Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1894, p. 5

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Wu. &IWAYS the dollht and wondèr tif the bol%. Our new Wanut Mantel sud O.k Cabinet CIO& M he Ucdcllgbt and won. der et a* wbo wsnt correct ¶%me, muiei b8ll, sud haudmouzecale, snd the prlop la ONLY . trous ric. a. JOWOIi. kr &it., UWWy vm- Furniture and Frazning, Fineat Finish and Faahionable Deaigna in miohogany, Walnut, Mak and Hsrdwood, Fine, assortinent, Fuir prices, -GO TO- JE88sop I'URNITUREC COMPANY. PORT FERR Y. W.J. No"T, MÂNÂGME 1PRIDÂY, MÂRCH 23y 1894. LOCAL LÂGONIOS. Templeton's Pnk Powders cure rbeumna- Grêw, whiskers by using Dr. Gerant'm y Purtah pins and recelvo -a crt yourfre-pots, grates, Iron or brick linîngu for ail kinda st!ovir ranges or, fuziaces, freinJ. Mcntyre Look for W.,G. Walters' adverisêmeiit this-week. Read it.We have everything for sale that we advertise. T wo parties ut Lindsay bave been iin.d for enclosing leters in newsp apers lIn or- der te nave ppstage.; The Iaw etnables postmnasters to Inspect all.auspicious pr- cels to see whether tley contain any fiZIga enclosuires. The New WI.ins la P>op9Mar No housewrife abould be wîtbout £L New Williamns Sewring Machine, whlcb bas no equal in the estimation of those wbo bave used it. Cail on E. Hart, Whltby, and find out hie tertns for a New IWilUlms. Two publiCc tert&WaOS. meurs. C. Herbert Fielding, dramatic reader, and Thes. A. Baker, humorlut and vocalist, both of T6rOlite, wil1 give mû en- tertalumnent in the uslc bIlbore on on- day, April th. '4 .1 Coud wood and slabe Notwithstandhllg re ot e i.coqutry 1 ai» still in the w obu$olbsud mehope. te retain al My 014 çtotjarS sud get 3s many eew eues as ýpossble. Ail wait d thoinselves farly dealt *lth. A au, sellng bard woed and siabe as cheap asel cheapes. bard wood uut to uyl1gt e- sîred.Cpu aud jet.10prkMesbetoro pur- cbasing. John go ltcù -i+xjlu. sent the wroflg petittoe The tcwn ceunciliwul te ed awaLy a 113000< tien questiei luwulcb dle or no creeru; but asked tu> sund a petitte ter-geflPral tu i <kor of bO mentO on tIre G. T. R.oý ether peoplei smre id te the: reforni. Nesi DWS blç ShCoob ~iity suaicus 1R11 Bru> Smltb- of the Uxbrldge trnesbas Tue late Thos. Eliott, of this town, Was a wlse mn u - bis day. Besides jolniej soverai socleties wit benevolent objects lie field Insurauce certificates te the ameunt of S4izeo, *hlèh ameunt wili go te bis beli. The Prienot alse. The. rumor that jas. Long bas rglscd the price et ment on acceunt et the iîcense la net truc. *He lu stili sellini the. bet cuts of steak et zo cents per lb~. Tbis later cash. Pleasé bear tisan Mmd. Àlthough h las now six meeths since thc CiiieN icLa moved te itu present premises maey stillgo tothe oldplace te pay sub- ucriptions, and then have te mut nI> our preseut quarters, opposite the market. Seme de net find us at ail. Kindiy bear in mmnd the CRRONICLE office is dircctiy across thc street north of thc tewn bail Alws.yswlcoine. Mr. J. H. Phullipe writes from Hart, Mich. .'"The CHRONIcLE is aiways a wel. come visiter, because it tells evcrything that happens near 'home." Afid, by w;ay ef a joke we may add tbat certain parties allege that it tells et many things wbich neyer happen at ail ido World*s Pair photos for Si. ~~e beautifuipictures are now ready fer ~ery la tee completo part.s-16 pic. turces prising each part-and Uic wbnie set can be sccured by thc paymont et One Dollar, seut\to Gio. H. HzWFoRD , Geii. oral Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwau. kee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago, Ill., and Uic portfolos of pictures will be sent, free of expense, hi' mail te suhacribers. Re-I mittance should be made by draft, money order, or registered letter.-i4-3in. Boys learulng te sisal. There arc many cetuplaints le town, as lu usualiy Uic case in Uic spriegtime, about beys taking pots, brass kettles, etc. sud emasblng them up te s9l as elci nietai. A merchaftt States te us that this is tbe firut lessen moine beys get in stoal- ieg, Uic impression am»Uen Ucyeuth being that iaking anytbing Whfch will pass for oid metal la priyiloged. If a bey gets an idea that ho may appropriate other peo. pl' property ho lives up te it, Uic saine as ho dees te ether parta et bis education. Biards on Sstnrday nlght Siece billiard parlers are net allewed te ho coeducted in connoCtien witb botels wc do net sec thnt participating bii a gaine .has aey particilar dangcr ,conneoted with it, and ift there is any harmn l playing billiards Uic town sbeuid not liceuse thc business at air. These Who lay -bMliards have te pay for the privile e efar as our persoual abservatbon goesey areol& enough te know their own buslness, tbcre- fore if theoepend a Etti Ï0iosyt lUe net 9cc tnth't ccerne none eue. Mr. Waltérshusalu*ays. kept s met oderly place, net a word et complaint hsvipg been over hoard about his management. W. do net sce at any han can arise freingranting bis roquest te extend Uic heur ef-ctosing oP Saturday night frein seven te ton c'clock. Homo? Roi for Wlater Tern. Higi Schoel Entraece (las.-I Clame IHonors,-Minimum- 6e per cent.-Geo. IRoss, Harold Richardson, Sidney Thomp- son, Win Bannes, Kate Fraser, Fraùl Brant, Grace Stewart, Harold Fraser,, lpaisy Lawler' Frank Conner, Clara 4ams. nIdaCs Honors.-Minimnum q50 prcent.-Eva Hawkon,, Frank Mathisen7 .Coe A Thomison, Anmie Meen, Winuie Meldnum, Melville Hall, May Armsti ng Win Arneld, Louise Hubbard, Juno Brittee Edw Nicholson,- Edua Jehnstee, Gordon Johnson., Maggi B ritton, Gee Blow Clua Gilpin. IlI lame Iioeors-Mi i er cent.-Maria Ricbardpoe, Lonie.Phul-. ipo, Roy Stephenson, IàÙet àtKay, Robt ,Richardson, JoSle Dey, Wm Blanchard. The bbghest average standing obtained by auy m==ber of tie, clame 69 per cent the Iowest 39 Per cent, ChildrWu'sAUd Sochetles. W. nlotice, by our westerne cteins that Mr. J. J.. Kelsô, superlutend.ut Of Uiè Gjýovenmnegt bureau lof the protection et iUoleeted or dependent cildren,telam>eur I t 1he t ic itnce cOf Many Cilre'sAld Soties tl, as iurovided fr»the Act paqý- Ïed 4uriug lut seiiii o f thb. reai. The. aw prOvldes that i Cbhdrèsn's Aid so- detis mnay bo -torpm in la t towns or yllges woitii. pu"poé_c Ioking_ýafter b44dtwente n d rt >r ,and Incido 4*o Wg cioit Thé Whltb ière ceRiY basbo f- ôfédWlt £ boqe"hr $5 feinMrs. Wat- stssowlpg her appreclation -ot their se Wieslupttng otit the fire wbicb re- centûyoccrred in her biock, over Rm Brou'store Fàdat culture la more profitab le to the (armer now than bis other crops. Brownl 0"*. Co., the most extensive nurserY bquàe in Canada, have a vacancy in this sectiono.-.Write them, at Toronto, Ont,.- for theit torme.-1i6-13 in. Tbls wll bo a sportlng town in a year or tive wben all thbe trotters and thoro- breda are grewn. la the meaÛtime the seaui>n bus arroyo when we are open te make a match for footrace with any per- son over or under aoo ibs over or under zoo years eof age, fer anv distance oer or ânder a Mil1e, and for any sum over or uûder a million. Mr. S. W. Lowell bas sold the balance of last seasoniu evaporated fruit amount- ing te $12,000 ve bear, at a goed figure. Hia season's work preved eznlnently sat- lsfactory. His enez'gy and gbod manage- ment siuce. conbng te Canada have been se well rewarded that he la beginnlng te cal) bixseit a citizen. of tbe empire upqn whlch the sun neyer sets, and he wlfl make a good subject. At ten o'clock Saturday. On Saturday et this week, to-merrow Mr. Fa,ç.ks. Ill sell a lot et householt4 furituffa herse, some tewn property and ether property fer Mr. R. Sn"'w, wlio leaves tewn about the first of April. Don' t forget the heur, io o'clock. ir distrIbutimo f Critidasi The Pickering New-man's bull purp rau afier a man's rig on the road and tore the canvas off thc cover. With thnt tairness which shouid characterize every heeest journals's distribution et abuse, Brer. Clark gives himmuit a littie touch-up, and dccl ares that if he doesn't do something te obate Uic deg seme persen cisc wil. The Whltby Markets. PsU wheat 55 te 58. Spring wbeat M te 58. Goese wheat 50 te 56. 6 rewed bar- iey 32 te 41. î rowod barley,35. Rye 38 te 42. Buck wbest 35 te 4o. Sinsîl poas 51 te 53. Blackeye pos6o te 65. Baled hay $8 te 8,5o. Hay 7.00 te 8.00. Strnw e~ te05. Butter 2z) te 2 C. EUS 12 te 15C. vresued begs $500o te oeo Beë45.oteo6 e Chickens 8c te îoc. DUCkS 1eC te 12C. Geese 6c te 8. Turkoys qc te ia. Ceat $6.ee te 6.5o Do at wharf 6oo. Fleur per 100, $1.75 te $22,5. Aisike clover $600o te 6.5o. Red $5 te $575 mlectien ef Olc.rs. The îannual meeting et thc highland club took place on Moeday nigbht, and thc follewing effices were elccted ; Hon. Pros., R. Alexander; president, Jne. Bail Dow; vice, Thes. Manderson; secretary,_ Tue. T. Mlathison; tresuurer..,JLbl, bad, RosaJ-obustock;. Jmé musicians, Mesure Burus; directrot snd Gee. Cormack. Mendsy evening. A suceesful ive cent fa" On Saturday uight James -MtphY, e this tewn, sand Peter Lstose .Dale, went inte Pringlo>s grocery îu*êré -aud beught five cents' Worth ot cheéeo Wrhis was quickly put up, pe ql;îçJtly in- àeeci, that they were unable te secitrea r e c i o n e t b o l g n a s a u s a g e b o t a f o ot nog whià h ey had theirw4ealbor.oye on. Tbeywwere net snspected, *hewiîevor, sud pein iis ~ they dccided to repeat theie foriner irdeir, sud ucceted unsoctetiug- tWeaiieged preduci et New'ifoudbdlà4Î -They tbeu wenît tca hoîel àndputup fW the, night. The next morning atfter ihey mhd gene Uic laudlerdtound, about ýtbre fýourths t»f thc bologna,- sud -a elftlng 1et crackers snd cheesesp-yd round the roin. On Mondny a itieê enquiry-sottled-, ,tIi. ownersbip ofttUic romains of tbeàaUa ,ëcuui;Prngk'"ýs att upto a. 4e the Finest Ehbtoof High .olass- tiseverv.uiadè i"eW-.tiy ou F. TE A The Pediar Patent 8teel 8hlnglo WZýLL LAS T A 4RTME. TireProf LghtlngProof, Water Proof. 8WAn Ai, Moal Rectums CHE4P A A W'OODEN SHI4VGLC.& Sen4 fer pricesand Catalegire. By ,undlnW a ock àd, uiee Of Dur reproeuta dm sWll li nupo en.= - UÇTION~ -SAL SPRIIW SIII~E We is epeielyto euhe tô oui- advano mpoir NEW SPRIN:G .S'UITliN Their- la an eonieesaot~* which render them pe"'llyatro Yrench adn woiWdin Wetakei h~d 1~aII - ~ nhe Iow r the tom I- sucii EET, STIL %h N341 V"d '--s will y I desir- ýeping' Lt the se IASH > w. w E - I a- 1 1 p

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