Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 1

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Me.roh 111e Whitbv -Cr cl )l. 42 -No. 1-1. COUBUNAI&TON.5,00 CIRCULATION ONTARJO0', CANADA, THIURSDAYJ JULY 7, 1904 I. j and greatness cf her resources, feu Nhtb 04 oy'Rem-ul On 1iirgs Considered, it was'a Splendid and Succes s- - ful Gathedtng., FOUR DAYS 0OF'jJU-BIL ATIO0N. Y. OId-dmrers -Corne lundieds of Milesý to Re-visit the Scenes of Earfler Days. Dldi Mucjvh to-t Miin tlie Pror-ceding&I' ientY o0 Band Music îree Conucerts--Tvo 1Public ]tecept-ions Sport- and-, a Putucl and: jdy Show - ADispiay' -.o!Fire W'owrs - AnImmuenseç;4-, rocession id Jttbiiee Service - on Sunda'-Histericttl PJeatuxes Deait- \Viih at- arili a t Cort ilouse -A CurioE±Bhitit- -319 Çroxd ai Hey-ý ishore Ilark ou Mondx,) xzncert - Mess4s. Elia [t-he f irstjubilee of the~ adio and thle WhuîbY C rW Re-uniion is a t-hine True, uPon thewIVioieb s t.uIccessful us was ho )tit-jstuidinig tliixifa -helesxi a 5uceIss, esPedir Ig tule urifavomabie an ionable, weather %hicl ýutimg lte four ditys o; e biit-d.thundesr&tms, thitluexis and higlu wn nenMaOe t-ho lexise nenù f thevisiteras 1 t-be fullt earryin.g eut I rgtîffuis , thý- tTeOLs aKIA bullMb l Ju, tîjuçi. nin at- t-bi t-y o! Ont-anie and Whil i-O-il u einu of il îe0 MorIiug. 112iginniug. ny '?id'1y moruig tiL ensBandi, attimed ini 1 ment-ut-i suit-s, tuneouo lt-s -- musie e-"'0(cx so 5 goui i'ftc titliai t1 ho-cWbît d Vii-b a go. iL weuded is wN cita 4veut-o meet- t. Perry baaU4wi-3b Iai -ilaii-te cuodit-. Thef t-) tpximded back t-u tOwnI arrivai - of t.be Touent h, lat-en-on, brorught- il t t-ousald, con-sisting c th-hoOntario Ohd Bo30ys -o! Torýut-o, cOrnprisLiti zklin, - O;havwii, Por-t-Pi >ridge, - ccompauli bý rnay andi Camnpbll, of bliauders. Titef aero n Sa-l hîs ir' ceptiog rocesiez was fontetl, h ct-ure t-be ralu ponneti i eti thix oid beys a-ad gît fuir sheltior. As a connel î0sel$-oa %Vas net- a suceCo g-3 nuunber of t-be oInt bu itusiatic t-bat thef hî L, iinei up, and folilOwed rsaltledu by Miajor IHondt Pt. King, in their %vet- tnt sic ,b11,,Mwere t-be freel it wxts conf erreil Lion. t-h vo And did afoui iishonor- To eu-1t true..prtrio'a naine By doing dee ds uxholy, AndL glorying in their ehame,. But tomne ye noIx' -as ,ever, At 1ove's anti. dutyt3cati;- For the dean* old firrg ye honiore - Stilli holds ypeor hearts in tbmail; And thet hois ye loved ii childhood Are swieet to: memory iili As, the fio-win- of the r*v1r Or -the puniing tfhe nul. Long 50 -.ear-s- of struggle Since that tu-spicious mcm - NVhen 'mut tiîe throes uf birlh-hood Our -County, then itas bou»n;, ýNo 50 years f lomiber,--- .No Rip -Van Winkle sieep - Has iieid our eyes in bondage- Whiie the worid did sew -anid reap. But al)reas;t- f every -el[orÉ For the,--weifnre 9«f1our iaînd their hexrts burn.witlîin ihem be- cause of thua grent- possibilities of the lantd. - - R1e '%as foilowved by Mr., -Ceo. H. Hàamn, of the CPRM>trn,-whe mande the xîdfdress où- the day. lie NIais the audience as-old boys and 3t'Ouxg girls.-" Heie aid thme curtain that -hid the ycarsxolied back and ho feit a boy agrin. "I rememher,". be ecail- ed ini pitiitiYc- toiles, "that slern old- dieciplina.rt-anx, Donaldi Dundas, , a nd Mny fingenui; tingle yet > 'us i tiîink of .hýe old g1eîiîienan's lbiti. Some 6f tlŽoe cning i eseivpd; some I -didin't, îhonxghl -guas,-;. 1 îveraig-edup, p.retty weli ail round."liHe recalieti an1scaade -of us, yonth lin %f'I hi i started Editor Doria.tn-'.paper ixfli couldn'r gtop -ir. -11e iooked anfWhil-m by as hus -tonie, sleet homiet and - - Couaity Court lionne. - - T. Kirliaàndt, '. MoCabc Mr. . Bucrge.ss, Toron ot tl'e SBock 0111-BOYS inTroo. asis ca -declinedut b spea, in nessti of the houir. *Then the crowul; d-spe of early da3s affeÈ'an. decade. In n4-i-kri4, 1 tinte las made, the face Iever, tli-e strange- faces corne on the scene',the1 pulsations-. Joy came al m4eelin 4gs of oU tineteri etldon ýone as the' f i of the èassing cof a 'cos given. Mditation maril mieanor of. thax Liom-e-COn -the. Irsnr nd. ihe .,t a li-ned for a. Th oflf anide. The A ofhefe asn detucimdth of alluel'lieatego0o0 The Aft1 iriný-reatun where-ttn. interesting prt ýsport.Sanîd races-witS itelc -le rry mad Whitby bandsx and tîalarge' nurnt>3r f spite te tIa rif[i litcat-e] -axnd te daintlnes-4 of l aiseý present, anti did _,I hanee iu aternooxi'sp The -gantes .and spot charge cof Fredliatcli, J and Dr.,WNauirh. 410yad running- rite- Thomas, 2:;. Clcggot ti Boys race onde-r 14 ye Kennedy, 2- ,fRobinson, wat-er, .40ft-5in., 1 i a 29-ft: 7in.,1 ;J. Watsor Rllning hop step-Gi Tlitoaïs, 40 it., 2';. Baile, Runtaing .broad jtinp- i1, Tlxoinas, 4î< ft., 2 ; B -220,, yards->exers,i Preston, 3. -Hurdle race -i xirle ýand S. A.be a, Presideniit1ilie alIed. on, but ic to theél te-t1i rsed ýýWto taik 1ti absance of 'à fAl Aiie changes Thi es*.'gone ,-for- Ite .w-iirbhavçr- heart of 1lie- 111' natiy ,caîi-by J t unexp ecre i c-il iend.r. SinODxr st, intimation lt se. friend. îvas- e<--c kcad the de- bibu e rs, tile pastI. iture -we re final analysis he- ho luse a.nd l in the rninds i ..in thxe world. j rie. on tixere wasai fion. ground, Is,: ugratmmeatuof cf- Id, 1' Tlie PortIl ai:iir.k Th ofth wy iiuueswerele nuch to' en- leasure. tI rts -Nere' in'afI ohnli Straunfcnl.nn;t e-lete uS,.1 1là] ter L. GilhCold- e * nk Mlatheron, fi C4 f., i c y, 39 ft., n Bail ey,-3R9fLe., 3. n Çteggottoi - Th St Higlandrs Gave* a Grand We have sought 'to do ' ur, daty thougix perhîaps h tni ee On ii ;Ptcs ;]ae,~ rpen andi Fred.. Woudnuff Muet -Wîth -Acci- -Withl' tixe iat t orcrm-adI bckloli rlae, 'yer he ishedt - te'-Il igi ut-il lons And- ber gntn.nandand prospero.us Coun.- în bish Ied cresu a- the eol d is" ot-e rru, 3. t or the Visitons. -- -t. - hu te tne cre.Gicmappinixgx upe ________Andc or f ine Ceunty Toxvn Ae' -wliaiecý- f6f.* Throot ait.1.1 our Broad Dominion -Mr. W. H .Hoyle, M.1.P. fernNorib Antýen,titltgavenctdc 4f. nc Cbuat-y of Ont-arie huts aken a eading ptirt. Have eamàned afaim renown. Ontario, . Sa-i lOntario Ceuni-:y had tuteuitl aeia xiiin tt,-I ud-BoIy tes' - f grcltreti t-arted Sir'Oliver -Moît c. ton Ilus poli- jtlped_ G ift., 9 in. Sothlaundoubtedly the case, auk but bnief Our Poôrts, Canais, and Railw-ays- ticai canscu._* Ithâd sent Hon. --T. Herse Iaîce 1-2 mile---- c n le nècessar* sho, Bespék - aeommery.....,...............- .. 2-ii it was c&uidemaition 5f6 ~-té H. a to 'Ottawax, ,xho becarne a BrYvt.......................322l tpe fr, ha o r lilstial a e ucaio ai W 'hie churches, achools and colIeges -n tr in Sr Joina M acdon at'e Bo wnd .....f....... ................. i3 Iwadeelepmeflthave kept.pceîiix ie Anise on every ide, -- -- overunteri. lion. NW. -Macdougli .a..he ...si ......BrP.*n........e 3ci rly ceçn- progress of agriculture. Artd iaethe ouroî;n vaion .hiiti a050reprel',exiet t-becouxity'..The atndCtiîrew. t1riîe rider wto remoouuted 1 d quit-e Those ofyeIl.iviho are-v.-th us to-iPziy \eaaetecomnIet. preneni LMinister of. Agricuture; lin an n eod Wortc pre ié-ail- aiid anti camelintsecOuiiMingoand Empiren peal 04whom l- eiltt oehv hl eorIigadEp~-John Dryden, - aîd rixe Depuiy Minis- horse ;t-ubntied. *drîerder, Master at E jbil- etabisbd henm o!t-he Cotiut-y Our teanrts are trust assteet. t-en, ofEducalAt'on, Mur.*Job-n Miliar, Fed-ôcril,-th ris roxnîtif - xm-o! Ontario.ronghouti the ieagth and Noîv- asters dear 'and -broiliers, were bot-h Ont-ruo Ceunlty men. The boebscchrhn.t ds, ail of breailiio!fA ath.e om.o yu gain îwit-i handi and beaut- ai e-tefir opro -as ned. t-he have "%von an honoueti. zame beyond -,\Ve-bii ouwrmest elcome; of peopie. 'I-mew-ue no N-epixlgi nt-re- t-ho as asndiin etiter, ditea, but in And, tN"y.u- muaidepant exitea among iluent, lot ail eHornteCornelrs,ý'-Recepiltiri - -- -of -the yor fan-off honmes, yen have neyer- e 1ms1Vtiayuhecone happy in titeir neîe ltizd., - Te eet-ngvi , îelde >forgott-ent he ies t-bai, bind voti t-o tifitis Or oftler a lauisRev. lDn. Thirîicnof London, Erig., of..t-heluetwnin t-l i usi bal1itii-e [w - Lit home cafyoum yeth' lun, your Maty, CoîL o Wit-h, a bics.syou 'iii nle u .J. Thorn- houlecornerson-ittyeeîifrîi - case t-ho poet-s words tee ttti. tithaN- La.ihe labor of yeur bauLds, toavn -ttivi- ci Tbornton'e, Con- ,6.30 ledS... N-ta s ind ead 0ne. cf >ith- d ail ~~Tim~ but - ~~ - pî;ldnen a-- a$r 21 vears hambeAnt ptt5 niiosirprtttti c~Lr5c iet île prssin srotgru îrn~ aay orx ajdrei'sferS~<,I - il- ur ~ <i~rc-st-v~.ri e c la t-a - itui --i t, t<iît-i Tîm bu~- ineont ehzn-s ne--.~ ~ ' ut< i . rBu- r il'>r-îrx ,f> i-ait tCt.- <r - - u ~ i< b't- 3< C - -- - n -i t u4 od on t-/imln i- tI e r.. 1 BtiViC.-'s 'W~ - M y ccr eauS ~f11vetxt dt- î t-%, .-- OIlunt ra Lia1;a trIr i -r ~ jars~xym - - îe-j~4~<<t iî ei-ukii ' -liesw~hcd1 ns ua- to f l twîit (_11ia d pu e ra e i o )i t' e xa t ni t~f"î r t# îmi..io n oi tii tîixt r - aî îr -- c es jt tee t i o ccaiooi n% oiy awi5ill, i iw iiun ie nei. îl-ItP Lie he î-îs eufeixg ron -hu-r 'vaf o r -'iletS.- for l og a ily u - r1ýn. n-r ut-evm ig naie !-- 'l-/Tl ltte ctnnu tutti , Th Lt--ing n Thet e brut-bof- aiud t-hod d, es cslalom, part-a-ede o e, as he th o caio , cl - i i t n ve-Î - j ôw ,tlf, hv okd oexad to t-i OlCl ia1Iyý-%ven lie iýciillegiven tli3-wheut y-irisfetriantomito3sît. Niass il1!c tarnt'e hoant- cf in-nya j t-l ie ant mette XhNtt 'iylr-i-xt-icl. Cl ii for il lengladeuinted yi-lie homeonNt . .fait i-ccrx i eCrte it-i r laf n ie., an ha xavebe, ut '- f ia eddtc tx . -le.-Wcck ittrus l.i elrstaing ud henr.- t-t4l aveTýda'_te nt grwn-cù braI nain Aet fmna>e ol." tr. r and mîvn. oixt-ini-ea c- tue in ft.rcen Reiontrutiiiirtht g ad t-wniuynto f neibs em 'cf îl nonci -it-nc M.W l i oignins ý, lniaefaî- ~ dd t- b-py ccsinani -veenerttinthMojinaraee alittugix T , ofrl . cW. e bande hope t-bat at- av e but t-ho fnsg.lign.ixsrneati oo;M ptonl await- of-may adlvis , nt tia tà£ret the j- oina-n ('uinelujr 0cm bom ofa.ouiô heaniM ai Dopen -ay tby',,l t-o ye,>azdirli ted t-ha ihesi --Elot.vc~ oo î~ viMi yhPipra ewu aso! ounforts f f7 bauf - -h n W a nwith eu am laat at oUaii. h onsns-11a. t e ' Yi aîayt eno ýt i t-e odt-r -1.d oy ii- A gils and 0tee t-o Whitby, '6nt e tefied- >uo it- t-ishave îvcaiome.ad,en aer idyaCtntyRethéyOfic. - fihs'ulo; at J-y ofi, \t-i.rl ris~a t-sta-wi- s uri ege. - nttia se rtn iieltal so tdf w o1sofa liereîv, Logictliies and e- t-bine.sioulie ne elitcrs,lt rîc t-ue bands -may le eeg! ex ncn iiare. TeRpis. Cth ato tuyigo h ou z t e-t--aiea 1îvg etlité excu\rso ofpen tl s"-h i saL i e n ' t- ' T' 15 erîdét 1,As O Mn. Johunêst o u's Orl, dasl uthofu-leso!l- vioY nio oryer nXotea .t iùiia-osleVec-r si;ý-Ms th y, urv:et-emans,. utu fu fty ya Oenms -beeatoltireliru n tho ataldayGlasow'le,1574M-r.i 8A. o1a-c. - secnd t et-uayd !tho is-bé hen- oigu !--oDmno. nal eouye-tidtotf'JadnRsdPeb- uuoia en - -, - t~ 0 a îni i aaliThye siYo n îl, xî-utrir- xvàiteýt'whty n tteirieds-rit-oit -eiMion-rudc.-h rilrg M. .H Rbnon i eo bt t ilià ayt-n y imelu sfoii sgtbealadnceve a bte -lendi frergpiSipi o --t-e fhth -x "Punlicyc -lcptst5yt- - Hefl<AI'iUYL - . -.- . -- , .., faat- e<. xe- Rol)ertiseun, G, jHo, , ee ~owuudemers (mming,, Jvuzuti n aigriéùlitnare intne couuin t- 1ýgei-urituev t Ee, -tut-.- 4-inar cua nimnwflux Y H ilggieLi)to pigeons ou tihe aving; -a-sdent- orîiy to-the - fertile ecii, Out-atuleCouut-y -an pnaud - !0 br H. YIuML. inThey cone a'ereîe1u-t-7 -o r'p lt-e~eople. Thoeboys. tbot a , rItoma, 't 1-ud oi Rose, -M.A p'IAi t-le aeet-.eilo! upn g - wx.a ne reason thy theme shoulul, adi ber.' The st-uggie ifonr ptace la jq. , Tboruatqg 'Tbey feel t-homat-anti yearninlg- ho coatinuet-x5 dVrauceinmU lne with, tity life av-'s ardent- antid teuots r~nxaauMcG The bhome-love in t-heu ir - t, th-o a-pu].progreàes madeientut-hocouzi- but- Wthio3boy8 were- everyw edo-i E>tisl M-G-Wbieb like t-be mage dat-s ih-m t-ny,'Canoda îv dest-mned t-o becuaxlte ng- benes t-o t-hexn native..pliee 'bere Btoa, urd Buatk t-o their pare-ut neest, - a - great- nation. Those -ougagyetInr îa ni-n oeri ieseenti tlpne, n Cm oecne -t-ho ýadmtut5ttratt-0G o! er fara, aiiH ta-rspet-fuitributee e lais John m fe aa heomauiecme homue aIiil tiolcome, îh ue somethung o e! 't-te te due-at-toual protieceseor" inW hit-by, 5plttli.2le .1r. Cote t-o t-be heanit-beia love you, >,o! Whitluy;- Ièd hy youn guiding stan; --- B Dur- Ceo-m e-ri- a-oah fan ocdit-y, ,4 1144 - Ma-yun cu - roui -aclîtditantta-ndl; - - ~Your o-wn. old Towtn and, Cotanty --- .Iëi6taýtrm reet youm-witt- h lenrta-ndlha-ud. - O~ ur aisters and Ioum brot-luos-- areImý not been for4gut-en; ~~ji t-ij nmrin,< inugcus e-eer. - - -- - ù lýyunt .d- lhappyf - :Wbhl&- wthiluà -u ermain, 'For 3iüli'P r e-e makes us -gal -i idéwdtopsanid OWrai. Ikay afb2 rnxe zig drg l-tui ar-îc r i of ItIlrLt il of i 'Itir Lc-ohilty'xiuîigb t f il y tol il- reiI ru-js of n.ý Thoi r--t.t iti itn un> mii in cami.Son w"a- 1P eIItUnthe of t i e t oui ci-hilieý , ri lbI tr ci. i i--a e cxnt totniPi ut in rîz anzd a it lf xîîîi-eý W galeii- r13 )01 cf Lite 4-il xiItLiti "esi fî-ru leitý v' i tt- -.1ci ejci atd$- ic"id ;1 1t1i rt hi-oirn ss rii aîriiio 44444 .il V r--ohIIl r.A rîctmaii- s cf [ii O - 4;r inie uni1 ring" cf tir, ç1 h i .-ttrr 01 ilie id l icîîu)t o x-t-Jt,1ouch-i iiou nil li i, rPr-g tutu h-pi,, i r i-t-ý itule -n t u tii in Ot u r-- cr ci tionî. 1 rsiîofiu of aille-r 1 îuîiîýhi-s r ln 'ITh- cou rîiiitnt ttt-r ru tîd OI ei0i-- te - eî-eîitles cf 51Np"i I-s mrm o M~r.Tlîhm. tirge Sinnth taN-i N ciIi ob xrî-- oliaî-t.îî rît Wib3 foiSr Sbitrs 1 Mr, Blutoube t prif iigtiug,, JJ vr-rs ofcf ai-,t ocis tz-î~i I<.ickcrii . ;Mr. b -orge Il. - Gai ii k i us ui w idcý\t cf x lu Iti exe lit r î i;, I r Gulîn, Du-i- f uî- hu laies W lthuda xrtccx ut in Lhaite îîot-k t irîI rilitle îrî uirg i-itIes in f thp Cour L 1Où-4. wierc Oic tt iv IHirx 1). ,fr to tealic -'l utî -xc-dig. r-toftrI \Vartden V ijrnd ai î t 1t . l-c -i ii- u ' îî in of. rite (itlttt uty r1o- t'il înl yîrrI M ives a lia r Ii-'4' e îtitltm NVlti tIlie tID.of tt titresof bouii tib-4 P-rt tiî ig lci trw -hoix b ouîcîci.Oit Ile- 311 bî,i tifrof che Cohntr(tnebiitlmitPx t I jl)krî- cf C nded greeLPUà ami w ulcouju. . Mot - iii of I. tte ah>SeI.xx.cof 'tIr. \W. Il. ii ti, Mu. Johntu lîtiljuw, IL .Ai, îroiMx lir wim cs f omit it-'bck. "'fTlickLil 1 k tx id Tines oftijc-lepli bcîîd," n-al .ICUSI11 lcî àg lie .very corr.-- îeenotes t\Vtty Qn!ie*on \iitthtîe iyii-i cf t lie i-or- tu1 ; pi , '1--sione cf "Ile c-oui ut lbcuse. 'fhe u1 0;1 >tii i 1egy. ix Ol, ie ictal iî-xltrSri v u tSoncf Teuperauiia ndilie -Mit r t utuB i uns tilixrtrched in ircesirxx, pru- îtarii. O-rh; ýded- by iNvo T3leis wiitth -L\ inat;lj a îr-In. tords. Alter tI-- c-crenititniesiftiil twic- jeii as Sî i nîtr, r:il w itcli eve rybodv c xiîxrt as tcSwed aitît u-xcrbu s lrt1juil i il Judg(-e MCrIiiinion, Une of îOxe Nonlite lit-c cxio ier mrezi sunc t u 1101(l nx '11 ia- lihen Ile ,raidtJ lI-r I - he -lxcve-u it-Ie tibut- cf n-nC O iiliPii rnini 4 te nuun wh Sîte ctr icr i iF hit ixui 'o [fai-s, cf tîte eotîzxýliil t I [td raerî i-p Wi lit W aU ,ýn it- An- riVuit- rnont IIti-îu- in-['-- i c D 1ci!oni>c. :i -, i-lt Ii- was piui'- i îx1LtIl ucuIt h 1) -t1 i 11-ic),iii i1 Pa-lu uIodNx td-ir-ral lui .1 Mb iînxii-' - I1ig i t i - 'li fl c s-j way( t eqxyinuing unts t, be 0îclht-! rel lx t y bty Lit-- lof iii1, î1cU t- i i ît - i X -îî-L i tiies anit-18ncies cf wclt x.iv 1L)it-tiL -cttnr l lt-i a iittsbrn r Oie f ror î lî n nxflitIryaftfr.In 162tixey c- , ît'~~~~~~~~~~~L 1evc ntii.t-1r 1ce~c iL I--t t ganzeà-o.- ll - lis. -T et-- îîtti- cnt tr- oi f i;t-iii,- c t-î for ý Pu lie ici-ixg îî tt p o f t 5"ýi t VO.; it .in e-x-ttva r-i- n t if l,-, xtj- tui tf n - icu c-titi ~- xr~ tt id Park - tOit ~ 4 O hi glutuiziru i î-ibit~-- lit t hi - f--nî ut if loliuît Ottîcruic eril i Tht A it-ottîlili t-I a- i itlttililitt ît~ t îr rit- - ~i îîtîî i il rneiri lysc I i c'f ýt2 iiti lein-it-wr ii -Gb cof M ic-, u ra (- ttu 1 in -) f 'I Itiîi l, Jiî io i ei- i lt' l i. i -îl tî .r t it e ;d o 10 1iV lui 1'w ll TiiITI i10O0 ut t i ur. hxn NNottn --rcsul. u kiht île imtus ;î --s -1 l in xl i tlue coti g-iîic t 1>' it~i Ilî iîeth iu ;l> Attr i td;ý i nu) -li e tî tt1 --I'OO I Ii tu n~Ttu Plic t; -raytd T oia - ite <lu 13it~jo 13tIAlixtr- of- Tuictîn. v of ai eni eil 1 tI lititi -Ii (Ii ii s, ntx id It t h- lte- ix H- A d ts xcc it -x nrat -CIu îLeA -r L 1L 131î \xîlin t-ild ixieaf ti re( t11Ut tr Iil.Xrîho c Ili,,; i-ým iiiizccnti r-t bn riteeaiyuLy. ieiudH;,s ut netilb' fuen r t ix I uo u t hei.'1vtiii i tC tan t-of!UohIBut- e chttuieby t-hoeîvyside ýxist-enee a-s iiAal-t-hoebuncla ou hapeet te fi11 izt dt-- pnid'Threw -a -holy spEl nuouti yen,' Âa heu p.e i Axnd Nwo know Yen love ibhmotflU. ,ssed' ilunoýglb a You morne net a -e-rabble opinent earcely IUxahititsn long ago, r7 of txny tand, J Wbe aought- 'neat-lhi eooI0ban- men~t te t-hiuk1 ner 1t ,bthe -CgUaty TQ istriea ctiw c1' - ~ ntd1~(uge, - j - -t. - 'Ihç Puesn Cnuty encl - - I 4 54 - -- -- -t - -- S. IM. 'I :TERMS islý50 if -not so paid. 1 ý.ý 1 Il a ve -had i, he; e

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