Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1907, p. 2

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$TORY kee l ck by, tlï* im te t 'tak ks 9P atIre Alglo-Anirl n, n he dà laàgatnlng eve upon ftil$filly melted 18tIrislan.tir Efbn~'~ahotna s plain* a lin. guageý, O! past and futureft ne-wealher., ». ei k g t6 lookin luupeaims to-nightt" au4i Amella, vIII. a rallier Wb tfldeM éee'as hérlover holdi out bhis haod jo f!M*wUto ber. hog' *èite-s,,-4'n ls own mind he had plapnpd pe4 IV 4ssIon ef his sien- In5 hoursi -at suggested- by ber.' lha~l You &pend I1:e ovenIin tIre usimal "I> supposb seb,' she answers. 111 sup-" Pose we shahl. red aloud; you know father likis t14 make oun evenînga ai like ourr home on.,6 s possible, and Then - t.4 ilo usê my camtng,I" inter- ruptis ho last.lyi 41I should bave no good '01 you;" then. sèeng hirsface fait et bld Id 'Ilt i i ~n &pretence fer escape. ar et , 'bUt, of cours., i! peu wIt<t --dear-if t weuld gi. you nyoausa- "But It would net," cries sho, predtil sWîg, j n U8 rs-OSusual 10 lue, il es ""t tô y têndiuve bi"ftl w-sy_ tatlier sco lAm . < you h4f'rI ter flot ocais»'lImust net 1 red" In a lower key. "I had quttg:ýEhall aný heur, nearly thr'ee cmarera, o! youtll to " an$ -~~ t tIrer 4 anh h ls#su d re< wtlh a aligb-, thit la onW> hall et relie(, tuMSRri way. trotn the. botel andII, -aller a mnen', huttatten, !aMtrs another e i$ Iris ne*I1CUI 10 -,41k b4rtiký--Utrinthé ý dircoIon "Or the bynd ca0nes' aliag boursam hodIr la ulmosi' surs$1t11they dine ea, eiglh. à%facel e - I& &« th#direclion -o et Piazza d'A»ulot1 as- ho addreses -these reasurlng ,retnarks te bilMs>U. Tis isl 'xo, aseof -etNn<uI.oor ovset 4otidJomÈ 'jr Chant ivo, .tjôjjûwtng#'lier daughieri mone lelmu'ely, bas orne l uitsi n !tbia t 5eh lte ls ê Od t> Oy>newa speech 4le',sevoréd traL' leir~ contexi. lie begins lIrai Speech Aaiùe, stll More 88etmInrglY tanbçor. j" bUh ou rnlghtbEga eee -atthe-4be-tnquirbes Yeu askMe me- 1 mean thal I 1 -oLsed t kèwI1 -thet tIre persotg relatbng lta whet-l ma lnqufriee, ýleavis l'lor'ence, tû-marrw". - bis ,bears 'a long slghing breath that nia> ineen relief, tIret -n>' mc ouI>' distresýataithre introduction eofIie elab- ject, fr'or te chair boside him,- whlle 1be eider women says in a tew abrupt "Veo-morrew? Are you sure? How de you know 1 Olie satd se ýhhaisel! edy "Have you- met hlm? IHave you ee telklng ta Mim t"u It a enu to m as If thèes was a shaip apprellension mixcd wil thIe abruphnesso! b,,er tone, as sh ubs, thýi two lest questions. Ile makie a esur o! eegen dental.- ull1eaven torbid 1 1 have tVien great auet votd rmailing my*~1le q mevrior'. 1I-have no e dsèel.erenew MY> acqu amnce wilhh bin. 1-I-hate ,Ue sigt e! him<t" W--g e n nbtereita4 byslander- there Wou, - 1e bén orneliUa4udiercius sien of hS!rd oomtng IIra*' sa c*Posed; muid mature a man". moutil as lii.- - bu neituier ettthe two porions qwlte ýnüw. heer Il are An a position of min4 te se mntbilng ridiculous lu It. "Then i y, e- o know tbaCffl tre r- "Ho told aà-mu* moaintance ef miné»,-,ho wumýS c pla4plg et thedia-ý com!ottot <re hotel, mnd on heu' recoi- **ratt Atas'not worth while, ij. wus t*lng Florence la-rnorrow." Apln from lIre chair behI r cornu tIrat long lowsgI.TVla ther eu be nie qilesloU ta e!J uI ity.à I S as etfa*spirAL 1tm îstri under a leaden lb.d,. Vr aif 10>e mente neohher tound breaks 1 emlii neos& Thon Mmi. Le Marchent 'aeks cumIn in a nstrain.il volée , bobet bu ê2 be oito - lIB4 iia heaotiy ptlq"-gAnOngDut ~fe~ atel Uirnghth*,pnI4w, vna tha temmôeWplce40 ~now aini ,n kh-sa fàù&a aoïl à"w ~aI ind thatlIe -k net gene after ail, "Nctiiing wuil be measir te uscerlain than that tact," faya ilurgo mee e tgerly ' cahý lg etso oesy1 an' opporlét]mhg Jielp anld serice: "now that U JCDoW to~lorrw mrnlng, -and brin'g y'eu luWd li "Once.",, -'CIdyen, Would yen 1" cries slo,' lité -a « ight -spriegtrig baek Inte lier' d: ee'e t IrIs proposa; "but ne," willt an-accent o! reniers, "why ahouîd yoen? 7,WIry should ive keep yen: rua- iring 'pn our errands? 'Wlat rigbt have w. te take up your'tLUne r - '*My lm, repeats ire Ironicaîl>'. "I 'amn lke lthe Germnen Prince incnttoned b>' Ilelive, wlo peel lits leisure hour- bancs ef whicirho ehas tlwenty-!our eicry> ayi "But If we do not rab you,' interrupts Elizabeth, loolimifg et hb in lasoesur- pris, UwO rob NMiss-Miss -Wilson. What will Mie Say ta us?" "Sire will be only toc glajd," replies ho ktUffly, e douche o! cold waler throwvn on tâi lolisIr beeri by the lbItte hositàtien WhIcÈhIad preceded ber pnonuncietcmn a! Ambelia's naine, showing that ber i-. inferest in hlm hed not tîad keenae.s ençugh even 10 Induce lier ta master bis behrellied'é appellation. "MI tsIre " rejetas Elizabecth, quite ignor'ant o! hevlng given offence, and wilIr her eyes tlied rather wistfuily upon li. '"How good e! ber Iad 1mw' unîtlke MnSC-Very hapl»t -people t Happy people aro,-#eieîly ratiter exact.ing; but sire Ioma. goiu. Sre Iras a dear face r' Tc~ $hit~l e rorle pne w*ornns Irieaiitand, unceous .rloautuusa 44eee' U.ili411s em tîcl te tles bt '1h tugu.Stsms takes thé causebf hisrnuteness. *"I m etrali t 1 b" -veued yen," sIre s&ys, twèeetlauid Irlbi' "I bird ne bbiess to.prA ier W te yen; It was ,iIc0 ~~sng,4>e8ante, hWmlfk; but do ,notbe angry witlime-I <lAdflot pMean Jo Iremporut lr àne amlfragile band Il aIrngteg oves' Ire atof -ber bayd odgtrg-Irouse an.ii' nd before-b Iras an ideao! istatlia on ntntions ere, ItI s.,jifg, w t u anaskingoftfils conmi% & «To -Ie contileoi. ~dsues rieida-Val- êrsnow .,reached 'MIhoibe, siWdi at lhe tiinei 1cm-J Tati resrtted lanhi& intcreati àg omet -wtkitonce- decor- tiovèr e ffln winpepper and -aian a trotgenly unî! *rfectly tender, take ,4p tmeoarrtMýSe.On a dish, thlcken aepd color tho gravy., and pour round the carnets. Sceller chopped parsley ever andi serve. Chiwoatlv Sauce-Hall a plnt of milk, ltwo ounces oai grated choçolate, onn ounce of caster ' sar, one egg, one Strîalil treaspoozifur of manilleaesence. put the imtlk amit chocolate i'tu a pan, and stir over. lIre fine until smooth and tjick. lieat <ie oggs and sugar ta- gether, pour thre etrocolate and mllk over tlirei, return lu the pan, and stir aver t're fine untl t thickens, add the vaniile and serve. ', Eakewell checsecakes-Tuke an egg. les wiglitJaln [tur, butter, caster auget, and a tea.%Poonful o! balktng-.p*%vder-. ieit the butter, ndd lihe beaten egg, siigar, and fleur, lecnt ail weli toDgether, tlen ruts baking-powder lest.' Lino emaîl patty binas with goad short postry, ~ut.AJa.~oeuul e! jam Imta each and Ï~e 01 nfus !lite pnepared bat- t r o n tfet e p. ake ita agond aven for ten nminutes, and serve hot or cold. A 4impleIO rakfasl l)lsh.-Tnlke the rerralus of! any ttied lîver and baean, cîîop very small, and mnix with twa bard- l'ouied fimely !ninced eggs, a teacupful uf *r4d4 eid rice, a dash of curry powd'r tr.ade uinistard, pepper, and sait. Suir <iver the tire, and when hot add a smnali teRcuFAUl o! good groVY a< tornalu sa;tuce serve on slices of friýd bread, wljth a 1i U chopped liar scattered avec. A-&Oad Fish Suc-i a dessert- spoantul o! cornflour to a smaeth pasteo %vith a leacupLUIl .0 milk and water. Pour "0lom raucepan-, add hlI!on ounce et fr-str liutlcn, a pinch o!. saita nd 'sUr constanUy til Itgsauce louves tho aides of tihe j an. Take off the tire, drap a raw egg in, stir again for e !ew min- utes, add six dr-ps e! vînegar and a itîtle chopped Parsley. Beat ail thor- oughly together, and serve in a very hot turen. Maccroni Shepherd'a s-Taeany remakes o! co4d ment anid' mnce il !lnely. Put otnc-ih'rd o!thie quRntity of! inely ctiopped bac on and anions fwith. if you have il, a l1t111e sheep'a luldney) ItolaR !rytug-pan. arrd %wtèn bro*ned add the xnemr- a seasoning of pepper anid sàLlt. . nd last -o! ahi a little stock. Coolk some muacaroai In fast-boltng water- and 'vbewa tender, ley. t A-la mb-tkMig- pie-, dîsrplain alayer g q! ,,mon tp0 Çoverfirgata wubh -macar=4lsplinllki With breadorumnbs, pour.a litiqi meltcd butter or bee over 311, aXdb4te in a ouc ven til a niée ben Brasc Otaii--Thbrougbly wasýh n oxtailianid divide It bita t ouretnch IenglIrs. .MeII- anunce 6o! butter i-b à stewpan, and !ry thr ees '-of taîr In Il 1111i nicely bixwned. Peal, #nd eut n â»ces, thrfte coas, a tui'nI, -mnt n, èt over,,wibjh a quarter of 'of. hîcnà eut mn Êùëeis. an4 OZU or4erdsvtih lle scýslon. A Fr neh ph$t'i"l, h as.,bade au- inqutry hIle thoe ~esvndi~t~4'for Nwork4. ,ÙIh.uU beur, >for beàlt ning vork was one of the 6al that tM4v*wrltld eonItisb were na- turally gff workers, and that ail cf ue ObouIdraetlte the; habit of working ai. reguI&r, -,flxed'hôursi so t.hat the trmld, would lfiger for its dnhly exercise u ab <ho ç,digcstIve apporatuses hunger'-ot the reg ur hours for dinner and break- HlXtEMADE BAKINO PO\VDEFI. This is anothier "wrinkle" for the wo. moan witIi a frugal -inind-and the beuuly cf it, is that Itls flot adulterated wtttî anyth'ng harnrful. MiX together two' otinces of turturic acid, one pound cf creain of! tunr, ten ounces o! hi-car- bonate -nt soda and sixteen ounces of flour or twelve ounces of rice flour. Stft tilt the ingredients tlogether five limes od put. in light cons or botties. For doily use, toke out a smali quantity :n .9 quarter-pound con. su thtat the bulk et tlie powvder does flot lose ifs strongtli. Slxty cents' worttb of this preparation is -s t iinm' dtl Iolest a ycar even ia a guod- srizcd fainily--a savlîîg o! twu -or more dollars ut the icast odleluation. SAN£ GIRL IN ASYLUNM. Girl Inmured by Relatives ofet istrcss, Who Rlesenied Favorlllsni. A young dornes!ic o! Dijon, France, after bcbng kecpt In an asylîn for over tîvo n;ntiLs, lias heen rtcognized ais cuimp!etedy sane and iset alt lberty. Il. appears tîrat the young wurnan, Clernentine Hiumbert, becanie a grt'at favorite with lier inistress, who iuade her numerous presents. This mode the relatives envious, and thcy, il Is alicged, had the girl taken oU lao an asylurn. On (tic way. huwever, she succeeded ia es- caping. A fev days Inter sho was sent for Liy the Mayor of Dijon, and whle lipr mis- liess and legal edvtson. w ho accora- pan"e her, , were ctoselt'd with thie .Mayor, Clementmno was seized and con- veyedctlthe madhouse. Afte' jui montbs' confziment she yýas libmrted, but crdlered to leave Di- jon lmmcdlntely, under- threat of being again arrested es Insane. Mile. Hlumbert bu deeided te brlng au action for Illegal detentio. LORD RUSSELL'SWCNVESSION. 1A sitor> ta belng tld ecd a pi( wbe, when aceusçd etftact-t, %vas on Iotgt~tts n~rpr~ belong- dte 1 l n inet arsc ira àpcerma'ns are pce ig.-Lord ]fitiel et1 to IIie theetre, wbere owsv thie orowded pit, to beua' 5M1>' watcb.is go" r T"nie n corpynmnd dwra'au* fuelthé t Amrnge lite .,mton ru àuli flairrIborel ravy e etvi t' lu~ ver r- rlsol t wiu a etIlriàÎ the -pA1l-or 40me f resbw ;v tmng1 u WIHMAGA ailes~~ W Iealoaeil brolse 1w "mifltaodtWla he mn', mv Ire bIast ubetiner1 ýce *Ili, -U ct aw1VIieI'-VVimiW otlt iblN lie, sud a cepper pet, l't>' edorous Freesia. le,-ui ýsliesaly about lte'roosu, ted ,photogrepîn. i-On, t be Tom ?-sîtIra e a Chrlves wlth a buerAsu -knite. Mma d"nditri' hi empt. ecavtedb>'Dr- SBl ea ti- toanuhg-4tmi lte »Y.,tIre-late por- Ion et the eghth cetury A.l) Thiesub- K-quent dlscoeryrlna n Seod shrino Ima b>' cf strlnged rlis o!Lhmn"ee upper mône>' sipptied definitnuuis- flItie pmacothe .Ideaty t>'cdate. The~ sanie temple al» >'Jlded pertions ifSagnekw* mU»eseip onbirch bark. nîrtela tinro o!fer cerler 'date, sud lied c., dOn* tiSsa taotrMW ou» 1181e. 'levé wère turgwhe,' discewevad seine ex- wilientl ptestvod lage relis bearlng Iudditwttexlg'tauChurie4, amdhoving ru t-e revrs lw " wtrtt ias evkIeaul tranalaAunlaie ltheunknto -10111ueg tkiKIroan 'tMe>' prove;trthese rAl fumisa I M elg-desflel-jue ubee Abe atite uguege m.>'be.d- Iu*~ Cia kf à 40ie Be Su bs 0 LPu upa i~Akor Wtrter --A >'LIIJ. oves' euid baise-ece heur. .1- Tin ocsileat' pus tIrie vu Mucaroni wlth -TonWaos-Place a la>'- petrated -usprobli blyat ai or o,-lWed_ or cJur oiîl ualiata Colligbourne, fur ubteirt pudding. disIr, tien'an til o!boliviilUt Iris la 4r14M4 mnacaroni; aèa"en witb. sait, peperaun RcfJ lJ he~iio n 0Mie butter., OCier ulil tome, ien rma,- 814, wltIr lita' genifi 1Radit!, -A "arifs pniire lthetop -'with-cracher end Leirel, mwmlOrnfg bts areu e st, ad halmte ne hour; ver>' tjoiL llpofl111Q L51,511Db nag6h«. IJsinà îî la g,-*ê tooaise lxd witI stewedou. b*ùs sOf ht.sautIre hewiid boet tous and a u11tuin4usieg and théj>opua wl alitéc0 a o > fie, a noud 1v>. la an jrOi kedlttk lnu d l out ontuons eut -qglinothé.Cê anti tvel th '>tie t ftul n 10 , mise quart af thot T '.e1%IUdu li tfIrI urateu'. , Slow eue-half bous', *add anii ' Oft toetS at0b 111 Pppe'.'maid a punch 01 tialokïe ad cook' twel>' mates Il - iepcJ*ialo d ~ quite At*ck; stw.' tuai betm e~h~>~t~pite thr liq «0 qur t- MbWelisxa srmI Hcsp oie largo ot putt4I P .ispockeL LirAi bad er, and' weore ii ie wnt -h erg furmn cl éy-iniAha 'F ench Public S4,rviç bs ' tetpï, evr nista U'nl vald reesQ-ý e lcst bthe aentrary .ta aç~as spend asiclaya a, wge tn tliehýý' 1,Iee ln canscqùence. thq ,CabInel, <s jih ufipopular. Pt ictiomia ries ,of IUAid~rces "Agt ifi vrntn. Seeri fkaîrsdeold. th e 'ther day e pyiîr SUPrise VLIsto b heir respecivu"' departinoqts. -Tite, nièt arnusing o! ail Ihelr.exper'iences tell l'O the lot of!NI. Mlltles-Lacroix, Miniâter of the Co!oWes. who tba Ill imîtohis liend 10 look lnala a departinental brandi situ- alic ln threPalais IRoyal. vhich 8uppies cumierOiltrade lnfcîraîalton 10 French !ielchants., The MinIster, wvhose ident- ty was unsos-pected, nnnotined lîtuself as a liven manuiifac tirer, ouxiois luo h- tain Infrmnation ns tb prospecte lu tie ludo-Chiiia market. TAIiNG IT EASY. The chie! officiai, neclining in an ceasy chair, ruade nu atlcrnipt lu conceal lri.3 angcr r. 1wlng thus rudecly disturbed. "You ru.,tbring a card of ideulty (-r a Intter of Introductionî. lksides, 1 ain tuuo Lusy ta attendta you tu-day," said the« offIciai, haughitily. "l'ut eour de- rarid ti wriling, and wc wMl attend Lu iL" Thre comedy 'vai heighten-'d ly the pcset.dt)-ru4'rchrnt u-'uîarkiiug that the officiai did nul. secm luo bu' over\\orl.4'd gt. that moment. Thre ltter as tîIs gui angry, and begged Uis visiter ho ruoder- a!e his lone, othcrwise ho wutild L'e under the painful necesgslty of conduct-' ing hlm tb the duor. The Mfintsten thon procluced his card, whiereupan Ithe frune- llaflary. smpeechle&%s %v" hastuniishmrent, sank back ia bis chair. DISMISSALS TO FOL1O\V. When ho had reovecd soniuewhat, M. Mllies-Lacroix tnissed on rrrakimîg a miaula inspection of theŽ cilice. àlo feurni two-thirds o! the employes had- failed te arrive at aU.,kiubt noriitng, and hed sent niceiy %vorded letters n! regret '(j the chief. dernanding his tnduigeuce chiefly on the ground pf unpropulious weather. Ttry said thaltlrhey were umable to traver by tramn or oitunibus3, lest they should catch cold. lit wes naw lthe Mbnlser's turn-to re- corne angry, and hie trcatted the depant- nwent liend lo a severe verbal casligution. The incident Ls not ho r'nd lîu'î, for it. tLi understood tIret thre abseuîtees tir, 10 bc 'dkkinîissed. 1Mtari Who Persnni d Ceuni la& Cribcoý Cui Short. (eage9- I A, marinanied Luigi Perini, wihîafor nayyerý Ias been wanted b>' the, an ý %h police fer - tniprersnating Count AIfÉedat brie!, ias Perrinl, e! <ho principalil>' af Ullea, uns aWn rr'ested utider pecuilar ,cîrcUmustanees th U o~ tber d4lyjatMIlan, tl>. gir - 'r' it d ln passlng- himsêf' hin tIeMilan, aid, tpitidIies:Aro'c's andi h ori hier tingà -on ceiand allcr-' wardsdisapperqed. lie s 8Ulequently g the ttuperioted tue caunt tin iCriouis oýrr ItIùlantaunýrs, and obtalned largesais tebx-f- moiue>' under fal'O pretences. uiýn .-Tr'ob4y cries for help wmer tnd tecki henndi tsufâgrûrman a osed carrtInge;, 1Wo .t- a-% Iùhi , bceing driven along tAie Cor- la jS-est torwiard and soal%. lo~l4l ani otund-Mrskto'- '- , end a wenan, ,RjhýjhThe wamn explatInéd that lise upan tiad-, Iatîêacrtched ler ,,face- ,14 l ise ç4Ues*ereý ap4ki dlepe' Ià 'polIce stat-onfor"e'A'c'la- Is dXit làken po on or a I WticettIre stationi the ire et '--beard o Q eintnim ecmdslcetý. vor Per-.4 Sire M'il-PML UNE~S. Ire P Thr ey stod an tIre burnlng &eck, His fleece was whiite as sna1w; thr le, o tuck a feather ln Iris hat, Ca~b, John Andersn, my Jo. toc lAd l lu sl ehîee< ssrm Vobuaai brcS e bomn-Dean MZoul$ Ils o! Ahie. ý 1, oth~ e*hi~, ~aUah ferece t lit srcoesfui -~ ~ffxed, deiry., nê' crneii smore .t~ia~ I:ho tiCt tIret tIre, ce*, mus!ýbèý rea1ed 50 iIral amd &% e ecouagehet tcle mawtat & lir trrrbs mal flowol rmili.that , o t 'hor la capable e da ngMbl' etlrêevtee à lactatIon. T ri;reuires Geanstanî ae t Iht645<i end wateh!ulness both of!lber needs, il*a J iel reference te food. and tire conditIons I&MvOeen t whticli make for' ler comiort and i îeath.< I ý \Vibh the practice comsmonly dited ~tr this Point Iras not been afleci- phasized. In other wvards, provisida Ias hm nul. always been urade to meott hee- ' dlhn quirements. lFoc exrîniple, under (Ire %- -tre conditions that oblein in gieneral foràt prectice, wliece a dairy is a parý th Ie t business a! tho fumer, there are, twe a perbeds ntlieast intrhie yearWllIUmei4o tes animaIs do not reccîve suich treatrimi ' 'tîai,"reoa -ms ta encourage Ihein Lu irrake a normal-", 'ý,I quantil>' o! milk. 't'neîîrst occurs t In ~ ta spring, bctween winter !eeding and pas-- - ngt ture, a sort o! "between limes" peniod, I eouls-mu11 which is very important ta provide for, rpesli and the other is bu the feul belwoen the I pa pe"!, the period o! pastore and o! huuslrîg tn wln-'lr cott ton.c-ontu la many cases the owner doesnuýe~-f "' ~ t5l gard il as o! Importance 0 moggo.pacbal. I jeaceill provision for Ihose, Ita a-Offitial~ rciel -tM perlis. IL ver>' allen happfis thet thre -aia tisa or thres weks before the usuel- Umne for a tire animais are 'hit Thre forage aoi Iand lias run 10w, bence. -- ' e.ier the animaIs are lurned upon tIre pas- - Lunes before tIre> arc properl>' matumnd, and enougli food is not obteiaed of 21 Ui 'e rigît klnd te rneinlain Ithe miliiflowv'andi -* (1f ver>' often, ti additionb titis, ttï&eami. wer et t'i mals are ellowed ta 'idO runS h" ~ tti ea In tIre feu AtL ver>'oi'-» hap ,pens tr -' pestunes fait short, are frozen, ultd oas"' and poar, maid yet ne provision la mrebraur tur îrupplemnaary food or extlt.a'q ?. tIreamit thts pertod in order ltaI 1h. en,mia pees' na iaIeve a ful supply o! food.-,-Besies, adt they are frequently left in tIre fleld: catit, danîp frost> nights witIr tIre c e queht éauitional reduclfen le tIr. liais4w,'- popular- a!m-'Now, when tlhlng8 CrW---, ~ one <dan Iwo thtng3 bappen : Ftrst- tIre vi talaity 1atitude lire animals is reduced; and second, unitldan as a consequence, tIre nulk 1ow As net--o 'tbld<i viteItty, it requlres iroIr more fëed, planning portonatel>', leto Wng tbçi buCk -te - c ilthe lter iîomnol-gowhent cùdav'-- <> o q utrd -temantain tbm if cuire'.W-ire tey and ta give extra care-. Týhe argumnents usdn u Noi old mètbod - ilan> ocur Io theaii¶ apelng ar htt s a short p#14 mr wy n Ilwllaee u .4êdifberentheI aoolproperly cared ir er- na101 8111 .drlys, Ti s labfoUerefflan g44i4 M ro- - da.ied siulanredttcing, tIrenet' WÃ".ço rfei oe tIre preutc et tIrs cow ,wIltlwtli cludi'È TIre dificuies wbihtcb sesa0I b elà7 "' ta> o! mantainmnÉ tho Ire11w- e of< durRig flhis. -pirtoda ae net. le4Pelle>' lut r'equire inly litatI tésigl4t,ýh sIt-weent le tIre. pring tais '%eweiL p;od"S' aiA which resuits An a -decre'Ssle Ir i a t'~Iow ut, milli, mu>' Ireovèeome bi « '1tt1. - l.arger u." ef lino, feedoif i ;succulèe foutu are noi, availoble, or uif ,lrâ The Iraï been reduced, â«..Ille lifi lt TIre ris> be caisc<Ibythe lise IjSturâctest befor ie>'are fullymab'eêr % W1 It Yýr reuldilydlilot by 'tht iras a lotb nîentary ' 'op, anclî as rImé -w . T4e . ln tiré, lai), thé ïSitrtage eo oed Fall

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