Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1894, p. 2

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h KNOWLEDGE Bringu eomfort and ixuprovemeut mud tends te personal enjoyrnéut whe~ rightiy usèd. Thé many, vho liv, bei ter than othoru sud éujey life more, with lésa expenditure, by more promptly adapting thé vend'. bout produote te thé neéda cf physical bèing, viii mtte~ the veine te besith cf thé pure liquid laxative pninciples émbrao.d. Lu thé rernedy, Syrup cf Figi. Its excellence i. due te ILs pre.entlng lu thé fort> inoat acceptable sud pléas. sut te thé teste, thé rèfreshing sud truly bénéficiai propérties cf a perfect lax- ative; éffectuaUy cleanaing thé uystém, diapoliing colda, headachés sud lèvera sud porîîiaueîiîiy curing constipation. It lias given satisfaction te millions sud met viti> thé approval cf thé mèdicai profession, becausé iL sets on thé Rid- flo1s, Liiér sud Boweie wit.hout weak. oning thot> sud it is porfect1v froe from every object.oi ~abie eubst~tîice. Syrup cf Fig. la for sale by ail drug- gista in 75c.bottles. but IL la manu- factured b y thé California Fig Syrup (Jo. etilywhoaè narne is printed on every package, aise tho naine, Syrup of Figa, and bèing véIl informed. you viii flot accept.mny subatitut.è if o~Yerod. I. E. WILLIS AGENT AT WHITBY Mrs. J. H. HORSNYDEU, 152 Pacifie Ave., Sauta Cruz, Cal., as: "When s girl et achool, lu 4oaclîug, Oblu, Zb~&a sévère mttack 4f~ braLu~ - fevom.Onmy récove1~y,, I feund~x perfectly bald, sud, f&m a long 4e, * fearèd .1 ubould b. ~pèrmaueuti~\ se. Fnieude urgéd me te usé Ay-er's U~alr Viger, sud, on delug se, my hair Began to Grow, sud I nov have s. fine a head et hair se eue could visit for, bèiug changèd, boy- éver, (rom blonde te clark brovu." "Aiter s fit et siekuese, my bain came eut lu cemb!ulIa. I usèd tvo bottlés et Ayer's Hair Vigor sud nov my hale le over s yard long sud very f nil sud hosvy. I have récom- inèndeti this préparation to ethers viii> fiké good èffeot."-Mrs. Sidney Cern, 1460 Reglua ut., Harrleburg, Ps, "I have us.d Ayér'a Hair Vlgor for Bayerai yens ~ud alwsysobtalnéd astis- tactory résulté. I kuov it 16 thé bout préparation for thé hale that la made." ..-C. T. Amueti,, >famnio sIYF r3I~Jf OOUESPONI~GZ. are ou~a i~ iatge num~re ésésag w~t bmnke t~f thé MisuInip~>l s~id a~,.~now» ibères. mud huards. &iflIé ~ thinkth.~y awetreetadaorrtéthtng ar. If ail dog own~rs in town wbo have ~iegleeted to biy tags for their 4i~gi weresobetreated se thé law directs we would havé ~ mubetantial inoresue lu thé receipta for ~ixios. lu (mot It would psy better to cofleot fines than dog licensea, ~ thé fine le five times thé ameunt of thé lioons~. Severel ownére of doge laetyesr evaded thé lsw -about thirty 0f tbem-and w'lI Iikely try to do so this year. Thêré are no two wsys aIout it; thie law sheuld b. enforced or sboliehéd. Thé firet year that thé town adopted the t~ag symtém thé reoeipte wére considerably increas- ed, more doge béing provided with ta.ge than êppearèd te b. ni thé tewn Be. oordiog-to thé aesessor's roil, showiug that Berne peeplo had lied to him. Âny pereon notbnying ate.gbytholst of Febru~y te liabié te s fine of $5, and any dog flot provided with a tmg eau b. imponnded and destroyed. Lt does not do fer an owner to say hé bas a tmg et home. Thé tmg must bé ou thé dog. Lut F'riday eveni2ng two misohier- on. yonn~ mèn whiiè lu sèateh of amusement, suoceeded w creating" a sensation lu s church. Thèy spproach. thé Baptiet ohnroh, where tii. choir wae practioiug, sud priéing open thé battéry box on the polo onteidé, at. témptèd to turn thé ewitch sud shut off thé eleotria iight. Thé firet of the "sport." tonched thé plat. béhind thé switch and rèoeived a ehoék that doublèd him up quieker than an attack of Canadien choiera. Thén bis coin- panion eaeayed w complet. thé job and aise received a dose of bine blazes. Not dîsoouragéd, howevér, by their ex- périence, thé misohiéf makers persever- - éd, and preseutly enooeeded in accoin- plisbinoe their objéot. Then foiowed a scène of wild confusion as thé singer. camé tumbiing ont. Thé ets.lwart leader suspéot.d thé trick sud indulged in Ioud, biood.curdiing thréats, intend éd, of course, for thé jokers. But thé latter, safeiy eeconséd béhind a shéiter. ing fence, shook in their efforts te sup prés. théir mirth, and watchéd thé angry young péople départ. aftér which they camé forth and imps.rtéd thé joké w their friénde, who joiuéd w thé iangh. W. don't think thé joké vould bave beén lèse funny if they hs& turuéd ou thé light agaiu.-Jonrns.l. OZILLIA. Reeve Sanderson anti Mr. J. Boeth, J. P., bled thé charges o! selling duzing prohîbîted heurs, brought by Inspecter McKay. last Friday. The inspecter withdrew thé case gaiust Thomas Thoruton, boni laek ofesmis- facter, ~ onlltv Jllvéry won~au o! tveuty-oi~é cf agé le nov ontitled te vote for iinembera cf Panliament. I bolive this i. ail zijht, sud that good viii corne eut cf it.,~ I beliéve thé ladies viii lu thé msjority voté for mon cf good oheracter, ~éh i. soîuethlug. Ând le i. fnhly expéotéd thattheywilibespovér againet thé liqizor trafflie. If their enfrauc>bxsé- meut shonld effeetively~ hélp lu' thé' suppression cf ibis dreadful traffie. iL viii beagreatblessing." La*r veék Mn. Gheudiuning,, ~I.1 P, P. préaeutédto thé (Jemmlssione cf Publié Werks oné of tii. largeet pétit- ions cf théruesaien, front thé,. reuidénus of Mars miti Ran~a, askip~or a. part- ial remeval cf thé artdloxal obatmuotl(>u hi thé St, Ji>I~1 -t~id X~lmok l~vers, csusing ~oo4e~a4 ru4é~ I~4 lisp- lésa foriar Tb~p~tI~o*~ alaise thàt th6lautbeeuléeB dais Ibm.. rivera. ',~, ~ g~j -- --.~ *ss~ a~soflud~si~ wa8 ilketratéd iii th*j~p~ oou4last Tb~iX8d4ymoroh~g. Oll~ Hargrove~wss locketk ttp thêi~1gbt be4oro for bsin~ druuk sud d1sordé,~ly, an4 whéu hé ~was broughi héler, thé poil4e magietr~te pleade~1 guilty, mmi, 55 UAUal, vai 4~méd $5 and costa. Thé fathér euh ùdeoDIlu lu 4iately mIter, sud appareil y vithout kuowln~ what 'Wrss doue, naidins loud volée, '8i~ck It t0 hini-it ~ Y~r turu flOv, bu~ hé ha. a vote sud se have 1, aud our turu viii corné ai flSRtéléctlo~. ID June." Thé pcii9e maqietrate, notioiug thé observation, said, "It would flot make auy différence if ffQTi and your sou hmd 150 Votés." Itf'was bad enough te have hsd thé élections cf lut January mn on tii. question ol whethér a capable aud fearlees conet- ablé should b. dxsmsased from office te maké room for ons who had béén dis- misséd for déreliétion cf duty iludér cîr- cumetances ve ehail net nov upon, but w have ail élections mn by office séékers and théir friande wouid ho intolerable sud excoédingly prejud~- elal te thé interéat,. of eouutry. John S. Enright, the Toronto youug man vho wss éentenced te six menthe imprisoumont for assauiting Constablé Short cf tus tom> on thé day cf thé Tri>, Bine excursion Iset Angu.~t, ai~d whe vu released about s month. age by ordér of thé minister of justice, met s terrible death ou Thursday night of lut wéék néar Trénton, Michig~n. Hé sud s companion veré béatiug their way te Détroit, and ing hé. iit~én two ceai carsof a Mîchigan Cen. tral train. Lu semé way hé lest hie hold or vas joltod off, and fél under thé vheéls juet aftér béing varuéd by hie' commade ta hé ea.roful. Thé hemd vas nesrly sévored frein thé body, thé skuhi brokén, eue arm vas eut off aud carried te Détroit, thé othér wss amputated at~ thé shouldér, bath legs vers eut off, on. et thé hip sud thé other at thé ~ r sud thé rémainder cf thé body vas gronud up sud stréwéd along thé track. r thé unfortunaté yeung man vas oniy about twénty years ef age,, vas véry telhigént iooking sud hie escapade bore' vas no deubt the resuit cf taking ~ore liquorthan va. good . for hum. Mauy whélemrued te kuow hlm vhuh~ hi. trial vas lxi p~ogréss héard with ~deep regret of hie untùuély sud véry sad éud, Lasi week le vas discor 4at a beaetwithmvqq,.h~ vas t>., 8~d Inspeotor Deugls slsughter bous. snd touud ère of tue méat thème, aI diseased head. For oeme ve havé net y~et heaid, lié moléstéd. Howevor~ ve that Dr. Fadé, M.H.O. Inspecter «Ecylé tôok t h~nd, but vbéu th.y vaut le hsd been spfri#éd avay somevhere au ~thé neigi Axgyle' ~h. hea4 vas ~ brought to tovu,. latingly proupnn~i6d ifï<s flfl WWAftaie - hem un. lérstsnd ~, sud Latter w ~>jé bééf. lent ont meod of rèd sud unhési- ef set- Lt vere icieutiat Lb, vho: 5 9f thé dilemme. InA tl,. The in ~ou~iiê.d~y vas Iavgely atténded ~otwithetaudiug thé opposi- tion mffotdedby bothroads sud weath- er. Bnttei~ iold At 19 cents, ihiIé eggs ver. téaaily diipcséd of ut 14 conte pér dozen. Thé pouhtry tr~de hère ha. muoh Improved durlng thé put two monthe. H Beach, who résides lu thé Srd con- cession of Uxbridge, lest thres éhildren from soariet lever rut weok, Thé hé- réavéd couple have thé sympatby of ail friéndu w titis théir hour of extreme sorrow. Thers are several other cases of fever hérdabouts, but it i. expecîéd that thé patient. viii récovér. Thé Epworth League of the Metho- diet chureh veut te Mount Zion on Wednésday evéning sud préseutéd a r splendid programme Bt the oyster sup per and entertainrueut given theré. Altbough thé roade were not firet-ciace, thé atteudance was good sud thé sifair proved sstisfsctory te ail who attended. >.. Weduésday mnorniug of lut week Jos. Evan'. littié boy hsd eomewhat of a uarrow éscape. Hé dz~ové thé othér ohiidrén te achoci sud when returniug thé herse bécame numanageablé, but wss captured before doing auy great amount of damagé. Thé rig coliidéd with eevera.l poste and snch before béing brongbt to a standstiU.-Newe Cor. OSHAWA. Thé Gun Club had a meeting lut Saturday uight. sud réuolvèd te chai. lenge thé St. Hubbare'a Gun Club of Ottava, te shoot for thé Mail trophy lu that city, on Good Friday, thé 23rd met., won by them at McDowéli'e i teurnameut, ni Toronto, iset J une. If thcy aocept, thé Oahawa tésm- comp~ingMosera. M. D. Campbéll, T. B. Motherejil, T. Haatings. J. Fin. néy, aud F. Hatoli, of Whîtby-will léave hère on thé 22nd, and we viéli them succées. Thi. pièce of property i. likely te hé a thing of thé pait ère many moons are ér, unies. thé sport. of thé town corné te thé réacué at once. Mr. J. T. Houden has coucindéd te remodél hie farm by Iaying iL ont différeutly, ré- moviug somé of thé outhihildinge and doiug away vith thé race track, if par- ties iutorested iii iLs use do not, in s short Lime, coine te t.rme with him for a les.., covoring a term of years. It i. nov or neyer with thé Driving Park. -Reformer. Wait.rI See*stés* Hem ma~ Eggu 'JEU UUJIJU. m.ir. rscniu o auuaseuas rumnmmu- w thé "Disesvezy,"a great désideratum lu Amerlos,, -whére èvér.ybody are ID snob s hurmy te mako money, they havé ne tinte te est, sud soareoly auy tmoee .o liv.. ti lu- vigerates thé liver, cleanses thé blood sud toues n pthe systeut. ________________ Délicate diseasern7t~ither son, hovevér mu- dnced speédlV sud pérmsnentiy cnréd. Beok et pal'tlcuiars 10 cents mn stainpe, inailed sealed îp plain envelope. Addreee, Wcnld's Dlqpéuaary Médical .Aaaociatiou, 663 M St., Buffalo~, N. Y.,, Police Justice 8ut nîsudialleti to appear bolet. 3udg. Browu lu Brooklyn Mooday, ~aaê.the Judgé senteneéti bit> te thé f nil eue yést'almprisomuént suri $500 Dr. 3.. B. Ksilog~ I>yseutéry Cordial i. s epeedy anrp fer dydéntery, diahrooéa, chel- ems summer. oemslaiut ses alekueis ond toléra con- eH~awusA Wyafl Toronto, Ont.. ~Péur yens ago wblle lu thé eld conutry (Englauti), my dangbter Haunab waa sent away frem thé bospital, lu 5 véry low condition wlth conaumptlou o! thé lunga anti bowela, anti weak action o! thé hesmi. Thé tnp acroas thé watér to thie ceuutry seémeti te malté ber fééi botter for s wliile. Thén she began te get werae, sud for 14 weeks she waa Unable te get 0f thé beti. She gréw versé for flvè mentis anti lest thé nU et hem 11mb. sud lower ~>artÃ"t body sud if ah. sat np la beti had te b. proppéd Up wlth piliovi. Physiciens Saki She Was Past Ail Heip sud wautéd me te send hem te the 'Homo for Incurables.' But I salti as long as I coulti héhi iny h~ud up she shoulti net go. Wé then began HOOd~S5~S Cures. te givé ber Heod's Barsepsrllla. 8h. le gettiug utreug, waika amounti, la ont doors évéry day; bas ne trouble witb ber threat anti no cougb, sud her besrt seémato be ail riglitagain. Site bas aflretclaesappètlte. Wêr~garti her curé as uothlng short of a miracle." W. WYATT, U Marlon Stréét, Parkdale, Torouto, Ontarlo. Hood'e Pilla are purely vegétabîé sud pertectlybsrmlesa. Solti by ail dmugglsts. 25e. Drs Warren ~ Moore J. J. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. B Brookilu. Whltby. Office heurs 9. a. m. Office heurs il a.m te il a.m. te Lp.nî. Private telephone Communication Est&blish.d 18M.. *2 ier snu~wx Lu advsuee~ otherwis. tl.50 Subsoriptionu always payablê at thé offlée o! publication. Th~e p~tbIijh.~o do not undartake to délirer tha ~pe: ai i.iIy pout 0g05 but Wh~tby. A.»~~apor *hieh lau. to reaeb ltrdpptbt~e~ ~ renlaoe& tinon nntifiÀaAij~,, .u' vna&d.... .5 -1: UR. UEO. zUp. Rossi tii, Puoof. 1~Âa Bras.-I write you te osy that forsome tliiie I b.d bèsu sI~ftering frcîu~acute lndigps. tion or dyspepula, andof cÃ"tirse1eI~very gr 1xzcozivej~Ienoe from go.mé lu wykeneralbusi- ners. thereupon decide4to tr~ Burdock Bleod Bittera, anti uiiter ta~lng twa botties i feunti I wae quit. anether mnforB.B. B. an- tlrely ou~ed me. Ibuvealaousedittormywife sud ZamUy sud h~v. féundft the beet th~ng they eau k., e~dfrem paat.experlence Ih&veY.. everyplesaurelnstrongly B.B.B.' tQ5h1? DIV friands. I w*~iteyoub.oai~géI thinir t1i~* It shoulti ho' gene~aI1y known wbst B. B. B. can accomplieh lu OSSOS et Indigestion. Tours faIthftU~ Bharbreok., Que. c~UXETT~ rnuu~r ~, a. ~ GOAL I GOAL! H. B. TAYLOR; Importer and dealer iii Best qualities qf - HA RD and SOF T COAL STORAGE: Harbor Go's., Sbeds. Watson & Co's., S1ieds~ *'r~i~rs CASH. Whitby -j  rail Otc~ s Littié Lis ham

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