Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1907, p. 3

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'Iftàh ut eh 1ng îhsý ne, pro- #tt'ure. The expert- . U0hava ýlearne,' ,the,, origin of canceri go able t'à form mor 'ttuî i tho nature of file fotr, te rapiti multi, etornarllsý- oucstions o! Vi.~lnd fmllyliabillly Lotehle dL%- ~a aarecelveu i ncreased attention; Om sible Influence of "Inherile t In- Wle-~hing rîgomously Inquiret inic, -ande.tprhnlnls bava boehm matie whleh - eQw r4b-t-opitâe icbrun 0 -f surgeons t c* ~aù&é la curable Itho disensed ULs- - o* ezmpleely ryrnoveti at the rarlest D(MIP1Ã" lime. Furthcr, the nslga- have strengtliened certain carlier ofa valuefor example, that - aC - iversa la vertebrate anî- Iýa1s, NVi4gut referença o k>theîr food;f -Ihii l Its frequi-nily de%,eiopediIn parlsa -of the body Ilint are subjeCted 1,t'roui- ztfnu*4.- Irritation; that il 13 oftén con- ,secth'c to-sorne direct local tjuù7ý ëïd, ,S) on. A metlmhd f~r ; ~umosqultoee oe~gl~< thrm (e world ot a 'laine umhive- n %vlth my athers -et il La cao that pre-j les. 14 Wl opte0- ail alnpllle aegthls continues ifs peace. mauIi n sM1, lices be- -n~ets, smudges andti 101o! 111cm purpose,l '14-IOh -BUlLitoc-genaIIy Pt> -~ ~ie~r II lis idni - Wiiolà 1the Ideal relgios mntwas erre Who, whlle Pldwith houghla qt -.Gad, breahing a ,A'AëiualûtnG3PierÉa bçng (* c im .UWigs divIbe,%ve 'm VMIr Jthâin- tbOy are te us, siiîi. ebese la0lve .mdg, 9tn;WIQe SCJIIi béblong *0 te u., thr y!r,1d, dellberateIy Chose to :stay InUÙ ihIïge wlio ateediy aoughtii tc - wit common people, MaaRY bave i-lad (4establiaL-,h Wi.sdl v:nhty bY showing that lie came bte tbis World i a peehilhr mannt-er. Tbey are missing -the point- BisdMvntty manifest inth 1e way 11e livet lIn1the 'vnby bis reidenco here rallier tiean by any arguments té 10 itsrigizi frorn over tirure.-- He liveti, aie, and sIepti;wlth people,- wilh (he poor. 1h11 needy. Wlth %werkitag-- tren; Ile broke breat with TUIE HUNGBY MULTITUDE. or dinede withfthe rich. It wes al one Io Hùl i iellhcr thcy wore purpie or ocarse linen, whethcr they recined nt banquet tables -or (at1e he611 [ resh caught and brofled by the lakesîde. His passion for hananjty is evidence cf [ils divinity. Ile loved men more 1han creeds and ecrenontes, form andm tradillons, institutions or custonIs.*FHe shattered auicient iawvs tedo good (o eue poor needy betng, le %euid ra- ther "ook lot he face-<SÇta fellow be- lng eat any time than listca W a sermon, or even to the songs oi angels. The religîeus leaders of I-ls day- se- vfrely dencunýIix u beause. [faap. purently was 'ý\hat %we w-old cali a "go<M feIiow." flus presenco gave olierf te anyOoempany. 11» 'Caed ýýibh.,tleui ogiaeu80=ý ti fr aces and batsMMj fkwedHlim beause looking it ils He üewîýô-beterwq rto express Ilf Oua, ens than ýhà of simply ii wl~'i lï Hi% eUo èrhing wilithe Sit. ting tMth'tar'_>adsule with then, ncôL preachng, but~ conversing, going al oti wi(h symupathetic cars open t 1h ir, *rrotiwst corning close, Io their dalle- lLètivend cml mnhfesting 1the spirit of loYçe iCi the Fallier _q! atiUý* 11 Ilis ,was the goi#«roftego neig1h- boýr and friendithat- thp eternal spirit- that broods ove, I1>el.t gatloftxs neer find eirer true neigh r to gyery man, ýlc-vigr ýand 1 -Iýi- th t41 hgi Ipilviege -o!iman is lb omo near kW lus khlow beingsi to 1ive, mong thern -wîth lgnlie heert 'and 'hoiping hand even as he was iioi. -Il wouldnt- matie a whIL ofeSsentiat, difltrence if the eurioius,3hould dwmnn -strate that there veyer flad been such a lie; sotmehov the worid Ibas tls isdeal [Picture. and II, neyer cani. ho tukùen away 1-oîn us. Oums nw is lteè vision once unknown, that th1e noble.3t life ls thal wh>ch glveà ltself, end nowhere is the divine better rnonifesle<i lhanin th11e lic Ai common everyday kindness. They hlp uw niost who corne close.st to us; we ail need living teacliers moro thian-ths ê UMoatlofical teaching. XVe are hungry nôt for syliogisîns, but. for souls, for lesh and blood tolks %,.ho" wili let their lîearts out tb us. The world,:la.,hungry (or love, Ibo greatet, rmd th1e sitmplit -Of.aIl thilngs. 'le" s a...poor heart-hat, cÃœnnot lejirn th4s les- mil thuft the hast we ucn give 11115 Ïwoýrld 15 just our simple seves In everjy- dey ways o! kIndnes. HENfly F.-- PL The 4dooi 1f è l, poe content -h< m- &lves wlih a -~beap h oglefien 'vooden kge- abpu't- 50 cents. -A -tiog wish Z. iwdea -or metai tcrînxne-leather leg speeduly ,d isoovers tbat-ttis là a Jiost cl! ectire -weapon ot defenicoli detil- ing %vlh cl ,heï àud flghing de. -And wilh -e liLlle irartb lce 1W taie 11mb, eipeclally %when fitied W ith à tnovable- flexible joint anmi paw, serves- as 'veil tiur locomnotion as t-har-cal article andi tom ma en efficient holder for a delec- table bon'.- A PIIi3iael1 pride anti uppisiliness cimIers min the iarV -of a dog %voering a glass eye, a set o! talse teeth or a vulc-anile paw. FIE IS NOT AS OTHER DOOS AIE. Therefore 11e carrlcs bis niose in the air anti saufs superciliously ai lormIer Ca- ý11100 companions.-. Even a cov with a wvooden ieg bas t(cen -cnown te gtve hrslf Insnîiftera-u 1irs Ln. thee pastures. Vban 11e'acci- dent occurr-eti 'vicli necessihaed mun arlificiai 11mb ber owner wasà effereti £.2 for lier. As soon os tlimet; g vas. fitigd ber market price-rose le £15., Tb4e(prevtrbîa1 aine lives 0f -catipre-ý seevêthefi lr m Oee-b-acInt te whle-hmore Yentuuesome",cantie flh ig héir; àtill rs eun1 onsun-, dier Ille skillful ilarlom o -evet- TIE ~ S LESONiwhIch tlb. burlal 'veuld teoesswffl take, e ansplints frhe f-ata~ > 5. In - Iheir oatac- or ue la --- -oetld INTIiNTIOALprke6y taisn.ng ,vt-hebti cun , ïchÃŽut n'ue isiêina -drn - ,rQýà a n g hi e fêt-- i4 lJa wira ,~eo hat tha-y4à -si -med0 aieWsilns î <m4 AUGUST 1 . nd"attham.- sltÊtealing a, lcth 11e.wmry ftii-day. ILIlueve tuhé v & 6. Eeaa0- ati ihama-Th' o re'- ldWnso Long since ha hati hen able W1~te mialring sons o! Aaron. ,JÇieazqr, aller te enjoy a bone tbav i h coli net ' re- 10 me-nMy brait -esson VI. Thue Sin of Nadab andi Ahi- IuJ ftther's dealh, becarne higlupi-est î cleicere anti smrns, «ten at"an -eaulier Utite.1 am railmti eertslso er-e- bu. G"tdmuiTest >1 2.t Po . h-v eoio 1e sttèn o! chie! *11e fr n i"e noofll ée. esýD wal- iee t THE LESSON %WORlýwSThDg. 1 evt' . Ahîglu priest ha 1lep astkwd ie itIaesnabe (a laepbtctila SI§Wbeniua- In -dibzuttng- tije--land cfothesecond atcl D&don (th& ext ac lii.RevisetVi VerP-pa5euog1.tUeBs- - vr -rtelusme ac-nilcaea ulcli Sion. ,>,, ~ _ , ~ ~ rt-n _oving bavp- it ow. t QtSIaIIow d-, oesnt- matie a "And H lJjeboyahj CQlled.'-Ïhus di4 ecat ena z eaqulPo$ w thea 11- ths ~gab 1e third bSoolf 1te l'entflteuch by th1e opening phrase t ftjý eý4uhnlbèr's fMlsry, II s curious what irszi sentence; we cannot say 1ilst$flrst ri 7 er- ora esw iil Ims atdchapter, gr even venuef- ietcap clhey cen break Up a lawvn fête, writtngs o!Cf11he flebrews liha- neithe#,, ;Çttan4oçleiUlo isusson, atichapter non versM iiin;io- --punctulLon - muaie -et auy kuzd.-, pa Ie Qvers avowal a thling not-worth Musi remujat our»eîvjý again anti i galià- lLutentig-. -Th0a mOst -beâttIfi lant- t(hat- 111e »unctuatà,n, -paragraph1ngý 9PO 13:J renduered, UnaUtractive by theîr cÏapter divisions,- -oloabr piresence, andthelmaswecbest ci musti om pgëf ins !our BRues are c i prveyrecmt aitions ho andi modI<j chrM wwn _= hit b e -ail lcaliotus oeth1e originel lorm of the e txL i<xic IRmillar hum, bMagic 'vnds bave Thlus ais.thie dedastaion Mie Thhtc 1»Mh waited bâore (base Lvil things, bui P!ook çl &MOses, Cmmnt Cele4 t" 1 iey' smm t t1 avures rprês,',AôU. d t ~the finn ý4 of ii1 prffiests -down lete 4 P D4, wî(i h ie . ceptions e eu-s of lii cb eancia an, l b eficclufalW rof 1 hei frm tkn them euot ~ E i ntiloing Ihee, ,was putlnluwth barsT Wr b.yj VENTYui Ul Çr I'ývcî- Thoer$iaÏr urlt in a sgfnçz1uurs mu t-tu ;qurerâ . , a bine tunel ý11dj iot. le0 Çvtt 5~ ut- Stecr r iisls 1h~îatnd alune yOU IJUbberS, IhWeWy - lo*.' , t W*'* ry 0 ÃŽ, Mi ~a1no ed nfOt even his huil. -This Ila-thb. CalI i tai lthe BrItlah -ý ahtr" 1 dJ nt against PIi&r ate undother iredords wi -co- seaÙinnreceivýea et a'quarter tb -lr,Ifl uc, bciu 2Qrpef,$Ml.?1 vinoe Aller 81it lo- a su jc nwîhVtMOrntng. lié turns out" altéré aj oonml cd à'a u a t <liela etttId bjilaown pinIn. erlas 'of attetches *and yawnsi sleeplily majQrltY ai04 h~is bIs -0 go a lhysaen nd, bis wItole ub1Whis eyes, und roecsb resaIlideded LI Y-t aiI red 6 In 'Cannon-rooad, ithueill 11 e whIle keeplng Up a ru>- 190 - case, wu thmi - BlekeyKen. Fr mny years ha ba1 liflie eo urses'<directedi at the sb1p, Jdhh WlI1Ims hen, -of a roV1ng dlsposîudni andi ofteff the- sa aandi ail I het appertaîns therýeý-- k.tk he -Së*tièý- NletL ùyway i-te seek werk in sonîe? Other k. H-avlng dressed, ha lght uk-n ftRll i n ý_, 1-Llecoun r ~Thereor4 wen,. avitablo pipefui of 91g~Sdt-~WÏia' w On Aprfi '4; .teelib .ee'Is niention Ihadarnan vile, tobacoo, a;à wzèe J Out. eerg1ng wtli. boôix a -o!rey -on b aler a- jo'b ne one auglitbells o la srke. "E1glit ala"gkeu nes, 1 . ~ ~waga abit sUrpri d. n 11 l olliwing bourse voie bellows, there 1* .a nielow Iha Iower Vfllt,îpI UtéW ý aY the dead body of a man "Wt -ehiftinng, and' the 'watciu beovilui-ns-able( to ý&bf*-'à setW theeifrr 1e Tha-Mes ai Chaise&, -out ap4- reueivet s tli n at thewheel ie é. ught E1dit 8g41113 -and e description of the body w as ci. ani tbeelcquî-. fIL-l our rnê'tick-',' X>, culateti.at Ihe wheel ",,0 l-4 azq. àLn- le ü ads THE soN*s s'roY. high up on -the- llng> b"' dg in'theýbit, YVE nDICT FQR. lor wind. eàrelessîy -glaeln*iê hecoma. Te i jt *u htlàhý Steler's 5son5L14d tba Tewspaper vmw an s fow ando Uien anPOgvlgl,.,-~ -U"OnSunday, April ý28,, wblII 9Sculo!poesoalealpi!n I eGb et work in thle gasweuq<sliera, one cf FOiUliHouaSRECE. wili Iliwe r~ my maes Cme - in %wlbh IaCOPY -CI Yeur average trlamTp ýzeamn f 10 'Lloyd's News,' âand shoed rme a pnra- frypartieular about 1115 steerlng. Se i th 1t1 gi-ph eadd, flu ~ystery ci a Onf- long as ho gels there, it' irgh,.ê k JSyed~ ~ ~ W Mn'EeydtflpublMlcd tal.s- ,and ihae nIy lime lue la torced41* l'ed Se exacUy with thet of my falluar steer ana accurata -course is whan ilthe hat I reit sure il was lus bodiy that eeagle-eyea maâtes happen le check Ia-~~Jpy had been tounti in the Thames. My our-se ana hurl a- few fulI-favored6". heata &.-ther had bast an eye and IlunO a scar compliments aetluis, poor heeO. tWrSOp iie 1 ,Ovar the right eye; so led fthe deati threa belis ho la relleveti for Ion fmin.Cù r hng!elxel Mnan. 110 hati a broken toc -nnd a. dam- tiues k> get a cup of, cofkfre and a ml«,ii '-WSgraùInlethigL b ageci nqse, and so abso haithue dead at bi eco, ele s fuh pro ! h'runln il mar ciateti. Back tb the wheel again, l h t Wilimb.g 'tn "On the follot,.,ng morning 1 went tUP steers until four bells, when, a fres11. aepun - euçtdiz -th to th1e Hffleferry-road i nortuary, anti steersmian cernes en andi ho Join~s the- ,OOiat 0 ~ ~ l1 bad no hesitation in ldenlîfying 1HUI rest o!f the watch under th1e bosun andi a0mWd heé Iba bc-dy as'ht-la of my ftQer. The iicjuest puis ln bis tIme washing paint antiTue, dbnouenent,,céam was peld on (the Tuesday, andi six «<f tserubbing tecks, iflernbers qttIêSiÀre us brotlmers andtI siters went up Io takO The ime drags wearlly on, but at ii1 naw5paSeà bIIpih _101 lest saud fatewell. Molhc-r wuastoc ii lest the %velcome eight bescon g*lll ve-of t(lb.- to go. Aller the Inque-si, when an -open and bis walch geesbolew féor erhours verdcet o! 'Found drewuied' was return- Aller partaking ot breakfast, geeràlly fe, wve Iad th1e bodly broughl down euonsLting -of hasli and coffee, 11e turus Aeéord1ng le 4hê ii l'rand fthe rernftt$ were -buried (&A in untu sèeven halls (11.20) vhen dtumer lother Of -WIl)lëibW<- b $L Lukes Cemelery, Broinlry-comMn-n is pîreti. At noon 11e turns eut ag nj drùggec4 7hftmselt tofie PUTFLOWERS ON GRAVE. fer anol lier tour hours when iê *t h6I .0 ne1~- 4,We licd taken It inta (urs tfogo t'w <md dog watch twitil ;&p.m, wic hen n t bardlho Car gsted. 1 andi place floweson the -grava airer aid rua .f.o! ur -on and -leur Ofettczflea grà15I> lie-all yiis lqyltle-vr oc astone:,wotiuld: q - ni<n èiaîly siaIg i.a1~b 1*lae ntiw n.i11 ning at t,é rn~i pçsrs suit! ~v*ie- I ~ peiu~e an4 i611434 il]

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