Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1907, p. 3

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iwoel the tac Mdand S fry -of thé IWs,,rMM thorea ladlr«ît ,onection. Murdul'te unie eclorti Omupaign au à"s dusitg th. doutant. u«Won z-e- Nlnary aeUivty, 1% wiI,ý ho rclidd, %wafi trety abspouded. q%èh.terrormaLe ~4010M (liait tey wouM-,gl.the.gev-' -rnOMIla chauce lad (lieItihera!parties qIué'éo 0test 1h. reati t '(he. "Ccnasttu.' '(lout'" ref orma. Now (lie reveutlonls *saWti (ot Iliere La no teaonlir contin- é.ulne the truco. Sl-olypt"i' <ruUibead -Sutt.s-martial, the daily ecouutin, (the zolippssson of metinge -and news- papeirs, the outlawlng by Se premier of 'the i'anstltutional dnocm-tic parly, (the bueg;aod mosi progressive .«f il11lie PeacOtul parties; 'the toiwtue'o punish efflceleniscrents, lnstgatomem f massa- «se tond outrage-thcne and «ilher hings soe *hçid (o absolve the t(nts sconi- $leeyîlom extenutng any Smlidmrtion *âtatevr (o the govcrnment. ((tt hu nfot S(olypîn grnird a %N lole obteeofa importiint refornis? T'he ans- vwer 49 1liii revolutionists, as weK -a.s of thie "tegni' radirafs, Is that the "-- fortnm e Airdad lel fers, inoce«rle. Thli bsreoearnoy bas du4ne nohînttg (q ca-y (hem Wo û ffect. and tyrnriny, netl Iaw, prevails throughout lin. emîpire. fi La adrnitcd ewon hy fliciirnoderatc.s t hth Ministry tm areiin.'iid uleieytn- popular. No party cars Iobiqpp.ort il,i nono dares dofend il. t!I s (Mis gencral aititude wtdt± makes the, terroriste so bold andti aumcsful. P13y oof ri-- tatiation the "bisack bundreds" -are planning nets <d <enor again.st thse chiefs o! the constitutional mnvement, whom (bey accuse cl sympathy wi(li revalu- Lion. No wonder th. pre le pallzeticaiiy apenling for protection. But whni cun thli Imptent goverameni do? Hundreds Of sumrrusry exccutions h *ave net itirbA dated tho s-evclu"&nsta. ,A poliey cr boncal andi far-retchlng reforma, i- cludlng really lree elections,,' WU4.l -te th&('votutloalsta, but tlie mlia(ry la not strong enougli to force sucli a policy on tha court. IL "td itsel! be- tween the devi! andti he deep ses. Un- happy Rusa t SENTE~NCE SERMONS, .1 The greedy cannoltaho patefulo > Tho ecolesasotîcal boa s th(le eaerpy's tet gervant. A 11111e wtrm clicer doca moret hr a loti tcou cash. The. ton lempty.lte l is e <no la 4h1nka <tily oflse. FîalithlInGoti la nothiag wilhout (eliow- slip wyl(htiman. [lie bo là asot nîcli bavlng uhig Peuple Whso SOIFno ?oY 8" ontl o compltAi when (bey reap nasse.. Niany a gooti decd blias 310I n (pion- lion for jack o! a littUe oppreclation. Large laboset îpIr$ttIy canut ltake the plae o! dMell OIdeuof ot('gbi. Wh týeïer tg' gWteitiu u 'ie cool t cliarootergsabon the wrong "deof thse letiger. A good deal ot retiglous food la spcllhng because itlàl belag used for furnftiare. Il la not thie alga cf the cross, but the spiri of (the cross (lai maties Ite re- ligion. There arca aMillion woya of spelting love andi none o!f(lieusconfltnd (o lt Tise creetioi a chureli muai, b. as .8 Pr th3 divine and net a substitute for if. To open your linrt (o yew' lwotbe Ji Ilise bes etWy tI lff your 3ewrt, 1 your Fathor. Many a tmen Jubo owd (he.ftos,k 1e' lite by lookiIsU ltc teIbm éa t:, U 0o lthelb.greatnuaet tffl fOp* il li bellIr Io put %woi'aclotheu'iàý f(w fô taahan lte isfr ahoit umàmfl n , o pcua ns sai oou tlype.ielbeausw perly Iw&ed cpinht. a% te thoir,,allqny. iwiwnt about lel1n ù~ ed', bit!tlf Ib Wàstri wih lm- ld avo i'heé_r Ia.Ih.a t&atsoii nid wth o pace ice~stIwili becôtià441eXiàd fin.' or ho e b hlor, -On. doesmnot ed aýMlo,' Pc fhe» rnea'surl o!a Èarb 1tw do fthlsrel t,"ic Voe oe Irenders humanlly. molad tu #awaWIgr tor~i otjdùii&t1qfl, by the. saine rulom. 'a t-, lves mati alvmày ta.dli7 1tc Ife, Its rlgM ordth Kb servh *111& Ofie <30"5IIL meatdbY (li&., need--tùW at- for 0, b)ûü" or,*, re mn ateoservice. org ; (h6o ýs1I0CU& Mo(Iw6 îusny or improe.<dce iqve; Monatoduw I rk (liat they do (el be ji*ait ïâ*iite ,trwus og 'whL -tien ÎWand M hm ï 3 e pt (ai sate Alter afl,-a M ~Ql ed Ies au thedu iot se' nucbl Ihat 'nom aia g o lefr, IflslifltaV pecI- ellosvs wvLhrneJ, ilth- clothes. :r vbi, If (bey ei m4b-ven with empoyiit. Lneeds tL* uild:Coouribul.o- k.hey Ébali just go toit(hen. The goM> c uir poe-j n.%r, who iningles 'with Mien, whe il h~c~a.yIlknows how (bey im < d w<ft t e liai tliey are pp6- !li, how (bey suber oand whaitliey b ey cherish p"o-: ft tjfgolng amcnt*tlhefi, ho carnes . . . ..- - 1 A LOVE FOR MR FELLOWS, et Naa'oi OOnAt do it by aittms g n I rin fallh in heamon, snd hopto&W Ibewr pewa r kneeling a ai hr uaz- , Wlat uoîng (hein mnore good by ijq *y tOllàtt 40fit bw dreuIùlMO6ff zence (han ho 1*0o May send4car- place 91 bUIS or it'pCuriag oo le %-Ltada of grocds. (tnent, One 4g'iteiret lasoas hli gl ti 'en i d dno need t1hat Jesus ahould hie disipbw diii tit t i. not lie <bat ar a label sayiiig Oat (ho most lbigla sPeaketh. the swo*, but ho (liai doiS 'a'th wlth i hm; (lie amre he mlIngled the 'ii,. ait1s men, the mcm clearly (bey saw Wfl, 5 LESIGTOGO. 1 .belonged (o God. XWhaiL he was wil- WIord (5 PLe ASýw jjin g TO O . 1lg 'to do for the ai c lowed (at (ey, Nordmeuohktlll(n Oiylm pori- lsnwcre (the ehitdrem o!flihernost higli. ant or contP4eWe4ense by going Io cbura liUany men woutd have that infinite pro- nr serving ln Ifs motîngs or on Ifs consu-,leç with him, if ha - desires (he deep mîlitee.s. VWbe Mfa irn(s ordatned 'Almenseof the spirlt lt icihm sert I I t1ivince ordera. 'tt is, (o glve tiusetf imt ;in closet or covoent, but in the whoilyto (ne,ew-lit and work of thae tueho! hand and in (lie sight of Lb. issost ih, it i aeuotl hat lio becomes fWe o! !riend andi fÉlow being. P mnnînstûr. IfU mster ineians anything: M rtofus are %vooeied at limés li- nt nat t i eans servant, onme whti works cause our li%-es seem waasted ln doing for others, w-ho nmiffisters b (Lhem. The ~-hne ewudlcm rmra %lstèr çpôke of klniset! as being ainong 1b> 'aavtingsoui- poul ersfo oe i-otai Mien as one whe semmed tmn. l'le en-y ieed.. M~e need to remamiber hlm whnm orthodox service ta Iha service o! bu- 11w mîorld mest easily uemernbers and rnantt. nius;t li:ghly honors. flic miao! Na?.- Ttit, is religionl., *uoh a eonsciousness nrelti. whose tife was s&se'ri in trivial n! i c rfliy rif (be niunite -spirit that serices. dning the next (bing (bat carne . n(u wuIl t .ajily do 'he thangs t'let (bat 10 hhnn& helplng ordinary people in t *rirlt of love Is do*, In this uuorld, ecryday needs. YtGt a vt ýrini-tering (o men, Ltding up thse troli- hlm, es ie ever l iis tio s w o 'en anIf it-tlifting tîle laine, and lead- tlieir !elkçws An sinqere srvIce. lng tho wandering, felt.g tise trgry HIZNIIY F. COPE. 111E S, S, LESSONI INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JAN. 27. Lemmon IV. Thse Story of Cain analAblto. Goldca Toit; I1lMmuz3. U.IL TIIZ SSGN WOMD STUIES. > Bauod on (ho (ext cf th. Revised The Iiooti of OrigIne. -- TIi. Rctoîo 'Genesis, as (tie naine implie, lu pr1 mr- 4ty a book< of orgins, oc-beln la h aliaplers à te 4 Ihie le especltny ;udtt fler. feilowlng t(lis(ory, o! (h. crealton îsiul thieceLginof ltse, hwMn a ' e, w. bave h rale b.amunrjth l itaIu_ »~~crI~>!aiIo! m=n rtm.atte ai' innocence, (lhe cusion t - fwéa-ng miothAnI, (the peculiar pli and habits. of (ho serpent, lthesubleci qonditiqa (union#- ancient peopte) 01 nan lte beginng cof agrIculture, t<Iýis tence ln (ho worhd e! siiffering.sud pain, thie beginilngs ofcl(y 1ff, pygsmy,ustc, an tXaurgy, and l ,bonigO pubuIO.>ftpmMpt 004 1400 at &Utb li or hzsltutio 1tfiVwii (OU» a wiwk eK 1 cinialunedi but, tvïcai ue#»eg ui ci lb. numao(v. pwur, 14le liai t (e doc âml of We4 .10*wrÎW Fs . - ctI h1 relIgions Mid inoselai s, Dnen- . tigle -or ia OCwy7abmdtwlih thie authar la effly - Oeuoorn, b auttu is* cora (lite ethcl e dO U O CAM softhletct 15, andi Retire.0 aU lhIW098- A,, ý 4 sequent relatotoCod04hlmOto. the. place sud tss cf mm 1l0 lie WoMW-'Ii I Wt 1lb. suttior's UoC4 »A0$ bm $ USS am pý wondcrful both lni ls s e a aiglit hd« tu poM spo*,Wilb 'qui#lm etsf1 Siu lionexi perlrsys Ibo ffna$4down- n -a. f wcrthy of note thal the M e*omidSiilS paeaity la tisa vicient Cea tisearts sld aieni, 1(!#tinu -C plain thâtaI aisleYalweh. the God o! lsrar'l. the one and only truc Ced, wborn the ii-st fauly of mea worshlpped. 5. Unto Cala and to ie offering he Mid not rselW are flot told the reason for Goals displeasus-e, nor yet how that displeasure wos mode known U. Cain. W. cn, therelore, only infer from the séquenoo o!t(lie narrative why il wus (bat (the offeing of Gain was re- jeted while (liaI cf Abel hie brother wtas accopted. Tlie remalader o!f(thc narrative makes h .plain that fi must hael ;beWa U(haspiri and moUve behlnd 'the act, rathes- hthh~ le mer. oct Itsel!, Uttçh delerushed Ia value 11,(lie sighl ,lot -Aohy. fltS unlenaeeetlt-i H ec=e 6-WIzY sari Ilou Wrn(hlantd 'hYv 194 <'K hd great re&S OUi.fer,=iyjà~' pie wlio were men - O MI ntiogt twoed ~s1xO. à'%'.s -dl1,1~ EV$7I ~ rQ xhehe i'~ 'Tbe',Wmnous echM 'utbeMauy the W.oe had UOL]Yetdied, ed CUW[WectOn was 0911, ripe , tfa joW.#t hipa emplOyed i-,j > ùfià. Channel and the 14Qrth AUantl&. $0n plausible reaaoflor 1~that *gmudo iaoûtêfl1 will i'46m y ou Ï: <,i 1 cise,.o th (li edàuS0 ,bi'$xInbe u«t etCapi. a t IBb1 ww in1 FufldOli.-MidAWriin tormà the AdrflltUy' 1'was rtored aiItthifour mutiùeMtTStiéhît b "* i"d-1J 4uthsfifrom the'Lvt1Y! a ha* i mlen, -out ina avery aàarmtnj-,wuy*,' GarnIS, thlwever, wu mOVt.Ali int4 UtaAn, Ilnding a mnethod'Ot 'PotsUiadlhgltU ne ibanda fate hsa*5u ee.¶ g thuin noe i fier w*ctmon 4LdOMP- SilIy adda, ug.odew~eoêIet gn for ee,, «fl as 1f aa An eaampIm a41 iée, et e0e mm- 4o ihe boat »ll, y"gi19 ghhn 'kl" v doen leshes, ýv@e O lâtiiypita<p Coto<MSeçjUflC*$ l9tchli ir me been falaiY UUiessthe tara et Méhn'à hune were -tougher In. the epiderrulathus thie on 1b avbe,"eMItied up for- a oewid. tm dozen4" tble lo~t tlie nu¶ee wto .endured %M lases was f atualy s(opped, as wel» -U tbe' Consequenm FE«(ED 2w THE CAEPAN. Flogguz4g wn jelashion Ilathe, 4ây.4 w-hen the Fleet nuls either chaafng lt4 foe ter»e n oceali.boxlng him Up lu h is hom ports. Qr - bringlng hlm ta ciose action w1bef*OVi' (OU?». - Even Colinge~dfrIfld0tNelson, and a humane eO*MMand«ýA & humanity waaý then understood-toek- 'iiio battle ai glorious Tralaigcr se"of Me nen, wlo had been flogged by hfi orders for tri- '<ilI nfractions of a dreeonic naval- code. Ne'-son was wont to isey When sbîme tur- bulent tors %wcre brought to his notice- "Turn (hem over 10 Collingwoôd, hé kno'vs bow to dcal %vlthl such îellows" And tlhe man who ttue second column !Jn bot haste on the mneaicrable mornlng ot O)ct. 21, 180i5, certainily lid a way ci! his ON,,n with lntrackbesalloranen. "J w ill malce thoni saluteO, a.msùddy's jacket banging ia the rigglflî (o.dry--eveîý if the middy be dead," sald thie Admirai. -An apologLst for .Colllngwôod pleadà that "ho d.d not cut a'man's Ilesh to ribands," m mayITIbflY .O11 1'dMlfti-sd. "A dozrn or s$0' S WSSthgreat cimjnan-ý der'8 iat Equity demands at leahl a'ln' or Zi pealsement ol the ateffl* 14,u l wlc tIag-ofll6ers and eaPtilins' had' to m'at T facture seamen wb,coItld iitbn4 >Md i steer," sand figlit lte_9=' e ,zend -ahot bus-lied adl-t M i~OMn 'fet oualnth OMÎT 2hywer*, or.,o' rtta k h -ali ef us Who . Uvon kud '&oê 'awo* ous- ýOfurily (o ( ho royalerlflg utiiê, Il" vw*e Uved baré, worked liard,- -ad died Al kart (liai we might nvue d1W p 1é=e ad' 4k quetmes. 1" . il Lord Chasl-le Bexostord4 , e -IIIuII- h* 'cal' *I't(U he dfl ne. now we have-- diwep1 w It fe ca." M4the eB .. i..tti vy cf today lu -a osedell te b ïnfd, bmnace (cm ne-the aipblder "0 gréa taor»aneo. WAJTRS AS A~REIIPT le Slesul mgo ID 110411 oIVer#p. a' viun 4w»d m ss Io t. ia I» mSu I. Ap. - Mtpo> In«= U--"ru ovI tfb Inllnur thp IMMMI

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