Towa COUDC!4- pOIngS Thise Eema-fl on Monday cvening was hejeLiimti asted bUt Onie hout anud ,a tilarteT ra ciic motnt busiîness 'aSdispose&- ocf.. Ali'thaý miembersm,%ere prePent cxcept 31r. ÂAnoher fleclines the U011or., X r. A. -M. Ross wrûteë-.I b acknowledge. the receiPt of your é om- munication, advjsilg me 'Of appoint- muent a% a iembA} Of- th0 bord. cf ,seh ool- trustees. Wvhile thanfking ,yon for thetionor ten.der1ed nie, 1 r>~et .eciii'ethe office. Guananteesig otir -Debentt1r". on !notion o cf.Issr&. Mitell 1.,and Roýbson. the M..ayor, 'Mr. Bià 'ray and Mr. .Rutietige were aproint:ed a dele-1 gati'on! ta-interview thZ t Coulyco- cil-in reg-ard te un apjLi(cît'on-tutaie à aid body- to-g .iaranftCC the -w ater workn and electiOliglit (MIf'et tIires of thse tonl cfWhitby.. The Printing Coutracý Mr.R snpreseliteidl ti' epojriof the finanlce coilnit[C e; eMruedn the acceptance, of tie tenldvIr of S. Mýj. -Newrton for 'the eusull xe l pint ing at $19. isCsrried unani- mouSly wilth tue exceptGin of one membe r. Ti ic f ina nce coiuitteýY aiso'rectm- miended paynient 0f# rw rs for supplies. A Bridge -W\anted.. 31r. T. S.- Brant Wrcote as foilo-- In' extending thè toW'l sudj college drain throïngh the DingInan lot. portion tofone fipld 1 ilsC.(t'.of f sothat il have -ne means o!1gCtiflgto that .part o! the field. ,I1 bee ierfr .ta ask your honorable l>ùdy te con- e struct. a bridge over sadran a some ýpoint lu the field t'O ixiat 1wil haable ta tise that portitrî of thé iield abov a refcrred to., The. treeta, coins- mittee ivere asked to (PŽdl ith tijis .matfer. A letter Na reat. £r> jMr. G. ( iMilis, o! Torcnto, sà yi .rg lie,. had *1 ený h ilidtemve a mau Ifacturing ethi-e t froui, thj ciyto. escape 1t.uniOn anud, utrike Ptrouble, jtIuud wvhg WGoîddeu'iîdcy 12,r e anda annually suÙd *Psy $50,00Q1 ir wages if sufficient ind-ucinents- wer4 o .ffered by way of bOflt.5, exemptions l ight. water and power., On mniiol .otMr. Nobleii at 1er %vas ,10 fe-rred to.a. 5pecial rcomjnititee to deaj dwith. M1%r. S-(bJe said lie wisheè.d t( k iee- this town devCIop, 80 lie hOPC L ..Ml' lettem wouid bu, .deil- ad With on, a buln~i1kc basis., and f re( &f ro.m amy Petty jealoo.sies. ýd Reports ýAdopte4é. L-r bi.Flewis gecured Lhe adoptuos Ol0 id lte., report of tbe fire ant iî1gb il Pommit'tee, ih reýomireendetd î11 payinentni of thexa., aceo)unt' -1iectri in liglit for the toNTit liai for .Ianuar ,h. 61.0 and .for Streetlgltîsf ( r' Janluary $81â, e,ssone n-gbt fo -~ lisp:on ili epcr4er -!ut rock an ý3 First atreet. m' *Mr. Mitell pre3ented die repoô.î r- of-the streei.s coxmt tee, recollnmnt 'ing thè payment of 4,h2 toilowir Luaccounti' - A.Pringie &Cc,.,>S1, . or OConor $6.85, J. .11acC:îrt $91, .Plaskett $*3.'15, A. Breen GCte., In 1 .1Vm. Ayres 50c. Tht' eummuîtie, ai, reemmededtinât. tlisy ssk for prie, -t foc a cIr .of ceder îei~sti x mcli lxc at the smIliles e«ýd. Huetb rvr-NN, .r 1 adopted. . - or -J I C'Ius ', , . ,ine We 11 1 t' decided to buin tl0hs tec t rio rdsd.u un- der the char ter of the Ontario Elec- t rio Raiway, UoÇpanY as ait I nde-* pendent .line, and iniLt.d 4to . proceed vtith .the. vterk at once. As an 1111 ducement for the ià babitanté -along Lh- linm e ujuin us lu our undertakiig it is otdqntent-itn te: offer the peo-. pie such i ow rates ýand f requent ser- vice, both ILS regards paswanger and freight', thai. your peorjle Witt.i at-once isei whiat -a grcat.eà vingý qan. be medc by them ivwhen thje road is in opertion, We are uow prepatr&ing a fuît tarif! schedule of rates -te be subinitted te tha'inhabitunts aloug theAune, ýand our teprÈ etative Witt in a * ewt days cul 1upon yoîi with a couipleteè sched(ule, together with fulipatid lare o! thà undert'xking. 'Tlie, matt er was le!ft with the Mayor ta follo'w u p. Mayor'BIow xepor ed that- lié lad reiedw ord thtthe1w CPý.R wcre pushjug aloug the Pr-oposi 1te build. a. line o! railwaiuv vxoecNÇtby, a ad he, .was hopefiof 4'ile succe5es e! - thà e The Mayor rported that. be, liedf headeci a dputati0n.40 the CiôuntCY couneil asking i Qtxty te guaran- tes. thé toiwn7s Nate'.vwrks 'and elec- tric, light - de1beniti.res;'but thiey couldî neôt geL a heai,,iflg util the coutnty council aeebl ntwe. lau.repîy ýtc>.31r. -Nob-le-.the Mayor stued a:ladher4.otilg furthr f co in ithe 1avth~Cooper ative 0o. e! Toron'l*Osj-nce'thâ lia, draft agree- ment ras%. sènt4ihýâ- npay.cvr iug the disà greef.% -- Iltweeén them. The myr reprte*ï that the towna solicit'or had. iui baud au , %which the -intereSt. 4"parti6:ï te he 111gh stret *malter Werebeiùg uask- ed te aign u s ai4EýI ed any .future trouble ever thle preseu.t sat toment.1 Pe ti1ti1on!4e- Ag9,ainst a License. A petition, Nvas r.d sfellowvs- We are ln'formc-d and 1elieve tisaiau effort Ntill la ieade early date either te Loobtaitia . icewie for a naw hotel ia the South 'ird,. te ha erectad uear, the ne. (f Uno!the. Grand Truu* Railway, Or te ge.t'the license ef the-preaent otei: tr'ansferred te- 1tise1 propoeed nuewbctel wh-eu théepre- mises are reà dy...îl[d tha.t your. peti- 1tioners believe t(bat eltisar tiegrant- ing of the ne-w lienÉse or tbec trans- 1fexring of the present oee te_ the uew premises would be *' greatly againtst .thse -wishes 10ùftise -resideunts, o! tise ward and o! ise nailwny off i- .ciels, aiid agà illst thse beat 'intferests of'tbe whole comimuaiit y.,ai ape- c ially against. tÉ5 eafaty týetouug mcen and cf tise .einplOees k!the rai ,lwvy, .and, it. tucb neW ho.ttl. is -vholy- :unnteoesarçy, .and*- ild, acswcr ne hiler pxrposetha, a drinkiug y-Iort, 'a trap ýte youn9 meni andi. au 'entice- mienà t to t1bouse Of uttnarate habits. rneiiher -a nW ieneor, a trauiisfer bu le1grantesi, and thé,preeant Il- Sccnme may c ýa5sa Rt thse end -of thé pres nt.-terni. S.ned.- G. D. Wooôd- ýjCck,. W. B. YtuC '~Rie ÃWû.m MCourt, T. Apleto, Wt. - ltofthy, J ~t' ~Aéhby, jas. 1MaLeosi, WNV, Ashbyl; E.A. Thompsou, Wmý Mocontbu, -1.Baâke J. w.. -Wilson, à Un GirnblettSm.Vn stonbb Joshn -$snii-th, E" $ýtb5 -.Cameron, Donald Cà ae rôn, B. D. ýHug-. >, ard, Mne. u. Perryp, ,Ja.3 'X. WNihlis. dGà ldring, ' Clïae.- G<»Içiuw B.W.f0Iký Dan Cameron; lt.( ' btJohn IL Gale,,'Char-ý lot ~ilterJ. Sinth ",A.'Q -ar_ rinn7soie Jackson, -Mrg. E. Dawes, idl les Thorrîdke', John Lawrece, John Lawrence, Thos., Snow, Ed. W ârren, Mary SmîýIU, F. .9. Woodhouse, Thos. E. Houghton, Joshua C., Sxnt i b, W. J. Correli. Priiscilla.Pierson, L., Don- nally, R. L.- Hnggard, Geo., J. Mil e,. E. Sleep and D. Gaibrailli. Thiis %was referred to the applicatitons Commit- W -ôod"O Phosphodine, isa old, weU estabi- ,~lished and reilable preparatioin. Hamà been prescrlbed *,and nsed over 40>yeams.AUl drui. <lots lu the ]Domnin - ot ,Canada oel oand recommendas. ing Beýfore an4 Âfterý the 'only o! gives tulversà l satisfaction, 11'pom Verinanently curesalilfors sotf.YcrV0Us'WeaIk- ,sess. Emii4sionir, Spertdatorrhoea. Imà poeAWi. and aileffecta of abuse or excesses,; the excesie use o! Tobaocoi -Opiumn or Stimnulants, Mental ad Brasa Wor, alof which lead to Inftrmity, Insaulty., Cnsuxuption and an ]larlY Grave., Price Si. e=pckage or six. for $5.' One wiZl iplease, six wflcure.. Mailed proniptY on re- oeipt of pr14. end for free pamphlet. Addre si *The Wood Couà aulps, Windsor, lOnt, Canaldaf WodsPhosphodinels s-1ini Whit- by by J. E. Wili% ard A. I. Alun, Druggists. Flolan, Drayo & Slaght ~CarIes J. Hofiman, K. C., Jionry L. Drayton, -zAtur G..SIaglit. Bur , g ol icitors, Not mies, Proctors in Ad- C m isoes o e tc, * fl- 28 TORONTO STREET, -IIb 1 I--L TORONTO.U I.IA J- Vk Registered cable adétress, Holman, Torouto."* Longdistance telephone connection. * MNUMENTSRmn ,Of ail dçsigrus' and ýmateral kepi, in, stock * It wili pay you to eall at our.ý works; and Don't be misled by Agents. -lWe do no R empioy ihem'. consequently. we. can and .do dlow the agent 's cotmmission, - o0 per cent, * wvhich you wiil certainly sure by purchusînig Irom us. .Whitby, Granite Co, or3 OFIEAND WOBilS. opposite lest Office WITBY.ONT. A T E IC WIYL TILL & --SON 1904. 1904. * FURNITURE.:,. JANUARY CLKARING SALE. ]PU 0OS.S; BUY COME AND W I2 ' * GEl, PRIÇES TIJAT WL NTEREST YOU. OUR STOCK. W.TIL L; -à SON, I Df Gntlemen. Nokted for their. jazte in dresg Pas- isd upon the, ierits o! pur Made to Order Clothiug. Mies cdecid>.,d that it lu perfectÀnu fit, wprkmaaiship and .valu'e. .They continue t o r -us wyith their orders, wlîich shows that. 'their findiug twas. trus tworthy.- WVishing the said jury- and .'all. the peole, of this fuir land a merry Xmas. adappy-Newi ýYear Brock Street, WHITBY. TAENOTICE, Tbat we 4o alf kinïds of photo- graphie work- at, reasonaà ble rates. PORIIIAITS ENLARGINCr FLASH-LIGUT. VIEWING FRAMING, ETC. The New Photographer, oppogite, pos-t- office, WJRITBY.' Th ominionv Bank.. Capital (Pahi Up) m Rosorvo, Fimd- * $.3,oooooo * - $~,38o~ooo WHITBY BRANCH, General Banking Busn Special attentio given to the collecion of Fa.imer's ale ~ a $ndothanntes Sct 'nOS 2"n1' epartmi¶do JERi ighIs EST'uoe E. i. THORNWTON r- MANAGER Ili