Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1907, p. 4

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Spure. )LIL IA LL ISruv 4 ii 'htby KEYSÀîtl PISWJ*hdOV.rY Tbursd*Y ln the year at tb1»ýt*u)ldaa St., Wbuîby. The Ga. .,attadcbrwclebà t. he largesi Circula. tlSfl of aiy Pipera lu the County. Adver. ii ihs pa papya, îRatesomappli- sioalp4ou PrIceila year; 8,1-30 if Dot Ç.A. tooODFELLOWO Xditor &id Propritor. Sday week "id MM..Lee and Mrs. F. F*~~alis A04Ï report a pieae- *imr. John end4 VIuent Cais> IÂtMtà la#sr ýEA ansd, Buffalo ~lIo eoàîey l l pUDigmre ne F)Pting tiý aliter. a»41 pther' lem ga W 1 pý pitwl ru aM. p4g wogd; A44o t»e brry pVok- «daj lnorâtng. irter treat- i,ýaroeft(allure, [t waoabk1to lB rIobkhgi lu thie aflernoou. ~~ Lettended' _ê' HAM w~Ofr.0cbw. ~ Iae4~1I re P~r 4f"aoue for tblewr ', tA~ ,fni.g51 vo ut the owtraotingrpart*. àtdiu more or JW *than "wi.roa&t tuh0we ofi u Ei'Rff, m 'L",evtew,,"Wti d lai toq4-bofl4* 0f wi dtoo *' Pffl. le. pRoges, 1kv, J ,ew. dày jla rnoMs-t lton Mir. R. F-ras'c-i, OR ÀrcQ>îi . N4W6 T..,l Isiuti üg wîth relaL vtir lul"i. Mdir. and mire. Fred, Ptapl are Iris itinc wlth 1Ûi. and Mrie J.U. JYhuiV ~I~s P.~uterlndor Torc>ntci,'le the guemt of 1lire. Robert NicholQS'. 31i» NVWbitemor-e, of Toron le, Vi. Ited wituIMre. a"d mr». redJonesi. iMweé Iivg erlus, of Pickeriag, 1. vjustin« w-tn lr ,dMr, e, Thie Miswes fennylegions, or Tor- on-to. vLeted friends in iown 01) Mon- day. i. itobertI Rice, or Ilritisa Cotaid- bi. naoqbeeri visiting friende lun Mire. Angue and daugàter, Miss Lydia. are holidaylag ut 'BRrood- .W. J. Barclay ut Toronto.,, isÇent P-und.ay aud MIoud.ay at nme home Mr. Çflurlie Ureentwoocl, or Toronto, mpent the holiday with sMleFanai. green. MUw' kgu« McArdeil sand friend, ol' -Toronto, spent tûe bolidtay lu Mrm. Chue. H jte, or Toronto, le vmling ivitEl Ur. and Mre. NYnI flopper. aMilu, Iutb SIerrleker, of Mont- reat w is liting ber aunt, MIls gr Mfr. aid Mmr. Jobn Braot, (g<t towa.. are bolidayln.g aI Mr. T. »& àtre. iran-X Gray' andd pou vîiîed over tue hohdýay at. ir. Wni. Cal- Mx. Walter Mceitau LC vIiltizg bIs parents, Mr. and Mmra Jas. Mq' - Mer. a.d Mra. FredLawee,0 Tforonto, .,'vited lu :own i>e«%'q bI.Iol' ~'witJl 41 Mra.W1 j 0pt 4ili4ay aid 1 ft"le IN Xldred Ora nger, 00- çi Ou»dymd0day ay a -mie' Mr' as An4rio't i. s'enIn, t n*aQo! i@* beeu vwItiug witb k Umad 1f. wSn. UrriwD. lie Midred Jlnwoo& of Toroa 40,witeè -wita i»as Dr4< iWtOi yjipâI's Foie>'And MuceM iàar FoLey w tu«t4. ga -afriutMr. su lu&- J.J. OXoonne. irj.J. Lynde atteud*d Itbe ssù. nuast cesIoo t the MýNgè0u1oGr&aa tima -trji'totetue oLjnd- Ia.. e. eP-b-emÃ"-a Viited wlth lier nmme ad - bas rettured after spendîng an montilÏwithi fMende la Bridgebarg.1 Mip Beatrice Mowat. of Toronto Jlunctuon, 1,3 visltiuîg wlUh MUr. and -mIrs. wm. Brown. Ur. and Mr,,. Peter McGili, «ir Blm'y Bwîcb, axe guests of Mr. and mIrs. Alex. Wilson. The W,.p4ps McCann and Kathrine and Margery Maok spent the holiday *,ith frIende nI atDunhartcn. Ulr. and Mr,,. W. J. Gibsoîî and jmiy. of Toronto, vLm'ted wich Mrs. Y. (311.on over the holiday. *,Nrs. A. ?Jnrtbewsun. or Toronto, mpent the holiday with lier sister, mirs. j. J. Lynde. oit ,Broodfleld.", iML'e E. Gimbisît and 1r!enck Mise Sbepman. or Toronto, 'Iverc with Mfr. and Mr&~. Lou C&lmbiett over the 11ev. Mfr. Miliman occupied the Ipulpit or et. Joh-ns Bay churcli on eonde>'. Holy Communion wae ad- tzluLtered aller the niornlng siervice and Moly B-nptsm %vas adininisIered te a auniber of ethildren ln the ai- 'ternon. 31ie. snd lirS. Brt Rarwîey were ln, tewn ou MIouda7. UMey. IBnwJey 10 0obb' hniproved lihealtli'sud -wiîl &vend a montil with fier ajeter. Bia.Bys, negr Bgottqvliie, »J" sEdIm- a Sed6n.-o!Pickering, and Mi>w. IÇeowu, 0< Arg>yk, bym, M- taraud lioc alter ylitIw t ýtbelr grààdrather'e, Ur. 'Ch". Bâte",lu VvRe. Rob;aaon nid ealIdren, -ef Vol.dm'ter, are lltlng wjt a re Rloblmna'îparntfs, 3r u ie Jas. Ncoga PilE; BAME UNE WEST. ~r A. A. eron lia% sctired a 05Dboo1 at Fenelon lFalls at a good OdIr. Niok J<obert.-on. (7f Toron to, took la the sports on clvie ho.iday. The Port Whitby Èyndicate open- ed the threhing smanon al -flr. D. sBathb. Ur. Arthur Hardy, ur l3owznanville, m>,nt a <ew days vîsitlng hfil brother and mnotter. ~Mr. Joe Hodson aud n, party ut friencte f rom' TRochester arc o.¶.mp- lag on the beach. *Ir. and Mm .W.J. Hgiyera4tt. oif Brociklln', vi»Ited their ifriende ln camp at the beach. Our oorrempondence mas entruated to a Pickering rarmer and falled to rench t)iîs 0<fie i n tim« for lait vIffe. Our tiLrmers8 are busgy 'wIîtIv thelr ba.rley bb.rveikt, which l.q a rELir Croýp.1' 1i Mir. D. Lýarûeron'q s911ter from Buf- <pIe. Lispiayling 2,hlm a visil'. If% Your Trouble Indigestion f Th"n 'ptobably yon - kuo.w t> B uTle or dis- tention, <ermentatlon and- Irritation ýtbWEa ny ~I~i7dWmlgave troubles. Next Ix&-ta,t Wte know how preimptly Nerviline cumrê% ,Quick ai rwukIt rellevea bloatlng and feeling cor -fllnog& D'ut@ts t1o nire. digestive apatum il, perléetorder. makee you <ce! <It and flue ail over. For Internai p«n Polaon's Nérvlinée sur-d' plnissaeT.?>'known reme&y. ICeep if la the houm a1wa.ys, It', a ouroe «t coumfot la tbe hour of emergeo>. CLArgebattlas <or 25. .Lfl dalers. We have for sale>t Lhoýooekt,, Si4skatchewan. Picked wifld prairie land ast tempifgrn Special for Two lWýek- An improved J section adjacent to junction town ail undler 'CéùUvatiOn, abn crop, firet clase in every particular, at $25 per acre. $1500 cash, ýbalance, t, -i -i "I p to suit purchaser; interest at 8 per cent. This land is easily worth , $30 per, acre, at which price the adjacent lands are held, and to, which price th.is shaI1l~ be raised on the lSth of July. Tue M i i i i i L Geo. w Bewell CO. Lîmtite (Successors to Beweil & BewelI) Real Estate Brokers and Fixiancial Agents, ABERNETHY, bYe Rev. H. Orozier, at v.b% »Jmm.fi Aseuinir, Artiniue A. !1epoke. .pf Mauefleter, Towtvshlp o<r PAafl, tg IWI i#eMnuteI. M. ým> !ell, U<Troento. RAÂY.-AtWido.0'.TIuay, Aug. l*t.,10? Elor euh rlet orthe lake sNtalliel .' ed68 y~ * .i oj'y te ..o elieiO' o 60a~ avoid tliisrah, Aux. 22n&4 COMPETJTIIJN h ALady'or Gent!eia' Thepublieof théeWhitly Gazette and C:hrouicle -wantts - to inceehî bsrinit I désire -to- advenise y lut, watches- hence -the follo*wing - - SASKATCHEWAN. I._________ Yes g- :thjs 9- i i i v i -t-. I 1It ls the weather for hot have é juc; the,d htweatJher. js anoff rline fit UJol,ý aeî c BeaBuyer. Jn'.E.WATI à w!P. anaW,. S- A itl&i you'te m

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