e 3Are Judged By, 't Our IPriate IIorJ 1 71. Hifu ndtrsdla i TrU me ilof ginIU.otaa dl! dgapa«Mjrom Les Angeles, Cai., eïa : 1tov .Frs-nk De YWtttTains-go bit Lched frop t-be foleowing text; I goteunis-ns yV)ix, "Quencl net pet spirit.-"- f 8 woule, for onur preseat lesson, b> ofl o!Psul's Imprssve, signitli- ai L wQ1d. IHi-s "queucli" - as s- -hi rîstivo e-uieang. It lis eue of an eesha.î - poiated verbal chiseisS ch'es-n open - damantine rock sad ce cuttlng pewereut-dis-mond t-ho Pu kiond. It lIs eue o! tbose intense of d wortia ,-which1 p.-t-ro ,t-lir e- Lgh4s ila colons o! b eod. *"To O> tel" mos-ns. te o saïetiien, as s-;1, 1cer wouid ext-fnguis t-le flancas r>e suminng t-ho dress e! lion burming, fit dl by wrapplng about t-ho fimnsy si meute a hon-ny, wet blanket, jerk-- ai nom off t-le ciotiiesihe. la t-bst -d "quoncb" Paul sts-utling9Y ly 'u a -l beiievîung .Christ-ians ai lunst- t-le sin of oxtîngnisining t-beit- er of t-ho e oly Spirit, 'wicl is t-, r burnung wiîmn- t-hem assas living nE ne. " Qum.cI net t-ho 1;Pîrit.'. s 'V co-lunnd to thle Thess aioniang. C otlor net t-he divine fiantes. < AP1RACTIC AL, QUESTION, t-l e wi comes-the pnnatica.l qiioitlou- h( w' do ms-ny bclieving Clnletlan's. s ml tl0400odgstes o!f si-n sud drown V t-hein spirit-]s-ifies ? Iow .do - Ily,-ef our aew cenverts chili t-heinr o y'eatbuseiasa' and dry t-heinai als, wet wlt.h penitent t-en-s, a-nd î -deti -agala t-hein- les-rt»,la sia '? st Riad lremost, by negiec, ing t i's pla(ce o! putblia worsbip. BY Oe .ning th-bim ,bccks uppu t-le Sun- ni c urechservices. By ciaing st t thoy- ca-a pr-y t-o Goad just as J t lionne as lu t-he xvek niglit-t yer nuetings. By assentîing that R "communion o! t-be saint-s,"ýi-n D uilding wirb hbas been çledicat-ed BE God su -s - 'ouse o! pr-yèr," -is w -esseatial for -true spiritual' 111e. ai 1,nue conveî't- sionld ever ble'gui-i- s( of aestiâg a siar upontihte uublil m ar of Jesuis Christ-. -AuFonce de, w mi, thne explorer, cr'ossed- t-le scis- c oc(tlng te flnila- sprnuîgo! 'pei.peý- j - yotit,'l"- - wiilciî 'as.- ditietcnt -A i all et-ber sprîngs, so wben, we.lî ne r- r,'oisocsted publie ser- xv e litled iw-t-I Christian peoplo e d iîlid expeet ïe flid tîlero a îicI ssihtg, iliffereut- freini lotlar ssltîgs. lit lis bar-d vonfrç foi'-a- a e-con-I toe cep wammnind t-o ner-. l11a a- 1vo ceai outside 'cof t-le te. 1V lia bs-tsi vonk-for a warma tted, loviuig Christian. te mrenin 'piittuai "lite ceai" unless le con- tualiy lites in' close -cent-nct wit-h ici- loving - t-innstiarks. -Itis lv iCom11nlilng o! prayens that- t-be ,t pr-yen is pnodueed. It i-s by e commnlng ~of testinnonie s t-batti - ten-,ttelmiiony spu-lngs frofi our le s. ht lis 4- "tIc fooishIness" .o! il aeing t-ha-t- - aunonsarg saved. C i!And aise by tio foolishnes OfC 'tndhing t-bt t-bey s-ne brougt i Lu-os' wok by week te t-be per9en- ly of J çsusO 0lîIst . - ýqjBLIC ORSHTP ElýSSENFIAL-. ,ubic womslulp Is nbsoiuteliy essetu- I for- t-hospirituial i feofe!t-he a- Lge mit-fl Somje ye-ns ngo s-çoun-1- u boyv wns i-ing in t-le carstot-11 in lCShist-isafeliowsbip wit- et-ler hristiansAn Ssùiday services and la le week nîght- pray or meetlngs." I he oid -ses- captsun's exponienco lbas en mine. I noter saw in my 111e clurêl inember go astma;r unicss insay l growlng absence freid' te prayor rkeeting sud S-us-day.,son- u.Iyouiwat tkep close t-e'i 99Ifyou wpnust- - lep close tai Wlng drileIpies. Noyer nogiectU un-' corapelledi. s- durcI service." For >ur - spiritual wei!are' espÈeeîally., aver xegioct your weelç nigît- prayor rn is N PUBLIC., It is necssary fer true, spiritual' fe te pns-y la public. Oh, yes I 'But Sis - juà t as aeessary t-o pray la'î rl'aste. 'The Lord t-ly Godis -a s-ions Gad."l Tust ies-ns in eue emu t-lut tIere are t-tubs wlen God sat- us ta e baslone with'hlm,, lac sas Chriî4t was s-Ion wlt-h, t-be leovenly Fs-t-ier wheu Jesus s-gain, ,d agaun. wet off alone "te pray& le wsnt-s us t-o e lss-oue wit-h hlm i eiy !eiiewshil), as sons 01 us hs-ve lt-ou been sloue wit- oùr met-hes. -esed andi tender were these heurs f swoet commnunion wtt-b onn mot-- rs wbbhave now gene beonti. Aite- he rest of t-be family were s-l l i ,ed we ueèd t-e sit up toward 'mid- ýight, tllng -ber what we wo.nt-od a doe and -w&inug ber if she- theugît- twas best for iUs-t-e do Lft.SaGod, he eavenjyFsthr, w4uut- us- at Ime tocofieta imwbh wiv s-me loue. '-Ho ivats'ustat-elotl im ait ur plas- George Whiteield wouild e"ru, aevept s-uy invitaton te do mytuing o! atiy import- unions ho ta i ret ts.ikod it çver (kà h his 'est fribhe," -lu the darkness of à e* 'bedrcooru and fa t-le alitary rs.lla tlrough thle treets- and in t-h juiet, of the office - j lu ît-be kt-chen,, thie EarlleBtness ]Jevotiolls aGoWIS grit whiper1ng ýgaIle ay, your lips learn W Utter U ..n ple.dinge.80 soi tiy that th( hall sometimoS Polybe -'hea.rd by lh ar ai ansi.ered directly only i Je lOVirlg voice. The closed 11ds of God'à Bible a ýtCu ubed- té, extiuigtish thfe divii meI burflig-,withU >the Chiit keart.t'- They cÇLD become th *e barri oid bolted doors of SuPerstitÃŽC irred ..and -boited by 'grosS -îgnc ace,- euduugeoiiflg-. tle most Mo tous of heresies lin the 1 darkest *119. They may t~come redîjo t ira )Utting out, the cà m-Pdeep blue ey f 'iaith sud loVç By an aliOie tqIInl i.w no blind prince Wi alla e4 to ii pOn the throne of- Persi yadivIne iaW--no hr.istîan>c Eahthat stage of nitcln tting hlmi to occupy une of Go0 4Piritual throries withQut. earnt ind prayerful Is tuçl-y o! thei bi -Toile, le.e t Toile, lege !"- (-Tv te di -vine cemamand given'lu visi ad. 'readl 'Tale and.-read VI'Ni o yo0uug Augustine iu reference ho Holy Scriptures, "Take e ead 1 Take* and read t is the vie- comimand given to the 301o Chris{i.u eof the ýpresent day. My !ricnds, how are yoii going- rin out'.what Is- the la w'of God à lhe w.ill of God -unless, you reaçl Loly Word? In Isajali lie'-ïit'n ays, 1 My thoughts are net yç thoughts, neither are your _ wayS,. çvays3." lAre you -and- I *trying te fi ut ~y s~dyig the- Scriptu'Sw re God's thouglits ai .idta harin( Ice )Ur lives.with- is life?, Are rying ti flind out what, is the, dei r, richeï Meaning- of thle Savio- aine? ýAre we, seeking te und stand what is, the mission o!-1-g Spirit and how God with th c ýhingb of thiÃ, world ls goiflg con! owid- the mighty? Or are going>arounid day after daà y. singilî à enscless, silly,: siren song: "Je: wili save! Je swil ave! oh. au 'ehappy, esus will sa-ve!"wl sornee!u Uuo itrely look,*upOII- ineo! Jesus aà s an aiiiulct, becai We do nect knowý or care Who JesuEs ®r ta-ko .the trouble 'to rend - words whiîch lie bas spoken. for1 Arce we>gà ing. te look upon«the cfi ida of thÉBble la a sup)erstiti( way, as did the peasants of Eur( during t.hedark ages, as thougli tI L'ere soething they lad ne n,ý ici touel? Shall we continue te. Ls. ignorant o! God's word'as ti ®r'ate you .-going te 'look upon HIoly Seriptures 'as a divine let written by the loaelyFtP e ils chiidrelà , which letter ought bc ' carefully- studied -and its c mands te _be strictly followed oui DE, VEILOPMENT 0, CIARACTI "Bt"soniel new convent satys., the knowletigc of the Holy Scriptu is essential to- a truly. developed sl ituai -charaéterýi then 1 ain net a t Christian.' 1 practically know bhing-about the wvord *of: God cxc that 'G od se loved the- world ti hegaye bie ônly begottei Son..t, Sw4âdsoever bolilveth b, m'Oi aot Peëri5liý 1ur ha'e everiastingi rThat is al 1 know. Cannot 1I accept Christ- as ray Sa-viour?-' Yres ,i y broth er, yen can.. -YOU' nlow a-.Cbristian, if you want te, -THE, FIRESIDE STANDAIU Every m~an's:home te a certalm tent is lis owýn castle 'He- cai what standards he pies-ses 0 ,e ewn -fireside. îHo caiiiompba±i say,. as- did Gog's servant et "Let ot.hers do as -they- wi1jbmb for me à .nd Mny house we sa il the Lord."-Or ho van Qpen hi* h1qmo te sheiter and ontert*ïn tergptations. of ail sorts. But ne. man think if ho surender bouse te evil -practioessud _y hiniseif sud lis -home te tihe s( tiens o! the worid that hecen al came time live a.spiritual lite, eau he expect that, those -'hround who are bounmd te him by ties blo.od and love; ,wiU ilead, spir lives. Héeakuet, if ho would right, net only conseerate 'la lioeey morning te -God, but the 'pre9ence of!-bie .chlîdron ho offer* a petitien te God-,forthen consecratê their lives- te Chriet 1N_,1OUC11 WITH CIMIST By coinnng ia teueh w4tbClu Mie shâll we ha-vû 'the Spirnit'E5l leap sud giow and resistiessl1yj ou sud scatter sud -and consuDil sims and Our brother's -suns, fe the prairie lire mnalès -serpeint, pi dog. ho-'se, buffalo and deer.-turY fieefor heirlives.-- -a eicoming the eburdu Mor tg Christ's altar 1 have bul! mnore question te aslx.asdti te su lIn What, O struggiixtg frieiid, the chie! definition ef being a tian censist? Oaglit yeu to s-a -want taulie a Christian tp escail à vll elTects'-of-sin?»" 'Il'want i a Christian to bo happy?" 'II te ha a Christian in orcler that-I reach heaysÉi?" oh~, nio. ahould. want te be a Ohriatian, rfor, your ewa 'beaut1.ficationi, bUM order tliat Qed zmay, be gtorigo Çweer te g1oritýr 0od we .u1boi4 1for hinm. In o<rdertê,gloriuy 1Wê sbeuld ghive to hilu of Our i st- one ilu a weeacnecsr:ý,for long. descendiag linos, sand brake for con- i15-61 illes, t-le ternu.iau n-ttic Bn--sict ein -o biefrsvem'nal life, .acconieMvli è3.attehro fKeding , o qS, 1i Hnmnn's -tnoiiing't-lemoeits of t-o aer'o- tic- Sone cigs- -o nrbro Kil inoitîc;l sulstances. -' Tilis spicifucity. ~> tlnory.1But- ho -seois t-o insist j'>- pinme during t-leu1uwn-d nd' clown- The deptl is, 29k feet, tino widtm e!o! ofoc;aîz9tioa is Weil kîown ju ir ix-on rogtmin-nty li oxerl'isqO. Of exencise wnnd journay. These are ttacied te -t-bebot-ton72 footannd t-heo uniin, ar ce oICl'ýttin di'-idn n,-m lf- hoie adtises, twe kinds'; First, tire- tho cs-ban, -illaioctiat-c-'inli -fr'ont. width st t-be.-surfs-cc .190 fcot-. Tr ei-idwe ncl- eahle te- re- lis mo s-t-u-Io!fn-il éerise-which sads-bote t-ho'aei'onaut's -hes-d. Ho route lies cifytltmbûôïgh iniarshesand j cogni? il ui il'11at-heu'- iedicaînieits. is walilg. TinimnuWho would lite bs-n à lso wiflT biu Ii- enns, - s-t-cie- sbhioll >- nln ie atcs hsnwlde el-doh-o u cs-iylog s-oidwslk eëveny day for ai. scope and .-qcc-ltiI ig tn-Il Te: cost- wa s nletS0000, 00'. 'I bl Tthoéto iefs -îoî.nîd ldeastoee-lis-f ana heur, sad thabs-in srn. r- -' n' oi - a-ss n-l kinds o! wétîer' 'rî lng'litýer - auxabon o! -%essels passing thmougir iiîhiMe is toid CPltaili iîjuir- motemutu ne kot log Bsides,-its ýprà ctical utilîty for I t-be ani lu 1900 was 21-571. with 1 i6ùs onmns cf action. -, "ýve iusoonstbyenain, rniîonre t-enirag oci nwo M. 'Iereusnl -ar-o -r; t-ho pui3îoossIntIeiitent à ( tenn4go, o! 4,282,258. and t-be duds Imit-eneo!-leeucysii- evil ro. etwalk of lin-if - arOP-iimbastmoecleoilctd -nunted-.t-e 2.133,155',t-liera'-isprtntiliof o! mhdicinies is !r etak nainllorl 'orfn-r11' negu-' i cur-higli Il aiiiOn-d it is t-o ho hop- narinon sunne, art-is*r- aai-i frtobg ontsi u-marks.ALd 't-an eigxct S li rm-i-eft-etigi s-fo tsmnts whene s.t-es-mîton sailiwould ho ,Iý'ri E LLAND CAN1ZL d) ht n- qiail lrý ild itu. "f Ihe et Iri ustall saic - '»"" - ' 'ninoWeiis-n-for.n-un eonneccsh. lin ar - --- -ouo waiis witbecut buIldin1g inddens -ornn É .reoi-h'Cr ,cf'-1 t-estIework. ().eo! t-be Most- impont- -Ontarin-ni s-u uss to wnîc t-e sero>îao a-adis-n side o! -t-le river. It. was coit- t'- ~ " " i be put- is t-bst o! aiding t-ho uew sad srce n13 m nagd i AIS FOI TUTE YOUNQ. ea Tino is-cine s-i t-eegrnply.1871, aund again. iii.1900. Tthe lginisgnee-i s en.- fh týappa'rat-us bigirnt-TIn it could ocks 25,. t-le.,totalnsn tbL -l]uloehn-- o neJ-n e nit-el possibly lýe aoaveycd îy ?any et-hon ag 827 oot, -in lc -tn-ioî ec -bnrt mens,-dse eau'n'ddcouskideraubly abliut $25,0W000. 'flicannuai col- b~iiln-ueIst ites t<> mort t-o, lt-sr'ange, e-%on ,t-o tlet -eut- o! mcenl - - -siglil:gh, psseg letonettis nnfegl.:pseaes it t-lnc lies-t of yeui'self into nIlsiîi 'bnndred e! mile" - sand vossels, averages n-lent $225 ,000,yo. is --sad t-le canal1 is. open o n- naverage. bems ct epSlona oIcsoi IN MEMOli-y- VICTORIA. o!.n-bout 240 dnys ila s-yearw. . ct -- he- -e- SAUL T STE.ý MARIlE CANALS. iîîetmtmi vi s -l Theo wom&s aurIi toQuteen greatesii.e'iIiý b)ecat 'Victoria, being -tlieeondowmuei. !j-Thccanls o! Saiit Steý. -Ms-rie," inn a" ta g Queea Vkýjtonîn-' -.1Iiniec îInstitcite Miel., and Ontanie s-ne ocnted ad- nmucmîo ý t-dxi-1 t - shah e'a n- elct. slend for Nurses. whiclî site lierseliffofmnd- jcu t io nls !tle St. M-y5 îctemysni~ioi utf-tI ç d witli t-he 7o 0 pres.entI.d t Iiv',-wluch'coimicts- Lake Superior 'otRier ý1 lfv ahl'- . - - -jlords hir by kine woîaemn ,of trent Bs rii nv îtim Lake or r -d 0-e iuaisc p iî.- îtnls Xi aiJtle bîhlee o! 188~7,1s now coin-! vessels, fromune euio-el t-et-le otiner ~Occî !n~ ' poe c-aunouii cnl(d&lvtmes eigît o!17 te '20; fret-.'T'ie -nIr-iatn'Ibtcut-inaa tetr l-a ,1n 0uA>4 ih l i t-mlire )t'ci'CI DIl- ai belongiing t-o t-le Uitd St rit-os ctsi-îtc îu '.-ter 'figres -Engtain l i aes s-aid t-be wils egula- la 18583 l:c.t-Ilie St-tu' o!f --I4liniteltir-tie, p~ t nn colenies £66,O0- iilan, £6000Michilgain.'and opetned 1lji. 85,t-lie ot1m .-"n Scotlnd £Scoît-ti Nurses' Vmdealatho -i ninIbn .7-fn- '- tnlmmdm !eii' îd(on nien FuTd) £î2olit-o £84000 ani d provided iitir tivotaînctocu iiocks... \h' i-i~ mv -l A-dlded tte no£72i,0 0o! tlh u-ege' eu' i - gîi iit7<) ,". -0 ïV ' <g o I e. e I - - 13>' i cii, it;,t i, iui--litafi xiii , ii1 Wcueîis Jubile0 ()tjeritt - t~~'foot wide,t sad nlow,%itu prsae ! 1,celimii-b..111oî,>j~ Victoria, t-bis innakeS a t-et-ni of £15.00. rIecoummittOO t--tetis-t-I0r0%çnig 12 ii,-ieorigInal I utiiukilutyt vudtk - bou-t-four'Milio~n poe curiu'cost-being.$1,00,000. - Ite-but. vLin-t Lou ouglit t-o do. netn ed t-o t-ho fund. Tbje -bulk 0o!'t-he Tc.Ca-nsa-acnna milies long, ----tert i Money w aSs- de up e!sai-ilsuns.150 feent- ideanad 2foot deep, *11 -. 3'K]G ]eVLY . 1Y ranging -ir om 0' -ln ards.:foo et- à ug sad 60 foot wi<lG,' ,iuîY. penny pwthds lock feet on t-ho: miu iwas _r : "Elos-nol,nIr -s- oum-il - SEEl < MESAGS.buîlt- on th-enotî aide o! the river h eînU111 young Iiopkil]s. wirit pet'secnd.1>0 ietrsi s-!o~~~ -during tino yoars 1888 te. 1895. Tire lie' Id stop) ceming t-o t-he mose'j an rype e-d ere implsesdn maon. ,588,n-adthnogiof-be inn-dia jy OOi ii -1es ben iOWianavdo i ~oceW, e 420.ka 100in a'.iibr !' nehm to Pa.O " -tro 83a-etradperseco'RA oyal>O- teV1ie tte s, ani naln16902ul - - inki-oi mdily> on o!N-the London.)1W,5u8t-haodgl t-blairun te-ani 00,ii 'T"' 111111V do F0 u0etïi., tnema ( t-nnit-ber S(2s6ewiug -a Vj:ejýIl1t ,20 lat-h NEEu ORGOTEN becni grêtyacee canbaldue2t-o t-Ic. 190oteleuit !be yoof thnk se ? peiseiondb.- 'f Mrfe F -er in-.reco ielalinfthr lit t-et-b lettr ~s fe lm -les a s inoglt-be unli ted Snit-esd cid lco th atVi s hiDe IPyiAoo a - - - Canal as 92 wt, gitrebon - -- Stte cna1 W u edu-' ,t t-le non lite _own must iL t-o aiso. s-t as rai-rie mber. doos Chris-1 Yl, "I1 e t-le You net I.in werk Qed t-cm- Lut-hon. - .By - .these inspirations, te le o! ln-sting benefit-, rnîjà t- ho takea lu',s- peurws-y. ILring on ýt-liebsck and risiaig te ,ce sit-ting posture dur- iug inhalatiion or swlngiug, t-he n-ms s-bout, ,if * t-le linaIstienho takeu 6ta4ding, gives free pin-y t-o a- lange1 imeno! combiun-tions of muscles. tb-o -tion o! wbleh neac'ts oh t-heo tari-eus vital, ongans.n,-nUi-i Ipnrt- 1 -stren-Zth and. elast-lcit-y te the wlole pody. Tîlu coniustioa-o! muscular movoment-. wit-lrt-ho deep inspiration, bas, say,ýs Sm - rn-an, t-ho.sesrne et-- ednsniountain .ciiniig, wlich, n-as 18 net-embus. is -tin o no iëà enlt-fll, long l! e gîlikia o! ercs VEGj-'ARIANISM IS BEST. lu thbe WUn-t-i.of o!food., -Sir Hem- Miaws îecipe for longotity 'wi'il stnike people ila.s-wen-kspot.' Hisnmont Iimportant s-dvice ise nefrainmeut- frein large qun-ntit-les oft*aneai. sud eggs. Moaton ggs, lit, sn-ys, Cvhiie -o u lan-geo quntilies- on centiauocîisly' oveny day for-.t-ie tîrce iues-is, on even -etn t-wo aies-is, s-n-nsdeât.ilc- ti-j t-o ieugtl o! lite ns t-be negular sad free cgasuujpt-l4n 'efaivohol. In fs-c, "ne ms-t-t-elwhs-t- icWlio! food' lu takeil, t-le qusatit-y ÇhouId hob emai. 'rle uman boiiyl'evsn'lite autd tfi-nIt~iA id w ork hs-i' on -aSu r- pniingy nial SUf.utty of aour- lshment-: Greîa7t-mode'rt4on li'es-ýting lu, -hr toe-, oae, of.t-akeys ,t-bat unlock.- t-le doons o!'iulivig - - Dinklag, tee, -lijoulti ho légRUais-te'd, esecially inla t-lui apatter o! t-sa anti cofree.-' J.Ètt-e t-e.- à ad coffe WUI igo a. long wayv,' accorduig t-o thle-plan laid-, 1ldwn by Sfr*1qerman. Li-tle 'alcoliol., or noué ý:, al, ta bet-e Let-i, wbereas tolacco- islaA, ki ai- though -gret et ePaeeii nUie oBstem, sua libral use ageT1740S,021tons; in *1901,- 22,- ýLlÈlT-o! the brain. !Ih ranma ave RIME 13 Uts, Aagainst 20,136,782ii execis - s wli s te bdy.Ne-- -thc year 1900;, the freighit tonnage li I OW OU MY UEONE matter hew muclh the b l, y is exer- soME Or THE,* WORLD'ýS LEÂD- 1901. was 25-,0'2C,5'-2 tonts, ,-against ciDE ~ ~ eSeA there eaun be ne long lifè or - 2,251,539 tons in 1900. The Caan- - healthy life if the brai-n is idle. That -s: WATERWAYre2 - - adian canlsosîleitrd ton- Sir H - o! ni1irslie e su old. age. The Paets as te Their Cost, -Théir Ca- nage in 1902, -1,,547,561;:la 1901, 2,- erma We~r Qof affai15WhYS ie-may on et ine'lector 90 nake tis 2,160,0 i Viw -in aHigrhly nteret- brala, 50so ."s Sîr Hertuan, must pacity' ixnd Their - 4462tnaaîs , inake( coitrst betweeîî igDiseuse have exercise or it wilil die eaTly, - Lcto.te uieso h t-Mr' ai - What is 'Uic.nos-i secrete! onf 1e1n- te wllole i>od'y wil ihi.The f lown ist Includes the inu- sad -Welland cnnial is fouil a a i su çwvnahuman- being manage 4He.therefoire advis'es the nian -wlonof t te nlvè-athe, en'eyment ofg- o -woluld lire te be quite 6 ol te ld pratcni !tewrdomparsno hi iuç o o r = heth Yd- p t-fra u e'5H .ujetta wl n1rs 1. The Suez canal, begun la 1859 of, years. Ti6lmber eof xessels pn-ss- lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -h yerd oe m -ddvt isi eI vtand compiileted la 1869. I ng througb the W clland 1canal in he Ths e hequston, îOgratenrg.mordies t -2.The Cronstadt nd St. Peter S- ý1873 was 6'425, and-ila,89,2,2ý0, Thi s-u rts cets u y'guyiir,.h afrai-d o!fieati, burg canal, begun li -1877 anad coin- a roduction of niore th-n ceue-bial! ila ~Y'gintstSm HemanWeer st ttudy zooloay, chemistry, or' some Pleted ila 1890.' the n-uber of eses The - auiiber, tepe eanswer thc other -day in other s-i.enlce Lor'd S-,Isbury *wn-5.3. Te Çorinth .ènà la, begun in 18841 o!-.Vesselpassing îhlreîghte t ~rea hgll iaeretln dicouse e te eeof thniosMot .enthusia&stic c-heinm- ad coinpleted ila 1893. -Mr~ aits cani la i187ws2- ne Rloyal CoAle cof!-Physielans. ,The JtinluEnglI-d. Bsna~cnd Glad--4 h Mnhste sipcanal, si-517é, âd diii 02(tirouhhe 9a v~ew ofthe plîyicin ae ' liCisà ,an thels werestates- pet a 84.-- Eicaa and CaninaCni, 26 n'S -,I'w fte'noted-1 htohe Cris-aae 'cd tarlixg l thir iniiirtyand ina; opeLeoXIII. lad thc care 5. T~he Kaiser Wilhelm Canai, con7 ____ ___ in,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~o s-hh an ie eda u ayo is great -church on bi in ; nactizfruý theo -Balc- and North Soas,1fT'A WUDT Dr' o! compréhension that auybody eau, Darii, Spener, urxcley, Seechi, completed lan 1895-. ---UIA~iilIliIfi-~JU >U~unertad- hen.- -Dalton, and a hundred other- scica- 6 The -Elbe arti Trave caalcon- in- Tidresan-te qetinwnpu etists and phuteosephers .li'-ed to, a.ilnencting ftho'North Sea and Ilaltie, TRAVEIS IN THE LENCOCYTESi n-gros-t statesmon, scientists,, and ol ngo, aithoughte eePy-oe~ u10.T R IH PT Ye others vho - lave -reâched almebst t csiycora-laiaing ahinost - their on- 7 I eand aa 1 cetn ent 'thc - century .mark .o!lilfe lins beca tire- iyes. Lake. ric witl Lake Qntarie. - White-blood Globules Absorb ' answerod- in vs7a-nous ways. -It was nntlerceSmHraaa-R-d9.Tô w aaIUid- Drugs sad Crry Them ve 15..~~ ,upsdtatod u intelligent vises -xariÉt1 The more vanied t-ho Stat-es and Canadman,- respectivelytr oy M o aen would nsturâîly- have formulat- intellectual pleansurecs of a n- the. Connecting Lake Superior with- Lake- ~ntcdsom teer t acout fr helonger _îl i e lix e; that is, if bis ýHuron - ecen expurixacants 'a rnc so e; on hoY O'c-Oun IOtdy 's îaîd attention'to, and i - THE.SUEZ CANAL. that tire whito-b!eo gobieS o d'S length e! their lites'.. -bsbd scae o exiiilite e - ."ouoc ts, 'bsidsa r~gfor- est' p'y scaedfr e,- Thc originali cost -o! fthc Suez canal cg ois tsryaodo oa île. RULS 0F TH FA~. - ho oid a4 î~r~lh alsp.wn-s S95,000 000, and for i.thanal iii ~tcn hsîtia iudpiOs ke Von.- Moltkecy at the age o? 0, wvas SIJMM R UTH ]S. ispeseutý fornux.slii.ghtly lai exccss o!f on stî-il' possesse of fine- hntellectixailu sunlnhiaig ni> the, mies: for pro- Tlî nunýbm o! 0e(-ojand ca rr i'i ito-u~5t1CSi h IV wcnn-adrenaricable .vl-tality. Wvhelxt dcn o eâySr emnI33nl te ased o otelr aucin.lori, iySr eianl-sels passiag through ýthe - cana aIise, lofll ey îotn dse amilxigbdwn ue 0îowîîîg îfegue - 1870 was .486, with a gross toinnaefucto iditiuIog - Ied icia ldà oà ng insuch excellent heaith Ax'oid discoltntetentld worrv. -cdrugs; te il patsoi tebdna îng~~~ "e ro- - onato tigoefs aw !654,915 tons;--la 1875, 1,4941vo- caryiflg theai, iîî p'articalr, -te ci-lèepid - a -%Werry is one e! tIc surest life shor-t-, ecIs, gross tonn age* 2,940,708 - tons;. cn and by xéguar out-of-door exorcise." BiEe eni îj and retiree, -Y. Tinls Ig80 ,26vses rostnaej o:rdpt . ecte ~ilcotr te CristPi, -the laMOnsIalai tte-is importalnt, foi' it wils practice7d for4,459tos a10f-389-e otgod- Lad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ' sels, -gross -tonnage 9,i749,129.. toits;,, sso~nl t tU MC. idman" s-fd ' Regulam*ity- and absti- long s-gos lv the aucesteis - o! civiliz- moints, '%ays tlie Liteî'niv Ilui-îiile' lis nonce are the .secrets o! long life. dmeun saantural'habit. - i- nu1895, 3,431 e~ls rss ton lor No-iDow, the - Ainerieaù ;apostIe of pmatieioeation la o vcî'yf>ingnage ,11.833.637 tons,;anîd iii 1l900-C',15i.i1bî. u. 1wos tly -el f atc i-,e !' skia- is inierted l Iit i tt>'strctýilir t nu emesce referai, neplieli,- when epeclnly-i ntig .- ' -- 3,441 xessois, with a gr..oss mg my s-sîed this question -"Refrain frei Breathe .pure air, gettingplmiyo! 13,699,2a7 tons. T.reli-lla( 1"rei tii edof, s-1) 1b( "an land fretting." -of4'oxygon wl-lin every inhalation.-' te~ _,i arsrnîylarge .in prouomo!titod1 laJofr iatCornaEro reph1icil :Extrene toux-- Tà ke regular diyexrieprio eis ot rx t d is -d by eîininrere-it Lopn- celi eating -aùmink D o net ,tfeep more thIn six, on, &I a'sYe- Book for 1901 gix îng the nne ucun-u- 1 îlîîl- we Dr. G, N. Pope, thre agc6d TwmxIl -ost., nierý than scrna1 heurs. net - profits. of 48 9 9 nà t 54 152,6601. tîo.es e Iettc sclolr, s~d z Be sre tehave Ercise the bm-m overy ýday. francs,- ad tinetotai aineunit din mim-aisnd it îs 'nnt- l u r's semoe gros-t - ife work te. do whîch B1atîne daity. butod ainong thc slià rei.ldeîs 51,- 'ecle t-( llcà cts Io-hoitis.yenu p-on thcearth' for the ad- - Practceide ifeand enrefui con- 538,028, francs,, ô bml1 e Intmcie tî ecctso cî~ ompishmeut o! a purpo.1senan'd you trel over n-l pJassionls, es ecip3î fy cent. of, the siaecs ! 'd w hile tire th-rnie net. TIleco 's-k ii lilae.- o ver airger, wh*chi desti'eys more tis- ooo.,CiiQl5tîtitstIl'-et' r -These words freni the lips o! cmi- set-lina nîy üther' ptissloîi. The e-n-'~wihiîîcS - Ieingiparticularta bolitcLii teient men, wlo lived te a wonderful. - Control iiei'vos4ear. Learu te be s-,theic sa level -tlièe eîi' itic ttce l w l-d s-gpare o! int£nse iaterest, but as ua!fdn-s possible. - - ST., PETERSBUI-IG CANAL. 9 a they are net fie- eold and judicial If thlis î'uie e! life îvei'e la genern-l Sa.dvice o! tire scietist, whoe; liow- use Smi lernan i oiic- htTr aa cuetn h1nyo ECC'-,]-tISR hl~ ever, does neot disagree witln.thon the leugtiî-o! 'huma-il lue would be Cosat --9 t îeesmg I empatc'd n-t i sLîcirc otiiuý tin atgether. - - . l-nonsumably ilicreici'ed. - -a a-worlý ôeÃ"! great strate- -tis îea1i L e:ýj 0 L, ' the 'SirHenni- las wor7ked etan ii- -910 and coumnerclal iniei'tn-nc te usalo5 l' "io t 1 ýL t- U5 gniusplan fer prolonging oe's TSE--8IES, sxee ilslng', ttie canal, premier tîhnitî \t als'dug is lie -dsml-s Lis n-dvice - inn-y -being about six miles.aîîdtc-bny' the .ppea te ho, it is bn-sed 1upoir vear S E' eabout tonl m-iles, n.-ad - bel r !cctI>Sî L1ikîsdi' icra Us? o! en-refienmîiten bdvto Mr. S. F. Codly Tellsof Hi-s Expeiî-uil,î y jSoblsltr - te îni a- sedrecacl èpoimcea, -a ms-in - monts With The11i. - - IGi -înmdt ~I somb.itt i l 1 î"rooul'cîi'. or mn i- t -rsarh- péiinan' edig ufof 'nan oSt. PèterstJurg. solcibie suiksta'c- tiJ peationi s nuüs sud is,'.thorefori, wortl the- .trouble-1Tthofirst reto.rd of*.t-h rcia S 'iee-i- as opiedla 80 IL iore cpix. - 'w VIî'eik thueen> opeý of lenrfing and emnîcibe'ing. of. kites' is sa i d tent back as fn-r, a navigable del -ro!f.> foot, tire t ran lser 1tînel (ni --bviicaliyi, aa eP hey. F1S U~:AODDSA as 206 B.Cë.,. wîen tliey acwre utilizodiorigina-l deptirhn-in onnbouit- -yasi ln. sdfiutte Fh1o SmT HeUnxans liri. woD 0! AdtiE lgwrî n- m-aCios e-jt 50fe.Traotlcs S-eis- wtl)or sit Sn-iifOS 5 ab tIct ati, dios, eseihlrul <lis- c . i 'lî'c i îf ep Coy theheinn-y cýt1e I-, tlshe c ab-t be*Sir1-erwnýsfist.wor o acocerig te liistoty, n-tedntao p n wrov eH adT Uo 3 0 e C O R NTI-e ot lCA N s , 'b -)- tIc t a rsu d s i f oi i at g ' - tle* -lvidougilite ekes. eseilsThis icdopteadby IccôrigtislîAdîimotyS-,,ooo tTe iîycil eae ason-sdiphi e onratt tO ile;lslîghi -otio oi kas iaiXpectýnm- ~~-ie bas-odisensc n-id exrcî tr, - n-a et i t w aneit i *d hiscIy en-n-lf...a-în..1 tîîr - romin ci'tlougr su.Ttheeae Brhitisrbhg nî:idciug siuiuio is tob prd oe y knlii g- eo itelsodlakios bt ni dr-neleess sts o te n-s ii oi Otasinaig.c-an-îecini ton i-d tee ait !11ea llsuied tesngzn e thep-cttes-i aouty d1c0,0 .- ie fttl e tîe - HER pr'X esTU .- - rue dfr soas possible îe rini u l d u<od ~, e-nIi 2 Iotnts baitteur îaboiet ofnoy t andsfcr lîçoefr2n1ete thnt ne- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o ha!tccns !tcbodveslnsot hae bn mn-dke. nadI nit -ira canuni intoelpaidol,-he e.-eîiomn-- itme- ganiiý ie1,84a-padtcofîpletî',t a 19,jtmo'g'aet ÀtcI ishem r fie 'io a an.cn ,dcddcîoi -sta e8 !nbtlfO,00 rt olma l ic br lîe trnen ife. phsic~l.conitins f ol mîe. a Ismnile grd he u!Ã"îs-ns, -I a1 -tl - ANCUESanTER sftPrcaNA fL the 1 i--la s lnIeit-i o aopongotho atissues dry nîxnethis "bld captive bya sallno e n cocytes n-ni'v tre dî'oite.tire- lin-ci oî,joits tifen. Kee yom tssie n ire wbicb in-diesfn-sbut s- gaivan l-aî'ilOw. li lains xtcilar ared otessySfedri'm-isd or zd ie nbi.Viscola- in cocet a s as teECgan, wtlil e tin-etdponsatno:c- ho.e jontnei odi. - iiowot- c arrtw y lIe es-i s1g beMro ier.,icpeon-dte-is !ii-iton -oioti> i"vle -t- 'rixfrt t-bing ede t-o rare.e -ossitwl.'îuele i-psn tmantiSe- canCi, n-s opead fer tal- '0tcleoyosis-motuci'belr n-s ~ ~ ~ o tise hllysa snn as.Ivll tub iin co entria tet-ho fiurpstEnifi nJ-ncnn 1 84 'I egitr'eiareanbelutvru- b te -ieer ay. gîn-i ae snutcan-e ea -i eii s ahel' ing 7 3 et , hi i i id- -011( denerie s'.mng hensst-ble h-threi-,um ed2-tîy t--k,- tbotealy. Ai woha'atnd ile no- inatoofpthe.iag xpooftine. roccin es,1ete en--cl n aerago o!h15-oot. Thse-gx ioluoytsc c is pump tlie fuidn- ! tiniboly t snvepe sngduineoflmoasuccesin. thnlumua idl1is12-fetatt-re'of te Idc.- u- eea epn o we -rono gtei. ycones-ad tinemoe. un-i ll2 ll pht ntrvneg-s - otlinu--la - o- -owegto -h cosu- atemhiof. t-outgh in plac.. es tIc iiaugt itspliceofoni e ýýt-i cul- ns-y suis t-bboi'-od ht ae rei We n c ireis ecinae bis obsrn, mna uidpa, s26-fotadto-fctcjeitt.-'rknsnîtnet ft s- îu nsic m -oIa it p o f the: ilot i s. sn u - tiar roqfnu'd fornevtof-l- t-be ii- fn c ir i -iit,ý i Is le iltn-keîî b -nol-' ovr tin ic î, con ition snofmmctiy se ngl, "Uc cgrd-ofes t sdbevto s nifoi io t lit hcr. 'o ctmî. "li eccts li ye o ld tbhesnvbi as re t-be anntee- wheln cative a ai nc -' - -o o!--$7ý E,00 SEierveu S-.90,tbe riytetru-lso. wireiae Oh;~ moiefs o! iffe. A eeq otsuesie to h bou- i ade'asthto ý an-a's P- Tccoan te 1'h p 'r-inisoie tecc',-i o'îs, . - a -aeust à t secessfuire et-ofernozisoXand exy- tioa wielt-alecý.. 1'is as oIan ig boo," ts £chet,2Engs-d'-howoii-' KotleItî*t,etedIVoIbts C IL bird. en. Ho-ce, minsh ir lapientyis ls-k, t-ias reîden1l.~uî l '-.Liverpoolin-,itagdxptnes £483,267.lhffem-nt cî'Knns- attact dileneu YOil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cb tiosecn nhdultihg.pssblhfrli t ]>onleJeor Ase WIELMCN.L - dcgs ietrei'on) -e - of 11ipin- ei Holdnsprday. o ésan- inst in-eartogot-ln' th nsedxgadc n 89.-'ielnlno -hoc-tila- ad.tne-egsnssem - cn read be S( then'e i-! .-f'; - - - 1 -nu