Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1904, p. 10

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LÂ?POIII lam'isusrs iis fonr 'ure t was tise pide andi admiration Pale People. ofettise Nroman builder, William et Malmesbury went into ruptures oven It would bo impossible te cxaggo- V Sci e th teainees . o t nte tisd importance.etftitis opinîon. fbea;uty," le' sa "tnt t h e _not Dr. Lapponl's hlgh -oMfciai position ch! bus ofnuildntgs en. tth"'e places - hi. prefeesienal -cempetence But thlrty years bter'this eluben-, abeve question, and ti itli certain ate buildting was consunet inlatise tisat hie dit net write as abotve with- flames that ewrept tise cîty frese Lons- eut weighing hie werds, on witbout' don bridge' te tise Fleet, "anti a. new a ful senseofo!tise effect.hie opinion nave-"-destined te*. ho ti s sRI& .o! woult ave: -many ntirring eventrr-was eje¶on The "simple annemia o!f'devebop- tise ruine of theoli ment" roferret te by Dr. Lupponi' là Oit St. Puul'o, -us titis eb'à jei of course tînt tiret, languit condi- knoWn la histony, stopti for 'oven five tS,! yunggirs wee:tievelop- huatroti years,-,anti turing that pom- nient vo m,,,igxbhispod i le jdy, andi Jowitnesset isome.stirring anti cx- wlioseehealtis, ut tlie e Îraeu - '"t'-?' a-±tin6"v In ' ac ,t A -uet por- dovebopmeont, lese often impenilleti. tien fEngl isth' e ptmie A g-irl, brigit 1a1t merry enougl inin l the- histery efthtie chuncli. clildisood, will ln atiertaens -gnw by la Riclisrd -the Second* - day,, Lut- degnees pale anti languît. Frequent- gate-EIIl fettn witnese.tise picture- boadces, anti a sense ot uneasîneSqsý cUe sighitoet ionks, pedtlars, pi11- which atse cannot untenstand., Makes t grises, ai - ether.,wanderers wending bereneerbl. -Jut iisa i l tu ftiseir way -te tise sacret surine te fer hier te leave off beîag a. girl u!t deposit - their. ofl'erings or obtain becoeoa' woen-a change isicli, J euling .anti stnongthening virtue couses te tilleront individual$s ut tif"froseacntmîton ! isnany forent agen-iser dle-velepasent ingenis- neiie tisat - wene guartiet by'tise why? Becauns ale ue -.tee Iittbe 1uinkeanti- negardet with awe by blooti. That le what Dr. Lappons the waadering- cî'wtie. Ne suspic- meas is hen ho speaks, in tise scies-."j1ions as.te their goýnuinenes overon-- tiflc langisage siatus'ul te hlm, of "tise teret tthe mindc et those simple inaemia eoftievelopusent." Dr. WNil- pesse. t e nly 'lathege Ioss re- Iiiiais' Pink Pillei for Paie People -verential,'days that- ave mise n bront have-tise pwer e! makîng 15etntile when -we are toldthtînt-Old- blod.Tisey cure' unuemia juet - as $St. --Pauh's 'conainet, among other foodl cured hunger. Thatut le how relies, "A kkifeet ourbTLord,',,eaie they lisQp grow..ing girls, .who, for hum o! M.ar3Magdaiéeo some ,blooti e'at o! tuis -nw blet, often. drifttet St. Paui, nome milk eft tie,,Vingin into chronic ill-hoaltis, or "go ite tise hast et St. John, pieces o! 'the a declne"'-wlich moufle ceneumpties I mpetuous skaall et Thomus 0a Dockeý,, -anti die. Dr. Williams', Pille cQuit andt ie lieat and jaw of King )Ethel- save -" .brt!"1 'lh,value of D r. WNY'iîanss' Pankc P1ille as a xnenve tonic, retenetu t by, Dr. Lappesi, -mukes tlcma valua- bie te mon as well as womnea, They ,net ou the serves thnougl tise blooti andti tus curo diseuses liko St.,Vlitus dance, nouralgia, paralysie ont -loce.- sater utaxiu. Wisen huying. these pills it le important 'te cee -tisattise fifl name Dr'. Wiliums' jmk F1118 'fur Pale Peolle" le p4nted on. .tise ws'appor ureunt oaci box. Nèver tuke ' a su'htitute, as it is worse thark a waste otfswoney-lt le a' mon- acete helth, If yeu canno>tget 'tise genuino, pille front yotl denier* write tise Dr. Williams' Meticine 10à., « hrockville, Ont.,, andtihie,- pille will hie sent you post pait at 50, cents a -boxt on ai boxes foe,2.50, - TURTLE BACÂK RIDING,. De Rougeniont Will tJndertikp 'te PooRsVeracity. -' 19. Louis de 'Rougemont, whese, nsarvellous ativentures, as narrated by hîmseli, stantiedthtie werld a tew F,enàrs ago, say's tise Lentos Express, 'l a bout te appoar once more la, pub- lic te prove te tise wenld tlat ho bas beensasuty mligneet by -thoe who cuet aspersions on-tise venucity o! his writlngs. Many of hie ativentures In unknowa reglisa et.Ausitralia -weî'e-receivret by linkinti scientIste wvithscepticism, 'but hils masterl y control over- the turtles on wkse e hckshoiees caped frein ifiI'vages pno'vrked' discussioü In both. herudspheres, -anst arted tiie., ý4rninig quQet$r>n, "Casa a turti hob M.e -ugeraont - ens anaswer *tfils quetion la a, vei'y practicul way. 'l'o this end Mrý . Uý E. ms%, oft lhe ,lppodrwzýe, ha, eos approachied, h lti thér 8ubt tiat Yery shortl h e ex"'Autralian traveller , wlll appear ut tihat- place et eatortalnmenst on th Jac1to! a !leny untamed turtie. - -I »aLke neo resÙtrtions' whatso- IN TEERYDAYS - et Queen Elizabeth tise curcis isad bcons wlat tise Temple 'was lain Christ'à day-a tes of thieves ai 'wense. Tise Queeca issuet a.proclam- atIon. fonbititing fray, drnîving o! smords la tise chiuch onrshooting of isad-guhss or dagg _within tise churcis un churchyanti, tnder. pain oe! two. montiss ýisapisonleat. 'Ruýt tis bat little effeet. Th-is witer e! "Oit anti--New Lond6ù," says ti'Cat.- ut this time ,Uleuts,ý guhie assis- cins anti thîeoVes- throngedthtie mitdle aisdes -o! tise'chui'ci. Atvertisemen't o!f al ýkinds, coeret thie wlls. ',Tise weret claie o! s'ervante, cause there te ho hireti. -Worthless rascais ,and dis- neputable, .hiaunting _ women met Ethefe îby- ppeistasent." -Shakos- peare makes, St. Fait'e thie,-place where- Fale.taif hire Bardolphs; anti tise, tisird -cene in -Ben - Jenson s "Eve*ty Ma lahis Humeplr" je plac- et - la théisenidle aisle o! tise' ciunch. Soon after tise ,cessiQnonfetJames tise Fir,-t, Digby, _Wintor, Grant ni Butes, four o! tise Gunpowtior,*.ilot conspinators, wene hun,-laaat quarteret bêfone thse wost !'o"nt .- en-" trunce,' sot - fan away fret ,wbere Queen Aane's statue now steistis. flore, tee, tise drawýia for )r ize ia tho stute le.1ttonies took plnce. The cisunclibaud now stot for over four hundret yeare, anti - I)egan teto show signe of decayV, but tise ni'stcr- ation o!'-'thse clui'cl 'wue delayed &ain. anti again ail through tise per-, 1ed ',o! the C Onmznwealth, unltil tise gren±flIre ouvelopelthttisincitutc embrace i1606, anti Oit'St. Paul'à liecamo a tbinjg o! the past, ct, isae monuinental 1work et Sir.Christober 1 Wvren -took 'its place.' - -Tise ire broke eut on' 3uncay - -mîhsiig~Seps. 2. eo. 'On 'Tuesday' t evening it caugît tis.e'top o! 'the élpui-ch.ant beforo ino -'ciock- mays "ft.aswelb 1 itblazeti a o conepicueus as te enable me te neat veny cbeu'rly a' I6no. otiltion o! Ternee wiich I carriet i'. my pocket.- Evelyn re- cords in hie tlarv, "Tisestones' et St.' PuuV' D ow 1k grenades, A-.ie mielting lo*sd running -down tiese tleet ia a stresam, ad tiseveiry -pavements glowig-waitli a fiery retiness, so. ay Dto manl or lionne vwas able te treat on thin andth Ie denmoltion. hat -stop- ped al passages, se t4ct ne holp £beVùld be- ppliet, tise eatern, wind aUfiÏ i ore ipetuously driving -thse 'Y&OCIAN TO -,'TX POPE rx2AISZl DR. WILULaX$ L Four Caus of Anwnmia. Thir Fets Were s0 Satisfactory that Se. Will Go'on Using Th.m.. Dr. Lappoi, whose SUIipveservedi e life of the late Pope Leo JËIU t'O lgréat age 01 92, and te whose ,re the health o! the prosent Pope, ls Iloliness Pius X., ie conflded, ta written the remarkable.letter. of lich the followlng ie a transia- -1 certify that 1 have tried D Jr. iliarna' I'ink Pille ini four cases o! eseiiùple Anemia .eofdeVelopmenti Iter a few weeks of treatment., the Sult ceame fully up to> My expecta-1 ons. For that reason 1I hall net ,1ià -the future toe extend the Uié' thuad laudable preparation, noton- in the treatment o! other moibid' rus of -the eategory Of Anaemia. or' iorosi, but alcin eu aes O! Neur-ý tela aad'th'e Ice." *DR, GIIYSEFflflLAPPONIL JIJBT OE MORESunlight Soa flf rthe nap off wooIn nor the, Surface off. linens. DIkUEES 13AGA-NVAN-'~ 'à Pront tisedwelliing- oftise' ricis fll bho undertaken, bythsenew Fin- batik-o e-ts u tts aa anco Department. ,Eaci soldier wil sys tise autheôr et "Tise Long,-Wiie aryhi w] pay- book, ia which Mountaini , all housos in Manichui every ý,Paym1eat. will hoe entej'ed', se are alikie'in tour reFgpects, se- far as i that wiserever le hoie cannot over- circumstances will admit, First, al trw runterdraw "witlheut-tise face'tise soutis, because that je tIth knowiedge et thse officer te iviose ho qu arter - rose wlicis gooti influences inay npply '-for'money. Thse now àys- ce, aal itisas tise incidentai ad- tom, which svill sinspllfy tise psy' vatage et keeping-t sse eti-accouats,, isatsbeen triet is tiese outis' wind ut tse -back. SecondtIV, Ma- eustoerp district,' anti wilho intro- clurian houses are al ene-storieti. ducoti thirougisout tise. amy. gradual- Thirtily, tise front of thesoiuse " is. 1Y' filet with nimevable wintiow-framnes,'. Tise Wnr Office-'proposes te- dda with làttice, pane-s et paper - net cemmisoneti stre.ngth' *ol tise. ariiiy glass.- As ýtise suamnor ativances tie j intrer te dccentralizp tise training paper.-can ho torn away anti tise in quadrons anti coilpanies. - lieuse veYnti.lateti; andti hen; wxheri'Tise propoe'ition is well suppôrteti n'Lnter nerturns, tise paper je ver and ti lesuggestod tisat tise increas- expensi.vete replace. Fourtisiy, .et cest. shahl - be met. byaolsig buiît up -against tise waîî, thoreijca'a tiseCost ot second colusmnat- bat- k'ang russniag tise lengtli o! .tisein- talions anti nogiments. - tonior, ýanti cossiuncuting -between Gen eral efficers cemmanc}ing have roose- anti roosn. --becs askedtote-express. their 'views Thsek'ang le a plattorse .about two upon tise teasibility efthtie latter -andi a hait teet higli ant i fve feet project, anti seuy> are la fav or et_ broutid, matie o! brick. InË'jd*ee je atise post be ing eiminatetd, now t'lat fle aretfer r ive times up antid sruto e eh decentrai-ed lato down the wlole length efthtie k'aag. cemipanles anti aquadrons. > At-one catiis a beileran wiich the It las aise ,heen prepesed ti e do tamily dinnor je ceoked. away, wiith thse sîsioity ruola' n «pro-_ Outeite 'la-tise yard is 'a chimnev seting lieutenants ýte captaincies, ton or twelve* fcet- higli, wisich crogates. anti te pa'emote tise, most uble lieu-ý a drafit tliuglitise flue. Tisus all tenants by selection. tise emoke ,anti liet o! the' kitcheyn .fine pase -buckward anti forwarti-d"" t6ireugli thése 'ang,' wartit- it tho- MNT oughly and finaly emenge throngî iSRL-NS tise chimney. Tise top- o! tIse k'aag 'ecause tise balanc-ýwiseels- ' las'covened wili iatting -Made - of watcles expanti, anti centruet 'witis s!trlpe etf.bamnbouo*or 'tlie ritief tise changes etf-temperature, tisey 'run taîl millet.,- slcwer, or taster, according te - ci- The cenvenience anti economy oethtie cuistances. By makipg tsenteti-f 'ang le mniivps. Througis the day feront kiatis oet metal, isuving edifTer- it serves as if place on which*te *sif ont dogrees, et expansion with ia- anti tulk. « At.meal-tisees it j Ie 50'ceuse' o! teseperature, tise cffect of! tiiniag-room. Thse-foodti lesernvetiý on jtheir ch .anges on tise îunsiisg of emall tables a. foot lligs 'round acemyholm tetieyo - whicis thé family szquats. Ilantce Bt ayie aling wtis sud amS -Is tise evening -tise 'beti.s are -unroil- proble iBujein eeany te kaow 'tise, eti, andi it ferais tise gernoral sleeping-.polmi sncssr o n..h' place. Ia tise colt weather, witis t ec'xpanisibility e! tise Metel employed. tisrmmeen elw oneoualie a~ Amens et menstiring it is4'urnisheti below tresfg point oven within, a byt an instrixrent culloti a. dlatenset-ý alec warmi-..W'ang imakes -'a' .Most'er' in whicli-a -systern of dlicate 1ev-- agrecublebeti on ýwhicis te sîeep oers,.or a cliain et gearN%,wiseels, mug- Tt le, wonderful hew littie fuel isl nifies tise motion. ef a p ointier. over' s'equiredti tbéaet it.'- A< bey igts a a graduateti scahe huatretis oettisees. wisp et straw anti stuifs it ina a liole At a meeting et tise Physical Sociot1 1 at tise foot o! tise k"ang. Tt seeme lan Lentos hately a tilatemeter7 was impossible se insigaificunt a fîne cs 'xst tt iilbat a magniflcq.tio affect tise groat mass o! bxickwork.e-ft-1.500 tiaiçeI se tisat tise changé- But. in about hait. an 'heur ae--genthe 1la 1îl engh et a. piece 6T steel, ais glow penvades tise top et tise* k'ang, tet bh> a single degree et nise or, fal anti ahl nigît long it romains' . te- o! temperatître was cleas'ly mensureti' liglitfully,'warm. 'by-it . Il la ignorance we evez' orderet 'more fuel ton tise k'anig, we enly mate it lnsuffèenably lot. Occasion- elhy -i jinms -we ,toun atikngs -ce I1WRONG TB.ACK., Iscorching by _reason et cuverai cses i ,o aincre havinig becs cooketi or be-, j Had te Swîtch. ce u-r bots were tee 'near tise- boilir that wo wene compeledti tel Even tise- areet caretul perses is sieep on tise floon or. on- tables, on api'. te get ln tise wnong track i. re- else- te îlay-aqutity'etf-straw un- gas'ding foot semetimes anti las Jto don our bedtiingte omitigate tise jswltcth ever. - I ~ ~ ~ .-t 1Ws.sts3nehttn luiU'te - tLiu - iosst. otails that ceusefros ie prripeaý' foot anti drink'disappoar, oves wiere tise trouîble hue heen -o! litel-eng standiing. "Front a'chit I 1'vas nover stroag anti lad a capricieus appetite anti 1 'vas allowet toeaet' - whateven I 1ancie-nicl ,c.ake,,.laigisly scusosed food, iet biscuit, otc.--'o il 'vas.nef surprisiug tisat nsy digestion 'vus soon out o! eore anti at tiheug ofet twenty-thmee I 1'vas on tise yorge oet nenvet .S 1Prostration., .1lut .ne: ap-. petite anti as 1 lad been loeing i strength (berause I di'tn't get ur lichaient.lanamy tuily - ,foodto enpaîr, tise 'vean anti- -tour'on body and bmain) I - at ne resens'e -,force'te taîl Jbackon., lest filesh rapitily anti- smon 'meicie elptime. « T-hon;it .'vas a 'vise physidcian - or- d ered . ;apec-Nuts asti 'crouin nd saw- te it thatI gave this footi (now -te me) a preper 'triai andt ilsiowet ho' 'knew wisa.t ho was about, bcau se I gpt botter by bounte trot tthe very, litt-TisaI 'as,.lantho cuiier anti by ,winter, I.'*as*., ia. better b<enhth thna veonbetore ne . ramvliteh gained lan'fles1à 'ant i Ùtad et 1 k. ew'vâSù oegt a i nti fo las 'veli as-bodY,-.ail dtu bnourîesh- i ing anti cosnpletely<tigestihie foot, G;rupe-Nutre. -- 4'hi hppeu4 tire yoara.g,- Ant-»oee sinçe thon. uwe, 1 h)d- af jist perfect- h ealth- or I'-taic te.' nsy -Orape-Nùts- fýoot-adticreani.- and: stili thialc' t deoous.- - at -ut *'sery 4ay- 1I mever tim ~of thus food andi eau çujoy a saucer of- Grape-Nuta- andti ream whaiunothlng gIse aatsfies- aiy appetife ',and it's *su- risiiig, how sustaltse, andi sti'ong a saui saucer- ftüL.-wil, uxake, one !èel for -heurs'." I 16anI, gfrea by Postsim'Cà.,Iattle JO Mich, - SAVE BABY'S LIP.E. You cannot 'vulcI yourý little oses tee canef ully -'turing tise, het 'ea- tiser.. At- this lime eickaess c omes swiftly asti the canse et tie, hittie lie,. ýare aàp*t tegide aWay almeet be- tomé you kno'v il.- fysentny,. tiarr. hçes, cisohera infantut, anti stenacli troubles -une .alarnsingly -fréquent1 during tise hot - eathoî. -At the lirst> sign e!' uny- of--tisese trouble§s Baby'sl -Own - Tabiets shouitý ihe giveps-better1 Ftilil an occasional dose aiirevent' tIse troubles coseisig., andtihie Tub- let7s shu lti theefore ho ke t ilaevory, home.- Promptness nay saveè-' vour chilt's lite. Mrs'.' i.- tâados, yeVbunn, NW. s. eys: 'ay' w Trablete une '.lua i4 a cse -et diarzýe'rie, - constipation, hîvee',, anti 'vies teetbing. 1 have 1nover ucet 'a met-icine that gives sauch goot satis- faction." Titis,- is tise experience oft ahI inothers 'visehavr e ' the ,Tub- lots. If yen (Io -netid tise lTahiets ut youn truggiste send -c 'ents te Thse Dr', Wiliiums' Medicine Co. Blnuckvlille, Qat.,.anti a box w'viii bië- .sent yen ,hy mail post pai d. a FAIER JAPANESE SMOKR -' ST, PÂHL'8 OÂ!RI LON»O'S IPAXOXYS CHUCH 13S - 13 CENTURIES O01. Buit 'br King Ethulbet' ii D. 604 and EReconstructo"d. 229 Years Ago. Tradition. sseerte that a -Tomp le -t6 Diana peeded "the Christian' Churcli o!, St. *Paul's on, the suinsmtof ILudgatehil. I t je net atai un bhkl. Wen the Romans s wept tecutry, and formed theij' camp on the eminence overlooklng thée Tharnes .te protect the river- trade at the foot et the hilli, they, 'would aise' eroçt a heathen temùple* some- heein the neighborhood. flow andwhen éliristianity eup- planteti heathenism in Lndon' no niani knewe., ,The barbarie hordes frese the,northwhio relled teW R o- man legions into- the sou- d'i thoir work -se thoroghly that ne trace .et autheatie history renins. A,-Ilhougli it is certain that at tho. Couavil o! 'Arles, in 814, Restitutus, a flishop Of 'Loald7n was one of! the three ]Rn-. tieh> bishops 'present. it èannot .be said wthcertalnty that hie churcis was the Chuis et o St. Paul's., st. . Eyter 's, Cornhihl, -bas -béOn cîlmedti tehave- an eider foundatio n than -that qàf St. PauI"s, but Bishop 'Browne gives good reasenfs for re- !éctin g' th - daia.L Reliable history. .begias w ith thse Venorable Bede,,who, 'in speakiag et the consecration of Bishop Mellitus in 604,. atde: "Kiag- Éthilbert buitt the Church et - St.. Paul'e, in thse Çity et London, where he (Mellijtus)- anti !lis succeesors elieulti have their,,epis- copal seat, but givesý no indlcéion whether this was- an entirely' nzew church, or one erecteti on.a site pro- 'viously occupied. TUE DlîýxiON 0F FIRn, seems te have hati a peculiar grutigo agalnî9t St. Paul's, for t.wenty .years at ter tise' conquest tise churcis was wrapped la mes anti buruedti tethe greund. ]lishop _Ma urice enterta-ined anibitious plans for a churcli o! con- siderable magnitude.--. Wien the 'fln-. îshing- touches were put te tise stnuc- la to> Tmeksthe cliurch -the property 161 ýthe public,, Accerding teýMr. Dunock,- the ceai dues realized£80 181 :L89 2d.; ad Public subscrip-. tiens and other gifts raiied, the total te £879,523. 128.1 Bd.. The entire' Ceat including initeret'onloans ïd- va nced -during different .stagès oethte work, amiounted te £846,214 12. .6d., lcavinig a balance i hand i 1723 o!f 3,0 19s. 9<1. The s9tone used in the building jes Irom -.the -famous* Portland quarries, and was selected because of its dur- ability in regard te both weather, an4l meke, the facilities fer *.ttan9- Port. and the size. o! the bloclca., In, area, it is* the7 fif th largiest churCh inl the world, its superficial, ineaeuremnent' in _square feet being 84,311. -The< cathédral iteelf, left celorlose1 an'd blank by Wron, ,hae noever been linishiet. During the laet tliirty ye are. how- ever, gooti Progress lias been ma7de wihthe décoratiave work.. The eightjl spandrel pictures round tihe dome were Ceflpeteti in 1814.t In niches aboeotho gilt rails- of the whispcring galleryare soefigurce et the four easteril and- four western dectors o!f thse church. A mrarbie pulpit lias ý been Orected. A new reredes -rich and elaborate in design, wasddM~ ed on St., Paul's Day, 1888, Severalj stained. glass windows 'ha-ve sup-« piantedthose of plai n glass, andi Sir W. B-.,Lichmond's: mosaico, thougli subject6d te mucis adIverse crit! msm, hlave lit - UP the choir with gleameâ ,of harmenieus color. The churchi h&s been tise- scene of mny iûisposing ceremio nies, chie! of which in recent -years have hecix t he attondance of Queen Victoria anid the royal .family in T ecbrua ry 1872, te give thanke ta' G od for thse recov- ery. ef the Prîice et 'Walesq, andi the still i mr ecent takgîîg fcr the Jubilee reiga of Quenji Vct cria in 1897, 'when the service --INas heléd at the foot o! the wvest- à-riut rneps, a record et which 'is. inscribýetien thée granité pavement., -IQUIS.HED EY- )OIDD'S, Donat. Lallamine, o! St. Mffarguer- ite, Que.> the. man Cured-Fujr- jther Preof o! the- far Reahu IPower ef. the GreaLt XidneyRem*- edy. St.- Marguerite, Dorchester Co., Que., July 1.-ý(Speial).-That ahl varioties anti stages et Kidney Dis- 'ease y.ield readuly te Dodd's Kidney Pille lias been proved almeet daily fol' Years, but when anether victory oVer the deadiy Diabetes is scoreti it is always worthY et Mention. Such a case> hnppened her'e. Donat Laýflamnie.je the mean cureti, anti the cure. was quick -as wchl ,,as complete. Spcakîng et lis cure- Dr. Laflaime says: 1 "For two years'I suffereti from ia-. t'hetes. 1 was attended by the dec- toc, but ail biis Tomn-edies did mie ne gtsed. Then i trieti Doddl's' K-id-noy Pille anti two boxes curo i me 'Coin- What will.cure,.iabetes wiII 'cure any Kidney disease is an olti sayiag.: And neo doubit reomains that Dodd'si Kidiiey Pille wil 'cure Diabetes.' jWe offer One Iltindred Dollars .lteward for an"- case of Catarrh that -cannot be cured £>-1Hall':q (JataIrisCure.. F. J., CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tise uatorsigied, have, known -P5. J. Ulen ertonrtise last 15 years,ý and,- bel;ieve h us perfectly *honorable in, *al business 'transactions, -and fissancially abla te carry eout assy obligations madie by lhi.s flrm. W.ALDING'. KINNAN & MAtVIN, Wholesale Dr-uggists,. Toledo. 0, 1lall's ('aturrh Cure is taken internai- ly, 4cttng directly upon the blooti anti .i mcous surfaces eft tie. ysteni. Testi- reosiais sent free. Prie. 7c. pcrý bottlé. ,S 'olti bv aIl Druggists., .Take Iiall's il'amnly Pille for consti- pation. Hewitt--i'm, alwa.ys happy w'ie I'mi smoking a gooti cigur. ,JewttI- l'eu expect ycur -tricntis te -contri- bute tee asiucs. fte your happine5s. Th.e Grana Tru.nk Iý.iî]way Comlpany lias --issuèti a lsandsoimo IsublicatiOn, 31 profuseily illustrateti w'!th l i-tonjo 7 engÈ'avingm, tdscriptive- tse Cun attractive. locàlîties for sportsmen on their lino- et ruilwav,ý. Tlanj, etrtise rogiens. reached b)y the CGrand Trunk seese ,te have bjeen sPecîally propnred fer tedelectation et 'niank-in,'ad wh«Iere tor- a brin! perioci thje caNfs-e :business- are cast Easido. ajntilite * je genu p eenjeymnent. Net ônly do 6 tise "Iig!ass ontarie" prese,5nt- unrivalled..facilîties for both intîr'g.Pr fishîng ant i capin, b1ut tihe 30,000 Islande 7of the Geogian, Bay. Thioi- sati Islands andi t-Lawren 'e BIi\- or, Ri deau -1'i ver ahditi LaXce.Lake St: John, and" the nny attracti vo-T calities in M aino anuj _New Ilainji'. 5bire preseut equal opportunsities for he1-altýh,' pl2estre andi sport.- Mllthmc * lecalities are reachet i bythe G rand Trunk - Railwav yses.and -on trains ufequalieti on -tiséontinecnt'. an, Ahetracta 'et Ontario, Alichig-an, Que- bec, New. Hamipshire ind _Maine fisis anti gnme. laws are iaserted in-thse publi'cation for thse *guilnnceofetYÏ1 sportsinen. -Thse Grand Truink Rail- Way7 has aise issuetd descriptive il- lustraàteti matter for eacls district se'- uratclv,-whicl are senit fr-e 0on ap- plýîcati'o,ür"ote. ie gcsts e Coin- S pnny' nnd te Mr. J. D.- Mclloiald, _et 4Pnssehnger Agent,' G. T. il.: kinStation, Toronto. ' Wilso0n'a FOY Pada, One ton cent pnc1'et bas act-unîly killet a c WhIgoin'g ýFIY Pada are colt by - *t sGometiiieS. happens- that, a lia:- aIl Druggists and* Generual tStores, eh.rty $1l3,750 has just lbeen pait for a Single ý phaying&-card, a nine et dia-* mentis'. -Upon ,tise isack of it lHoîhein lad paintoti an exq1rieite seiinatu-re et Frances Hloward, DuChess of Norfolk. Miniîd'sLinimhnin ufbîrnsFln Austria evitiently wants an entente cordiale. Tise ,Vierina- City Council lis voteti.$200 te an' Au strian _trav-, elling la-toranation bureau in J.ýon- ton,. establishet te ýprouete interý- course' hetwoen Austri.-. ndstiEngr- landi. -'- Lever'. Y- (Wise fleud) Dîsînfeet- ant -Soap, Powden tusteti lu the. bath, sottens tise.wuter -anti disin- - UPALY OF ARMY HIORSES. A. Knowletge o! the -"Horse.Ponu- - latio'" leNecessary. one of tie great - în'blený%etof a n any erganizatien is- that et sîîipply- îng tise. caval ry with,"ne w heorses -te tata he places eft those grown oit or tisabiet la -service. Tise pres-' lee -l etter, solvet 'ia 'erseany tissa la any otiser country. - ee. A eWs, er tr. A. W. Csa&e -"UuIC mor' re s tiss Aucrica, calunts "' eicn a.Terfnsseand Buffalu - "p0i about 'twenty-*fsve -million ins Euro ù0pe ---fut an ti A sia. ' T ie -R ussian a gv r aï fta --in ! s cc s t thî havin g - c nt buys veny yuag. hor'ses anti trainsnerarisucxcîiy these. hart, - with tise 'exception. o! ee riu ucpceJ tisse.forCosuck'roinsnts Tie Pigeons liovening ablout tihe London Mo .C e,ýssêàks are ý-mas 1ter- t ,rainers, anti '9treets are'e evr,) od 's p)rex, ha"ing cou etuateneo wrere, tise' police ZoIyI that they- n edct- -thoin o-,wss -herses. Great canetandkil is t t jke '.s"%"tou T Bniaisani 'race nethae tsca açainst àny perses kslang thse birde , mnillion isor.ses. Fî'ance, witis an an- 'avoue ccoqiaic ie ru sua "rmont"inlim etpece t orte standt-lainthis oamer Londen, Tfittecn thousant borses,lisadtO-te uy NewVrll.lrHn la Arnerîca la thse n'ai-oet1871. Great Atwrc cnî , Bniitais uses nl'about two. theu- Kong, Liv'erpool, asdi.lZoiter- sani nmouxts a year, anti tees sot dans. Singaroo.Ms eles yn 4 suppîy 'every cavairýysean with a. at Ghaia herse. Indoee, for twenty--ss îe-la tise Britisi jusumh a love- ' saad. ca'vàli"s n ieBitss letter te ýan Egyîstia'inees, 3150. tisene are btsxenttsatior-ya rn olii ant i iis.:ribed on a brick. -o os.Thi psepotio i seintîne Whstmuet-thse court bave leoketi os, Theisserorytionat a perent- dlik-e turing ra lireach is ip' iocase onth. heryt1atacertain peactnt ugo of tihe mes are inwyssit r ose daiýs ? - " - ethcrwise suft-1for duty, - ant i do.sro t need tise mounts. - Wilson's FoIy padés. tis original Asîstnialins -a hurse. pôpulatidof.etant' nmrenne. Avoid ci-1eaP, lai- "M neariy four maillion, but ts oea ain. robe, ment maintains its 'ýewui breed-îng- - gel' tih, tarins for £catvarly herses. - - - No, Ia Gersnany the .snatter o! -obtain- Wlte-Did. Ïvou mnaiice h o' f i i o! icrob, ing reintunites .sbeen red'c .. te n lis subject cr-sstrwsthis 1 elibill aîmost perfect. systese under gevein- anoi'ss-ng? Iu ausdYe;n (1I. I 1 m ment -puternalismn.. ýTise g"vCr iot0cet -110W slow ie saslt )Yisga~tici pnô'vides fine-breti îýtahiénsandti on- iPseif et it. -- ' ' ' poses 1 veaient poste' threughoîît tis e cousi. - - tr,*anti' in roétura tes'1titis service T ro uît eves'y - isrse-owaer le rersuirodti te 'o bs'iîg his animale te tiselocal '-horse asuster" oecein tell years. 1'aoin tise -mus ter-.ar'e oexempt sisilions, ioseres unt-er-fotîrýycan olti or thoseT h .wIsicis uare blitit inlabotis cye. -mares ' - T h 'viths foal, -anti hrse-s -woî'king i-n - -mines. -TisÏe muster ýserves ,te shq1owçv'Aîlments--of the Moest Pajnful No exactiyr tise available, "'herse C r o eIfl ht sten9tis" et'tise nation.' ueC re Il Heorses ax'e heîaghl every sunussier bycoinftslssions ô! 'veteriany s I-DL r. C hace'sG .R iadne geons anti arnsy officeî'e. -Tise pnv_________ about oen sutret anti% eigisty tdIolaa's -oachi ton ýherses .betwveen thrc, anti I l'a ua eve r ftlsbodlnItrc1 'fuour yeaýrs o! 'age, anti sent hd et h etei'o!n'coaii-latdniotî foi- ~togt trial te foui" depots, wher'-t htvare' Lc. ChaSe's idiý 4 "e' 711. .- te' kept. 'ose year7 undeilr scientific 1traita- Tty 0îseîi w'îsiie' eJdoct or ing ýte -develop ts ta'ceitiS ncsc sty~ithé1. ;îise c cnies t nocesearýy ilKahyhrss ine i ' thousand ùeedd tàch- 'uj 'ici leŽ five per cént. -more -are beugîit. rdu ;at i'tîin(e2ts -Tisey ra rW. nla padteckesu% d tJ rba: e ta ls shets on tise, depot faIns, are groot - iet t ers'hy -esais1 eu et n isutes ,a dsay, -ast fet tic neo'venter they have scdi as enorinse- tk9ti regulan ration o! twelve posants of'o.nsl.- Oti -hay, seveaý anti a. bal! e!of.uts, anti Mrs. CaswelReli, Orrville, Mus- anti hi ffteeliof! straw each -day, witii green -koka, Ont., writes:-"'For neurly 'veli ei _edpart e! tise year. - Bach reg- twenty yeame I "as troublet witsl Chase'< ment hnms a certain nuniber e! herses kltney tisisase ýist have rûcestli boon't condemneti each year, andi sentis 1a, bees cempletely ýured ýy usine lhree equa t te eepot for as equal nuse- boxe-, o! Dm. Cliuse*s Ki'tney-Liver Young ber' of new herses. 'lhomo is ulways* PilleI. ' I have tr .Iot a great mnany ing aIl a. neserve of. sevenal.-thousand la tise-remecuis, but nover seemeti-te got Dr. governn»,nt tepots, ant ini an enter- anlything te do mne ntici geeti until on i gency' a considerable resierve terce I usèdt t1lsedpills.'" -ail de tan be mounted 'ithouttebuy andi Mr. JoisW - Gearns, an olti esitont Counai ~,fthouf the iuulcetaiflt dqçte buy- of Thiorelti, Ont., states:-"Fem twels, againil Ing onot1ract.: ty -years I1'vas hutiiy afficted 'vils signetu litoy ,-troubles, indigestion and !anious K?- -"-ISU NO hbatden denangemnunse: Dutriag tisat -every t Thecre-le oniy one woasàam adi is ln tise1 c werht. Tise Quaeip o!'('reeý le as admnirai o! tise Russian Navy. for Over S!xt'y Mr.s. Wît.>LeW'e S06THIN a SVP mtillion, uot mothers for thsi'che: Il SotIses the cisild, settc às h g sr.iud coiio regulates tise tesacli, beta reîseiy for Diarrhoes. Irrt SOld ipldruirgist-9 tlrouughut ils Rather thain -perjure hmcie soine ni3n refuse to sweai, ý. il drink- ing. [cep Miniard's Lin ini n ithe llouset Sippinis-Don't, you thinkl that - fld Mrs. -Snobby-lias an uneve'n disposi- tion? Plippins-Qu ite the rtre Sule is always the S'lne-dIisigree- able. CATARRH CURE,. 2 e DR. A sW.nt d"iet to the dlstascd parts by the Impr ved Biorr Hls sthe.UCrs sasthevaui Passages, stOps droppin S ln the iliroat aridpefsuanan'l' cures Year.i -1 "The sc.oundrel! 'It was'W'ng o! liai etcourse.", 'WVhat diti you do thoni?". WInas: very angry; I - tolId hiin -t Was an .insui.t. '- "Itiideeti it was, and yoil shouiti hava, orderedti uitte bave the housee> Phd yeu?" "0n; net exnc'tlyr." "Wei, what titiyou do?".- «'I toîlhlmn it was an: insu-lt, anti tiat ho must take it back."I. "At-thoni?" "Ho . *a s t ak ing it back wlien yrou came. ia.andi saw hlm." All Face thse S ouih and- Are -i - One-storied. ,Dr. Cluseppe Lapposl, P1iSýlician... -tise Pope, who ha wrltten a' lotter 'in praise et Dlýr. WII- -m' Potatoes, Pou Itry, gs Le-t us have you' consigninieit of nny of! got VOU ,good pri THqE DAW.!.-Om aCOMMlSSIý Cor, West Markcet andi Coiborne3 RAUTNTS 0F FISH- AN D GAlE. .&ttractions for SplUreio h Lill- oft p rtsnd n.theR PAID WEEIeLY WAGES. Prop.osedz Changes in thse British -Armny-Systei.. Thée Britiss War Office ie preposiag te mako important alterutione with regard -te soitiiers' pay, the number efttbualtern,iand tise promotion o! lieutenants,. Seldiers are in future te have* their. .Pay issueti te' the.lantise torse o! ýweekily wages, " 'eetio! pieçemeal witis a monthly s'ettliag-up.* Pay- 'Ip ,nts te men away frein headquar- ters. 'viiibe. niade'-by Post. Ask, fer the ctgua* uz looketi up into his face withler blueti îeyve, ant ifit as impossible te tieubt lier. "But' you didn't cse ite o proc testng ery muc," said t-ho olti gentleman., "ýBut it was ".se sudden that I couitis't," shie insisteti.. "Tell me about, it," l e s 1aii. > "W ell,, hie a o'p te t- a v ery c e e tiso 'ether - Way, anti dthon, ýbeforo I knew it, lho lad, kisseti me on tise jýý Nq ti - J-

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