kt11*wa "or -Aibetm wili require oulyý, n thir vaytoiEurôp,1ý* Ilio m~iger cidstncea d Of general 4 lpng* -cnvn1inde la beai realizdy r«mStoe mopwhere coxparà on :,Mt b nij%* ýtweea the direct rail -Ë1ütà ýîe' V;Innlpeg or Calgary or 4ni t Fort Chur'chil or York tor, ndth devious rail, lake andi aroutes t.o Nontreai or New York. u.reil sad York, like New York and 4enircal, are practtcally 3,000 miles trom Liverpool. There la littie doubt that wlthin the next few years the Canadais- rx Paeiilc, the Canadion ,,Norflèrn, thi Oirand Tronit Pacifie and the Great N 'oriwrn will ail have terminais .zn îiutlon Bay. Sa, in ail probabiliiy, wIlsonie o! tbe snialicr ronds of east- * nCanada hove their terminais on James Boy, wh:ch formns a pocket at tlhe bouffiern end of the Hudson Bay utiore lune. "Avise and shine," for tere Is a new %h4 in the world. tis kthrec flimes c lwap as petiuolcoîni, elght Urnes as îeap as clectricity, and far better than Mher. It -%as ini Paris, by a French ýghinecr. [enayrouzp, ltai*'tLusol,' the fwiluminant, %vus (isroverOci, and il in.Paris that It Is nbout, ta b. used. à '-ýxperfmntla s biiîg nmade there itrrangcd fMr ô xl racted tramd of'n e acetylene, in il and mInu#s os'xplosive- h ighly luid,Iulighly volaille, n4, t'-lgI1y lninmaiile.. A speclal 1~t r4 Uuscd, 'ýTti s o s wlek wblch a&s io dire&eombrmunicalloft, wilh thel tahfied bW'lils problew in,-gt -* the nighl,. o' the univermseare' Ny*e*aId, aur q~eaions torever iipswe ., and uso hîgbei appeal to ,' n lan thaï, straïnge thai mà n have heeded those who, t.hough otten mistaken or but im- postors,. hav.'olci Thussaiht!>hie Lord!' )l wùuld,ý*- &range Il in a worid '1 sprits there ýmtgbt bo ne communica- (ion o! spirit. If tbo fairem.th Our era lxthit~ I whaL a fô > tink o! the f ather, IL %vould be ýMvay by which suc! a, fther righit rpenict labisChilcme. Sueh a worki would contradiet al our best instincts. Such a worid would mean that man wvas btter than his maker. THE DIVINE VOICE SPEANS, but we top aften tisten ln thc wrong di- rection. IL falla nol !rom the Skies; It canes net la étrange, unusual ways of! visions and portent$. Bol il is ever rpeRklng througit lIa things o! daily life; Il is ever revealing truib and beauly le the innor eau', for il cornes not froin witheut but spriugs up wigbin; heard by theUebni-t rallier than by the eu'. 'l'le hes-t ings bave not dropped <luwn; they bave grawn up. Lufe s not f:Drn v:llout, but tram wilhin. Coed ispeciku nul in thunders, but lun Vi hpes an-i tUe longings of hearts. EI'en the voe w~e boni- ln the slghings of ftue wind or the message we rend lui lthe raya of set ing Sun must ho lu us befere IL rnenris aught ta us. The ten connînandrncnts owe their 1THE S. Se LESSON WMERATIONAL LESSON. ly ,nott1ýafly wrihlg on stalle, butý eir wïrting on ouI bearts to hef ~Sôé1inI an- answers arMtivlY. eonly moral code %we ean féloliW 4 that whicii eipeaks With, the authoritY;, or a conscencelOOconvictind. That docs 1>01 JJwOln Ilit ian 18 hisýtaWfl God, non' ibat iio'knows no0 lfw higher than hlmi- self; 11. dees mcflt 11>6bý-,the IaW$ o! splritti&l deveiopmelit the 18waslabehi wrttteni on every lheait. I r gaiel"*,alon Is'a divine rè, ten 1>e tail truth la di.vine. Once wve fugiit Ithescientistthie'-enemy cf religion; now we know 11>81 whenever scienice iayibore one of the tacts of the unl%*erse we but look on what the finger 0!f the Infinite bas vwritten. \Vheii re- Ilgion flghts truth simpiy because trtt speaks an unfamîliar Longue or faits to repect ber traditions, she is flghting figaînst cGod himself. Our need Is not sorne strange, swe- i r..pirtng voice ihat ai! break the lsilence of!the nidnight sky; our necd AN EAR TI1AINED ýjeýencc1 S 4evnices ibat are ever spetk- lng in or worli, ttieo vices ofthIe beauly o! nature. the joy of living, the. a'-orles o! everyday divine beroisrn, the forces that arc maing a new world to-1 day as lruly as evcr onoe was n.ade long ago. The 111e cf oui- day bas§flot less-of the divine thon the lite aI long ogo; but the miessnge t, harder ta rend: il s for an educnted rro.: illa s piritual rallier thon iiirrcly nialeriai; il Is frein wîthin; J! la found In erygood impulse, r every oulgoiîig syrnpathy, in the kind- ling o! eye om trtcnd guecîs friend, In the gond thtit men are doing. in the toicra- lion that is becanng wider, tlie love stranger between nman and mon. lied speaks ta men now as lie spoke to Masos or le David, thougli the man- ner may have changed. Buot the poarn in spirit, Ihose ith whom prideet thec rpast bas nol served ta niake theni ui- wllling 10e Irz, these boni- the voie: the pur'e In henni tee i-ini; the seekers aller truth> Sud filmn, an-d la allHe ceffies luh Ãîe thrilllng nmoment oriluthie quiet heur wben the voice a! the henn't mnakes ltsclt beard. HENRY.F. COPE. mil covercd wlth pfrpetual suai',. 5, Net unt] sevenuly-ihre-e dnys after the arkcs keel first restcd on Araroi, thut Ls, ln 1h. tçuth manth, ou the flrstI day «,! theemonth, Ivere the. tops uo!thé' ordinary or lower niauntains seen. 0Forty Days-Afler the mlraiR. [ eI.Forthb a Raven-The raven- nUsçog.ail ltpoien tpeoplea .regard-, for Il$strelugt b f wligi UIhIM .2IiIss(o hi At the' p!cnig et th e xUfinton a- Gongs ûre hoalen snda blà ckglà un. turird, hiati. ithe slght, O! ai." MokÃà e any candidate- guiîty of inurder or otiier serlous crime is called upopi to dopari. On ea!> occasion, it 18 said, 'deathso - cur, probably froin sheer straIn and ex_- alternent, and the bodies ar6 lhrown over the wal; nover aarred out, &g none may leave the ~plnce whil0 lhe exaniya. tions ire lu progress. Under this great sysi cm, "the most admirable institution c!i ilieChines. Em- pire," notwithstendiiig ils de ects, #an. didates forthie flraiexamiflhtion, (B.A.) arc drawn from the distrli8 of the pro. vinces and examnred there. Those sue- cessful (about ow n'ti every 100 are ai- lowed ipuss) become eligibie for the secpond, or M. A. degrep, for whlah Ihe examinations are held in the provincli Capitah 1From Ihose again are drawn (in simi- lar proportions) those wbo alter passing a third exarnlnation are entJt led- to vacancies In the ofca m mandars, ~ casiz:"m e able an> promote 4hêworthy,» There 18s, bowevCT, yet aniot.her and a tlhrprise open- te tbe few bundreds mous Hanlin College, the examinatlon for which Io presideni ovef W' the Em- perrI person. This stiipeidotis sys. OPEN TO IIIE i0E EMPIRE, cu!miuates flnally in ii contest which re- suls ln the production, once lu thi-co years, o! the Chuang Yuanf, the hight pO-ticulmLrstar aoflcnrnflg of bis day wîtbin the Iimperial reaili. Aiti 111eCr-wd boa golhei-ed arouud us while wcivriieil for the key O! tho watch tower, and we were rnuch amuîsed by a small Chinese boy in fereigu> dreas, wbe strutleci about with bis lands ln i bs pockets, Iuviting attention by every gos- lure to bis cap, o!f vhich he waS inordi- nately preud. Il was n miniature o! lhose woru by the Nankuflg police, with "Osoke, Japai," in geid letters aci-osa the front 1 We saw rows upon. rows. of theselu a number o! shops. At lost the moan returned-with a batchet, itb which, ual withstaindiflg aur aiu.sed r(- nionstrancos, he catmiy cbopped off!the padioci. o!thie gaie t The Nanklng Uncritf Is a splendid Iplie o! buildings, one a! those American Instittonseria bcbhave doue 8o much la 1o;Cn Itbe eyes a! the Chinese tb the defI- ciencies. o! their oîvn ciassicalI system o! . educalion. flere, it was snld, thaI. a geuerai -request preterred by the. stu- 1dentls te ho aitowed tlecut.-off their queues bad been u'ctused ns premature. We travelled up iver on One occaSin, on a sbIp on board wbieh were a nuin. lbeur o! Chines. students retunnulng froin. Japan. Ail Ibese youug thon hà ad cut off thon' queued aud WVERE IN-FOREION IVNIFOltUM. At Wubu there Isla'à Chinese restaÛrant, 1.Wbere torel0gn meals- mayl* bo-cained1 1,îud a&U sorts of foregu cakes ù4dýpastrtos the-u0 e1Of the di.vining ydb xet ta lciwn âmmtdiyas "working Ihe twig,!' and W bashbe4nisungestted by a humor- (jus wvtter that Ibi -ray ho the oengin ntth langexpression "I twig," wbich the vulgar employ to Indieate that they tiave dtvined the Iildden meaning of an- other. ( CAUSE 0F MOTION. The resuits of the experinienls on tbis occasion -were not nitogeiher sat- in! actory, and Prof. Werhei 'mer, ln suznming up, came t thie conclusion "that experfenced dowsers did flot give the sanie Indications hi the sanie place, and tathe movernents oi their,.i,t.l *ere, ln several- of the exper!MÀëhts ~described, due purely ho isubjective, causes." 1NOW OVTet ONE Touelier - IVasibinl years Ithe public statesmen, econ. mn have been c marvelauI3resour the wnnderful dei lnth lb at Ual! Poweî-s, chie! a C'ensui, Washingl has been wrltlen forth Ihat magnit graphýcolly tian-' ai îvcathreceni U'nited States Bur, the Nev York H( weî-e for the yeai the former year entaI Uniled Stati Siates exclusive Puerto Rico aod J., alen of 8,517.3 timate was $107, nilude o! ibis wî by Camparlng it of ether counîirit RUSSIA For such Soun 1900 iust hoe en estiffales of Ett ,-h:à e o! Mu!> was î!matled là er ple tw&wa ià &f Withlnthie Banquetijn~ Uo ls gowv Iluiicippi fluildlngsreCèîntlY aý îne(eting was held ln frtheeà nCe ct' the schenie for prerÇI'vhg the> Auld. Brig of' Ayr. TW'ý chiot, speaker w J the Earl of iio3ebery. Lord Hosebery said be had corme 10 Glasgow on-vnn previeus occaslons4. and ln ,mgny ,dllferent. alaracters, but h-o neyer ýbefQre _Caine éinnthe character of what the, 1peet1wbomn tbèy wverc ehirki1g ( Ib t aywoul.hvecaI of thfy 3garY a woudas b call~eg "Àr jol gaj"' fèwa : ly e asr held not vo& cngoitlto abegrwast ýo;pratioe Laughter.' NJsI. ha haithd a-- &TES! ë e old Chuicie wa* goi ho Iaà y sMe eggs. WhnI. be waos as heof tâm - ibat dsay Was acertin sum ettnei J t .gol w Itlinavey lfià iteci lmetel save what %was - net lnsrely Abo subjîeet DýUA4s Siâe eo! B1uMn! ta«isùo eu. ebt ai- sô an 6oh etI o aioann1ura u Mtel~i m$ Ru ie hAU>4:lTng. --'rge« )* a - Esimat ~ elut1yil~cesaryoa(erwws, suppose> oteon E'hr )tvë-the Auld Brg .ptcaièd 'y ao%ê zreat~ ùncn nllmlluie b rs durlng 1h51 1abt 16%w o uM' hivqa aI*ibe os pisnlibeted and preas as wel aà Our -have, tim again 'bulIt. togelber lin bis omisis and businezs baal< aat Chicago.. mnllng attention tae SttBF hoIY cecs of Ibis nation andi velopment o! the saine Th11e reg] feeling h h iad t beartin l entfury, wriles L_ G. tbis motter was le nveit that stah' frein sîatà stîcian, nuÉeau- t, î eotIênd ý iri fur hSeottlsh emut- Ion. NothIng,, hoever, cbeon 'wbiaii hé tb ouet wuld., be ab- or âpokený,wblch sels selUtly Iidelible. tfeY bnci netinany tude aud gmowth more monuments in Scallanci. Tbeir, prinicipal» lie stmaesc!nation- stocno monument wûs the Corogialln> tly publisheci by. th> Chair In England. t(Loughter.) - the eau cfthe Censos, Bayesténe-e! Destlny was a ïtone assoclaleci ýeral<l. -Those e.etmates na doUbt wIth ntany tragie and Inter-, rM 190 and 1M.- Forý estlng tradition.«, but ho waa not so sure tbey assîgn le contîn- It h1ie Stone .et DestinuY, I l!was soa es-wbhia la 1the Uniled 1 n terestIng as tbis Auld Brig of Ayri- o! Aash, ltwaU 4~bers<~~~ 1!ttey- allowed that brig bu blfippnes-.a vau- e -d defrye trffytallowed 1 o 10,775;.for 1904 the es- 1valuvepa d d wevh sIttteuestihgieand ,i04,211O17. T!>. mag- wlal u oeerIdsslg u >nll unn b. eested owever ieommodious titat 110w .tnsicture witb tbaVof a -uoshe t -I.be, b. lèd ie l; rîtbl*thaIt they 'U b o ÃŽtd b h lete o bid'ýP ther ýens ain. ANDY IRITAIN. WHAT BUTINS DI11. psr!sons the figures for,1 4leeerealize w bat. 1urng, 414 pIoyO~, sinea,4be latesItoc cola &,014tby 't~he Iro n national weatb, completely -ho transfrmed -m Wntion9al telil D»"(grpai Brittin perfeéft1y frue1t e I lbê ra l.ma 45* 4$P,00 -,and 9,gician, Sir Walter Scoît, -did Ina vrsen 7 MO, totùý jýiW or 1rcojiand thà n even Burns41d, palnilà t o necromenc Twhe. WI*thert t --w i à r net Ohe buas hnd r foretold In a. way.te ,.ond 18lpariso eatb4W te ajrl minute details: Ibeocurrcnce.- igý1i4 t p it twQ years, giv .earthcV see flre and water, and more inunidatloo! cd u npreoedenled ié ter. te.Nol _î'mq ia w»;al ci g s o f c o a s t l l u e , in u in d â t l Q t he bhand s cf Aierens, y 4be bands à , M.4e oeêB ÃŽ cour'î'è, they nhMay hot rr-11 sllat . luté sô t:!a hlt iM d4î& tlioie. ri fear âme ,teMIM yulion cn,-the ccasI. or *t "Tesoutta tsmnrkr tte lu -the peaTiaof ieny iAnit lux g r tast reglon." Thwre ii an encourâagifl* wý hIssë. Thebes' Iorecsst, Ior À tuaI.nôtbing cati slay, mardic b teenergel Ameýri No csesKngstonw ith -,IWs earthquske, neer .oiipugh le oun , , f. tIhe UIied States, aitas neousarily vague, words o! su,' Wll .-pm Ibe very stmGday *news a liqnî.I4ýw an o!MDI =wS~e extension cf lte lamp and tba h leldeot i M. $fltt lMDeuayoutessèrt* i tat tiiýr ed toctai 1149 tt fa mail valuable tor culdoor ltunnîn- Out, lemsn tbr h-9toue ût,ïo. Andfor he lirary ë wbléhih tbe Divine -Epir] ation And or lb iibrryrsu draw. And (bis1 le; rooruilIts ideal, ton' Il tg perfectly ass Important; as, soin - 4I1nt, lean, doca flot ).ak, ls ,wlck %.e- which thlbnarrative la1 4nlhoattention, itl sjo snMU, and t" ui llwcrtW' our O -ptoduces a slendy flanse 01 eW4arble caen'.l 5tbMtîon, D ,Wigtiî and havtng a brtiUant whitq ght, Incandescent eleOlrlp Iaraps'usu- il..Cre ruaode 0! Ion, -sixteen, and ýirly-cight candle power; thie troliuet e!tqleunîiaump -withouît lucazuoscnce- ai et Oty-tbree candle power1 acetylene ,r, eleven. tbe lusol lami- s of 100 audle power. ODCOGROWING IN DRIAIN. qxtensive Expormments Are Ukeiy te ho liedsN«exTur_ There l a er probabtltty that extozi avo. êperîmnt lln te cultivatAou af obacd willl h undertakehl next year lu :.ngIanl. I ibsis ladon. Il wtill be due orgeîy ta ltheWâtatlinu et(heMnatW rbi erIwaistngbam, and lte tact (bat her llgLp g.tSb iother pogreve L m h on, aý e btho o t r* oren un tndea Ita lb the mry oft tits poch-Iaklng event biMrd U - t wau kept alîve for many generat1eig t0016o01 by nîeans ot oral traditions,.lb the wMu'y t141 archal hsad 01 enchhosboSld ett4slto t lug the stry ." 1and agaîte lu tue preseces cfbis sons, sud these, la (I-r, 1a.-SIayeê- posstug the story on le thcltbIM!QM. s oe andi threugb (hein lto auleeztîg tenu-,' (J>J phn'au atlons. Atler a timesse 801104 utally a p&rid of ,many, writlsn ececuals bepa tes a . 40betwl« peau', amont wbleh certain omcam the rave* ai uittately to 4- regardedehastndarthe flue ,'O o- clasgic. lu Iheïr graduai develop- «a erSoyez m:entt(boaswritUen*ccOinLe wet-gur4 e ed4 ýby tht Divin. Spirit agsteslcertap- PO -1 lion and ille11.4niore andmmrtwlth ofV41ïo a Gçdmu reveliton: ofbis pposeand i 1. n O will taward mnu. cied« At' Jst. Under the, gulin o-"lb. j)ýdne 4pit, te seuutiofI te FIod4 Ibeefere l ifnwfmm Ihes aiderWftttOfl ýnwa ata ncni 2V. deraily;i wec abS