Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1907, p. 5

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Lhat! vo have tho' attcd QUI fort«hat îi n uie otaSUîi7ïvou wth thep Sand thercby give Comp4 RegardÃŽng our qualifications Und@r the bcading Eye Specialist wc roter you ta your ncighbar if he or e.e wears glaises. If gottea tramn us you will iuvariably be directed to cone bore. We have tompliments pald our work oVtry day and we arc sure wo can picase you. Our Guaraattee which apphies ta ail lincs of aur business is -ENTIRE SATIS- FACTION." Any pair of ions that are flot so wo wllingly roi und purch*.se noncy. It wll pay yau in satisfaction and in maney to coasult i ,wier Md .op Ph6nc. No. 67,> TTJ 1TO ICE PACKER49. - Mawdust lor sale ut Edmondeonti eîlli. HighliandiCreek, oppoeiîe te4 Maix well Houso. The 34th Regirnental Band wiîl elay at the Whitby Skating Rink on FridAy- night, February lot. BAkatîng from 7 to 19 o'clook. P. È. Burns, Manager. S One' o! tise <mu-et Piaosnm(lqit otir Factory, n'a' t.oI ldiis lweekta Mulr. Johnt MoCulluck, uho tiNes uouth dt Etield. Thli Elegant Piano lirenie or our New »Cale IN'lllianlq. 47tyle 50 mrt* W. Siiit, -oe OJiawrt, ars r- cisrued a very fine ty?'e V': %ll and Sec -anud bea.r t basq IoIVCy, tonec) Planoe. A. J. STALTEII 4 , Citiolce Floritih andi Naval rni grs," ru rit. tangerinem, whil* iovesr bcrnel fàt J , Wê%tehousw'., DIEU AT- TÈE REFUCiz. - Ur. Wfokjts. thse lfi t iU*4 W ftbe e venu e'3-2diely,1.-Vik Cota, but it ",s~ pot tç~I m on & P o1d o i da n e tal t' , andthdt ef uieiU tek pt'we k u ?iaqsy. te ,ttse (iboV 9 to tts excell UIcolîeet- idsu-r Ç*blo oie of. y'. IThe t-rd ta 1 Ick.. to the et é& IMsing the cotructlin- f ï4Iriweh Uietrrm a plInt om Vllé Imaî in neo?1rai) j inm Vitdoria, p aCo wnsl0 ~ ~ r*Thd aem, to a point Iu thse TolWnship af ;Mira tir Thorab iti thse Cotunft eOutitrio; ai-go a branch Une (ronti e. point vu the To- route Branch lunbtheIN'wnehip of EMi wtGslllintflury or WhItchureb %.n tise Cbunby ut York 4tbvoiiglî 1 hp Tuwr.45-i-p o itKng La thse tuty ut York nuJ tise Towmnhlp o! Albtion ln te Couuty or Peel t3,' a point oui the Port e&anley UBticb ml the Townr4h'Ip oit (lniedon ll>î the Cotinty <4f Pecel; and tuLeo tu oxteud the. time w-Ithln svhich tbovaupacy re (o conptruct Its fines ud&branches. 11000 & MIA0EII, Soi Icit orii for ZAnlIcaote. OtUtaw, .2lst january, 1J97,48. l)lED AT NINETY YEAR4 T-here (],,Pd lsre bu Su ndei-y imas, nt thc venerabe age LttflJOeareand evefl montibe. Mr, 'Dýmaiel 2ioBrady; Whis for over haif a oenturyf h" 9 beon a reekloaî t WI U i "gil ltif Soutll Ontario.t co1nty ofDonegal.IrelBand t to IhIs Country 'i ty-bê'vn y«er ago. Ater res4dIng là-Q ~ ' »blcrt tînto 1e roinsfaTqiJ t 0w r Ogate. but ahwIt1y-.afterwair4-q-r4e. tu.rild to ~aas .nol~hôiod »I ýeC eha oI1I5-IUi - t*i Pct1lkuing, where, héÃ"Iiii.lU01-sw ~t»s Wùa. o oupation Ùp tt i <lYeA7ro, bualneqa nd took tpi *l r"ëùq lia tb ise4w n Wha ~ tt e n s. s ud la m e ss u b u m la ,t h é s b o m i a -wldow, six 4ons lacé tire Ianterg. Tii. sns a re 1tov, .îFL *radYp 'a ümnber of the Bseillan tbmmunity. andi Presîdent of t-h.Awun,ýM on Col- loge <it sandwkh. t u.; L.V. >I.y Brady, K 4 brlte,roronto,; Wiliam McBixa4y, barlatr, Port Asthwr, Ont., Frank hiordy.nxS*- ehant l.Mntenç, Moh.; J. H. Ma- Brady, 2iInneapoil*, mînu. lI3d JTames MoBrady, fariner, Pickering. '<'he daughtera are Sluter 'fathld(g a noembe.r of titeLeotta lComuéjty; Mr4 J. .6Lne %Wjbtby,; lirs. J. P. Dunn. (Chabthamn;Mr4 E.J. O'Neill, Toronto. and M:ms Kte Mear&dy, resd.lng at home. I Tue f uern ain -s bd OIWui#Df. day moÃ"rning to the f'.I'ý ch'teh. t he,"bto te 11, CL t"tery, P!o1k. eriîmit. '( '1 ' . t TISE TABEIINAOLE. A grand ostereciptîctan %Slertala. mant wilIl te îVen -i »~ 'Ja.. nati$i ouFrId3ýey eue F"«% le, Ib -BFýtubt%,of Vst.nboro ft2iwo oqXwf ?Cal 58 ptýd'jotl4- Qoc.*'WO >l' otsw.Â4esl «r oz Il tr i oageM(s. Th.y hav9-Z diaappointe4 Otheî and tbey witlidiïppOiOt you. WIIson's Studio it» tutheo',*the I<on; .~.fJb0,i the benerlleent Wols % of isubsequent Iegiatton which haq 'jut un n legal- baçsA th? work of 'Mr .Kels4 and od Çiidren's À'14 _-ocitieS throughoint the Provin",e. Perhal.- one «i tho iuoït wonderful reçito attained by 1 hl,4:newrlmethodto:t tro-tt- ment Jor a (,rreat e'ocin 'anq cconom. icai iprbblemn kthe :ibolition lof the ReTo'rmatory for Boy4 ;li I>cetang. One liundred luimates Iiive Wd bween conrerted into promLsing youragiumn d'istributed ail over 'the l 8.,.nen crufhonor f4~flft i ,Pveryunan, tbcjr hac tbAbeen turneti frum "'rixninals jni- ta geifsnstaIn.ng 'and regpectab(il e- tizenl. The estabishmc:îst at I>cne- Lanl.'us s.'n ee ?beecattir neO ¾i n!ta an aw'yium ïor the in.saire. ln simple, carneit Iangutage Mr. Koso týoIl 1 ) thi~ reaily renm.trkahie 'fachleveuict. The, a(drezs wmas ;pre&ac.l y (a io.st UaIproprlato iîltrodilet ion rrom fXoL. Farewell. wha3e long eiperk'flee as crown attorney anL1 4rofl ph~il- anthrop' 'c boi have4dujirably qulai- 1f1W hlm btaepeak with atvthority upon such a .uîhjecî. The Pres1dùnL Dr. Maugh. w!th b:.4 nccuetoined akopt faciliy filhled Ahe 'chair. Oth- ersi who apoke iably la (.upport of the vrork Mr. Ke!so has #.o apiendicIIy laccompllshed ivere Judge MeCrtmmon, L.T. Barclay, Dr. Adams, 'Principal Brown. Sherlîf Paxton, lMeqarg '1'dd and WikMLflelcl of the county boanc:t. ReSolutions of thnnlkiîolheetxr<rrE uand to ttIce y.he Wpeihnimary oitsi1 for orgnasing a local tildren'4 eo.dt sooioty 'were unan! ousiy tidopteA. Judge MoCriannon,, Col. Farewell, Iprlncele BrO'Wn ad Tocarth ~e 0«&dent oIgy sand tbOWa&yOj., Wergý d&uSed. *114h Col. Fa.rewell &« eoe. ,!"et,- to go ,01 5nd oiti Mbe t tIée.ý bWint to mietii0*EII lbc tlOo wiu*> wme I"ltvuýË*wstai >Mr3k-. xdeu'a ediutjig to t1kre -tI eourÀli cou~cl te ,te*" î -ndibi-sêel&ro à-, 1~v~t ~ in WIhb~. X~t',UndL t ut trimm kota upen LhtJi bourg iai, but t- the ndînensl Wocrk, p b i #*ai keM*r Paton <Cot t1g j th daiw-n. Blarclay was again lugoa loir the locaiv A Blancehard and V Goluld played a brilllant eganle.o bourg tîi li t1.1a ea cal îk Tuve gal on' the réund. oe The L:ne-ujp,-,11 %vhîty- Gal . a.ca lntt gm"th'; evr.1out lrttck; 'Over, A. 1lanchmrd ; contre. Gouid'; tr wlig. Blane"urd; right Wing, *a. ICobourg- Goal, Paton; ;o;ut, nlul_ er,; cover tpolnt,- MolKinuon; roVer, Bentiey ; centr. iiirr ; let wiug, i MoIuCat ; rWg't wing, B3ond. Svc Frkid&y, àMarch 2 s, tl, bpa r Ifarold Jarvi-1mat Sng hetwr.-o weight. Fin-der pleive notty j. p WEBSTER, box 108, 'Wltby. TUIE MAYORALTY PrOTE8T. The pirotes-ted 6êeCt ion ba»e àgalngt Alibeàrt Jackson clme nie 1 beOrn 0J udge MIetOrimmon ut the ConrIt Hoyuse, ou -Mouday [ast. Mr. Biarclay repro. ,e n t M t h evr, -t nd M r, Onè tofn the r4 cunbera lb 1t iI im~ -meffibeted ihat dilring t4 te iotio>n M.r. Jacksýon ra'%ed thfie «uestlont 1b8 t o Mrn. Barclay',sN tîuorY qualîica- t 1on, ani t he laýjt tevr '*ubsyequn tly %.. taitateil by at tackingr IM". Jtokgon'ti right to ithe t est on the ground that be did DL ot 1e s he irequlslte quaI- fi-a tion himrn. 3fAOre oallng any s-itueseq IrM. Jnt'ks0n'a conneel threw upl'the fIpontre. tUlmtting that Ws (wfae not qualirild, and Digree.îng to çay the co-sts on both @!des. judge I1qçrimnýn thereupen gave juagnent, setting asde0i1r. .Tacksocn'g tection and order~î i1njz bl,ü pia ' the cots- It would have beoa Im'uch better for ail roncernc(.lf fitbl quecu- ticon of qualification h.ad Dat en raksed. Lt ihas re-sulted ira lUr. Jaek, Wn belng rnseatei, and t t hâ Caus. id deLay aud expenw Otci tbÃŽeý Totwn as well. Not outIY thXa 'but1-1 . rWnipred thât gsa .;nre$l'Joif o-tten!. lcfon beln.g drr n ( tb $e#Mtqlon of qualificationi, action W sbolng tbire4t, ed&M eans t f ouario rr 1[iv of -,I ent L£50acil. It kg inodol'#to@4 t mstu (9f tii. 'leat ton ý»ot<s wUià vrrbably not be îesq t hi OT&n#7 PURRELL- At L.QttIpott e Yùîrk. Jan. 161h, V t sê*j bems~Iehed, SI VetcrlSéuary SUus- Htod nor grdue t a~4V Ail diouae o detated anw 4r an sietiScphniley Fretephntfrg on,&0 rof lve, TWroty. -gteedm Oerftce andri ee CL ag iL ani Asition., IKE treo the m[<os<P 4thufum pj»+eý ad ent ific ptri, »apes . ttn1o lets kuade tbkWtbhsety. p, Oiednd riîagtc. Tlst. an Leino th&t ePICnoo bt4i T o thé ,or at'b t hf t -odtTt" . 1.9rma& t WIlI tlio at whb ý Çont + ora ta cormUriecs de M poo ' atuirsiboâe, vre) r Ã"ormg, ,In'b1aek sud 'hite, lour Stok arkS tu, ite-k,flai >IPiuoOvrcola a Dmcl"~ 000. *g*- o '%im Kê it -iro ttÃŽ. t#wiiline. WW4tb7ad ?etg «t ,uIer, MW aowar6 Mtei air 011 er& w*.*I t" k" rj rfi, ir til <rtenctÃŽtltvg ir 04M ù altuN' l yop1r oom,, Ur. Kèmptbbrn' &W hl* uister. *'Who0 11ve4 ove , tN atioi'. vre fitoei rolâ saumiws4 coeeatnte werê vii .ë ~ oeo nhIe OiI.ow. 't"iv-1sa4 ii Kem*~thore bava e ffl4nqulring Moni bul, sfld them t 1ev l as vil . l bot sOp o bokaitla h ea 'u mmOtuodai atteivon a r ¶llwtl0 sd the. $baWtuockis.L , imel plyc a geod itg t à ~wiiesite tisue ýv Ipb,é weite.i lovet, ZB.5atb, " Dto = W. Qcmussor . 4sbot, 400-

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