyidt, -sisters, the.vocal music of Mis' Eimpsen..et Pickering, and. Miss -Bayeratt, -of Brooklin, and the Whitby Quartette voie each Weil received. 'FThe whitby h.and dis- coursed music fer the evening ln their usual good stylo. tLth e in- te ntion in the future', te prepare on a mucli larger seale for the anui-tai .ente-rtainmr-nt. The preceeda wéeo ]Rheumatism Almeat Killod lier.* For years Airs. E. Stahlchmidt, of Humberstofle, Ont., 1waq a -Martyr te rheumfatismn.11I was se stiff and 'lame I 'cPuld scarcely 'Waik" she writes. "An attack striking my limba made. walking impossible. Friends and docterq gave prescriptions, -but I only got relief frein Ferrozene. 'I took twelve, boxes' and gained 'frein ,tbi, first. To-day' I am weli,. feel -. îm"qexb;t,, weigh heavýier, and look fle ictr iînccfhcaith.*' Whether mus-- ru lar or inflammatory,16hronie or otbè-rr ;,e Ferrorenïe dees cure rheu-. fiMfl mRmdsciatica, 50e .per box tý No HonIig.- No Gri'nding ,y=u now (rom daily expe- rie-ec, at home or in the barber *hop. that- the qukestion" lu- '<Why- doesn't-a razor hold Its edge unifermly (rom bcdl Ou hedwtethoning and j grinding?,, Whether late e -aftY. with the certain fax of uew blades, or the odinmry open-bladed razor does.-mot mter the cquestion. yom at . the comfort and satisfaction otf -a dlean, mmooth shao ~r ator for oua Weak, u- de and for Chroun sud e lthmpat W. ask Wl striai. ftwiC Druîgiu, Wl Vinai umisu AU., OSIIAW. sided at tintelummnatioums bue. nia weck.' Air. D.A. Va'4eau, fthc neviy ap- poînted Bupcrameudont et, tic Oms- a'wa. Rallway, se'a mai o! couid.i- erable practieJfl-expeileue, baving been an 'enmpijee, of thc Bgy' o!t Quinte BAilway ince 188I7, as agent, fimlekerog :Charieo!ttrains en oonsr-U Io~~/6O r M te IMM94 WAi -ouas depateber; 'ad f tom fiat te tho present assistant superinteuadet.' Rie ne doubt W.*&lil be fol.nd a capable estimable ociisè Mrn. Ituaséil d nipeg, ýwhcre brother, bmit4e1 liealth' has. m late, snd if is~ clinuate wi e Englaud, Wb:-~ or six vveèk&I--. lian gene te Wiu-. w 'Ili work for 'bis xîd contracter. --ie. en mary good 0£ Cd the 'Western. n , manager o tic alat wck for' wiIupent a menti Kn.ey- viui relire for' al1 kidney,' w- e iawhst à Wiitby C Srock: eou. Bailev, St., Whitby, Ont,..ga sIi- e kidatey sacrerions. were se disord oct snd frequeut tint Imias unabt& t) sbece durnig fie, niglit.- 1 wouil , eas my hed as margr as- elgit fiméis sund -ore!fe- awake ua tir ed sMd ,doue ont as on - g oig- te b ; -.e.ariue waî sealan suBoa g iu -pamiflg. À dea- al-Ways.notices , sd altieugl l ad triod xtumereus eidies 1 could find littie or ne reli. My baok wusbcom- ing more wea e nd painful eilch da.Idflsca st -or itiaight- ent myseif up. 1 learuied 'e! Boofi's 'Kidney PlUs thi ugix an advertlsment, âuid procuring- a box for trial af' Mr. AllWa s-Phe macy, I uoon found" relief- 3Mi' ba k- straigbfened ' the- urine- cleamed, ho setretions beèamo normal. I b n ot boen froubled. sinee sudccid nbt - beitate te me-mmead B thls - Kidney Pilla."~ Sold -by demierEPrice 50S ensts.-Tbc R.T. Booti'Ce. 'Ltd., Yot'~Eri, Ont.. Soe Canadian Agents. PORT WRII1PY -Mis FerJ. jA-> bash.beeu the gueskf ~ 'iiitsfor a couple e!~ ~ ~ ~~~~t fvc~~"i~f..ri~da erborne. 8t. John's S. b. cixeol puenie _at iRosebank, ÈIriiday, 4uly lOti. jNWrater sud u. ibWoodlxouso, eof Niagara7 *ais, arc'Ïpendi.pg thean- MLiss.Corhiis,.o f flder ton, et Ars. J., I. Gaies.. l"s. Crago, et Boýýmnva.u5 i t làm. aud Un-. Uhurchier, o! Tomentoe, At Uneédamoat. Waltter.- Cex,.. M.trtal, st Mima PFercy Geld4 g sud friend, ef Wrn-' troi,, -with Mrt. and Mmrs.,R. oldmlng. 'Mss. Sieeij and ejidren, of #Wayne Ce., «Nfr, t Ils.. Seuti- well'a. et Msi-a. J. Mr., sud à treal, itht fatop Liu, 'Quickli dei ,mgt'ai e st-t.ory Som.e f Mon- U as K.yh.e epthorne of Ssk- ateonin î 4 a yviit tu her parenta.- Uýr *m mm QKempthorne. -Itis lesin t note the ïmprove- Laent )&. ]Keuaptborue is making to- hie nw :homBCe th c Corfler.\ It 'is .taking on quite a modern appearance. The townii corner ma IookÎng ,quite smart. The B. &8.pieCu'O was welI attended &]a& l ei oort the usuraI good time. The zext Ladies, Aid, meeting--!I be bebi at the home of Miss (eldie Truili l -Aus. Viet uiot the Wbolc Thing. Your t&bIje Is oadcd wîth foed- digestible anId WhOîe»esfI, jet j1oun -aer.,gaini eatronmgtb Wbu"a -tte trouble f Leook *ithin, ani& what do ý You f md i . lazy tiver. stomaJoliovorloaded wîth - werk -usele" -work becusz the boitaIs and dyver ai D ot sufficiently active. Relief- -in quioki) supplied by Dr. R>MiIltou's Pi'Us. Tbey m %ac eak. folkas trong by remov*l3gthe cese, or the- weakDea. -Digtstien imro-Vos, coDStipatioi ieavea, -liver takes new- lite. kidneys wake up,- the wliele, gygtem inanveed by.Dr..Hariltonls PilaS. ý1 botter medicie.for flle Siekor welli, 25c. at al dealersa. wSCHOOL. REPOB? s. lRe"rt of S. $. No. 5. West wliîtby for -the montu i ofJune.. S.I-Vernit Lynde 80 per c, ut; Bflessi oar 711è , Gordon var)ome 5 r.IV- MnmeBy 7 Er I-Rebbie.P.awIin 77, Olive Trigig- 76, Aima Trigg GO. Ir, 111- Agnes Lytide OS6, Jean(' Lynde .66. II--. Mary !Lintnor. Pt. îï- Biith Lynde., St. 1 Gordon Trigg, LI1ilan IIam- r.IB-Frank Lintner, Willie IIm ji orUiafl i'yl jr. I À._ý- Anie éLint nei. Promotiop's.during thi" terni. Luto Lat. LV- Miünniercly.s. into ,Jr. IV_.- rabi alu,<1 'trigg, 'Aima 'urijg. iuîto Fi. 111- .tgnés. Lynde, jeane làynde. Laejr.PtLT Gordon Trig, Lil- lien UamlYD'. ntS.1-,.Franl, Lintner. D. E. ILTL, Teacher.. 'R~~ii~& o. Ne.2, WIitb'y, fer June. &>r. LV.r Clara Woodwvard, f St I-Ber-uarilCe(e. Perey Jr ÈL Ose Woodward. Pt.IX-Hiward Àrksey .Cera IKchie. CUanton ýPaseoe.- 1r - Jemînie lokl'e*, Raymond Ce!- !e' Ga~ Lyndc,,tlE pAgcee_, Ed- p .M PIl E N, l.eache SCIIOOL Pérliaps morne one lias promnised yen: s watcli or other pucee qf jewetry on yonegradusticll. If suehý à flic case we will be - -'pleascd te have yen corne in sud look oven ont large smsotmenf of desirable giftas » that younsiay get a better ides cf wliat yon -1t witl be ne trouble for us te show you our stock simd we wilt net even suggest a purebase. Ihitby, - Ontiro il EYRTLE LIERY NOTICE-* u,..t.dtcvhlleand good horues. _Service wIlIb'pm~ptaareiamle. Ail trains met. commeidal tratliers and cethera wil fud' spbleudidaoeomnmodtionaet theme stables. Uaemm nde,. w9dad repaired. J. W. DI5NHY9, Myrtie, -Ont. DRTIE -STOR.E We bave soid more print this season thaaa evur befot. 1 azu uow ofering the balaeS eofamy priats at ric., pet reriesa.aiwaym freib FiIkey. '- - IJr.- 3Erge Lynde*, Witu -Lyude, Mautd BaIl. Part I-flaymcund Joues*, Wua, Lynde, Blaize Coultis. S .Part - san pne Harv -Jr.. 1- 'Betsey Joueýs*, Huiro Spece, WI(edDouceý*%te, Gra( uld j' liri r. t 1 t .oi iihJoncs. il Qr- to IIJr ILzuld SkT 3er ley ik. fIl Jr.;1te Ilzs.- tiorge Lynidoi 'ilcLynd# M m'aid B.ti,. Part -i[ Il r Jus, W L4ynde, 'B. Udtmlt.1 SThose ..raked woni prizes for EV mi W LLa, Tacr When lln'.~ (,oes H V oIl near at liand'a mciv L.at wiri-. leviate pain1aZIm il)- r iil th'ë ottor cOrn1esf .A Vîse thîu'tg Ioo have rigfit. in Yoùàr borne la ('tt o i ofNerviiiincu which gives .iinstanit î.'îief. and pro- vents diseasè. irol s,ýrzeadixigNorli- ing known for- the, -stoni-icli and how- elstht- emHrs wît~ ~rv1i~.For cruusixdgestien ho.- ribilrIl 1aod )adceilfsnî7uisjmmsîiblo. For fifty yiýars Poisonis. Ncrývî.mi ne u2 bot - Lies lias beii(îm~s~rdb X it to-daqy: o A lodgî'of* Casuadman . dem.or l-Io.w Circh's lias Ilee iogm in iii Uar-' That Is what Hyomei Will, do ini ail torm-s of Catarrh and Troubles .,f thelBreathlng ,Organs. It'siot a [qies.iion o loni*a~ iîmg c ruýd,,sOttmeCic wilI i reacli YOUr o. pàrt icul;r cs. itscoldidl.- mf1 a, wsrlm irn chiis Pau;omm:i Crupor any af- fcinQf tLL- breat1m 'mmg orgatis A. H. ;ýV Ali jYs , anmd %i fm re f t id the moniey-if it faxis. e oiar r iratiion for k lu.'Saine -pt-s au suc 81-0 cessf.ully. do ithis, becanso- tthe-Ilyornc.i 'EYs1tem Of tr..atLuelit is ijifferent'iroin anything else., ou simpiy breate mdin] lils mïedication. -il] dry.air- tern, . which destroys thie gom li-te t. t a emXse opipressed brezth ing, Nasal1 Catarrh, Throat Irriýtation and Lung Trouibles. -t- brîngs t'thëse sufforing or-ganiis thé b:ilsarn 1 laden air t ' ey wotuld get in . th e P ino a ndi E U, a1 p for- ests. The- air that sxnsarbron- The pii rLeo! ontertaiers, Xtâashal P. *Wildmxr sers,"-Iyoiei is easy to use, and sw-if t te curé.' L't -insurgs* agàinst eonglý,,s and celds. Lt 41ireg yOit pure ar ýand, kills thê gcrrito diseuse.. Lt halps .thet voice. Hyomel complète puitrit $1.00. fer froni and depr the wavt aud relie Every healtît a: beconie Prepared cmxly>' st. Helenls, Lu Sold Eeyb NEWVPOR1 Carrh:pge Bt - -South' Having secure( liand single anà uew bum-iies iamud pared te offer thý Ail kin.ls oetC pairing donc w%ï patch. - NÊWPORI Golug Weat..'.! tien- ut 8.8 9.28 p.mn. Gofng Nortih The -finest- irains et Mammoth Long Red,.Mangé Giant Vetlow Intermediat., _a solid, -%veet,. gooee e mangel, t2.C. per lb.' Rennieý's Giama Sugar llangel, oï good cropper and geed keeperi, 20Ç.. per lb. jumnbe *Soi easily" pmllcd, 2eC._pèr',lb., Garden Seeds, ail kinds, là We seli as uxucli fer five cents-,as .yqu usually get in fourx These seedséa lal xew . nd fresli, of' the tatesa strains CORN Flint ïrarieties are scarce. See efir samples Ceux effenringa and yu ili find it.itil neot pay you te senid te as'ergeed butiter and for frèshi eggs. Our bul-k teas.are selling five t.0 ten cents buleOw îmSm 'W. B. -PRI'NGLE G-..rocers, W hitby. Prompt-Laundry. 4 gentlemnen te be-, uinfailing preux M.tely certain th your parcel relie siderable Ioad of Whien %worlis< steani laundry th assured otflot op Collection and d1 work that is equm Oawa, SLea Insure 'VOUIR LIFE for family, by a life or act panies represented. YOUR qBUILDINGS or chattels agramnçst-des See me' BROOKLIN MILLS 1 té Il le l ;Il el 1 ê 0 .1 mes always 1

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