Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1894, p. 6

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* t.~ ..-J q î r e d b SI fît p M ntt, oe Wprîwpa redhm th. 1» neiph&lebet oubtiei onbined withl hSherry %Winoad ohoice u0gîa eves tue niin t I of ils aotiôn upen-tbe patient; %,hile etpl oes.treuently ýrpeuted, stieagthen b4 -pubse, iuotea6 iàemsnIlforce'sa>d ln- vigorute lhe toue of lb. orvSui systoin, and IIýus t by the general vigor vhlch il impunis. tels un appotite, vbieh givés te the aItom- ohtone and ,euorgy, and fortifies the sys- Uen agaInul ai nfections -dieuses., As# feor 'Nrthrop & Ly man's Qui nineý Wine ; sold 1y all druggios. Dr. Mary Walkor bu applied to Post- nuster-G]onoral Bisseil toe b. ppointed post- nistreessut Osvego, À Meuibel'et the Ontaio@Board of Heaith saym: III haie proucribed Scoltts Emulsioenl 0onsninption and evon vhon tho digestive powers were veak it baben f olloe by good rosuits. " H. P. YnoMÂNs3 A. B. M., D. In London on S sturday bar silver vas îuoled sîoudy ut 27 1. 16. AN IN,&cTivz or Torpid Liver muet b. arouaed aud ail bud bile remoéd. But dock Pille are best for old or ycnng. Reports frein Conneoticut itidicate a gem- eral revival of busines. Our htuIWble GuigtLkÜ Mx W. ~ ~ ~ ~ X w'Su *-, ' h uer î betib bOýîu~hufeml&Z su some ouutry ome ~bsu lbrfron tto ot oMYde lm il ormd1t.y vo's pli' ~uesin wh eu viiteaoiht *vono.' o1"Igsened. Ithe ly<iedel Qestdd b rst haie ho bous rid iuletiies il wss prOMy. baudeidfe placlieaieu Im e t ievs. -h ali Ie-yteyengsme WbêW8ftÏei, we'lMalo b erreremde u etfle.I Levig or rieddta acomibl' ut ledsta*nvcle wd"ed s iâ s, busrgt wO wà.ntt rpyu ug hrec on ftee0~ .r proesn h u to . yengmsdigh bi' bar:fNeno nge, VS a'1shudib e n ated ursLa's in thec b ud agai Ihn &ieof dsinl mid nnoue art arite einhoitule, peJhn"ic o hiop h oonst t hih l e ane u rîie ene ith a wtebegiawn. k. fthe trangeit.106 îM uaednthopsi'5ekont. 0feb corthut unusual evensofthin our But Lie, wrih a faceOmr e ued Laigorsrpie ,êy ralyai eud ,tnels tee caerxistenc ,^tos ie, u ed pt, ostiopyjoural eh. cheon sins ofy we uwuitedré-t. walhe wih urinsoye, hol arfidbcle, lung mhievouslmy u ge te lot our ain e _ 'sen h pned te e aýnvebope and a l o-bs rgtndwf W ~rgU oedo wo âldîht2ionk"e sloe ob eîyi o tts., "Jcohn yueen sdo ne snob ting," I bfimwefsoa th mo n utacodi xesge thalegrm.niethiragrWite ly. epar te t lun ou te sn teic ofWourelat uneu vitn,"spoku Aie, wib a fctre)ig voe. 'Co.eweuhdishouOO% rl id na senietoonuk tea,"sineL'hav iethe truk ton dbatt .Fr ebue îeuarin cad " ary Ne oorton n aneas the v ory welas n s tarie. o brg il ns il enedly e es. T haen w. learut grl rien on urt undhuddeadon uive oome mbmy oers. hurds ovmoa nd sjDhOulgtsr a bi disong as prand e vie luTe aici. Th en d!"e dnos, bran nd sawle1h.ubld ubowby vieeaud wauion oft beur omin maeevweryonos i nlwe le d dowig ishiul usine s ed cutily ppear.Upi e lthnt sppye that noiugnmorewads cdaout bsdfrted wspln f cachth omngLbmsfs and t oe nat e trk rid rny bea" fr wiohI ws îankul.buriarredbaned ndhol u y pnlled by an rearmed offcr. 1 at rPtlth tene taten"Joehxresadnr teousele. addroWfc r nie, oe ap 11Wkeu usîsre sud plu o i y o, toaguos ohamer se arei wthosin in vok iitils woe ed Wshure -habvelysetrunny b.d chamer 'ha e ils windows son bare 50 . Fohie ho gymfde aay 1k. ed uMaryb oron.d" S heacold coin- tha n saptarrgues. co uld lsraminuo.thon, as 1h Wlo. faTsfhe deret gresrend fordiary gueula e.ape oronliethomino h or p.01D aefr~d a temeelvenso e brglaar'a Alle soe toubl su coplaiing clnedandilsdoorwasfixd sese e sad braiethe l pBooYrlos in_1 pon fertnunowseuuusae y are and . strngy boelted frein ouin tesa be.d nuy e bolge et k ~e5N,, b. xprsemn, elpe byenvhal. Sin.old aîces ud ewory obes and te usen te meund ber-d happrdtno arid morep and sti aoaîn f eaonl a vain werecac e elylei O e eitdo i otflbte ho "obte"forny be,1 thk al. fo r rein cased tmpthe ueay fulues bouang sU olo. A Thenx fno hebelovod ovaen.angerkophi noenceefenacrfl ,"orme ont cf rthet, yen sampy," Asogh Ihevo eued, eunv 1bouead itEhem et oigI ed rosriheuedte poalice Oupthasn t 500l aronu4etwero ad lare d ibaudeom, forhe gertal well aroormn verte bo hoin uin lk for lugitSg, "angv fortIthen, eingih, pn esied rsefon dAlaiedqietlmy dte d autenousei an oef fortyo unrsel.Wal'sth Bmaitainig s oe anboaina onnrhate o whaer &gl mght eds tore nain te of bis aicular racke ay and nt en.e awinse heposssd cmchessaOr. thogu lns t lnes- tIi.how. "a h atoo h paewe nd oher frr trsue sud, bcaperosI in fansoied e e f8posile. rThed burgiar ried the gh ar u Afer four cfrobeanodr ose ae veliThn, and ter idepr a leitedtrunkas il statldismain hepr el O, hai ai frotetrud whou b y l and wibie wre le folte om and atuebis pal strgth gne. is e1100kez fOr ieai by boi thesud brsmaitb elerie alral the o ad tcvhe ndperoviens- couduotor.theatoniwhm ewata'd tr ier achdor d iundwet l aaintio l lue rtic lssyles. on ror eteveen b ohaibte ril- th ob ail badblargedmnerelle by or ed'env "inedcese tte mtioneorexcte- arebs t aing t or hp k ge isbeed tegriesy ncaeofmnt of haaiinnlctene uat dy or aeudOcf ofudebiatnd Cbannceyt uocesItyavsud tedulpotocfIebrnkor ontuse rndly eenceBed Deth 'toliel aID, brs îheya gamîy dtseeaga ando ussud huforyagitationwbentard ovong are wi oln.t on agig adgv my tthe, bingrich prdedhimelf n satinedquiely n ad aout he ous honaoen fu ailf.e trukeonthe Ooinseqntlya onethe filing mnUn olon himsolf, ibndly pro cm- Hna h!S ay, uryrsackt nok g enwdan. vero e we bd mbeeds adhuese ut heplesuo let teho weV'l? jerod doigthe aretwo wero visit l roé n fisod epe te iunsspbe.t-4The bngla r bluff wa good, obut ft foright f eredds okeboudmasurlle. ing ers a u h e tarease iut work afor a cet. ,tht;a l l ireet very og ad en enle edcre o fnhleflownd tue tscpal igh'h rne,' onyzfrte mcd nle andyaren w lcr walargentber, illasd e pan wer e Plt ou ho ator deing vhli t1wat ces Ev en achefromd nder Initisudonbayerved frces. hllby ' runk 1" askee e s policeais b we al bd lage linnr blle y or -Ts nedles menionouexieping fi s s. th in teutafery cI. fellov ha poeddtok rin fatheay n'e ueofstmethe key-ho «alo fthe ell ayforast do l Vnebl adCan trnere hyand teen makepri fte te ned d orn. cacl cnele pnf ut ntdtlcrawl ouI bilinseyf faily atho feld thaneanho mli aitatnou e tlltoook vig et ate lb. bse oobn lam thtrnwonth paiu cfbekuinonetendbveyhoe udpek uesanluthsud Lm i gem't reot founed u inglotder r indo wewerTho st.t runk was lpethe eryeuse bd "yThe brgan' gbtuafwa 0ion t it~ fieleiad'oianb es e rl e dmah udis- euexr an u eve u sa i yreoin e c old forda tet aeoby turte ' mba ee ntrdand home' wyltithnrathuge t a Oo-ldn't gel oIn1h.wa te acerye. andW ealt iouhaew euê wu neyber, i id up an dghI he ig ld i n he',v. 7you'l hapie aner uehé W.oo 'tchsfolne itr*lwsoand it sens hils rongthe sudlsroued 'ng fse tin hi.oolfer" -the. Lock hlm ty. mg ks eot îest talion.y enea d or.yL If in 9~ ~ ~ "Off e i eil t Etoruo the ve And'b.fàt puolin a rmi *G en ofBefr ,darneyersted Co nurg iil u The wbeamtin hie trnk. all prdab'ele thw cci oheae gotet enosiippe t a over. ee oth tslaead mgi' orpot. iun sud beftinne tracTotorl e we yhend ay anen. ysexelS aypaddod inide as al o beitsse foud a a inge dor r wndo. re Ys te tunkwasthever on 1 ab e ouly aggndagtiedmher ceyn tenonsil eôao t ns thugl l. vl- our 1h kuboftherion l rom en ulon itii. liunthe but ouy coupley lagbedcntbeh.iysetfr sdb' at ome" whid, but, of oue,' lfdidt nw soon b ave te o to 'vo erk penidcupat.lUcky forTe soal ven e fil.d wilhavhe lndetr oubeine eollu t atrnoo of is tha w ay itetÎlî hrugne.nd ru empyfsk sdcab o edv from ýAry Nortn. l reu&: "Motp.he ar o fon wnlssos, trA- up,, ge i.a-wekIl iehaI lhruu, oit îy11.Cuntcrne i7l od 1 ek4t niie Jhnf.eesI ul hik i he roiios1ei er Lu ~ ~ ~ ~~l 4uhu Slwu hlcmeti io nta hwa etti vnu ~m tete0>é1-s.ud idýtok th e thng te beard tii.nupestuens of a appeeýý urod fr,tù e roueig caseýüI do ecovoexa Imne bhotrnkaiL » land nt no aelpThe moreaouw=yhbelaur ne e'ols ye ee'wh nebotranIddhm ef ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bu mybd e sdray'o .bge we b Hoistu Wmay.rscul Fre o he o idd eutthe orassieht n u T mn gurdig-te a" Comm Tedu îee tc 4Is mad, e de tee, by ity déae totius, te o overthe v l edthe bofae inrthee xorielegdorazxi '- in tely sud etuibut vyas coup- aine ctbe tio robb set fo sid ew.. aimtl ,p eof 'mine s .t4v eeâ, 114o0 hth rduùeuep iar. won hav teydy to woiion.epeof- ufhihe6pni - uky orlhei >1 emty iwe andTOcrum6 b.s f femd abter er y reda pmie4 oirbut aist ai sudme d e li __ d.lnoi sous~~~~~~~ -ae T1, orerhwma , vhebugersr.. nt1u3idlaativan e epdlet PAima nuihoM.'va. ot cIme. l iftehO a . . plaoeu h on o W meri ieawe i httuk »y1l~uru mail-,1 ns- - W' % . thins. if bis ro isiaons helout.ecuvn Joa %.y f~.ELL, . . 4 aou o Wbttby. Barriattr, hO t~he* téLoierlyoooupiea hby ipatoeIIh RnùiÂe4<enezt Bioysiol , DAVID UIiTOIVpB.%. Âttrn..atLaw Boiotorin Ohancery, Oenveyancer,&Oho. rmuo-I4 the Office son-th oet1he Pout office in' McMmillan's BlookB»rook Shooét, WhitLy. G. YOUNG SMITH. 14L. B., Burrisîer, ho., he.-MDOnY to Loan. li. suer of Marriage Licenses. Oflice Smith's Blook, South of Market, Brook St., Whitby. DOW & MfCIL-LIVRtAY, Barrisers, Solioftors n Chacery,&o Office n Mathison & Hawken', e le block, Brook 'St., Whitby, south oi Ontario Bank. D. P. BOGART, 31-D., L.D.S. Physiolan, Surgeon and Accoucheur, etc. OfIce0 and absidence next Ail Saints' Ohuroh, Dundas St., Whitby. X. B.- Dental surgery in aIlI âs branches prcxnpîîy attended to. J. WARING, V. S. SVeterinary Surgeon. Honor Graduate of Ont. Vol. Oeoil., Tor- onto. Offiee at the residence late. ly occupied by B. Hickizigbottomn, Brook, lin. Calls promptly attended night or day' Il. C. CRAWFORTH, SVetezinary Surgeon, graduate Ontario Veteri.nary Ooilege, To- ronto. Orders by mail promptly at- tended te. Office opposite Newport's Car- riage Works, Dund as Street, Whtby. £Ui~u1hu1ton6. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineez' PortPerry, Ont. A. A POST, Arht.,late with Langley, Langley h Burke, Toronto. Dosigne for Ohurches, VUilas and Ootlager a speoialty. DraW- inge prepared for remodlng ezstlng gtatures. 0,,rion-Flret fiat over Howgea Drug.Store. P. 0. »B7e22, WUZT8T, J4u Marbie Monumeflta,Hedtf6' çad ail othen ee7 ok a -importeri ô, Scotch, 8s edleh, Ametilnd Ail pârie uhngyorkwoflJddoOllît*O Ail vork guranteed a& Iprie.. OftO lovest. New Uvery and Salei 3tablu J. T.'NEWPOILT,. Proprieer Commi~ercial menuliberalydçatwith Teanxing doue .1 reas onil-ble pricos. Freight and Baggage 'ueati6w- able puces. A c llsoicited. W J.là.-U-XK:* Ef MÂOH:INIST, WHITY, Hoa opened a Bepair Shep ii cenneoties with the Cooper Shop latly cairied--onIy hie father, opilte Ail Saints' Ohuroh, and will do ail i.o! epairing. Bewing,.M.»- chines a speoiaIty. Lawn ýMowers, Bicy- ales, Pirearmu, Il1ookS Ssi s, Oloe 9 " te, m3Kives, O lippeu Piling. Skaes Ioso l " , Sh -' h., hrned sd tepar &.0nd v Coýper Work nide ndrepafre-d. S opposite Aul l8 t' lehl, Dundas Street, Whitby à--n ASTIIM STNLJ ad tW.,rrnto, pi e2-4 T~IOS. P71 iBe nia rots Ay/rà.c atimwd'5 Linimenti LumbermaWus fflend. Oommaore William D. Whiting, retired, of the U. &. N.. lien at the point of death at bis home in New York. If Vou ha"e Catanh eend yonr name and addresa and we will send yon a Germicide Inhaler and Inhalant withont a cent of pay in adyance. Aller giviniR it a, fair trial ut your own home, and you flnd it a genuine rapedy, you can send ns $3 to pay for same. Tf flot satisfaotory in ev6ry way yon need flot pay anything. anu ti, tthing be more fair? You hava Ivryhngt gain and notbing to bse. Ad- reswtout delay, Medical Inhalant Co., 450 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Aug. 4th, 93-11I r. The steamer La Bretagne, f rom Havre wus ashore Sanday nigzbt 12 miles east of Pire island, off Now York. USE SKODA'S DISCOYERY, The Great Blood and Nerve Remedy. "AÂUgOust Flower" How does ho feel ?-He feels bine, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed- iu-tlwewool, eternal blue, and he makeseverybody feel thesame way Ugâ FIOW.Ir'th* 'Remedy. -l4dle, generàlly dtill and con- sitàt4), but dôometiesexcruciating- AugusÜ*Ùt Flower the Remedy. HoýW do"s hé f091?-He feels a violent hicconghing or jumping of Uicstoac afcra meal, raising btr-tasting matter or what lielias eateu or 4nank-Auqgust Feower the- Remdy.__ How- .dQ.s hoe feel?-He féeel the gradueal decay of. vital powyer; lie feels: misérable, melaÎriply, hopplus, sd longsfor death Id pea&ý-AUgUM-t Floer thé Re-OM f *~ ~ e- e , THE

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