Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1894, p. 4

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A Thst owe its palsÏtability b the rejeotiori of certain,- on-. stitUentý of the oit, are b solubeIy wrhes Lofoten Cod -Liver 011 8~rýepared from feh Liversj an snearly tastêless. We guarantee il pure. Norwegian Oil and superior to any in the Market. JE. WILLI8,l - Chemi8t tf Druggist, Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whitby-. RRmýLIDAY, MARCH 28t1894 The Varmern Hope. Suppose next fait should prove te be as poor a one fur the (armer as iast fait was, what would be the result to the farmers of South Ontario ? The Iast few years bas gi yen our best grain farmers a serious shaking up, and it is a question as to how long they cati stand it. The price of grain appearii to be down for good, and tu de- pend upon barley as a permanent thlng, even though the American tarit! migbt be- corne more favorable, would flot be wise. Beer is only useful to etiable those who wish to debauch themselves to accomplisb their aim, and bariey la oniy uscd as a deti-iment te mantind. The mati who grows it and his lanid arc cursed. tîntortunateiy tbis county bas the »ame of beng a grain raising section, and our farmiers cding to tic idea of growing -wheat and bariey. jfîthe idea cpuld have beca di ffused umong theas a few years ago when we tried it, that it is alsoadtnirab1y adapt- cd to dairying and fruit growing on a large scale, tu the raising tif amati pro- duce, the fattening of switie and the handting of poultry, what a bicssing it would be today. Our farmers stick so a thing too long, and do not care to be advised by those wbg watch the signs of the trnes. Instead of appreciat- ing our eflorts tu induce tbem. to modern- ize their m-tîhods, many farmers got tnad at the CH RON 1CLE for its determined scard against barley growing, antd canceited thèir subseriptions. Thcy sec -thitig dif- ferentiy today. We set out by askitig what wvili b. thc upshot of affairs if our fariners repeat their operations of last ycar, and thon ticxt fali proves as unfavorable for thons. as did- lut fail. A fcwm sur .have sa; ~>~ow . 4other ýf Wc cati ail rcadily believe this. ýThen,- wc ask, how many are golng to court dis- aster by rcpeating their operations of last year? How many witl regret next feui that they dld not spend the paet winter lni woriting up co-operative checsc factoisa? Thse Wilson billisbas beon repoitedt te ý, tise Unitedi States Senate se alfereê asto n stLtise .RepublicanSi ls al respects, ex-.i Cep gtfltie tax andt hc chang el~ (nom spcsfic te advalorum dties. It in * no respect bears atsy reseniblanto5Q> tse t Chicago platfori as fermulatet by.th s ÏÃ", J)emocrats pnior te Uic laa Oreuidentai 'ib election. Perisapa at tbat-$tme, iiey did târ not oxpect to gain céàontr .e Ne1ry briaçp .w4r of thse eftactin powr nd 41,4,0cl Goçi pateb.eidg.em p ar tthi pictiges lnaul Ail tise Souriis of maj«iiesad*at whch Ïttendd thlenuùaii of rnl e. -4Iý the bnlngfüg forth of-a batê4 6 O)z ü» Ç protection, fol- a hi a* . m ttiand au la -m awnt is nothlig etzebuta~ C- licef et he De auu "iÏknit tat put eéteê cf tise De gi;edwib hcf 4" ,,#m b>r ho moplu4 role,3 î,- it Mondajvnlgit.ý wus read (rom tbef thacougoil te join - cf Toronto hi DptO-:", eèýü\ pro sqtI»S olnst thé lato, hoUr ,at w;î;é; l*niIan8rns au lu thse sera- Il, 1 sxng was douc about It. petIton wus read ftoisa n. 1M. Walt- or s tatng that Whou thse'p'reoet bllard' byisw was pims'd the. tables wei'e il l I hotelà, aud It was thon considered ativis- able to have tbous closdat the saie heur Saturday nights seveu. Q'cltick. N ow, however. his blîliard roonis are disièonnec- ted with hôtels ho would ask to have the Saturday nlght hour extended to ton o' dlock. Referred to the license conmmkte. REPORT ON STREETS. Coun. Robson reat a report frein the ètreeta committe.e rderin payment of these accosints; Jno, McCar, work, 86:* 37 Jno. Under-wood, work, $6.87, tise Howrl * tte per T. G. jaekson, agent, bal. of acc., 88.7, H. B. Taylor, coal for fire and water commûitee, $6.5o. Couna rlngle titi notobject to a tead y foreman on streets, but wouid like the labor dividied round. Ceun. Robson sait Coun, Pringle bringa this matter up every meeting, but nover givea the names of the men whom he thInka ould be capable of replacing those now tngaged. Coun. Pringle sali he bat no person in particular i vlew. *NO INSPECTOR OF FOOD. Coun. Pringle introduced a bylaw te, appoint an inspector of bread, meats, ganse, fish, pouttry, butter and cggs. In committec of the whole Coun. Pringle moved the adoption of the first clause, whlci. cleclareti the chief constable to be the inspector of toods He said thse con- stable could go round once a montis, or oftener upon compiaitit, and weigh breati or pound rolis of butter, andi coulti keep his oye open for taintd meats, or fis, or for eggs of past ages. As to xnilk he could take sarnples of it to Brooklin anti test it, or we could buy a Babcoctc tester for $io, second-banded. Reeve King lodls that it is hardly sale to senti a constable whom i we know to be inexpert ln these articles of food, to inspect andi seize anti confiscate at wili. The statute enabîca any person who Is defrautict as to weigbt or quality in any lino of foots to comptain to a mag- istrate. Tise mayor saiti a wouid cost money te pend Constable Caiverley to Broolil occasionally with mitk. Cotin. Pringie thought there would not be many trips necessary If a fine of $50 and cos hati to be inflictet occasionally. Coun. Robson sali this bylaw ordered an in- spection of pretty aîearty cverytbing we cat, and ho consitiered itishouiti also cause an inspection of what we drink- whiskey, beer, etc Ho had reati of thc city of Toronto getting into a big lawscrapc through undertking milk inspection witis- :ut understadigtise business, and fear- e h e ib be overstepping tise law. This byiaw sisouit have been passeti upon by the town selicitor. He migist remark that it was already thse market clerk's duty to weigh commodities. Coun. Smsiths said that as a famer he had no objection te having fanm products inspected. Deputy Roiss is net opposedtot an Inspecter, but la of opinion tisat bylaws like this sisould- firat b. apprevetl as to their iegaiity by tise taira solicitor. Reeve. King rmeved that the- cominittee use, and tthoI>ylawr e coçmittee bat d t ufavoit of shsaltax exeimpouno on I4tda y ehes.- Thiasro'uit allow .the D te go free of tax. a. ?ringle sald sncb, a minporial, be a mistake. Thse object ,~ thia n iras -te better matters i-C'clties 'îurch ian4s could aiready b. tax- ÙIIk local Inaprovement plan. lie tea thse tmatteT by saying thoat ils rt,place ail ,people were taxted t14 ýo their wealth. Thon a cértain i people ihoise roreligiously 4-1ýèub together aid bulld a church ÏÏ -*bo1e coimnsunity te worshep God i*holpatnoi 1 '_arewielcomet tieelsof reUlgon free, and liI*Ban weli rat itisesomenicel ý dl Mr$ td well 1 It le e fout e fi rT-hea OUYR ENT1RE, i TodxK7 WIL'BE OPFEBED At Oost This offer will. give everyone, desi-rous of purchaging C'HOIQ 0E.Il N E>W IlGOO S, Art opportunity 0f so doing, at prices Iower!"th*an they wil be sold when this sale ià over. We qQote no specialilines but 'positiv'ely -Oay na e §eAL L LINES. EERYONE should embrace t'hie opportnnity of securing desir- a~ ble goodei at Wholesale Prices. Our reépUtation-ý for keeping First..o1asis Goode is well known and we feel * atisfied that the Public will 1bake advantage of 'and appreciate this- offer. Remenmr until 319't iarîch Only, Gën. t4ýl bowi ntrodücpdîheS at lquor law nearWyflftY Yearsag< iÏd É been malnly instrumentali selgit ki existence evet alance. Tuesday; W9t0 isI 9oth blrthdaye and was i elobrated thousands of places ln Great Brtalssaad America. May ho lve toIke a h u7dro4. suad Dewi EIrtIEyb written by Rosa jobtiston for the Nul D1ow Celcbratlon, but, owlng ta tbe tshortuesa of thQ time, ad the abuadance of 1Ùaerial on- tie programme, ho refoned to red h. God cbooees weillhie instrumnts tof tabr; *o ne blind chane be eaves eagMt d_=&ga. Knows éll eartWýs secret mintis; And froin the. idden forgeb of the mountains, And froin the fissures of the grantt .bis, He pours the crystali waters frons bis fouatain In gus lngOsilver MIS. When ther fierzeband of MidltaiSprevalllng Caused Godas degmnerate Israsi ore aanny, Then cricd thcv to thse Lord, atid neyer failing Hc heard thens to their joy - And fron thse threshlng floor h. sent forth Gideon ; "Have flot I sent tise.?" said thse Lord mst higb ; Ad satin the frlghtcned bosts of 'arlike Mid"a To far off Tabbath fly. And thus 't bas heen right down tbroogh al tise ages, Jehovah's purpose andjebovah's plan Have been fulfilied, flot by carth'is gleatest sages, But by some choses mari- Or choseïa womaàn-w-fitt5d and inspired For special service lu thse the Masters oause; Wbose heart and min4 a burnitig seat bas fired To keep bis rigisteous Iaws. Andi tius insplred andi fittod by thse Master, An honoreti vessel for tihe Masters use Neal Dow wcnt forth, foreboding no disaster, To nlght a great abuse. H1is breast was set-no irun buiwark stronger- Against the trafilc fouI lu runs and gn:. s Ueo fiends of vice wore frientis of his no longer, Ris tees weoe friends of siti. Goti gave thse victory-let the Mainc-law wtt. To every ianid the patdiot's noble zeat: Its golden fruits, best token of lus fituess As monument of NEAL. Long have the veterau's fiowing locks been beary- Long bas ie fought î wth heart and tongus and pe- Hemceortis and evemmore bes crowned,~ A King among great men i A, Great Chae TO BUY FUENITUi1 New Fàrnitur I WILL OFFER BV PUIY.c AUCTIONO Saturdav, Marit 3Ist, 1894,y 2,doors scth of the Market, (yptock fNwFunhrcemin g:4 -Pdeor Sefs itors - -4b15,.Ç"irs, Pictures, AnDmlauye.*r artcles beionging te the, Pufmituré -Tracle. A u A ésh;11* M. ROSS. cWb P. S.-While this Sale continues it will be impo ssible for us to credit CASH PURCHASES to holders of Tickets for our premium pictures. New Goods Store1 The newost Sto-ck..in-- town We are ta the'front this week witk a spZendid assortment ofDRSGODS ......in ail the leading. Shades, and Styla8...... 1KIN DLY NOTE THE FIWOIGPIE~ atfe .itý 'foBo 0l i fg,$ 1t~a*~iro1 e ,&UWool Berges st 20o ,25c., S&W 46c., w o t 0. hI E feotà, Dýe god, u peryad, orh fomFancy si hrycosumsand ilnsd7 WéôoIg40 m ie,-~ Suiing, ? m - Ide a 11 y. ý a4 40 lar4,-Wrt0 O 8 TA I"LE. H. AID I~rook Wu Waasways - boys.Q0 Cabinet der of ad bell, andi ONLY 1 4Ioew Czocl frwm r5c. %> Jeweler, First-cl Furnitu Finest Finish Fashion Designa' Mohogm Walnut, Oak anc Hlardwc Fine as Fair pri W. J.NO F4. etI FBIPÂ WAF FA lIC Y ANDREW Dry --1 ~treet, 1 l"ý

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