Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1907, p. 7

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ývera'wlth. th.mi, they idea tht t Ulty Were ,dMlg lTtÏèy were nmrl1doiag Ùtor th~e band and ollôowlnjg the- cuo 'iÀi *hers. Thée êx«u-. tioh thIll d ty -Was a high honor, *t$l U an nd, aording ICI' custom, the exec>-ý hon4«r Cf11tîSilerSwere. handsornely led by-the lt the spiritît >neits cf ite vlctim. IAhe passing tt f 'rite lustice Deparimeni la to decide léin. liaWrîbbned nit%-ether ii. will ho btter"to send a judge thé prësence elf tQ Nomway lBouse to try the 0880 (r a vnedlpcn<omail, brtng nie prLsofiers and witnesses to1 pk.rs.A --e dionion for trial. CK -Flftb#AARMY- TRAN*G AT M'GniL. PS*4A>9d Bad iButee il Teweblg .e t NMtry Subiceté te b thé Q*ns ltrg numet was mode on Tuesduy'p "rtroil$y <1,ot meeting cet McGilt's *oard 01 GGeVtkprs. 11f£dOceft fimali fires tui ai tthe éomîng sesatoni fMoGi woukùj eMR'ef th 4e-catatrtlophe oc.operate wilhth1e Mililla Iepartment 'IWobot«klcb-etwéOl en a t'tenslitute teaehing, milltury 'Subects. 0 eic~k en Wednesday even- T11." protosal ta te provide lastrucWio .4t. fflVO 'clock 'he8 alarm k-4qu#Ify, candidates for commiWsat rung la ftýmmTrey$~ restau. ioîîî lithre imperial a rmy and la thei rùn Street. The 'Ore cern- Ceadiari forces. The idea s le f have ,1Y'rpoadîed and dLscovered ljct la' hie imperlal army and ln théi rtCfu ,coused by Ibt tele- âshort courses ot lectures, ,,veraging 24 ký1 ec1rîç )lght W11'ea becom. IOturés inracitcourse, on sucit sub- had set'ltlie -bock $hop en )4'ts as military hlstory, tuetics, tuti llféemalpu cut flue )lght wrs tory law and administration, màltary î1tIbo melli 'Chorles eftl ineering, military topography. '-ià Lghtbolid 'Cf .tt1O wirc, ne îsbwhcvede îhef"'C»ad ulrlte çf>g' ItMad. -Wlthout, ut. mnay hé i source of supply c 0cs m7 flito the lloor, ~te - eWar Ofilcehm' $&for CMevéralr 1body. fobcrt WVelch, gland. cers in GreotBritiaïn'and Ireland, the4 uiiim"* 41w is recelveai a Ide beng Io obtain offleers wlth a Ut0 a 'scelous crie. Deetors genuino uravcrslty edue*ttoh, as weli as y, 01w thé ene. but ceuld practîcal trainng ia mllltâry subjects. 9. lTe mon wuàs dead. &vcral lBritishi universitica have adcpt- id the shocl< of his dent h cd jthe systcin. 1, abdu*ç 'When dense bloi-k , ýçm1OIbéWere serti omnirg ah*ikrt B3 ick Bllock on Kng 'IEIEFS VIY tie hé1n groutid fleor by- ÇptiOfy wwiale drug' File. Dfrreil l Iefends ethe Sendiig ole ,dVince, la cilice, and' )a, Express Coinpany. and Top eh1à )f the- seconilflotl y the A despatch froarn London ty~ De- 44Y. Vessuc tnaîngthe action ef the Govorament la I1nding, but pruc- rushingi 7,000 1 tMOPs into Belfast for 7jblg trug istock sikt dûty, ChWel écretary ~r lreland #water. Total BrreilidcctarQd laglte Hou"e cf tom- merins on T'hursday tai lthe, mutinous action cf 4-poriion of the censtbulary and thé~nt&nu i thle riénc. V'wcp Aw~z ' $,ato Ie -jneasurcs. Mr. BJrrell Add.ttre s good reaso6n te believe uIlk e . A dtespatehItxm Dublin: says: rTe 1Lord-Lieutenaxut of Irdand -thre Bardcf. IMM IWv York iénys: A&~rdeei, oepîying te a petltien froth <égIIf O Ow(rdice <czve #i 'eeiiteÏtaûýn . wtiUwrp> Irtrie lerC(. flé stf Mté'$~IIcrtriaole , d Wbo ccord. the leté farugra%*u of which. is 4ieptIo- IrgtûW4À9811ét irInst, nn charme*r. q~ n 'M An whn onus abmêII1artltt. a leader ci %Ypna. Th-, dl*ti n osed, poltoe of Belfastl * 1h 'pé40 tsna 4 be i$Who hav 8*1(1five chier con- lowe in f tabls wo lavetaken <"pouit 1 ra l - aI'uiwh i inWe the ginthéa t liiomi fo duh ,,*W , . ~p«iddtt-, al S SOUS? JZT. 117 i~~ioe glU e i bihery print.........< 1 Lf 4%)elida ... .'cWtos ,Cbee-e-Qui't a12c o te î,c for large ad 12%CfSr tWlas,' In job lots here. Eggs--Prlmcecntinue very firm 2>bt 17 %CtuiBo, with the bulk aelling it Beans-41.65 f0 81.70 for hand-ptcked and 81.50 k>$1.55 for prhmes. Potato&.-Eûsern, chill and alincst ,Gve'-quate(d ut Me c e po er bag, new ~k)atestita i.83 to 83.2 per barrel, J3alied Hay-Q4uiet at $14 Io $15 for N.. 1 ttmôthy; new hay, uncertaln',412.. -B&M dSré*as-$7,25 te 8750iý e ton, In car lots on track heré PROVISIONS. f Drséd -'Hop.-9.75 for lgittwelghts end 89.25 for hecavies. PNork--Stu6rt cul, $22.75 ta Sg3per bar. « Mess, 821 10,821.50. ck-ar bacon, ll i e l5*%c s104tons 'and cases; hurs, medium and ligiti 15%?e 1- î%,; hctuvy, 14%c tc 15e; backk, IOXc te 17c; shoulders, 10%c fte uc; reils, 11 Xe; eut of p*ckle, lc lOss titan snt>kId. Lard--Steai4y; tiercs, 12e; tubs, 12%ec; pulls, 12>xc. MUES MONTREAL MRES M teaAug. 6.--OaLe-Businas41ft CELt *&rremtins slow nand sales-cf ,car lot$ of, Nanttoha Ne. 2 whilte were made al 4ý'c Per busitel ex-store. Flour-Choice &rligwhpteapatents, $5.10 1te 45.20; se0onds,4.50 bIo84.60; ,vnter wîhent patents, 4.65 lIe 846.75; bues, 81.95 lW 82.I0, xinas, $1.65 Io )Afllfeed-Mfniltoba bran-ta as S *2,ýîr tn"'Oltarlo 50 to ' nllO ÈYouie,_ Ï4 'Io$28, Rohed Ois-otnequiet et 82.25 per ba g. I e ùl Cormen-làstseady ntis.4 > 1.0 Hay-Ba-led it la teady undereý -air, local defnend; ,No. 1, $1tote 16.50 NO. 2, $045 le 815.50; clover, 813.50,tO' 44, and elover -. mxed, 812M50 k> $13 pr ton ln aren ls. Butler.-TownàlsN!Pa, 1c l té 22;- uc- l'ec, 20% tb 2M., Recexps er 340 Eggs-Snlcs' f lteInasingle gs es wré lnande ah20e, ond"'round ots> cf atralgitt recèelàt i1k No. 1 candled -et 17e;,-Ne. 2carudled aitliE, undtN'o. .2 t1rafet ' 1 -ai u2%oper deimet. PmVikmý4arrl sori oui wlt tý M.50; h l arrels, 81125 1bt ëU1.75; cdear fût bocks, M2.5010é 24,50; lonlg, cut heavy mesas, U0(.50 lé 821.50; bol -burréls do.,' $10.75 Io sil»; drye sudte-d lo61-g er 'bacon, tOC to 1134cê terrels-plale bec, 14lu 416; lualt.liar- <d rets do.,g-7,50 10 88M5: brIi Jhéaey ineaS1beer.$10; halt, 1I&IlsOjý4ô-,._4,50; *Cutnaud lar4.IOYt<et o Wà mni siA ana ,estaped wun a, tikn'wc#-,ýl The Ont#rifleUO ern c 0, fl l1kh a 'nurnler -of,,petenl.et i*ral1tn cilices in(lrelit, Brtaln < ad r1iI 'T-Ile C. P. il. nner aé4edk A Colnteëeee with Ihe company' tc dent A. man il à med Galkey c'llrnd on thel i ait of a boat iet Chathami, N.B, whilêý Into:kiç4ed, feW ottrhord and ý> Haon. W. 'T. FinIay, Minister fAI' ~culture in Albert a, has juif. IfherltecL &*'7OA00 theougit the death ci -a broUierý 1.i Ir'el nd- Ak Monýfreal carter -habeen, chargeî1l ,,-lh revetîng rely te a herm -' 'lie1 dnove the animl' mba ditthuýnd -then OnIy elghteen buÙdred miles >,ofthei NottéjialTransonti=(nal Baflway e -ains te be wontraëted' for,, -sid wki on the big undertaklng, la; beig, vg. or-ously pua eudln Robert 'Tbampson, a-edig-fruit- grower , ofSt. Câtharlies, denle4. th-e statement of- ' éC:iWyCléÊk Pay. 'Ati two-thlrds of the peach tteus ar wIn- On' boirait f ofrs. Lillian M., Smflth, wlstow of C. ,P. 15mAi h*,kdlledli nte Crystal Hall dLasIer la London, ( writ< bui been issued cléul4g, 815A000dam: age from, W. J.1 Reld.ý IJ-'NITED STATES;, JdeWdôd o!'-oIse, IdOh. itd", fused. t'Ogrant bi't etbie carrted olrreutéat lubns. Jamnes H. Morey -aggcd ?,4, of, Bne~ bamtonN . , , -waa dréowfl- in bthe ivatqe a-'icr-î -4Ilre oradv cfAeight-lsa'Llt-l ~wi on," i nursday l'xi fl 051 aMe. itcemieàtnl l Chiklls 'lgge, Nwho ira otesdI hnving 'ptftctiàed forgery tfon' filteen Cb 'yersirs hen onle hépenbteff iP 'any fO ln' éri 11 qlrààd -- Qrcitard' wf, n.A B, fE.ors- ait .ley, o othniumberlam , Couïmiy'-ýOnt.j clf clitrs an IekMeln tr nie'illOsmine, R' lâ thre siory în«OnbltrBie. v -Tlho .Suaam nilite Assocation heu 1SS a's isireteated [e exil'Wree r*é the LY ar c hûMed fre Taugier éùys: hMo- 1 lD' 11- an Grecsg. Af eirle ntlfe. la hi A ep fh iionlm~d 4IMi~y5V~ndbenue& sét14nd ePesntaîe&ur la t~ arudr' perbapa iwo ptaiswk Mmoa A')tu al*sé qaiydfe Zn olui.trltâ nà , dre t' Cosblanca, Spol ui r d 80 edosses th nued Cfr, r i~ n g t.0,bte, ntervnjj cf it Frn ta à9ceae;li rneti 18 ce~y se C o m)O oronÃ" hi fib tho 6t ît. î ' t eiw5 hé, aus cf hé haI. tu~xiig a *4 ,araby ite neUvef wh fere tben à,Tlon! e le if éertuo, hf pzlsthé dOtkcrs.é . luet. saani-,ùI'ae Ã"ôlo*cflit bLI la de te lt eps T hc Oe glëa " l qn4lbt e iteror -! e cir h r ad hrïn e aibe u nat f m iv s q ai O ý rd ' - ,' -n jh Éltr te o .yM h ess oto g it lis etbla pl. énéî dspt&t ram arl.e syThe Vi me.T it-a ase If- evda bttép a re il rtis atiosli11'Wc 4u. k dé D caîa bsbeh ru coitnin0tT ez ftivsesbWwehechesd'"- )twcif l -ToW8hW'%- klà7 fi x e t a e o ! alr bl i e s , it e r e f r a t o n ' I h t n n e i cf44w Ught 1m wS ithen gvest andWhtO *p:so z zp j es, ü ' e, eIIiL* t~# 'Wpi ro flue r er t the.pui.pa . . Ã"l deac hftlnloî ir (m u ot deri"o-m tino hoe)cbYa aý,ben-è pentetlori laI itehein f w ndna _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ o f'l th é a g g regati b e t h é h in a i ne g r a l d " el y " wf l a a e n - - it-Ir sez ho Ieh granues o igmet efbe. rog "Ptle:wog ot Lp ai mu u o eda I fiuenee'ôîa, tgtriét èim 'oe ol r .'v, H ry ol, b e be t l e d . l it~ m U A z *~ Tenrtila. juc cure hfor ci an' bair c ug " hT H I i o lt lr" Ina m tIiE1S0<.~,Wfitlt us Msd , rb1h ÃŽeta is omatio;p- o ry"On ail hna i adI oes 0 wthe l rsitqttùhéotré'1 hêé aPsu l Tfwe C*Is<of la iit y h de ',irY tp ýýber. te (ilorenoo linea stryl g iegatvl tr 'f te es wut ~e l le eMlly,,-befo bdtnu a meceigl vned h,~é~.W .0 r .oe f ig en U b .o ng put tIn e r e lic t I e o a tni . u s 0q êty , oW * lf er n bvee. seklsap er ui~<d a. h e wa oi aan iSec ,or any foreigan theé eye, rubblng' enly ,-lxi btrouble-.-tire I-tetaiOôue iAi Otn'wash àa .ey fe ri lésiatanem 'my bie gI-tropby ye drwuglt lddwna relgut body -a4clcs, and -tau be ay, be. remvedlth a hnnd. olc f linhsu larnd over n ~ mu, t hosI I 1~4 red, 510

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