Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1894, p. 6

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I existence ié .a~ad filed with soreow.%orn t\suifer, ore- iù Eadiftted toon- aate that ýbe is so en- ir mie ce.tainly has rrows a reat suifer- S16 the- jysterious de- velopment of girlhood, the care of maternity and the change which cornes as she grows old- er. 'l , Y OFTEN, too, she is thrown %on ber own retiourees, with- proteýction, without assiet- adwithout a friend. A RAT cause for s' nes hould be that dlcvery has given B t friend that any ver. had. VTt need." ,,'to.aid. n girlhood, her later e ~is lfrknd to miia, -of wornen during týe last twenty -year8. IT IS thé-t grand, that reliaW~e remedy, Warner's Safe Cure. WOMEN WHO were weak, worn, weary, have been made strong, kriglt, and happy by its aid. -7 OeNo-WWHO feit despôndeut an*d melanch o ly: have -'been, made cheerf,anüd joyoue throiagh _its M ari nyow WOMEN UPON whçofaeescould besen tfie OPGBiIsof ae "You on0ght to, obîëkheéb gh ooloook», Harry. , "1 ",Eight o'olcdk,'> epemted -th. eng ea, i bntrig on."If - he gels bàck ber. by ton heilùIo vehII" "lYou'1l mee ao me- b hl-pe moyen, if nothing happenie, assnred Harry, rising, and teating hisikates te, se. that tbey ver. ail right. 'Hahf. ast moen 1" criod thé,oerpor. "Ys"answored Harry ;' "tIat -jiii guve me about two heurs and bah'l£." "Remeunber, yen've got te hj2uI a load baok," remnndo the gergeaut. til know it,. But that sled vil lip over the ice easy enongh." "Ijf yon make the trin lu Iv her and a halft,1'ad8Sorgeant Wbitd', 11U- pressIyen uvit as fne a pair' et ,,pae wood drun.sioks as ever beat ia eheep.. "'And '11 belp pay for them," addeaý Corpforal Dabs. "shail try and vin them," laugheil H"rr, plscing bis lod-rope moos bis shoulders and under hie arma. "iWhat la the exact time nowV'? The cerporal tock out bis watch and tunned so t.hat the moonlight foul upon il. "Juat five o'clook, " he maid. "Go !" shoutod the sergeant. At th. word, Harry shot awa>' on bis trip mroas the lake, followed by the good natured. raillery of the Ivo mon on shore. "lHe'lI Win if anybody conld," said the corporal.1 "0f course h. vil," agreed the. serg eauhi.1 ,-The drum-sticks are as geod sabhla already, aud I'm glad of It." The to wb ' nr dtethfont. The aîr'vas keen and ,bamin'g, and with strongstrekes.Harry 11ev oove.nthe, glitterni es.witb ne sonna -ih ,ýears *8ati1Dg," Yreec "Skat r' oat ~ ,con. tei~oel~ .~ uacrose theheur," eaid Hater . " I don't get baok by hif-past8eveu, I shah 1loge apair et rofewo6d drurnû.. *tficke .Il 'YU mdo i4, if anybQdy - oii breund here,"Ilaid* the agent;buI ehuladvi. yen ,teget tart.ed P"et seen, for Yen night break a ukate-iron or a etirâp, and tben you'd Want a il the turne yeuve got, The suggestion pemred t e b& agod one; andt buttoning up hie ceat and draw;jng hie cap down around hie sars, Harry bade the agent good.night and Went eut. R. was soon i~ the ice and ready -for the etart for the fort. Us looked aCrees the. lake in the direction of' the peet, and, as ho didaoô, ho saw, a -man about a -mile awa, apaetyWki aa rapid-eaémrons e ifroien a toh "H.'fl have -1,celd tïnpt" hhoght Ha4yf1!ho inteénde-to w~alk"to, b.j fot e ght. Maybeituo, !i. iettions eaught ont. 1 Fil huùry Up and liaul inmrose on tii. eled, i el ride. Wake up, Dido!W vtt. t. at thi. eolonel's -quartera lu qnick ttii.e." ,*srry glideda way ftom th sin. afi,çvas'mon drivinz,,acrose the iw1ek e re-horse, with Nde husaxng aI ise .heeli. IX.rapdlygainedon the M,'vu wus wLIkingithminie di* ùtiIgil b'vaouidnot cfinÊto the,~~ times ho had conal&erblo kseping - hiesee> tus. < "li hbtlhir- CHATt. Mau Bucha_..., lh worthy Of notice. h.eiplesa, bleated t a diiease. Haiedigest. lees and ho was rapta i b b.burden tOhujnslf and bis .. aturalIy ho botai hoe.Kidevzlsand themeý cured bitta Dodd'à was the finit kidney rom-eiy in pi» tfortuïeever eýoffe:ied ýthé public,' *-Ils wcnderfïti succesu in uùale<sfId neY dieease boale 1o the, ^untroductio, -.of ;of numneroui ,tbàp and wdrthlese imit&iê1-ns. Pitrchaiere, for heéir cwa eaftyj, -aould.- lu. ist onigetting' Dodd's Kidney Pitte. <Sold in large boxes ; fifty cent or. six' boïei. for. $250 To be lhadeof el] dealers. The office of the Spinli Mille aI ikeig wus burglarized on Saturday night, -but th7ée tbieves got only a few cents, The safe Was blowii open. Eseljay"s Liver Ltozenges are a tborougb. iy soentflopro4duction cf the pressaI day, and are th>e bout remed' known fùr' bilois. noms' osIatohaache, etc.- 25 ots. a b6x at oaIl drng'etorem. A l4dy *ho gets veryl ll. - And who never'cin swallow a pi»i, Baye that rathei than try' 'She surit ywould ,di.-> '811611 try E1el's Ietb' od, she wii Sseljay'e Livur Lomenge aire, pbeasant, 1iaréimI imsd igeoie 25 cents. F«P'w rernedies fori lloues aa -Ali ageeb e..pleaeant sund poteetly hbana. les medicline.for .ai liVr aU toinaoh trouble is Esl1jée Li#er' <Lozeaîges. They purify the boo.2 cns aldugec 'ne linI ef dead b>'L heeathqnale fin Qrenov nnmtWte 3.ePerbons who bat ,hi ives before the shooke oeriday aven adBloed causes btichase*ou, in1lese msees ,ukéri acrofuia té. BrdeCI en ba d blood intaisnyforms from à acomrnon pnpl eth er wsro u- yeCuêy~r~v è.&outh ,anrt EeumeWlty Barriste, e 'tc.Office forxiaerly o- by Paevel kRutledge, riext Royal iDÂVID GRIISTOXÇ, ne A.,p ~&tiy~*.aw Silcier li Oaucery, Oo~téyaoer,4~.Oflice-ii the OCelce ýifth of thé Pout Office, ii McMilIan'J3 4tcl, rck Street, Whitby. Q UNG SnIPrUf. LL. B.9 BWQk)' SOith oet Market, B? ock St., Whitby Bfarru.rBo i nsla hancer, 'etc. 0fieliMtio Hawkeei' new block Brock S., ty onth of Ontarie bank D. P. BUQAUT, D.., L.D. Ouc, Dud% et. htby. IÀ11 B.mi Menai Sarery tu àWiitt. braes promrt- 'y à e~ddte. -'-I. <J!,Torento. ebeté latel>' c- o, rookljui. -agtor dy L. s.,1~ Bngunoér~ -~ J r~.anulAv ~I. snd aiH other Gmetery lWerk Scotch, imert8rs et oM eeihAn 'eonadanGe lowedt. Miv Liv8ry sel I.~12 cr. Loe-~ ~ÂOffl~TIST, WBITRY, Id a Bepalr Siiex, iii. canne but yen byité roi! -J "Hary-mton proemat, oi wonld yon 4btiki l thie vmso il 2"1 csr iq .Al *1 6

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